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Thread: Modificari in regulamentul ISU si la CoP

  1. #22
    melancholy iris_for_daria's Avatar
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    Ufff am scris un roman si mi-a dat o eroare si acu tre sa scriu iar....
    Deci spuneam:
    Multam pentru lamuriri, Simona, cam la fel banuiam si eu, doar ca parca mai voiam sa cred ca nu e doar apa de ploaie ceea ce-au modificat oamenii astia.
    Cat despre ai compara pe fostii nord-americani din patinaj cu cei ce sunt acum nici nu mi se pare corect macar. Da, intr-adevar, au dat multe oamenii astia pe care ii amintiti, dar acum, in afara de cativa, putini, (de ex Johnny) care nu tocmai pentru geniu ci mai mult pentru ca sunt simpatici sau frumosi pe gheata, restul patinatorilor lor sunt cu mult sub nivelul marilor nume. Acum tot ce au sunt sforile pe care le trag si cu care fac jocurile.
    Eu nu cred ca Europa, si deci Rusia, n-au avut geniu si au castigat mereu nemeritat, ani si ani la randul, zeci de ani, la toate probele din patinaj.
    Si ca sa fie tacamul complet, cine sunt acum cei mai mari antrenori de campioni ?
    Dar asta e...vorba voastra roata se invarte si uneori se mai rup sforile si uite asa...
    18 feb 2010 in Vancouver is: "The night they killed figure skating" - Elvis Stojko

  2. #23
    in love :) ice_girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris_for_daria View Post
    Dar asta e...vorba voastra roata se invarte si uneori se mai rup sforile si uite asa...
    I like this!!!
    "Că ai căzut nu are importanță deoarece numai modul în care te ridici contează" Nelson Mandela

    "Figure skating needs to be aesthetic" Stephane Lambiel
    Echipa de Gimnastică a României-Simply the best

  3. #24
    sport legend SimonaB's Avatar
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    Sa vedem acum ce se va vota din toate propunerile astea. S-a propus inclusiv ca sa fie voie cu 2 cvadruple in SP. problema este ca la congresul de acum vor fi si alegeri si va dati seama cate sfori se vor trage, va fi tocmeala totala.

  4. #25
    DecanDeVârsta Tracoromana's Avatar
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    nu stiu daca s-a mai postat asta:

    International Skating Union has abolished compulsory dance
    International Skating Union (ISU) at the Congress in Barcelona decided to delete the compulsory dance. Now the competition among the dancing couples parties execute the original and free dance.
    Also at the Congress decided to cancel the random counting system of judicial evaluations, but the new system will be presented later, according to The Globe and Mail
    Last edited by Tracoromana; 23rd June 2010 at 21:05.
    "Cand simt nevoia de maretie, la Yagudin ma intorc."

  5. #26
    Moderator irinaidu's Avatar
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    hmmmm, oare o sa fie mai corect asa???? sunt f curioasa.
    "Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, good mother, good looking, good tempered, well groomed and unaggressive."

  6. #27
    DecanDeVârsta Tracoromana's Avatar
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    Mie personal imi pare rau. In singura mea experienta ca spectator la TEB, mi s-a parut foarte relevanta si foarte importanta proba CD. Se vede imediat tehnica, as fi putut sa fac singura clasamentul (nu neaparat punctajul). Poate fi un bun start pentru evaluarea patinatorilor. La editia asta TEB de ex. Tessa/Scot au fost vizibil superiori la CD. La celelalte probe, OD si FD, trebuie sa fii un bun cunoscator ca sa te prinzi care-i tehnica si sa faci diferenta.

    In felul asta, dansatorii nu vor fi atat de interesati sa-si perfectioneze tehnica de dans. Doar daca tema OD-ului o sa fie un tip de dans.

    Ar trebui sa facem o gala CD, de adio. Si sa mai download cate ceva din fiecare dans.
    Last edited by Tracoromana; 24th June 2010 at 18:29.
    "Cand simt nevoia de maretie, la Yagudin ma intorc."

  7. #28
    melancholy iris_for_daria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tracoromana View Post
    Mie personal imi pare rau.

    Ar trebui sa facem o gala CD, de adio. Si sa mai download cate ceva din fiecare dans.
    Si mie imi pare rau !
    Si ideea cu gala de adio e faina !
    18 feb 2010 in Vancouver is: "The night they killed figure skating" - Elvis Stojko

  8. #29
    Moderator irinaidu's Avatar
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    flavia, inteleg ce spui tu si cred ca ai dreptate, dar pe de alta parte, daca e sa fiu sincera, de cate ori am avut bilete all event nu m-am dus la cd. pt ca vezi atata patinaj incat la un moment dat simti nevoia sa mai faci o pauza si sa mai vezi si orasul. asa ca probabil exista si un element comercial in decizia asta.
    "Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, good mother, good looking, good tempered, well groomed and unaggressive."

  9. #30
    Moderator mikeyy's Avatar
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    Imi pare rau ca au scos CD-ul, deoarece era dansul cel mai tehnic dintre toate. Acolo se putea vedea cel mai bine diferenta dintre participanti. Insa, trebuie sa recunosc ca nici nu aveam rabdare sa urmaresc toata plictiseam la un moment dat.
    Dar era nevoie si de o astfel de proba, obligatorie.

    In alte ordine de idei, am citit undeva (dar nu am gasit nimic oficial) faptul ca au limitat numarul de sarituri axel pentru programul lung. Patinatorii nu mai au voie sa faca mai mult de 2 sarituri Axel in programele lor.
    Voi stiti ceva referitor la acest subiect? Eu nu am gasit nimic oficial.....

  10. #31
    sport legend SimonaB's Avatar
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    Cateva din aceste noutati, nu stiu cat de clare sunt, dar se pare ca asa este cu 2A.

    Communication No. 1619

    Single & Pair Skating

    I. Some changes in Special Regulations and Technical Rules accepted by the 53rd ISU Congress

    Changes in Technical Rules:

    1. Single and Pair Skating (Senior and Junior):
    a) Jumps Combination: If the jumps are connected with a non-listed jump, the element is called as a jump sequence. However half-loop when used in combinations/sequences is considered as a listed jump with the Value of a Loop.
    b) Spins: Spin in one position and (in Singles) Flying spin (which means a spin with a flying entrance and no change of foot and position): the concluding upright position at the end of the spin (final wind-up) is not considered to be another position independent of the number of revolutions, as long as in such a final windup no additional feature is executed (change of edge, variation of position etc.).
    (This means that when a skater does a flying camel, for example, the final two or three rotations that are done in an upright position of sorts have no effect on the rest of the spin and won't be counted for anything. If there is an additional feature during this upright position, the spin would no longer be called a spin in one position or a flying spin. The flying spin is a required element of the singles short programs.)

    2. Short Program for Single Skating (Senior and Junior):
    a) The Short Program consists of seven (7) required elements.
    b) Men, Seniors and Juniors: only one step sequence (straight line, circular or serpentine) is included.
    e) Men, Senior: it is possible to execute two different quadruple jumps - one in combination and one as solo jump.
    f) Men, Senior: the landing position of the flying spin and the position of the spin in one position must be different (e.g. FCSp and СSSp).

    3. Free Program for Single Skating (Senior and Junior):
    a) A Double Axel cannot be included more than two (2) times in total in a Single’s Free Program (as a SoloJump or a part of Combination/Sequence).
    (The previous rule allowed for 3)
    b) Men, Senior: the second (in the order of execution) step sequence will always be awarded a fixed Base Value and evaluated by Judges in GOE only. This sequence can have any pattern while fully utilizing the ice surface.
    (There must be at least 2 positions held for at least 3 seconds each, or one long spiral held for a minimum of 6 seconds. If this requirement is not met, the value of the spiral will be 0)

    6. Illegal elements: If there is an illegal movement during the execution of any element, the deduction for an illegal movement will apply and the element will receive Level 1 if the requirements for at least Level 1 are fulfilled. Otherwise the element will be called “No Level”.

    Changes in Special Regulations:

    2. Fresh start: the deduction of -2.0 will be no longer applied in case of a fresh start; the Judges however will be advised that a “fresh start” might negatively influence the Components scores.
    ( ... due to equipment failure or any other temporary pause. The may definitely needs to be stressed here, as a break in the skaters program isn't always necessarily at the fault of the skater. If they can get right back into the character after the break, then there shouldn't have to be a negative influence in the scores)
    3. Deductions:...
    b) falls and illegal elements:
    The Technical Controller and the Technical Specialists decide on deductions for falls and illegal elements. The deduction is applied with a majority decision.
    5. Entries for ISU Championships:
    To be entered into and participate in the Championships/Qualifying Round of a Senior ISU Championships a Competitor must have reached in an ISU recognized International Competition during the ongoing or immediately preceding season the minimum Total Technical Scores (points).

    The minimum Total Technical Scores for the ISU Championships 2011 are:
    Men SP 20,0 FS 35,0
    Ladies SP 15,0 FS 25,0
    Pair Skating SP 17,0 FS 30,0

  11. #32
    DecanDeVârsta Tracoromana's Avatar
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    Cateva reguli schimbate cu ocazia Congresului de la Barcelona. DECISIONS 2010

    1. Rule 303 paragraph 1 – Content of Ice Dance
    * The name of “Compulsory Dance” is replaced with “Pattern Dance".

    1. Ice Dance consists of:
    a) Pattern Dance(s)* - skating of prescribed dances;
    b) Short Dance - with prescribed rhythm(s);
    c) Free Dance.

    2. The Short Dance and Free Dance must be included in all ISU Championships, the Olympic Winter Games and in
    ISU Grand Prix events (Senior and Junior).

    3. Separate International Senior Competitions in Free Dance only may be organized

    4. The composition of an Ice Dance couple must be one Lady and one Man.

    3. Rule 335 B. - Composition of Events Ice Dance

    1. ISU Championships, Olympic Winter Games and ISU Grand Prix Events (Senior and Junior) in Ice Dance shall
    consist of:
    Short Dance and Free Dance.

    2. International Competitions in Ice Dance shall consist of:
    a) Short Dance and Free Dance;
    b) Pattern Dance and Free Dance;
    c) Free Dance (Senior only).
    Last edited by Tracoromana; 20th July 2010 at 13:46.
    "Cand simt nevoia de maretie, la Yagudin ma intorc."

  12. #33
    junior nevruta's Avatar
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    S-a schimbat regulamentul si in ceea ce priveste competitiile de Grand Prix.

    Nu pot spune ca sunt incantata.

  13. #34
    DecanDeVârsta Tracoromana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nevruta View Post
    S-a schimbat regulamentul si in ceea ce priveste competitiile de Grand Prix.

    Nu pot spune ca sunt incantata.
    in primul rând, bine ai venit si multumim pentru articol, nevruta.

    ce sa spun, schimbările sunt mai ales in sensul scăderii numărului de participanti, cu cate 2 la fiecare proba, deci cu 48 in total.

    nu prea inteleg de ce au introdus dreptul acesta de participare de 3 ori. Se aleg inainte cele 2 competitii care vor fi punctate, dar pot fi premiati in bani de 3 ori. 4x6 = 24 patinatori pot beneficia de cest drept, dar vad ca nu s-au inghesuit sa optese decat 5. Este intr-adevăr o form de premiere suplimentara pentru CM anterior, dar parca nu e echitabil fata de ceilalți participanti la GP.

    sunt de cord ca juniorii sa nu paticipe la gp al seniorilor. de ex. nu stiu ce cautau anul trecut Takahashi/Tram in concursul seniorilor.
    Last edited by Tracoromana; 29th June 2011 at 13:49.
    "Cand simt nevoia de maretie, la Yagudin ma intorc."

  14. #35
    sport legend florik2000's Avatar
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    Cele doua rusoaice nu sunt inca junioare? Numele lor apare pe lista participantilor la Gp de seniori

  15. #36
    DecanDeVârsta Tracoromana's Avatar
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    ai dreptate, am cresut ca fetele au 16 ani si au trecut la senioare, dar implinesc doar 15 ani.

    poate n-am inteles eu bine; poate se refera la sesonul viitor;
    ''The bad news is that the top three junior skaters and teams from the 2011 season are no longer guaranteed a senior Grand Prix assignment.''
    "Cand simt nevoia de maretie, la Yagudin ma intorc."

  16. #37
    junior nevruta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tracoromana View Post
    in primul rând, bine ai venit si multumim pentru articol, nevruta.
    Multumesc si eu!

    Nu stiu cand au fost facute schimbarile de regulament; presupun ca de curand si se vor aplica incepand cu sezonul viitor. De aceea pot participa acum rusoaicele.

    "The 2011-12 Grand Prix of Figure Skating events will play out differently next season."

  17. #38
    sport legend
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    In ce priveste restrictiile de varsta la competitiile pentru seniori, regulamentul spune urmatoarele.

    For ISU senior championships (Worlds, Europeans, and Four Continents) and the Olympic Games, competitors must have reached the age of 15 by the previous July 1st.

    For other international senior events, competitors must have reached the age of 14 by the previous July 1st.

    Presupun ca GP-urile intra la categoria "other"".

  18. #39
    DecanDeVârsta Tracoromana's Avatar
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    Se aplica pentru prima data la:
    NEW YEAR’S CUP 2014
    January 3 – 6, 2014
    Bratislava, Slovakia

    În conformitate cu articolul 367 din ISU Reguli tehnice Single & Pair Patinaj 2012 va fi incercat un nou format în competiție la categoriile individuale și dans pe gheață .

    Concursul va consta din trei runde :
    1) calificare
    2) semifinala
    3) finala

    - Finala are loc in cadrul unui grup unic de 6 patinatori (5 cupluri la dansuri).
    - La semifinala participa 2 grupuri a cate 6 patinatori (12 patinatori/10 cupluri de dans)
    - În calificare numărul de grupuri de 6 patinatori depinde de numărul de intrări .

    Din cei 12 patinatori din semifinala:
    - 6 vor fi stabiliti pe baza rezultatelor anterioare (locul ocupat in clasamentul la zi, sau TES din sezonul anterior) si nu participa la calificare (grupul S);
    - 6 se stabilesc prin runda de calificare (grupul q);

    Runda de calificare consta in prezentarea programului liber (FS).

    Semifinala consta in prezentarea programului scurt (SP) de catre cei 12 patinatori. Cel 2 grupuri de 6, si deci ordinea de start, se formeaza prin amestecarea celor din grupul S cu cei din grupul q (1q, 6S, 2q, 5S, 3q, 4S, etc.)

    Ierarhia nu se mai face doar pe baza TSS (total segment score), ci au loc 6 (respectiv 5) „dueluri”.
    Un duel consta in compararea TSS-urilor dintre;
    1q si 6S;
    2q si 5S;
    3q si 4S; s.a.m.d.

    Primii 6 stabiliti astfel intra in finala, unde prezinta FS. Ceilalti 6 ocupa locurile 7- 12
    "Cand simt nevoia de maretie, la Yagudin ma intorc."

  19. #40
    c'est la vie whisper's Avatar
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    desi inteleg idea nu stiu daca e de bine ori ba!
    "We believe Hanyu could win the gold because Daisuke Takahashi, the ace in Japan’s men’s figure skating, paved the way to the world for the other Japanese figure skaters."
    The Japan News, February 2014

  20. #41
    DecanDeVârsta Tracoromana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whisper View Post
    desi inteleg idea nu stiu daca e de bine ori ba!
    Ade, cred ca modelul e ca la sariturile cu schiurile la Turneul celor 4 trambuline. Unii sunt precalificati, altii se calfica si apoi urmeaza "duelul" doi cate doi. Si apoi finala.
    "Cand simt nevoia de maretie, la Yagudin ma intorc."

  21. #42
    c'est la vie whisper's Avatar
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    asa pare... abia astept sa vad noile modificari aplicate in practica. or fi mai corecte!?!
    "We believe Hanyu could win the gold because Daisuke Takahashi, the ace in Japan’s men’s figure skating, paved the way to the world for the other Japanese figure skaters."
    The Japan News, February 2014

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