Nu bah. Dar am auzit ca Craiova lu Mititelu e cam tot pe-atat Craiova cea adevarata, cam cum e si wcsb-ul Steaua adevarata!Asta de la tine o stiu, si ma mandresc cu ea!
Nu bah. Dar am auzit ca Craiova lu Mititelu e cam tot pe-atat Craiova cea adevarata, cam cum e si wcsb-ul Steaua adevarata!Asta de la tine o stiu, si ma mandresc cu ea!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
bravos, aflasi ca avem cea mai dreapta justitie din (m)UE(rss), statul de drept ie la el acasa. de fapt si pe bune, ma doare la n spe m in fata pl de justitia mai ales de parerea ta. pe bune!
app, crapidul tau, ala din cele 5-6 crapide imprastiate prin ligile lui burleanu, o fi cel adevarat?
STEAUA e una singura, cea infiintata in 1947, cea care a cucerit Cupa cea Mare a Europei, cea care a strans 27 de titluri de campioana, pe care am sustinut-o permanent, si cand era echipa Armatei, si cand era finantata de Paunesti, si acum, cand are un patron bezmetic.
Cam cum ma doare pe mine de creierul tau retrograd.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
am editat mesajul, scuze ptr cuvintele nepotrivite.
da ai dreptate! esti mandria natiei romane, esti viitorul...esti votantul hAUR in anul de gratie 2024. felicitari!
Last edited by delaoltenia; 28th July 2023 at 18:15.
STEAUA e una singura, cea infiintata in 1947, cea care a cucerit Cupa cea Mare a Europei, cea care a strans 27 de titluri de campioana, pe care am sustinut-o permanent, si cand era echipa Armatei, si cand era finantata de Paunesti, si acum, cand are un patron bezmetic.
Aha, bun edit, sa dau replica: aici eu mai nu pot sa-ti jignesc echipa wcsb, e cu mult peste ce-ti poate tie bibilica.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Pe altu care joaca macar 50% si-n Europa ce joaca-n campionat, prostovane!
Care nu e viteaz doar in ograda lui si mai stie pune piciorul drept si cand iese afara!
Altu care nu-si face casa de rusine de impotent ce e cand sa te reprezeinte unde conteaza.
Despre asta au vorbit Capitanu' si Dardarel, despre asta vorbesc si eu!
Dar tu prostovan fiind, nu-ti dai seama sau nu vrei, sau ti-e prea ciuda sa si vrei.![]()
Ciuda pe ce? Pe niste oameni care vorbesc de o echipa cu care tu nici nu tii?![]()
PROSTOVANEEEE! Macar recunoaste ca tii cu carpa asta de echipa ce inca n-a promovat din Liga a 2-a! Sau taci dreku din gura!![]()
Last edited by Johnny D; 28th July 2023 at 19:17.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Farul (in)Constanta.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Deci esti o piszda masculina, fara coae!![]()
Deci nu-nteleg concluzia. Elaboreaza.![]()
Concluzia pleonastica, daca cineva e o pisda, ar fi culmea sa fie cu tzoaie.Prostovane!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Tu nu-ntelegi multe...esti parte din aia care ridica procentajul de analfabetism functional!![]()
Si tu esti parte din aia care ridica mingea la fileu analfabetilor functionali ca sa ti-o dea de scafarlie.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Functional, nu functionali! Ai inteles, gogaie?![]()
Asa cum sunt Farul in Romania dar expusi in Europa. Am inteles prostovane.![]()
Functioneaza cat timp sunt in mediul lor, in afara sunt ca niste pui analfabeti.
Last edited by Johnny D; 28th July 2023 at 20:40.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
N-ai inteles nimic, bai castravete!![]()
Tu n-ai inteles nimic din viata daca ajungi la varsta a 3-a si vorbesti ca un tigan de 14 ani! Poti sa-ti bagi toata gramatica si toata eruditia in tzur, ca atat iti valoreaza!![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Prostovane, castravete...daca aveai putina cultura stiai la ce ma refer si o luai ca un pe un alint, nu ca pe o jignire!![]()
Te rog sa ma scuzi, traditia conversatiilor cu tine a luat fata ratiunii.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
m'aitza, joaca crapidul! la 1-0 te si vazusi campeon, in anul centenarului prelungit cu inca un an.![]()
Ma vedeam finalist dupa ce-am castigat cupa, ca ceva retardat care comenteaza cea mai mare finala a comunismului romanesc.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!