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Thread: Astra Giurgiu

  1. #43
    SOLO FARUL tchibos's Avatar
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    au fost jenanti studentii cand la 3-1 in minutul 84 ala astepta targa la un metru de tusa , chipurile avea crampe, iar cand a ajuns targa la el a iesit din teren mergand.. merita Dunarea un egal cred eu

    ps: ai fost la meci?

  2. #44
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Giurgiu/Iasi, ROMANIA
    Jenanti, nejenanti au castigat cele trei puncte!
    Am fost prea naivi... in plus fundasul stanga a fost praf... este al doilea meci in care a gresit peste 80% din pase!

    Nu am reusit sa ajung la meci... a intervenit ceva neprevazut si... am vazut meciul la televizor altfel nu stiu ce m-as fi facut

    Tu de ce nu esti incantat de "Studenti"? (de jocul practicat de ei)
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  3. #45
    SOLO FARUL tchibos's Avatar
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    Dupa ce a dat gol Dunarea, Sportul a jucat bine pana la al treilea gol, dupa care au cazut de parca trecuse linia de finis si au jucat nu numai ca niste cizme dar si ca niste lasi. Probabil v-ar fi putut bate cu 6-1 daca nu opreau motoarele. Ce nu am inteles este de ce a cazut Dunarea asa de tare dupa golul doi primit. Daca ar fi jucat normal probabil altfel ar fi fost meciul. Obositi nu cred ca erau ca pe final au avut inca vreo cinci minute de zvacnire in care au aratat ca pot. Cred totusi ca moralul lor a avut de suferit.

    Am vazut ca aveti ganduri mari si ca Falemi a jucat deja in meciul de azi. Ma gandesc ca Dunarea a castigat un mare jucator insa a pierdut la fota grupului. Echilibrul a fost afectat. Se vedea pe teren cand Falemi tipa la coechipieri ca sa ii aranjeze pe terne. Sunt convins ca unora nu le convine lucrul asta. Asta e acum. Bafta in continuare.

  4. #46
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    ...Corecta viziunea ta in legatura cu Falemi (sa nu uitam ca in meciul cu Sportul a jucat fundas central ceea ce nu a mai jucat de la inceputurile carierei sale - la Petrolul Ploiesti)... Chiar daca e vedeta, si are experienta... eu zic ca mai are de tras; a marcat dar primul gol primit i se datoreaza si lui intr-o oarecare masura!

    Ce vreau sa spun este ca imi e dor de cei 4 titulari... capitanul Ciocarlan e o piesa inestimabila, iar Comaneanu ... VITAL... pentru ca pe partea dreapta e jale de cand nu mai joaca el...

    Sper si eu sa ne revenim!
    Last edited by Vorpal; 7th October 2007 at 16:46.
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  5. #47
    sport legend Mario Di Lazi's Avatar
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    Nu a jucat rău Falemi ... dar cred că nu poate duce 90 de min în acest moment ...
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  6. #48
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Nu... nu poate duce; totusi nu a mai jucat de 8 luni...
    Si cred ca o sa ii fie greu sa fie titular desi, e o vedeta
    In aparare, daca revine capitanul echipei va fi greu
    iar la mijloc... sunt 5 foarte valorosi
    cred ca cel mai in forma va juca
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  7. #49
    sport legend Mario Di Lazi's Avatar
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    am văzut că a pus mâna pe nr. 10 ... nu prea se potrivește, dar vrea să arate că este liderul din teren ...
    Verizon IndyCar / Barclays Premier League / FC Dinamo București

  8. #50
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Giurgiu/Iasi, ROMANIA
    --------> Etapa a IX-a:
    [17' Constantin, 89' Mocioi respectiv 4' Nitu, 68' Paun];

    Stadion: "Marin Anastasovici", Giurgiu;
    Spectatori: 2500;
    Timp: noros, gazon excelent, 15 grade Celsius;
    Intrarea: libera;
    Suturi: 12 - 5;
    Cornere: 5 - 2;
    Offside-uri: 4 - 5;
    Cartonase galbene: 2 - 2 (de la Dunarea au primit avertisment Catalin Gheorghe pentru proteste si Mocioi pentru ca si-a scos tricoul dupa golul de 2-2);
    Omul meciului: George RADU;
    "Petarda": Parvu (Dunarea Giurgiu);

    Dunarea, echipament albastru-rosu, a atacat pentru prima data in acest sezon de la dreapta la stanga (poate de aceea au jucat si asa slab , in formula: 12. A. Ene (Cap.) - 2. Parvu, 19. Marciuc, 10. Falemi, 4. Stranga (6. Damian 70') - 15. S. Constantin, 5. Cl. Vasile, 7. C. Gheorghe, 9. A. Radu (77' Mocioi) - 20. V. Gheorghe - 17. G. Radu;

    Dinamo II a jucat in alb, fara niciun jucator de la echipa mare; mai cunoscuti fiind Scarlatache, Musat si Predescu.


    *min.1', Dunarea incepe in forta si in secunda 20, George Radu prinde o foarfeca de senzatie scoasa in corner de portarul Vlad (destul de nesigur astazi, pacat ca aceasta situatie nu a putut fi fructificata de jucatorii Dunarii);

    *min, 2' Forcingul gazedelor continua, de aceasta data Catalin Gheorghe iese la rampa parandu-se ca golul se va marca curand;

    *min 4' ... si se marcheaza in poarta lui Ene! Dupa un corner, fundasul central Nitu urca in careu si profita de slabiciunea fundasilor si indecizia portarului marcand cu capul spre bucuria bancii tehnice, Talnar fiind "posedat" parca in acele momente.

    *min 7' Catalin Gheorghe nu se impaca cu situatia de pe tabela si incearca un sut centrare care il prinde nepregatit pe Vlad, dar mingea trece paralel cu careul de 6 metri;

    *min 8' Alexandru Radu reia periculos dupa o pasa primita de la celalat radu, George.

    *min. 17' Titular pentru prima data in acest sezon, Constantin (zis si "Codita") reia in plasa dupa un triunghi de pase superba la care au mai participat George si Alexandru Radu! 1-1 si se parea ca meciul intra pe fagasul normal.

    *min. 21' Catalin Gheorghe continua sarabanda ratarilor sutand peste poarta;

    *min. 39' Dupa aproape 20 de minute de fotbal tern, este randul celor doi "Gica" sa conlucreze, Vasile si Catalin combina frumos insa scorul ramane neschimbat pe tabela datorita unui fundas advers.

    *min. 47' Repriza secunda debuteaza cu un raid al dinamovistilor, Musat trece pe langa Parvu, suteaza din alergare peste transversala.

    *min 48' Ocazie imensa pentru Dunarea: Vlad gafeaza din nou, George radu reia spre poarta insa exact de pe linie, Nitu reuseste sa respinga.

    *min. 67' Paun marcheaza dupa ce Stranga a degajat fix in atacantul dinamovist, acesta a continuat alergarea pe partea stanga si a inscris cu un sut puternic din unghi desi Ene a reusit sa atinga putin mingea, insuficient insa pentru a o devia dincolo de buturi.

    Urmeaza minute de neputinta si plictis din partea gazdelor incapabile sa gaseasca solutii in ciuda "Glasului tribunei".

    Intra Mocioi si reuseste sa inscrie in minutul 89' dupa o faza norocoasa!

    In minutul 92' arbitrul refuza un penalty clar gazdelor la un fault evident al lui Nitu la George RAdu;

    Finalul nu a reusit sa salveze un meci in care desi superiori la toate capitolele giurgiuvenii nu au vrut/putut/sperat ca pot invinge usor.

    Cu siguranta se vor lua masuri in urmatoarele zile!
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  9. #51
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Giurgiu/Iasi, ROMANIA
    Cel mai slab meci al Dunarii din acest sezon

    2-2 chinuit, fara orizont, dupa ce Dinamo II a conddus cu 1-0 si cu 2-1; izbavirea a venit in minutul 89' cand, desi accidentat, Mocioi a intrat si a clarificat oarecum situatia.

    Giurgiu nu se regaseste; gaselnita de pe partea dreapta a fost juniorul Parvu; a fost extrem de timorat, partea dreapta fiind bulevard chiar si pentru modestii jucatori ai celor de la Dinamo II.

    Nu ar fi fost nicio problema daca am fi evoluat in 10, insa nici in fata lucrurile nu au stat mai bine; oboseala, lipsa de inspiratie sau pur si simplu lehamitea si letargia s-au instaurat pe nesimtite parca; al 3-lea meci consecutiv fara victorie, iar finalul turului se anunta "de foc" pentru "Acvile" (voi folosi doar termenul acvile, nu si regale pana in momentul in care nu se va schimba atitudinea!)
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  10. #52
    exist ! andreas_hector's Avatar
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    sunteti cativa suporteri la asta dunare , 2 =)) hai ca sunteti tari baieti tineti-o tot asa, nu vreau sa va ridiculizez, dar noi Fc Barlad in liga a III a avem peste 50-60 de oameni care canta meci de meci , si care mergem si in deplasari...

  11. #53
    incepator vivanov's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Thumbs up

    Please add some pictures from the game if possible.
    Dunav fans are amicable orientated to Dunarea Giurgiu. That is why sometimes we attend home games of Dunarea. As we are only few km away from each other I think a friendship between both clubs will be useful and helpful.

    Who of you was at the friendly game between Dunarea and Dunav in august this summer? Dunarea won 3:1 ....

    Visit our foreign visitors forum and our site

    Wish you good luck at Liga 2!

  12. #54
    sport legend Mario Di Lazi's Avatar
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    Rm. Vâlcea
    eu am intret pe internet și scria că s-a terminat 1-2
    acum văd că au egalat jucătorii lui Furnică ...
    Verizon IndyCar / Barclays Premier League / FC Dinamo București

  13. #55
    SOLO FARUL tchibos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andreas_hector View Post
    noi Fc Barlad in liga a III a avem peste 50-60 de oameni care canta meci de meci , si care mergem si in deplasari...
    oamenii aia sunt platiti

  14. #56
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Giurgiu/Iasi, ROMANIA
    Quote Originally Posted by andreas_hector View Post
    sunteti cativa suporteri la asta dunare , 2 =)) hai ca sunteti tari baieti tineti-o tot asa, nu vreau sa va ridiculizez, dar noi Fc Barlad in liga a III a avem peste 50-60 de oameni care canta meci de meci , si care mergem si in deplasari...
    Nu inteleg unde bati... Si noi avem destule persoane interesante de fenomen insa jucam in Liga secunda si in plus de asta nu ne laudam cu deplasarile sau coregrafia. Exista un imn al suporterilor, coregrafie si deplasari puse la cale de fani sau club; dupa cum vezi noi mai jucam si amicale cu echipe straine

    Daca tin bine minte in anii '70 Barladul era si el in Divizia Secunda, iar meciurile cu Dunarea erau destul de disputate Ehei ce vremuri... cred ca Barladul e pe locul 5 in seria lor... Trageti la promovare? Ca fani vad ca are echipa!
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  15. #57
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vivanov View Post
    Please add some pictures from the game if possible.
    Dunav fans are amicable orientated to Dunarea Giurgiu. That is why sometimes we attend home games of Dunarea. As we are only few km away from each other I think a friendship between both clubs will be useful and helpful.

    Who of you was at the friendly game between Dunarea and Dunav in august this summer? Dunarea won 3:1 ....

    Visit our foreign visitors forum and our site

    Wish you good luck at Liga 2!

    Hello there Vivanov; Unfortunelly I don't have pics from this game, but I promise in future I will put pics from games! I know about Dunav Ruse a lot of things, our cities are in big friendsip. I was at that game, 3-1, but, I think, Dunarea play at Ruse too... Dunarea and Dunav means same thing, the Danube... By the way, what are your "nicknames" (like team not fans)?

    If you need any information about Duanrea Giurgiu I will help you!

    Thanks for your words, and I want the same thing for Dunav Pyce
    Last edited by Vorpal; 14th October 2007 at 19:55.
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  16. #58
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Giurgiu/Iasi, ROMANIA
    Tchibos... am auzit ca a batut Farul o echipa bulgara in "minivacanta" asta
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  17. #59
    incepator vivanov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vorpal View Post
    Hello there Vivanov; Unfortunelly I don't have pics from this game, but I promise in future I will put pics from games! I know about Dunav Ruse a lot of things, our cities are in big friendsip. I was at that game, 3-1, but, I think, Dunarea play at Ruse too... Dunarea and Dunav means same thing, the Danube... By the way, what are your "nicknames" (like team not fans)?

    If you need any information about Duanrea Giurgiu I will help you!

    Thanks for your words, and I want the same thing for Dunav Pyce

    Hello Vorpal and Giurgiu,

    by the way, is it there any chance to introduce a site of Dunarea?
    Yes, we have the same name in different languages ;-)
    I was also at that game ... 3:1 ... maybe you remember some Bulgarian guys. We were only few, as the game was scheduled for Wednesday, but moved to Thursday afterwards. Most fans planned to come on Wednesday.
    It was planned that Dunarea will come for a revenge in Ruse, but it hasn't happen till now. You can have a look over our games this season under

    What do you know about our team? Have you ever been in Ruse?
    The fans nickname is "the dragons" ... the team is called from others also "the fishers" or "the blues" from Ruse.

    One question. What about the stadium at the Dunarea port. Isn't it the original "Dunarea" stadium? And what about the attendance. I cann't believe there were 2,500 spectators at Dinamo II match, should I?
    We also have our own "Dunav" stadium, but it is in very bad condition. That is why we are playing at the Gradski stadium (which has a wide capacity of 22,000 seats), as we always do the years before.

    Do you think Dunarea has the possibilities to promote into Liga 1? I noticed you enlarge your main tribune.

    Please write your questions in our forum. A lot of other fans will welcome you.


  18. #60
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Meciul se va disputa pe data de 20 octombrie 2007 in etapa a 10-a, fiind televizat de cu incepere de la ora 11.00

    Meciuri anterioare intre Giurgiu si Otopeni:

    Sezonul 2005/2006: Etapa I: Dunarea Giurgiu - CS Otopeni 1-0 (0-0);
    [a marcat Scurtu 68'];

    Etapa XVI: CS Otopeni - Dunarea Giurgiu 3-0;

    Sezonul 2006/2007: Etapa a II-a: CS Otopeni - Dunarea Giurgiu 1-0;

    Etapa a XIX-a: Dunarea Giurgiu - CS Otopeni 2-1 (1-0);
    [pentru Giurgiu a marcat Rusescu 1' si Bajenaru 85']

    Cateva date interesante cu privire la combatantele de sambata:

    - In sezonul 2003/2004, Dunarea Giurgiu si CS Otopeni s-au luptat "la baioneta" pentru promovarea in Divizia B (pe atunci); au avut castig de cauza ilfovenii care au terminat pe primul loc la 10 "lungimi" de Dunarea, ocupanta a locului secund;

    - In sezonul 2005/2006 Dunarea revine in Divizia Secunda a tarii dupa o pauza de 25 de ani, inaugurandu-si stadionul in fata celor de la CS Otopeni pe care a reusit sa ii invinga cu 1-0!

    - In sezonul 2006/2007, Raul Rusescu (fostul si actualul jucator al Otopeniului) a inscris dupa nici 60 de secunde, invingandu-si echipa de care apartinea, internationalul U-19 fiind imprumutat la Giurgiu; a fost unul dintre clee 13 goluri reusite in campionat pentru Dunarea!

    - Interesant este si faptul ca inca doi jucatori care au evoluat la Giurgiu in sezoanele trecute se afla in lotul Otopeniului: Ardeleanu si Rusu!

    -Pana acum echipele si-au impartit punctele, fiecare castigand meciurile de pe teren propriu; sa fie Dunarea capabila sa rastoarne "traditia" impamantenita deja, pentru prima oara?
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  19. #61
    AquilaCrysaetos Vorpal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vivanov View Post
    Hello Vorpal and Giurgiu,

    by the way, is it there any chance to introduce a site of Dunarea?
    Yes, we have the same name in different languages ;-)
    I was also at that game ... 3:1 ... maybe you remember some Bulgarian guys. We were only few, as the game was scheduled for Wednesday, but moved to Thursday afterwards. Most fans planned to come on Wednesday.
    It was planned that Dunarea will come for a revenge in Ruse, but it hasn't happen till now. You can have a look over our games this season under

    What do you know about our team? Have you ever been in Ruse?
    The fans nickname is "the dragons" ... the team is called from others also "the fishers" or "the blues" from Ruse.

    One question. What about the stadium at the Dunarea port. Isn't it the original "Dunarea" stadium? And what about the attendance. I cann't believe there were 2,500 spectators at Dinamo II match, should I?
    We also have our own "Dunav" stadium, but it is in very bad condition. That is why we are playing at the Gradski stadium (which has a wide capacity of 22,000 seats), as we always do the years before.

    Do you think Dunarea has the possibilities to promote into Liga 1? I noticed you enlarge your main tribune.

    Please write your questions in our forum. A lot of other fans will welcome you.

    Yes, I was in Ruse recently; It is a very clean city, bigger than Giurgiu. I like very much the architecture of Pyce; very different for a balcanic city; I hope the team will promote soon in the First league because long time passed by without Dunav there.
    Well... was 2500 fans maybe because was raining and was cold; the hour, 11, it is a "small" one ; Our stadium have just 4500 seats, all of them on chairs; When the seats was in old style, the capacity of the stadium was 7000-8000. It is very nice, isn't it? (I remember the bulgarian fans, they wasn't silent!).

    The Stadium "Dunarea Port" is now used for a youth school made by a well know romanian player, Marcel Raducanu who played in Bundesliga in 80's; the mayor and municipality change the location of home stadium in Olimpia ground, nou called "Marin Anastasovici", because it is bigger, and have a lot of facilities (the change came in 2005 when Dunarea promoted in Liga II after 25 years!). On this ground, play a rival of Dunarea Giurgiu, called Olimpia who merged with Dunarea for being more powerfull!.

    I know Dunav have rivals from Ruse... still exist that team?

    My opinion it is Dunarea have a good team, but it is very difficult to promote because our group is a hard one.

    I saw your site, have a lot on information; I vote with you in the next match, I think you will win and, maybe Dunav will be on 1st place!
    Bogdan VLADU (Vorpal)

  20. #62
    sport legend Mario Di Lazi's Avatar
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    mă ... voi nu spicuiți românește ?
    Verizon IndyCar / Barclays Premier League / FC Dinamo București

  21. #63
    incepator vivanov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vorpal View Post
    Yes, I was in Ruse recently; It is a very clean city, bigger than Giurgiu. I like very much the architecture of Pyce; very different for a balcanic city; I hope the team will promote soon in the First league because long time passed by without Dunav there.
    Well... was 2500 fans maybe because was raining and was cold; the hour, 11, it is a "small" one ; Our stadium have just 4500 seats, all of them on chairs; When the seats was in old style, the capacity of the stadium was 7000-8000. It is very nice, isn't it? (I remember the bulgarian fans, they wasn't silent!).

    The Stadium "Dunarea Port" is now used for a youth school made by a well know romanian player, Marcel Raducanu who played in Bundesliga in 80's; the mayor and municipality change the location of home stadium in Olimpia ground, nou called "Marin Anastasovici", because it is bigger, and have a lot of facilities (the change came in 2005 when Dunarea promoted in Liga II after 25 years!). On this ground, play a rival of Dunarea Giurgiu, called Olimpia who merged with Dunarea for being more powerfull!.

    I know Dunav have rivals from Ruse... still exist that team?

    My opinion it is Dunarea have a good team, but it is very difficult to promote because our group is a hard one.

    I saw your site, have a lot on information; I vote with you in the next match, I think you will win and, maybe Dunav will be on 1st place!

    Hello again,

    thank you for the nice words.
    So there was an other team in Giurgiu, called Olimpia? Which of the teams was more po****r? By the way I followed Dunarea's results even in the Seria III, there was an other team from Giurgiu, called Tigar, do they still exist?
    What is following after third level, maybe Giurgiu district league, as in Ruse?

    I don't know which rivals you mean. There was a traditional and also po****r team, Lokomotiv, they closed some years ago. There is no hate between Ruse's soccer teams. Lot of Dunav fans also attended the Lokomotiv games.
    In the 90s we had an other good team, which promoted even in First level, the team's name was Rakovski (old Ruse team, from the 20s!!!), they merged with Dunav for a year afterwards. Then had a crash and relegated even from Third level in order to disappear from the soccer map.
    Now there is Ariston, playing in Third level, their home ground is the Lokomotiv stadium. Quite close to the Danube bridge, it is a small linear distance to Marin Anastasovici stadium ;-)
    In B group there is also Benkovski, from the town of Bjala, Ruse district.
    In Fourth level we have the Ruse state league, where more teams from Ruse and surrounding villages play.

    Yes, your stadium is really nice. It would be better if there was not the old factory behind .... We also have a building lot next to our Gradski stadium. There is going to be the Mall of Ruse together with a new Sports hall with a capacity of over 5,000 seats. You can have a look at

    You are right. The architecture of Ruse is unique. The city was the Bulgarian port to Europe though the Danube in the last centuries. That is why we were more Europe orientated and get more from the European architecture and culture.
    Here some pictures from Ruse for people haven't been there. - the theater - the opera house at night - the court - the municipality - the library - the statue of liberty

    and so on ...

    Thank you for the wishes. It is really nearly unpossible to promote into First Level without a main sponsor. We hope to keep the successful team and get even stronger with new sponsor in the winter break.

    Good luck against Otopeni. We are playing Kaliakra at home at 4 pm on Saturday.

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