View Full Version : De vorba cu Zoltan Mesko - Punter la New England Patriots

4th April 2007, 13:50
Ciao baieti. Avusei un soc astazi. Va jur. Intr-una din zilele trecute imi veni ideea sa scriu la UNiversitatea din Michigan.

Mailul meu arata cam asa ceva:

"Dear Sir / Mrs,

My name is Alexandru Patrasconiu. I represent an online forum community of lovers of what we call american football. We are from all over Romania, and we have one big wish. If there is possible someway to pass this email to the romanian orgins kicker of Michigan University Zoltan Mesko. We are very proud of him here in Romania and we want if possible to speak directly via internet with him. We just need him to contact us, if he wants, and to explain some of the secrets of the game. Out community can be visited at http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=149&order=desc.

We thank you.
Best regards"

Imi cer scuze ca m-am autodesemnat reprezentatul forumului de vreme ce nimeni nu mi-a cerut-o. Insa vroiam sa il cunosc pe omul asta.:rosu:

Ghiciti astazi ce primi.:(

"Dear Alex,

How are you? This is Zoltan, the punter/kicker you were trying to
get a hold of. I must say that I was very excited to see the website
dedicated to American football! My Romanian is not too bad, but I'm not
going to try and write in Romanian since I want to spare myself the
embarrassment haha. So what would you like to know? I will be happy to
answer any questions you have. I will talk to you later. Take care and
have a nice day Alex.


-Zoltan Mesko"

Parerea mea e ca daca omul ne-a scris sa il si intrebam cate ceva. Propun aici un thread cu intrebari pentru Zoltan.

4th April 2007, 14:04
Bravo, nu stiu cat o sa aiba timp oricum, dar ii foarte tare ideea ;)

4th April 2007, 14:10
:D ... si eu le trimisesem un mail in urma cu cateva zile , dar deocamdata nu am primit nici un raspuns ... ( ti-a dat adresa lui sau ai primit reply de pe cea la care ai scris ? )

baiatul este foarte bine vazut de specialistii din SUA si unii ii prevad un viitor foarte stralucit , cu sanse mari de a ajunge in NFL

4th April 2007, 14:14
Ma gandeam si eu la asta, A.K.A. Dar daca il convingem macar 30 de minute pe saptamana sa ne spuna cate ceva, sa ne spuna de pilda detalii din timpul jocului (evident alea care pot fi spuse), parerea mea este ca ne poate apropia si mai mult de acest fenomen.
Sa ne pastram entuziasti, zic eu.
Eu de pilda nu ma asteptam sa imi raspunda cineva la mailul ala. Dar am incercat.

Pentru George: pai cred ca e adresa lui. Cel putin mie asa imi reiese.

4th April 2007, 15:26
wow ... buna treaba
Eu as avea cateva intrebari:
1. Ce sanse crede el ca are sa ajunga in NFL ?
2. Ce sanse au Michigan sa revina in lupta pentru campioana ?
3. De ce anume ii este dor din Romania?

4th April 2007, 15:31
un interviu mai vechi , din August 2006 : http://www.michigansportscenter.com/2006/08/msc-interviews-michigan-punter-zoltan.html

4th April 2007, 15:56
Aveti vreo idee daca pe TYT gasim vreun meci de-al sau?

4th April 2007, 17:12
Dai la search Michigan si apar cateva, numai apare Michigan state. Ii tot Michigan Wolverines sau alta echipa oare?

4th April 2007, 17:57
E la Wolverines, dar nu stiu in ce meciuri a jucat din sezonul trecut. Parca in Rose Bowl nu a jucat. Sau ma insel?

4th April 2007, 18:37

meciurile din 2006 ^^^

Michigan State nu e aceeasi cu Michigan Wolverines.

4th April 2007, 19:52
Nu da vad ca fce parte tot din Big 10 ca si Michigan State

4th April 2007, 21:25
a jucat si in Rose Bowl ... am mai discutat despre el ... pe alt thread
aici a fost prima data mentionat

5th April 2007, 06:41
Foarte buna initiativa Alex! :ok:

11th April 2007, 12:43
Sa mai vorbit despre el si in alte threaduri.Bravo Alex Victor,ma bucur ca ai putut lua legatura cu el.Eu nu ma asteptam sa iti raspunda.Sper sa se inregistreze pe forum si poate astfel va raspunde la intrebarile noastre.

12th April 2007, 19:23
Noi vesti de la Zoli baieti.

Eu i-am trimis un mail de genul asta:
"Hi Zoli, I don't know if you received my email.
In other words, the guys are eager to speak with you almost few words on forum.
We would be glad if you will join us almost for a few minuts a month.
We know that you are busy but we take our chance.
And good luck from here."

Iar el mi-a raspuns:

"Hi Alex,

I was just wondering if you wanted me to go on the website and post
on the forum or write you back an e-mail with the questions from the
website? Thanks and have a good one!


Evident ca l-am rugat, in masura in care poate, sa vina aici pe forum, sa spuna cuvantul magic, si sunt sigur ca sutele de intrebari o sa se abata asupra lui. I-am spus ca ni se poate adresa in engleza, daca vrea. Sunt sigur ca toti cei de pe acest forum o cunoastem.

13th April 2007, 03:26
His guys...how is everyone? I was excited to find out that there are some american football fans back in Roamania. Feel free to ask me any questions in Romanian or English. I will respond in English to your questions, but ask away anything that you guys want to know about college/pro football. Hope everyone has a great day.


13th April 2007, 03:31
Bine ai venit Zoltan. Sa risc si sa zic Bine ai venit acasa!
In fine, ideea e ca esti binevenit printre noi pe aici.
Ar fi vreo trei intrebari puse tot pe threadul asta de CUcu pe pagina 1.

1. Ce sanse crede el ca are sa ajunga in NFL ?
2. Ce sanse au Michigan sa revina in lupta pentru campioana ?
3. De ce anume ii este dor din Romania?

13th April 2007, 03:40
hey zoltan!

I saw your Fiesta Bowl match on tv a couple of weeks ago, youre team sacked that qb very bad, how many sacks did he had? 7-8? It was a nice game though.
Some people from this forum want to ask you somethings, one of them is what are the chances for you to become a NFL player? At what team would you like to play? Which is your favorite NFL team? Do you know any other romanians that are playing in NCAA? When you are comming back in the country? Probably when you will be back in Romania, you will find a good football team, or more than 1, we are nou putting a foundation for the future in american football.
Hope to like what you see on other threads about American football in romania, i posted some videos on youtube with what we did at a football match, its not big deal, but it means a lot for us.
Best regards!

13th April 2007, 03:46
Si as avea si eu doua intrebari.
1. De ce ti se spune "THE INCONCEIVABLE"?
2. Dintr-o fotografie de pe http://static.flickr.com/91/232938913_026cbab0e0_o.jpg vad ca esti stangaci. Exista multi punteri stangaci in college football?

13th April 2007, 07:58
Hello Zoltan and welcome to our community:cheer:

I hope you will enjoy the discussions on this forum.

I saw you punt in only one game ( Rose Bowl ) but I am searching for other games right now ... I read some articles about you and I was proud to see that many people consider that you are one of the best punters in College Football and said that you have good chances to make it to the NFL ... I am sure that this is your dream too and we all wish that you will turn Pro :ok:

13th April 2007, 09:31
Salut Zoltan :)

When you arrived into the USA, how was your first contact with football? Do you had any idea about this sport before? Tell us some things about your high school years.. how you started to play in an organized team?

Raven Jaguar
13th April 2007, 10:55
Hi Zoltan...first of all...Welcome on this forum,all guys are excited because you give us a sign and you are able to answer(whenever you can of course) to every question of us.Like mtfk said,we try to build a comunity of american football,we try to make po****r this beautiful sport and who know's...maybe we will have not just a team,but a federation or maybe 2-3 teams....it takes time to do all those things and a lot of efforts but we hope that our dreams become true.....soon.
We wish you all the best things to happen and its a pleasure to have you here,on this forum:)

13th April 2007, 13:39
Hi Zoltan and welcome. I want to ask you what do you feel when you play in front of all that people?

13th April 2007, 13:40
What is Zoltan Mesko ?

13th April 2007, 13:53
Zoltan Mesko este un jucator de fotbal american la nivel de College. Evolueaza ca Punter pentru Michigan Wolverines.

Si intrebarea era "Who is?", nu "What is"...dar ma rog

13th April 2007, 13:54
What is Zoltan Mesko ?

Jucator de nationalitate romana de fotbal american.E punter la University of Michigan football team.

Hy Zoltan!Welcome in our community!Is this true: ?

When Mesko runs on to the field, fans make a 'Z' with their hands, much like in the movie Dude, Where's My Car?.

13th April 2007, 14:03
Hey baieti va inteleg entuziasmul :D Insa hai sa nu-l luam tare din prima, sa asteptam sa raspunda la primele intrebari ... saracul nu cred ca ne poate face fatza la toti

13th April 2007, 14:08
Seahawk,stiam ca si tu joci sau ai jucat la vreo echipa de fotbal american.

13th April 2007, 14:22
am jucat in liceu...nu la nivel de facultate.

later edit: Hai sa nu fim offtopic si aici :D (mea culpa)

13th April 2007, 14:51
Sper sa va placa.
Cand dai click esti redirectionat catre acest thread.
Vom incerca sa punem si un articol despre Zoltan Mesko.

13th April 2007, 15:03
Faina idee r0bby.

13th April 2007, 16:17
Nu jigni,sa-i stearga cineva postarea.Daca e uiti la inceputul threadului o sa vezi ca nu poate sta mai mult de 30 de minute iar intrebarile au fost in timp ce el nu era online.

13th April 2007, 16:24
Si eu sunt de acord. Nu cred ca aici e locul jignirilor.
Mesaj pentru dinamoyc - ar fi bine sa ne lase in pace cu interventiile sale si el si toti cei ca el, daca nu stiu sa citeasca regulile acestei comunitati si sa si le respecte.

Raven Jaguar
13th April 2007, 16:27
Patience "redboy"...we will have alot of time.....he have(i guess) more important things right now....he will have time to answer to some of our questions.......we are pleased cause Alexvictor he try and make posibil a contact between us,from this forum and Zoltan...its a start...right?......by the way....bring Claudiu Niculescu on this forum to answer from some question here.......you can?

Raven Jaguar
13th April 2007, 16:34
Astia sunt oamenii!....unii indivizi se simt datori "sa intervina",sa isi satisfaca orgoliul prin catalogari si injurii.....nu e primul si credeti-ma...nu o sa fie nici ultimul.....asta e realitatea!.....cred ca o sa mai avem parte de vizite de acest gen......eu sper cat mai rare!Aici isi au locul numai oamenii cu bun simt si educatie........peace si respect:ok: for "friends":)

16th April 2007, 01:00
I apologize for not getting back quicker, but I have 5 exams in the next 8 days, so I'm studying hard right now. I will try and answer more of your questions later. thanks and Go Blue!

From: Alex victor

1. Ce sanse crede el ca are sa ajunga in NFL ?
Right now I believe I have a fairly decent chance to make it in the NFL, but my mind is not thinking about the NFL when I play football right now. I just want to have fun, get my degree from Michigan, and represent Romania! haha
2. Ce sanse au Michigan sa revina in lupta pentru campioana ?
I think we are fighting for the championship each and every year. Yes some years we have better talent than others, but every year you have to believe that it’s possible. I believe that the 2007 season will be a special one for Michigan.
3. De ce anume ii este dor din Romania?
I probably missed buying alcohol the most at a young age. haha just kidding. I probably miss my grandparents and some of my friends from school (Lenau in Timisoara) and I always wonder how they are and what they are doing.

From: mtfk

what are the chances for you to become a NFL player? At what team would you like to play? Which is your favorite NFL team? Do you know any other romanians that are playing in NCAA? When you are comming back in the country? Probably when you will be back in Romania, you will find a good football team, or more than 1, we are now putting a foundation for the future in american football.

I think my chances are fair like I said before, but I can’t let that get in my head, because I still have to work hard. Too many players put too much emphasis on the NFL and get lost dreaming about getting to be a professional. If I would get the chance to play though, I would like to play somewhere warm and of course on a winning team, because winning takes away from the business point of view. For instance, many players just want to get paid even if they are losing. Yes, money is nice, but winning with money is nicer . I would say that I like the Browns the most, boooo Steelers! Haha no offense to you mtfk (I am from Cleveland). I don’t think that I’ll be visiting Romania very soon (until after I graduate), but I would love to see you guys put together some type of a league, maybe expand NFL Europe in Romania! That would be something.

From: alexvictor

1. De ce ti se spune "THE INCONCEIVABLE"?
“Inconceivable” means unbelievable, I guess they called me that because some Americans are random and like to write about punters with funny names haha.

2. Dintr-o fotografie de pe http://static.flickr.com/91/232938913_026cbab0e0_o.jpg vad ca esti stangaci. Exista multi punteri stangaci in college football?

I think there are the same amount of left footed punters proportionally in the NCAA just like there is left handed and right handed people in this world. But it’s not too rare to see left footed punters these days.

From: Zabriskie

When you arrived into the USA, how was your first contact with football? Do you had any idea about this sport before? Tell us some things about your high school years.. how you started to play in an organized team?

Check out this article: http://media.www.michigandaily.com/media/storage/paper851/news/2006/11/16/Football/Long-Shot-2463764.shtml
I’m sure it will answer your question thoroughly.

16th April 2007, 01:47
Iti multumim Zoli pentru raspunsurile tale.
Si iti uram succes la urmatoarele examene.
De asemenea te mai asteptam pe aici. Dupa cum se vede pe pagina de start numarul de vizualizari la acest thread este destul de mare.
Ceea ce inseamna ca si interesul pentru singurul roman din NCAA este ridicat.

16th April 2007, 04:06
"When I first moved near Cleveland, I bought a Pittsburgh Steelers jacket because I liked the colors. I didn't know who the Pittsburgh Steelers were. Guys were shouting at me 'Go Browns."

ahaaa dasta nu ii plac lui steelersi

16th April 2007, 13:50
@ Zoltan ... what is your longest PUNT ?

1.In air ?

2.On ground ?

16th April 2007, 16:09
Thanks Zoltan ... Go Big Ten!
I hope you'll not hold this against me, but I'm an Ohio fan :P
I'll be rooting for you to punt many times against them :P
One more question, since you have the inside information: Is there a chance that Big 10 will change their schedule? because what happened last year was ridiculous, the National Championship should have been a repeat of Ohio-Michigan..
Anyway, good luck~!

21st April 2007, 17:17
Hi Zoltan.
I hope that you passed the exams. And I prepared some questions for you. I hope there aren't many...
1. Which is the most importand advice that somebody gave to you in football?
2. Which is the football philosophy of your coach? (I know that great coaches had one - for instance Vince Lombardi used to saiyto his players that "we have to play minimum of plays with maximum amount of effort"; or Bill Walsh, with his "beat the opponent to the punch" ecc)
3. There is an efficient strategy to block the opponent's punt or no? I am sure that your answer will be "no". And I am asking then how to put an efficient pressure to the punter so this will wrong the punt?
4. Which is the strategy when the team continune to lose? There is one? How motivate your coaches to go ahead?
5. I saw your Rose Bowl from this year (I also ripped four of your punts). After a first half very balanced, the second your team fell down. Which are the reasons, in your opinion? What said at the final your coach?
6. What does mean the football for you? A lot of football players mention something about being fun... But it is only this?
7. You played football and soccer. There are different sports, very different in my opinion. Which consider that is more complete? (Could you say that one construct better carachters than the other?)
8. You tried also other positions in the team? I don't know, WR, TE or something like this... (I think that we can not mention DE or DT)
9. Which is your best realization in football?
10. Which is your match that you will remember for a long time? And why?

Thank you in advance.

PS. ANd I forgive you for "booo"ing my Steelers. :) (I just kidding)

27th April 2007, 10:28
Zoltan,can you answer my question?

Is this true?:

When Mesko runs on to the field, fans make a 'Z' with their hands, much like in the movie Dude, Where's My Car?.

13th May 2007, 00:17
Guys, here some more answers to your questions…thanks for your support and take care. Go Blue! And Go Romania!

From: georgebz

Zoltan ... what is your longest PUNT ?

1.In air ? my longest punt in the air went from one 5 yard line to the other 5 yard line…so about 90 yards (76 yards from the snap)…it was a windy day and one of those punts that you can’t even feel or duplicate again. BUT distance is not all that a punter focuses on, because if you punt it 60 yards with no hangtime, the returner will take it back 30 and you’ll wind up hurting your team and your net average. So I would rather get a 45 yard punt with a fair, which is much better for my team. So I guess the key is to keep a good balance between hangtime and distance. By the way my longest punt in the air in a game was 64 yards this past season.

2.On ground ? On the ground I punted from my endzone and I’ve had it land on the opponent’s 30 yard line and roll inside the one yard line…but this was in practice…something I would definitely love to do in a game.

From: Cucu

Is there a chance that Big 10 will change their schedule? because what happened last year was ridiculous, the National Championship should have been a repeat of Ohio-Michigan..
Anyway, good luck~!

The Nat’l Champ. Game would have been a good argument to play in again, if both Michigan and Ohio State would have won their bowl games. But since we both got whooped, I guess Urban Meyer’s plea to go to the National Championship game was justified. I would like to see a little playoff system implemented in the next couple of years, because teams like Boise State should have a fair chance at winning it all. Maybe a top 8 playoff system would be enough, but this won’t happen for another couple of years of so, because of contracts held by Television stations and other endorsers. By the way cucu….you are cucu for liking Ohio State. 

From: alexvictor

Hi Zoltan.
I hope that you passed the exams. And I prepared some questions for you. I hope there aren't many...
1. Which is the most important advice that somebody gave to you in football?
My High School Coach always told me…”Hard Work Pays Off” and I’m sure as everyone reading this knows that this philosophy is true. However much you put into something is how much you get out of it.
2. Which is the football philosophy of your coach? (I know that great coaches had one - for instance Vince Lombardi used to say to his players that "we have to play minimum of plays with maximum amount of effort"; or Bill Walsh, with his "beat the opponent to the punch" ecc)
Coach Carr (Michigan’s head coach) has many sayings/philosophies, but I would say the one that sticks in my mind, which makes him a coach who is above the rest is that he always tells us to put academics first, and football second. You never know if your going to make it professionally so you have to get a degree, because there is life after football. My life does not revolve around football and that is what keeps it fun for me…Too much of one thing is never good.
3. There is an efficient strategy to block the opponent's punt or no? I am sure that your answer will be "no". And I am asking then how to put an efficient pressure to the punter so this will wrong the punt?
I would say that every team has a weakness that can be exploited. In order to come with the best way to block a punt you have to study a lot of film of your opponent. I really do not remember a time where we didn’t change our punt rush with the intent of blocking a punt. And of course a good rush…even if it doesn’t work to block the punt, can rattle a punter to shank a punt, because of the fear of getting blocked. But of course a good punter only pays attention to what he has to do and that is to punt the ball. A punter has to trust his protection to do their job so that he can carry out his job.
4. Which is the strategy when the team continune to lose? There is one? How motivate your coaches to go ahead?
It’s always a longer season when you lose…I experienced that in my early years in High School. But I guess the best coaches find a way to keep guys motivated and ready to play every week. The coaches must find a way to keep the team together and from falling apart in tough situations.
5. I saw your Rose Bowl from this year (I also ripped four of your punts). After a first half very balanced, the second your team fell down. Which are the reasons, in your opinion? What said at the final your coach?
I’m not quite sure what happened in the second half. USC started airing the ball out more and Dwayne Jarrett came through in the clutch for the Trojans. But I’m not gonna dwell on the past…It’s time to move on and start looking at next year’s season. I’m excited for what we have in stock for the 2007 season.
6. What does mean the football for you? A lot of football players mention something about being fun... But it is only this?
Think about it…anything is fun when your winning. It’s also fun when your really good at something. But I also like football because the workouts keep me in shape and looking good for the ladies (haha just kidding). But in all honesty, I love football for how great of a sport it is. It’s pretty much always down to the wire all the way to the 4th quarter. I sometimes wish I would play a greater role in the game, like for instance QB, but either way it’s a privilege for me to be playing for the Wolverines, and I’ll take that.
7. You played football and soccer. There are different sports, very different in my opinion. Which consider that is more complete? (Could you say that one construct better carachters than the other?)
I would say that both sports build a lot of character, it just depends on the individual. Both sports require dedication, sacrifice, and a passion for the sport. Football does in my opinion have a lot more preparation that goes into however. In football the QB for instance watches a least 20 hours of film per week….NOT A FUN THING TO DO. Soccer in comparison is just a sport where, “you let it happen”, because you can only strategies for so long.
8. You tried also other positions in the team? I don't know, WR, TE or something like this... (I think that we can not mention DE or DT)
I did try to play some TE/DE in high school but I saw a greater future for me in the kicking game. I always say be the best at one thing (I got that from my parents who didn’t want to see me get hurt haha). There’s also famous saying, “Jack of all trades, King of nothing”. But I would say if the team really needed me I could step up and help out, after all I am 6’5” and 246 pounds and I was able to dunk a basketball in 8th grade. The guys on the team always joke around and blame Chernobyl for my genetics hahaha.
9. Which is your best realization in football?
There are way too many for me to list, but the first that jumps in my mind that I can apply to school, work, life, etc. is “Hard Work Pays Off”.
10. Which is your match that you will remember for a long time? And why?
I will always remember the 2005 Penn State where Mario Manningham caught a last second touchdown…one of the best feelings I had since I can remember.

From Robby:

Zoltan,can you answer my question?

Is this true?:
When Mesko runs on to the field, fans make a 'Z' with their hands, much like in the movie Dude, Where's My Car?.

Yes Robby this is true…it’s from the movie “Dude Where’s My Car”. I find it both amusing and amazing to see 112,000 people throwing up the Z at the same time.

13th May 2007, 11:53
Thanks for the answer Zoltan,yes it's amazing.

13th May 2007, 14:34
Thank you Zoltan...
Good one the Chernobyl joke. :)

20th August 2007, 23:18
Hi Zoltan ... If you're still around, can you give us some inside information on how does Michigan look compared to last year's team?

Good luck this season.

20th August 2007, 23:53
nu a mai intrat pe foprum de la ultimul post de pe 13 mai ;)

21st August 2007, 15:07
poate a intrat, dar nu s-a semnat inauntru

6th December 2007, 01:40
vad ca a jucat in sezonul asta mai tot


Mai o intra pe aici?

are meci pe 1 ianuarie
Florida Gators Jan 1, 2008 at Florida, 1:00 pm
Capital One Bowl

6th December 2007, 09:22
Doar sa ii trimita Victor un e-mail.

30th October 2008, 21:20
Zoltan Mesko este unul din cei 10 finalisti in cursa pentru " Ray Guy Award " ( College punter of the year ) [ Ray Guy este primul si singurul punter draftat in runda 1 , in anul 1973 de Oakland Raiders ]

alaturi de el mai sunt :

Bryan Anger California Freshman

Derek Epperson Baylor Sophomore

Ryan Donahue Iowa Sophomore

Matt Fodge Oklahoma State Senior

Chas Henry Florida Sophomore

Kevin Huber Cincinnati Senior

Pat McAfee West Virginia Senior

Louie Sakoda Utah Senior

A.J. Trapasso Ohio State Senior

acestia sunt castigatorii din anii precedenti :

2000 Kevin Sternke, University of Wisconsin
2001 Travis Dorsch, Purdue University
2002 Mark Mariscal, University of Colorado
2003 B.J. Sander, Ohio State University
2004 Daniel Sepulveda, Baylor University
2005 Ryan Plackemeier, Wake Forest University
*Seattle Seahawks Draft: 2006
2006 Daniel Sepulveda, Baylor University
*Pittsburgh Steelers Draft, 2007
2007 Durant Brooks, Georgia Tech

good luck Zoltan ;)

24th February 2010, 21:16

5th March 2010, 22:01

Frumos interviu. Multumesc.

25th April 2010, 14:35
Acum o sa ma uit si la meciurile celor de la Patriots :D cine stie poate pe viitor vor mai ajunge si alti romani in NFL :D.

Work hard and good luck to you Zoltan ^_^

25th April 2010, 18:16
Primul interviu al lui Zoli: http://www.patriots.com/mediacenter/index.cfm?ac=audionewsdetail&pid=42682&pcid=81

26th April 2010, 20:20

26th April 2010, 23:20
Un articol foarte interesant despre el: http://www.michigandaily.com/content/zoltan-mesko-profile?page=0,1

27th April 2010, 09:14
Vad ca a fost mentionat si pe NFL Network
Fran Charles: "You don't mess with the Zoltan. Zoltan Mesko the punter." (pentru cei care nu stiu, exista un film You don't mess with the Zohan cu Ben Stiller)

28th April 2010, 17:23
Ce repede s-a transformat discutia la articolul GSP in unguri vs. romani. Este ca aici in USA cand orice discutie conduce la democrati vs. republicani.

28th April 2010, 20:32
Cum spune un celebru "filozof" de la noi: Porcarii ( ma refer la discutiile de pe gsp :P )

28th April 2010, 23:23
Ce repede s-a transformat discutia la articolul GSP in unguri vs. romani. Este ca aici in USA cand orice discutie conduce la democrati vs. republicani.

Mentalitate de romani tampiti

29th April 2010, 00:12
Pina una alta, titlul topicului asta ar trebui schimbat :)

29th April 2010, 05:02
Chiar asa ! M-am gandit si eu... "punter la New England Patriots" este mai de actualitate !

30th April 2010, 23:02
Zoltan in minicamp...


1st May 2010, 22:05
Mersi RedFalcon, chiar vroiam sa intreb si sa rog pe cineva sa ne furnizeze informatii despre minicamp's ale lui Zoly :D si sa ne zica impresiile lui si poate ale antrenorilor ;)

2nd May 2010, 19:24
Si eu sunt tare curios cum se descurca. Asteptam vesti. Sper sa impresioneze ;).

3rd May 2010, 16:16
But the punters both seemed to struggle. Zoltan Mesko clearly has a strong leg, but it was very inconsistent. He shanked a few, boomed a few and had a few that were in between. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re tweaking his kicking mechanics (as they did a couple springs ago with Kevin O’Connell’s throwing mechanics), and that could have had something to do with his inconsistent first effort.

Perhaps the most entertaining nugget of the day … while offense and defense were working on separate fields, the DBs were working on a pass coverage drill, but there weren’t enough bodies to act as wide receivers, so some of the ball boys and equipment staff took those spots. However, when he was done with his punting work, Zoltan Mesko jumped in to help as a receiver. And he actually made three nice catches on crossing routes and going downfield. Someone in our little media group jokingly called him “The New Dez Bryant” … so I conflated the two and came up with a new nickname: Zoltan Dez-ko!

Articol despre Zoltan in Boston Herald http://www.bostonherald.com/blogs/sports/rap_sheet/index.php/2010/05/01/patriots-punter-zoltan-the-space-emperor-of-space-i-got-to-drop-back-down-to-earth/

6th May 2010, 20:04
http://www.ygsp.ro/061/#/16 nu conteaza ca au tradus :D cuvant cu cuvant din articolul de mai sus :D

10th May 2010, 18:08

17th June 2010, 18:09
The first NFL contract in history with the name Zoltan on it was signed Wednesday.

Ian Rapoport of the Boston Herald reports punter Zoltan Mesko agreed to a four-year deal that includes a signing bonus of more than $187,000. (And presumably less than $188,000 or they would have said so.)

Mesko owns the only roster spot on the Patriots for a punter, so he should be an immediate starter.

17th June 2010, 18:26
Cam cat ar putea castiga in astia 4 ani?

17th June 2010, 22:31
Tot ce are asigurat sunt cei 187,000 restul este incert. Daca lui Belichick nu-i place de el il "taie" fara drept de apel. Probabil ca pe total in jur de 1 milion.

18th June 2010, 11:46
Abia astept sa-l vad la lucru ... daca se poate, in fiecare drive al lui NE :drak:.

18th June 2010, 13:08
Si eu abea astept!

18th June 2010, 21:18
Perfect de acord dumboss !

18th June 2010, 21:32
Perfect de acord dumboss !

Hehe, la tine vorbeste rivalitatea diviziei :P !

18th June 2010, 23:37
Abia astept sa-l vad la lucru ... daca se poate, in fiecare drive al lui NE :drak:.

Asta chiar suna bine :). Cat mai mult in meciul cu Colts cel putin.

19th June 2010, 11:16
Asta chiar suna bine :). Cat mai mult in meciul cu Colts cel putin.

Haide, mai, unde ti-e spiritul de roman ? :P Sa-l vedem drive dupa drive, ca si-asa un play pentru PUNT dureaza doar cateva secunde. Sper sa nu ma supere Billy-boy sa mearga la 4th prea des :mda:.

20th July 2010, 22:06
Ce se mai aude din partea lui Zoltan? Cum decurg antrenamentele si sunt curios cum a fost primit de noii colegi :D

31st July 2010, 08:30
Training Camp

1st September 2010, 07:05
Un nou articol interesant despre Zoltan: http://online.wsj.com/article/NA_WSJ_PUB:SB1000142405274870455410457543556329345 3130.html
Are o gandire de nota 10. O sa ajunga departe.

1st September 2010, 11:34
Interesant si modest romanul nostru.
Sa-l ajute Dumnezeu sa aiba parte numaide meciuri foarte bune.

28th September 2010, 10:35
In sfirsit un material foarte misto in presa romana: http://www.gsp.ro/sporturi/altele/afla-povestea-singurului-roman-din-nfl-patriotul-208797.html
Foarte OK interviul.

28th September 2010, 10:53
Tocmai voiam sa postez si eu link-ul.

28th September 2010, 19:12
Apropos, uite si un interviu audio daca vreti sa-i auziti si vocea: http://www.cinchcast.com/realpatriots/96550
A trait din copilarie in America si inca vb perfect romaneste. Raducioiu dupa 2 ani de stat in Italia, o dadea deja cu "comme si dice" :D

28th September 2010, 21:56
Extraordinar cat impact a creat Raducioiu cu acel interviu de acum 20 de ani!. Cred ca a intrat in constiinta tuturor romanilor care aveau o anumita varsta la acea data.

28th September 2010, 23:23
Extraordinar cat impact a creat Raducioiu cu acel interviu de acum 20 de ani!. Cred ca a intrat in constiinta tuturor romanilor care aveau o anumita varsta la acea data.
Pai da, ca vreo 10 ani dupa aia numai despre asta am auzit :D

PS: Mesko jerseys now available in the Patriots ProShop. Yeehaa!

5th October 2010, 00:20
nu pot decat un sincer bravo acestui om ! A ajuns nu la o echipa, ci la o dinastie a ligii, e coleg cu atatea legende. Si chiar joaca ! Esti cel mai tare roman din america, Zoltan !

5th October 2010, 10:08
Pacat ca nu mai intra pe forumul OLS ca acum ceva ani sa ne mai impartaseasca din experienta lui, acum chiar ar avea ce sa spuna, nu mai e vorba de colegiul Michigan ci de New England Patriots from NFL...

5th October 2010, 15:54
Foarte buna prestatia lui Zoltan cu Dolphins: a avut un prim punt impresionant (vreo 60 yarzi) dar mai ales ca holder la extra points cand a reusit sa controleze cel putin doua aruncari total aiurea ale snapperului.
Bravo Zoltan, tine-o tot asa!

5th October 2010, 18:26
Pacat ca nu mai intra pe forumul OLS ca acum ceva ani sa ne mai impartaseasca din experienta lui, acum chiar ar avea ce sa spuna, nu mai e vorba de colegiul Michigan ci de New England Patriots from NFL...
Cred ca nu mai are timp nici sa deschida calculatorul. Zicea in interviul ala ca e la stadion de la 6:30 AM pana pe la 7PM.

Ajung acasă seara, pe la 7. Crede-mă că nu mai am timp de nimic. În acel moment tot ce vreau este să uit de fotbal. Citesc sau mă uit la o comedie. Mă relaxez, altfel n-aș rezista.

5th October 2010, 20:52
Foarte buna prestatia lui Zoltan cu Dolphins: a avut un prim punt impresionant (vreo 60 yarzi) dar mai ales ca holder la extra points cand a reusit sa controleze cel putin doua aruncari total aiurea ale snapperului.
Bravo Zoltan, tine-o tot asa!


Zoltan a jucat bine pe ambele pozitii si sper sa continue pe acest drum bun.

6th October 2010, 11:24
Are bye week acum, poate isi face timp si de noi :)

6th October 2010, 12:29
Ar fi extraordinar, dar cred ca ne va putea raspunde abia imediat dupa saptamana a 17-a, cand Pats vor fi in vacanta :drak:.

6th October 2010, 17:07
neah, macar un wild-card game tot prinde, de ce esti rau, lasa-l sa aiba si satisfactia play-off-ului ca rookie!

6th October 2010, 20:06
lasa-l sa aiba si satisfactia play-off-ului ca rookie!

In acest caz, n-a nimerit la echipa potrivita.. :P

18th October 2010, 09:28
A vazut cineva ultimul punt al lui Zoltan din meciul cu Ravens? Sweet!

18th October 2010, 10:46
daaaa, a fost ingerul lui pats in victoria de aseara, demonul s-a gasit sa fie hernandez care a scapat in mod penibil 2 mingi in overtime in conditiile in care pana atunci jucase ok.

18th October 2010, 11:25
Punt de 65 yards (adica 80 cu tot cu long snap). Si-a scos din gaura echipa. Cum au zis si comentatorii ... in mod normal trebuia sa inceapa Ravens de la 35-40 yards. Sper sa continue sa joace la fel.

18th October 2010, 19:21
Misto scris:
"Post Moss, Mesko proves to be Patriots' deep threat"

18th October 2010, 21:50
Misto scris:
"Post Moss, Mesko proves to be Patriots' deep threat"

Multumesc. Uite ca avem si noi cu ce sa ne mandrim. Un roman in centrul atentiei intr-un articol.

18th October 2010, 23:23
Multumesc. Uite ca avem si noi cu ce sa ne mandrim. Un roman in centrul atentiei intr-un articol.
Corect. Eu m-am laudat pana acum pe la toti amicii amatori de NFL (nu foarte multi, ce-i drept, ca aici hockey-ul e "sportul rege").
In una din zilele astea imi fac curaj sa cumpar si jersey-ul cu nr 14, pe care o sa-l port la lucru cand joaca Pats :-). (prin "curaj" ma refer la curajul de a plati taxele de shipping si brokerage vamal absolut nesimtite)

21st November 2010, 11:54

21st November 2010, 13:37
Cu ocazia asta, nu uitati sa-l votati pentru Pro Bowl...
Aici (http://www.nfl.com/probowl/ballot?icampaign=PBBallot_Fanvoice)

Laurentiu Mandu
3rd December 2010, 20:31
Salut tuturor,

Luni, pe 6 decembrie, o sa apara in Adevarul un amplu material cu Zoli, pe care am avut placerea sa il cunosc cind am fost in State ca sa vad meciul cu cei de la Colts.

4th December 2010, 10:26
Salut tuturor,

Luni, pe 6 decembrie, o sa apara in Adevarul un amplu material cu Zoli, pe care am avut placerea sa il cunosc cind am fost in State ca sa vad meciul cu cei de la Colts.

Ai participat recent la emisiunea All Star Sports, unde ai prezentat niste detalii despre Zoltan, este bine ca se vorbeste si la emisiunile din Romania despre Zoltan si despre NFL.

5th December 2010, 00:12
Cu ocazia asta, nu uitati sa-l votati pentru Pro Bowl...
Aici (http://www.nfl.com/probowl/ballot?icampaign=PBBallot_Fanvoice)

Scuze insa eu il votez pe betivul de Pat McAfee. O fi el cum o fi da e de-al meu si e un punter al naibii de bun. In plus tot el e responsabil si cu kick-off si hold-ul pentru Vinatieri.

5th December 2010, 13:27
Scuze insa eu il votez pe betivul de Pat McAfee. O fi el cum o fi da e de-al meu si e un punter al naibii de bun. In plus tot el e responsabil si cu kick-off si hold-ul pentru Vinatieri.

Inteleg, asa puteam si eu sa-l votez pe Colquitt, dar ma gandeam ca ar fi fain sa avem un roman in Pro Bowl, nu? Crezi ca eu sunt fan Patriots? Hell NO, ii urasc de moarte!!!!! Dar Zoltan e singurul roman din NFL, deci asta e motivul pentru care-l votez. N-am votat nici un alt Patriot, si nici n-am s-o fac vreodata.

5th December 2010, 13:33
mai sunt 2 sapt de vot

5th December 2010, 14:14
inteleg, asa puteam si eu sa-l votez pe colquitt, dar ma gandeam ca ar fi fain sa avem un roman in pro bowl, nu? Crezi ca eu sunt fan patriots? hell no, ii urasc de moarte!!!!! dar zoltan e singurul roman din nfl, deci asta e motivul pentru care-l votez. N-am votat nici un alt patriot, si nici n-am s-o fac vreodata.


Laurentiu Mandu
6th December 2010, 19:07
Ai participat recent la emisiunea All Star Sports, unde ai prezentat niste detalii despre Zoltan, este bine ca se vorbeste si la emisiunile din Romania despre Zoltan si despre NFL.


Florian Petrica, realizatorul emisiunii, este pasionat de baschet si de sporturile americane si incearca sa vorbeasca despre ele cit mai des. O sa mai fie si alte emisiuni pe aceste teme.

Si daca tot spuneam de materialul din Adevarul, uite si link-ul:

6th December 2010, 19:41

Florian Petrica, realizatorul emisiunii, este pasionat de baschet si de sporturile americane si incearca sa vorbeasca despre ele cit mai des. O sa mai fie si alte emisiuni pe aceste teme.

Si daca tot spuneam de materialul din Adevarul, uite si link-ul:

frumos articol!

6th December 2010, 19:48
Si daca tot spuneam de materialul din Adevarul, uite si link-ul:

Felicitari pentru articol! Asteptam si altele despre NFL :).

6th December 2010, 23:15
Salut tuturor,

Luni, pe 6 decembrie, o sa apara in Adevarul un amplu material cu Zoli, pe care am avut placerea sa il cunosc cind am fost in State ca sa vad meciul cu cei de la Colts.

Excelent articol. Felicitari! Cu doua observatii:
- Prima poza e "pohotoshopata" cam grosolan :)
- E trist ca iarasi nu s-au putut abtine unii si au scris tot soiul de comentarii xenofobe la acel articol.

Si nu in ultimul rand, pt meciul din seara asta: GO ZOLTAN!!! AND GO PATS!!!! :drak:

Laurentiu Mandu
8th December 2010, 19:55
Multumesc pentru aprecieri!

@bertro: sa stii ca poza este facuta pe Gillette Stadium, am facut-o eu cu mina mea, poate ca prelucrarea celor de la ziar nu a fost foarte reusita. daca nu ma crezi ti-o pot trimite pe mail :)
cit despre comentariile despre care vorbesti... ca sa fiu sincer ma asteptam la ele, pentru ca avem o gramada de cretini si de idioti in tara asta...

8th December 2010, 21:16
Bun articol. Felicitari si la mai multe!

8th December 2010, 22:30
@bertro: sa stii ca poza este facuta pe Gillette Stadium, am facut-o eu cu mina mea, poate ca prelucrarea celor de la ziar nu a fost foarte reusita.
Scuzele mele in cazul asta :) Nu m-am indoit de faptul ca l-ai fotografiat pe Zoli la stadion. Am crezut doar ca cei din redactie au decis s-o prelucreze in Photoshop pt ca la prima vedere mi-a dat impresia ca imaginea lui Zoli e adaugata peste un background cu stadionul. Probabil sunt doar artefacte de culoare si sharpness de la redimensionare.

28th June 2011, 03:04
Salutare, all.
Se apropie sezoanele CFL & NFL, asa ca am revenit si eu pe forum. :)

Am descoperit recent contul oficial de Twitter al lui Zoltan: @ZoltanMesko
Eu i-am dat follow.

just white blue
9th August 2011, 18:27
Dupa ce am vazut acest thread cu Zoli am revazut meciul lui cu Ravens si a fost incredibil,nu numai in OT,ci si pe parcursul meciului.BRAVA.

23rd September 2011, 21:35
e si Zoltan printre jucatorii intrevievati inaintea meciului cu Bills:


30th November 2012, 00:46
Felicitari lui Zoltan Mesko! pentru actiunile caritabile dar si pentru noua mustata :)


21st January 2013, 23:32
Nu stiu de ce nimeni nu a remarcat jocul excelent facut de Zoltan ieri.
Din MMQB-ul de azi
"Special Teams Player of the Week

Zoltan Mesko, punter, New England. His first four punts of the night pinned the Ravens at their 13-, 8-, 10- and 13-yard line. Not a starry game overall for the Patriots, and Mesko’s 35.8-yard average on the day was blah, but look at the situations in which he punted. He was hugely valuable."

22nd January 2013, 00:23
Nu am remarcat pentru ca devenim plictisitori sa spunem ce se stie la fiecare meci: Zoli e unul dintre cei mai buni punteri din liga, daca nu cel mai bun. Nu a dezamagit niciodata, si pe Ravens si pe Texans i-a ingropat in propriul red-zone, la capitolul punt si holder la FG avem un om de incredere :)

22nd January 2013, 01:02
Cred ca obtine un contract gras Zoltan, bineinteles pentru un punter. Cat mai are din contractul de rookie, un an?

22nd January 2013, 13:29
da, daca se presupune ca a semnat pe 3.

22nd January 2013, 19:07
Cifrele salu nu au fost asa de bune anul asta. Dar cred ca si din cauza ofensivei spectaculare pe care a avut-o Patriots. Nu prea a avut sansa de punt-uri lungi.

12th March 2013, 17:14
Bleacher Report il considera pe Zoli unul dintre cei mai slabi punteri din NFL, locul 28 din 32 in 2012... Mi se pare exagerat.
Mai ales ca NE a avut extrem de multe 1st down-uri anul trecut, pare-mi-se record in istoria NFL, deci pozitia de punt undeva la linia de 50 yarzi nu are cum sa iti aduca punturi lungi si medie de y/punt mare.

13th March 2013, 00:02
Asa am zis si eu. Cei de la Bleacher Report se iau doar dupa numere. Acum un an era in top 5 la ei.

13th March 2013, 00:42
Bleacher Report il considera pe Zoli unul dintre cei mai slabi punteri din NFL, locul 28 din 32 in 2012... Mi se pare exagerat.
Mai ales ca NE a avut extrem de multe 1st down-uri anul trecut, pare-mi-se record in istoria NFL, deci pozitia de punt undeva la linia de 50 yarzi nu are cum sa iti aduca punturi lungi si medie de y/punt mare.

Topul ala e aiurea, de exemplu il ai pe Pat McAfee de la Colts la nr. 1. Pat este bun dar nu e mai bun decat punterul de la Saints sau de la Chiefs.

21st March 2013, 21:39
Chuck Norris 2 :)


31st August 2013, 21:25
not so "Patriotic" anymore....is curios unde o sa aterizeze

31st August 2013, 21:49
E un bun punter, nu cel mai bun, dar la Pats era perfect...

1st September 2013, 16:48
perfect cu exceptia salarului :P

1st September 2013, 23:22
Asta fiind motivul pt care a fost dat afara?!
Pats sunt mult under cap limit, era printre cei sociabili jucatori, mereu dispus sa ajute intr-o cauza nobila, work ethic fara repros... mi-e greu sa inteleg decizia asta, nici macarpovestea " facem ce e mai bine pt echipa, echipa in primul rand bla-bla" nu tine...

2nd September 2013, 00:12
Eu nu stiu care e situatia la Pats, dar asa am citit ca salarul + ca a fost "beaten" de punterul nr 2.... banuiesc ca voi stiti bine, dar 1.35 mil e destul de mult pt un punter

2nd September 2013, 12:31
Cei de la Yahoo il considera pe Zoltan drept unul din 3 jucatori pe care Patriots ii vor regreta sezonul asta.

Se pare ca s-a elucidat si motivul pentru care a fost pus pe liber: financiar.

2nd September 2013, 14:20
@andi15ro : eu am urmarit tot training campul, prin relatarea tuturor celor din media si sub nici o forma, dpdv sportiv, mesko nu a fost beaten de rookie. A fost peste el la toate capitolele . Din pacate, el intra in ultimul an de contract, facea cam 1.3kk sezonul asta, urmand ca sezonul viitor sa devina free agent (restricted). Diferenta nu a fost foarte mare intre ei, dar financiar era, asa ca au optat sa il tina pe Ryan Allen, solutie de viitor si mai ieftina.

2nd September 2013, 14:50
Problema mea este ca daca era ca in ceilalti ani in care Patriots erau loaded in ofensiva nu as fi vazut nici o problema in a-i da drumul lui Mesko avand in vedere ca il platesti 1.3 mil si el abia intra pe teren, iar atunci cand intra ofensiva de cele mai multe ori e aproape de mijlocul terenului de unde si un punter mediocru reuseste sa o puna in 20 de yarzi.

Dar avand in vedere ca i-au pierdut pe Welker si Hernandez, iar Gronk e accidentat, ofensiva va avea nevoie de un punter destul de bun anul asta si ma indoiesc ca mucosul ala de rookie o sa faca ceva.

My 2 cents

3rd September 2013, 00:50
Zoli la Steelers, de schimbat titlul threadului.

3rd September 2013, 10:27

29th October 2013, 22:25
Steelers waived punter Zoltan Mesko!

29th October 2013, 23:39
Steelers waived punter Zoltan Mesko!

Ups, scuza-ma, am reactionat prea repede si am postat in engleza din greseala.
Vroiam sa zic Steelers chiar dau vina pe el pentru punt-ul acela blocat de catre Raiders?