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2nd October 2005, 13:32
Citeam la descrierea acestui sub-forum sau cum vreti sa-i ziceti,"biletele profesionistiilor,probabilitate mare de castig,sa luam impreuna banii caselor de pariuri".

Intreb si eu,poate fara nici un rost,cine de aicea este sau se da profesionist?
Poate imi faceti si mie cunostinta,cu vreunul...
Majoritatea Punterilor,pe care ii cunosc fac asta doar din hobby ...

Oricum,mi se pare o prostie,sa va dati ceva ce nu sunteti...
Repetarea cuvantului profesionist pe forumul asta,lauda cu ani de experienta si alte chesti,nu sunt nimic important..
Mizele mari pe care le postati aicea,castigurile,probabil ca biletele voastre oricum arata altfel.
Unii pot fi pariori,dar altora,nici daca le dai totul in brate nu iasa ...
Pariul nu inseamna numai 1x2 , pariul inseamna sa cunosti,analiza si disciplina ..
Pariul inseamna rabdare...Dar pariul nu inseamna NOROC!!!
Norocul este factor 0...
Infine,ar fi multe de zis,dar nu are rost,am vrut doar sa atrag atentia,ca pe forumul acesta,am observat mai multi profesionistii decat pe bettingadvice.com sau punterslounge.com ...
Infine este bine,din voi traiesc casele de pariuri ....

P.S. Am deschis threadu aicea..sa il vada toata lumea ...

Billy Danze
2nd October 2005, 13:35
In sfarsit un om cu minte p-aicea

Felicitari pt comparatia ironica cu Bettingadvice.com ...am ras tare la aia
si mai ales pt concluzie: daca n-ati fi voi si cei ca voi n-am mai avea acuma peste 250 de case de pariuri online...continuati sa cotizati, cu ponturi de la profesionisti :)

2nd October 2005, 17:42
eu zic ca nu exista parior profesionist, ci doar parior inrait. inca ! si zic inca o data "inca!" nu este meseria de parior!! depinde doar de noroc si de inspiratia de moment. eu cred ca "pariorii inraiti" care au destula experienta si stiu sa parieze nu dau ponturi si deastea pe forumuri! de exemplu sunt foarte multi copii pe forumul acesta care nu au ce face si dau ponturi, mai deschid un thread si deastea. sunt foarte multi copii la mine in orash care merg la pariloto si pun 15 meciuri fara sa stie nimik despre acea echipa. ei pun 15 meciuri pe milan, inter, juventus, chelsea, manchester, arsenal si alte echipe despre care au auzit si ei, fara sa isi dea seama ca macar una va pierde sau va face egal!! sau merg cu 10.000 la pariloto si pun 6-7 meciuri sa castige 50.000 si mai si pierd!! ce sa facem?? trebuie sa traiasca si casele de pariuri !!! mi se pare un lucru bun acest thread deschis de _Razvi si este foarte folositor pt cei care il citesc!!

2nd October 2005, 19:54
ok .. unul dintre primele lucruri,esentiale ale pariurilor este aprecierea sau calcularea propriei cote...ptr. majoritatea ce nu stiu le voi explica in randurile de mai jos cum se face...

Luam de exemplu meciul Rapid B. v Politeh. Iasi

Cotele *cele mai mari de la diferite case de pariuri* folosind www.betbrain.com

Home : 1.55

Draw : 3.80

Away : 6.90

Ai estimat urmatoarele procente

Home : 70
Draw : 20
Away : 10

Se calculeaza cotele din procente :

1,42(100/70) - 100/procentul estimat ptr. victoria echipei ce joaca acasa
5 (100/20) - 100/procentul estimat ptr. egal
10 (100/10) - 100/procentul estimat ptr. victoria echipei ce joaca in deplasare

Aprecierea Mizei Pentru Evenimentul De mai Sus

Cea mai buna metoda,am gasit-o pe un forum,si se numeste criteriul lui Kelly.



P=Probabilitatea Meciului(Fiecare dupa cum gandeste,si o estimeaza)

K=Cota agentiei

Rapid B. v Politeh. Iasi,agentia estimeaza 1.55 ptr. victoria rapidului,iar eu am estimat 70 % sanse sa iasa (0.70)

B=(0.70*1.55 -1)/(1.55 - 1) = 0.154 = 15,4 % din banca se poate paria pe eveniment ..
Mai puteti impartii rezultul obtinut la kelly cu 4 sau cu 2. pentru o mai multa siguranta ...

Oricum,si acest crieteriu este destul de criticat,si are mansa lui de eroare,acuma de nu incerci .. vezi tu de pierzi sau castigi ...

Poti deveni un parior profesionist ?

Se pare ca majoritatea pariorilor de succes,duc o viata constanta,au o familie,copii si toate lucrurile obijnuite,diferenta fiind ca ei iubesc ceea ce fac pentru a trai.Ei sunt proprii lor sefi,punand multe ore la bataie ptr. ceea ce fac,majoritatea numinduse "investitori" in loc de "pariori".

Ca fiind parior profesionist nu ai timp,nu ai ora,poti lucra de acasa si acasa poate fi oriunde...

Pe deo parte te angajezi intro lupta impotriva,expertiilor si a companiilor,care primesc stirile cu mult timp inaintea ta,iar pe de alta impotriva altor pariori,o lupta intre cei ce investesc si cei ce pariaza de hobby .
Diferenta este simpla..cei ce pariaza din hobby,o fac mai mult dupa stari emotionale sau intuitie,facand foarte putina analiza la ceea ce pariaza .
In general 1 din 1000 reuseste sa faca din aceasta o profesie,dar acela pariaza in jur de 2000 evenimente de an..

Nu vreau sa spun ca pariatul este ceva usor,pariul trebuie luat ca o afacere nu ca un hobby..
In final,doua lucruri trebuie luate in evidenta, strategia baniilor,si a face diferenta dintre cei ce pariaza din hobby,si cei ce o fac in mod profesionist ...

GooD LucK

3rd October 2005, 17:43
bv razvi, te asteptam cu ponturi si analize pertinente daca te pricepi :ok:

3rd October 2005, 20:07
bravooo!!! si eu iti zic acelasi lucru pt ca este primu lucru citit de mine despre pariuri care mi se pare de folos!!! felicitari!!!

3rd October 2005, 21:06
Citeam in threadu lu Baghera .. ca cineva zicea ca nu se poate paria mai mult de 20 meciuri consecutive si sa le castigi,ei bine aseara m-am rugat de un bun prieten caruia as dori sa ii pastrez anonimatu,sa-mi dea dreptu sa-i postez Screen-urile cu cele peste 54 de meciuri consecutive prinse(S-a oprit de buna voie la o suna enorma,nemai avand rost sa riste),dar el nu a dorit asta..din simplu motiv,ca nu crede ca trebuie sa-i demonstreze nimanui ca se poate,si ii voi respecta dorinta ..

Cat despre analize,eu ma ocup de Divizia A in general,dar am prieteni cu care tin zilnic legatura ce sunt specializati pe Grecia,Germania,Belgia si Japonia.
Voi incerca in timpu in care imi permit sa va postez niste analize,dar nu promit nimic altceva ...

In sfarsitul postului as vrea sa-l salut pe Billy Danze,care este dupa parerea multora si dupa rezultate,"shefu" diviziei A,si l-as ruga sa ma mai ajute din cand in cand,cu toate ca stiu ca noul statut nu ii permite ..

4th October 2005, 21:43
Ok,nu vreau sa ma lungesc in multe threaduri,cu comentariile mele despre pariuri,si as ruga pe moderatori sa nici nu-mi mute posturile de aicea ..
In posturile de mai jos va voi arata niste metode de pariere,luate de pe mai multe site-uri ..
Oricum,dupa parerea mea cel mai mult conteaza cum iti impartii bani,dar am vazut ca aicea mai mult sunt cautate asa zisele strategi.

4th October 2005, 21:50
este o idee foarte buna... da nu mai bine le postezi pe Threadu "specializat" <metode de pariere>

4th October 2005, 21:58
Dupa cum ii spune si numele,strategia este bazata pe posibilitatea dv. de a castiga 4 meciuri / bilete consecutiv.
Sa zicem ca la primul pariu punem 1 unitate,la al doilea 3 unitati,la al 3-lea 2 si la al patrulea 6 unitati.
Miza este de 10 $ la o cota de 1:1.

Daca primul pariu este prins,mai punem 10 la cei 20 $ castigati si pariam cei 30 $ cum am stabilit.
In caz ca prindem si acesta avem 60 $,din care scadem 40 $ pe care ii punem in banca,si pariem 20 $.In caz de reusim sa castigam si al 3-lea pe masa avem deja 40 $,la care mai adaugam 20 $ si pariem cei 60 $.
De prindem toate cele patru pariuri vom avea un profit net de 120 $.si incepem de la inceput cu 10 $.
In caz de pierdem incepem din nou cu 10 $.
De pierzi din primul nivel,esti in - cu 10
de pierzi din al doilea nivel esti in minus cu -20
De pierzi din al treilea nivel esti in plus cu 20
Iar de pierzi la ultimul nivel esti pe balanta 0.

Sistemul este atractiv deoarece cu 20 $ poti castiga 120 $ net.si mai poti pierde de 6 ori consecutiv la al 2-lea nivel,si prinzand o data toate 4 nivele ajungi tot in avantaj .

4th October 2005, 22:13
Scor Corect

te crezi priceput in prinderea de scoruri corecte??
te voi ajuta mai jos sa vezi cum sa cauti cele mai bune cote .. daca esti maistru in prinderea de scoruri corecte

Scorurile corecte sunt greu de prezis,ai o sansa de 7/1 sa le prinzi.
De exemplu luam un weekend de Premier League,10 meciuri,de prinzi 2 sau 3 din ele la scor corect poti fi fericit,inseamna profit.In unele weekenduri poti sa nu prinzi nimic dar este destul sa prinzi 2 din 10 ca sa ai profit de 10 unitati.

Este important sa sti ca nu este o tragedie de pierzi 8 meciuri din 10,si prinzi doua.Esti in profit.Nici o parior,din lume nu poate prezice scorurile corecte la toate meciurile.

Cele mai dese rezultate sunt 1-1 si 2-1 ptr. care casele iti ofera cote reduse de 6/1 7/1.Trebuie sa cauti valoarea in cota.
Nu totdeauna este asa,astfel ca exista si surprize.
De exemplu iei la toate 10 meciuri scor corect de 3-1.
In caz de o favorita pierde cu scoru acesta casele iti ofera o cota de 16/1,adica suficent incat cu o miza de 1 $ pe fiecare meci sa iesi in profit.



Cu miza de 1 $ pe fiecare meci,poti castiga si doar 1 sa iesi in profit sau sa nu pierzi nimic,depinde de cotele ce sunt puse.
In asa fel puteti pune si sisteme cu cote mai mari,cine inscrie primu,din penalty sau orice altceva va vine in minte :).

GooD LucK

4th October 2005, 22:19
mi se par foarte interesante metodele!!

4th October 2005, 22:43
Scor Corect

Sistemul V

Miza 10 $ + taxe de se aplica
Sistemul implica 5 meciuri luate la scorul corect de 1-0

Meciul 1 1-0
Meciul 2 1-0
Meciul 3 1-0
Meciul 4 1-0
Meciul 5 1-0

Permutari de 2 luate cate 5 da 10 duble a cate 1 $ fiecare

Doua Corecte = £64
Trei Corecte = £192
Patru Corecte = £384
Cinci Corecte = £640

Sistemul VI

Acest sistem este favorizat de uni deoarece se spune ca ofera castig,mic,dar de durata.
In continuare vom cauta meciurile ce se vor incheia cu victoria gazdelor.

Meciul 1 0-0 1-0 1-1 2-0 2-1
Meciul 2 0-0 1-0 1-1 2-0 2-1

Permutari de 4 rezultare de la scorul corect al fiecarui meci,duble = 25 variante,cu o miza de 25 $
O dubla prinsa la scorul de 1-0 iti poate aduce un castig de 65 $ pe cand la un scor mai ridicat,2-0 sau 2-1,iti poate aduce in jur de 170 $

Sistemul VII

Cu acesta se castiga rar,dar cand prinzi valoarea este imensa .
Luam 3 meciuri,la care pronosticam ca castiga gazdele si le scriem ca si mai jos:

Meciul 1 1-0 2-0 2-1
Meciul 2 1-0 2-0 2-1
Meciul 3 1-0 2-0 2-1

Luam permutari de 3 ,de la fiecare meci,luate triple = 27 pariuri.
Cu o miza de 1$ acest pariu va costa 29.5 $.
3 meciuri corecte la un scor de 1-0,ptr o cota de 7/1 rezulta un castig de
La scor de 2-0 sau 2-1 cotele sunt evident mai mari si poti castiga peste 1000 $.

Sistemul VIII

Si prin acest sistem vom incerca sa luam victoria gazdelor,cu 1-0.Daca nimerim doua avem castig,iar cu cate nimerim mai multe avem un castig evident mai mare.

Meciul 1 1-0
Meciul 2 1-0
Meciul 3 1-0
Meciul 4 1-0
Meciul 5 1-0
Meciul 6 1-0
Meciul 7 1-0

Permutari de 2 luate cate 7 = 21 de pariuri.
La 1 $ pe pariu biletul costa in jur de 22 euro.

GooD LucK

4th October 2005, 22:59
Metoda Fibonaci

1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34,Urca cu cate un pas de fiecare data cand pierzi,coboara cu cate doua cand castigi.
Nota : * Orice castig iti recompenseaza ultimele 2 pierderi.

1 - Pariaza 1 $ pana cand pierzi,Atunci pariaza 2 $
2 - De castigi cu 2 $ intoarce-te la pasul 1,altfel pariaza cu 3 $
3 - De castigi cu 3 $ intoarce-te la pasul 1,altfel pariaza cu 5 $
4 - De castigi cu 5 $ intoarce-te la pasul 2,altfel pariaza cu 8 $
5 - De castigi cu 8 $ intoarce-te la pasul 3,altfel pariaza cu 13$
6 - De castigi cu 13 $ intoarce-te la pasul 4,altfel pariaza cu 21$
7 - De castigi cu 21 $ intoarce-te la pasu 5,altfel pariaza cu 34$
8 - De castigi cu 31 $ intoarce-te la pasul 6,altfel intoarcete la pasul 1.

Recomand ca de castigi,sa te intorci inapoi cu un pas,pana ce castigi doua consecutive cand sa te intorci cu 2 pasi inapoi.
Acesta este ca si oricare alt sistem incercat pe timp lung,care iti poate aduce castiguri.Sunt extrem de multe alte variante ce provin de la Fibonaci,dar vechiul fibonaci este ptr. uni nesatisfacator,pierzi destul de des,si cand castigi nu castigi sume mari.
Acesta este destinat celor ce nu prefera sa parieze de 34 ori aceasi suma,in acest sens Fibonaci fiind mai bun decat Martingale,sau poti sa te duci cu 2 pasi inapoi oana falimentezi.
Fibonaci nu este recomandat celor ce sunt grabiti.

GooD LucK

P.S. Ultima metoda pe seara asta,mai sunt si altele si mai este timp.

8th October 2005, 09:41
Deoarece nu prea am timp sa traduc strategiile , vi le voi scrie pe engleza ..

8th October 2005, 09:44

(Cancellation / Labby Betting System)
The Labouchere system was named for a minister in Queen Victoria's service. Labouchere is credited for using the system although it is not known if he invented it. This betting method, also called the "Cancellation System," involves some record keeping. The player begins with a series of numbers – any series that he wishes to use. The series chosen will tally up to the number of units that the system player is trying to win.

The player begins by betting the sum of the first and last number in the series. If the bettor wins this wager, he will cross out both of these numbers. If he loses, he will add the last bet made to the end of the series. Let's say, for example that the series used is 1-2-3-4-5-6. If the player is successful in canceling out the entire line, he will win exactly 21 units, or 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6. Let's play our example out to illustrate the mechanics of this system. The "x" denotes numbers that are canceled out after a winning bet:

Starting Line:
+0 units

1) Bet 1 +6, or 7 units and win:
+7 units

2) Bet 2 +5, or 7 units and lose:
+0 units

3) Bet 2 +7, or 9 units and lose:
-9 units

4) Bet 2 +9, or 11 units and win:
+2 units

5) Bet 3 +7, or 10 units and win:
+12 units

6) Bet 4 +5, or 9 units and lose:
+3 units

7) Bet 4 +9, or 13 units and win:
+16 units

8) Bet 5 units and win:
+21 units

There are a couple of points of interest. First, you will see the 21 unit win, once the line is completely canceled out. Secondly, the bets start off high (7 units in this case) and can escalate quickly (up to 13 units) and this is a "friendly" sequence of wins and losses. Because the "5" is the only number remaining before the last wager, it represents the total bet to be made. If it had lost, then the next wager would have been this 5 plus the 5 added at the end to account for the loss. Each time a wins occurs, two numbers get canceled out, whereas each loss that you experience has you adding only one number to the end of the sequence. This is supposedly the selling point of the system. The series shrinks two numbers for a win, but only grows one number for a loss. The proponents forget to mention that the one number added is equal to the last bet which was the sum of two numbers. So you are trading one larger number for the removal of two smaller numbers. Let's look at a losing sequence to examine how quickly our wagers can mount:

Starting Line:
+0 units

1) Bet 1 +6, or 7 units and lose:
-7 units

2) Bet 1 +7, or 8 units and lose:
-15 units

3) Bet 1 +8, or 9 units and win:
-6 units

4) Bet 2 +7, or 9 units and lose:
-15 units

5) Bet 2 +9, or 11 units and win:
-4 units

6) Bet 3 +7, or 10 units and lose:
-14 units

7) Bet 3 +10, or 13 units and lose:
-27 units

-Series is abandoned-

You must realize that a longer series of larger numbers has a remote likelihood of success. The shorter the series and smaller the values, the better the chance of winning the series.

If you work it out, you will see that when the series is completed or when you make a 'coup', there is always a profit. The negative side of this system is that you could end up betting large sums of money even if your initial bet is small.

<>Cancellation is similar to Fibonacci, and better. One win cancels 2 losses, and yet there are quite a few steps before you lose large amounts, and so it can work quite often. Here you almost have completed the series.

Row of Numbers Betting System

(Die Abstreichmetode)

The German word for this system is "Die Abstreichmetode". Row of numbers is not as tough as Martingale though. While Martingale can quickly give you your stakes back including a profit, Row of numbers does not repay your losses that quick, but it does not lead to big stakes either which Martingale does.

Row of numbers gives you more flexibility compared to Martingale because you can adjust your stakes in a more suitable way. The disadvantage is that this system requires more effort from you, as you have to make a row of numbers on a piece of paper and add numbers when you lose, and remove numbers when you win. You need to have better control with your betting, so to say.
Let's have a look at the system:

First decide how much you want to win. E.g 1000 $. Then you have to figure out how long it's going to take to reach your goal. This is the tricky part, because when you win you must remove the first and last number in the row, but when you lose you must add a number to the row.
As a result of this, you must try to decide an average probability for a win, given a fixed odds. If you want to play on games with an average odds of 2.0, set your probability to 40% (or thereabouts). It's better to underestimate rather than overestimate your abilities. If you overestimate your ability, you will have to make up for it by increasing your stakes, and increasing the stakes can easily become rather unpleasant if you hit a losing streak.
If we imagine the 1000$ split into 20 50$ wins, we can calculate how long you will have to bet in order to get a 1000$ total win, given the 40% chance of winning with odds=2.0 (a 50% chance means you're betting even with the bookmaker).
With a 40% chance of predicting the 2.0 object correctly, you will lose 60% of the picks. Thus you lose 50% more often than you win (60/40). In the case of winning, you get to remove 2 numbers on the list (the first and last number). When you lose you must add a number at the end of the list. If we draw this row of numbers, it would look like this:
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Determining your first stake:
As explained above, the first and last number will be removed if you win. 50+50=100. In order to win 100$, you must use a stake which will give you 100$ in net profit. If the odds given is 2.0, you'll have to bet 100$. If the odds is 1.50 you must bet 200$. If the odds is 1.75 you must bet 133,33$. The method of determining the stake is:

Net winning
odds - 1

The stakes for your forthcoming bets can be calculated in the same way. If the first bet is 125$ at odds 1.8, and you lose this bet, you must add 125 at the end of the list. The next bet will then be the first and last number in the row, which now is 50+125, divided by (odds-1).

odds - 1
You must ofcourse substitute "odds" with the actual odds offered on your object.
If you win, you must remove the first and last number in the row, and then start fresh with 50+50/(odds-1) again.

Even though this system does not produce such a high level of progresion as Martingale, it's still a rather dangerous system. If you hit a losing streak, things can easily get out of hand. Therefore, your pre-betting calculations is of highest importance. Before starting with this kind of system, be sure to run a test period with fake stakes for a month or so. You will learn the system, and see the importance of modesty when determining your own predicting ability.

8th October 2005, 09:49
Choose 4 long shot outcomes at around 16/1 and place a &#163;1.50 stake that could return more than &#163;10,000! You still win if you only get 1 out of 4 too.


Choose four outcomes at around 16/1 and for a small stake you could end up winning thousands. This type of bet is commonly called a Lucky 15 because the permutation contains 15 bets. For example:


Choose 4 outcomes at around 16/1. Choosing a team to be winning at half-time and then drawing at full-time will almost always give you these odds if you shop around the bookies. Higher scoring correct scores will also give these types of odds.


Place a small unit stake, around 10p per bet, and this will be multiplied by 15 to calculate your full stake.
If only one of the four comes in, you've won your money back. If more than one of the four comes in you could be making big money for a small stake.
You might find that these types of bet don't win that often, so we call this strategy the 'Long Shot'. However, remember that the one time you do get two, three, or four results come in, you've made a fair bit of profit. You've just got to hold out until you get that one week where you hit the jackpot.

Use this strategy in conjunction with another strategy that will cover any losses on this type of bet. For example, place &#163;1.50 on an Evens single bet to cover the potential loss on the Long Shot. Alternatively, treat this bet as it is named, a long shot, and write off the stake as you would do with your quid on the lottery each week!

8th October 2005, 09:52
The Martingale system is a very old and extremely simple system. It is based on the probability of losing streaks and is usually applied to 'even money' bets.

How the Martingale system works?
Every time you lose, you double your previous bet and continue doing so until you win. The theory behind this is that when you do eventually win you will have covered your previous bets and have one betting unit profit.

You start with one bet. If you win, you start again with one bet. If you lose, you double your bet. Each time you lose, you double your last lost bet. Eventually you are bound to win. When you win you would recover all your lost bets plus one unit profit against your initial wager.

Although infallible in theory, the Martingale system requires a large bankroll, has a very low return and is a very risky one because of the maximum bet limits imposed by the betting companies. If you run out of money or reach the company limit, you can lose a lot with no chance to recover your losses.

Therefore, Martingale is a system which helps you control your stakes. With Martingale, you can be a lousy bettor, but still win money. Please not that Martingale is a system with very high risk of going broke.

The principle of the Martingale system is as follows:

Martingale 1-2-4-8-16-32.
Each time you lose, you bet double. Do this again until you win, or until you play the highest bet. Then return to the lowest bet. Example:
1. Bet $1 and win. Keep betting $1 until you lose, then bet $2.
2. If you win the $2, return to $1. If you lose, then bet $4.
3. If you win the $4, return to $1. If you lose, then bet $8.
4. If you win the $8, return to $1. If you lose, then bet $16.
5. If you win the $32, return to $1. If you lose, then also return to $1.
6. And so on...

Follow this example: You've found a game with odds 2.0 for home victory. You bet 100$, but you lose, as the game ends in a draw. Next time you bet 200$ on a game with odds 2.0. If you lose again, you must bet 400$ on a game with odds=2.0. If you win this time, you've placed a total stake of 100+200+400 =700$, and you've won 100$ for your efforts. The 100$ payoff is equal to what you would've won on your first bet.

Fantastic system?

Certainly, if you had unlimited funds available. Or if the bookie would drop his maximum bet limit. Or if you have the sufficient cool when you hit a long losing run. Remember, with odds=2.0, you will have to wager 32 times your original stake if you lose 5 times in a row. And losing 5 times in a row is not too difficult with odds 2.0..... And even if you have lost 5 times in a row, you have no greater chance of winning the sixth time. Too many people think they'll have to win soon when they've lost many in a row. The fact is that the chances for a win is just as big (or small if you like) as when you started the betting sequence. Martingale is in other words a very dangerous system, and should be used by punters with large funds and no nerves.

8th October 2005, 09:53

Assumes you will win before you reach the bet limit and can bankroll the losing run. Bet an initial amount (N). For each win, on the next bet N again. For each lose bet N*x+N where x is the number of losing bets. Thus if you finally win, you will recover all bet money, plus N for every loss. The progression would look like this on a $5 bet. 5, 15, 35, 75, 155, 315, etc. As with all negative progressions, and this one even more so, it requires more capital and is employed to force a winning outcome following a losing streak.

8th October 2005, 09:54
The best way to employ the Oscar's Grind Betting System is to place even money bets. You start by betting single units on each succesive loss. After your initial win, you increase your wager to two units. You keep wagering two units until you win again. At this stage you need to calculate how much your next wager will be to recover your losses plus an extra unit. Oscar's Grind may be the ultimate in maximizing the number of small wins in relation to the large losses.

This may be very confusing so let's take a look at an example of the Oscar's Gring betting system.

You wager a unit on an even money bet.
The spins for the series are(L Loss, W Win, number next to letter is amount wagered, number in brackets is the number of units you are down by:
At your initial win you are down 3 units and you increase your bets to two units.
After the second win you are down 9, at this stage you need to determine your next wager so that you recover your losses with a winning bet.
You would wager 10 units, 9 to cover your losses and one unit as profit.
If you lose this hand you would have to recalculate your wager, you would be down 19 units (9+10) and you would increase your next wager to 20 units (19loss,1profit).
In this example you win on the following hand where you need to wager 40 units to be in the black by one unit.
<>You can now well imagine what would happen on a serious losing streak. Say you lost the last spin, you would be down 79 units and your next wager would have to be 80 units, 79 + 1. The bets are now getting big and the table limit may reached which would destroy this betting system.

So here is Oscar, again:

Rule 1: The goal is to win one unit at the end of each progression and, whatever larger bet might be dictated by the other betting rules, will be dropped to a bet just large enough to gain one unit. This rule overrides.

Rule 2: Bet 1 is one unit.

Rule 3: If Bet 1 is lost, Bet 2 is one unit.

Rule 4. After a loss, the bet is the same as the bet just lost.

Rule 5 After a win, the bet is one more than the bet just won.

Example: First four bets are lost, player is down 4.
Next Bet (1 because it is the same as the bet just lost, Rule 4) won.
Next bet 2, Rule 5. Player down 3. Lose. Player down 5.
Next bet 2, Rule 4. Win. Player down 3.
Next bet 3, Rule 5. Win. Player even.
Next bet 1, Rule 1 overiding Rule 5 which would say bet 4.

8th October 2005, 09:56
This system is ideal for beginners as it is one of the lowest risk systems as players do not have to have a large bankroll or wager large sums from their bankroll.

Using the parlay betting system is easy, you simply let your wager ride on winning bets, determining how long to let your wager ride is the main issue of this system. It could get a little frightening on a winning streak but remember you have only wagered your initial bet.

Parlay System Example;
You decide to place a $1 wager on an even money bet with a 1-1 payoff.

The first bet is a win and your wager is doubled to $2, now you let your wager ride hoping for another win.
The second bet is a win and your wager is doubled to $4. You can obviously see the gist of the system, deciding on how long you should let your wager ride is the magic question.
The third bet is a win and your wager is doubled to $8.
The fourth bet is a win and your wager is doubled to $16, you decide to claim your wager and start over.
For a wager of $1 you have won $15.
Parlay system simply says you should let the money ride for a couple of rounds. Of course, you should decide when to take the bet down to the initial amount.

This system has the effect of 'pyramiding' your profit. Pyramiding is a parlay wager whereby the original wager plus its winnings are played on successive wagers.

Basically you make a bet and if you win you re-invest the winnings on the next bet. You 'let it ride'.

This method of play is by no means risk free, but it offers the least amount of risk of all wagers since the player is only concerned with either a win, place or show selection or a combination of the three.

It is one of the oldest methods of wagering and was originally derived from the same premise that banking systems use to compound interest.

Consequently, you make a bet, and if you win you re-invest the winnings on the next bet. Great for those with a "Double or Nothing" mentality.

8th October 2005, 09:57
The 'plateau philosophy' says you should recalculate your stake whenever your account upgrades to a certain, predefined level. For instance, whenever your fund increases by 25%. Some say that you shouldn't downgrade your stake if you fall down through a level, because if you stick with the higher stake it will speed up your return to the top.

As any other staking system, Plateau has a number of variations. For instance, you could decide to increase your stake by 25% whenever the capital increases for 12.5% or something like that. To go to the extremes would be to upgrade your stakes whenever your gambling fund grows. So, you decide that your 10/10 bet is 2 % of your all-time record high gambling fund, or something like that. Of course, increase of the profit is followed by an increase of risk

8th October 2005, 09:59

(ANTI-MARTINGALE)This system is in a way the opposite of the Martingale system. You start with one bet and you increase your bet when you win rather than when you lose.

However, you will need to plan a betting procedure whereby you know how far you will let the bet build before you take it down to the initial starting bet and how much to raise after each win.

The advantage of this system is that you do not require a large bankroll. It lets the profit run and cuts short the losses.

We increase the stakes whenever we win, and restore them when we lose. Thus we benefit from winning streaks, a feature unused in Martingale. You cannot expect a good streak to last forever, so you must decide over a number of rounds you will let the money ride.

To do that you should determine the probability of winning a bet P.

What is your strike rate? 80%? OK, then P is 80%.

The probability of hitting a winning streak of n games is P to the power of n.




P^4=40.96% etc.

You would go with 3 rounds...

8th October 2005, 10:00
This method relies on a staking plan and its success depends upon following the instructions exactly!

Your aim will be for target profit, T, of 5 points per race. You may use a bank of £200 and give each 'point' a 50p or £1 value. Once you have decided the amount you wish to nominate for each 'point', this should never be altered during a racing sequence.

It is only a matter of time before you have a win even if you know nothing about racing. The reason you have to settle for a relatively low cash value for each point is that this amount multiplies on each loser. Lets imagine you had ten losers in a row, if you had given each point a value of £1 per point then your stake for the 11th bet would be to recover £55. If you had given each point a value of 25p then you would be aiming to recover £10.25. Consider the risks you are taking and compare this with the profit you wish to make!

This system has been used for many years by those who do not believe in gambling. They believe in racing as a business.

T = Points target for race

T+L = Target + Loss (if losing)

OR Target - Gain (if winning)

S = Stake

R = Result

W = Points won that race

L = Points lost that race

AWL = Running total of accumulated WINS and LOSSES

When target profit reached, start sequence again.

As you can see, in race 8, the target profit of 40 points was reached and exceeded. At this point all the profit is withdrawn and the sequence started again with 5 points as the target.
To calculate the race stake, divide by T+L by 3 to the nearest whole number. Then to win at 3-1 or over will clear ALL outstanding losses and give the expected profit.

Whatever stake you use remember, that a single win of 3-1 or over will clear ALL outstanding losses and give the EXPECTED PROFIT!

8th October 2005, 10:01

A reverse (contra) D'Alembert would involve increasing your bet one unit after a win and decreasing your bet one unit after a loss.

This means there are fewer large wins and more smaller losses but also that the wins are likely to get fairly well wiped out with one loss after a group of wins

8th October 2005, 10:02
Spread betting has become very po****r in recent years, due to the possible massive returns on low investments. But it's also possible to lose very large amounts indeed!
Spread betting is the most exciting method of betting, but it's not for novices. You should be aware of the risks with spread betting, and be sure you understand the rules.

In spread betting, you do not know excactly how much you will win/lose before the event has finished. Your return will vary with every goal scored, every booking, every corner, etc. It's not like fixed odds betting. Spread betting is much more "dangerous", and as a result, more exciting.

In spread betting, you will win a lot more than in fixed odds betting, if you are better to predict than the bookmaker. However, you may risk to lose quite a lot, if you fail to predict better than the bookmaker. Due to the nature of spread betting, one bad bet can make huge inrows in your account.

Spread betting is a high risk form of betting. Only play with the money you can afford to lose.

Spread betting is not for the ordinary punter. Spread betting is a dangerous form of betting. However, if you want to win big, fast, and are willing and able to absorb the loses, then spreads is the most exciting form of betting available!
Fixed Odds and Spread Betting

Fixed odds betting is "fixed", meaning you will always know before you place the bet what the possible outcome is. You will know how much you may win, nd how much you can lose.

Spread betting is different. You may lose a lot, or win a lot, depending on how accurate you are with your predictions.

The bookmaker will offer a spread, withing a range of values (normally 0-100).
The bookmaker will perhaps offer a spread of 40-60. This is known as the bookmakers opening prediction. You must then decide whether to bet higher or lower than the bookmaker's predictions. If you bet higher than the bookie's prediction, you think that the result will become higher than the bookie thinks, and when you bet lower, you think the outcome will be lower than the bookie expects.

If you are right, you will win, but only with an amount which is determined by the correctness of your bet (i.e the difference between the actual outcome and the bookie prediction).

If you are wrong, you will lose, but only with an amount which is determined by the incorrectness of your bet (i.e the difference between the actual outcome and the bookie prediction).

The possible outcome for a bet could be 0-90 (also called "the range"). The bookmaker quotes an "opening spread of 40-50". In other words, the bookie thinks the outcome will be between 40 and 50.

The punter has now got 2 options:

1 Higher than 50 (known as "Buy at 50")
You will win if the outcome exceeds 50 (ie. 50-90 or more)

2 Lower than 40 (known as "Sell at 40")
You will win if the outcome is lower than 40 (ie. 0-40)

Important: You, can't make any bets other than the two listed above. You can't place a bet, saying "Higher than 35", or "Lower than 50".

You place your bets staking for instance 10$ per point. When the bets are placed you sit back and wait for the outcome. In this example, we say that the outcome was 70.

Correct bet:
If you bet "Higher than 50") you win, and the amount you have won is found by the difference in points between outcome and bet, ie. 70-50 = 20. You have won by 10 points, and multiplied with your stake of 10$, your return gives 10$ x 20 = 200$.

Incorrect bet:
If you bet "Lower than 40") you lose, and the amount you have lost is found by the difference in points between outcome and bet, ie. 70-40 = 30. You have lost by 30 points, and multiplied with your stake of 10$, your now owe the bookie 10$ x 30 = 300$ !!! (now you see why Spread betting is a dangerous game!)

No win situation
If the outcome is between the spread quoted by the bookie (in this case 40-50), then "nobody" wins. Actually the bookmaker wins, due to his profit margin. If you had bet on "Higher than 50", and the result was 45, then the bookie will win the difference multiplied with your stake.

Example: You bet "Higher than 50". Result is 45.
Bookmaker wins (50-45) * 10$ = 50$ !!

If you bet on "Lower than 40", in a 40-50 spread,
and the result was 45,
you would also lose 10$*5 points = 50$.

This is ofcourse the bookmakers profit margin
The smaller the spread, the smaller profit margin for the bookie.

Placing the bets

Previously we've stated that spread bets are not placed the same way as fixed odds bets.

With fixed odds betting, you always know how much you may win, and how much you may lose. No "hidden surprises". Money are placed in front of the bet.

Spread bets are different. Different methods of staking are used. Spread bets are placed typically in $ per unit (or any other currency per unit). But the point is that you don't actually place the stake before the event takes place, as in fixed odds betting. Due to the high risk of spread betting, your stake is the maximum possible loss (related to your bet).

Types of spreads:

Soccer spreads are very po****r. These are the most common types of spread betting:

First goal
First booking
Total goals
Margin of win

Time of first goal:

Value range: 0-90 (if a goal occurs in the 90th minute, this will normally not count)
Typical spread:38-42 (although varies depending on type of match)
Example: You predict there will be a goal before the 38th minute. Then bet at "Lower than 38", at for instance 2$ per minute.
Result: First goal scored in the 21. minute.
Your return: (38-21)* 2$ = 34$ win


Time of first booking:

Value range: 0-90 (booking in the 90th minute normally does not count)
Typical spread: 28-32 minutes (but varies from match to match)
Example: You predict there will be a booking before the 28th minute. Then bet at "Lower than 28", at for instance 3$ per minute.
Result: First yellow card in the 44th minute.
Return: (44-32) x 3$ = 36$ loss


Total goals:

Value range: 0-unlimited
Typical spread: 1.7-2.3 (varies greatly)
Example: You think that there will be 2 or more goals in a game where the bookies offer the spread 1.7-2.3. Then you bet on "Higher than 2.3 at for instance 3$/ tenth.
Result: 2-1 to the away team. (3 goals)
Return: (30-23) x 3$ = 21$ win (if it ended a 1-1 draw, you would lose (23-20)x3$ = 9$)

Please note !!!
You are confused by betting on tenths of a goal? The main objective with a spread like the one quoted above is to decide minimum wins if you bet correctly. If you bet on "Higher than 2.3" it means that if you are correct, you will minimum win 3.0-2.3=0.7 goals = 7 units. If you bet on "Lower than 1.7", you will minimum win 7 units (1.7-1.0 = 0.7)


Margin of win:

Value range: -unlimited to + unlimited
Typical spread: 0.0 - 0.5 home team (but varies a lot, ofcourse)
Example: The bookie belives the home team will win by a narrow margin, thus presenting the spread 0.0-0.5. You predict the home team will win by at least 1 goal, thus you bet on "Higher than 0.5" with a stake of, lets say 5$ per tenth.
Result: Your team wins 4-1. (3 goal margin)
Return: (30-5) x 5$ = 125$ win
Lets assume your team lost by 2 goals:

Return: (-20-5) x 5$ = -125$ loss

As you can see, you pay a heavy prize if you are wrong in your predictions. If you are correct, you are rewarded well, but it's equally expensive for your wallet if you are wrong...

Other typical spread offers are listed below:

Total Bookings: The bookmaker awards a number of points for a yellow card (normally 10) and a red card (normally 25). Add together the points of all the cards in a match (for instance, 3 yellows and 1 red gives a total of 55 points). The bookmaker quotes a spread based on this total. You decide whether to bet higher or lower.
Total Corners: How may corners will there be in a match? This is ofcourse more like bingo, but can be very exciting and amusing when watching a match in front of the TV with your friends :)
Time of ...: Time of First Goal and Time of First Booking are mentioned above, but the same system can be applied to many other minute-by minute events. Examples: Time of Second Goal, Time of Last Goal, Time of 2nd-Half First Goal, etc, etc.


Spread betting is a very exciting form of betting. Your return will vary with virtually every kick of the ball. This makes spread betting ideal for televised games. Nowadays most bookmakers accept spreads on the most po****r leagues. In-match betting has also become po****r in recent years. With in-match betting you can place bets during the match, with the advantages and disadvantages which may follow.

Spread betting is the form of betting which best repays your skills, but also the method which will rob you if you are not up to standards. Be ware of that, and remember to read the rules carefully.

8th October 2005, 10:04

With each loss, go up 10% rounded to the nearest non-zero bet unit, with each win go down 10%. After you break even, then with each extra win, return halfway back to the lowest bet.

This is identical to D’Alembert except that if you hit $20, you then go up and down $2. If you hit $30, you then go up and down $3. Etc. Be sure to keep track of your total since the last time you saw $1, and reduce bets by 50% after each win that causes a total net win or that breaks even.

The Ten Percent Solution is for D’Alembert players who never want to give up, or for “cancellation” players who want to go the limit with slightly less insanity. With the Ten Percent Solution, the higher you play the more you might win-instead of being doomed to play higher and higher with less and less hope or reason.

The Ten Percent Solution can be efficient. Be warned however that this is not a low risk strategy. It is only “lower-risk play for high risk players.” The Ten Percent Solution is not for those who lack discipline.

8th October 2005, 10:05

(A variant of the Labouchere System in Reverse)

This system is like the Cancellation System above with this variation: When winning, ( add the first and last number in the sequence ), the first time, and then 3 numbers until you lose. If you lose, add that to the end of the sequence and bet only the first(only one) number not crossed off. If you lose again, go to betting the unit bet, to preserve capital. I have found one needs about 40 times the first number in the sequence when starting as a bankroll , with the initial numbers being about 40-20-20-20 % (ie $50 sequence would be written: $20-10-10-10) Your bankroll taken to the table will be $1000.00.This means, It is found that you only have to win 30% of the time to be successful!

This system requires nerve, fearlessness and an appropriate bank roll.
The system really forces one to bet large when winning and small when losing, which is exactly the opposite of what most people do- and what the bookie expects. You also need high enough bet limits.

8th October 2005, 12:11
decat asa .... mai bine nu le scriai :P

8th October 2005, 12:28
Ce vorbesti, prietene? Sunt foarte folositoare, si pot fi adaptate dupa cerintele fiecarui jucator! Cauta pe google, ca exista si in romaneste! :)

8th October 2005, 12:32
cum sa caut?? ce cuvinte sa pun sa caute?

14th October 2005, 15:33
ROM 14:00 527 0 POLI IASI 1.85 3.0 4.0 GLORIA BISTRITA
ROM 15:00 532 0 OTELUL GALATI 1.75 3.0 4.5 JIUL PETROSANI
16:00 572 0 INTER MILANO 1.25 4.25 12.0 LIVORNO
16:00 573 0 LAZIO 2.55 2.9 2.55 FIORENTINA
20:00 722 0 ESPANYOL 1.8 3.2 4.0 CADIZ
20:00 723 0 VALENCIA 1.55 3.4 5.5 MALAGA
20:00 725 0 BESIKTAS 1.4 3.75 7.0 KAYSERISPOR
20:15 726 0 FARUL CONSTANTA 2.65 2.9 2.45 STEAUA BUCURESTI
21:30 737 0 CAGLIARI 6.5 3.3 1.5 MILAN

Solicit parerea unui "as" in materie de pariuri ! Dc se poate pronosticurile si meciurile care sunt riscante dintre cele de mai sus!

22nd October 2005, 14:22
ce reclama frate....era un link ajutator....esty nebun....

24th October 2005, 20:48
Treaba pe un alt forum , imi da putin timp ptr. onlinesport.
Sper cand situatia v-a fi mai buna acolo,sa am mai mult timp

6th November 2005, 13:29
razvy de ce nu postezi si tu niste bilete castigatoare sa ne ajuti si pe noi :) asteptam :P

13th November 2005, 12:46
Mdea , nu stiu cu ce ar ajuta , si nu vad cum ati putea paria
Majoritatea pariurilor sunt single,si le pariez deobicei cu putin timp inainte sa inceapa evenimentul.
Incerc cat de mult se poate, sa evit combourile ..

4th September 2009, 00:27
salut pariorilor imi puteti da si mie niste sauturi as vrea sa stiu starea echipelor si starea jucatorilor si cine joaca si nu joaca