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Thread: N.H.L.

  1. #1
    spirit libertin Gabriel's Avatar
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    Am facut acest subiect pentru ca am vazut o gramada de specialisti in NHL pe acest forum. Si pe mine ma intereseaza foarte mult..liga profesionista de peste Ocean...chiar daca nu prea am ocazia sa o urmaresc. Dar sunt la curent cu jucatorii si echipele...intr-o oarecare masura.

    Am urmarit un singur meci din NHL live , din pacate. Ultimul All-Star Game la care a iesit Wayne Gretzky MVP. In Orlando parca s-a disputat.
    In rest...urmaream pe Acasa cand dadeau ei numai sport duminica.
    Iar in prezent mai vad faze pe CNN la World Sport.

    In sfarsit.

    Mie imi plac foarte mult portarii. Preferatzii mei sunt Patrick Roy de la Colorado si Nicolai Khabibulin care pe vremuri apara la phoenix Coyotes. Acum daca nu ma insel este la Tampa Bay Ligtnings.
    Si bineinteles...Dominik a iesit de 2 ori consecutiv MPV-ul vremea cand apara la Buffalo Sabres.
    Si mai imi place si de celebrul Curtis Joseph ,dar care nu mai stiu unde joaca.

    Dintre jucatori : Selane si Paul Karya de pe vremea cand jucau impreuna la Mighty Ducks. Celebra echipa a lu' Brandon Shanahan , Yzerman, Fedorov ceilaltzi . Si Colorado cu suedezul celallt centru care imi scapa acum....dar e la fel de bun ca Forsberg !

    Hai..zicetzi si voi de cine va place si mai povestiti-mi ce mai e prin NHL la ora actuala...caci imi place sa citesc .

    One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.

  2. #2
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    CuJo e de anu asta la Detroit.
    celalalt de la Coloado e Sakic.

    My All-Star lineup:



    G: Theodore(MTL)



    G: Roy (COL)


    in conditii ideale lineup-ul lui Pittsburgh ar arata asa:


    (de aparare mai bine nu vorbim ca nu este, exceptie Dick Tarnström care cel putin PP juca mai bine decit Ozonlish, pina la accidentare cel putin, chiar si fara bonusul Lemieux (pentru cei ce n-au auzit, bonusul Lemieux spune ca, si un hidrant ar marca 40 de goluri pe sezon daca joaca in aceeasi linie cu Lemieux (exemple: Kevin Stevens, Rick Tocchet, Petr Nedved)))

    comparativ cu 00/01 nu e chiar asa de impresionant, avind in vedere ca lineup-ul a aratat asa:

    Hrdina-Lemieux-Jagr 240 puncte (102 goluri din 281 total) la 202 meciuri
    Straka-Lang-Kovalev 270 puncte (103 goluri din 281 total) la 243 meciuri

    dar cel putin pina acum :

    Morozov-Lemieux-Kovalev 119 puncte (42 goluri din 86 total)la 84 meciuri, inca e top scoring line din NHL.

    nu-i rau pentru un team cu un buget de cca 34 mio (Rangers 65 mio) care in plus se afla in reconstructie si ca anul trecut e lovit de accidentari
    (linia a doua arata asa: Hrdina-Kraft-Sivek , unde Kraft si Sivek pina acu 2 saptamini au jucat la Wilkes-Barre (AHL))

    pe cine-l tine stomacul si engleza, poate asculta cam toate meciurile pe NHL radio (; l-am prins de citeva ori chiar si pe legendarul Mike "get that dog off my lawn" Lange pe WSW.

  3. #3
    junior OilersFan's Avatar
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    Theodore? Theodore ia mult mai multi bani decat merita . A avut un sezon de exceptie anul trecut , dar acum joaca submediocru. La fel si Iginla.
    Pentru East, Brodeur(Devils) in poarta, rezerve Belfour(Leafs) si Khabibulin(Tampa).

    Blake are un sezon slab. Mai potriviti: Jovanovski(Canucks) , Niinima (Oilers), Zubov(Stars). De acord, Lindstrom e intangibil. Patrick Roy.....past his prime..I think. Acum sunt cel putin trei goalies care joaca mai bine. In ordine: Turco (Stars), Salo (Oilers), Cloutier(Canucks).

    Astazi: Oilers at Wild. Meci foarte important. Live on TV .Si Pens la Coyotes. Sper ca pens sa castige.. Ma bucur cand o echipa din East bate una din West (cu exceptia Oilersilor, of course), cresc sansele noastre sa prindem playoffs. Dar East sa bata se prea intampla, 'cause everybody knows WEST IS THE BEST!

  4. #4
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    "Theodore? Theodore ia mult mai multi bani decat merita . A avut un sezon de exceptie anul trecut , dar acum joaca submediocru. La fel si Iginla. "

    iti mai zic vreo 50 din categoria asta, incepid cu tot rosteru' lu' NYR

    Brodeur traieste din stilul de joc al lu' NJD, altfel n-ar avea procetaju ala de saves.

    Jovanovski, Niinima, OK dar nu starting line. cind o sa aibe 5 sezone consecutive consistente (OK, Niinima e pe-aproape).

    Sper sa iasa ceva, anu' asta cu play-offu' la Edmonton, de s-ar tine echipele canadiene bine in ciuda recesiunii...

    East a dominat la inceputul aniiilor '90, apoi Detroit a cumparat de 2 ori cupa
    Si de nu se hotarea guvernu' canadian sa sprijine Ottawa in loc de Quebec ...

    thank you Bettman for bringing hockey to Nashville, so that people can play banjo during intermission!!!

  5. #5
    senior sickboy's Avatar
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    My All-Star lineup:


    Hackett-Aucoin,Boynton-PJ Stock,J.Thornton,G.Murray


    "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out"

  6. #6
    spirit libertin Gabriel's Avatar
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    Am vazut si eu la faza zilei de la CNN ce greseala au facut Sharks in meciul cu a inscris Lindros golul victoriei.

    Hai sa zic si eu cu cine am votat , desi am votat aiurea...caci nu am urmarit situatzia din acest sezon.

    Western Conference

    Theoren Fleury (Chicago Blackhawks)
    Paul Kariya (Anehaim Mighty Ducks)

    Joe Sakic (Colorado Avalanche)

    Teppo Numminen (Phoenix Coyotes)
    Chris Chelios (Detroit Red Wings)

    Patrick Roy (Colorado Avalanche)

    Eastern Conference

    Miroslav Satan (Buffalo Sabres)
    Jaromir Jarg (Washington Capitals)

    Saku Koivu (Montreal Canadiens)

    Alexei Zhitnik (Buffalo Sabres)
    Serghei Gonchar (Washington Capitals)

    Nikolai Khabibulin (Tampa Bay Lightnings)

    Am votat bine ?
    One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.

  7. #7
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    asta o sa-l intereseze mai mult pe sickboy

    am fost aseara la meci (Köln - Augsburg 0-5) si am vazut o chestie relativ rara in hockey european: penalizare de 5 min.

    in ultimul minut a iesit o bataie la care a participat toata echipa.
    s-au dictat penalizari de 2+2 minute, un 2 min rouching +10 min game misconduct is un 5+10 minute game misconduct pentru Alex Hicks (fost LW Pittsburgh de lina 3-4 prin 96) pentru slashing causing an injury.

    sunt curios daca se lasa cu suspendari.

    de asemenea contrar cu NHL la coincidental minors se joaca 4-4 nu 5-5 can si in NHL.

    chiar daca meciul a avut o importanta relativ scazuta, plus nefiind in weekend, attendance a fost de 11037.

  8. #8
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    a few *if* from

    - Is it just me, or does Pat Quinn's head get bigger every day? I heard a rumor he's going to be in the Thanksgiving Day parade next a float.
    - Are you fools out there starting to finally come to the realization that Mario Lemieux is the greatest player of all time?
    - Am I allowed to verbally mock a guy in front of his girlfriend because he's wearing a "NEIDERMAYER 44" jersey to a Panther game? Yes folks, Niedermayer was spelled wrong.
    - Is it my moral obligation to call Social Services on any parent that lets his or her child wear the new Islanders third jersey?
    - John Buccigross is still a tool. Notice he hasn't had a column in a while, eh? I think people at ESPN read my column, possibly with folks from the NHL? Remember that this man predicted the Rangers to finish first in the Eastern Conference. Enough said.
    - Jarome Iginla, Patrick Roy, and Jose Theodore. I haven't seen a turnaround worse than this since my buddy Tim stopped playing Madden 2002 for two weeks and has yet to win another game since then (and we're talking since February folks).
    - I think when my college graduation is held at Office Depot Center (home of the Panthers) in May, the attendance there will surpass any game the 'Cats have had this year. If you listen close enough, you can actually hear Mike Keenan plotting his escape from Sunrise.
    - If the game of hockey was played in its entirety on the power play, the Pittsburgh Penguins would have a dynasty longer than the Ming's.
    - It was so nice for the refs to open up the game for those two months. Those were swell times. I can't wait to tell my grandkids about that golden period in hockey history.
    - If the following players score against your favorite team, there is no possibility of winning the game: Darius Kasparaitis, Peter Worrell, Ken Danekyo, Krzysztof Oliwa, Steve McKenna.
    - I think hockey players need to bring their hot girlfriends to games more often. I may be wrong, but the hottest hockey wives-girlfriends are Carol Alt (Alexei Yashin) and Kristi Yamaguchi (Bret Hedican). Please notify me about any other. Maybe we can start a list.
    - Remember when Wayne Gretzky played his last game against the Penguins and afterward he "passed the torch" to Jaromir Jagr? Or when Mario Lemieux "passed the torch" to Eric Lindros after his first retirement? Who would have thought the two greatest players in the NHL would have the worst foresight.
    - The coolest name in sports still has to be Edmonton Oiler 2002 draft pick Alex Semen. That's all folks!

  9. #9
    senior sickboy's Avatar
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    GABRIEL-ai votat destul de bine(cu prea multi europeni pt. gustul meu),poate doar Zhitnik are un sezon mai slab,din cauza situatiei in care se afla Buffalo.Fleury si Kariya sint unii din jucatorii mai preferati

    GoPens-te invidiez 8) ,citi nord-americani joaca in Germania?
    Ce ti-am spus eu de audienta in meciurile cu "evenimente"!
    Din ce cauza s-a pornit bataia(lovire cu crosa)?
    "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out"

  10. #10
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    "mai slab,din cauza situatiei in care se afla Buffalo.Fleury si Kariya sint unii din jucatorii mai preferati."

    Taie-l pe Kariya si pune-l pe Kevin Stevens si avem "the drug wingers"

    " nord-americani joaca in Germania?"

    prea multi. problema nu-i ca-s noradmericani, problema e ca-s nordamericani de mina a treia. fiind mai ieftini decit jucatorii autohtoni (care nici nu prea exista, la mine in oras e un club de hockey de amatori dar n-am reusit sa descopar cind joaca) echipele sunt compuse in proportie de 75% de jucatori straini, deci no local hockey development. cind stai sa te gindesti ca copii si juniorii in canada joaca si ei in jur de 80 de meciuri/sezon, sau ca orasul helsinki are 300 de patinoare artificiale...

    in legatura cu evenimentele, nu se stia dinainte ca iese cu bataie nu? on the other hand, attendance-ul a fost sub mediu pe sezon pentru KEC, mediu fiind 11900. la derby-uri se ajunge la 18000+.

    bataia a pornit in ultimul minut de joc, la scorul de 0-4 dupa un bodycheck legal, dupa parerea mea si a arbitrului, a unui jucator de la Augsburg Panthers la un forward de la KEC (a fost chiar Alex Hicks daca nu ma-nsel) care a ripostat lovind cu crosa. Call-ul corect ar fi fost de fapt high sticking, dar din cite stiu nu se pot da 5 minute pt. highsticking si se impuneau 5 min din cauza accidentarii.

  11. #11
    spirit libertin Gabriel's Avatar
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    sickboy , Fleury este si unul dintre preferatzii mei. Acum vreo 4 ani am vazut un interviu cu el. Este de stiut ca Fleury nu are dintzii din fatza (incisivii) pierdutzi in urma pucurilor pe care le-a luat in gura.
    Si il intreaba comentatorul : "Theo,dar ai atatia ce nu itzi pui dintzi in gura ? " ,iar Fleury i-a replicat : "Pai ce rost are sa imi pun dintzi ? tot o sa mi rup . O sa-mi pun dantura cand am sa termin cu hockey-ul." votat cu multzi europeni..pentru ca imi plac mie !

    Si cu un singur amrican..Cheelios,nu ?

    Da..Kariya e bun. Il stiu de pe vremea cand facea tandem la Mighty Ducks cu "Finish flash" ....Selane.
    One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.

  12. #12
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    btw. daca tot ne-am apucat de Goon All-Star ...
    ce zici de linia asta:

    East (West nu ma prea pricep):



    Jagr e OK.
    Satan, well exista definitiv wingeri mai buni ca el in East.
    Koivu ok, dar nu ca starting line cind una din optiuni e Mario Lemieux
    Khabibulin perfect.

    West e OK, Theo Fleury e discutabil dar whatever

  13. #13
    junior OilersFan's Avatar
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    e asemenea contrar cu NHL la coincidental minors se joaca 4-4 nu 5-5 can si in NHL.
    Trivia: In anii '80 si in NHL se juca 4 on 4. Numai ca pentru Oilers, cu Gretzky, Kurri, Glen Anderson, Paul Coffey, The Moose, Kevin Lowe, Esa Tikkanen..., 4 on 4 era un fel de powerplay, datorita spatiilor de manevra mai mari. Asa ca provocau intentionat un "concidental minor" numai sa joace 4 on 4. Liga s-a sesizat si a introdus 5 on 5.

    Pentru cei care nu stiu, Coffey este (well...a fost pentru ca s-a retras) the second greatest defenceman of all time (vorba lui vacaroiu...parerea mea!). La fel cum Super Mario is the second gratest player of all time .

    Deseara: 7PM Mountain, Oilers at Avalanche. GO OILERS!!!!!

  14. #14
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    OilersFan: Thanx. n-am stiut.

    Neavind ceva mai bun de facut am alcatuit clasamentul NHL ordonat dupa bugetul alocat pentru salariile jucatoriilor (de la inceputul sezonului, datele luate de la )

    Sa vedem (toate valorile sunt in $ US):



    TOR 51,361,600
    MTL 45,847,360
    BOS 35,125,000
    BUF 31,079,166
    OTT 30,315,000


    NYR 68,526,585
    PHI 54,645,333
    NJD 52,372,626
    NYI 40,990,935
    PIT 31,159,500


    WHS 50,852,458
    CAR 38,433,787
    FLO 32,937,090
    TBL 28,858,439
    ATL 26,485,000

    Total EAST: 618,989,879



    DET 67,510,506
    STL 63,217,000
    CHI 44,425,000
    CMB 29,062,500
    NAS 25,642,000


    COL 60,470.926
    CGY 33,272,000
    VAN 32,590,000
    EDM 30,930,600
    MIN 21,441,250


    DAL 61,685,169
    SJS 45,960,000
    PHO 43,391,775
    LAS 43,317,434
    ANA 39,004,500

    Total WEST: 641,920,660

    e amazing ce-au reusit echipe ca Edmonton, Tampa Bay si mai ales Minnesota setonul asta, dat fiind bugetele restrinse (MIN are 31% din bugetul lui NYR dar are 12 puncte in plus). credit it to good coaching and scouting.

  15. #15
    senior sickboy's Avatar
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    OK,tu ai vrut-o,GoPens,GOON ALL STAR:



    Cairns(Islanders)-top 5 in NHL right now
    Peat(Washington)-in locul lui Laus accidentat

    Brashear(Philadelphia)-Huggy Bear-nr.1 in NHL
    Stock(Boston)-cel mai spectaculos
    Worrell(Florida)-top 5




    Parker(Colorado)-top 5

    Barnaby e mai mult un agitator,decit un enforcer,slab la bataie(sac de box)
    Oliwa-e terminat!
    "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out"

  16. #16


    Eu sunt din Montreal
    Tin cu echipa din Montreal
    In 13 cand vine Calgary ma duc la mecii

    G Thedor( MTL)
    C Saku Koivu (MTL)
    D Markov (MTL)
    D Patric Brisbrois (MT)

  17. #17
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    uhhh...not to be smartassing but...

    - Anaheim e in vest.
    - ai uitat un RW.

  18. #18
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    If I Were Gary Bettman (I'd Be Short) (from

    As I sit here, whiling away the hours by flipping between the Flyers/(Sunshinin') Red Wings game and "Soul Train," it dawns on me that we all have secret fantasies. Sure, most of them involve French maid costumes and riding crops, but some of them actually center on the game that we love to bitch about, hockey.

    Today, I'm wondering what it would be like to be NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman for a day. OK, let me rephrase that: I'm wondering what it'd be like to have his job for a day. Well, if that ever happens, here (after a whole hour's thought) is what I'd do to solve the myriad problems of today's NHL:

    1. Skyrocketing player salaries -- Compared to the other three major-league sports in North America, NHL players earn several hundred percent more in comparison to what the franchises take in. Whether it's the fault of short-sighted owners or greedy players isn't the point; the whole situation has gotten so bad that most owners consider it a good season if they don't lose more than $10 million US, and long-lived franchises like Buffalo and Pittsburgh are on the brink of extinction.

    So my first act as Count Bettman would be to impose a salary cap of, say, $40 million US league-wide. The owners would love it, but the NHLPA would scream bloody murder. Well, I say tough (sunshine). While I'm not normally in the corner of the owners, it should be pointed out that they are the ones who take all the financial risk. If a player signs a contract for $10 million per year and blows his knee out in the first preseason game, he'll still get paid; however, ownership will either have to live without that player (catching crap from the fans and press if the team slumps) or shell out more money (among other things) for a replacement. Or look at the New York Ranger$ -- each year, they spend more than the entire payroll of some teams on free agents, and each year, they end up with more tankers than Exxon. If the Broadway Blueshirts aren't the poster boys for mandated salary limits, who is?

    Of course, the NHLPA won't take this lying down, and could threaten to walk out. Fine, walk out. Go play in Europe for a fraction of the money. Given how little hockey is on TV these days, it might be until next season before anyone notices. Eventually, guys like Alexei Yashin will get tired of making $100 per week with the Kloden Flyers and come back to what really is the only big game in town.

    2. Inconsistent officiating -- Does a game go by when we don't complain about the officiating? Well, I have a simple solution that will kill multiple birds with one stone: fire the referees and use the TV commentators as officials. Every local TV play-by-play crew purports to know the rules better than the refs and bitches about calls (or non-calls), so let them make the calls. Bonuses include the money saved by not paying for officials, and the ice space saved by not having four guys in striped shirts - essentially a third team - clogging up the rink. Plus, we don't ever have to see Rob Shick again...

    3. Market the game, already! - Why is it that beer companies do a better job of humanizing NHL players and generating interest in the sport than the NHL? I mean, really...the only NHL commercial I've seen all season is that damn Kiefer Sutherland "fill up the tub" one, which I needed to see exactly twice -- once to figure out what the hell it's about, and once more to confirm that I was sick of it. Compare that to the ones the NFL runs, like where Eagles running back Duce Staley has to take "time out" after an altercation in a spelling bee, or where Steelers corner De'Wayne Washington gives an art lesson to a group of preschoolers. They're almost all pretty darn funny, and they make you look at the players in a different light. The NHL has plenty of athletes who would make prime subjects for similar commercials. Heck, the oddball habits of goalies alone would do it...

    Okay, I stand corrected: the NHL has two commercials. I just saw one where some dork is having dinner with a babe-alicious blonde, only to excuse himself so he can run into the bathroom and root for the (sunshinin') Red Wings - with another guy, no less. I could spend an entire article just talking about what all is wrong with that one...

    4. Save our most deserving endangered franchises -- The Sens just filed for bankruptcy, joining Buffalo and two-timer Pittsburgh among the ranks of NHL teams trying to evade hordes of creditors. Since these teams are all struggling to make payrolls, why not start offering the players shares of their respective teams in lieu of cash? Or better yet, shares of EACH OTHER'S teams. Just imagine a game between Buffalo and Ottawa, with players on each team trying to help the opposition win and thereby improve their shares... Big fun.

    5. Move the other endangered franchises -- It's an unfortunate fact that most of the "Sun Belt" teams added in the 1990s just aren't cutting it, either on or off the ice. So move them. Contrary to those naysayers who claim that there aren't any more North American cities capable of supporting NHL teams, I think there are alternatives that are at least as viable as the current ones:

    Goodbye Anaheim, hello Portland. Sure, Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen has stated unequivocally that he has no interest in hockey, particularly if he's going to lose money at it. So I'd GIVE him the Anaheim franchise. If Disney were to be believed, they'd be better off financially giving it away rather than continuing to drop millions into a losing franchise. Bonus for Mr. Allen: keep the "Ducks" name and maybe some U. of Oregon fans will get confused and buy tickets by mistake.
    Goodbye Atlanta, hello Macon, Ga. Not much of a move, right? True. Georgia is a sucky hockey state, and the franchise probably wouldn't get any better. But there's got to be some value in having a team called the Macon Whoopee (a former ECHL team) or the Macon Bacon (my choice).
    Goodbye Miami, hello Philadelphia. I know, Philly already has a team. But NYC has three franchises within spitting distance (literally), and the attendance numbers for Philly's AHL team would indicate that a second NHL team could work. Besides, the erstwhile Florida players would feel right at home -- all the rats from Veterans Stadium are going to need a home...
    Goodbye Nashville, hello Milwaukee. Considering how much support the game gets from beer companies, the "Beer Capital of the World" seems like an obvious place to have an NHL team, particularly since Michigan and Minnesota have their own franchises. And you have to admit that the Milwaukee Squiggys has a nice ring to it...
    Goodbye Phoenix, hello Hamilton. Hamilton has been itching for a franchise for a decade, and what better one to give them than one partially owned by Ontario's favorite son, Wayne Gretzky? I mean, it isn't like they could draw any FEWER fans than the 'Yotes...
    Goodbye Tampa, hello Hartford. If the guys with lightning bolts on their pants have to go anywhere, the only city truly worthy is the former home of the Whale. But only if they can play in the Mall, or a reasonable facsimile thereof...

  19. #19
    senior sickboy's Avatar
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    Daca as fi eu,pentru o zi,seful peste NHL, in locul lui Gary Buttman(care nu are nici o treba cu hocheiul,a lucrat in NBA inainte...), ce as face...

    1.Treaba cu salariile e buna si as mai adauga o limita de max. cinci jucatori europeni pt. o echipa(ce au adus europenii in NHL -CASTI,VIZOARE SI SIMULARI)

    2.Reintroducera vechilor divizii din anii 80, cu 21 de echipe traditionale,rezultind de aici renasterea rivalitatilor,mai multe meciuri intre echipele din aceasi divizie,mai multi spectatori.

    3.Scoaterea regulii "instigator"(daca un jucator provoaca,instiga pe altul la bataie,este eliminat plus 2 min. superioritate numerica pt. echipa adversa) care va duce la mai putine lovituri cu crosa,cu cotul etc.Acasta regula ar face ca jucatorii sa fie responsabili pt. faptele lor si totodata sa-si faca singuri dreptate

    4.Schimbarea regulilor in arbitraj,prea multe power play-uri,bodychek-uri transformate in penalitati,etc.

    5.Casti de protectie si vizoare doar pt. jucatorii care au accidentari.Fara ele jucatori au mai multa personalitate si pot fi recunoscuti mai usor.

    Daca as fi presedintele unei echipe:
    -as construii echipa in jurul unor jucatori duri,5-6 batausi(goons) care sa bage spaima in jucatorii celoralte echipe(baietii tebui platiti bine ca o sa fie suspendari cu gramada...);2-3 atancati rapizi(Sakic,Kariya) care sa marcheze;vreo 3-4 specialisti(Peca) in 'penalty killing'(deoarece echipa o sa fie de multe ori 'shorthanded');4 buni jucatori buni la toate(bodycheking, defensive);un fundas ofensiv(Bourque),fundasi(Stevens) sa curete zona de aparare si neaparat un superportar(Roy).

    Cu echipa astfel creata voi baga spaima in restul echipelor,care pt. a rezista vor aduce la rindul lor batausi(goons,enforceri) si de aici vor veni si spectatori ,iar eu voi realiza ce am dorit=OLD TIME HOCKEY
    "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out"

  20. #20
    Zamboni Driver GoPens's Avatar
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    1. si au mai adus multe multe goluri. dar sunt de accord, simularile ar trebui pedepsite cu 5 minute "exceptional unsportsmanlike conduct".

    2. aye

    3. merge si asta dar atunci slashing si elbowing ar trebui sa rezulte in ceva de genul 2+2

    4. la bodycheckuri regula e clara: jucatorul atacat trebuie sa fie in posessia puckului iar cel care checkuie trebuie sa fie cu ambele piciare pe gheata si sa-si folosesca corpul pentru check si nu cotul. daca regula se aplica consecvent e OK. ce-as pedepsi eu consecvent ar fi checkul din spate si holding the stick (mai ales la jucator fara puc).

    5. te-ar face praf toate asigurarile medicale pt. jucatori daca ar fi mandatory.

    restul suna a vreo 10 PP/game pentru echipa adversa
    ca nu faci mare lucru cu o singura line de atac a demonstrat Pittsburgh cind a jucat pe prima linie cu Straka-Lemieux-Kovalev. Pe termen lung nu-ti poti juca linia principala cu 25 min/game. Iar daca-i joci mai putin si ai numa 1 scoring line cam iei bataie (cei ce merg bine au depth si pot marca cu 2 sau chiar 3 linii, vezi Dallas)

  21. #21
    senior sickboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Nu inseamna ca joc doar cu o singura line de atac !
    Vezi exemplul Philadelphia Flyers 74-75, 2 cupe Stanley cu o echipa care a terorizat NHL(in timp ce existatau echipe supertalentate- Montreal, Boston),porecliti 'Broad Street Bully'.

    In legatura cu '10 Power Play-uri pe meci' am specificat,un superportar si jucatori excelenti in shorthanded.PS.-Acum media in NHL ESTE DE 20 pp/meci !!!

    Linia lu' Pittsburgh nu prea merge si pt. ca nu fac faza defensiva.IMO ,M.Lemieux este si egoist ,joaca mai mult pentru el,sa realizeze cit mai multe puncte,in deprimentul echipei;dovada anul trecut cind si-a lasat chipa balta si a dat totul ca sa joace la Olimpiada.
    "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out"

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