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Thread: Minnesota Timberwolves

  1. #22
    rautacios caseta's Avatar
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    sounds like KG doesn't REALLY miss wally that much ...
    Now this, my friend, is gonna be fun

  2. #23
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    K.G. Clears Air About Wally

    Timberwolves all-star Kevin Garnett clarified a few things about his relationship with Wally Szczerbiak in the wake of Thursday night's blockbuster deal that sent Szczerbiak to the Boston Celtics .

    Garnett said he and Szczerbiak weren't best friends, but they weren't enemies.

    The day after the struggling Wolves traded Szczerbiak for Ricky Davis as part of a seven-player deal, Garnett said he hated to see Szczerbiak go, despite a long-held perception that the two have stood in opposite corners for most of their 6½ seasons together in Minnesota.

    "We're two totally different people from two totally different parts of the earth," Garnett said Friday before Minnesota's game at Houston against the Rockets. "I think people are wanting it to be more than what it really was. It wasn't like we hated each other. We spoke every day, said what's up, had conversations, cracked jokes, just like any other teammate in here. Basketball-wise, came in, did what we had to do to get a win. Sometimes we didn't get it. We're both competitive."

    The perceived rift between the players has been scrutinized since Garnett and Szczerbiak had a scuffle in the team's training room in November 2000.

    But they coexisted amicably over the years. Garnett invited Szczerbiak to the U.S. Open tennis championship last summer in New York.

    "I've never had (a) beef with World," Garnett said. "Personally, we were teammates. We understood that. I understood that. As the primary (option) on this team, I felt it was my responsibility to have the ball come through me, and I consolidated and distributed to everybody. I don't know if World was bothered by that."

    Szczerbiak told the Associated Press that he did not believe the perceived problems between himself and Garnett prompted the trade.

    "Who knows?" Szczerbiak said. "K.G. and I have been teammates for seven years. I've learned a lot from him. … Now we're moving on and breaking apart."
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

  3. #24
    baiatul bleg Ady Micinic's Avatar
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    Dupa meciul cu SA se pare ca nu multe s-au skimbat odata cu sosirea lui Ricky. In ideea ca Ricky ii inlocuieste pe Wally dar restul tot nu sunt capabili de nimic. KG are un nou "locotenent" foarte altetic, puternic, poate mai bun defender insa nu se poate spune ca se skimba ceva in mod semnificativ. Victoria din Houston parea sa ofere ceva sperante insa a urmat meciul cu SA (evident nu e adversarul pe care Wolves trebuie neaparat sa-l bata pentru a ajunge in playoffs insa lucrurile par sa nu se fi skimbat deloc pentru ekipa din Minneapolis.
    "[SIZE=4][COLOR=Navy]CHAMPIONS ARE MADE, NOT BORN[/COLOR][/SIZE]" - Detroit Pistons, 2004 NBA Champions

  4. #25
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    Wolves au aratat mai bine ca in multe alte meciuri (am vazut cea mai mare parte din meci).Blount a jucat foarte bine.Are un joc sub panou cum rar am vazut la pivotii din NBA.Agilitate, fente, pivotari.Pe la inceputul sfertului 2 erau in teren si Ricky Davis si Blount si Reed, toti 3 de la Boston, probabil pentru a le usura jocul, avand in vedere ca inca nu stiu schemele.Reed e un bun aparator si foarte energic.
    Meciul nu a fost spectaculos dar a fost strans timp de 44 de minute.Cu 4 minute ramase, Spurs au reusit o serie de cosuri in decurs de 1 minut si s-au dus de la 4 la 13 puncte.A fost de ajuns pentru a decide victoria.
    Jucatorul cheie consider ca a fost Tony Parker.A patruns mult si de cate ori lupii inchideau, scotea la un jucator liber pe semicerc gen Horry sau Barry.Cele 6 aruncari de 3p din 13 incercate pentru SA au atarnat greu in balanta.
    Abia astept sa il vad si pe Marcus Banks, care se anunta a fi cel mai bun aparator om-la-om dintre conducatorii de joc.Probabil ar fi facut treaba mai buna aparandu-l pe TP decat Jaric sau Hudson.Sunt insa unele zvonuri care spun ca va fi transferat.Hudson a jucat foarte putin si asta nu poate decat sa ma bucure, Sper ca el va fi primul PG la care vom renunta.
    Una peste alta au fost 44 de minute de baschet la intensitate mare, cu aparare buna si diferente mici de scor.(Apropos de aparare, KG i-a pus 2 capace lui Timmy in mai putin de 1 minut.Eu am vazut unul singur si ala a fost grozav.)
    Cum ziceai si tu Ady, nu e o infrangere din cauza careia sa te alarmezi, avand in vedere ca este vorba despre campioni, care au pierdut doar 3 acasa pana acum.Asa cum victoria cu Rockets nu e o victorie foarte importanta.Astept meciurile viitoare.
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

  5. #26
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    Avionul dinspre Boston spre Minnesota a avut oprire in OZ !
    Celtics @ Wolves : 85-110

    Tocmai s-a incheiat cel mai bun meci facut de Timberwoles in acest sezon.

    Cel mai bun jucator de pe teren a fost Marcus Banks cu 20 puncte si 6 pase.

    Alti evidentiati :

    Kevin Garnett - 15 puncte 9 recuperari - s-a odihnit in sfertul 4
    Mark Blount - 16 puncte 10 recuperari 4 capace
    Eddie Griffin - 12 puncte 7 recuperari 2 capace - 5/5 FG in debutul partidei
    Trenton Hassell - 12 puncte 2 recuperari

    Nu s-au descurcat rau nici:

    Ricky Davis - 9 puncte 5 recuperari 5 pase - s-a odihnit in 4
    Justin Reed - 9 puncte
    Rashad McCants - 10 puncte 2 recuperari - 2/2 3P

    Meciul a fost decis inca din sfertul al 2-lea, la sfarsitul caruia echipa gazda conducea cu 19 puncte.Boston nu a condus nicio secunda.

    Timberwolves au castigat fiecare sfert luat separat, au depasit echipa adversa la procentajele aruncarilor din actiune, de 3 puncte si libere, au avut cu 8 recuperari si cu 7 capace mai mult.

    In sfertul 4 fostele rezerve din Boston - Banks si Reed - impreuna cu Blount, Madsen si McCants s-au distrat cu titularii echipei unde au jucat pana in urma cu o saptamana.

    Rezervele echipei din Minnesota au inscris 58 din totalul de 110

    A fost al 5-lea meci in 7 zile pentru lupi, care se pregatesc sa surprinda miercuri vicecampioana la ea acasa.
    Last edited by MadSkillz; 31st January 2006 at 06:00.
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

  6. #27
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    Kevin Garnett spoke in a subdued tone Monday night, but it was obvious he likes the early results from the megatrade with the Boston Celtics.
    "I don't like it, I love it."
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

  7. #28
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    beat the


    Timberwolves au castigat acasa la una dintre cele mai puternice echipe din NBA fara Troy Hudson si 2 titulari obisnuiti - Marko Jaric si Eddie Griffin.Antrenorul Casey anuntase inca dinainte ca se gandeste sa faca schimbari in linia de start, dar cei 3 nu au jucat nici un minut.In locul lor, contrar asteptarilor care-i dadeau titulari pe Blount si Banks, au inceput Madsen si Anthony Carter.
    Suns nu au stralucit iar asta i-a costat.Steve Nash nu a putut fi oprit decat pe final, de catre Kevin Garnett.KG a mai oprit ceva, si anume aruncarea lui Marion din ultimele secunde, care ar fi putut aduce egalarea.Cu un capac extraordinar (la limita goaltending-ului), si cu 7 puncte in ultimele 4 minute, Garnett aduce prima victorie la mai putin de 3 puncte din acest sezon pentru Minnesota.Capitol la care Phoenix au ramas fara victorie inca.
    Trenton Hassell reuseste un meci foarte bun, bifand un record al carierei la pase decisive si totodata primul "double-double" puncte-pase decisive, cu 15 puncte, 10 pase si 7 recuperari.
    Rashad McCants continua sa impresioneze atunci cand este jucat, reusind al 4lea meci cu 2/2 de la 3 puncte in mai putin de 2 saptamani, si terminand cu 16 puncte/70% din actiune.
    Marcus Banks depaseste 15 puncte pentru a 3-a oara in ultimele 5 meciuri si poate deveni in curand conducatorul de joc titular.
    Pentru Timberwolves urmeaza 10 meciuri acasa din urmatoarele 12.
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

  8. #29
    sport legend thekobe's Avatar
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    ti-am zis ca ii bateti
    I told him, "Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?" He said, "Coach, I don't know and I don't care."

  9. #30
    sport legend mishu's Avatar
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    The Clippers are getting plenty of low-post production from Elton Brand and Chris Kaman and thus have targeted Minnesota's Eddie Griffin -- a big man who prefers the perimeter -- as an ideal catch before the Feb. 23 trading deadline. L.A. is offering Chris Wilcox, according to NBA front-office sources, but the Wolves have resisted, even though Griffin is in and out of coach Dwane Casey's rotation.
    "Unii oameni vor. Altii isi doresc. [B]Altii fac.[/B]" - Michael Jordan

  10. #31
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    Ce se intampla cu Eddie Griffin ? A fost o decizie (stategie) de a nu-l folosi in meciul cu Suns (referitor la stilul diferit de joc al celor din Phoenix fata de ce se joaca in general), sau va ramane nefolositor echipei ?

  11. #32
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    E posibil sa fie transferat, e posibil sa fi fost tinut pe banca doar-doar si-o baga mintile in cap.Nu cred ca decizia a avut legatura cu stilul de joc al Suns.
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

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