Va inivit sa alegem cel mai bun din istorie :![]()
Ronaldo (Brazilia)
Ronaldo (Portugalia)
Gheorghe Hagi
Ferenc Puskas
van Basten
Gerd Muller
altul (specificati care, in postare pe thread)
Va inivit sa alegem cel mai bun din istorie :![]()
Am votat Maradona, e mai po****r, ca Pele..
[B]"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.[/B]" ([COLOR="Blue"]Albert Einstein[/COLOR])
"[B]Di Stefano is the greatest player of all time and Kaka is the best current footballer.[/B]" ([COLOR="Blue"]Pele[/COLOR])
ex-kainutz / RIP Antonio Puerta / RIP Marian Cozma
toti sunt buni, nu e unul cel mai mare
..the world would be covered in darkness, it would basically block out the sun. That is the might of the Uchiha penis.
Pele = GERRARD + Lampard + Ronaldinho
O combinatie din aia 3![]()
Am votat altul pentu ca ai omis, IMHO, doi foarte mai jucatori din poll:
Eric Cantona si George Best.
Si ai pus alti doi care nu prea au ce cauta acolo, Antoni Zubizaretta si Mario Zagallo
The Ice Man am inteles ; intr-adevar scoate-l pe zubizaretta din poll si baga-l in locul sau pe george best ; da cine-i IMHO?
Sorry, nu-s moderator aici.
A doua oara pe ziua de azi![]()
vezi aici:
sorrry am inteles credeam ca-i vreyb juc ceva
[COLOR="SeaGreen"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="YellowGreen"][SIZE="3"]La vie faut la vivre donc je la vis ...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
Pele e clar cel mai bun dar trebuia sa fie si Goerge Best acolo in poll. E in top 5. Uite un clip cu Pele :
Michel Platini![]()
Hai România!
Ăsta nu e fotbal, ci mafie. [B]F**K YOU PLATINI [/B]
Apropos de ce Zidane nu e in poll ?![]()
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
Greu de vota Cruyff, dar tinand cont ca nu l-am prea vazut live o sa zic Maradona.
o să fie mereu bani și curve și bețivi,
până-n ultima clipă,
pân-o să cadă și ultima bombă
Cruiff ... da excelent si el![]()
Un fel de Augustin![]()
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
Interesant thread dar daca bagai alegere multipla la poll era perfect, parerea mea, PELE CEL MAI MARE JUCATOR, Respect!
ar fi fost ideal sa fie alegere multipla dar tinand cont k e vorba de CEL mai bun jucator...
Last edited by Lavinia; 8th February 2007 at 18:51.
[COLOR="SeaGreen"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="YellowGreen"][SIZE="3"]La vie faut la vivre donc je la vis ...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
E greu de spus,nu poti compara jucatori din diferite perioade.Totusi merg pe mana lui Maradona,avea ceva chiar genial,plus traseul carierei,foarte interesant!
George Best
- Diego Maradona has frequently named Best as his all-time favourite player and Pelé once stated that Best was the best player he ever saw play. He also named him as one of the 125 best living footballers in his 2004 FIFA 100 list.
- Of the many tributes left to George near his hospital bed, one was a signed football which read: "From the second best player in the world". It was signed by Pelé, the man many people consider to be the greatest player ever to play the game.
- "Pelé called me the greatest footballer in the world. That is the ultimate salute to my life."
- For the first anniversary of his death, Ulster Bank issued one million commemorative five pound notes. [2]The notes were sold out in three days.