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Thread: Filme pe care le-am vazut in ultima vreme

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  1. #11
    Abomination Johnny D's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Utilizator View Post
    Les miserables da, e in alt registru dar e mai bun decat Taken.
    Si pentru ca Geoffrey Rush, unul dintre actori ce-mi plac mult.

    Insa eu vorbeam despre filmele de actiune ale lui Neeson unde imi mentin parerea cu Taken.

    Darkman a fost misto dar nu se compara cu alte filme cartoonish- revenge precum V for vendetta si The Crow.
    E o gluma faina in Gun Shy intre un tata sef mafiot si sotul fiicei lui, fiica lui fiind o scorpie de nu-i adevarat! Rupatorul de oase vorba aia, era personajul care trebuia sa-l demaste pe Liam Neeson ca fiind detectiv sub acoperire. Si scena e cam asa, citat din memorie:

    Rupatorul de oase: "Sir, thank you for endorsing our marriage! I really love your daughter and we want to have kids soon."
    Tatal sef mafiot: "Kids huh? Yeh, I'd like to see that happen!"
    Rupatorul de oase zambeste timid: "Yes, I think we would have some lovely kids! She's a great woman!"
    Tatal sef mafiot: "Are you kidding me? Between you and her... the kids you two would have should scare the shit out of Adolf Hitler!"
    Zambetul ii dispare de pe fata instant rupatorului de oase.

    Filmul per total nu e prea genial, dar are vreo 3-4 momente de glume bune de tot si foarte originale. Asta mi-a placut la el.

    De rupatorul de oase se zicea ca poate citi adevarul si minciuna in ochii celui pe care-l studiaza, de asta-i era detectivului nostru Neeson cel mai frica, asa frica ca ramanea constipat de-i trebuiau clisme sa scape. Scena intre rupatorul de oase si vecinul lui a fost tare de tot iar. Il invita la el acasa, in fata casei la masa sa discute ceva cu el, batranelu saracu vine, se aseaza ambii la masa si cam asa se desfasoara, citat din memorie:

    Rupatorul de oase: "You know, somehow the sports section of my daily paper is gone every morning, do you know who could have taken it?"
    Batranelu: "No...!"
    Rupatorul de oase se uita adanc in ochii batranelului cateva secunde...
    Rupatorul de oase: "Do you know that in the arabic countries you can leave a million dollar case, opened on a table in the park and next day you can find it in the same spot, no money gone from it. Do you know why that is?"
    Batranelu: "Because they're more honest people!?"
    Rupatorul de oase: "Nah, they're not more honest than the next man, but they do have something else from us: respect for the law! If you are convicted thief, they cut your hands off!" Si scoate de sub masa ditamai toporu "Put your hand on the table!"
    Batranelu: "Wh... whaat?"
    Rupatoru de oase: "Put your hand on the fucking table! NOW!"
    Ii prinde mana cu mana stanga, i-o fixeaza spre incheietura si-n dreapta ridica toporu "Where's my sports section?"
    Batranelu saracu era sa se cace pe el... a amutit, nu putea zice nimic doar ingana acolo ceva de frica.
    Si vine scorpia de sotie-sa: "What the fuck are you doing, Fulvio!?(Fulvio era numele rupatorului de oase, rememorand scena mi-am amintit) Here's your fucking sports section, it was behind the garbage, the dog must have dragged it there!"
    Fulvio se uita adanc in ochii sotiei lui cum face cu toti mafiotii/politistii/oamenii cu care lucreaza si pe care-i citeste si zice: "You're just covering for this fucker here! I can see it in your eyes!"
    Sotia lui jignita se uita la el de parca vrea sa-i rupa capu: "Are you calling me a fucking liar, Fulvio?"
    Fulvio: "No.. no, darling! Sorry."
    Sotia lui catre batranel: "Excuse my husband, he's just a bone breaker, doesn't know any better. You can go home and change your pants."
    Batranelu saracu se ridica de la masa, era tot pishat pe el!
    Fulvio catre batranel: "Yeh, sorry for that, I mean nothing by it." batranelu saracu se intoarce crispat.. si dupa aia zice Fulvio: "Hey!" Batranelu se-ntoarce inapoi speriat, Fulvio continua "Can you get me a ride to town? My car's broken down!" E vecinu lui, normal ca-i cere un mic serviciu!

    Si mai e scena in care Fulvio incearca sa-l citeasca pe Liam Neeson, Neeson fuse atat de speriat de-a luat vreo 10 pirule din alea de calmare inainte...
    Last edited by Johnny D; 21st November 2018 at 11:42.
    The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
    I know because I'M BOTH!

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