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Forum: TNA - Total Nonstop Action

Aici puteti discuta orice legat de luptatorii TNA, show-urile TNA Impact si Pay Per View-urile TNA

  1. Poll Poll: Total Nonstop Action - Discutii Generale

    Started by Heath Scumm, 23rd June 2004 16:21
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  2. Poll Poll: Manic / Who is Suicide?

    Started by daby, 21st September 2008 12:01
    3 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  3. TNA Game for Android

    Started by Heath Scumm, 22nd February 2013 14:58
    8 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  4. "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine

    Started by daby, 22nd June 2008 01:23
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  5. Poll Poll: "The Ladies' Man" Magnus

    Started by legendkiller, 7th August 2010 20:19
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  6. "The Finest Thing In Life" Douglas Williams

    Started by daby, 30th August 2010 20:14
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  7. Sting - The Icon

    Started by Kruger, 8th March 2005 13:09
    15 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  8. TNA Bound For Glory 2011

    Started by daby, 9th August 2011 15:55
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  9. Poll Poll: [Bound For Glory] Kurt Angle vs ???

    Started by daby, 9th August 2011 15:56
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  10. Poll Poll: Jeff Hardy

    Started by silversky, 17th June 2007 02:02
    10 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  11. Poll Poll: Samoa Joe - The Samoan Submission Machine

    Started by Heath Scumm, 9th October 2006 12:40
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  12. Poll Poll: Destination X 2011 - The X Division returns

    Started by Heath Scumm, 20th June 2011 00:00
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  13. Poll Poll: AJ Styles

    Started by PSYCHO, 2nd February 2007 23:39
    7 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  14. Poll Poll: The Latin American Xchange si angle-urile rasiale in pro-wrestling

    Started by Heath Scumm, 9th October 2006 16:20
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  15. Poll Poll: Christopher Daniels

    Started by PSYCHO, 2nd February 2007 23:41
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  16. Poll Poll: "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan

    Started by Heath Scumm, 10th December 2006 18:06
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  17. 10.10.10.

    Started by daby, 26th August 2010 20:01
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  18. TNA Victory Road 2011

    Started by Giorgian, 14th March 2011 10:19
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  19. Noile achizitii ale TNA-ului

    Started by tna_raven, 3rd May 2009 00:16
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  20. Inca o noapte de ECW!

    Started by daby, 28th June 2010 23:18
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  21. Goodbye To The Impact Zone ?

    Started by daby, 5th April 2010 14:15
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  22. "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz

    Started by Heath Scumm, 13th March 2009 14:53
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  23. Poll Poll: TNA Bound For Glory 2010

    Started by Heath Scumm, 21st August 2010 01:01
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  24. TNA No Surrender 2010

    Started by daby, 3rd September 2010 13:05
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  25. They

    Started by iCameToPlay, 5th September 2010 14:35
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Heath Scumm
  26. Mr. Anderson

    Started by legendkiller, 20th January 2010 17:05
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  27. Desmond Wolfe aka Nigel McGuinness

    Started by kill3r, 4th August 2008 17:32
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  28. Poll Poll: X-Division

    Started by Mike^, 31st January 2007 19:16
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  29. The Whole F'N Show - Impact-ul cu meciuri de PPV

    Started by Heath Scumm, 13th August 2010 13:32
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  30. Chris Jericho despre TNA

    Started by Pyro, 4th August 2010 00:14
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  31. Poll Poll: TNA Legends Championship - yay or nay?

    Started by Dr. Pinyada, 6th November 2008 10:57
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim
  32. WWE lawyer comments on TNA Hardcore Justice

    Started by ffocus, 7th August 2010 21:40
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Reaper
     Ding, dong! The clone is gone.
  33. zzzZZZzzzzZZZZzzzzzz

    Started by Smoqu, 27th July 2010 14:31
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Big Sexy
     desi e clasica injuratura asta nu e permisa totusi.
  34. Thumbs up (hot news) TNA "iMPACT!" on Al Jazeera Sport May 23

    Started by Blood Drinker, 9th May 2010 01:19
    1 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Heath Scumm
     We don't care! Warning for advertising!
  35. Orlando Jordan

    Started by Marko, 24th January 2010 23:13
    2 Deleted Post(s)
    Thread deleted by Vadim

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