View Full Version : Stephane Lambiel-videos

8th April 2007, 12:42
1.Stephane Lambiel'01 LP (http://www.savefile.com/files/599172)2.Stephane Lambiel '02 LP (http://www.savefile.com/files/599101)
3.Stephane withdraws from CE-Interview (http://www.savefile.com/files/599242)
4.Stephane Lambiel-Magic Stradivarius-'03 Euro EX (http://savefile.com/files/426837)
5.From Steph with Love;) (http://www.savefile.com/files/584096)
6.Stephane Lambiel "Flamenco" 2007 Art On Ice (http://www.savefile.com/files/576356)
7.Stephane Lambiel-Flamenco-full version-Art on Ice 2007 (http://www.savefile.com/files/577860)
8.Stephane Lambiel (http://www.savefile.com/files/619225)

skater girl
9th April 2007, 13:35
Thanks A Bunch!!!!!oh Boy...ce De Clipuri!!!ma bucur k ai mai facut inca un thread cu steph!pe viitor sper sa aiba mai multe!o sa propun si eu niste subiecte de discutie...ca sunt slava cerului, destule!inca o data...thanks for posting the vids!

9th April 2007, 14:26
Cu placere..pai te astept:)

skater girl
11th April 2007, 10:23
FLAMENCO e super!:no1 !!!:cool: thanks!!ma bucur k ai deschis un nou thread cu steph si k ai pus si un poll cu progr lui :ok: :yes:eu am ales mai multe progr pt k fiecare are ceva special...si nu ma pot decide!steph ur the best!!!1:cheer: :no1aa si eu am onoarea sa fiu prima care voteaza!!foarte tare!!doar sunt cea mai MARE FANA a lui STEPHANE!!!:cheer: :kiss:

11th April 2007, 19:35
9.Stephane Lambiel-The cat (http://www.savefile.com/files/629999):shocked:
:ras-plans: Pur si simplu nu am retinut numele original:P
10. Stephane Lambiel-If i hadn't got you (http://www.savefile.com/files/630089)
11. 2004- Stephane-Edvin Marton's Gipsy Dance (http://www.savefile.com/files/630113)

11th April 2007, 20:10
The cat..?!:happy..loool

11th April 2007, 20:16
Pai..nu stiu numele..e pe italiana..ceva cu Gallo..oricum e o pisica ce mai :happy

11th April 2007, 20:30
Pai..nu stiu numele..e pe italiana..ceva cu Gallo..oricum e o pisica ce mai :happy
Doamneeeeeeeee..deci Pechalat&Bourzat erau nimic pe langa el!:shocked:

11th April 2007, 20:39
Cam asa..e super in clipul ala..super :happy
12.Stephane Lambiel-Killer (http://www.savefile.com/files/630167)

11th April 2007, 20:40
vai de capul meu...deci, cat de penibil s`a simtit...uf..ce "mieuna" la inceputul programului..lol:happy..poate ar trebui sa sterg programul..ma umfla rasul de fiecare data..:P

11th April 2007, 20:46
Oare ce o fi fost in capul lui?!? Cred ca nimic..la momentul cand a acceptat si a patinat asa:shocked:
Oricum..bine ca nu am inceput cu asta:ras-plans: ca il pastea sansa sa devina nesuferit:P
13.Stephane Lambiel-YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL (http://www.savefile.com/files/630196) :no1 Courcheval Gala 2005

11th April 2007, 20:49
ei nah, nu chiar:P..dar totusi..mai bine sa incepi cu "dreptul":):D
in capul lui cred k a fost in mod cert un sentiment de stanjenire...am inteles ca a fost obligat sau smt like that sa poarte costumul..:o:

11th April 2007, 20:58
Saracu ...ce or fi avut cu el ?

11th April 2007, 21:03
i don`t know...:(...maybe kind of revenge:drak:
poor lil` him..mie nici sa`mi dai miliarde nu as purta asa ceva..

11th April 2007, 21:05
Sa stii ca doar de revange poate fi vorba..sau o fi pierdut vre-un pariu ceva si l-au obligat?:D
14.Stephane Lambiel-Sport_dimanche (http://www.savefile.com/files/630227) o emisiune cu Steph :P
P.S.: Este rm asa ca s-ar putea sa nu mearga decat cu VLC:P

11th April 2007, 21:09
cred k o stiu..nu e aia in care i se dau ladybugs?:o:..poate k totusi ma insel..

11th April 2007, 21:14
cred k o stiu..nu e aia in care i se dau ladybugs?:o:..poate k totusi ma insel..
Ladybugs!:P I love ladybugs http://yelims1.free.fr/Animaux/Animaux60.gif http://yelims1.free.fr/Animaux/Animaux18.gif

11th April 2007, 21:16
Nu e..e mai noua..de nu ma insel e dinaintea CM de anu asta :P
@ Alex..iti plac ladybugs:D..deci si Steph?;)
15. Malaguena 2005 -Courcheval Gala (http://www.savefile.com/files/630249)

11th April 2007, 21:19
Aaaa...nu, doar ladybugs..nici Lambiel nu e de lepadat dar intre el si buburuze aleg buburuzele :P

11th April 2007, 21:21
:happy..E bine!:D
16.Stephane Lambiel-Tosca (http://www.savefile.com/files/630274)
17.Stephane -Billie Jean (http://www.savefile.com/files/630291)

11th April 2007, 21:48
I love ladybugs, too!!And i love Steph!!!http://yelims.free.fr/IPB/Invision-Board-France-339.gifhttp://yelims.free.fr/IPB/Invision-Board-France-01.gif
And i hate my computeeeerrr!!grrrrrrrr..merge ca tractoru` in seara asta:headbang: ..am impresia ca o sa`i dau un restart:groggy: ..
..si putina biologie pentru Alex:P..:

A Poem About Ladybugs

Ladybugs, ladybugs
How gardeners love ladybugs.
So tiny and sweet, they are able to feel with their feet!
If you squeeze them, they may bite
But if you’re nice, they won’t fight!
They eat aphids, and chew side to side.
How unusual, and what a site!

11th April 2007, 22:02
:lol: :ras-plans: ce tari sunt pozele cu ladybugs...si poezia e foarte scumpica

11th April 2007, 22:38
Thx!;) poezia am gasit`o pe un site...sa nu cumva sa credeti k m`am facut poeta:D..imi place literatura, dar doar proza:P:P, not poetry!:rolleyes:

12th April 2007, 16:45
Thx!;) poezia am gasit`o pe un site...sa nu cumva sa credeti k m`am facut poeta:D..imi place literatura, dar doar proza:P:P, not poetry!:rolleyes:
Pai de cand Lambiel e "Poeta" de ce n-ai fi si tu? :)

12th April 2007, 16:50
Lolz`..o fi Lambiel "Poeta", da` degeaba, k pe mine nu ma atrage deloc...:o:

12th April 2007, 17:12
Lolz`..o fi Lambiel "Poeta", da` degeaba, k pe mine nu ma atrage deloc...:o:
Stiiiu...cel putin Nichita Stanescu..uf...oricat as incerca.."Am zis verde de albastru/Ma doare un cal maiastru" nu-mi spune nimiiiiiiiiiiic...

12th April 2007, 17:31
Ce versuri..oare cum de i-au trecut prin cap:thinkso:

12th April 2007, 18:19
nu stiu...:ras-plans: dar eu, cel putin, am urat Nichita Stanescu ink de cand eram micutza..zau daca nu...la toate olimpiadele de romana imi cadea nichita stanescu si erau niste versuri..aoleooooo!!ma durea capu` numa` cand ma uitam la ele..de comentat, ce sa`ti mai spun..nasol rau..in fine..Poeta sa fie, my dear Lambiel..daca u vrei asa..http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/goodsigh2.gif

12th April 2007, 18:23
mie mi-a placut Nichita Stanescu :P...de Eminescu insa m-am cam saturat..unde mergeam (olimpiade,concursuri) dadeam de el :ras-plans: it's a conspiracy !!! :happy:

12th April 2007, 18:30
nici pe "Emi`" nu il ador..mie Blaga imi place:rolleyes:..

12th April 2007, 18:30
mie mi-a placut Nichita Stanescu :P...de Eminescu insa m-am cam saturat..unde mergeam (olimpiade,concursuri) dadeam de el :ras-plans: it's a conspiracy !!! :happy:
Deh..geniile astea..cine le intelege ..:P

12th April 2007, 18:55
mda...genii neintelese si neintegrate in societyatea mediocra :happy:

12th April 2007, 19:49
:happy Si v-ati gandit sa vorbiti de ele pe threadul lui Steph?:)

12th April 2007, 19:55
ca si compensatie pentru faptul ca am fost off-topic un fluff despre team Europe 2006: http://www.mediafire.com/?fkymo4mxjoz :D

12th April 2007, 19:57
THANK U so much,Marce!!!!!!!:cheer:

12th April 2007, 20:24
cu placere,Adelina :ok:

12th April 2007, 21:29
My new montage:happy http://www.savefile.com/files/633252

12th April 2007, 21:47
My new montage:happy http://www.savefile.com/files/633252

eu ti-am zis deja ....e super ideea :ok: :ok: mie mi-a plakut f mult :great: keep it up!!!

despina ralu
13th April 2007, 12:59
foarte tare :D esti talentata :yes: la mai multe
si apropo de nichita stanescu ... eu pana in clasa a 4-a am crezut ca e femeie:happy
mai bine nu va mai duceati la olimpiade ... pe mine ma "obliga" mama sa merg la olimpiada la germana :headbang:

13th April 2007, 13:18
pe mine ma obliga profii!!, nu mama...:ras-plans: prima data intreaba cik daca vrei sa mergi..si in ziua urmatoare deja considera raspunsul tau ca fiind afirmativ..hate this thing:o:
Ade, draga, foarte tare noua ta inventie :cool: cea mai placuta parte din clipulet e aia cu Sandhu:happy ce pozitie, ce "arta", ce ...gay!:P :ras-plans:

13th April 2007, 19:34
:) Mersi..ma bucur ca va place.:)
:P talentata..daca eu sunt talentata...Iulya si celelalte de pe fsvids cum mai sunt?:)

13th April 2007, 20:36
Super-duper talentata!:D

13th April 2007, 20:55
:) Mersi..ma bucur ca va place.:)
:P talentata..daca eu sunt talentata...Iulya si celelalte de pe fsvids cum mai sunt?:)

stai linistita , eu zic ca talentul se dobandeste si pe parcurs prin exersare:) ...si pana la urma un pic de talent trebuie sa ai pt.ca nu oricine poate face un montaj care e si destul de reusit:P ...asa ca GO ON !!:ok:

13th April 2007, 21:03
:kiss: thank u so much girls!!!!!!

15th April 2007, 16:18
1998 Swiss Jr Nat. Stephane Lambiel (http://en.swoopshare.com/file/d9e267e8aa017bc5eb14b9450b7cb804/Stephane_Lambiel_SP_LP_medalceremony_1998SwissJrNa ts?tags=Stephane_Lambiel_SP_LP_medalceremony_1998S wissJrNats&lang=en)

17th June 2007, 17:35
Unul dintre cele mai noi montage cu Steph.http://savefile.com/files/814450by ladybug.
Sper sa va placa..mie cel putin da :) :yes:

skater girl
17th June 2007, 19:44
cred k am vazut emisiunea!!e in germana,nu??si la inceput,cand vine in platou spectatorii ii ofera trandafiri rosii,n'est pas??...cute!!

17th June 2007, 19:47
Nu, nu e emisiune e un montaj fff cute...sunt imagini din mai multe programe..reusite,nereusite..orice...chiar si niste imagini cu el mai mic :P

skater girl
17th June 2007, 19:59
dap mi-am dat seama k e un montaj!!eu vorbeam de o anume emisiune!!da cred k am incurkt threadurile:thinkso: ,sau nush...(le matin park se numeste)

17th June 2007, 20:02
nu am vazut-o..dar o sa o caut :) dar merita sa vezi montajul :P

17th June 2007, 20:13
Am mai uplodat cateva montaje sper sa va placa :)

skater girl
17th June 2007, 20:23
nu am vazut-o..dar o sa o caut :) dar merita sa vezi montajul :P
dap:ok: ...chiar acum il download-ez!!cum de nu mi-a spus mie carolina k a facut un nou montaj cu steph??:shocked:

17th June 2007, 21:01

skater girl
17th June 2007, 21:08
dap...asa o cheama pe tipa,vorbim pe mess!!biedronka e doar un nickname...ce ironie a sortii,nu??

17th July 2007, 23:58
Dreams on Ice _Lambiel Romeo+Flamenco+interview.AVI (76.35 MB)


18th July 2007, 23:07
:shock: Thanks Alex..dar nu exista si filuri mai mici? lasa ca o sa caut eu...la asta stau o zi intreaga sa il iau :P

24th July 2007, 01:26
mersi Alex! asa nu mai stau toata ziua sa-l caut. :P
lasa Ade ca si mie mi se pare mare, dar pt. Steph merita. :ok:
il las un pic, il stopez cand ies, apoi revin si-l reiau...etc. pana se incarca :P

24th July 2007, 18:22
l-ai downloadat Ade? :P

24th July 2007, 19:34
:P Nu.

25th July 2007, 00:06
la mine nu merge url-ul. am un program de download cu care poti relua fisierele intrerupte din descarcare de unde au ramas, dar imi apare "unknown". oare ce-o fi...? daca mai gasesti si alte versiuni ale video-ului te rog mult sa le postezi aici! :(

25th July 2007, 20:54
ok caut.
Am gasit :)
Lambiel Romeo+Flamenco+interview.AVI (76.35 MB) video by natsuka/AS

25th July 2007, 23:03
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yeah: /hello
asta e super bun. merge! deci pot sa-l si intrerup.:D
adddeeee, mersi mult!!!:yeah::great::floricica: :kiss:
i'm happy:)

25th July 2007, 23:05
Cu placere! :ok:

skater girl
25th July 2007, 23:07
vai tu whispeitza:)...dupa atatea lectii mai ai timpe si de clipuri cu steph;)bv,dear;)

8th September 2007, 18:18
Un montaj cu Steph http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWl6Ng6KwnA

15th September 2007, 18:49
Clip cu Steph:)

11th November 2007, 11:47
Cup of China vids :P

11th November 2007, 12:59
Whispeeeer, te`ai documentat bine..ca de obicei, de altfel :D
Tu esti "za fire" ce intretine threadurile noastre :kiss:
Gala nu am vazut`o...ce program a prezentat?:)

11th November 2007, 18:41
Cu placere Cris!:kiss: Eu sunt "za fire" :cry: Atunci sa ii zic lu Steph unde sa ma gaseasca:happy
La gala a fost "Romeo and Julliet - Un giorno per noi"

11th November 2007, 20:50
Yep, am vazut gala!:D
Adelina, ai grija sa strigi tare de tot, ca sa stie unde sa te gaseasca, okay?:D parca`l aud: "i need my fiiiiireeeeeeeeee!!" :happy hai ca am luat`o pe aratura:P

11th November 2007, 21:20
Pai nu strig...ii dau direct adresa:cry: Glumesc:P

21st November 2007, 21:06
ce ne'am face noi fara adelina? :rolleyes:
multam ade :kiss: pt a mia oara :cry:

25th November 2007, 19:50
COR vids:
Lambiel LP (by Ola)

2007 COR EX 17Stephane LAMBIEL

3rd February 2008, 23:02
Am gasit ceva..sper ca e ce cautati:)
vids of the Gala AoI in Zurich 2008
Dar nu are sonor..din ce am inteles .

PS: Un comentariu ff interesant despre AoI:

Wow, it has been the best Art on Ice show EVER

Wonderful combinations of singers and skaters like Kim Wilde "Kids in America" with Jamal, pianist Gazave "Amélie de Montmartre" with Sarah or Tenor Cortes "Nessun dorma" with Shizuka Arakawa and so many more. Check out the official homepage and snow world for great pics.

Stéphane's "Sexy back" program was choreographed by Marvin A. Smith and this guy who has worked with Madonna before really knows what he's doing - it's a spectacular choreography including a chair
It exceeded all my expectations! When Stéphane was gliding on his knees about 3 meters in front of me he looked straight at me (why Kurt Browning was stuck head over heels another 3 meters next to me is a different story )

Stéphane's 2nd program "Father and son" followed right before the finale which was with Ronan Keating's "Life is a rollercoaster". The skaters did 2 rounds and I managed to handshake most of the skaters including Stéphane (even though he had to make a circle around Kurt Browning who was having a chat with the people beside me).

After the show 10 "Ladybugs" from at least 4 countries met to sign swissmiss banner and take a picture
Everyone managed to give their presents to Stéphane at the hotel lobby too so I'm happy for everyone

4th February 2008, 12:39
Wow!:D deci are un alt program "sexy back":> uhhh..:D nice:) Thx 4 the videos:D

4th February 2008, 14:51
multam ade :kiss: doamne nebun e cu alea p fata :cry: oricum ii sta bine si asa :D

intrebare intrebatoare :cry: cine are programele alea "killer" si "the cat"? nu mai merg linkurile :( pls :D

4th February 2008, 18:03
WOW! Vrei clipul cu pisica:happy :shock: Hai ca ti-l caut eu :P

http://en.swoopshare.com/file/45c83fdbf081c17cc8fd02d03d122ca9/2005+Art+on+Ice+Killer+by+Seal?tags=2005+Art+on+Ic e+Killer+by+Seal&lang=en

4th February 2008, 18:16
asta e ala cu pisica, pe celalalt nu-l am, sry Ade, in caz k l-ai uploadat deja, am facut eu chestia asta insa n-am mai anuntat, nu credeam k esti asa prompta
p-ala cu killer nu-l am , what`s that?

4th February 2008, 18:37
Nu ii nimic Rocsana..uite-l si in varianta savefile:

4th February 2008, 20:21
va multumesc mult fetelor :kiss: acum le descarc :)

dc razi ade? c are ala cu pisica? :P

4th February 2008, 22:48
Pai nah..saracu` Steph a fost nevoit sa poarte costumul ala...urat :P

4th February 2008, 22:54
recomand si acest vid, tot de pe fsvids, cu steph intervievat de televiziunea italiana in timpul grand prix-ului castigat si ii puteti vedea aici reactia de fericire cand vede ca a luat locul 1 dupa ce i se dau notele lui takahashi hashi hashi

4th February 2008, 22:58
Aaaaa..stiu clipu`:D Ce fericit era!:cry: Cand a vazut primele note, a fost incantat..totusi, a decis sa mai astepte pana la finalizarea punctajului, cand a vazut ca e pe locul 1..Imi place ca e natural :D

4th February 2008, 23:05
da, da, si a sarit pe reporter sa il imbratiseze (mi-as fi dorit sa fiu eu reporteritza lui :D )
si e asa haios cand vb italiana, cand nu isi gaseste cuvintele :) cu el vorbind italiana tii ritmul, mai greu e cu franceza si germana lui.
iar engleza lui e asa "mieroasa" ..adik vb asa , park se alinta ... :D

4th February 2008, 23:21
Da, stiu:D Daca imi aduc eu bine aminte i-a spus reporterul ca are o italiana ft buna:P Si, nah...stim si noi ca e poliglot:D dar engleza, spre ex, nu o vb foarte bine:)
P.S.: Si mie mi-ar fi placut sa fi fost in locul reporterului ala:D :rolleyes:

4th February 2008, 23:43
este poliglot, insa gandeste-te si la circumstantele lui: traieste in elvetia deci evident vb franceza si germana pt k ambele limbi de vb pe terit elvetian, in diverse parti.
stie engleza pt k toata lumea o stie, nu e mare filozofie
stie portugheza k maik-sa e de acolo
si ...italiana...well, e normal sa o stie, trebuia sa se inteleaga cu caro :)

5th February 2008, 13:54
acum inteleg si eu dc radeati d programul ala cu pisica :happy :cry: aiurea d tot, total neinspirat...el nu s'o fi vazut cum arata? si c muzica avea...:cry: cam penibil mi s'a parut...sincer :D e prima data cand zic asta d steph :P ma rog...:D

c simpatic e in clipul ala pus d rocsana :) mersi :)

5th February 2008, 15:28
E tres sympa :D Pai da, e adevarat ca si circumstantele l-au det sa..devina poliglot!:P Oricum, si daca ar vorbi o singura limba, tot scump ramane http://www.yelims.com/IPB/Invision-Board-France-428.gif

5th February 2008, 23:04
:cry: Asa cred si eu..nu stiu ce a fost in mintea lui cand a acceptat sa faca programul ala :D

5th February 2008, 23:25
Eu asa stiu ca a fost oarecum obligat sa poarte costumul...de program i`m not sure, but costumul...http://www.yelims.com/IPB/Invision-Board-France-04.gif

5th February 2008, 23:30
Pai da in fine...de costum e vorba..ala face toti banii..sau mai bine zis nu ii face :P

6th February 2008, 15:54
Primul clipulet de aici e cu programul ala de Art on Ice a lui Steph; a folosit si muzica lui Britney Spears aici..sa inteleg ca inca ii mai place?http://www.yelims.com/IPB/Invision-Board-France-53.gifhttp://www.yelims.com/IPB/Invision-Board-France-08.gif

6th February 2008, 15:58
ii place, ii place si acum ;) :mda:

ms d clip:) c tipa alea : stephaneeeee :cry:
aoleu...si c melodie si'a ales...tocmai p'aia cu "gimme more" :mda: :huhu: mai sunt altele mai dragute ale lu brit

6th February 2008, 16:04
Ei nah..lasa:P Alt clip de la Zagreb inainte de gala, dansa cu Isabelle-nu-i sta rau la dans, da totusi, i can`t imagine him there:D :P
Father&Son-Ronan Keating :D

6th February 2008, 16:12
era si verner p'acolo...vad ca se'nteleg bine...cu brian nu l'am vazut pana acum :P

totusi, prea apropiat d isabel :D dc ii daduse sapca lui? dc s'au imbratisat? dc s'au luat d mana? :mda: :cry:
nu'l vreau la dans nicidecum :D

6th February 2008, 16:18
Aoleo..faci revolutie aici, Ade? :cry: poate doar se inteleg ft bine :D La fel si cu Verner. Parca era un clip cu ceremonia de medaliere la men si cand s-au urcat langa Verner ca sa faca poza de final, Verner pe Steph l-a luat de dupa gat, pe Brian..doar asa..ca sa fie:P..in fine..Nici eu nu l-am vazut cu Brian pana acuma :P

6th February 2008, 17:24
La fel si cu Verner. Parca era un clip cu ceremonia de medaliere la men si cand s-au urcat langa Verner ca sa faca poza de final, Verner pe Steph l-a luat de dupa gat, pe Brian..doar asa..ca sa fie..in fine..Nici eu nu l-am vazut cu Brian pana acuma

da, da, da, asya am observat si eu, k pe pdium se vedea bine k steph si brian se inteleg bine si brian era cam dat la o parte din poza.

6th February 2008, 19:06
*Steph si Tomy*
Yep!:D Steph berbec, Tomy gemeni...cum sa nu se inteleaga bine "specimenele" astea 2? Lovely guys http://www.yelims.com/IPB/Invision-Board-France-430.gif

6th February 2008, 19:14
aveti clip'ul ala cu festivitatea d la zagreb? ca eu nu l'am luat

6th February 2008, 19:51
Este pe youtube :D Here:

6th February 2008, 20:02
multam :kiss: mie mi'e lene sa caut :cry:

6th February 2008, 20:09
Cu placere :kiss: :P

6th February 2008, 21:28
asa, steph si tommy, scuze :)
merci cris

15th March 2008, 20:43
Clip time:
Un interviu cu Steph(e postat traducerea pe celalalt thread).

15th March 2008, 20:45
Multumim, multumim:D

15th March 2008, 20:51
Cu placere:floricica:

15th March 2008, 21:00
Adelina...nu merge clipul:( Nu stiu de ce..:P

15th March 2008, 21:44
E rm/ram..ai VLC player?

16th March 2008, 15:43
am gasit montajul asta si m-am gandit sa vi-l sharuiesc pt desfatare vizuala

16th March 2008, 16:13
am VLC player, dar nu-mi merge nici cu ala..se aude sacadat:P

17th March 2008, 00:04
:P Problema cu sonorul e si la mine..nu e vina mea:P..cred ca asa a fost inregistrat:thinkso:

17th March 2008, 16:18
Da, dar nu pot nici sa-l vad:P..sau nici nu se poate vedea?:P

17th March 2008, 17:26
nici la mine nu mere clipul pus de ade :(

rocs_a, foarte frumos montajul :)

27th March 2008, 21:11
Hi, I am new here. Can I write in english? I am sure that most people here understand english.

I wanted to ask - can someone put up that video where Stephan is skating to Seal's Killer again? I have found a lot of videos on youtube and other sites, but I can't find that video anywhere. I would be really thankful if someone would put it up again somewhere, so I could download it.

27th March 2008, 21:15
/hello Welcome between us! Sure you can write in english :ok:
I will try to find it for you

27th March 2008, 21:36
Hello!!welcome here/hello
I don`t have that video, but maybe the other girls have it:)

27th March 2008, 21:40
Hi! Welcome:) Where are you from?

27th March 2008, 21:42
I found it..now i upload it for you :ok:

Stephane Lambiel - Killer

27th March 2008, 22:29
welcome boguswoman!
we`re glad you`re interested in our favourite skater! come back and repost. we`re happy we can exchange information with you. where are from? have you seen stephane performing live?

27th March 2008, 22:52
welcome boguswoman !!! /hello
are you stephane lambiel fan? :D

27th March 2008, 23:02
Thank you all for your warm welcome:)! And thank you very much for the video, whisper ! I didn't expect that someone will respond so soon! I am downloading it now.

Anisia - I am from Latvia. It's a country in Eastern Europe. Besides my own language (latvian) I only speak english (except russian - many people here in Latvia know russian, although Latvia definitely is not in Russia as many people still think), so I am really glad that you let me write in english:D!

I have always loved figure skating, but I have been watching the European Championships and World Championships (the only two competitions that are shown on our television) more zealously only for about four years. Likewise, I have always liked Stephan Lambiel, but I became his true fan only after this year's European and World Championships. Now I am a bit obsessed - looking for videos all over the web and watching them almost all day long (ok, a bit exaggerated, but not so far from truth either). That's never happened to me before. Probably seems a bit strange as Lambiel was the champion of the world three and two years ago, but this year remained fifth. At the same time, I have never liked his skating better. This year both his short and long program was perfect, except the jumps. Probably the most beautiful skating that I've seen - that is, from men. Also, he looks better than ever.

Thank you all again!

27th March 2008, 23:09
hello...we love stephane lambiel too :)
and if you need other videos or pictures etc. you can ask us and we'll help you :)

27th March 2008, 23:17
boguswoman, it`s surprising to see that you like steph just after this year, when he had the worst results in so short time
but as true fans, it`s normal for those on this thread to support him for good or for worse.
moreover, u said that in your country there are aired only european and world championships...well, in romania, our country, it`s the same situation, unfortunately.

28th March 2008, 19:30
You're welcome, boguswoman! Maybe you can tell us your real name :D
So you are from Latvia...Brainstorm still singing or no?:D I love their songs :P (the ones i know)

I have always loved figure skating, but I have been watching the European Championships and World Championships (the only two competitions that are shown on our television)
Same here!:( Our national chanel gives only the last two groups from the free program of every sport event. We are lucky to have Eurosport.

28th March 2008, 21:14
Very lucky, I would say! It`s such a pity that there are no other channels interested in promovating this sport:(
We`re so glad to have you here!/hello and glad you like Stephane;)

28th March 2008, 21:59
ade17, Cristinush - Thanks!

rocs_a - As I said, I've always liked Stephane, but now I have become a serious fan. Before, there were several skaters that I really liked, but I was never a serious fan of someone in particular. Of course, I liked Plushenko and I still like Joubert.

The thing is, I don't love Lambiel just for his technique or for his jumps. You can admire someone like Plushenko for jumps and other technical things - in that, he was incredible and probably unbeatable. But I love Stephan most of all for his artistry and beautiful programs. It distinguishes him from other single male skaters. There are other skaters that are artistic, but Stephane has an unique style. His great spins and tracks are a part of that, of course. And the reason why I've become his true fan only now is that, in my opinio, his programs of the two last years (especially this year) were the most original and reflected his artistic side more than ever.

I think, though, that although his short program was even better at the World Championships than at the European Championships, his Flamenco was better at Eouropeans because there it was evident that, despite his mistakes, he truly enjoyed it from beginning to end (as several commentators have said - he lived it), but at the Worlds he probably was too tense and concentrated too much on the jumps. As a result, the jumps and other elements didn't come out as they should have, and the presentation was not quite as good as it could have been if he had simply enjoyed the program and skated it with more ease.

As to your other question- no, I haven't seen Stephane performing live. I have never watched the Championships live. The trips would be too expansive, and probably I am not obsessed enough with figure skating to go. Also, I like to sit comfortably on my couch when I watch figure skating. And I like that I can see everything really well and don't have to worry whether I will be able to get good places. I understand if you think that I am not a true figure skating fan, but I didn't claim to be one after all!

whisper - my real name is Laura. Currently I work as a translator from english, but my unrealized dream is to become a clothing designer.

It's great that you like Brainstorm:D! I like them too, although I am not a real fan. Yes, they are still singing.

It's not quite so bad with figure skating transmissions here. We get to see a major part of the short programs and complete long programs. But it would be great to see other events as well, not just European and World Championships.

28th March 2008, 23:15
I forgot to mention that I watched Stephane's 'Killer' program today. It's nice, Stephane is skating beautifully as ever, but, in my opinion, it's not quite as interesting as his other programs. I enjoyed watching it anyway, so, thanks again:).

29th March 2008, 17:44
You're welcome, Laura! So you are a fan of Steph's "Flamenco" like me..i really love this program i think it's one of the most beautiful programs that i saw.

But I love Stephan most of all for his artistry and beautiful programs. It distinguishes him from other single male skaters. There are other skaters that are artistic, but Stephane has an unique style. His great spins and tracks are a part of that, of course. And the reason why I've become his true fan only now is that, in my opinio, his programs of the two last years (especially this year) were the most original and reflected his artistic side more than ever.

Yep, he is a real artist..but still he have to do jumps as well as his spins or he will not be able again to win a gold. :(

I work as a translator from english, but my unrealized dream is to become a clothing designer.

:P So u know english very well... please excuse me if i am not so good:P I wish that your dream could became true:ok:

PS: if u want others vids u can tell me :) And i will give you..sure , if i have them.

29th March 2008, 22:27
Laura, you are lucky! In case you don`t know, in 2010 the European Championships are next to your country, in Estonia! If you are interested and have financial support, you can have a nice trip there. If the championships were next to us in Bulgaria, I would definitely go there! unfortunately, they aren`t :)
And in order not to be offtopic on this thread, I reccomand you to visit this thread http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/showthread.php?t=116782&page=193 , which is specially opened for discussions about Steph
and for pictures, you can visit this one http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/showthread.php?t=117747&page=19 . there are posted a lot of great picture with this great skater
we will try to communicate in english if you visit us there, in order to comprehend us

29th March 2008, 22:34
ii faci reclama lui steph? :P

29th March 2008, 22:36
ii faci reclama lui steph? :P
:happy il promovez international. sa aiba sustinatoare in tot universul :D
pacat ca nu avem posibilitati tehnologice sa comunicam cu extraterestrii (aia simpatici, nu aia care ne rapesc si fac experimente urate pe noi) ca si lor l-as lauda pe steph :cool:

29th March 2008, 22:45
cu siguranta are destuuuuuuuuuule sustinatoare in tot universul :P si eu l'as lauda pe steph oricui :cool: si catelului meu :cry:

30th March 2008, 11:14
cu siguranta are destuuuuuuuuuule sustinatoare in tot universul :P si eu l'as lauda pe steph oricui :cool: si catelului meu :cry:

Asta o faci deja, probabil, nu?:D Daca nu, lauda-l pisicii tale :cry: Eu promit ca in cazul in care apare un OZN pe strada mea cu fiinte amiabile, le prezint o poza de-a lui Steph, biografia lui samd..doar sa nu-l rapeasca :o: :D

30th March 2008, 11:53
mai bine te potolesti ca ramanem fara el :cry: era cat pe ce sa ni'l ia caro, acum il mai ia si astia :cry:

30th March 2008, 14:36
Okay..o sa raman la stadiul de reclama verbalizata..sau cum sa-i spun?!:cry:

31st March 2008, 17:33
:P So u know english very well... please excuse me if i am not so good:P I wish that your dream could became true:ok:

No, I am actually not that good in english. Your english is definitely just as good, if not better. I don't even have any special education as a translator. I didn't know what I wanted to do and couldn't find a job, but I was lucky that my mother's friend is an owner of translation agency and she gave me a chance to have a try at translating. I managed rather well and so I got this job. But I am still not a full time worker in that agency - I work at home and accept commissions when the full time translators have too much work - which is quite often.

PS: if u want others vids u can tell me :) And i will give you..sure , if i have them.

Thank you:D! So, I will have to ask for other videos. I saw that you had posted Billy Jean from Art on Ice two years ago. Could you upload it again for me ? If you still have it, of course.

I also saw that you have never posted Stephane skating to Robin Gibb's Staying Alive in this thread, so most likely you don't have this video, do you? I like that video very much, because Stephane's skating is so lively there and he seems to have such a good time with it, but the video on youtube is very bad quality. I haven't been able to find it in slightly better quality anywhere.

I also haven't seen Stephane's 2007 Worlds Flamenco here. It means that you don't have it either:(. But probably someone else here has it? I'd be really thankful if someone could find and upload it for me.

rocs_a - Thank you very much for the information! It's really good news:). Thank you for the link too. I will surly visit that thread if I want to talk about Stephane some more:D!

31st March 2008, 17:54
Here is a site where you can find quite many videos in good quality, including this years Art on Ice videos -http://www.eibmoz.dk/skatingvideos/index.php . The owner of that site is obviously a fan of Irina Slutskaya, but you can find many other videos as well there. I hope someone will find that site useful.

31st March 2008, 18:04
thank you for this site... :) it's interesting ...

i'm uploading steph's billie jean programme for you now :) just wait 5-7 minutes, please :P

here it is :) billie jean 2005, art on ice

now i'm uploading 2007 flamenco

31st March 2008, 18:12
I will look for the vids that you requested....if i didn't post them didn't meant that i don't have..just nobody ask for them:P
I really love "Flamenco" from worlds - i think he skated more clean at WC 2007

31st March 2008, 18:19
i can post staying alive from art on ice.

31st March 2008, 18:22
incarc'o tu, rocs, daca poti...eu incarc flamenco de la tokyo din 2007 :) si merge mai greu ca e cam mare
de staying alive zic :P

31st March 2008, 18:51
http://www.savefile.com/files/1475623 Billie Jean
http://www.mediafire.com/?dvl2hyu1c1y Flamenco WC 2007

31st March 2008, 18:59
flamenco il incarcasem si eu :P

31st March 2008, 19:03
vorbiti-va dinainte :P

31st March 2008, 19:11
Nu ii nimic...nu la toata lumea merge mediafire..poate tu il ai pe savefile...posteaza-l :ok:

I've found something:P
San Valentino Gala (Pensiero Stupendo) 2008 - Maria (West Side Story) (Italian 57.35MB)

31st March 2008, 19:22
Stephane Lambiel - Stayin` alive

i hope it works

31st March 2008, 19:23
ade17 and whisper - Thank you both so much:D! That's really cool:cool:

rocs_a - Yes, thank you, it would be very nice if you would post Staying Alive!

Actually, there is a way to download videos from youtube and other similar sites if you want. There is a site called KeepVid where you just have to insert the url of the video that is visible on youtube. Here's the link - http://keepvid.com/ . Only you get the videos in flv format. But you can get a free flv player on KeepVid. You can also download a converter there, but you have to pay for it, so it's not quite so convenient.

31st March 2008, 19:26
You're welcome, Laura! And thank you for the link:floricica:
By the way...my name is Adelina, too:D,but u can tell me whisper if u want.

31st March 2008, 19:29
yes, I knew you could download clips from youtube. i myself use a program called free youtube downloader .

31st March 2008, 19:36
Stephane Lambiel - Stayin` alive

i hope it works

Thank you too:D!

I will surly upload those videos sometime in future if someone will ask when they won't be available anymore.

1st April 2008, 16:53
yes, I knew you could download clips from youtube. i myself use a program called free youtube downloader .
i have another program for youtube called Orbit :P it's ok, it works good :)
but i don't use it frequently

1st April 2008, 21:58
There are a lot of Stephane videos on this site :) - http://startrek.com.ru/fs/sl.html . You can either watch or download them.

1st April 2008, 22:15
wow, very nice! thank you , Laura!

1st April 2008, 23:21
fetelor am si eu nevoie de un link pt programul cu pisica a lui steph. le-am zis fetelor la goteborg ca are el un costum de pisica si una din fete a avut un vis mortal. steph isi terminase spul si publicul il mangaia pe cap si el torcea :P si le-am promis ca o sa le trimit linkul cu programul.

1st April 2008, 23:37
:cry: Doamne ce vis..eu cred eu as avea cosmaruri cu Steph in costumul ala..dar visul asta e super:D
steph isi terminase spul si publicul il mangaia pe cap si el torcea
:happy :happy :happy
Il caut eu..imediat dupa ce ma opresc din ras:happy

Miau clip :D

2nd April 2008, 12:00
:)) genial vis :))
Irina, aveai in grupul tau si fane steph? :D

2nd April 2008, 16:48
:cry: :happy vai...motanel torcea :cry: nu e nimic iesit din comun...doar e motanel, nu? :P

thanks for the link, laura :ok:

4th April 2008, 16:17
this one is for steph :))

4th April 2008, 17:16
:cry: Ce simpatica e reclama

4th April 2008, 17:33
Miau clip :D

ade, nu mai promova si tu clipul asta...:cry: steph vrea sa dispara si tu continui sa'l postezi :P

4th April 2008, 17:35
nu il vrea pe youtube..dar eu pot sa il am nu:D Si oricine il vrea:P

29th November 2008, 23:47
AM si eu o rugaminte pentru voi ::help:
Cine poate sa uploadeze urmatoarele programe ale lui Steph ..pls
gala "new shoes"
gala d la mondiale din 2005(moscova)
gala "staying alive"
programul d gala d la calgary 2006
progr lung tot d la calgary

Multumiri anticipate ...:kiss:

30th November 2008, 23:17
:( Eu le am(cred ca pe toate) dar nu am timp de uplodat acum..sorry...pe fsvids nu sunt?
Daca nu le uplodeaza nimeni poate reusesc eu zilele astea:P

30th November 2008, 23:21
eu le`as incarca...dar sunt toate pe laptop si acolo n`am net...
iulia, probabil ca stii...ti`am mai zis
imi pare rau...

30th November 2008, 23:54
stiu ..mi le-a dat rocs ...
doar gala cu new shoes daca o mai are careva

30th December 2008, 00:30
New clips with Stephy:

30th December 2008, 23:42

30th December 2008, 23:44
:kiss: cu placere! :)

PS: am si eu o rugaminte la voi..puteti sa le uplodati pe cele de pe mediafire pe alt server:floricica:

30th December 2008, 23:48
Maine e bine?:D acum cred ca merg la culcare..nu stiu daca le scot pe toate :P

31st December 2008, 00:02
sigur ca e bine!

31st December 2008, 15:23
Aici sunt video-urile, le-am incarcat pe filesend.net, sper ca poti sa le descarci :D

31st December 2008, 22:09
:kiss: thanks..din cate stiu eu filesend imi merge :)

16th February 2009, 13:12
Un interviu cu Arakawa si Lambiel - din pacate se intelege doar ce zice Stephane .... restu e in japoneza

16th February 2009, 15:23
mersi iulia :floricica: