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Thread: Seriale preferate

  1. #5062
    DevilOfTheRhine Sevilla86's Avatar
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    The Boys

    Un serial cu super-eroi mai altfel. Cum ar arata lumea lui Superman sau X Men dominata de capitalism, interese politice si egoism.
    Cateva momente comice geniale si actiune.

    Abia a aparut de o luna primul sezon. Avem 8 episoade a aproximativ 60 de minute fiecare.
    Academia Rapid infiintata de catre generalul de securitate Vasile Malureanu supranumit €žtatucul politiei politice ceausiste

  2. #5063
    Sport Legend JJ's Avatar
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    Tocmai am vazut toate cele cinci serii din Luther. Mi-a placut, cei doi actori principali joaca bine, si fiind un serial BBC nu trebuie sa umple 20+ de episoade pe sezon, de unde nu prea au episoade de umplutura.

  3. #5064
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Daredevil S03 9/10 for this season (I'm currently middle ep. 8)! There's been a 2 years pause between the last season and this one and I've remembered why I like it so much! Yes, it's the show with the best intro ever: a blind world that's only revealed in blood, it's how Daredevil "sees" while it rains only revealed in slow motion as blood is more viscous than water: from the 1st entry of the blind Goddess of Justice that holds in her left hand the scales of justice but is unable to see them and her right hand the sword of justice that cuts randomly, to the buildings covered in blood/murder that nobody can see but the angel at the end that weeps helpless, except for the Daredevil that isn't.

    What makes a distinction about Daredevil from other Marvel/DC shows, is that he fights a powerful mafioso Wilson Fisk that has similar intelligence and resources with Lex Luthor but without Superman's powers or Batman's resources, just with 2 weapons: a good heart and better ears! And the actor is perfect for the role, in my opinion much more than that of Ben Affleck who did the movie some time before.
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  4. #5065
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Ash vs Evil Dead S03 9/10 - Ashy Slashy! 2 ani si aici de la sezonu 2, dar calitatea entertainment-ului n-a scazut deloc.
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  5. #5066
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Harlots - I've been watching it all weekend! I'm already at season 3, ep 2! Season 1 8/10, season 2 9.5/10. The 1st season is good but The 2nd season is a direct mindfuck, it's impossible not to enjoy it. Liv Tylor also stars with the 2nd season but that's not why it's so great. Short story: at the end of the 18th century, one in every five women worked as prostitutes to satisfy society's needs and their own. The way HULU presents it as A MONUMENTAL PRODUCTION is not an overstatement. HULU really hit the jackpot with this one! I recommend the 2nd season, it's mind numbing!

    Just a little insight: Lydia Quingly - za old beatch, runs the best brothel in London, for high society. She uses little girls to be spoiled and used by the perverse nobility as they see fit - even kill them, locks the survivors up in her brothel until their tears dry out then tells them they are useless for anything else than prostitution and uses them to make herself rich. One of those girls was Margaret Wells that is the main character of the show and after she grew up, she broke free from the tyrant beatch Quingly and made a brothel of her own using her own daughters in the business and becoming competition.

    A little taste dialog for you from ep 3 of the 2nd season, that happened on a party of high society:
    Lydia Quingly's high society hag-friend: "Little Maggie Wells!"
    Margaret Wells looking at Quingly: "Now there's a face I thought would be rotting in hell by now."
    Lydia Quingly's high society hag-friend: "How you've grown such lovely bosoms!"
    Lydia Quingly: "Little Maggie!
      Spoiler: {option} 
    Never knew when to keep quiet, did you? Blabbing to Hunt, slandering me for the murder of your whore! She was quiet as a mouse when she had a cock in her mouth!" *laughs*
    Lydia Quingly's high society hag-friend: "Do you still lick 'em like lollipops?"
    Lydia Quingly: "No, she gets her daughters to do it now!" *both Quingly beatch and her hag friend laugh loudly*
    "Margaret Wells dips one straight in Quingly's face that stumbles and falls on her ass*
    Margaret Wells: "Say one more word and I'll rip your fucking head off."

    LE: Season 3 was a disappointment, it was a bit expected after the season 2's greatness, still watchable. Gauss Clock anyone? Those who are not familiar with the notion, are familiar with the "rebound" notion, after a great high, mostly follows a great fall. 7/10 for S03.
    So 8/10 overall for the whole show thus far.
    Last edited by Johnny D; 10th October 2019 at 08:04.
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  6. #5067
    Moderator Celeb Sir. Eko's Avatar
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    unbreakable kimmy schmidt e de vazut. Very quoteble, iar Titus Andromedon e funny rau.

  7. #5068
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    Incercati Inside Bill's Brain de pe Netflix. 3 episoade despre baiatul ala cu o gramada de bani, se merita timpul.

  8. #5069
    sport legend Capitanu.Burcea's Avatar
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    Hi, kidz, du iu laik vailinț? Daca ța placut Dă Oaie, Top boy s-ar putea sa fie tot genul ala in care cateva episoade nu capisci & rezonezi la ce meorții lor fac jegosii ăia p-acolo, apoi prinde culoare, ba e chiar pizdos pă dramă, băeție dă periferie.

  9. #5070
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Deci e clar ca la mine n-are rost. Descrierea ta imi aminteste de City of God care mi s-a parut o porcarie flambata la extrem.
    Mai mare plicticosenie decat aia fu doar primul episod din Da Oaie, singura data in viata mea cand am adormit la ceva vizionat pe un hard/stick!
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  10. #5071
    sport legend Capitanu.Burcea's Avatar
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    Top boy: Summerhouse, aici sunt sezoanele 1 si 2. Eu plecasem la treaba cu Top Boy, care e sezonul 3. Gunoaiele de la netflix, cu hipstereli de titlu inutile, ce pretentii sa ai Asa ca trivia, mi s-a parut interesant ca sez 3 e facut dupa ce rapperul Drake a cumparat drepturile serialului, acesta fiind oprit dupa sez 2, acum vreo 6 ani. Conditia a fost sa pună pe sticlă tot baietii din seria originala, dar nu cu aceleasi povesti basite din filmele cu sticleti, nigga si mortii lor. Nu e doar o extravaganța, mi se pare ca incepe sa rupă daca dai cep cu sezonul 1, ca oamenii In plus, se asteapta si confirmare sez 4. PS. Desigur, asta nu inhiba asemanarile cu Da Oaie, este un survival de suburbie, umpic lent, dar f intens. Revenim dupa ce raschetam macar un sezon intreg.

  11. #5072
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    See 9.5/10 - It only has 3 episodes so far, probably tomorrow the 4th, can't wait! I guess everyone has to make at least one TV show in his life otherwise he is not complete as an actor. This time is Aquaman's turn. I was hooked since I 1st heard of it, and I must say, the real deal (the TV show) doesn't disappoint. It's as cool as they get and added to that, it has a lot of potential for technology immersion that has yet to come! Although technology is long gone, more like buried, the action takes place several centuries in the future but oddly enough, everything has degraded to like medieval ages because a plague has left the world with just 2 million people in it and all of them who survived, remained blind. We are here many generations after the plague and all of a sudden we have 1st 2 born children with sight. Aquaman becomes their adoptive father and wants to protect them in a world where to have sight is a capital sin. 3rd episode blind fight was DA SHAIT MAN! So cool! Dium! I especially like how they adapted the actions between blind people, may they be wars or "simple" run away, but it's just cool to watch!

    Intre timp continui cu Gotham 8.5/10 - De 3 zile am vazut sezonu 3 (22 de episoade), acuma voi avea 4 si 5 pe weekend-ul asta. Mie-mi place. In afara de Joker-ul ala rasuflat, restul caracterelor imi par potrivite maxim pe universul Batman&CO. Daca-l faceau pe kktu ala de Joker macar decent, ii dadeam 9/10 lejer. E de baza, dar restul e misto. Ca norocu, Jokerul asta nu apare prea des. Eu inca sper sa moara dreku si altu mai bun sa apara in locu lui.
    Last edited by Johnny D; 8th November 2019 at 11:33.
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  12. #5073
    Sport Legend JJ's Avatar
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    Vazut sezonul trei din Designated Survivor. Are doar zece episoade, e mult mai bun ca sezonul doi, dar nu se ridica la nivelul primului. E si ultimul sezon, ca a fost anulat si de Netflix.

  13. #5074
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Si de Netflix!? Dar cine l-a mai anulat inainte?

    Si mie mi-a placut, eu am vazut si versiunea plagiata coreeana, cel putin 2 episoade cat am gasit.

    PS: Aaa, pai si eu am vazut sezonu 3, atunci cand l-au scos.

    PS*: Apropos The Americans ala mi s-a parut o plicticoshenie, vreo 2-3 episoade, mai mult n-am rezistat.
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  14. #5075
    Sport Legend JJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny D View Post
    Si de Netflix!? Dar cine l-a mai anulat inainte?
    ABC dupa sezonul doi. Dar acum cica Sutherland a zis ca el nu mai vine in rolul asta nici mort.

  15. #5076
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    A fost un pic cam stroke my own dick kind of thing, auto-lauda americana.
    Lasa astea, baga Claymore, e mai bun ca orice!
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  16. #5077
    sport legend Capitanu.Burcea's Avatar
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    Cronicile din Arthdal. Din ce imi dau seama, e un fel de urzeala clanurilor, ante GoT, daca e sa o luam dpdv istorico-fictional, destul de bine pusa in scena. Are element supranatural, actiune, intrigi, chestii, pare o mizerie numai buna de binge-uit. Deocamdata e un puzzle moderat, nu e conturata actiunea liniara , dar se poate da play fara probleme. Am vazut 3 episoade, nu e de aruncat, e de un 7 corect.

  17. #5078
    simplu Utilizator's Avatar
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    Undeva, departe...
    Goliath, 3 sezoane deocamdata, fiecare de 8 episoade.

    Un serial misto centrat pe un avocat boem din L.A., candva un "nume" acum cazut cumva in mizierie din motive prea multe scrupule si alcolism, sustinut de o echipa de losere, aparator al amaratilor si cauzelor pierdute.
    Primul sezon e de incalzire, lupta cu o companie de armament sustinuta de o casa mare de avocatura, cu mai multe increngaturi.
    Al doilea sezon e cu carteluri. Al treilea o da pe probleme mafia taraneasca, sunt acum pe el.
    Cantitatea de darkness creste gradual de la un sezon la altul, ultimul avand un pic de aer de True Detective.

    Desi personajul principal e avocat nu va asteptati sa aveti prea multe tribunale si pledoarii, este centrat pe investigatie si lupta cu adversari omnipotenti.

    Cu Billy Bob Thornton in rolul principal, cu William Hurt, Denis Quaid si inca vreo cativa care apar prin sezoane.

    Un serial de atmosfera, bun, in ciuda faptului ca inchizitorii cinematografiei ii vor gasi cateva flapsuri pe ici pe colo.
    De vizionat.
    Last edited by Utilizator; 6th December 2019 at 11:08.
    "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake

  18. #5079
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Am scris de el aici acu vreo un an si ceva. Mersi ca mi-ai amintit ca a aparut sezonu 3!
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  19. #5080
    sport legend Capitanu.Burcea's Avatar
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    Deci, cand a intrat in apa pana la coae, la sf sez 1, a fost la misto?

  20. #5081
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Mai stii plm. S-a descurcat, cum se descurca el, cu stil si onestitate.
    In toate sezoanele a fost o singura faza memorabila: cand i-a murit mama lu sexoana aia a lui, Chief of Staff. Foarte tare cum a plans cand a vazut-o pe masa de lucru a medicilor, 100% real, ba chiar 115% real, mai mult decat real!

    Quote Originally Posted by Capitanu.Burcea View Post
    Cronicile din Arthdal. Din ce imi dau seama, e un fel de urzeala clanurilor, ante GoT, daca e sa o luam dpdv istorico-fictional, destul de bine pusa in scena. Are element supranatural, actiune, intrigi, chestii, pare o mizerie numai buna de binge-uit. Deocamdata e un puzzle moderat, nu e conturata actiunea liniara , dar se poate da play fara probleme. Am vazut 3 episoade, nu e de aruncat, e de un 7 corect.
    Am inceput la el dar dupa 20 de minute m-am plictisit teribil in timp ce ma jucam la calculator... niste semi-neandertali se puscau p-acolo cu sagetile si faceau ochii bulbuci fugind unii dupa altii... cand eram mic imi placeau astea, acuma nu ma mai impresioneaza, din pacate. Nu zic ca n-o fi bun, dar n-am rabdare la d-astea gen Rambo de Siberia anului - 4000 inainte de Hristos.

    Nu e tocmai GoT, maxim 12%.
    Last edited by Johnny D; 10th December 2019 at 10:08.
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

  21. #5082
    simplu Utilizator's Avatar
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    Undeva, departe...
    Am vazut Messiah, noul serial Netflix.

    Misto, l-am vazut rapid arzand bucati bune din ultimele patru nopti.

    Ideea e foarte interesanta, respectiv apare unul in Orientul mijlociu de azi care loveste o prezicere tare la inceput si face cateva minuni care-l recomanda drept candidat la a fi Mesia redivivus.

    Organele israeliene si americane intra in alerta (despre SRI nu se spune nimic dar cred ca DNA deja ascutea dosarele), unii il urmeaza, altii il blameaza.
    E un anarhist cu intentii ascunse, e un escroc cu ceva talente de magician sau e chiar El?

    CIA arata sexy prin persoana lui Monaghan, Shin Bet arata dur, pastori, multimi, toti pe urmele noului/presupusului Mesia jucat de un actor mai putin cunoscut dar cu mecla buna-n rol cum ar zice Piersic.
    Actiunea curge intre Orientul Mijlociu si SUA, ritmul e lent dar serialul m-a tinut bine pe parcursul celor 10 episoade (poate ca unele momente puteau fi scurtate dar poate nu).

    Mie mi-a placut, pe alocuri chiar mult.
    "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake

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