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Forum: Federatii Independente/Puroresu/Lucha Libre

Aici puteti discuta orice legat de federatiile independente din Statele Unite, federatiile japoneze, federatiile mexicane si altele

  1. Poll Poll: CZW - Combat Zone Wrestling

    Started by Heath Scumm, 15th December 2005 13:46
    4 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  2. Poll Poll: ROH - Ring Of Honor

    Started by Heath Scumm, 4th January 2006 19:14
    6 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  3. New Japan Pro-Wrestling : Discutii generale

    Started by Dragon-sin, 15th February 2007 14:39
    3 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  4. Poll Poll: Chikara Pro : American Lucha Libre

    Started by Heath Scumm, 19th February 2007 11:31
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  5. PWG - Pro Wrestling Guerilla

    Started by Heath Scumm, 18th January 2007 11:38
    3 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  6. Dragon Gate

    Started by Heath Scumm, 8th February 2008 16:26
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  7. Pro Wrestling NOAH Discussion Topic

    Started by Dragon-sin, 15th February 2007 14:10
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  8. Cea mai dificila intrebare EVER!!!

    Started by Heath Scumm, 9th May 2010 16:16
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  9. Extreme Rising - Are they doing it right?

    Started by Heath Scumm, 26th February 2013 00:22
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  10. Damn!!!

    Started by Heath Scumm, 3rd September 2011 23:32
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  11. Puroresu - Discutii Generale

    Started by Heath Scumm, 12th February 2007 10:21
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  12. The Great Muta

    Started by Heath Scumm, 11th March 2007 15:41
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  13. The Briscoe Brothers

    Started by Heath Scumm, 20th June 2007 10:50
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  14. Tommy Dreamer semneaza cu Dragon Gate

    Started by Heath Scumm, 22nd March 2010 16:24
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  15. The Great Sasuke ... WTF???!!

    Started by Heath Scumm, 23rd September 2011 04:21
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  16. Cine este cel mai bun luptator nesemnat cu WWE sau TNA?

    Started by Heath Scumm, 1st May 2010 17:24
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  17. Lucha libre

    Started by LaParka, 15th January 2007 22:12
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  18. Poll Poll: Kikutaro aka Ebessan aka Ebetaro

    Started by Heath Scumm, 6th March 2007 10:40
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  19. Puro Wrestlers

    Started by Ratonu, 13th September 2007 08:27
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  20. The Metal Master - A new rising star in ROH

    Started by Heath Scumm, 21st June 2010 00:38
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  21. MUST SEE - AAA TripleMania XIX

    Started by Heath Scumm, 11th July 2011 02:20
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  22. Poll Poll: "The Japanese Juggernaut" Takeshi Morishima

    Started by Dragon-sin, 18th February 2007 19:46
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  23. MTV's second attempt @ pro-wrestling - Lucha Libre USA

    Started by Heath Scumm, 27th July 2010 00:18
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  24. What happens when Indy wrestlers smoke weed!

    Started by Heath Scumm, 15th June 2010 19:37
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  25. Tiger Mask vs Black Tiger ... again!

    Started by Heath Scumm, 21st April 2010 13:27
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  26. Poll Poll: New Jack

    Started by Heath Scumm, 30th January 2007 11:38
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  27. Jack Evans

    Started by Heath Scumm, 26th March 2008 10:29
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  28. Zero One - 2 mumii contra un robot

    Started by Heath Scumm, 7th March 2008 14:55
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  29. Cool .CMLL. 29-Nov-08 [Divx][full Show][MU][Lucha Libre]

    Started by LoVeR_iCe, 16th December 2008 07:25
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Ratonu
     no multimedia section, no downloads
  30. Sandman - The Extreme ICON

    Started by Ryder, 24th July 2007 17:31
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  31. SHIMMER: Women Athletes

    Started by Ratonu, 12th February 2008 15:58
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  32. TOP 10 Indy Wrestlers

    Started by Dr. Pinyada, 7th September 2008 19:03
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  33. ReLLiK

    Started by Heath Scumm, 21st December 2007 19:08
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  34. Glacier

    Started by Heath Scumm, 10th March 2008 14:13
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  35. XPW - Defunct Hardcore Wrestling

    Started by Heath Scumm, 7th April 2007 11:34
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim

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