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23rd March 2008, 12:34
nici eu nu le'am gasit :(

23rd March 2008, 12:38
pe un site de unde le poti descarca apoi ;) de indata ce sunt gata, am sa postez link-urile
doar ca dureaza putin :)

23rd March 2008, 12:44
ok :D Merci! O sa vad daca e vreo melodie in plus, din cele pe care le incarci..poate gasesc ce caut :)

23rd March 2008, 13:31
les voila :D

23rd March 2008, 15:02
Majoritatea de pe forum sunt si fane/fani Tomas...e greu sa nu il placi pe musiu Verner:P
Sp-ul de anul asta a fost :great: Mai ceva ca o gala...:)

23rd March 2008, 15:04
Chiar ca e greu sa nu il placi! E pur si simplu...adorabil! si e atat de carismatic...:D

23rd March 2008, 15:21
les voila :D
multam fain :kiss: acum descarc :)

23rd March 2008, 19:16
Si mie imi place Tomas. E foarte simpatic si cel putin la SP parca invita si spectatorii sa danseze cu el:D
Bine-ai venit, ange florinutza:)

23rd March 2008, 19:32
Bine-ai venit, ange florinutza:)
Merci! :D Pacat ca nu a fost si Tommy la gala :(...ar fi prezentat programul ala frumos cu muzica Gipsy Kings...

23rd March 2008, 19:38
si mie imi pare rau ca nu a fost la gala......cand ziceau comentatorii ca publicul are nevoie de un program in ritm mai alert,ma gandeam ce bine era cu Tommy acolo!:(:(

23rd March 2008, 19:49
Da, ar fi facut un show grozav.

23rd March 2008, 20:14
suedezul berntson mi'a placut mult de tot...ritm destul de alert...

ps: volareeeee...oo...cantareeeeeee...ooooo...:P

23rd March 2008, 20:17
Si mie mi-a placut de Berntsson :) Simpatic.

23rd March 2008, 20:19
:cry: scuze...ai dreptate

23rd March 2008, 20:20
da....si mie mi-a placut,a fost plin de energie!:D

23rd March 2008, 20:21
Nu-i nimic, si eu i-am gresit numele:) Chiar imi place muzica de la "Requiem for a dream":) Interesanta.

23rd March 2008, 20:58
Off, bietul Tommy, acum trebuie sa ii curete ghetele Coarolinei timp de un an :(. Ati auzit de pariul dintre ei doi, nu?

23rd March 2008, 21:01
Da, am auzit cand au spus comentatorii. Totusi, poate nu-l lasa sa le curete tot anul...

23rd March 2008, 21:09
da....sper sa aibe Caro mila de el sa nu il puna chiar tot anul la curatat!:no:

23rd March 2008, 21:21
am auzit si eu...sper sa aibe mila Caro de Tommy :P si sa nu il puna tot timpul :)

23rd March 2008, 21:25
Da, cred ca pana la urma il va ierta de pedeapsa, ca sa zic asa, doar sunt prieteni, nu?:)

23rd March 2008, 21:26
eu spun ca ei sunt mai mult decat prieteni :rolleyes:

23rd March 2008, 21:28
Si mie mi se pare....dupa cum isi zambeau..

23rd March 2008, 21:30
Caro mai mult ranjea - dar hai sa nu fiu offtopic :P
Tommy are un zambet tare frumos, non? :D

23rd March 2008, 22:13
Oui, ma cherie, tres zwit zambetu` lui:rolleyes:

23rd March 2008, 22:25
eu zic Doamne fereste sa fie cu Caro,sincer......imi place de Tommy,da ea......:(
oricum dak el e cu ea si e happy asa,ma bucur!:)

23rd March 2008, 22:26
Ei..Tomy merita ceva mai bun decat..Caro:)

23rd March 2008, 22:28
sper sa fie ceva platonic intre ei....

23rd March 2008, 22:29
Eu sincer nu cred ca este ceva intre ei..doar..poate zvonuri ..dar in rest.amici:D asa si sper:P

23rd March 2008, 22:31
Eu sincer nu cred ca este ceva intre ei..doar..poate zvonuri ..dar in rest.amici:D asa si sper:P

asa ziceam si eu.....inca nu s-a auzit nimic oficial,doar comentatorii nostri!:groggy:

23rd March 2008, 23:54
Doamne ce vedeta e domsoara Caro..chiar si la noi pe forum. Se zice ca nu conteaza daca te vorbeste lumea de bine sau de rau..conteaza ca esti in centrul atentiei-deci vedeta:D Si Caro e:P

23rd March 2008, 23:57
Doamne ce vedeta e domsoara Caro..chiar si la noi pe forum. Se zice ca nu conteaza daca te vorbeste lumea de bine sau de rau..conteaza ca esti in centrul atentiei-deci vedeta:D Si Caro e:P

mda....stiu si eu vorba!:happy
si oricum nu am zis ca nu e vedeta,doar ca eu nu o suport!:drak:

23rd March 2008, 23:59
Ah..nu ziceam de tine..ziceam si eu asa o vorba:P

24th March 2008, 06:00
Ei..Tomy merita ceva mai bun decat..Caro:)

Poate e naprasnica la pat.

24th March 2008, 06:02
Da, am auzit cand au spus comentatorii. Totusi, poate nu-l lasa sa le curete tot anul...

Va dati seama ce se intampla daca pierdea unul din elevii lui Morozov un pariu din asta. Omul are jumatate din patinatorii de la mondiale ca elevi.

24th March 2008, 08:58
Pai..probabil si-ar fi petrecut orele de antrenament curatand patine:D :cry:

24th March 2008, 21:35
Poate e naprasnica la pat.

auuu....the images :shocked::shocked:

26th March 2008, 01:21
off si eu am fost distrusa dupa lpul lui tomas. nu mi-a venit sa cred. am ramas trasnita si nu-mi venea sa cred ce s-a intamplat.
la sp tomas a fost mortal. dupa ce a terminat programul a dirijat galeria cum sa il aplaude. si apoi in K&C se facea ca nu ne aude si is punea mana la ureche si toata sala mai tipa o data. frumos.
eu zic sa lasam omul sa fie cu cine vrea.
ii tin pumnii sa invete din experienta asta neplacuta de la mondial si sa devina mai puternic.

26th March 2008, 22:34
da....ffff mishto faza din K&C,cea de care zici u,cu urechea!:P

27th March 2008, 08:52
imi plac mult astia care fac si mentin atmosfera...cat si programele care te ridica'n picioare si te fac sa'ti vina sa dansezi...cum imi venea mie la sp'ul lui tommy...
iar la gala are niste programe... excentrice :P

1st April 2008, 13:51
Tomas Verner is a black sheep of the family

Long 12 years the Czechs waited for a medal from the top figure skating competition. Now we have it again. 20years old Tomas Verner won silver at the European Championships in Warsaw not a long ago.

The last one has been won in 1995 by Radka Kovarikova/Rene Novotny. At the time they placed second at Europeans in Dortmund. In singles the title went to Petr Barna 15 years ago in Lausanne. And now, finally, after 12 years of long waiting for another czech triumph, Tomas Verner succeeded.
„The fact that I won sliver doesn’t mean anything yet. I definitely don’t rank among the best skaters. One medal is too little for it.“ says humbly the 20years old native from Pisek, who has World chapionship in the middle of March in front of him.

When does a sportsman get among the elite according to you?
The result mustn’t be scarce, because then a lot of people will speculate if it wasn’t a coincidence. But if you prove your results on a long term basis, one can say you belong to the top.

Haven’t you ever had a feeling you belong to them?
Yes, but not thanks to the silver medal. It was during approx. 4 shows I did this year. I met there the olympic champion Plushenko and other great skaters. We skated on the same ice, we were in the same hotel, dressing rooms... I got to know they are not any machines or big headed celebrities. I was happy to be with them.

How much binding is the silver for you?
Especially for the upcoming Worlds in Tokyo. As a second man from Euros I shouldn’t finish somewhere at he end of the field. It wouldn’t be a good picture of the European skating. And I would like to continue in things I started. Noone wishes this medal to remain the only one.

Do you still insist that you parents root for you only in front of telvision?
Yes, that’s our agreement. They know how psychically demanding this sport is. They are understanding. We explained to each other that everytime they are at the competition I’ve got an uncomfortable feeling – I have inner urge to devote my time to them but I can’t. Maybe we seem like arrogant, selfish and even big headed in the competition atmostphere to other people. But during competitions everything really goes aside, we are close-set in our own world. We live with what is between the barriers. That’s our 60x30 meters. After it’s finished you smile again and you are nice to the others.

How do you manage to divide the life of a professional sportsman and a life of a normal person?
That’s always problematic. I had problems with it when I was at the high school, because until my final year I have studied without an individual plan. And it always ended up the way that when I was on the ice I was thinking about tests and exams and the other way round. Finally I have learned how to be present mentally where I am also physically. But when I’ll be able to do that for 100% everyone in the team will heave a sigh of relief.

How helpful were the teachers at high school to you?
In my fourth year I couldn’t cope with it all so I had the individual study plan. But the first three years I had luck with the teachers, and I’d like to thank to them from heart for their attitude towards me and how they cared for me. They sympathized with me, because after school there was five hours of training waiting for me. But one can’t say I’d been getting my marks for nothing.

What marks did you get at your leaving examination?
I got 1, two 2s and one 3 - from Czech language. Even though it doesn’t seem so, I can speak fluently, but it just didn’t work out. Luckilly at high school the grammar is not so crucial, otherwise it would be even worse. (laughs)

You skate from your 6 years. When have you decided to dedicate to this sport on a professional level?
It’s good that you are asking. Majority of the people imagines that I started because it was my parents‘ wish, that they wanted to have a figure skating world champion at home and that’s why they forced me to do it. But it wasn’t so. I decided when I was 13, when I did my first international competition and felt the magic and atmosphere which is different from the home competitions.
At 13 I also moved away from my parents in Ceske Budejovice to Prague. My coach Vlasta Kopivova placed me to a selection af a talented youth. So at this time I started to think about that once I would like to reach the world top in figure skating and stand on the podium.

Your 1,5 years older brother Miroslav also did figure skating.
Yes, but now he doesn’t skate, he studies medicine. And this subject is absolutely incompatible with training demands.

You started with figure skating at the same time. Who was better?
Years ago I was convinced that it was always me. But the result showed the opposite. My brother was defeating me. So I always stayed behind him, I was the second one.

Two years go you missed the whle season because of ankle injury. Have you thought about what would happen if had to quit with sport at that time?
I had many thoughts in my head, because doctors told me my ankle will never be the same as before. That shocked me. Many people say that in sport injury can happen within one second, that can change your whole life. But athlete, until he experiences it personally, never understands it. I got to know it. The ascertainment of the doctors really scared me and I started to wonder what would happen if... Fortunately my fears did not come true and I can skate again. I dissmissed the injury.

Are you more cautious about yourself now?
As for figure skating, no. The cautiounsness wouldn’t be there upon a place. As for the additional sports or entertainment, yes. That’s why I run only in the runners areas, paths and grall, Definitely not on concrete. And football? It was my big passion, I played it competitively. I had to put it aside, because with my ankle it is not possible. I am really sorry i can’t kick the ball decently, at high school it was a great relief for me, when we could run outside during the break and play.

You father, head physician in Ceske Budejovice said, that your joints quadrate with joints of a person 10 years older than you are. Do you feel it?
There are moments when I feel the shabbiness. After the competitions whe all the adrenaline is away and I am very tired. When waking up in the morning I really feel liike i am not 20 but at least 40 years old. As for the joints I am not able to judge how much pressure is put on them... It is true that after the ankle injury I got to know it a bit. Every little movement hurt me. Before the injury I couldn’t imagine what the ankles must bear!

What do you enjoy more on the ice – jumps or dance movements?
One flows from the other. When you jump well, you enjoy laso other movements. But otherwise I am a big fan of jumps, I love the feeling when I am in the air. That’s why I fell in love with the quadruple jumps. You fly longer, you have a feelling that you overrule the physical patterns. Now not that we would overrule them, we always end on the ggound again.

You have done the quadruple jump for the first time when you were 15. Is that early?
It is early but I’ve had good technical basics from my coaches. But it took a long time before I was able to put it into my programs. But for instance Plushenko jumped a quad also when he was 15. To catch up with him was my personal goal. To defeat him would be my highest goal but it won’t happen because he’s not competing this season.

Do you cooperate with a psychologist?
Not yet. But I would like to do psychology one day. On the Faculty of physical education and sport you could study sports psychology once, but they cancelled it. So I‘ll wait until something similar appears. That is subject that I’m really interested in. I take pleasure in communicating with people.

Haven’t you ever wanted to try medicine, when it is in your family?
Yes, we have. My mother is a nurse, my father doctor of biochemistry and I go to him for blood taking. Which I don’t really enjoy, I don’t like needles. And medicine? Sport has won. So I am kind of a black sheep.

And also your girlfriend. She is figure skater as well...
Yes. And in addition she studies first year of economy school.

Where have you met?
At the rink where I practice in Prague. Martina started as a single skater, then tried pairs, for a while she even skated with my brother. We got to know each other closer and now we are toghether for 4,5 years.

Is it a steady relationship?
I think that very steady, even though we don’t spent much time together. I am glad I have Martina and I wouldn’t want to be in her place because it is not easy with me. Sometimes she is a bit jealous, which is a normal female nature.

And you are not jealous?
I definitely am. But I can’t control Martina that much because I'm away quite often.

Do you live together?
No, we don’t. I don’t know if it was good, how would it work. So I live alone in Prague. For weekends, if it goes, I visit my parents. And on Sunday afternoon I am again on the train on the way to practice again.


nu imi aduc aminte sa fi fost postat interviul asta. E ceva mai vechi.

1st April 2008, 13:59
Scuzati postul consecutiv, dar am desaga plina de vesti :) scuzati ca-s mai vechi :) daca au fost deja postate, rog fetele Iulia si Adelina sa stearga posturile

Miroslav Verner, doctor, father of Tomas Verner:

How good I am at skating
Like a clear amateur. I can stand, go forwards and do few steps backwards.

How do I recognize the jumps
According to a takeoff - when I concentrate a lot. First ten years I didn’t know what Tomas jumps at all.

Why I didn’t lure Tomas to medicine
Faithfully done medicine is a hard whole life work. I don’t think that with his mentality Tomas would be able to sit with study books, it has never been his hobby. He’s an extrovert that loves to be with people.

What my son will be
A good coach, psychologist or lawyer. We’ll see.

When Tomas stunned me the most
When he was three years old. I was just moving a wooden wall when Tomas with absolute sovereignity said: It would be the best to seat it and adjust it.

How much we invested in skating
Sometimes it was beyond the family possibilities. But Tomas showed a certain talent and my wife wanted us to give him a chance to go to a training camp even to America. So we also ended with some loans and debts.

Where did I watch his European compeition this year
I was nervous in front of TV at home. Fortunately I am trained to manage my emotions with autogenic training. It took me some five minutes until I was able to calm down with my will power.

How often do I swear about the juges
Never. I don’t employ myself with what I can’t change. I rather do my job. I am useful to my family like a father, „source maker“ and serviceman.

Tomas Verner, figure skater, son of Miroslav Verner:

Why I won’t be a doctor like my father
Because for that you need studies of mathematics and physics and that never did much for me. My medical abilities end with the first aid.

At what age did I skate for the first time
At five. I was holding the barrier and was afraid of the huge ice area.

How did my parents wake me up back then
With difficulty. Because of the practices I had to get up at half past four. As soon as they pushed me into the bathroom it was alright, but we were often catching the bus in the loose. So that’s why I was going to bed already at 8 pm. I was sad about it in the summer, the sun was still shining, boys played football and I had to go to bed.

What my dad reproached to me
That I have too little fighting spirit and I often give up after an unsuccesfull competition. But now it is different.

What I like to eat when I come home
A decent piece of meat and a delicious gingerbread from my mum

How quickly do I rotate in the air
During a quad less than a second. I have some 20 seconds for one rotation.

What was my hardest fall
It was when I was a kid – every fall of mine ended on my head. The ice just attracted it, my head was all beat-up. But at least I do have a tough head now, you need it in our sport.

How much do my costumes cost
One between 15 and 20 thousand CZK. They make them in a fashion house by the Wenceslas square.

Who is my girlfriend :drak: :D
Not Carolina Kostner like some people think. She’s a friend and we train together. My girlfriend is Martina Prochazkova, who studies and also skates in Prague.

What worst reprehension did I bring home from school
A „class reprimand“. At a basic school we played one game, we tripped up. And I was so skilful that one classmate had a concussion of the brain from it. I was sorry about that. Otherwise I do have lots of reprehensions from 1st and 2nd grade like“he fights for girls“.

Asta e tot de anul trecut, de prin martie :)



1st April 2008, 17:20
aici seamana cu chucky :cry: serios :D

rocs...multam mult :kiss: eu nu stiam de astea...iar pozele sunt prea tari :rolleyes:

2nd May 2008, 21:32
dragut interviul..nu il vazusem..

9th May 2008, 20:31
:) Pics time:
http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/7687/p3150023bo8.jpg here Tomas said: "I look like the Japanese"
http://www.figureskating-online.com/mediapool/50/505569/images/SOI_Ravensburg/Img_7635-1.jpg cine o fi in revista aia de se uita asa atent:D ...Caro:thinkso:
http://www.stadionbrno.cz/_foto/1174482881.jpg stie cineva cine e in poza asta cu Tomas? Mie tipa mi se pare cunoscuta.

Un site cu wall-uri si bannere..dar din cate am inteles daca vrem sa le folosim trebuie saii cerem voie celei care le-a creat:)

Bannere(signatures)-si nu doar cu Tomas :) Foarte frumoase:ok:

9th May 2008, 22:12
dragute poze...

10th May 2008, 18:58
wow...ade...multam fain :floricica: eu n`o cunosc pe fata din poza aia
si ce`mi plac wall`urile alea...sunt foarte bine realizate :rolleyes: si de ce tre` sa`i ceri permisiunea? de unde stie ea ce faci tu cu ele? :cry: daca nu`i convine, de ce le`a postat? :D
si ce cauta nadal printre patinatori la bannere? :P

10th May 2008, 20:38
:) cu placere!
Nu le-a postat ea..aici sunt postate de mine si unde le gasisem erau postate de o prietena a ei..si asa a spus respectiva :)
Si nadal se numara printre preferati ei...:) chiar daca nu e patinator.

10th May 2008, 23:40
stiu ca tu le`ai postat aici :P

11th May 2008, 18:51
:cry: stiu ca stii:D

11th May 2008, 22:07
stiu ca e offline, dar Ade, cel din avatar e Alain Delon cumva :D:D?

11th May 2008, 22:58
si offline si offtopic :P :)
revenind la tommy, el nu era in topul ala cu baieti dragutzi in care aparea steph pe primul loc :(

11th May 2008, 23:30
:P Ba da Alain Delon e..de toata treaba cu limba franceza mi-a adus aminte de el;)
@Rocsana: Stiu..daca citesti threadul la fel se intrebau si fetele pe acolo..dar cea care l-a deschis nu l-a pus..cred ca uitase de el sau nu il place :)

12th May 2008, 22:58
uffff...offline, offtopic...scriam si pe mess, si probabil de acolo mi-a ramas :P
Rocsa, pentru noi, Tommy e in primii 3 cute guys ;):D

11th June 2008, 12:31
* April 25, 2008

On sunday there will be a very special competition in the ice arena Letòany in Prague! Tomas will compete against Hockeyplayer Petr Ton and Speed Skater Martina Sablikova. There will be 4 elements of competition; a figure skating short program, speed skating long and short track and shooting on goal. Entrance is free and it will start at 1PM in the afternoon. After the competition ends, Tomas will skate Volare and at the very end there will be the opportunity to get autographs and to skate yourself!

clip cu ce s-a intamplat atunci http://video.novinky.cz/sekce/video/doporucujeme?videoId=1932
Pana la urma Tomas a luat locul 2 :)
poze cu evenimentul http://aktualne.centrum.cz/sportplus/foto.phtml?gid=6694&id=194812

The 1st discipline - sprint across the rink
youtube: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=20OyHyawZJU
download: http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=6b4e9a7fbd2f7208d8d64ec341cc98d7

Tomas shooting a goal! (lol, he was really good!)

Martin Sablikova's goal attempt. With a bit of Tomas at the end

Si alte youtubeuri interesante cu competitia asta:




11th June 2008, 17:11
Merci Rocsana! :)

13th June 2008, 00:21
multam!!! interesanta idee!!!

18th September 2008, 10:42
intamplator am dat peste siteul http://www.jiriturek.com/test/mostrecent.php?pageNum_Recordset1=0&totalRows_Recordset1=12 unde vad ca sunt 2 poze cu tommy . am cautat un piculet sa vad daca a aparut in revista elle, dar nu am gasit nimic .

Si pozele cu el :

http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/4584/verner01ao8.th.jpg (http://img255.imageshack.us/my.php?image=verner01ao8.jpg)

http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/876/verner02zl2.th.jpg (http://img255.imageshack.us/my.php?image=verner02zl2.jpg)

18th September 2008, 12:47
e bine ca a ramas la fel de simpatic :P

18th September 2008, 13:05
mortale pozele. pacat ca nu e si un articol ceva. de abea astept sa ii vad programle noi. iar ma apuca tristetea pt ca planurile mele de a merge la moscova s-au naruit.

18th September 2008, 16:15
dragute rau pozele :D nu cred ca m-as plictisi vreodata cu Tommy :D

18th September 2008, 22:01
Multumim Rocsana!
Superbe poze:ok:

19th September 2008, 14:49
nu stiu daca asta e undeva, dar in caz ca nu e :
Figure skater Verner composed a tango, the music he picked himself and fast.

The bet on a tango should help Tomas Verner to hold on to the top at europeans and fight for the prizes at worlds. The music he even picked himself and in a record short time.

"It's cut into 4 different segments. Normally picking the music takes months, but this time I managed in 4 hours, so it was a record! It spoke to me and therefor it happened so fast." said Tomas in the latest interview with journalists in Prague.

With making the new long program he and his trainers started already at the end of may. "now we are making the costumes so that everything looks good and then I will try them on to refine things" says Tomas. He wants to be prepared for the first GP at maximum, which waits for him in November in Beijing. "So that it won't be like last year, when I promised and said a lot of things and it was a catastrophe."

Verner started to train the salchow
Next season the Czech representant would like to demonstrate a more difficult program than he did so far, and that's why he started to train a second quad: the salchow. "I would like to scare also my rivals, at minimum in training I would like to show off more quads" said verner. Up till now he only jumped the quad toe. He doesn't plan the salchow in his programs yet though. "in the beginning of course not, but we will see as the season progresses" said Verner, whom will keep his SP of last season.

The club of Ceske Budejovice hopes, that in the next few months they will manifest a special training program, which should be finished in the summer. They started working with exhibition series and figure skating school icedome, and traveled around europe with them.

Verner: it was like regular training.
" For me it was just the classical training. We have more ice available and enough to accomodate everybody. Around us is a group of people whom are watching, how we are training." said Verner. together with Italian skater Carolina Kostner, they are the main faces of the whole project. More work there was only for trainer Koprivova, who had to train more figure skaters. "for her it was very challenging, she would be on the ice from morning till evening" he told.

Now Verner is in Prague working on his schoolwork and next week he will leave for Oberstdorf, where more training waits for him and from the 25th of september his first competition. After that he will have another competition in Austria, and then he will go on to the Grand Prix, on which he will not only compete in China but also in RUssia. "I don't have a problem with my schedule, just I would have liked to compete in Japan, because they like me there and I didn't skate a bad competition there yet. But I cannot do anything about that, I will go to China and to Russia" he said.

About his private life he doesn't wanna talk: "Mainly I am an athlete, so I'll have fun about sports and not my relationships" he said understandably

19th September 2008, 14:55
Figure skater Tomas Verner wants to show off more quads nex season.

PRAGUE: he erased the big fiasco of the 15th place at worlds and started to train the quad salchow. Eventhough he couldn't really deliver at the competitions this year, he still has big plans when it comes to the big elements. He plans to jump the quad also in the SP and he changed his LP to a Tango.

He doesn't care that phenomonal Russian plushenko will return to competitive ice. He holds on to a well established line. `it doesn´t matter to me who is skating against me, I fight only with my myself` says the 22year old, whom was outside in the Czech republic in Oberstdorf and Sweden this summer. To Prague he goes only because of his studies.

Q: Did you feel a bigger drive in training because of the placement at worlds last season?
A: what happened at worlds?

Q: the European Champion finished 15th, it was a disaster. I guess you left it behind you already, given your reaction, I suppose he forgot. Is that right?
A: that really is gone and I am preparing for next season now. I throw everything in there what is in my power, and I will keep on doing that and show it. Then after everything will depend on how much the others invested in it.

Q: Are you prepared that a lot of people will ask you about worlds anyway?
A: Yes, I suppose in my entire life people will remind me of this. It will follow me around. I don't know, but on the other hand I would like to build on this. It just happened, sometimes it goes well, sometimes not. I give everything for my sport and my conscience is clean. I know that at that championships I managed only half of the competition. I couldn't manage after the first half.

Q: did it calm you down to leave this big fall behind you?
A: A bad result at worlds means you wasted an awful lot of time. You evaluate the season according to it and after winning europeans I already drew close to the end. I didn't lose a year, but I fell down. 2years ago I was 13th, then 4th and now 15th, that's a huge setback for me.

Q: Did you prepare yourself any differently also on the psychological side?
A: No, it's a closed chapter, the end. So far I never failed on the psychological part, so I won't change anything. I myself know, where the problems were. I will manage this myself. I must know that I can skate well whenever. It's better for me than some psychologist. I had some offers, but I rather look back at someone with whom I can make just talk.

Q: did you raise your limits in your preperations?
A: I worked a lot on my physical condition and also on the ice I spent more time. At the very first I went to Canada to do my choreography and then I went to Europe for training. From june I am going at full blast.

Q: How many quads are you planning in your programs?
A: I practiced the quad salchow a lot, but I still have to refine it. It's going well now though, I notice because last year I even had troubles with the triple salchow. If I will put it in my programs I do not know yet. Rather not, but in training before my rivals I might actually do it, so that I can show off, that I can do a little more now.

Q: how will your performances differ this year from last year?
A: As music for the long program I choose a Tango. It consists of 4 different segments that follow eachother up. Together it adds up to some kind of story. I was in love with the music the first time I heard it. The short program I didn't change after some discussion with my trainers. In the past I'd always change just one program, last year I changed both and it turned out it didn't work at all.

Q: SP is to the music gypsy swing, so that doesn't change at all?
A: SP I wanted to change as well, but with my trainers we agreed that we can do more with this SP. We changed the jumps a little in the first combination. I would like to jump the quad this year in the SP. That indicates you belong to the best figure skater. I have to be certain of the quad though, I will try in the first few competitions.

Q: In the grand prix series, we will see you in Russia. Do you think you will meet Plushenko there? What's the deal with him returning to competition?
A: Around him there is always something going, and right now he doesn't even know wether he will return or not. At the grand prixs I won't see him, because there only start those whom were in the top 24 at worlds.

Q: what if Plushenko will return, will he dominate the ice again?
A: I don't believe that. When he left, they only started out with the new point system, and not everyone was really used to it yet. Now everyone is and the happy ones are whom brought it to a happy end, he won't have it easily. Also I do not take satisfaction with the fact that when he returns everything will be about one place lower.

Q: Is your motivation to beat him?
A: of course. When I heard that I was going to the GP in Russia, I thought to myself that maybe he will go there to watch. I may however meet him in a different wat. Plushenko is very challenging and to beat him in a direct honest fight would be like a small olympics for me.

19th October 2008, 21:39
Tomas's SP&LP de la Karl Shafer Memorial:



20th October 2008, 16:48
dragute rau pozele :D nu cred ca m-as plictisi vreodata cu Tommy :D
eu cred ca tommy va deveni favoritul meu principal, dupa retragerea lui steph
vaaaiii, ce nasol si ciudat suna "retragerea lui steph" :( la doar 23 de ani...daca ar fi fost mai batran nu m`ar fi deranjat asa de mult :o:

bine, mai e si adrian schultheiss :P

imi place muzica de la programul scurt, ma ales a doua parte, ca`i mai saltareata asa :P

22nd January 2009, 21:37
ma intreb daca isi va pastra titlul....desi dupa cum a evoluat ieri Brian,nu prea cred!:D

cate greseli....dezamagitor programul lung!:(

23rd January 2009, 00:58
of, of tomas. imi place f mult cum patineaza tomas si lpul lui e f frumos, daca ar reusi sa-si stapaneasca psihicul ar fi incredibil pe gheata.

23rd January 2009, 15:01
Tomy :( ce pacat de el! daca ar fi reusit sa se controleze putin, ar fi facut lucruri mari, ca poate! anul trecut la europene a fost sus, la mondiale jos. Anul asta la europene jos..la mondiale?! :D

23rd January 2009, 21:38
sus :D

va castiga mondialele ;)

23rd January 2009, 22:09
si eu mi-as dori sa castige mondialele....si stiu ca poate!:D

25th January 2009, 15:06
Mi-a parut super rau ca nu i-a reusit programul...:sad: insa...lasa ca mai vin mondialele :D
sa dea Dumnezeu sa se concentreze si sa obtina un loc cat mai bun...:D

25th January 2009, 15:19
pacat ca are talent, dar e atat de inconstant :(

25th January 2009, 16:16
si eu sper ca tomas sa isi revina. patineaza f frumos dar am senzatia ca uneori presiunea competitiei e prea mult pt el.

25th January 2009, 18:11
Mi-a lipsit la gala!:(
Cata pasiune pune el in programe si cata pofta de viata si de a patina transmite!:dance::floricica:

26th January 2009, 13:45
Mie mi-a placut si programul lung, chiar daca nu a avut sariturile pe care si le programase. A avut expresivitatate, si el are ceva care ridica sala in picioare.Cred ca e important si spectacolul pe care il face, starea de spirit pe care o transmite,ca pe mine cel putin ma binedispune mereu cand il vad, si nu cred ca sunt singura. Si mi-a parut rau ca nu a fost la gala, mai ales ca muzica pe care si-a ales-o il prinde foarte bine. Sper sa il vad pe podium la mondiale.

26th January 2009, 22:36
Ioana sunt total de acord cu tine!:D

14th February 2009, 18:33

18th July 2009, 23:30
primele poze din sezonul 2009-2010, de la Oberstdorf

19th July 2009, 00:22
mersi emi pt ca mi-ai atras atentia. sunt asa de funny pozele lui tomas!!! as zice ca vreau sa inceapa sezonul , dar de fapt nu vreau pt ca mai am inca chef sa ma bucur de vara.

19th July 2009, 18:53
al naiba, haios mai e :rolleyes: :P parca arata mai bine ca anul trecut :D

imi plac mult pozele de la cascada

28th July 2009, 23:56
daca vreti sa vedeti putin din programele de gala pe care tomas le-a executat de obersdorf uitati-va pe siteul asta

printre altele tomas danseaza pe carmen, el fiind carmen, cu fusta rosia si evantai.

29th July 2009, 00:03
mersi irina !!! criminal copilu' asta :cool:

29th July 2009, 00:21
da, are simtul umorului, e dragutel , patineaza bine si cand danseaza pe gheata, chiar danseaza. as vrea sa vad gala asta live sau macar sa o vad toata pe undeva uploadata.

29th July 2009, 01:14
un intreview la radio cu tomas ;

dati in josul paginii pana scrie piruetten- program about figure skating. dati play si dati apoi pe sageata din dreapta si incepe melodia " i'm in love with a beautiful women " . dupa ce se termina mel, incepe tomas. e interesant.

16th October 2009, 23:30
Poze de la TEB:

16th October 2009, 23:39
programul lui Tomas a fost superb, mi-a placut f mult
ma bucur ca i-a iesit bine, sper sa-i iasa si maine, si sa castige el, daca Brian numai poate (are prea putine sanse)

17th October 2009, 15:56
dar ce s`a intamplat cu brian ? a ratat ?

vreau sa vad si eu programul lui tommy de la teb. are cineva vreun link ?

17th October 2009, 17:45


17th October 2009, 19:03
:shocked: vaaaaiiiii, nu pot sa cred...le iubesc !!! ce programe !! superb superb superb, bravo tommy ! intotdeauna mi`au placut programele lui, muzica, interpretare, totul. e o placere sa te uiti cum patineaza baiatu' asta, e genial, zau asa. zici ca`s toate de gala, are el ceva anume
lp`ul e bestial si nu glumesc! imi place tot.
cu fiecare program, tomas imi place din ce in ce mai mult

19th January 2010, 11:17

22nd January 2010, 09:34
cel mai rau imi pare ca nu o sa il vad in gala:(

19th March 2010, 10:54

12th April 2010, 13:32
Nathalie Péchalat is in a relationship with Tomá¹ Verner.
:shocked: de pe facebook....
ce ziceti de asta?

12th April 2010, 15:37
Nu ma asteptam, dar daca este adevarat ma bucur pentru ei, sunt frumosi si au multe in comun:) Oricum e mult mai frumoasa si simpatica Nathalie decat Caro.

12th April 2010, 21:34
Sunt de ceva vreme impreuna ... primele zvonuri aparusera de pe la TEB 2009

12th April 2010, 21:41
Pffffff. Frumusetea de Nathalie cu Verner ? Ughhhhh...

12th April 2010, 21:57
Nathalie Péchalat is in a relationship with Tomá¹ Verner.
:shocked: de pe facebook....
ce ziceti de asta?
oau, sa vad si sa nu cred,:yes: nu ma asteptam:shocked: dar se potrivesc, amandoi sunt doi frumosi si ma bucur pt ei.:):ok:
Emi am vazut ca si tu esti fan Brian, nu votezi si tu cu el la mister on ice 2009-2010?
Scuze de off-topic pe threadul lui Tomas.

12th April 2010, 22:06
Scuze de off-topic pe threadul lui Tomas.

Sa nu se mai intample ! :P :D

12th April 2010, 22:38
Promit solemn!:D:P:yes:

17th April 2010, 18:06
alin, tomas nu e urat. si are o gramada de alte calitati, cum ar fi simtul umorului. nu trebuie sa arati briliant ca sa te placa cineva, mai sunt in "joc" si alte calitati, felul de a fi, conceptiile, punctele comune etc

daca esti cel mai frumos, dar nu se poate discuta cu tine ceva serios sau daca nu stii sa te faci placut, degeaba :)

nici eu nu stiam de cei doi. sa fie sanatosi si fericiti !

16th May 2010, 18:03
Pe perioada verii Tomas va efectua un stagiu de pregatire in Canada unde se va antrena cu Brian Orser.

16th May 2010, 21:22
Stau si ma intreb, precum in teoria conspiratiei, oare nu asta a si fost planul de bataie pentru Vancouver 2010 si nu numai...planul secret pentru care programele super plictisitoare ale americanilor si ale canadienilor au iesit mereu pe primele pozitii ?
Cineva zicea ca totul se rezuma la financiar...poate ca asa si este din pacate.
Si daca a fsot un plan la mijloc se pare ca da roade. Mai toti patinatorii au inceput sa apeleze la ajutorul coregrafilor, antrenorilor de pe continentul nord american, in defavoarea celor europeni, care nu cred ca eu ca sunt chiar atat de slabi...
Pacat, zic eu !

16th May 2010, 21:28
Daria, si eu stau si ma intreb acelasi lucru mai ales ca si Brian, acum si Tomas au ales sa se antreneze in Canada si cred ca vor mai urma si altii, sper doar nu ai aiba si ei aceleasi programe plictisitoare ca ale americanilor si canadienilor.
Eu zic ca acum e momentul ca antrenorii si coregrafii rusi mai ales sa vina tare din urma "sa sparga" hegemonia nord-americana si sa demostreze ca si Europa are inca un cuvant greu de spus in patinajul mondial.

16th May 2010, 22:35
Nu e nicio teorie a conspiratiei. Nu putini (si voci importante) au spus ca multe lucruri intamplate la Vancouver au avut legatura cu banii, bani grosi pentru organizatorii de show-uri, coregrafi, antrenori nord -americani sau care antreneaza pe teritoriul nord american. Situatia era sumbra in 2006 dar au stiut cum sa rastoarne totul in favoarea lor. Am citit in urma cu un an, parca, un articol al unui jurnalist canadian care explica faptul ca rusii pierd teren pentru ca nu au fost la masa atunci cand s-au facut noile regului ale jocului (ce sa fie aia oare?????:drak:). Oricum dupa Sochi cred ca situatia se va schimba pentru ca rusii nu vor mai admite podiumuri americano-canadiene, doar daca cine stie nu vor fii altii nici macar rasariti, cat de cat. Cred ca ala va fi un moment prielnic pentru niste schimbari.

16th May 2010, 22:50
Eu sper ca acel moment prielnic sa fie mai repede de Sochi 2014, ar fi culmea inca 4 ani de dominatie nord-americana!
Oricum mare pacat ca si in sport aproape totul a ajuns sa se rezume la bani, clar e momentul pt o schimbare radicala...
Scuze de off-topic pe threadul lui Tomas.

3rd June 2010, 21:40
LA MULTI ANI TOMAS!!!/OLE/:floricica:
Impliniri si satisfactii pe toate planurile si un sezon mult mai bun decat precedentul, cu multe medalii si locuri pe podium!:cheer:

14th August 2010, 15:25

Ca idee...restul in articol :D
...."His optimism is infectious and is the perfect complement to his choice of short program for this season. He is skating to an instrumental version of Singin’ in The Rain. Inspired by both Gene Kelly and Kurt Browning’s interpretations, he went to work with choreographer Pasquale Camerlengo in Detroit to create the piece. He says: “I hope that the judges will recognize Gene Kelly at the beginning of the program” he goes on to say that the collaboration between he and Pasquale was so successful that they had many more ideas to include in the program than they had time for.".....

20th August 2010, 22:41
De abia astept sa il revad cu noile programe. Sper sa revina la forma care l-a consacrat. Anul trecut imi venea sa plang cand vedeam ce costume frumoase avea, ce programe bine puse la punct si... se alegea praful de tot.

22nd August 2010, 21:09

9th September 2010, 12:53

21st September 2010, 20:14
Noul antrenor al patinatorului Tomas Verner este Robert James Bladon Ermerson.
http://apps.pjkwong.com/blog/?e=54455&d=09/21/2010&s=Catching%20up%20with.....Bob%20Emerson%20...abou t%20Tomas%20Verner

Succes Tomas!:)

21st September 2010, 23:27
Interesant ca si Tomas si Caro au fost foarte competitivi cu Michael Huth si apoi s-au dezumflat ca un balon.
Bafta pentru Tomas!

22nd September 2010, 15:58

22nd September 2010, 20:41
Tomas Verner in alta ipostaza decat cea de patinator.

24th September 2010, 21:07

28th September 2010, 20:45

28th September 2010, 21:55
as vrea sa il revad in forma pe tomas. mi-e dor de el in forma si cu un program frumos.

11th November 2010, 16:20

22nd November 2010, 22:50

22nd November 2010, 22:55

25th November 2010, 11:17
Tocmai am aflat o veste interesanta si neasteptata despre Tomas. Cel putin pt mine este interesanta si neasteptata, poate ca voi stiati de mai demult dar eu nu sunt asa informata cu privire la viata personala a patinatorilor.
Tomas si Nathalie Pechalat sunt un cuplu?? Stiti ceva despre asta? Eu tot il vad pe el un copil, desi are 24 de ani, dar parca mi se pare prea mic pt Nathalie (ea parca are 26).

25th November 2010, 11:33
Tocmai am aflat o veste interesanta si neasteptata despre Tomas. Cel putin pt mine este interesanta si neasteptata, poate ca voi stiati de mai demult dar eu nu sunt asa informata cu privire la viata personala a patinatorilor.
Tomas si Nathalie Pechalat sunt un cuplu?? Stiti ceva despre asta? Eu tot il vad pe el un copil, desi are 24 de ani, dar parca mi se pare prea mic pt Nathalie (ea parca are 26).

Da, Tomas si Nathalie sunt impreuna, stiam asta. Dar nu stiam ca ea e mai mare decat el, oricum doi ani nu e mare lucru.

25th November 2010, 18:48
Relatia dintre Tomas si Natalie e destul de veche ( cam de 1 an, 1 an jumate, eu am aflat deei de pe facebook) si se pare ca se inteleg f bine si chiar e potrivesc iar diferenta de varsta nu cred ca e un impediment ( la fel e si in cazul relatiei dintre Charlie White s Tanith Belbin)

25th November 2010, 19:04
Am vazut si eu acum poze cu ei pe facebook. Nu am vrut sa spun ca varsta ar fi un impediment (eu ar trebui sa stiu destul de bine ca nu e:-)) ci ca asocierea lor in mintea mea era putin probabila. Pe el inca il vad ca un pusti iar pea ea... o doamna:). Dar vazand pozele cu Nathalie fara prea mult machiaj chiar parea el mai matur decat ea. Oricum imi place perechea si sper sa fie de durata.

4th December 2010, 01:04

4th December 2010, 01:20
Imi place cum gandeste Tomas:ok:, sper ca la CE si CM sa se claseze pe un loc cat mai bun:yes:, si se vede ca e indragostit:D:P, numele lui Natalie apare f des in interviu:)

31st January 2011, 22:16
nu stiam unde sa pun poza asta ;)
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs079.snc6/168971_1698917285815_1624401279_31612080_1306719_n .jpg

31st January 2011, 22:20
nu stiam unde sa pun poza asta ;)
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs079.snc6/168971_1698917285815_1624401279_31612080_1306719_n .jpg
just priceless:yes::great::)

31st January 2011, 22:25
OAH! I love the pic! :)
Multam fain Emi!!! :floricica:

31st January 2011, 22:49
ce tare e ! oare cine e tipa?

31st January 2011, 22:51
ce tare e ! oare cine e tipa?
Nu cumva e Natalie:thinkso:, de la spate seamana cu ea:D:P

31st January 2011, 22:55
pai e Nathalie!!!!!!!!

31st January 2011, 23:08
Si eu zic ca ea e :D cui putea sa ii zambeasca asa frumos :D...poate doar lui Brian..dar cum e fata :D

31st January 2011, 23:20
Si eu zic ca ea e :D cui putea sa ii zambeasca asa frumos :D...poate doar lui Brian..dar cum e fata :D
Da, Tomas si Brian sunt prieteni la catarama:D:yes::drak: si amandoi au zambet atat de frumos:)::great:

31st January 2011, 23:33
cu asta sunt de acord! Si imi place ca sunt prieteni! Si cu Steph ced ca sunt prieteni...asa mult mi-a placut cand au fost toti 3 pe podium!..puteau fii si anul asta :rolleyes:

1st February 2011, 13:23
Multe zambete frumoase in patinajul masculin. Tomas are ce e drept un zambet foarte... smecheresc. Si in acelasi timp prietenos, parca ne spune ca putem sa mergem sa ii cerem un autograf, sa il tinem de vorba ca el nu se supara. Brian este cu totul alt om cand zambeste doar ca in ultimul timp rar l-am mai vazut zambind. De asta m-am bucurat cand am vazut ca nebunul de Amodio l-a sufocat cu imbratisarile si vrand nevrand a ras si el. Imi amintesc si eu de podiumul cu cei trei muschetari si mi-ar fi placuts a il revad dar cu Steph pe primul loc. Oricum si anul asta am avut un podium frumos si vesel. Mai rar ii vezi pe cei trei pe podium in calitate de prieteni si nu de rivali, vorbind, zambind si imbratisandu-se pe bune si nu pt ca asa trebuie.

5th February 2011, 01:31

14th March 2011, 09:13

19th March 2011, 08:26
Interviul lui Tomas despre turneul din Coreea de Nord. Sincer n-am stiut ca acolo se fac show-uri, sau ca sunt patinoare, mai ales ca n-am vazut vreun concurent nord-coreean pe la concursuri. Si nu cred ca-i placut sa nu ai acces 10 zile la internet si la mobil in zilele noastre.

19th March 2011, 13:11
Exista patinatori in Coreea de nord, dar nu apar decat la Olimpiada, doar atunci ii lasa partidul.:(:mad:

14th May 2011, 21:07

9th July 2011, 16:42
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs614.snc4/59419_429797431187_181962471187_5257939_236154_n.j pg

11th August 2011, 22:04
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/263320_159273930814253_100001949412992_307716_1116 730_n.jpg

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/251560_258285387515614_100000024646444_1030553_130 0857_n.jpg

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/185484_258285750848911_100000024646444_1030554_115 5021_n.jpg

27th January 2013, 23:11
“I always mention Daisuke Takahashi when I get this kind of question. Last season he had blues as his free skating. It was a slow, boring music, if someone else chose this music, people would die looking at it. But with him, those 4 and a half minutes flew, it was fantastic. He has the skill to draw in the people and to interpret the music. It was interesting, modern and great. I respect this guy, I like how he looks at skating. Even though he has different choreographers, he has his own style.”


28th January 2013, 23:31
Ce frumos spus. Unde ai citit asta? As vrea sa citesc si restul articolului daca se poate.

29th January 2013, 19:42
Ile, uite aici si restul interviului: http://www.absoluteskating.com/articles/2013tomasverner.html

6th August 2013, 16:50
:happy:yes: gu3kLy23R5Q

Si niste poze tot de la acelasi show:








7th September 2013, 16:28
Interviu cu Tomas:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__mPSjHxNmo&feature=youtu.be&a

25th October 2013, 12:53
Interviu cu Tomas: http://web.icenetwork.com/news/2013/10/24/63261304

19th December 2013, 00:29
Interviu cu Tomas:http://www.absoluteskating.com/interviews/2013tomasverner.html

29th January 2014, 23:38

Hmm...cam pluteste dragostea in aer :P https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1/1796689_819827178042691_1237256077_n.png



10th April 2014, 22:36
Poze hot :P




:)) https://scontent-b-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/10155852_10152742225317538_561801775_n.jpg





14th July 2014, 14:23
Interviu cu Tomas:axGOCJlxFVE

6th September 2014, 23:03
Tomas e un dragut :) https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10609437_758470617532803_7477831931856684925_n.jpg ?oh=046287863058f09c9e2eddadf608acb8&oe=54883A5F&__gda__=1419363177_c9e2bcbe7b48c6131c084b646e55cf7 c

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10600430_758470620866136_3107211610044624398_n.jpg ?oh=13454165e8f69ca48c4831e346de82a3&oe=54833C93&__gda__=1419663781_133370544d5df0597c052f86e3c40d7 3

https://scontent-b-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10612907_758470624199469_2455130592055816224_n.jpg ?oh=170b82c486bf412d953eba5d34ba2365&oe=548FC243

https://scontent-b-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10626592_758470687532796_4234780584918645353_n.jpg ?oh=30775d78fd7df4a723f0c43472b5125d&oe=548F554E

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10624675_758470700866128_1086068849407197755_n.jpg ?oh=c1a748b2de9085f1155309d907932209&oe=549E9B2E&__gda__=1420325799_9632fa45da2e905a0c5046325b51fce 8

https://scontent-b-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10584070_758470707532794_53130378430687914_n.jpg?o h=4455afdd668322309cf33b863bd0d90f&oe=548D74BA

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10653541_758470730866125_2773067118617472833_n.jpg ?oh=e33b47c0ea3488aa9d9abe150731c39e&oe=5498212D&__gda__=1418761109_70bdc267e597f253d65f93a0ffd8fdb d

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10603580_758470894199442_5255670780620026172_n.jpg ?oh=ab28bb49627b3a2a0d5b7d52d9708fa4&oe=548482A1&__gda__=1419249533_4a28f1b1af0a75cf9e5b63826fecfa6 2

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6th September 2014, 23:35
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1st March 2015, 23:50
Un interviu recent cu Tomas

" I am not planning to come back. Not really. I had some thoughts about joining the guys on the ice when I was watching this year's European championships but I quickly left that thought when I imagined the demanding free skates. I don't regret leaving."