Last edited by Johnny D; 29th March 2019 at 21:49.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
I've discovered something really fun the other day, watching stand up with... other people included in the video! o_o'
Sounds weird, I know, but I've seen Bill Burr before, all this shait and it was good, but with people alongside seems to be even better for some reason. It's a new trend on youtube I reckon, and more namely this 2 black dudes,... watch these videos, if you don't laugh Ur ass off, I dunno if nature blessed you with any sense of humor:
1. - How You Know The N Word Is Coming
2. - No Reason To Hit A Woman
3. - Movie Racial Stereotypes
4. - The Most Difficult Job On The Planet
5. - Epidemic Of Gold Digging Whores
6. - I’m Sick Of Michelle Obama
7. - Some People Need Lotion
8. - White vs Black Athletes and Hitler
9. - Black Friends, Clothes & Harlem
I think Blacksie loves this guy, or would if he would like stand up. This guy is no friend of stupid people.
I can't figure out how people can't like stand up, it's like the overhaul basis for laughter. Especially Bill Bur who also teaches you REAL stuff while you laugh, which is a God-sent talent if you ask me, but whatevs... to each his own.
PS: History of Japan told funny, watched with 3 black people:
aaaaaaaaaand History of the Universe - dibs on this guys thoughts. It's cool seeing these 2 black dudes not understanding the process of 1st atoms formation H and He and then the clumping together of those gasses under gravity => formation of starts, but still by watching this they do get a feel of how things have happened. Cool way to tell the tell, and in record time!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
10. Old Man Face
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Eu in Iad.
*Satan strănută*
Sa-ti dea Dumnezeu sănătate!
Ce ma?
S'up dude!?
(Te caci pe tine de ras.)
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Academia Rapid infiintata de catre generalul de securitate Vasile Malureanu supranumit €žtatucul politiei politice ceausiste €
Daca ai talent la fotbal, ce-ti mai trebuie si la vorbit?
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Trump Vs Obama: on killing Bin Laden Vs. killing Al-Baghdadi
Nici nu le mai trebuie campanie electorala democratilor!
Doar sa ruleze clipul asta la nesfarsit!
Last edited by Johnny D; 31st October 2019 at 22:20.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Si-au acoperit clipu ala, futa-i Dumnecat!
Nu-l mai gasesti cu search pe youtube, doar daca stii linkul poti sa-l vezi!
Luv you, luv you, but... just... lemme take....
Ok, guy, yes, luv you, luv you, just... one more try...
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Au scos videoclipu ala, tre pus altu.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Jerry the destroyer! D:
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Cel care rade la urma, rade mai bine!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Ce discutie am avut cu unu legata de videoclipul de mai sus!
And that was on camera. Imagine the stupid shait we've ever done, not registered on film! :o :laugh:
I hope they have an archive in heaven, if I ever land there, that's the 1st section of the archive I'll look to.
Actually the 2nd after underaged rapes, that section must be a riot! People in long lines waiting to get tickets...
Spoiler: {option}
(Spoiler as it's not for everyone, kids under the age of 12 - parental agreement required)
Last edited by Johnny D; 9th June 2020 at 12:23.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Cel mai tare stand-up din istorie, am vazut sute si mii de comedii si stand up comedii si e prima data cand era sa lesin, mi s-a luat lumina! Incredibil! Genial!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Academia Rapid infiintata de catre generalul de securitate Vasile Malureanu supranumit €žtatucul politiei politice ceausiste €
Eu aveam pe Steaua si Rapid, ma rugam sa luam 5 rosii sa nu pierd biletul. Si mi-a iesit!
Memel Stoica: Hegemonia!
Blaturile scarboase ale echipei ce si-a pierdut numele:
3 zile mai tarziu, Farul juca la offside pe Lia Manoliu!
Last edited by Johnny D; 13th February 2021 at 15:51.
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!
Spuse de maestru, Horatiu Malaele!
The difference between a good and an awesome diplomat is the ability to reconcile the arrogant assholes with the scardy whiners, it's almost an art really!
I know because I'M BOTH!