Stii bine ca Burcea e un scriitor realist si nu agreaza genul SF.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake
Burcea s-ar baga la cercetari serioase pe antichitate si texte apocrife, dar cedeaza nervos la scrierile lui Erich von Daniken al fotbalului romanesc.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake
Vezi, d-aia nu suporta Burcea SFul pentru ca la un moment dat ajungi sa confunzi realitatea cu imaginarul
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake
ei hai ca m-ai aburcit deja,nici nu mai stiu de unde am pornit si unde am vrut sa ajung...
tipic dinamovista manipoolarea asta,acum mi s-a facut si mie dor de toa'su capitan...
bai dar asa ceva,zici ca-i fenomenul Pitesti ajuns victimele sa suspine dupa tortionari...
Last edited by cip; 19th May 2020 at 07:44.
granita la Orsova!
Sindromul Stockholm adica
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake
Nu cred. E umilitor in sortul ala
P$D iti vrea lasa sa ti-l ia!
I-o fi parand rau de un suflet nevinovat de care si-a batut joc la fiecare ocazie: Paul, si-o fi facand penitenta pentru asta.
Proasta gluma... urmatoarea!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
pe bune acum, tu ai fost abuzat cand erai mic sau care-i treaba cu tine? esti singurul interesat de reintoarcerea pe forum a pastilatului, zau
batman, batman, ... dar totul are o limita
Jessica Ellen Cornish brilliant performance
Limita prostiei voastre cufundata in rautate crancena! Imi vine sa vomit!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Apropo de moderatori pe tenis, pe Sannicol l-am dat disparut de vreun an.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Hingherul a disparut de cateva zile bune.
Sa-i dea Dumnezeu sanatate doar acolo unde e!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Nu ma baga in grupul tau, ca n-am treaba!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
sport legend