de cunoscatori![]()
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
Nu vreau sa ma antepronunt, dar astept meciul peste 15 zile.![]()
Si-o sa ma dau cu mine-n cunoscatori de n-ai sa mai vezi cata cunoastere o sa se-mprastie din ei.Adica dupa ce-am discutat de "complicat" din grupe... e cu recidiva tare ma tem.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
E mai complicat decat in grupe.
Dinamo , Manchester United , Bayern Munchen , Borussia Dortmund , Juventus , FC Barcelona![]()
Tu cred ca vrei sa ma enervezi.![]()
In grupe n-a fost absolut deloc complicat, deci nu e comparatie prea buna.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
E tipic Arsenal sa ne inecam in deplasare un meci, ca e grupe, ca e faza eliminatorie.
Dar 90 de minute sunt mai mult decat suficiente ca sa rezolvam ecuatia, si de 2-3 ori la rand.
Ca tot amintesti de Lens, 1-2 fu in tur, 6-0 in retur. Nici o problema. 5-0 la pauza, puteam baga rezervele de la pauza.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Nici un meci nu seamana cu altul si Porto nu e Lens![]()
Porto are pedigree de echipa de faze eliminatorii in UCL si in general mai produc cate o surpriza pe an.
Dinamo , Manchester United , Bayern Munchen , Borussia Dortmund , Juventus , FC Barcelona![]()
Are, dar de fiecare data cand a venit pe Emirates, fara 4 bucati n-a scapat.
Si de la echipe Arsenal mult sub ce avem acum.
Iar acum toti jucatorii ni-s valizi si infometati.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Infometati de trofee.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Arsenal :
Raya - White, Saliba, Gabriel, Kiwior - Odegaard (c), Rice, Jorginho - Saka, Havertz, Trossard.
Porto :
Diogo Costa - Joao Mario, Pepe (c), Otavio, Wendell - Gonzalez, Varela - Conceiçao, Pepê, Galeno - Evanilson.
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
Odegaard masterclass pass and half of the solution to the qualification equasion is solved.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Tu vorbesti engleza la fel ca franceza![]()
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
La fel ca francezii?Niciodata.
Cei mai prosti vorbitori de engleza din istoria omenirii.
Si asiaticii o vorbesc mai bine.![]()
Last edited by Johnny D; 13th March 2024 at 00:04.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
johnny boy ... daca se lasa cu prelungiri o aveti groasa![]()
Libera La LAZIO !
Pi di she? Ca n-avem meci in weekend, mergem in Dubai.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
e terminata arsenalu .. fizic ati stat nasol rau ...
Libera La LAZIO !
nu ma asteptam sa fie meciul asa echilibrat !
Libera La LAZIO !
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!