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22nd October 2010, 01:13
Domnul Merriman a fost pe IR cu o clauza speciala. Odata ce isi revine automat va fi un free agent. Deci cu siguranta va semna cu alta echipa.

Nu e chiar asa, nu va fi free agent, e o diferenta, va fi waived, ceea ce inseamna ca nu e liber sa semneze cu cine vrea, ci trebuie sa mearga anul acesta la cea mai slaba echipa care-l va selectiona.
O adevarata umilinta pentru el.

Interesant este ca si altii precum Vincent Jakson, Logan Mankins vor fi fortati sa revina la echipele lor pe salarii "de mizerie" (comform standardului lor) pentru ca altfel isi pierd beneficiile de munca.

22nd October 2010, 14:42
Nu stiu daca il ia cineva la salariul full, in conditiile in care a avut atatea probleme pe teren si in afara lui. Tocmai de asta cred ca va deveni free agent

23rd October 2010, 00:22
Nu stiu daca il ia cineva la salariul full, in conditiile in care a avut atatea probleme pe teren si in afara lui. Tocmai de asta cred ca va deveni free agent

E o chestie de tehnicalitate dar nu mai poate deveni acum free agent pentru ca ar fi trebuit dat afara inainte de un anumit termen. Free agent esti atunci cand poti semna cu cine vrei. In cazul lui nu e asa, atunci cand va fi eliberat va trebui sa mearga la cine-l va cere. Dupa cum stiti prioritate au echipele care au terminat mai slab anul trecut, la fel ca la draft.
In fine, nu e asa de important si nu vreau sa ma cramponez intr-o chestie minora (pentru mine) dar am vrut doar sa subliniez care e diferenta.

23rd October 2010, 01:03
Si daca nu-l ia nimeni de pe waiver wire? in cazul ala e liber sa semneze cu cine vrea. :)

23rd October 2010, 10:07
Deion Sanders will join the Falcons' ring of honor on Thursday, November 11, in conjunction with the team's home game against the Ravens.

Not bad for a guy who spent only five years in Atlanta.

As fi vrut sa nu-l primeasca. E mail mult pt PR decat pt merite si respect fata de franciza.

23rd October 2010, 12:22

26th October 2010, 20:37
Ainceput votarea pentru Pro Bowl 2010-2011
O sansa sa-l votam toti pe Zoltan Mesko...

26th October 2010, 23:49

27th October 2010, 00:14

27th October 2010, 00:43
done again :)
am selectat la celelalte 2 optiuni cei mai varza punteri :)

27th October 2010, 10:26
nu cred ca e inca oficial pentru ca sunt multi jucatori f buni netrecuti si da multe erori

27th October 2010, 10:41
Dam fiecare voturi "fara numar" Zoltan Mesko :).

done again :)
am selectat la celelalte 2 optiuni cei mai varza punteri :)
Nu e obligatoriu sa alegi pe toate pozitiile si nici macar numarul de jucatori solicitat pe o anumita pozitie. Poti intra sa votezi, spre exemplu, un singur jucator si apoi sa dai Submit.

P.S. Cred ca ar trebui creat un thread PROBOWL 2011 si, eventual, un moderator sa mute aceste mesaje acolo.

27th October 2010, 11:04
Game Pass-ul s-a redus la jumatate pentru urmatoarele etape. Doar 129$.

Raul Drak3
27th October 2010, 12:36
O sansa sa-l votam toti pe Zoltan Mesko...

done :D

Game Pass-ul s-a redus la jumatate pentru urmatoarele etape. Doar 129$.

thank you :)

27th October 2010, 15:03
Voted also :D

27th October 2010, 15:35
mi se pare ciudat ca pe fiecare pozitie pot sa aleg 3 jucatori pentru fiecare categorie

nu cred ca ar tb sa votam 3 WR si 3 punteri

31st October 2010, 02:30
Nu cred in asa ceva (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=Ag0b5UwixlNo7IEC25D2ylNDubYF?slug=ap-nflineurope)

31st October 2010, 12:39
Personal cred ca ar fi o mare prostie din partea lui Goodell, si va strica tot ceea ce e mai frumos in NFL. Sper sa fie doar o fantezie, si sa nu se materializeze niciodata.

31st October 2010, 13:29
Si in NBA era vorba la un moment dat sa fie introdusa Real Madrid si se pare ca s-a uitat de acea idee (proasta). Mi s-ar parea stupid sa faci asta doar din foame de bani, ca alt motiv nu exista. Pana la urma acel "N" din NFL vine de la National, nu vad ce ar mai putea fi national daca ar aparea o echipa in Londra dar, pana la urma, si in NBA si NHL regasim echipe din Canada si tot National sunt si competitiile alea.

31st October 2010, 13:39
e o idee proasta, dar nu pt ca ar fi "National"... distantele ar fi muuuult prea mari, iar din puct de vedere financiar dupa vreo 2-3 sezoane o sa se termine cu Londra.... Chestia cu "National" nu e chiar asa.. in NHL echipele care au fondat erau 3 din Canada si 3 din US, asa ca nu e chiar national, mai mult nord-american. Decat sa bage o ehipa in Londra mai bine ar incepe cu LA, Hawai samd... parerea mea

31st October 2010, 13:58
distantele, diferenta de fus orar ii va aduce la normal pe cei din NFL.Iti trebuie zile bune,sa "mesteci" diferenta de fus orar.Se pare ca proprietarul lui Pats, e cel mai mare fan ai ideii cu echipa din europa.
De ceva timp, se tot vorbeste de mutarea francizei Bills in canada,la toronto.cum zicea si urlacher, in NHL,NBA sunt echipe din canada.la fel si in MLB.

31st October 2010, 20:28
Alta e o echipa din Canada. Acelasi continent, acelasi fus orar, canadienii au si eu football de foarte mult timp. Poate ca Goodell ar face bine sa se uite peste granita si sa asimileze din Canada, decat prostia asta cu o ehipa in Europa.

1st November 2010, 21:09
De acord, dar lacomia nu cunoaste limite. Prelungirea sezonului la 18 meciuri sta de asemenea marturie.

1st November 2010, 22:00
.....si SOC !!! :D

The Minnesota Vikings waived wide receiver Randy Moss. :)

1st November 2010, 22:05
.....si SOC !!! :D

The Minnesota Vikings waived wide receiver Randy Moss. :)

Ce patetic :D heading back to Oakland now ?

1st November 2010, 22:08
.....si SOC !!! :D

The Minnesota Vikings waived wide receiver Randy Moss. :)


Initial am crezut ca e o gluma. Sa vedem cine-i solicita serviciile :).

1st November 2010, 22:11
.....si SOC !!! :D

The Minnesota Vikings waived wide receiver Randy Moss. :)

Ei bine, nu ca m-as fi asteptat dar dupa modul cum s-a comportat la conferinta de presa de ieri nu e chiar asa socant. E neasteptat ca au avut curajul sa o faca totusi.

1st November 2010, 22:12
ce vikingi prosti
ajunge moss un fel de al doilea TO :))

1st November 2010, 22:19
Interesant. am vazut faza dar nu m-am gandit la acest aspect

1st November 2010, 23:25
e adevarat ca lunea analizeaza antrenorii meciul...dar daca Chily s-a bazat doar pe faza resp cand i-a dat drumul lui Moss ... cred ca e o dovada a haosului de la Vikings. Totusi eu banuiesc ca e altceva ... cred ca Chily o sa il puna pe tusa meciul urmator pe Brett...contuzie...glezna...cot...pana la urma nu conteaza....si cred ca e ferm convins(si aici ii dau dreptate) ca Moss nu o sa prinda pase de la Tarvaris Jackson.

2nd November 2010, 00:04

"Intriguing question... RT @TheCoverTwo: why was Moss cut before Tom Brady's hair?"


2nd November 2010, 00:13
Moss still a Viking! nu apare pe lista azi, a expirat dead-line-ul.

2nd November 2010, 00:38
In 2005 cand l-au expediat pe Moss in Oakland, cine era patron in Minnesota? Banuiesc ca era acelasi om, care conduce si acum organizatia. Nu stiau acum 3 saptamani ce jucator iau cand au facut acel trade pentru Moss? Cred ca asta e cea mai proasta miscare facuta de un antrenor si o conducere in istoria NFL. Cei care au castigat sunt Patriots. Pentru ca au castigat un 3rd round pick, si il mai si pot semna pe Moss, odata ce Moss clears the waivers...
Oricum surprinzatoare miscarea. Childress , cred ca si-a pierdut postul. La final de sezon, cred ca Vikings vor merge pe mana altui antrenor.

2nd November 2010, 01:23
Moss still a Viking! nu apare pe lista azi, a expirat dead-line-ul.

Da, cica acum unii il vor inapoi, cam neclara situatia. Nu a expirat nimic, probabil ca inca nu l-au concediat oficial.
Normal concedierile se fac in zilele de marti. O data ce va fi dat afara (daca va fi) vor trebui sa treaca 24 de ore pentru a fi
angajat de cineva , caz in care vor trebui sa-i plateasca salariul (primii pe lista sunt Saint Louis Rams).
Daca nu-l cere nimeni atunci va deveni liber de contract, caz in care Vikings vor trebui sa-i plateasca salariul pe anul in curs iar echipa care-l va angaja poate sa-i dea chiar si un salariu mai mic.

2nd November 2010, 09:05
cred ca primii pe lista sunt Bills. Waiver order cred ca e in functie de clasarea actuala...nu de cea de anul trecut.

2nd November 2010, 10:35
Interesant. am vazut faza dar nu m-am gandit la acest aspect

Nu e neaparat vorba doar de faza asta. Eu am stat cu ochii pe el si la alte actiuni si cel putin la blocaje pt run era de-a dreptul delasator, pur si simplu parea ca n-avea chef sa execute play-ul.

2nd November 2010, 10:46
Current waiver wire:
# Buffalo Bills
# Dallas Cowboys
# Carolina Panthers
# San Francisco 49ers
# Denver Broncos
# Minnesota Vikings
# Detroit Lions
# Cleveland Browns
# Cincinnati Bengals
# San Diego Chargers
# Arizona Cardinals
# Washington Redskins
# St. Louis Rams
# Oakland Raiders
# Jacksonville Jaguars
# Seattle Seahawks
# Philadelphia Eagles
# Miami Dolphins#
# Chicago Bears#
# Tennessee Titans#
# New Orleans Saints#
# Green Bay Packers
# Indianapolis Colts
# Houston Texans
# Tampa Bay Buccaneers
# Pittsburgh Steelers
# New York Jets
# New York Giants
# Kansas City Chiefs
# Baltimore Ravens
# Atlanta Falcons
# New England Patriots

2nd November 2010, 10:47
Ce final trist...moss dat afara dupa 3 meciuri, zici c-ar fi fost ceva rookie sau unul din practice squad.

2nd November 2010, 10:48
Waiver rules


Section 1. Release:
(a) Whenever a player who has finished the season in which his fourth year of credited service has been earned under the Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle Plan is placed on waivers between February 1 and the trading deadline, his contract will be considered terminated and the player will be completely free at any time thereafter to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any Club, and any Club shall be completely free to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with such player, without penalty or restriction, including, but not limited to, Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs or First Refusal Rights of any kind, or any signing period. If the waivers occur after that time, the player’s Player Contract will be subject to the waiver system and may be awarded to a claiming Club. However, if such player is claimed and awarded, he shall have the option to declare himself an Unrestricted Free Agent at the end of the League Year in question if he has a no-trade clause in his Player Contract. If such player does not have a no-trade clause and the Player Contract being awarded through waivers covers more than one additional season, the player shall have the right to declare himself an Unrestricted Free Agent as set forth above at the end of the League Year following the League Year in which he is waived and awarded.
(b) Whenever a player who has finished less than the season in which his fourth year of credited service has been earned under the Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle Plan is placed on waivers, the player’s Player Contract will be subject to the waiver system and may be awarded to a claiming Club.

Section 2. Contact: Coaches or any other persons connected with another NFL Club are prohibited from contacting any player placed on waivers until such time as the player is released by the waiving Club.

Section 3. Ineligibility: Any NFL player who is declared ineligible to compete in a preseason, regular season or postseason game because of a breach by any NFL Club by whom he is employed of waiver procedures and regulations, or any other provision of the NFL Constitution and Bylaws, will be paid the salary or other compensation which he would have received if he had not been declared ineligible, which, in any event, will be a minimum of one week’s salary and, when applicable, expense payments.

Section 4. Notice of Termination: The Notice of Termination form attached hereto as Appendix G will be used by all Clubs. If possible, the Notice of Termination will be personally delivered to the player prior to his departure from the team. If the Notice of Termination has not been personally delivered to the player prior to his departure from the team, the Notice of Termination will be sent to him by certified mail at his last address on
file with the Club.

Section 5. NFLPA’s Right to Personnel Information: The NFL shall inform the NFLPA of player personnel transactions communicated in the Personnel Notice between the NFL and its member Clubs concerning the termination or trading of players including awards on waivers, termination through waivers, confirmation of trades or any change in the status of players (e.g., placed on Reserve Injured, etc.). The NFL will make best efforts to communicate the information referred to in this Article to the NFLPA on the same day, but in no event later than noon on the next day. A player who is terminated shall, upon request at or around the time of termination, be informed by the terminating Club of any claims made upon him by NFL Clubs during that League Year. The same information will be provided to the NFLPA if requested.

Section 6. Rosters: The NFLMC shall supply the NFLPA with an opening day and final roster for each Club. Rosters shall consist of the following categories of players: Active; Inactive; Reserve Injured; Reserve Physically Unable to Perform; Exempt Commissioner Permission; Non Football Illness/Injury; Practice Squad.

Section 7. Procedural Recall Waivers: A player with four or more Credited Seasons who is subject to procedural recall waivers from the Reserved/Retired or Reserve/Military status, and who opts for Free Agency in lieu of assignment, cannot, during the same season, re-sign or return to the Club that originally requested such waivers.

2nd November 2010, 11:21
Cine s-ar fi gandit la inceputul sezonului ca dupa W8 Dallas va fi #2 ?

2nd November 2010, 11:25
Eagles & Redskins fans :))

2nd November 2010, 11:42
Nu e neaparat vorba doar de faza asta. Eu am stat cu ochii pe el si la alte actiuni si cel putin la blocaje pt run era de-a dreptul delasator, pur si simplu parea ca n-avea chef sa execute play-ul.

Asa e, nu s-a integrat deloc. Se zvonea ca Childress a luat decizia fara sa se consulte cu nimeni si deja anuntase echipa, probabil de aceea nu apare Moss pe waiver wire.La fel se speculeaza ca Moss ar fi dispus sa revina la Vikes(desi in acte inca e acolo) daca e dat afara Childress.
Mai devreme sau mai tarziu insa, Moss o sa revina la Pats si noi o sa ascultam nemuritoarele povesti cu BB care a transformat un 7th round intr-un 3rd round :D

2nd November 2010, 11:52
Bengals ar trebui sa il ia. ... Batman , Robin & Batgirl (?????)

2nd November 2010, 11:58
Mai devreme sau mai tarziu insa, Moss o sa revina la Pats si noi o sa ascultam nemuritoarele povesti cu BB care a transformat un 7th round intr-un 3rd round :D

Daca revine la Pats,ar fi de rasul curcii!:happy

2nd November 2010, 12:46
Bengals ar trebui sa il ia. ... Batman , Robin & Batgirl (?????)

Mai degraba Alfred.

2nd November 2010, 13:04
Eagles & Redskins fans :))

da' Giants' fans ce au? :P

2nd November 2010, 13:22
Sunt momentan ocupati cu Jets si Fireman Ed.
No more Giants-town....It's Sexy Rexy time in New York!!!!

2nd November 2010, 14:14
mai degraba alfred.

hahaha ownage !!! :))

2nd November 2010, 15:06
Mai devreme sau mai tarziu insa, Moss o sa revina la Pats si noi o sa ascultam nemuritoarele povesti cu BB care a transformat un 7th round intr-un 3rd round :D
Lasa sa nu mai vina. :D Echipa pare mult mai ok fara domnul "primadona".
Am auzit analisti zicand ca Redskins sau Rams ar putea fi cele mai interesate de RM. Om vedea.

2nd November 2010, 19:37
Sincer mie mi-ar place ca Randy sa se duca la Rams dar numai pentru anul acesta. Bradford are nevoie de putin ajutor cu atatia receiveri accidentati.

Cine a auzit de vestea cea mare? Jamarcus Russel in probe la Redskins. Daca-l iau vor fi de rasul curcilor. Cica l-au scos pe McNabb din joc datorita conditiei fizice dar acum se uita la un QB gras si lenes.

2nd November 2010, 20:21
Povestea lui Randy devine povestea tipica a saracului anonim care se vede ajuns bogat si faimos si o ia razna complet. De la talentele pe care si le da la conferintele de presa si pana la magarii mai putin publice, de genul asta:

Every Friday, the Vikings invite a local establishment to cater the team's post-practice meal. Last Friday, it was a St. Paul restaurant -- a favorite of former Vikings center Matt Birk -- that served chicken, pasta, ribs and other dishes. While his teammates lined up to dig in, Moss lashed out, according to the report. Moss yelled "What the fuck? Who ordered this crap? I wouldn't feed this to my dog. You know, I used to have to eat that crap -- but now I've got money."
"This wasn't a chain -- it was a mom-and-pop restaurant, and you could tell it was their best stuff," the witness said, according to the report. "You just felt so sad for them. I had never seen anyone treated like that".

2nd November 2010, 20:25

2nd November 2010, 23:39
remember .... Moss eats his chicken only fried and with watermelon.

Also...He might still be drinking the CoolAid

3rd November 2010, 02:48
remember .... Moss eats his chicken only fried and with watermelon.

Also...He might still be drinking the CoolAid

loved that

3rd November 2010, 10:01
Povestea lui Randy devine povestea tipica a saracului anonim care se vede ajuns bogat si faimos si o ia razna complet. De la talentele pe care si le da la conferintele de presa si pana la magarii mai putin publice, de genul asta:

Every Friday, the Vikings invite a local establishment to cater the team's post-practice meal. Last Friday, it was a St. Paul restaurant -- a favorite of former Vikings center Matt Birk -- that served chicken, pasta, ribs and other dishes. While his teammates lined up to dig in, Moss lashed out, according to the report. Moss yelled "What the fuck? Who ordered this crap? I wouldn't feed this to my dog. You know, I used to have to eat that crap -- but now I've got money."
"This wasn't a chain -- it was a mom-and-pop restaurant, and you could tell it was their best stuff," the witness said, according to the report. "You just felt so sad for them. I had never seen anyone treated like that".

cu cat ma gandesc la faza asta cu atat as vrea ca pericoiosul asta sa fie suspendat de liga

nu ar tb sa i se permita unui jucator sa injure un fan fara sa fie provocat

ce jeg de cocalar. s-a trezit vagabondul cu bani si acum are pretentii

3rd November 2010, 12:47
*****. sunt simpli sportivi, platiti sa joace fotbal nu sa tina lectii de moralitate si de eleganta
asa ca bullshitu' asta sa fie suspendat ca a facut nush ce in afara meciul e o porcarie totala

3rd November 2010, 13:42
Sa mori tuuuuu !!
Atunci de ce sunt suspendati jucatorii cand sunt prinsi beti la volan? Ce treaba are Godell cu toate astea? Sau cu acidentele rutiere? Sau cu pozele in putza goala trimise la reporteri? Sau cu incercarile de viol?
Daca Godell tot suspenda jucatori pentru incalcari ale legii "reale", atunci ce a facut Moss e definit de: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/ultraj Care in state, la fel ca-n Romania nu e limitat doar la autoritati publice.
And don't make me go digging about Godell's other stupid suspensions! Stii foarte bine ca ala suspenda jucatori aiurea.

3rd November 2010, 14:17
ma refeream in general, ca e un bullshit sa suspenzi pe cineva care o arde dubios in viata personala
si da probabil ca moss o sa fie suspendat

3rd November 2010, 15:48
ma refeream in general, ca e un bullshit sa suspenzi pe cineva care o arde dubios in viata personala
si da probabil ca moss o sa fie suspendat

Stii de ce ii suspenda? Pt ca fiind persoane publice (si mereu in spotlight-ul presei) prin comportamentul "extra-curicular" negativ aduc prejudicii de imagine clubului la care lucreaza si ligii in general. Si asta se poate traduce in pierderi de bani pt club/liga. Ai vazut ce rapid isi retrag unele firme endorsment-urile cand jucatorul sau echipa care constituie imaginea unei campanii publicitare face o magarie si are parte de presa negativa.
Cluburile din NFL si liga per ansamblu sunt afaceri si e normal sa vrea sa-si protejeze interesele financiare si de imagine. Iar jucatorii stiu sigur asta cand semneaza primul lor contract in NFL. Sunt sigur ca exista un "code of conduct" prin care li se cere comportament decent si in afara stadionului. Take it or leave it.

Sincer, ma mir ca Moss nu a fost sanctionat drastic cand a anuntat refuzul de a vorbi cu presa. Ma mir ca nu exista o regula pt asa ceva. Tocmai in ideea ca un club e o afacere, o firma ca oricare alta, nu o asociatie voluntara de jucatori. Daca un angajat de la firma X declara intr-o zi ca de acum inainte refuza sa mai vorbeasca cu clientii, nu e penalizat si/sau dat afara? Nu ar trebui sa fie diferit nici pt cluburile NFL. Orice angajat (jucator) are responsabilitatea de a contribui la prosperitatea si bunul nume al companiei (clubului) pt care lucreaza. In cazul unui club sportiv, prosperitatea rezulta si din conferintele de presa, unde fanii au ocazia de a auzi informatii direct de la jucatori, si deci de a se mentine interesati de acel club, de a cumpara bilete, de a cumpara produse promotionale, etc.
Eu l-as fi pus la punct pe Moss in secunda aia: "Ori iti indeplinesti obligatia de a vorbi cu presa ca orice alt angajat al clubului, ori esti concediat".

3rd November 2010, 17:19
Politica NFL in privinta suspensiilor e foarte dubioasa.
Cazul model:
Big Ben - sexual assault 1 woman in a bathroom - 4 etape supendare
Brandon Underwood (yeah, exactly, who?) - sexual assault 2 women hotel room in Green Bay - 0

3rd November 2010, 18:03
Pai Big Ben nu a mai avut un scandal inainte?

3rd November 2010, 19:23
Stii de ce ii suspenda? Pt ca fiind persoane publice (si mereu in spotlight-ul presei) prin comportamentul "extra-curicular" negativ aduc prejudicii de imagine clubului la care lucreaza si ligii in general. Si asta se poate traduce in pierderi de bani pt club/liga. Ai vazut ce rapid isi retrag unele firme endorsment-urile cand jucatorul sau echipa care constituie imaginea unei campanii publicitare face o magarie si are parte de presa negativa.
Cluburile din NFL si liga per ansamblu sunt afaceri si e normal sa vrea sa-si protejeze interesele financiare si de imagine. Iar jucatorii stiu sigur asta cand semneaza primul lor contract in NFL. Sunt sigur ca exista un "code of conduct" prin care li se cere comportament decent si in afara stadionului. Take it or leave it.".

De acord

3rd November 2010, 19:27
Asadar azi in cateva ore aflam unde merg Moss si Merriman
Iata ce zice Adam Shefter
"Potential destinations: Randy Moss -- St. Louis, Oakland, Tennessee. Shawne Merriman -- SF, Miami, Baltimore. But we'll see after 4 pm ET."

Eu unul sper sa nu ajunga totusi la Titans. Asa cum am mai zis sper sa mearga la Rams.

3rd November 2010, 20:54
Eu unul sper sa nu ajunga totusi la Titans.

Prietenii stiu de ce :).

3rd November 2010, 21:37
Brad Childress calls the acquisition of receiver Randy Moss "a poor decision." (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5760191&campaign=rss&source=NFLHeadlines)

Fitzele de neam prost ale lui Moss din ultima vreme imi aduc aminte de melodia "Celebrity" a lui Brad Paisley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9mpDAJOPac
Rolul jucat de Jason Alexander in videoclip se potriveste perfect cu atitudinea lui Randy. :D

3rd November 2010, 22:23
Prietenii stiu de ce :).

Si de ce te temi nu scapi. Ha, ha, Moss va juca pentru Titans


Merriman a fost luat de Bills

3rd November 2010, 22:27
Si de ce te temi nu scapi. Ha, ha, Moss va juca pentru Titans

Facem ceva pariuri pt cat rezista si acolo ? :D

PS: Bills claim Shawne Merriman (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5760807&campaign=rss&source=NFLHeadlines)

3rd November 2010, 22:29
Politica NFL in privinta suspensiilor e foarte dubioasa.
Cazul model:
Big Ben - sexual assault 1 woman in a bathroom - 4 etape supendare
Brandon Underwood (yeah, exactly, who?) - sexual assault 2 women hotel room in Green Bay - 0

back it up ..... Underwood nu a primit nimic pt ca povestea celor 2 femei era mai mult decat dubioasa ... s-a schimbat de vreo 3 ori in 12h ... si in plus .... cum agresezi sexual 2 femei in acelasi timp(lucru sustinut de cele 2) niciuna aflandu-se sub influenta alcoolului sau alte substante.

3rd November 2010, 22:29
Probabil ca anul acesta numai. Nu cred ca l-ar mai lua cineva, e deja jumatatea sezonului iar Titans ar trebui sa-i plateasca salariul.

4th November 2010, 09:26
Vikings ii vor plati salariul de 3 mil. Titans platesc doar daca mai vor ei ceva in plus.

4th November 2010, 12:34
^Nope. E asa: Moss' $6.4M contract goes Pats-Vikings-Titans. Pats, Vikes = $1.5M each, Titans to pay $3.4M.

4th November 2010, 19:06
^Nope. E asa: Moss' $6.4M contract goes Pats-Vikings-Titans. Pats, Vikes = $1.5M each, Titans to pay $3.4M.

Asa este. Daca Titans nu-l luau de pe waivers atunci ar fi devenit free agent si Vikings ramaneau responsabili cu salariul pe restul anului.

4th November 2010, 21:52
Tinand cont ca Kenny Britt nu va juca in urmatoarele 6-8 saptamani, Titans au facut o achizitie buna. Ramane de vazut daca Moss, va juca la un nivel ridicat, sau tot asa cu sictir, de parca lumea s-a terminat si fara Tom Brady nu mai poate trai...
Inclin sa cred ca Moss a facut o pasiune pentru Bellichick si Brady.

4th November 2010, 22:01
Moss tot asa cu sictir, de parca lumea s-a terminat si fara Tom Brady nu mai poate trai...
Inclin sa cred ca Moss a facut o pasiune pentru Bellichick si Brady.
foarte tare!!!!

5th November 2010, 08:38
S-ar putea sa aiba dreptate. Mossfuckerface plange dupa laptele varsat.

5th November 2010, 15:39
Patronul de la Vikings a stat doua zile in cantonament cu echipa, discutand cu jucatorii. Se pare ca nu i-a picat bine ca a pierdut un 3rd rounder si cateva parale odata cu R. Moss. Daca nu reactiona ca o femeie inselata cand l-a auzit pe Moss criticandu-l, poate avea si Childress liniste in vestiar si nu ar fi tb sa poarte pantaloni maro pe el la meciul cu Arizona.

5th November 2010, 15:50
Inclin sa cred ca Moss a facut o pasiune pentru Bellichick si Brady.
Era bine daca facea pasiunea aia cand inca membru al Pats, in loc sa se comporte ca un jerk.

6th November 2010, 12:15
Anthony Gonzales (Colts) terminat pt restul sezonului.

Vinovat? WHO ELSE????!?!?!?!?!

Bernard Pollard (Trebuie sa-i fac un wallpaper neaparat omului astuia si sa scriu sub numele lui "Bonafide Assassin")

7th November 2010, 17:32
Toata agitatia asta hollywoodiana legata de Moss m-a dus la urmatoarele concluzii:
- Bellichick a mutat inspirat, a scapat de un WR care joaca doar in conditiile impuse de el, fara un plan tactic.
- Childres este unul din cei mai slabi lideri (care include si antrenori) din NFL, a fost frustrat de declaratiile lui Favre prin care-i submina puternic autoritatea si s-a razbunat pe Moss pe care nu trebuia sa-l ia din start, pe deasupra nu si-a anuntat ownerul cand a facut mutarea, miscare prin care si-a asigurat exitul de la vikings
- Moss la titans arata logic pe hartie dar daca primadona nu-si face ordine in viata si nu realizeaza ca este ultima lui sansa sa insemne ceva in NFL va iesi pe usa din dos.

8th November 2010, 09:05
va iesi pe usa din dos.

las ca-i tine Favre de urat

8th November 2010, 18:00
da, dar uite ce meci a facut mosulica, oricum nu au nici o sansa la playoff anul asta, cred ca de anul viitor se va face curatenie la vikings, incepand cu pensionar si antrenor....,

8th November 2010, 18:40
oricum pat williams si hutchinsons se retrageau si ei la anul
ray edwards e pe final de contract si sgur pleaca in alta parte. AP si Sidney Rice sunt in ultimul an de contract si o sa ia toti banii.

8th November 2010, 19:39
Apropos de ce a scris campuscodi sapt trecuta despre Gonzalez...
Am deschis ieri televizorul fix cand Collie de la Colts a fost pur si simplu knocked out de doi safeties de la Eagles. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5777882
Am ramas mut cateva minute. Ca si cei din public. Pe bune ca trebuie facut ceva sa inceteze practicile astea. Eu inteleg ca jucatorii din D au un job de facut, dar totusi...

8th November 2010, 22:33
Cowboys au scapat de Wade Phillips.
Link (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81bf68e8/article/cowboys-fire-coach-wade-phillips?module=HP_cp2)
Era si timpul... Nu ca inlocuitotul sau temporar , Garrett va reusi sa-i redreseze pe vacari...

8th November 2010, 23:21
Apropos de ce a scris campuscodi sapt trecuta despre Gonzalez...
Am deschis ieri televizorul fix cand Collie de la Colts a fost pur si simplu knocked out de doi safeties de la Eagles. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5777882
Am ramas mut cateva minute. Ca si cei din public. Pe bune ca trebuie facut ceva sa inceteze practicile astea. Eu inteleg ca jucatorii din D au un job de facut, dar totusi...

De acord trebuie facut ceva, de fapt se si face cu amenzile si suspendarile.
In cazul lui Collie cred ca nu a fost intentionat totusi, din ce am vazut pe reluari. A fost mai degraba o intamplare nefericita.
Oricum, eu cand l-am vazut in pozitia aia imediat dupa impact am crezut ca i-a rupt gatul si ca a ramas paralizat. Nici nu m-am mai putut gandi la meci, tot timpul am verificat stirile legate de Collie.

8th November 2010, 23:36
Cowboys au scapat de Wade Phillips.
Link (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81bf68e8/article/cowboys-fire-coach-wade-phillips?module=HP_cp2)
Era si timpul... Nu ca inlocuitotul sau temporar , Garrett va reusi sa-i redreseze pe vacari...

Deci in sfarsit Jerry Jones (si altii) au ocazia sa-l vada la lucru pe acest Garret care este un fel de pomul laudat.
Oarecum nefavorabil momentul pentru el.

9th November 2010, 01:45
Pentru multi dintre fanii Dallas , acest sezon e o lectie pe care o merita. L-au injurat si criticat pe Romo la tot pasul ca sa-si dea seama ca fara Romo, Dallas nici macar nu arata a echipa de NFL. L-au contestat si pe Wade si s-ar putea sa mai aiba o revelatie,aceea ca echipa e mediocra.
Astept cu nerabdare top picku lui Jones din draftul urmator, cu siguranta ca nu se va gasi cu nimic vinovat de situatia echipei.

Garret, a refuzat HC job in Baltimore si Atlanta. Oare o regreta?

9th November 2010, 09:08
Daca Jerry nu si-a dat seama ca are nevoie de un Of. Lineman in draft, atunci degeaba e GM la Dallas.
Mai tineti minte cum erau innebuniti toti experti inainte de sezon. "Dallas nu are OL, Dallas nu are OL"
Rezultat = QB hurt + no running game (atunci can au alergat au avut o medie de 3.1 y/carry :()

9th November 2010, 11:32
Daca Jerry nu si-a dat seama ca are nevoie de un Of. Lineman in draft, atunci degeaba e GM la Dallas.
Mai tineti minte cum erau innebuniti toti experti inainte de sezon. "Dallas nu are OL, Dallas nu are OL"
Rezultat = QB hurt + no running game (atunci can au alergat au avut o medie de 3.1 y/carry :()

qb hurt e din cauza FB-ului (nu zic ca nu ar fi nevoie de 1-2 OL mai buni)

INSA marea problema a dallas-ului nu este ofensiva, care de bine de rau a produs si cu Kitna, nu doar cu Romo.
Problema vine din defensiva in special in secondary, implicit si in pass covarage.
Daca Jaguras nu au avut nicio problema sa arunce mingea cum au vrut si Cutler a aruncat mai multe pase de td decat int cum poti spera sa te aperi impotriva lui Rodgers, Eli Maning (care se pare ca joaca lights out impreuna cu wr-ii lui)...
Eu personal cred ca daca nu se schimba ceva in defensiva (secondary) nu avem nici macar o sansa sa mai castigam vre-un meci. Toti din NFL stiu ca pot sa arunce mingea impotriva dallas-ului. Se pare ca doar Jerry Jones si Wade Philips nu stiau :))))

10th November 2010, 07:20
Stafford e aproape de IR, cu ultima isprava de la umar.
Link (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81bfb3a1/article/lions-qb-stafford-reportedly-has-seasonending-shoulder-injury?module=HP_headlines)

The Detroit Lions (http://www.nfl.com/teams/detroitlions/profile?team=DET)' preliminary tests revealed quarterback Matthew Stafford (http://www.nfl.com/players/matthewstafford/profile?id=STA134157) has a Grade 3 separation of his throwing shoulder, meaning he would be lost for the season, MLive.com reported Tuesday (http://www.mlive.com/lions/index.ssf/2010/11/source_detroit_lions_fear_matt.html%60), citing a source close to the situation.
Stafford, who sustained the injury to his right shoulder during Sunday's 23-20 loss to the New York Jets (http://www.nfl.com/teams/newyorkjets/profile?team=NYJ), had an MRI exam on Monday, and it is not known if that test confirmed the team's initial findings.

10th November 2010, 23:13
Stafford e aproape de IR, cu ultima isprava de la umar.
Link (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81bfb3a1/article/lions-qb-stafford-reportedly-has-seasonending-shoulder-injury?module=HP_headlines)

Dar asta e si mai si

"Can't make this up. RT @salmaiorana: 15 minutes into his 1st practice with Bills, Shawne Merriman tweaked his right leg and left field."


11th November 2010, 07:45
Chad Pennington to star for Dolphins :)

11th November 2010, 19:46
Alt ex-NFL star care a calcat stramb.
Dave Meggett sentenced to 30 years in jail... (http://www.ottawasun.com/sports/football/2010/11/10/16081731.html)

CHARLESTON, SC - Former NFL star David Meggett was convicted of burglary and rape on Wednesday in connection to a January 2009 attack inside a North Charleston home. Meggett was sentenced to 30 years, to be served concurrently, on both charges.
Meggett won't be eligible for parole for more than 25 years. According to The Post and Courier in South Carolina, Meggett's attorney indicated the former NFL star will appeal.
He was the recipient of the 1988 Walter Payton Award given annually to the nation's top player in the Football Championship Subdivision when he was with Towson.
Meggett then went on to star in the NFL between 1989 and 1998, playing six years with the New York Giants, three with New England and one with the New York Jets.
Meggett totaled 14,005 all-purpose yards in his career and his 3,708 yards on punt returns is currently second all-time in NFL history. Meggett had 129 all- purpose yards in the Giants' Super Bowl XXV victory over Buffalo and had his best statistical season with the Patriots in 1996, recording 1,966 all-purpose yards and his second trip to the Pro Bowl.
Since leaving professional football in 1998, he has had a history of alleged sex crimes. He was arrested on an alleged assault of an escort worker that ended with a hung jury in April 2000. In 2006 he was given two years of probation after being convicted of misdemeanor sexual battery for an accusation of sexually assaulting his former girlfriend.
He is still facing charges for an incident in September of 2008 during which a teenager told police that she was forced to have sex with Meggett after meeting him through a mutual friend.

12th November 2010, 21:33
Dupa ce ca echipa asta e varza, DJ Williams, Broncos' team captain and leader of the defense, a fost arestat pentru DUI.
NFL.com (http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/Broncos%20LB%20Williams%20charged%20with%20DUI)

District attorney's spokeswoman Lynn Kimbrough said Williams was pulled over at 2:40 a.m. Friday for driving without headlights on.
He was cited with DUI, a misdemeanor, as well as driving without headlights.
He was later released from custody and ordered to appear in court Dec. 13.
Williams, who wasn't at Broncos practice on Friday, was also arrested for driving under the influence in 2005.
Coach Josh McDaniels said the team was gathering information about what happened but acknowledged Williams' second arrest could lead to a suspension.
"We're certainly disappointed and do not condone that type of behavior from any of our players or anyone else in our organization," McDaniels told reporters Friday.
Williams, a team captain in his seventh season, has 72 total tackles and 3.5 sacks on the year.

15th November 2010, 22:46
conform espn, mc nabb si-a extins contractul pe 5 ani, 78 mil $.nu stiu ce-a fost in capul lui redskins..cum sa dai atata?:)ma refer la varsta.nici macar rookie no1 pick draft, nu ia atata.:)

15th November 2010, 23:00
nfl network pluseaza 88 milioane cu 40 garantati

15th November 2010, 23:29
OMG!!! ARE 34 DE ANI ACUM... si nici macar cu un trade nu mai scapa, cine sa-i preia asemenea contract in viitor? Chiar asa impresionant a fost in sezonul in care are cele mai slabe statistici ever? mai multe int decat td pass, cel mai mic rating de cand e in nfl...

totusi, va rog ziceti-mi si mie care e cel mai mare/bun QB din istoria lui Skins de sunt asa impresionanti de McNabb?

15th November 2010, 23:39
redskins e in primele 5 francize din NFL.Dpdv value market.Asadar,isi permit.Mai are rost sa amintesc ca i-au dat peste 100 de mil la haynesworth?:happy

16th November 2010, 00:50
Numai Redskins puteau face asta. Cica se ajunsese la un acord in privinta contractului din luna Octombrie, nu au mai fost negocieri de atunci, doar ca McNabb s-a decis sa-l accepte astazi.
Ganditi-va ca omul poate ca a vrut chiar mai mult, numai ca a vazut in ce situatie se afla si s-a decis sa bata fierul cat mai este cald:)

Vreau sa zic un lucru, cred ca in meciul din seara asta vom vedea un McNabb la fel ca in meciul de acum 2 ani cu Arizona, la o saptamana dupa ce fussese trimis pe banca de catre Andy Reid.
Bold prediction: Redskins castiga meciul .

16th November 2010, 07:32
OMG!!! ARE 34 DE ANI ACUM... si nici macar cu un trade nu mai scapa, cine sa-i preia asemenea contract in viitor?

Pot sa ii dea cut dupa ce platesc banii garantati, astia sunt importanti in orice contract mai dubios, restul ii platesti daca vrei/iti convine cum joaca respectivul si il tii in echipa. Contractul e oribil btw, oricum mai mult de 2 sezoane nu mai joaca, poate nici pe astea.

16th November 2010, 07:44
Banii garantati cica sunt 40. Sweet, probabil o sa fie al doilea cel mai bine platit QB din liga pana scapa de el. Lol, oare cat o sa primeasca Peyton in vara?

16th November 2010, 09:15
Bold prediction: Redskins castiga meciul .

16th November 2010, 20:08

Ha, ha, a fost o reactie emotionala, hai sa va si zic si cum a fost. I-am avut pe Eagles alesi la ESPN Pigskin Pick'em toata saptamana.
Ieri cand eram la masa de pranz si citeam pe telefon despre McNabb, cum toata lumea il critica, in special legat de contractul enorm si alte povesti
m-am enervat si am zis ia sa vezi cum vor castiga Redskins, bazandu-ma pe faptul ca McNabb va juca cu mare ambitie asa cum a facut-o si alta data.
Bineinteles ca am ignorat orbeste factorul Vick si altele.

16th November 2010, 20:12
Banii garantati cica sunt 40. Sweet, probabil o sa fie al doilea cel mai bine platit QB din liga pana scapa de el. Lol, oare cat o sa primeasca Peyton in vara?

Am auzit la radio in dimineata asta la show-l lui Collin Cowherd pe ESPN radio ca daca-l dau afara la sfarsitul acestui sezon nu trebuie sa-i dea decat 4 milioane. Probabil ca asa se va si intampla, ramane de vazut. In acest caz chiar ca nu e mare lucru.
Peyton o sa primeasca in jur de 120-130 milioane.

17th November 2010, 08:14
Nu vad posibilitatea de a-l lasa liber dupa sezonul asta nici daca joaca ca Delhomme. Au negociat atata timp la prelungire si daca s-ar suci dupa cateva meciuri si GMul si Shanahan ar arata ca niste amatori. Pana la urma McNabb chiar daca are un an prost, nu poti sa-i reprosezi totul lui, Skins sunt totusi o echipa mediocra pe hartie.

17th November 2010, 22:15
Am auzit la radio in dimineata asta la show-l lui Collin Cowherd pe ESPN radio ca daca-l dau afara la sfarsitul acestui sezon nu trebuie sa-i dea decat 4 milioane. Probabil ca asa se va si intampla, ramane de vazut. In acest caz chiar ca nu e mare lucru.
Peyton o sa primeasca in jur de 120-130 milioane.

Asa e .

So in essence, the Redskins paid McNabb $3.75 million in 2010 for the right to pay him $12.5 million in 2011 and control his rights. If the Redskins cut him after this season or trade him, they are only on the hook for the $3.75 million.

Boiled down, the deal's real guarantee is $3.5 million, though if McNabb suffered a catastrophic injury this season and never played again, he would receive $25 more million.

Here is how the rest of the full deal breaks down, according to an NFLPA source:

2010: $3.5 million signing bonus/$250,000 if active eight games

2011: $10 million option bonus/$2.5 million salary/$750,000 if active 16 games/$250,000 workout/$2 million possible playoff incentives

2012: $12.75 million salary/$750,000 if active 16 games/$250,000 workout/$2 million possible playoff incentives

2013: $13 million salary/$1.5 million if active 16 games/$250,000 workout/$2 million possible playoff incentives

2014: $13.75 million salary/$3 million if active 16 games/$250,000 workout/$2 million possible playoff incentives

2015: $13.55 million salary/$2.25 million if active 16 games/$250,000 workout/$2 million possible playoff incentives

Oricum e o oferta foarte buna . Vick cred ca o sa fie primul miliardar din football . Deja astia de la Coca Cola incearca sa gaseasca strategii sa-i refaca imaginea . ( Nu stiu ce ar functiona totusi )

18th November 2010, 02:46
Daca va continua sa joace asa cum a facut-o cu WAS va functiona orice :D

18th November 2010, 16:05
Vick cred ca o sa fie primul miliardar din football.

O sa joace pana la 70 de ani?

18th November 2010, 16:22
eh , nu lua si tu totul la propriu . Are potentialul sa-si relanseze cariera .

18th November 2010, 16:30
Asta e clar, daca nu se accidenteaza in curand e ca si relansata. Sa vedem cum o sa joace si dupa ce semneaza contractul, daca chiar si-a schimbat total atitudinea catre sport/viata. Probabil o sa vina si ceva contracte publicitare dar nici pe departe ca cele de dinainte. Vick a avut hype imens si cand era mediocru, acum vad ca are mai multe voturi pt mvp pe nfl.com decat Brady, Rivers si Manning la un loc :D.

18th November 2010, 16:59
miliardari din fotbal nu o sa existe
poate din contractele publicitare adiacente
Manning era evaluat la 400 milioane
Vick mai are maxim 10 ani
nu va ajunge la 1 miliard nici cu acele contracte publicitare
acum parca avea 30 milioane datorii
sa fie fericit daca iese din gaura

18th November 2010, 17:50
a observat cineva ca Jeff Reed a fost pus azi pe liber?

le: a refuzat sa semneze cu Bengals doar pt ca nu-i suporta :)) what a character :))))

18th November 2010, 18:18
Vick mai are maxim 10 ani

:shocked: tu crezi ca NFL e Nascar?

18th November 2010, 18:39
Vick e lefter.... orice GM o sa tina cont de nevoia lui imediata de bani si o sa ii ofere un contract sub valoarea pietei.

P.S. ... Vick MVP..... WTF? ... daca tot e o "onoare" pt QB Rivers ar terbui pana acuma sa fie candidatul principal.

Oricum dpmdv discutia ar trebui sa se poarte intre Roddy White, Arian Foster si Philip Rivers .... Vick .... inca 2-3 meciuri bune si doar apoi poate sa intre in discutie dupa mine. Manning...Brady... are you kidding me???

18th November 2010, 22:13
:shocked: tu crezi ca NFL e Nascar?

Se pare ca n-ai auzit de Brett Favre:P

18th November 2010, 22:35
Ala e exceptia.Sa fim seriosi.Exista un sport mai violent decat fotbalul american?

18th November 2010, 22:57
Citeam pe nfl.com, ca Panthers vor juca cu Brian St. Pierre pe post de QB, in meciul cu Baltimore. Omul are 8 sezoane in liga, si are 12 TOTAL passing yards. OMG how low can you get, cred ca Steve Smith innebuneste :) Poate acest Brian St. Pierre va fi un fel de Kurt Warner :) ii va conduce pe Panthers catre un Super Bowl asa pe final de "cariera". Dar totusi lasand gluma la o parte, cum am citit si prin commenturi pe nfl, oare cat de slab este Tony Pike (Qb draftat anul acesta de Panthers), incat Panthers trebuie sa apeleze la St. Pierre.

18th November 2010, 23:23
@SwedishMafia: Eu am spus maxim. Normal ca sunt constient ca majoritatea QB-ilor se retrag la 33-35, dar Vick a avut o perioada de inactivitate in care nu a fost turtit sub nici un DT. Insa nevoia sa de bani il va motiva sa joace mult peste cat il va duce corpul. Asta daca cumva o accidentare grava nu-i va pune virgula pe statul de plata inainte sa ajunga inapoi pe plus.

19th November 2010, 00:32
Citeam pe nfl.com, ca Panthers vor juca cu Brian St. Pierre pe post de QB, in meciul cu Baltimore. Omul are 8 sezoane in liga, si are 12 TOTAL passing yards. OMG how low can you get, cred ca Steve Smith innebuneste :) Poate acest Brian St. Pierre va fi un fel de Kurt Warner :) ii va conduce pe Panthers catre un Super Bowl asa pe final de "cariera". Dar totusi lasand gluma la o parte, cum am citit si prin commenturi pe nfl, oare cat de slab este Tony Pike (Qb draftat anul acesta de Panthers), incat Panthers trebuie sa apeleze la St. Pierre.

te referi la articolul asta?

scrie si acolo cu titularul mat moore e out for the season, si celalalt backup qb clausen e accidentat in acest moment
asa ca a alege intre pick 204 si unul care a jucat 2 meciuri in liga, merge mai bine a doua varianta
si apropo Brian St. Pierre era coleg chiar cu kurt warner cand a aruncat cei 12 yarzi :D

19th November 2010, 07:19
te referi la articolul asta?

scrie si acolo cu titularul mat moore e out for the season, si celalalt backup qb clausen e accidentat in acest moment
asa ca a alege intre pick 204 si unul care a jucat 2 meciuri in liga, merge mai bine a doua varianta
si apropo Brian St. Pierre era coleg chiar cu kurt warner cand a aruncat cei 12 yarzi :D

Da stirea respectiva, si daca as avea eu de ales, tinand cont ca echipa este 1-8, decat sa merg pe mana cuiva care a jucat 2 meciuri in 8 sezoane, as juca cu un rookie.

19th November 2010, 14:48
miliardari din fotbal nu o sa existe
poate din contractele publicitare adiacente

Contractele alea sunt o consecinta a faptului ca e bun sportiv. E corect sa zici ca sunt miliardari din sport, see Jordan, Michael si Woods, Tiger.

Manning era evaluat la 400 milioane

Wow, serios? Apare omul in o gramada de reclame dar nu cred ca suma e asa mare, asta daca nu cumva "evaluat" are un sens mai larg.

P.S. ... Vick MVP..... WTF? ... daca tot e o "onoare" pt QB Rivers ar terbui pana acuma sa fie candidatul principal.

Daca isi castiga divizia, MVPul e ca si al lui Rivers. Omul doboara recordul lui lui Marino cu Floyd, Ajirotutu sau Crayton. Heck, l-a trezit din morti si pe Randy McMichael.

Si nu o face cum a facut-o Marino, aruncand mult mai mult decat orice alt Qb, e pe 7 la pass attempts si pe 5 la completions.

20th November 2010, 00:45
Da, Rivers mi se pare si mie candidatul nr. 1 la MVP pana acum. Cred insa ca va trebui si ca echipa sa aiba cel putin un record positiv.
In MLB recent a fost o surpriza ca jucatorul castigator al trofeului CY Young este de la o echipa slaba.

20th November 2010, 00:49
Cine ar merita sa fie rookie of the year?
TAMPA, Fla. (AP)—Tampa Bay’s Mike Williams did not practice after his arrest on a DUI charge early Friday, however coach Raheem Morris said the rookie who leads the Buccaneers in receiving will travel to San Francisco and play Sunday against the 49ers.According to a breathalyzer test, Williams had a .065 blood-alcohol level, which is below Florida’s 0.08 percent legal limit.

20th November 2010, 08:40

20th November 2010, 14:14
Pentru cine a citit http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/-quot-Leaked-quot-NFL-uniform-concepts-are-actu?urn=nfl-287637
si nu stie la ce se refera...aici este link-ul cu "uniformele redesenate" http://talk.baltimoresun.com/showthread.php?t=274496

20th November 2010, 14:47
AWFUL... :shocked:
Sper sa nu fie reale...
Uita-te la Broncos. Sunt de acord sa revenim la portocaliu... dar nici chiar asa...

20th November 2010, 16:58
sper sa nu fie alea uniformele. Sunt prea copilaresti :(
Cei drept cele de la dallas arata bine in comparatie cu restul :D

20th November 2010, 19:13
S-a dovedit deja ca nu sunt reale. A fost un hoax.

20th November 2010, 23:03
Sunt false. Doar fan art.

21st November 2010, 08:17
Sunt false. Doar fan art.

Fan art sau nu, oricum e ridicol sa vezi ca intr-o zi Nike ar putea sa produca asa ceva. Deja e ridicol cand vezi cum echipe din colegiu ca Oregon au uniformele alea oribile. Si asta doar ca Nike sa se imbogateasca si mai mult.

21st November 2010, 13:41
Here's a shocker, oamenii din orasele cu nfl market se uita la mai mult pr0n in bye week http://deadspin.com/5694524/people-flock-to-online-porn-during-nfl-bye-weeks-fact.

21st November 2010, 13:52
Apropo de acele modele.Se pare ca acele modele nu sunt asa de fake, pe cat Nike ar fi cautat sa testeze reactia fanilor NFL.E doar un zvon.:)

22nd November 2010, 19:25
Vikings fire Childress. Era timpul. Dar simt ca e mana lui Favre aici. :o:

22nd November 2010, 19:50
Vikings fire Childress. Era timpul. Dar simt ca e mana lui Favre aici. :o:

Ha, ha, ia uite ca aflu de aici pentru prima data. Era si timpul. Cam trist sezon pentru Favre, avand in vedere ca e ultimul si va trebui sa joace in meciuri fara miza pana la sfarsit.

24th November 2010, 00:42
Manny Lawson se pare ca a invatat sa isi foloseasca talentul. http://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2010/11/19/pass-rushing-productivity-whos-making-the-most-of-their-opportunities/

Nu ii mai dadeam prea multe sanse.

25th November 2010, 08:08
Heimerdinger se pare ca are cancer si incepe chemoterapia (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81c619cb/article/titans-oc-heimerdinger-has-cancer-will-undergo-treatment?module=HP_headlines). Este coordonatorul ofensivei de la Titans. Nasol.

25th November 2010, 11:10
Clinton Portis e pe IR pt result sezonului.

25th November 2010, 12:26
La Canfora vorbeste ca ancheta in cazul Favre-Sterger e gata si mosulica scapa nepedepsit.

28th November 2010, 18:38
azi se anunta cei 26 de semifinalisti pentru hall of fame

deja au fost anuntati primii 10:

» Tim Brown, WR/KR (1988-2003 Los Angeles/Oakland Raiders, 2004 Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

» Cris Carter, WR (1987-89 Philadelphia Eagles, 1990-2001 Minnesota Vikings, 2002 Miami Dolphins)

» Don Coryell, Coach (1973-77 St. Louis Cardinals, 1978-1986 San Diego Chargers)

» Roger Craig, RB (1983-1990 San Francisco 49ers, 1991 Los Angeles Raiders, 1992-93 Minnesota Vikings)

» Terrell Davis, RB (1995-2001 Denver Broncos)

» Dermontti Dawson, C (1988-2000 Pittsburgh Steelers)

» Ray Guy, P (1973-1986 Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders)

» Andre Reed, WR (1985-1999 Buffalo Bills, 2000 Washington Redskins)

» Shannon Sharpe, TE (1990-99, 2002-03 Denver Broncos, 2000-01 Baltimore Ravens)

» George Young, Contributor (1968-1974 Baltimore Colts, 1975-78 Miami Dolphins, 1979-1997 New York Giants, 1998-2001 National Football League)

28th November 2010, 20:28
lista completa

» Jerome Bettis, RB (1993-95 Los Angeles/St. Louis Rams, 1996-2005 Pittsburgh Steelers)

» Tim Brown, WR/KR (1988-2003 Los Angeles/Oakland Raiders, 2004 Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

» Cris Carter, WR (1987-89 Philadelphia Eagles, 1990-2001 Minnesota Vikings, 2002 Miami Dolphins)

» Don Coryell, Coach (1973-77 St. Louis Cardinals, 1978-1986 San Diego Chargers)

» Roger Craig, RB (1983-1990 San Francisco 49ers, 1991 Los Angeles Raiders, 1992-93 Minnesota Vikings)

» Terrell Davis, RB (1995-2001 Denver Broncos)

» Edward DeBartolo, Jr., Owner (1979-1997 San Francisco 49ers)

» Dermontti Dawson, C (1988-2000 Pittsburgh Steelers)

» Richard Dent, DE (1983-1993, 1995 Chicago Bears, 1994 San Francisco 49ers, 1996 Indianapolis Colts, 1997 Philadelphia Eagles)

» Chris Doleman, DE/LB (1985-1993, 1999 Minnesota Vikings, 1994-95 Atlanta Falcons, 1996-98 San Francisco 49ers)

» Marshall Faulk, RB (1994-98 Indianapolis Colts, 1999-2005 St. Louis Rams)

» Kevin Greene, LB/DE (1985-1992 Los Angeles Rams, 1993-95 Pittsburgh Steelers, 1996, 1998-99 Carolina Panthers, 1997 San Francisco 49ers)

» Ray Guy, P (1973-1986 Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders)

» Charles Haley, DE/LB (1986-1991, 1999 San Francisco 49ers, 1992-96 Dallas Cowboys)

» Lester Hayes, CB (1977-1986 Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders)

» Cortez Kennedy, DT (1990-2000 Seattle Seahawks)

» Curtis Martin, RB (1995-97 New England Patriots, 1998-2005 New York Jets)

» Art Modell, Owner (1961-1995 Cleveland Browns, 1996-2003 Baltimore Ravens)

» Willie Roaf, OT (1993-2001 New Orleans Saints, 2002-05 Kansas City Chiefs)

» Andre Reed, WR (1985-1999 Buffalo Bills, 2000 Washington Redskins)

» Ed Sabol, Contributor (1964-1995 NFL Films)

» Deion Sanders, CB/KR/PR (1989-1993 Atlanta Falcons, 1994 San Francisco 49ers, 1995-99 Dallas Cowboys, 2000 Washington Redskins, 2004-05 Baltimore Ravens)

» Shannon Sharpe, TE (1990-99, 2002-03 Denver Broncos, 2000-01 Baltimore Ravens)

» Paul Tagliabue, Commissioner (1989-2006 National Football League)

» Aeneas Williams, CB/S (1991-2000 Phoenix/Arizona Cardinals, 2001-04 St. Louis Rams)

» George Young, Contributor (1968-1974 Baltimore Colts, 1975-78 Miami Dolphins, 1979-1997 New York Giants, 1998-2001 National Football League)

30th November 2010, 09:37
Frank Gore done for season with hip injury... nasol pt 49ers...

30th November 2010, 10:02
Pai era de asteptat.
Zi-mi ce RB de la echipe run-heavy termina sezonul sanatos sau au cariere mai mari de 6-7-8 ani.

30th November 2010, 10:25
Asa e, dar oricum imi pare rau de el... dupa 4 sezoane consecutive cu peste 1.000 yarzi alergati isi incheie streakul aici.

30th November 2010, 15:09
Asta fiindca desi ii aveau in lot pe Dixon si Westbrook, plus Delaney Walker si Morris Noran, il foloseau numai pe Gore. Mai ales cand s-a vazut ca Westbrook mai poate alerga inca, si o poate face destul de bine. Greseala lui Singletary.

30th November 2010, 15:16
Un alt jucator de care imi pare rau si are un an irosit - culmea, nu e accidentat! - este Larry Fitzgerald... nu stiu pe ce perioada mai are contract cu Cards, dar cred ca e timpul sa schimbe aerul, sa ajunga undeva mai la racoare fata de desert... ceva gen Massachusetts? :)))

30th November 2010, 16:08
Drew Brees a fost desemnat Sportsman of the Year de catre SI

2nd December 2010, 23:24
Desan Jackson unhappy with his contract situation!

http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/eagles/20101201_Eagles_DeSean_Jacksons_problems_stem_from _lack_of_new_contract.html

Adevarul e ca "four-year, $3 million deal / a little more than $800,000 per year" inseamna foarte, foarte putin pt valoarea lui Desan...

2nd December 2010, 23:49
E contractul de rookie. O sa primeasca altul in curand.

8th December 2010, 21:50
Nici nu stiu daca mai conteaza, dar cariera lui Bob Sanders cu Colts s-a terminat.


8th December 2010, 22:10
E normal. De cand n-a mai jucat Sanders? Ar fi cazul ca in off season, sa-i spuna definitiv good bye. Au nevoie de un jucator care sa fie in stare sa joace 16 meciuri pe an, nu 4-5 , cat obisnuieste.

10th December 2010, 20:29
Ca lucrurile tot merg atat de bine la echipa, rookie CB Perrish Cox a fost arestat ptr sexual assault.
Conform Denver Post (http://www.denverpost.com/sports/ci_16825846) toata tarasenia s-a intamplat cand Broncos erau la Londra. Cox a ramas acasa, pentru ca suferea din cauza unei contuzii...

According to a statement by the Lone Tree Police Department, the department was notified on Oct. 28 that a sexual assault had occurred in the City of Lone Tree.
After a lengthy and detailed investigation, a case was presented to the district attorney's office. After review by that office, charges were filed and an arrest warrant was issued against Cox, 23. He was arrested without incident, and transported to the Douglas County Jail.

12th December 2010, 18:51
Good news for Denver... I hope!!!!
Sources: Broncos to hire John Elway

Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway is expected to become a lead executive in the Denver Broncos (http://espn.go.com/nfl/team/_/name/den/denver-broncos)' front office by the end of this season, according to league sources.
"I'd be very surprised if it didn’t happen," a person with direct knowledge of the situation said.

Elway is likely to join the front office in a position with broad personnel powers, working closely with COO Joe Ellis as team owner Pat Bowlen’s two most trusted men.
The Broncos first approached Elway about a front office role last week, before Denver fired its former head coach Josh McDaniels. Both sides recognize it is more important to get the deal done right than to get it done fast.

They now are trying to determine Elway's exact job title, his job responsibilities and a fair salary. But Elway wants to work in Denver’s front office the way his father Jack once did, and the Broncos are interesting in having him help restore this franchise’s credibility and respectability.
Even before they hire a new head coach, the Broncos first plan to restructure their front office, according to league sources.

Elway already is working as a consultant and advisor to Bowlen. The two men dined together this past week, the night that Denver fired McDaniels. Elway also delivered a pep speech to the team before it blew out the Chiefs in Denver. Elway now wants to help take care of Bowlen and his organization the way he did for 16 seasons when he played quarterback for Denver.

Elway has been inching his way into this position since last offseason, when he signed a five-year consulting/marketing deal with the Broncos, according to
sources. It reconnected Elway with the Broncos, enabled him to spend more time around the organization, and now both sides are preparing and expecting him to take it to the next level, in which he would have a direct role in hiring Denver’s next head coach.
Many of the co-workers who potentially would surround Elway already are in place. The Broncos do plan to retain general manager Brian Xanders, though his responsibilities could be altered to accommodate Elway.

12th December 2010, 19:35
Jamal Charles semneaza un nou contract de 32.5 milioane $ pe 5 ani.

12th December 2010, 20:49
the sky is falling
the sky is falling
metrodome, filmat din interior

13th December 2010, 07:48
Good news for Denver... I hope!!!!
Sources: Broncos to hire John Elway

Succes! Ramane de vazut daca are talent la asa ceva. Stiu ca era proprietar la o echipa de Arena League dar nu stiu ce rezulate a avut cu ei.
Oricum banuiesc ca va avea o functie ca a lui Bill Parcels la Dolphins.

13th December 2010, 07:51
Vreti news? Va dau eu.

New England Patriots are the new Superbowl Champions 2010-2011!!!

Book it.

13th December 2010, 11:37
nu m-as grabi cu pronosticuri de genu
cred ca si-au atins forma maxima prea devreme si in plus in playoffs o sa dea peste 2 dintre jets/ravens/steelers, toate cu revanse de luat

13th December 2010, 12:53
+colts daca se califica
dar daca raman in forma asta si in ianuarie, atunci da nu prea au adversari

13th December 2010, 15:41
mama ce s-a rupt stadionul ala

13th December 2010, 15:46
oricum vikings nu mai aveau home games dupa asta

13th December 2010, 16:05
oricum vikings nu mai aveau home games dupa asta

Parca aveau urmatorul MNF, nu? Care este oricum sub semnul intrebarii daca nu se rapara acoperisul...

13th December 2010, 19:49
nu m-as grabi cu pronosticuri de genu

Deja Vu

13th December 2010, 21:23
Poate Pats o sa fie favoriti cum au fost dupa sezonul (aproape) perfect...

Cert e ca acum sunt cea mai in forma echipa din liga si par a fi favoriti la inele, dar pana la SB trebuie sa mai castige destule meciuri si orice se poate intampla. Nu e sanatos pentru ei sa se culce pe o ureche, trebuie sa munceasca cel putin la fel de intens ca pana acum si sa asculte de Billy :).

13th December 2010, 21:42
Poate Pats o sa fie favoriti cum au fost dupa sezonul (aproape) perfect...

Cert e ca acum sunt cea mai in forma echipa din liga.

Sincer, cred ca cea mai in forma echipa din liga sunt Falcons. Putina lume le acorda atentie, dar au o echipa excelenta. Nu m-ar mira sa avem Falcons in Super Bowl. Chiar ar fi fani... The Dirty Birds!!!!!

13th December 2010, 21:51
eu zic ca Saints sunt mult prea nebagati in seama; pe langa faptul ca sunt totusi echipa campioana, joaca si bine de tot; eu ii vad pe ei in Super Bowl din NFC

13th December 2010, 22:34
Si plus de asta Saints au si 3 SUPER DUPER RBs, Chris Ivory which I like the most, cand l-am vazut in preseason unde a avut un 75yard run, mi-a intrat l-a inima din prima(UNDRAFTED ROOKIE)man he's a beast + Reggie Bush and Pierre Thomas, WRs numai spun, iar cireasa de pe tort insusi Drew Bress. SAINTS-PATRIOTS = SB, avand in vedere ca Brady in ultimile meciuri jucate sub -5grade Celsius, are un record de 10-1, iar acum vine Ianuarie homefield advantage throughout the playoffs, that sounds like SUPER BOWL to me...In momentul asta SAINTS-PATRIOTS my SB prediction desi sper ca PACKERS sa faca cel mai bun sfarsit de sezon din ultimii ani. O victorie la PATS OOOOO HUGEEEEEEEEEEEE IT WILL BE...BUT HARD IT WILL GET...I just hope, and hope dies last! :D

14th December 2010, 21:49
moare speranta ultima, dar pana la urma moare si ea! duminica, pe la ora 5.00 - ora Romaniei :D

14th December 2010, 23:29
Vedem atunci...dar pana atunci dreams are free

16th December 2010, 10:07
Foto cu propunerile de stadion din centrul LA.

16th December 2010, 15:58


16th December 2010, 18:45
Foto cu propunerile de stadion din centrul LA.

Pai da, e mai bine acolo decat in City of Industry pentru sunt locuri multe de parcare in downtown si duminica e cam pustiu pe acolo.

16th December 2010, 22:53
mie imi place varianta 2 (foto 3-4)

17th December 2010, 01:27
Si plus de asta Saints au si 3 SUPER DUPER RBs, Chris Ivory which I like the most, cand l-am vazut in preseason unde a avut un 75yard run, mi-a intrat l-a inima din prima(UNDRAFTED ROOKIE)man he's a beast + Reggie Bush and Pierre Thomas, WRs numai spun, iar cireasa de pe tort insusi Drew Bress. SAINTS-PATRIOTS = SB, avand in vedere ca Brady in ultimile meciuri jucate sub -5grade Celsius, are un record de 10-1, iar acum vine Ianuarie homefield advantage throughout the playoffs, that sounds like SUPER BOWL to me...In momentul asta SAINTS-PATRIOTS my SB prediction desi sper ca PACKERS sa faca cel mai bun sfarsit de sezon din ultimii ani. O victorie la PATS OOOOO HUGEEEEEEEEEEEE IT WILL BE...BUT HARD IT WILL GET...I just hope, and hope dies last! :D

Si eu sper ca Packers sa mearga in playoffs. Cred ca Rodgers va juca in cele din urma pentru ca daca pierd meciul asta degeaba mai revine apoi. Imi vine greu sa cred ca pot sa-i depaseasca atata pe Saints cat si pe Giants/Eagles pentru ultimul loc de wild card (eu asum ca Bears castiga cu Vikings). Am auzit insa ca si Cullen Jenkins e inca accidentat si nu va juca. Fira-r sa fie, si cand te gandesti ca 49ers sau Cardinals au mai multe sanse decat Packers sa mearga in playoffs.

18th December 2010, 00:26
Chiar si Cardinals daca Rams si Seahawks pierd si ei castiga, noi am mai avea sanse si daca pierdem + NYG loss + TB loss, venind astfel meciul direct cu Giants in sapt. urmatoare pt. No.6 spot left.

18th December 2010, 00:27
Avand in vedere ca Bears au sanse fff. mari sa castige in Minnesota, dar tot sper ca o sa castigam divizia.

18th December 2010, 02:05
Pai da, e mai bine acolo decat in City of Industry pentru sunt locuri multe de parcare in downtown si duminica e cam pustiu pe acolo.

Dar au doua stadioane uluitoare: Rose Bowl si templul Memorial Colliseum. Ce le mai trebuie sa faca un stadion?

18th December 2010, 02:06
ar fi nasol de tot ca una din cele mai frumoase echipe din NFL, si anume Packers, sa nu ajunga. Insa tot ei si-au facut-o cu mana lor: nu aveau ce sa caute infrangerile cu miami de acasa si cu det din deplasare. Chiar si la atlanta se putea castiga !

18th December 2010, 19:45
Se putea, FUMBLE in ENDZONE, by Rodgers was HUGEEEEEEEE

19th December 2010, 00:00
"Troy Polamalu to rest for next three games
Defensive end Aaron Smith won't be the only defensive starter the Pittsburgh Steelers will be waiting on to come back in the playoffs. According to this ESPN.com report, the Steelers will rest safety Troy Polamalu for the remainder of the regular season.
Polamalu has been dealing with an Achilles injury for several weeks, and the ailment was getting progressively worse. The final straw was the 45-yard interception return for a touchdown last week against the Cincinnati Bengals. Polamalu finished the game, but he had a noticeable limp.
Pittsburgh struggled last year without its star safety in the lineup. The Steelers went 9-7, including a five-game losing streak that kept them out of the playoffs.
Pittsburgh has a chance to clinch a playoff spot Sunday against the New York Jets.
Backup safety Will Allen or Ryan Mundy will fill in for Polamalu for the remainder of the regular season."

21st December 2010, 02:39
Se pare ca Tebow a facut impresie buna:
Tebow earns second start of season for Broncos in Week 16

Tim Tebow (http://www.nfl.com/players/timtebow/profile?id=TEB603856) showed enough on Sunday to warrant another look by the Denver Broncos (http://www.nfl.com/teams/denverbroncos/profile?team=DEN).
Interim coach Eric Studesville announced Monday that Tebow will be the team's starter when the 3-11 Broncos host the Houston Texans (http://www.nfl.com/teams/houstontexans/profile?team=HOU) next weekend.

Tebow -- drafted by the Broncos in first round of the 2010 NFL draft -- showed promise in Denver's 39-23 loss (http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2010121912/2010/REG15/broncos@raiders#tab:recap/recap-channels:cat-post-recap-full-story) to the Oakland Raiders (http://www.nfl.com/teams/oaklandraiders/profile?team=OAK) on Sunday. The Heisman Trophy winner became the third player in NFL history to throw a TD pass of at least 30 yards and run for a score of at least 40 yards in the same game.

Tebow turned two Raiders turnovers into touchdowns in the first half, scoring on a 40-yard quarterback draw on third-and-24 when he ran through the middle of Oakland's defense and then broke tackles from safeties Michael Huff (http://www.nfl.com/players/michaelhuff/profile?id=HUF222475) and Tyvon Branch (http://www.nfl.com/players/tyvonbranch/profile?id=BRA530779). He finished 8 for 16 for 138 yards and ran for 78 more.
"You're playing against the biggest, strongest, fastest, but at the end of the day it's still playing football and so it wasn't extremely different," Tebow said on Sunday.

Studesville said Kyle Orton (http://www.nfl.com/players/kyleorton/profile?id=ORT716150) is still bothered by bruised ribs and that Tebow did a good job managing the game plan in his first NFL start.
Asked if team owner Pat Bowlen might have suggested the move to ensure there isn't a sea of empty seats at Invesco Field on Sunday, Studesville said he indeed met with the owner and chief operating officer Joe Ellis in the morning but that it was his decision alone. He said Bowlen and Ellis agreed with his call.
The only other players to have running and throwing TDs like Tebow's are the Pittsburgh Steelers (http://www.nfl.com/teams/pittsburghsteelers/profile?team=PIT)' Kordell Stewart in 2000 and Michael Vick (http://www.nfl.com/players/michaelvick/profile?id=VIC311467) with the Atlanta Falcons (http://www.nfl.com/teams/atlantafalcons/profile?team=ATL) in 2002.

27th December 2010, 20:02
Denver Broncos s-ar putea sa treaca , din nou, la uniformele portocalii... :ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:
Link (http://www.denverpost.com/paige/ci_16948882)

by Woody Page:

And the Broncos are planning to bring back the orange jerseys full time in 2012. (The league has to be notified of a uniform change by March, so it's too late for 2011).Plus, Elway va avea o functie executiva importanta in organizatie de la anul...

Welcome back, John Elway. The Broncos will name Elway to a high- ranking executive's position shortly after the season ends Sunday. Owner Pat Bowlen and chief operating officer Joe Ellis have worked out all the details with Elway and his agent.Great news!!!!! Abia astept Broncos all orange!!!!!

27th December 2010, 22:58
Portocala Mecanica din NFL :D

1st January 2011, 21:23
In ciuda opiniei lui Bronco :D se pare ca unii mai au incredere in el: Josh McDaniels will replace Weis as offensive coordinator of the Kansas City Chiefs

1st January 2011, 21:28
^ E doar un zvon, nu e nimic oficial. Stai sa plece Weis si pe urma vom vedea. Apoi, crezi ca Todd Haley si Josh McDaniels pot conlucra? Nu cred deloc asta... Ambii au o personalitate mult prea puternica.

1st January 2011, 21:33
Eu cred ca pot. McDaniels va las nasul jos dupa esecul cu Denver, macar 1 an va accepta orice ca sa ramana in NFL si sa isi imunatateasca imaginea.

2nd January 2011, 01:46
cred ca ati uitat cand broncos au invins chiefs cu un scor mare ca hailey a refuzat sa dea mana cu mcdeuche

nu cred ca ajunge in kansas city

2nd January 2011, 14:22
Cea mai proasta decizie pe care o puteau face Bills...

Bills decide to keep Merriman; 'he’ll make plays for us,' GM says

The Buffalo Bills (http://www.nfl.com/teams/buffalobills/profile?team=BUF) re-signed Shawne Merriman (http://www.nfl.com/players/shawnemerriman/profile?id=MER568200), ensuring that the three-time Pro Bowl linebacker will be a part of the team's defense next season and beyond, general manager Buddy Nix confirmed Saturday.
Merriman signed a two-year contract with a guaranteed $2.5 million for 2011 and will make an average of $5.25 million over the two seasons, ESPN reported, citing a source.

Incentives could inflate the contract to $9.25 million per season, but the number would be closer to $8.75 million if Merriman remains productive and injury-free, according to the source. Also, by signing Merriman before the Saturday deadline, the Bills can charge some of the guaranteed money to the uncapped 2010 season.

"We had been working on it, and we agreed on it and got everything signed this morning," Nix told the Bills' official website (http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3/Bills-re-sign-Merriman/df2ecc01-da39-46a1-85f2-5599e3dbc6b8) about the deal. "I know he’s a leader. He's been a Pro Bowler. He's only 26 years old, and if he's healthy, he'll make plays for us and help us win games."

Nix is encouraged about the health of Merriman, who has battled knee, calf and Achilles' ailments over the past two seasons.

"The prognosis for him is good for him to be healthy and ready to go by the time offseason workouts roll around," said Nix, who told ESPN that Merriman will take an exit physical Monday or Tuesday.

Nix said he planned all along to keep Merriman in the fold.

2nd January 2011, 18:11
It's official:
Elway is back!!!!!


"If and when we reach an agreement with John Elway, Pat is very confident that John's intelligence, his leadership, business savvy, his knowledge of the game, and competitive fire -- plus the respect that everyone in this building will have for him -- will make us better right away," Joe Ellis, the Broncos' chief operating officer, told the newspaper.

Ellis downplayed the notion that hiring Elway, perhaps the most po****r athlete in Denver sports history, is a public-relations attempt by a franchise that hasn't made the playoffs since 2005.

"It is not a PR move," Ellis said. "That would be a waste of John's time and our time and the fans' time. Because we need to win.

"He'll roll up his sleeves and do his job. I've had enough meetings with him to know that," Ellis added. "This isn't about him. This is about the Denver Broncos and this community and our fans, and us getting better as quickly as we can."

Broncos general manager Brian Xanders will report to Elway, according to The Post. Elway also will have a say in the team's next head-coaching hire after Josh McDaniels was fired during the season.

2nd January 2011, 18:31
Garrett now full-time coach in Dallas
The Cowboys have made Jason Garrett their head coach, a team source told Michael Lombardi.

3rd January 2011, 00:23
Leslie Frazier has agreed to become the Minnesota Vikings' full-time coach

Leslie Frazier has agreed to become the Minnesota Vikings' full-time coach, the Star Tribune reported Sunday.

Frazier will have his interim tag removed this week, according to the newspaper.

Speaking after the Vikings' 20-13 loss to the Detroit Lions, Frazier said nothing has been solidified and that he will meet with Vikings ownership Sunday night or Monday.

The Star Tribune reported Friday that Frazier was seeking a three-year contract.

Frazier, the Vikings former defensive coordinator, took over after Brad Childress was fired following a 3-7 start.

Frazier led the Vikings to a 3-3 record while navigating myriad of unpredictable schedule changes. The collapse of the Metrodome roof forced the team to host the New York Giants at Detroit's Ford Field in Week 14 and the Chicago Bears at the University of Minnesota's TCF Bank Stadium a week later.

Last week's 24-14 upset of the Philadelphia Eagles came after the game had been postponed from Sunday to Tuesday because of a major snowstorm that hit the East Coast.

3rd January 2011, 00:39
Leslie Frazier has agreed to become the Minnesota Vikings' full-time coach

Ma intreb cat s-au rugat de el ? :)

In ce priveste pe Garret deci se pare ca Jerry Jones a gasit o cale in cele din urma sa-l angajeze fara a scoate slujba la concurs.

4th January 2011, 00:39
Gary Kubiak ramane HC. Emjoy the 5-6-7 wins seasons, Houston!

4th January 2011, 01:29
cum va arata programul la anu', mai exact cine cu cine va juca
e interesant ca nfc west va juca contra nfc east si afc north, so 2x la rand o echipa sub 500 in playoff? :))

+ ce program o sa aiba chiefs...

4th January 2011, 02:52
cum va arata programul la anu', mai exact cine cu cine va juca
e interesant ca nfc west va juca contra nfc east si afc north, so 2x la rand o echipa sub 500 in playoff? :))

+ ce program o sa aiba chiefs...

Se schimba raportul valorilor de la un an la altul.

4th January 2011, 03:20
Sunt unicul care considera aberanta regula aia cu interviul cu cel putin o minoritate(rooney rule),pentru functia de head-coach?!Pentru postul de Head-Coach,e clar batut in cuie pentru un anumit antrenor.At the recent NFL owners meetings in Fort Worth, commissioner Roger Goodell made it known to the owners to take the Rooney Rule seriously.

4th January 2011, 10:44
Sunt unicul care considera aberanta regula aia cu interviul cu cel putin o minoritate(rooney rule),pentru functia de head-coach?!Pentru postul de Head-Coach,e clar batut in cuie pentru un anumit antrenor.At the recent NFL owners meetings in Fort Worth, commissioner Roger Goodell made it known to the owners to take the Rooney Rule seriously.

Dar oare cand a fost ales el (Goodell) pe post, s-a aplicat rooney rule :P . De la o vreme nu prea pot sa-l mai sufar pe acest om.

4th January 2011, 20:21
Sunt unicul care considera aberanta regula aia cu interviul cu cel putin o minoritate(rooney rule),pentru functia de head-coach?!Pentru postul de Head-Coach,e clar batut in cuie pentru un anumit antrenor.At the recent NFL owners meetings in Fort Worth, commissioner Roger Goodell made it known to the owners to take the Rooney Rule seriously.

Da este cam idioata, ca si "political correctness" in general. Totusi aceasta regula a condus la angajarea unor antrenori buni care altfel nu ar fi avut asa multe sanse. Mike Tomlin de exemplu a fost invitat la interviu datorita "Rooney rule" dar Steelers l-au placut atat de mult incat nici nu au mai vrut sa auda de altii.

4th January 2011, 23:20
Bengals re-sign Lewis to coach ninth season

Following two days of negotiations, the Bengals announced Tuesday that they have re-signed Marvin Lewis to coach a ninth season in Cincinnati.
NFL RedZone

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Lewis met with owner Mike Brown on Monday and Tuesday as the two sides discussed what changes would need to take place for Lewis to remain with the team.

According to NFL.com senior writer Steve Wyche, Lewis asked for changes in how the organization operates, including more control over roster decisions. He also has lobbied for years for a covered practice field -- the Bengals are the only northern NFL team without one. Lewis turned down an extension last season, saying the differences had to be resolved before he would agree to stay.

Lewis has posted just two winning records in eight seasons, recording a 60-67 regular-season record. The Bengals completed their worst campaign under Lewis, finishing 4-12 with a loss in Baltimore on Sunday.

Ma cam mira, adica totusi in 8 anii doar 2 sezoane cu record peste .500 in 2005 si 2009 deci Bengals mai pot spera la un titlu in divizie prin 2013 :yes:

5th January 2011, 00:29
Bengals re-sign Lewis to coach ninth season

Ma cam mira, adica totusi in 8 anii doar 2 sezoane cu record peste .500 in 2005 si 2009 deci Bengals mai pot spera la un titlu in divizie prin 2013 :yes:

Asa este, dar compara te rog cu cei 10-15 ani dinaintea lui.

5th January 2011, 11:34
Asa este, dar compara te rog cu cei 10-15 ani dinaintea lui.

Asa este ai dreptate, chiar m-am uitat, si pana la Marvin Lewis doar Wyche ('84~'91) a avut sezoane cu peste .500. Dar eu m-am gandit ca dupa ce au vazut ca se poate in 2009, in 2010 avea asteptari mari, si cand colo au avut un sezon dezastros, deci ma asteptam ca totul sa se resfranga asupra antrenorului.

Bengals re-sign Lewis to two-year deal - contractul va fi pe 2 ani.

5th January 2011, 11:39
Cable out as Raiders coach after team declines option

The Raiders informed Tom Cable on Tuesday night that they will not pick up the option in his contract, the team announced.

"Coach Cable was informed the club would not be exercising its option for the 2011 season, and that he's free to seek employment elsewhere," his agent, Don Yee, said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "Teams already have shown interest in Tom."

Offensive coordinator Hue Jackson will take over as the new head coach, a source close to Jackson told the San Francisco Chronicle. Earlier Tuesday, the 49ers asked for permission to interview Jackson for their head coaching vacancy.

But Raiders senior executive John Herrera says the team has not talked to any candidates yet.

Owner Al Davis brought Jackson in after last season to take over the play-calling duties from Cable. Led by a breakout season from running back Darren McFadden and big plays from rookie receiver Jacoby Ford, the Raiders finished sixth in the league in scoring with 410 points. That was the sixth-most points scored in a season in franchise history and more than doubled last year's scoring output.

The Raiders also could have interest in Stanford coach Jim Harbaugh, who was a quarterbacks coach in Oakland from 2002-03 and is close with Davis. Harbaugh is also being sought by the San Francisco 49ers, Denver Broncos and Miami Dolphins.

With a 31-10 victory over the AFC West champion Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday, Cable led the Raiders to an 8-8 record this season, ending a run of seven consecutive losing seasons and completing a perfect 6-0 mark in the division.

But Cable was 17-27 overall since taking over as coach in the middle of the 2008 season for Lane Kiffin.

"The Raiders express gratitude to Tom Cable for his contributions in his four seasons as an assistant and as head coach of the Silver and Black," the Raiders said in a statement.

It's the first time the Raiders posted a perfect record in their division since their 1976 Super Bowl season and the first time since the 1970 NFL-AFL merger that a team won all its division games and didn't make the playoffs. But the Raiders went just 2-8 outside the AFC West this season, with five of those losses coming to teams with losing records.

The Raiders interviewed candidates after the 2008 season before deciding to stick with Cable. After his interim season, Cable received a new contract that expires in two weeks, meaning the Raiders had to decide by Jan. 17 whether to exercise the two-year, $5 million option on his deal or allow him to leave.

The 2009 season was marred by an investigation into whether he assaulted assistant Randy Hanson and allegations of a history of violence toward women.

The Raiders will begin their search for the team's seventh head coach since the 2001 season. With 44 games as coach, Cable has lasted longer than anyone in that position since Jon Gruden spent four years as head coach before leaving for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Pro Bowl punter Shane Lechler, who has played for six coaches since joining the Raiders in 2000, said it would be a shame if Cable did not return.

"I seriously believe that it would set us back again," Lechler said Monday. "I can't go through another head coach. I just can't. I've been through too many of them. And they all come in here and say the same thing: 'I'm going to do this, I'm going to turn this.' No, you're not. I'd rather be with the guy that's here right now, and we'll roll with him."

This season was marked by indecision at quarterback. The Raiders acquired Jason Campbell in the offseason from Washington to replace draft bust JaMarcus Russell. Davis compared Campbell in training camp to two-time Super Bowl winner Jim Plunkett, but Campbell was benched after just six quarters.

Campbell got the job back when Bruce Gradkowski injured his shoulder and eventually won three straight games to put the Raiders in first place in November. But he was benched again after a blowout loss at Pittsburgh.

The Raiders lost the following week at home to Miami when Gradkowski re-injured his shoulder. Campbell started the final four games.

6-0 in divizie => este concediat :rolleyes:

5th January 2011, 12:45
Cable guy trebuia concediat dupa ce i-a spart maxilarul la unul din staff-ul lui Raiders.Se pare ca Head-coach-ul lui Stanford,nu mai vrea sa continue .Oakland ar fi o destinatie interesanta.

5th January 2011, 16:01
Cable out as Raiders coach after team declines option

6-0 in divizie => este concediat :rolleyes:

L-au concediat pentru ca in afara de rivalele de divizie, Raiders au fost destul de slabi in unele meciuri. Mai ales in cele jucate in deplasare. Plus, se stie ca lui Al Davis ii place sa cheltuie multi bani. Prevad un blockbuster, nu nume mare care sa fie angajat de Davis.
Nu ca asta ii va asigura si succesul imediat.

5th January 2011, 17:29
Hue Jackson, actualul OC, o sa ii ia locul mai mult ca sigur.

5th January 2011, 21:06
Ati primit scrisoarea de la Roger Goodell?:D

5th January 2011, 21:26
Ai primit si tu? :happy

5th January 2011, 22:08
Clar!:yeah: Frumos scris.La sentiment!:D

6th January 2011, 00:08
Ati primit scrisoarea de la Roger Goodell?:D

Ai primit scrisoare acasa?

6th January 2011, 00:19
Nu,pe mail:)

6th January 2011, 09:26
eu de ce nu....

6th January 2011, 10:39
Nici eu..:no:

6th January 2011, 11:02
La cererea publicului:D

With one of the most exciting regular seasons now completed and the playoffs about to begin, let me first thank you and all NFL fans for your incredible support. Many fans have been asking me where we stand on signing a new collective bargaining agreement with the players union. Let me update you and be clear at the outset:

I know we can and will reach an agreement.

My goal as Commissioner now is to help our teams and players find a solution that is fair to everyone and ensures that football becomes more po****r, accessible, and fun. We want the next decade to be the best yet for our fans, and I’m ready to work day and night to make that happen.

We've come a long way. Compare where we are today with 10 years ago. From player accountability to player safety, more and better television coverage, upgrading the in-stadium experience, innovations like the RedZone channel, the Draft in prime time and playing the Pro Bowl before the Super Bowl, we are focused on doing what’s best for the players, teams, and fans. My priority is and always will be the game and the fans who love our game.

The NFL is great because fans care deeply about it. Economic conditions, however, have changed dramatically inside and outside the NFL since 2006 when we negotiated the last CBA. A 10 percent unemployment rate hurts us all. Fans have limited budgets and rightly want the most for their money. I get it.

Yes, NFL players deserve to be paid well. Unfortunately, economic realities are forcing everyone to make tough choices and the NFL is no different.

These are not easy negotiations, but the outcome can be positive. If both sides give a little, everyone, including fans, will get a lot and the game will improve through innovation.

Even in difficult economic times, a new CBA presents us with the opportunity to secure the future of our game. You may ask how will the NFL look under this vision?

A significant change would be to resolve fan complaints about preseason by modifying our 20-game format. Fans tell us they don’t like the quality of the preseason games, and we’re listening. An enhanced season of 18 regular season and two preseason games would not add a single game for the players collectively, but would give fans more meaningful, high-quality football.

Our emphasis on player health and safety is absolutely essential to the future of our game. We are strictly enforcing rules that protect players from unnecessarily dangerous play, especially involving hits to the head. We are changing the “play through it” culture to a “player-first” culture to ensure that if a player has a head injury, he doesn’t play again until his health is certain. We are also addressing the potential wear-and-tear on players in the way they train in-season and off-season.

It’s not just the health of players that concerns us. We must ensure the health of the league. That includes a new system that properly compensates proven veterans and retired players by shifting some of the outrageous sums paid to many unproven rookies. Earlier this year, Sports Illustrated published a list of the 50 highest-paid American athletes that included five 2009 NFL rookies. Every other athlete on the list was a proven veteran. In 2009, NFL clubs contracted $1.2 billion to 256 drafted rookies with $585 million guaranteed before they had stepped on an NFL field.

Don’t get me wrong: top draft choices will continue to be highly paid. All we’re asking for is a return to common sense in paying our rookies. Other leagues have done this and we can too.

These improvements and more will lead to better football, plain and simple. A forward looking CBA that is fair to players and clubs will lead to a great future for the NFL and our fans.

My job is to represent the game — the fans, teams, players, coaches and business partners. Protecting the integrity of the game and ensuring it thrives is a responsibility I take very seriously.

This is about more than a labor agreement. It’s about the future of the NFL. We have to improve and will be relentless in our quest. The commitment to our fans is to make the NFL experience even better in the years ahead. With a responsible CBA, we will fulfill that vision.

Happy New Year and enjoy the playoffs.

– Roger Goodell

6th January 2011, 11:56
din categoria FMM


naspa rau situatia

6th January 2011, 23:08
La cererea publicului:D

E-mailul acela l-am primit si eu. Sper sa se ajunga la un acord si avem NFL si la anul si bineinteles ca Indianapolis sa aiba sansa sa gazduiasca Superbowl-ul.
Cat despre "rookie salary scale" e ceva care trebuia de mult schimbat. E nedrept ca unul care nici macar nu a dovedit ca poate fi bun in NFL sa primeasca zeci de milioane de dolari iar un veteran sa joace pe sume mult mai mici.

7th January 2011, 22:49

8th January 2011, 01:08

Si asta cand tocmai credeam ca va ramane la Stanford. Excelent pentru 49ers, sunt convins ca-i va readuce in elita NFL.

8th January 2011, 08:36
Sa vedem daca va avea un succes similar cu al lui John Harbaugh!

9th January 2011, 20:40

9th January 2011, 20:48
Lista cu finalistii pentru Hall of Fame...

Shannon Sharpe si Cris Carter sunt iar in lista, sper ca de data asta sa intre in HOF, alaturi de Ed Sabol, Curtis Martin, Dermotti Dawson, favoriti mei...

9th January 2011, 21:00
Bettis FTW!


9th January 2011, 21:29
Bronco, ce ai prefera din lista asta ca nou antrenor pt Denver?

"Former Carolina Panthers coach John Fox is scheduled to interview for the Denver Broncos coaching job on Monday, a league source told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter.
Fox's Panthers finished an NFL-worst 2-14 in 2010 in the last season of his deal with the team.

On Sunday they will interview New York Giants defensive coordinator Perry Fewell, an interim coach for Buffalo in 2009, and Eric Studesville, who went 1-3 as interim Broncos coach after his promotion from running backs coach following Josh McDaniels' firing last month.

Denver also would like to speak with Packers defensive coordinator Dom Capers.

Newly hired Broncos boss John Elway tweeted Friday he had received permission to talk with Jaguars offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter.

Elway also said he's seeking permission from the Houston Texans to interview offensive coordinator Rick Dennison, a longtime Broncos assistant who has never been an NFL head coach, and is considering calling former Giants coach Jim Fassel, who tutored Elway in college and in the pros.

General manager Brian Xanders said on Sirius/XM Radio on Friday that San Diego Chargers defensive coordinator Ron Rivera and New Orleans Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams are also among those the Broncos are targeting."

9th January 2011, 21:33
Broncos sunt buni de plata.Il mai platesc pe shannahan,mc daniels si il vor plati si pe viitorul head-coach.:)

9th January 2011, 21:35
Ron River sau Gregg Williams. Imi pare rau ca Broncos nu l-au pus pe lista si pe Rob Ryan.

Broncos sunt buni de plata.Il mai platesc pe shannahan,mc daniels si il vor plati si pe viitorul head-coach.:)

Cu McDaniels am citit undeva, nu mai am linkul, ca s-au inteles la o suma.

9th January 2011, 23:41
Ron River sau Gregg Williams. Imi pare rau ca Broncos nu l-au pus pe lista si pe Rob Ryan.

Cu McDaniels am citit undeva, nu mai am linkul, ca s-au inteles la o suma.

au spus si la nfl live k s-au inteles.

10th January 2011, 06:00
Si eu zic ca Rivera ar fi poate cel mai bun, desi nu se stie daca un coordonator bun poate deveni si principal bun. Asa si Capers este un coordonator excelent dar ca principal nu a avut rezultate decat putin in Carolina.

10th January 2011, 06:26

Baiatul asta fie si-a negociat singur contractul fie Condon e un geniu. A stors o gramada de banii pana acum din Al Davis.
Sunt curios ce echipa va scoate carul cu banii si sa-i mai dea inca un contract gras. Intotdeauna se gaseste cineva.

10th January 2011, 06:30
Bettis FTW!


Faza din meciul cu Chicago este din 2005 , unul din ultimele meciuri ale sezonului, must win for the Steelers

10th January 2011, 09:58
Baiatul asta fie si-a negociat singur contractul fie Condon e un geniu. A stors o gramada de banii pana acum din Al Davis.
Sunt curios ce echipa va scoate carul cu banii si sa-i mai dea inca un contract gras. Intotdeauna se gaseste cineva.

cowboys sau texans
dar cred ca va fi cowboys
jones si-a blindat echipa cu WRs si RBs in speranta de a gasi un irvin si smith
acum cred ca o sa vrea un deion, iar nimeni nu se compara mai bine cu deion decat nmandi

10th January 2011, 10:34
Cred ca e singurul FA de ceva vreme care e dorit de toata lumea. Oriunde s-ar duce ar ridica foarte mult nivelul defensivei.

10th January 2011, 23:14
Kevin Acee of the San Diego Union Tribune says Rivera is expected to be announced as the Panthers’ new head coach on Tuesday.
It looks like Chargers defensive coordinator Ron Rivera will become the next head coach of the Carolina Panthers. According to Fox Sports’ Jay Glazer, the Panthers are calling other candidates who interviewed for the job and telling them that the club is going in a different direction.

According to Glazer, the Panthers are mentioning to other candidates that Rivera did well in his interview. He recently met with team officials for the second time.

Rivera, 49, has been a much-ballyhooed defensive assistant since 1997. He has experience running a 4-3 Tampa 2 based scheme from his days in Chicago and experience overseeing a 3-4 from his time in San Diego. And because he has no head coaching experience, he carries a lighter price tag that the small-market Panthers prefers.


13th January 2011, 23:41
Fox is new coach in Denver

14th January 2011, 15:48
Fox is new coach in Denver

Cred ca e o greseala, dar daca asta e directia in care Bowlen si Elway vor sa mearga, atunci fie.
Nu stiu cum se asteapta Broncos ca un antrenor care i-a "distrus" pe Panthers sa refaca echipa de pe Mile High.

14th January 2011, 15:52
Cred ca se asteapta sa reconstruiasca defensiva, cei de la espn au dreptate, marea intrebare este pe cine va miza pe pozitia de QB, mi-e frica ca dupa declaratiile lui Elway despre Tebow si avand in vedere ca el a ales antrenorul in 2011 va fi din nou Orton time.

14th January 2011, 15:59
Ma astept sa avem de acum inainte numai sezoane sub .500 Mai bine il angajau pe Steve Mariucci, tot aia era...

14th January 2011, 23:48
Cred ca e o greseala, dar daca asta e directia in care Bowlen si Elway vor sa mearga, atunci fie.
Nu stiu cum se asteapta Broncos ca un antrenor care i-a "distrus" pe Panthers sa refaca echipa de pe Mile High.

Unii vad partea celalata a paharului, si anume antrenorul care i-a ridicat pe Panthers de la 1-15 la 7-9 si apoi la Superbowl.

E drept a avut un an bun, unul prost apoi, asemanator lui Gruden in TB dar in NFL este acceptabil. Sunt putine cluburi precum Patriots, Colts, in mare parte Steelers, Ravens, Chargers care sa aiba sezoane castigatoare consecutive.

15th January 2011, 11:33
Eu nu pot sa vad decat partea goala a paharului. Fox are un palmares de 10-22 in ultimele doua sezoane. In pana mea, e mai prost decat palmaresul lui McDaniels. Broncos au fost singura echipa care l-a cautat pe Fox.
Si mai e ceva:
Dupa ce Panthers a facut 1-15 in 2001, Geogre Seifert a mai fost head coach in NFL? Nu...
Cam Cameron dupa ce i-a dus pe Dolphins la 1-15, cate echipe au sunat dupa el sa le fie head coach? Niciuna... Ca, coordinator, e OK...dar nu head coach...
Marinelli, dupa 0-16 la Lions, a primit vreo oferta de head coach? Nu... Poate trebuia sa-l sune Broncos.

Probabil ca se inaugureaza o noua era in Denver: Going back-to-back-to-back-to-back losing seasons!

Experienta au atatia antrenori... Iar Elway nici macar nu i-a sunat pe unii ca Dungy, Cowher, Gruden... Chiar daca astia refuzau, macar se vedea ca au de gand sa faca ceva la echipa. Dar cred ca Elway l-a avut in vedere pe Fox de la inceput, si asta a fost: i-a dat un contract pe 4 ani.
Ca sa nu mai zic de asta. 4 ani? Pai asta peste doi ani va spune si el good bye...si vom fi in situatia sa platim iarasi un antrenor concediat... Mai bine mergeau pe experimentul Studesville, si gata! Poate era mai ieftin...

Herm Edwards, Jim Zorn ar fi fost mai OK decat Fox...

15th January 2011, 13:16
Herm Edwards, Jim Zorn ar fi fost mai OK decat Fox...

Now you're just being silly :).

15th January 2011, 23:26
Se pare ca vacarii,si-au gasit un coordonator defensiv.http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81daf5be/article/browns-defensive-coordinator-ryan-interviews-with-cowboys?module=HP_headlines .Ar fi Sfarsitul Lumii,daca si frate-so ar prinde un head coach prin NFL.Atunci sa vezi trash-talk tot sezonul.Spre bucuria presei!:D

17th January 2011, 12:43
Vreti news? Va dau eu.

New England Patriots are the new Superbowl Champions 2010-2011!!!

Book it.

pay up!

17th January 2011, 16:17
mda, si venise "stirea" din partea unui fan colts...

17th January 2011, 20:26
http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/brett-favre-retires-turns-in-paperwork-011711 is it?could be real?:D
Eu nu cred pana nu-l vad pasand cu liceeni in prima saptamana a sezonului regulat NFL.:D

17th January 2011, 20:56
a3a sau a 4a oara cand baga discursul asta?

17th January 2011, 21:18
pay up!

Ha, ha. Intre timp am schimbat barca. :) Merci pentru trasul de urechi totusi.

17th January 2011, 21:19
mda, si venise "stirea" din partea unui fan colts...

Se vede ca am purtat ghinion :) Scuze.

17th January 2011, 21:20
se accepta. suntem "victimele " lui rexzilla, ne intelegem :ras-plans:

18th January 2011, 13:36
Oakland Raiders' new head coach


am urmarit un film pe NFL cu schimbarile legate de QB
V Young era dat la Bills, acuma am si eu o intrebare

Titans pot negocia cu orice echipa vanzarea lui Young (de fapt nici nu stiu daca poate fi vandut ca in fotbal) ? Pana la urma ce ar avea Bills sa le ofere celor de la Titans ?

18th January 2011, 13:40
2nd round pick the most

18th January 2011, 13:47
recunosc ca nu prea le am cu draft, trade si alte asemenea
dar presupun ca o echipa nu poate sa vanda un jucator ca in fotbal (ti-l dau pe young imi dai x milioane), sau poate ?
ca ei folosesc trade ceea ce cred ca inseamna ti-l dau pe young imi dai cum zici tu 2nd round pick + inca un jucator, corect ?

si daca bills dau 2nd round pick inseamna ca Titans aleg 2 jucatori in runda a doua si Bills niciunul ?

18th January 2011, 15:20
1. nu se vand jucatori ca-n soccer

2. merge sa dai draft pickuri pe un jucator sau mai multi. cele mai multe tradeuri se fac cu un draft pick contra unui jucator. randy moss de la raiders la patriots in 2007 pt un 4th round pick

3. exact, titans vor avea 2 selectii (a lor si cea de la buffallo), si bills 0.

18th January 2011, 15:27
2nd round pick the most

Mai degraba 5th-6th cu sanse mari sa fie lasat sa plece pe degeaba. Nimeni nu o sa se inghesuie cu oferte cand Titans au anuntat ca nu il mai vor.