"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
Din pacate viitorul in fotbalul romanesc nu arata bine, cel putin nu la scara vietii noastre.
E nevoie de cel putin o generatie ca sa poti spera sa reconstruiesati ce ai distrus timp de o alta generatie.
Desigur ca vom gasi niste bucurii mici si in ceea ce se intampla acum, dar trebuie sa ne coboram serios pretentiile ca sa le putem accepta.![]()
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake
Leo progresista: ce cauti aici? Delete, delete, delete...![]()
Din fericire pentru voi, noi n-avem vreo Leo.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
3-1 in retur cu Tunari, Arsenal!!! Erau unii care tunau asa. Hai Progresu'!
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
Bineee, mah.
Haideti si in A, daca tot ati ajuns pana aici.
FCSB este acronimul Pușcariei în sportul românesc. Patronul, managerul, precum și cel mai reprezentativ suporter sunt oameni certați cu legea, infractori de drept comun. Cei care susțin această echipă par și ei alcătuiți din aceeași plămadă.
Urcam Rapid, ca sa zic asa. Oricum, drumul va fi ceva mai lung. Daca va fi.
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
Pai de unde bani!? Angelesti si Dan Shuci nu cresc pe copaci!![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Poli Timisoara Progresul 0-1.
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
Suntem echipa de deplasare, Mirile.
0/6 p acasa.
6/6 in deplasare.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Asta am zis si eu. Hai Progresuletule!
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
Ai anticipat bine, se vede ca urmaresti jocul echipei.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
De cand asteptam ceva despre un jucator magnific crescut de clubul cu platani, modestul, subestimatul Dudu Georgescu. Unul din preferatii mei, alaturi de marele Mateianu, Teo Taralunga si, Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca, Viorel Nastase. Respectul meu, Dudu.
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
Neverosimil: Paragină de 30 de milioane de euro în centrul Bucureștiului
Last edited by miril; 26th September 2024 at 20:18.
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
Ne-a parasit Nicolae Oaida, un mare jucator purtator al culorilor bleu-albastre la varsta de 91 de ani. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca!
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
91 de ani? Ala cand a jucat la noi? Intre razboaiele mondiale?![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Dispărut de aproape jumătate de secol » Nimeni nu l-a mai găsit pe eroul unicului succes românesc pe Camp Nou: âA marcat cu Barcelona Èi apoi a plecat.
Eroul disparut, mentionat in articol, este vorba de Viorel Nastase, atacant prolific cu o viteza exceptionala a la Van de Ven, crescut la Progresul unde a debutat in divizia A, pe atunci, la varsta de 18 ani in returul campionatului din anul 1969. El a fugit din tara la sfarsitul anilor 70, a jucat prin Germania de vest si Italia de unde nu s-a mai auzit nimic de el. Dintr-o sursa personala se pare ca ar fi decedat. Acum vreo 10 ani plus am fost contactat pe forumul Progresului de o fata care ar fi fata lui Viorel ca sa ma intrebe de el. I-am spus ce mi s-a spus ca a decedat. O alta performanta remarcabila este ca a marcat cele doua goluri in meciul inaugural al stadionului Ghencea in meciul amical cu OFK Beograd, scor final 2-2. Sa te aibe Dumnezeu in paza, Viorele!
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie