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Thread: Al treilea razboi mondial?

  1. #22
    Moderator Doctor_Satan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sevilla86 View Post
    Apropo, e ceva la ce nu s-au gandit nici parisele nici paulica.

    Cum pana mea sa rezulte razboi mondial din acest conflict? Crede cineva ca daca izbucneste razboi intre NK si Coreea de Sud si SUA, o sa ia cineva partea lui NK? O sa mearga China la razboi pentru ei? Eu zic ca ar fi un razboi intre NK si o coalitie formata din SUA, Coreea de Sud, Japonia si poate restul tarilor din NATO. Nu stiu daca majoritatea ar avea timp sa reactioneze macar si sa trimita forte armate in zona. Acest razboi ar fi brutal si scurt, dar in nici un caz razboi mondial.

    SUA are baze militare in Coreea de Sud, Japonia, plus trei portavioane in zona.
    NK nu are aparatura moderna, poate exceptand rachete noi la care lucreaza in continuare, dar ar fi in numar mic.

    O tara mica si izolata impotriva unei coalitii. WWIII?
    O sa cam fie daca se vor utiliza arme nucleare. Iar daca dementul de Kim le are, le va utiliza.
    Iar Raboi Mondial nu va fi pentru ca celelalte tari vor intra in razboi, ci va fi pentru ca multe dintre ele vor fi nimicite de norii radioactivi.
    Nuclear winter is coming!
    Iancu si FC Timisoara, prima grupare mafiota care a primit o mica pedeapsa. FRF-DNA 1-0.
    Aici este criza economica a Romaniei:

  2. #23
    Join Date
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    It's a crazy fucking world we live in !

  3. #24
    Moderator Doctor_Satan's Avatar
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    Neah, e doar natura umana.
    E in ADN-ul nostru nebunia si dorinta de autodistrugere.
    Doar metodele s-au inmultit.
    Iancu si FC Timisoara, prima grupare mafiota care a primit o mica pedeapsa. FRF-DNA 1-0.
    Aici este criza economica a Romaniei:

  4. #25
    DevilOfTheRhine Sevilla86's Avatar
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    Sunt 10,000 de bombe nucleare pe planeta. Nu se stie cate are NK, dar nu foarte multe. Cu siguranta nu suficiente pentru a produce o iarna nucleara. Calculele pentru o astfel de iarna iau in considerare un razboi nuclear global in care ar fi detonate mii de bombe.

    Daca este sa luam numarul victimelor, uite aici am bombardat Londra, New York si Tokyo cu 20MT fiecare (adica 20000KT)

    Dar NK nu are bombe nucleare atat de puternice. Cea mai puternica pe care au testat-o are undeva intre 70 - 280 kt.

    Poti sa te joci cu acea harta, dar numarul victimelor este cu mult mai mic decat testul meu cu 20000kt. Nici nu conteaza cate bombe nucleare are NK, conteaza cate poate sa lanseze spre alte tari. Pe langa asta, sunt convins ca SUA are capacitatea sa intercepteze macar o parte dintre ele. Norii radioactivi vor omora oameni, dar exagerezi mult. Au existat caderi radioactive dupa Hiroshima, Nagasaki dar si dupa Cernobil si nu au nimicit nici o tara. In Hiroshima si Nagasaki, viata a revenit la normal, acum traieste lumea linistita acolo. S-au facut multe teste si caderile radioactive nu sunt atat de distructive.
    Academia Rapid infiintata de catre generalul de securitate Vasile Malureanu supranumit €žtatucul politiei politice ceausiste

  5. #26
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    Reactiile venite după demisia surprinzătoare a premierului Libanului, Saad Hariri, în urma unui anunt făcut nu în tară, ci din Arabia Saudită, arată că un nou război prin interpusi între Iran, Arabia Saudită si Israel este doar o chestiune de timp.
    Si un razboi intre Iran, Arabia Saudita si Israel inseamna fix WWIII.

  6. #27
    DevilOfTheRhine Sevilla86's Avatar
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    Razboi prin interpusi inseamna proxy war, nu razboi deschis intre natiuni... offff, paulica... cu alte cuvinte, nu WWIII...
    Din folosirea de diacritice inteleg ca doar ultima fraza iti apartine. Citatul este corect, concluzia ta este penibila si complet gresita.

    Dar Johnny tot este mandru de tine
    Academia Rapid infiintata de catre generalul de securitate Vasile Malureanu supranumit €žtatucul politiei politice ceausiste

  7. #28
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    Could World War Three actually happen?

    Tensions between the US and North Korea are said to be the most serious threat to world peace.

    The US ambassador to the UN told an emergency Security Council meeting North Korea is "begging for war" and called for "the strongest possible measures".

    Trump has threatened military action and warned North Korea it faces "total annihilation" if it threatens the US or its allies Japan and South Korea.

    But defiant Kim Jong-un threatened America with a "miserable end" as he reportedly moved a ballistic missile to the country's west coast, ready for another test launch.

    He has previously threatened to launch rockets at US Pacific island Guam and moved fighter jets to the coast to intercept US bombers after accusing Trump of declaring war.

    The past months have seen a series of alarming events that appear to have brought the two states to the brink of armed conflict:

    April 9: A US strike force was sent towards the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula.
    April: President Trump ramped up the pressure on China to take action against the secretive state by declaring the US would 'solve the problem' alone if it did not step up.
    April 14: During parades marking 105 years since the states founder Kim Il-sung was born, a devastating arsenal was on show including a KN-08 rocket, thought to be capable of flying more than 7,000 miles - within range of Los Angeles, New York and Washington DC. But experts have since questioned if the weapons were genuine.
    Hours before the parade a top general had told North Korean state TV "we're prepared to respond to an all-out war with an all-out war.'
    April 15: North Korea again enraged the US with a missile test but this time it was an embarrassing flop exploding almost immediately.
    April 17: US Vice President Mike Pence told Pyongyang the "era of patience is over" as he warned tubby tyrant Kim Jong-un not to test Trump as plans were made to send a missile defence system to South Korea earlier than planned.
    April 19: Vice President Mike Pence warned Kim Jong-un the US would "defeat any attack" as he spoke to soldiers aboard a massive aircraft carrier.
    April 28: North Korea launched a devastating attack on the US Capitol to spark World War Three in a terrifying propaganda film.
    May 2: Kim Jong-un warned that it would be a "piece of cake" to nuke Japan - warning that those who tried to retaliate and their supports would not be safe
    May 11: The hermit state said that it has the right to 'ruthlessly punish' any US citizens after it detained a fourth American at the start of May
    May 5: Pyongyang announced it would seek the extradition of anyone involved in what it says was a CIA-backed plot to kill leader Kim Jung-un with a biochemical poison
    June 13: North Korea threatened to nuke Trump's home town of New York after he mocked the missile programme.
    July 5: North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile which analysts say has a range of 6,700 kilometres and brings Alaska within reach. Pyongyang later said it was a 'landmark' test of a Hwasong-14 intercontinental ballistic missile. Trump responded with an tweet saying; "Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?".
    July 31: It was reported that Donald Trump was ready to order a military strikeagainst a North Korean nuclear weapons facility hidden beneath a mountain range.
    August 8: Trump warned North Korea faces 'fire and fury' if it threatens the US - as intelligence documents reveal Kim Jong-un has made mini nukes to attach to his new rockets
    August 10: North Korean state media said it was planning to launch four rockets towards the US territory of Guam.
    August 10: Trump declared North Korea "better get their act together" or they will be in trouble like "few nations have ever been". He also suggested he might not have been tough enough with his previous comments on the rogue state.
    August 11: The Sun revealed Britain would play no part in a military strike on the communist state in a move that was slammed as 'weak and ill-judged' by ex-Commander of British Forces Afghanistan Colonel Richard Kemp.
    August 11: Speaking from his New Jersey golf resort Trump told North Korea it would "truly regret" any action it takes against Guam.
    August 12: New satellite images of North Korea bases appear to show the volatile state is overhauling its missile sub fleet.
    August 15: North Korea appeared to back down from an imminent strike by saying Kim Jong-un would watch "the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees" before deciding whether to fire on Guam.
    August 28: It was reported that North Korea had fired a missile towards northern Japan. Residents were called to take immediate shelter underground.
    August 29: Officials confirmed the North's missile launch. The "unidentified projectile" hurtled over the country before breaking into pieces, according to South Korea's military.
    August 31: The US responded to Kim Jing-un's latest missile outrage with a terrifying show of strength, dropping huge bombs near the North Korean border.
    September 3: The West awakes to the news North Korea has detonated a nuclear device in a test. The blast triggered an artificial earthquake six times larger than any previous test.
    September 4: James Mattis, the US Defence Secretary, warned of a "massive military response" to any threat from North Korea against the United States or its allies.
    September 6: North Korea promised a "redoubling" of its nuclear arsenal in response to threatened sanctions and warned the US faced "catastrophic consequences".
    September 10/11: Two Hwasong-14 intercontinental ballistic missiles were test-fired with a range of more than 6,210 miles.
    September 15: North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan and into the Pacific,responding to new UN sanctions with its furthest-ever missile flight.
    September 25: North Korea threatened to attack US warplanes and accused Donald Trump of declaring war.
    September 26: North Korea moved jet fighters to the coast to intercept US bombers.
    October 1: Trump says US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man Kim Jong-un.
    October 3: North Korea threatened "suicidal" Japan with nuclear clouds as it blasted Prime Minister Shinzo Abes call for the world to pile more pressure on the rogue state.
    October 7: Trump issues chilling threat to North Korea, insisting "only one thing will work" when dealing with the rogue state.
    October 21: Supersonic US B-1B strategic bombers zoomed over South Korea as part of an air show prompting Kim to warn the Korean peninsula is on the 'eve of explosion'
    October 23: Trump has put nuclear bombers back on 24-hour alert for the first time since the end of the Cold War.
    October 31: US and Russian nuclear bombers fly near North Korea, while reports in Japan say a Kim regime nuclear facility has collapsed with 200 people inside.

  8. #29
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    Generalul Maior Mohammad Ali Jafari, comandantul-sef al Corpului Garzilor Revolutiei Islamice din Iran (IRGC), a proferat noi amenintări împotriva Israelului, promitand că orice viitor conflict va fi ultimul pentru Statul Evreu.

    Din nou Iranul?

  9. #30
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    fucking world we live in !

  10. #31
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    Statele Unite si aliatii au atacat obiective din Siria: 'Nu sunt actiunile unui om, ci crimele unui monstru.' Reactia Rusiei

    Statele Unite, Marea Britanie si Franta au bombardat, în noaptea de vineri spre sâmbătă, mai multe obiective guvernamentale situate pe teritoriul Siriei.

    Miscarea celor trei state vine în semn de răspuns la presupusul atac chimic al regimului sirian sustinut de Rusia, care a avut loc într-un orăsel din Ghouta de Est, weekendul trecut, informează BBC News.

  11. #32
    Sport Legend JJ's Avatar
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    Peste tot
    Zi istorica - Kim s-a intalnit cu Moon azi in Coreea de Sud. S-a intors insa sa manance de pranz in Coreea lui. I-o fi fost frica de otrava sau n-a vrut sa vada sudcoreenii cat baga in el?

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