Adica nu e asa acum?
Adica Real nu cumpara pe cine vrea cu cat vrea si oricand vrea? ... desi are datorii egale cu bugetul anual anuntat.
Adica nu e asa acum?
Adica Real nu cumpara pe cine vrea cu cat vrea si oricand vrea? ... desi are datorii egale cu bugetul anual anuntat.
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
ba da. nu e de acum, e asa de ani...
dar trebuie sa lasam asta asa?
si de ce baga araboii bani pe care nu au cum sa ii scoata?![]()
Nu trebuie lasat asa daca suntem de acord cu ideea de fair-play financiar. Dar nu trebuia inceput cu sanctiuni la cei care au datorii?![]()
Masura a intrat in vigoare in 2011. In 2013 Real a cumparat pe Bale cu 100 milioane desi are datorii de peste 500 milioane.
UEFA a preferat sa nu vada asta dar s-a apucat sa caute pe qatarezi in c** cum ca au cheltuit bani pe jucatori
Repet, mesajul e clar. Azi avem Real, Barca si Bayern care sunt cele mai tari cluburi din Europa. Si asa trebuie sa ramana, ordin de la UEFA!!!
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
UEFA e prea smechera. cum s-ar spune in romania: e unsa cu toate alifiile
Ii si stoarce pe arabi de bani, ca au de unde, si pastreaza si o buna legatura cu cluburile de traditie precum real, barca.
Vorbim de platini si de nu uitam ca oamenii au scos-o pe franta din urna africii si apoi i-au dat cea mai slaba grupa...toata lumea stie ca se va intampla asta, si ghici ce ? i-a durut undeva si tot au facut-o
deci nu inteleg de ce inca te mai surprind manevrele facute de organizatii precum fifa sau uefa ?![]()
AC Milan - 7 Uefa Champions Leagues ; 5 Uefa Super Cups ; 2 Uefa Cup Winners' Cups ; 3 Intercontinental Cups ; 1 Fifa Club World Cup
Ei au ceva cu PSG de doi ani. Tot latra prin presa alde Rummenigge, Beckenbauer si puscariasul de Hoeness cum ca PSG risca sa-i bata in curand deci trebuie sanctionat ...
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
clar , Bayernul care a reprezentat un varf pentru europa mereu are o spaima de psgul care in 5 ani revine in mediocritate.
Apropo de fair play financiar , realul a facut o oferta de 74 milioane euro pentru suarez....
din ordinul cui sa nascocit acest fair play financiar?ce interese oculte are uefa?cum se face ca aceste cluburi sunt patronate de arabi?pana si aici intervine politica impotriva arabilor?
sa nu mi se dea exemplul nemtilor de la bayern ca se stie ce firme germane sunt implicate acolo!
Am citit in presa franceza ca se pregateste o amanare a aplicarii sanctiunilor
Se pare ca specialistii la UEFA reconsidera masura drept ilegala si incearca sa o reformuleze.
Unii chiar merg mai departe si vad in asta un prim pas spre abandon in urma presiunilor financiare ale retelelor tv Bein Sports. Cu peste 70% din drepturi deci o majoritate ca financiare CL si EL Bein Sports are influenta.
Si relativ important, Bein Sports este din Qatar ...
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
Iancu si FC Timisoara, prima grupare mafiota care a primit o mica pedeapsa. FRF-DNA 1-0.
Aici este criza economica a Romaniei:
Nu, problema se pune altfel: cand eu te amenint ca nu-ti mai dau miliarde de euro, te mai gandesti sa aplici sanctiuni care nu-mi convin.
Daca sanctiunea putea fi aplicata unui club patronat de vreun malaezian, de exemplu, atunci nu se mai gandeau.
Iancu si FC Timisoara, prima grupare mafiota care a primit o mica pedeapsa. FRF-DNA 1-0.
Aici este criza economica a Romaniei:
A luat si City tot 60 milioane amenda.
Aici chiar daca nu sunt fan iar nu inteleg. City pe cine a cumparat in ultimul an asa incat sa fie buna de amenda?
Sportul darama barierele rasismului !!!
Cel care cade dar se ridica este mai puternic decat cel care nu a cazut niciodata.
League champions accept Financial Fair Play sanctions
Manchester City made clear their anger with Uefa last night after being fined £49 million and restricted in the transfer market for breaches of Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations.
After three weeks of tense discussions, in which the club contemplated taking legal action against Uefa, City reluctantly accepted the sanctions rather than risk further damage to their reputation by pursuing a claim against European football’s governing body. In a statement last night, City said that they had dropped a planned appeal because of the possible fallout from an escalation in their conflict with Uefa.
Under the terms of a settlement with Uefa, City face a £49 million fine, £32.5 million of which will be returned if they comply over the next two years, and have been told that they can register a maximum of 21 players, rather than 25, for next season’s Champions League. City have also agreed to a maximum net transfer spend of £49 million this summer and accepted a salary freeze on their Champions League squad, which will also include restrictions on how many new signings can be added to it.
The sanctions relate to City’s losses of £97.9 million in 2011-12 and £50.6 million in 2012-13, which far exceed the maximum permitted £37 million loss over that two-year period. City argued that substantial portions of their expenditure related to investments in infrastructure and youth development and that they should have been allowed to write off up to £80 million of wages earned by players signed before FFP regulations were introduced in 2010.
In a statement issued last night, City said: “The club can confirm that it has been in discussions with Uefa... in relation to the application of FFP regulations, as has been widely reported and communicated by Uefa. At the heart of those discussions is a fundamental disagreement between the club’s and Uefa’s respective interpretations of the FFP regulations on players purchased before 2010. The club believes it has complied with the FFP regulations on this and all other matters.
“In normal circumstances, the club would wish to pursue its case and present its position through every avenue of recourse. However, our decision to do so must be balanced against the practical realities for our fans, for our partners and in the interests of the commercial operations of the club.
“From the outset, the club has engaged with Uefa in its introduction of the FFP regulations in good faith and without prejudice and in a transparent and collaborative manner. The club’s position is that it is beholden upon Uefa and the European football establishment to ensure the same.”
Along with Paris Saint-Germain, whose commercial deals were also queried, City have received by far the heaviest sanctions of the nine clubs found guilty of breaching FFP regulations. City attempted to reassure their fans last night that the sanctions should have little effect on the club’s ambitions. The statement read: “The club’s expenditure on new players for the summer window, on top of income from players it might sell, will be limited to €60 million [about £49 million]. This will have no material impact on the club’s planned transfer activity.
“The Champions League squad for the 2014-15 competition will be limited to 21 players. In 2013-14 the club registered 23 players for the competition and used 21. The wage bill of the whole club (playing and non-playing staff) will need to remain at the same level as that of the 2013-14 season. It is important to note that additional bonuses for performances can be paid outside this number. Importantly, in reality, the existing business plan sees a natural decline in that wage bill.”
Despite the sanctions, City are expected to proceed with their bids to sign Eliaquim Mangala and Fernando, from Porto, and Bacary Sagna, on a free transfer from Arsenal.
"The minority is sometimes right, the majority always wrong." - A Progres...sive Thinker
"If you support a team that fails to win the league for years, it does feel like a kind of cult'." - Salman Rushdie
City a avut pierderi de 97,9 milioane de lire sterline in sezonul 2011-2012.
In conditiile in care ar iesi pe profit ar trebui sa plateasca si impozit pe profit.
Real,Chelsea,City,PSG nu au fost create sa aiba profit,sunt cluburi in care se pompeaza bani pentru anumite performante.
In urma raman datorii se aseamana cu sistemul "Ponzi" la o anumita scara oricum cand se sparge bula o sa fie bai.
UEFA ar trebui in primul rand sa sanctioneze Real Madrid asta este balena cea mai mare.![]()
Last edited by iulian_1976; 21st May 2014 at 23:07.
Gott würfelt nicht! Einstein.
actionarii bayern muenchen s.a. sunt:
- asociatia sportiva bayern muenchen 75%
- adidas 8,33%
- allianz 8,33%
- audi 8,33%
cifra de afaceri din sezonul 2012-2013 a fost de 394 mil euro, rezultand un profit net (adica dupa plata impozitelor) de 14 mil euro.
cu alte cuvinte. acele firme germane care au investit in bayern muenchen auf facut profit in sezonul 2012-2013. profit de 1,16 mil euro de firma. la marimea acestor firme nu conteaza foarte mult, dar castigul de imagine in randul fanilor bavarezi este enorm. mai ales ca aceste firme sunt bavareze.
ps: se poate ca profitul sa fi fost reinvestit. nu stiu.
Last edited by Franz; 18th May 2014 at 14:07.
Cica araboii de la psg, vor sa dea 60 milioane pe david luiz. E dovada ca sanctiunile date celor de la psg si fair-play-ul financiar, functioneaza....platini, pisa-m-as pe tine de gunoi francezo rubentin.
Da...iar cheltuie araboii vara asta sute de milioane. Iar delaparis se mira de ce ii sanctioneaza UEFA.
cum ii sanctioneaza?le da amenda la unii care au zeci de miliarde
ce-i mai afecteaza amenda vede, 60 milioane pentru david luiz
trebuiau exclusi din CL.Simplu.