Mbappe nu are piciorul drept?![]()
Mbappe nu are piciorul drept?![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Mbappe n-a facut pana acum un joc mare...solid, dar mai mult a jucat Benzema,Pogba, Pavard.
Pogba ala e fabulos. Aproape c-ar avea loc la Arsenal.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Pe relanti! How's your nerves?
Intotdeauna echipa mai slaba in teren are o sansa-n plus!
Mai ales daca fu condusa si-a revenit miraculos.
51% Elvetia, 49% Franta. Cea mai buna sansa sa eliminati Franta!
Altfel n-o mai elimina nimeni!
In LOLris we trust!?
Delapul saracu' s-a ascuns sub masa de frica!![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Ce unghi ciudat de filmare, perpendicular pe poarta! Paca mai mari emotii aveai cu ala oblic, ca nu stiai unde se duce mingea decat dupa trecea de poarta.
Zis si schimbat, incepand cu Giroud.
Un francez o kk pe el cred, asa se simte treaba.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
LOLris, du-te bah acasa!![]()
Daca pui portar mic si n-ajunge la minge, ce sa-ti fac.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
mama ce suspans !
Libera La LAZIO !
albanezu sa vedem ... a dato ma al drq
Libera La LAZIO !
Vine Mbappe-leo!![]()
Si o kaka pe el, am anticipat.![]()
S-a vazut c-a avut emotii ca nu si-a luat elan.
Condoleante Delapului.
Bine c-a pierdut Kvitova, ca innebuneam!![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Hehehehe, inapoi in jungla, papuasilor!
P$D iti vrea lasa sa ti-l ia!
dute baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......
Libera La LAZIO !
P$D iti vrea lasa sa ti-l ia!
Da....aveam cumva sentimentul ca se va intampla ceva.
Last edited by Julio_Zane; 29th June 2021 at 01:52.
vroiam sa vad spania franta
Libera La LAZIO !
Spania - Germania finala, 2 solist.
Germanii le arata diferenta intre amical si cel mai cel oficial.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
spania a jucat bine rau azi .. adika cu totata simpatia pt croatia... nu a jucat mai nimik .. din 120 de min au jucat 10 min .. prea putin zic eu ..
Libera La LAZIO !
Asa e bine ca Mbappe coboara pe pamant. Prea se credea zeu si pretindea tot felul de baloane d'or apoi pe teren face balet. Fotbalul la nivel de top e mult mai complicat fata de ce credea el.
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
Zise bietul nostru shefuletz cu glas sfarshit, parca de tot ragushit.![]()
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!
Allons-enfants de la patrie!
Negrii n-au fost la revolutie, nu sunt asa patrioti!![]()
Ei erau senegalezi, congolezi, bujunburezi la ora aia!![]()
Last edited by Johnny D; 29th June 2021 at 02:21.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!![]()
I know because I'M BOTH!