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Thread: China si-a cumparat o colonie gigant

  1. #1
    visurat Novac's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    China si-a cumparat o colonie gigant

    care ati ignorat subiectiul inultimii 7 ani puteti viziona un filmuletz usurel (sau aprofunda subiectul gugalind pe tema data):

    dupa care puteti citi si vagile informatii de prin presa .ro (bineinteles ca sponsorizate de maretul stat comunist dar trecute in pagina ca articol gen info )

    <<China, cel mai mare partener comercial al Africii, a promis luni 60 de miliarde de dolari continentului, președintele Xi Jinping vorbind despre un ajutor "necondiționat", în fața criticilor Occidentului, scrie AFP.
    Promisiunea lui Xi a fost făcută la începutul celui de-al 7-a Forum pentru cooperarea chino-africană, care reunește timp de două zile, în capitala chineză, liderii a 53 de țări africane.

    Intre cele 60 de miliarde de dolari suplimentari figurează linii de credit de 20 de miliarde de dolari. Vor fi create două fonduri, consacrate finanțării dezvoltării și finanțării de importuri de bunuri africane.

    Fără neocolonialism

    Susținerea gigantului asiatic va include 15 miliarde de dolari "ajutor gratuit și credite fără dobânzi". Iar companiile chineze vor fi încurajate să investească "cel puțin 10 miliarde de dolari" în Africa în cursul următorilor trei ani.

    "Investițiile Chinei în Africa nu sunt însoțite de nicio condiție politică. China nu se amestecă în afacerile interne ale Africii și nu șe impune voința", a afirmat Xi Jinping, luni dimineața
    . ... >>

    si parca-mi aduc aminte de niste mega promisiuni de investitii in caile ferate, autostrazi si modernizarea Centralei de la Cernavoda (+instalarea grupurilor 3 si 4) facute de PSD/vICTOR ponta . Zic sa multumim UE! ca suntem al 28-lea stat aluniunii si ca nu ne ne-au lasat sa mergem pe calea asta - la cum stim ca actioneaza PSD-ul eram datori orezarilor pentru urmatorii 2574 de ani!

    or more

    Jessica Ellen Cornish brilliant performance

  2. #2
    visurat Novac's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    filmutzul cu pricina ...

    le. bineinteles ca o sa se gaseasca cel un dobi*** roman sa ne ecsplice pe aici cum ca Soros, Eltonmusk si restul terminatorilor au complotat si produs zecile de minidocumentare pe tema asta si le vor cataloga pe toate, la gramada ca Fake news.
    Last edited by Novac; 3rd September 2018 at 20:54.

    Jessica Ellen Cornish brilliant performance

  3. #3
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
    Apropo de China, chinezu' e iar disparut.
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  4. #4
    visurat Novac's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    Africa, Asia, Europa, ... parca am auzit-o pe proasta de la Palatul Victoria citind ceva despre o autostrada ce urmeaza sa fie construita de companii chineze. saptamana trecuta, huh/ aici in Romania

    <<Autoritatile din Malaezia s-au înteles cu cele din China si vor reanvia un urias proiect feroviar care fusese inghetat anul trecut fiindca a fost considerat incredibil de scump de catre malaezieni. Noul acord prevede ca va fi construita o cale ferata dubla de 648 km Č™i costurile vor fi de aproape 11 miliarde dolari, cu 5 miliarde mai mici decat inainte de suspendarea proiectului. Este inca o dovada că investiČ›iile propuse de China, ca parte a uriasului plan One Belt One Road, nu sunt chiar bine vazute, din cauza ca statele în care se investeste pot ramane ”datoare vandute” Beijing-ului.>>

    Jessica Ellen Cornish brilliant performance

  5. #5
    visurat Novac's Avatar
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    <<De ce detine China atât de mult teren agricol în Ucraina?

    Acum cativa ani China a cumpărat aproape 10% din terenul arabil al Ucrainei. Tarile ar trebui să înceapă să-i verifice pe cei care le cumpără terenurile agricole, tot asa cum o fac deja în cazul anumitor tehnologii cruciale.

    În ultimii cativa ani cumpărători chinezi au achizitionat terenuri agricole în tări atât de diverse precum SUA, Franta si Vietnam. În 2013 gigantul alimentar WH Group din Hong Kong a cumpărat Smithfield, cel mai mare producător de carne de porc al Americii, si peste 146.000 de acri de teren agricol în Missouri.

    În acelasi an Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps a cumpărat 9% din terenul agricol al Ucrainei, faimos pentru fertilitatea lui, reprezentând 5% din teritoriul tării, o concesiune pe 50 de ani. (În 2020 SUA au sancctionat compania chineză din cauza abuzurilor ei contra drepturilor omului.) Între 2011 si 2020 China a cumpărat aproape 7 milioane de hectare de teren agricol, răspândite pe tot cuprinsul lumii.>>

    de aici:

    Jessica Ellen Cornish brilliant performance

  6. #6
    simplu Utilizator's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Undeva, departe...
    Nicio supriza, chinezii sunt plini de cash si au investit masiv in toata lumea, inclusiv in Europa.
    Volvo de ex e al chinezilor, anul trecut au cumparat Phillips divizia de electrocasnice si daca nu apareau oareshce limitari, atunci chinezii ar fi avut o prezenta investitionala considerabila.
    Cica acum trendul e sa investeasca in startupuri si mai putin in achizitii de companii existente.

    In tarile mai putin avansate si mai putin sensibile la capitalul strain, chinezii domina pietele, de ex sunt foarte activi in vreun sfert de Africa.

    Au venit si la noi in agricultura insa probbail ca la insistentele americane ai nostri au dat lege de le limiteaza accesul.
    Italienii au prorietati agricole mari in Romania (3.1%) unde cu vreo cinci ani in urma aproximativ 30% din suprafata e detinuta de companii si persoane fizice din UE si alte 10% de proprietari din Orientul mijlociu.
    Dar e foarte probabil sa fi crescut ponderea strainilor in agricultura si vom vedea cum stam dupa finalizarea recensamantului agricol din 2020, deocamdata sunt doar rezultate provizorii ce nu spun asta.

    Daca avem investitori cu bani si isteti, atunci terenul agricol din Ucraina e tinta perfecta pentru noi.
    Sa cumpere terenuri agricole in vecinatate, de ex prin Bucovina sau deasupra bratului Chilia de unde poti transporta usor prin Romania.
    Ins ae foarte probabil ca vor intra in conflict cu oligarhii locului, chinezii au negociat in bloc si la nivel de stat.
    "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake

  7. #7
    Pro Memoria miril's Avatar
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    Un articol interesant in The Times despre pericolul in ceea ce priveste ofensiva Chinei de a deveni leader mondial in tehnologie folosindu-se de toate mijloacele.

    UK security chief’s alert over threat from China

    Beijing ‘wants supremacy, not parity’ in tech race

    The West faces an “epoch-defining” challenge from China that must be addressed before it becomes the world’s leading technological power, one of the country’s top security chiefs warns today.

    Lindy Cameron, head of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), will say that the UK and its allies cannot afford complacency over the “dramatic rise of China as a technology superpower”.

    Beijing is aiming for technical supremacy over western countries rather than parity and, if it is allowed to succeed, the strength will be used to “achieve a dominant role in global affairs”, she will say.

    Cameron, who is responsible for the UK’s cyberprotection as chief executive of the organisation, an arm of GCHQ, will warn in her speech: “Bluntly we cannot afford not to keep pace otherwise we risk China becoming the predominant power in cyberspace.”

    The speech marks Cameron’s strongest intervention in her two-and-a-half year leadership of the NCSC and comes amid alarm at China’s increased aggression in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.

    There are fears that if China becomes technologically superior it could use supply chain controls to hobble its competitors and strangle western markets. Spy chiefs also worry that frontier technologies such as quantum computing, the semiconductor industry and artificial intelligence could be weaponised.
    Cameron will use the CyberUK annual conference in Belfast, which will attract cybersecurity leaders from around the world, to warn government, business and the public to take heed of the growing threat. She is expected to tell delegates that “we cannot secure future technology without addressing the epoch-defining challenge that we are facing: the dramatic rise of China as a technology superpower”.

    She will add: “China has identified several existing and emerging technologies as being vital to its future national security. And it has an aspiration to become a world leader in setting technological standards. So we need to be clear: China is not only pushing for parity with western countries, it is aiming for technical supremacy. It will use its tech strength as a lever to achieve a dominant role in global affairs.

    “What does this mean for cybersecurity? Bluntly we cannot afford not to keep pace otherwise we risk China becoming the predominant power in cyberspace. Some may dismiss this as far-fetched or scaremongering, but it is a risk I would urge you to take seriously. This is simply not something about which any of us can be complacent.”

    Cameron’s language echoes that of Rishi Sunak, who revamped the government’s foreign policy on China last month and warned that it “represents a challenge to the world order”. A series of other spy chiefs have also spoken out about how China represents the greatest long-term threat from a hostile state, which places the West’s security values and democratic institutions at stake.

    Ken McCallum, the head of MI5, warned last year that Chinese economic espionage was targeting the UK’s expertise, technology and research and trying to erode its commercial advantages.

    The CyberUK conference is hosting discussions on the theme of “securing an open and secure digital future”. Cameron, who took over the NCSC in October 2020, will highlight the “huge advantage” the West possesses through its liberal economy and democratic values, but also the need for everyone working in cybersecurity to take responsibility in addressing the challenge. She will say the UK has taken a “proactive” approach to shape the frameworks that govern cyberspace.

    Large language models such as ChatGPT, the AI chatbot, provide benefits such as making economies more efficient and providing a valuable service to customers. However, she will highlight concerns such as the potential for an increase in data privacy breaches, more convincing phishing attacks and the spread of disinformation. Cameron will also warn there is a risk that criminals might use such models to help with cyberattacks.

    When Lindy Cameron took over at the National Cyber Security Centre in October 2020, she urged Britain to be “clear-eyed” on China (Fiona Hamilton writes). Its attempts at technological advancement and increased power marked “one of the most significant geopolitical shifts that we will see in this decade”, she said at the time.

    Two-and-a-half years later, her language has evolved into a more strident warning that China is seeking to be the world’s technological superpower, a superiority that it would use to achieve dominance in global affairs. The West, she argues, must keep pace.

    Cameron’s rhetoric matches the evolution of the threat. Beijing’s military manoeuvres and increased aggression in the Taiwan Strait is causing great alarm. One of the most serious concerns is Taiwan’s position as the world’s leading producer of semiconductor technology, used in everything from smartphones to fighter jets. A Chinese takeover could hobble western markets and create supply crises that could trigger a global recession.

    China has also signalled a clear intention to become the superior power in terms of other frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence, an area that spy chiefs fear could be weaponised.

    Sir Jeremy Fleming, the outgoing head of GCHQ, has warned that China could effectively grab control of the world’s global operating system if it were allowed to dominate key emerging technologies. China is feared to be building a satellite system capable of tracking individuals around the world, which it could use to cement its influence. There are also concerns that it wants a centralised digital currency to insulate itself from international sanctions in the event that it invades Taiwan.

    The threat in the UK has already manifested with concerns raised about some university collaborations which have links to malign activities of the Chinese state.

    As China seeks to achieve its aims with increased aggression and economic espionage, the public should expect more interventions from Cameron and her colleagues.
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