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29th January 2007, 20:28
Kiira Korpi este o patinatoare incantatoare ! este o placere sa o vezi pe gheata:D cred ca s-a apucat de patinaj ca sa le mai dea o sansa rivalelor,pentru ca daca participa la concursuri de Miss , adversarele ei nu aveau nicio sansa !
s-a nascut la 26 septembrie 1988 in tampere(finlanda). tocmai a cucerit medalia de bronz la campionatele europene de patinaj de la varsovia

29th January 2007, 20:34
Doamne ajuta, Sfinte Sisoe cine e bunaciunea asta? :o:

Daroczi nebunule pe unde-ti umbla mintea :D ... si ai doar 16 ani :) ... super faina, cred ca de-acum o sa incep sa ma uit si eu la patinaj :D

Mama mama ce triplu tulup as face cu ea, si un dublu axel din cand in cand :ras-plans:

p.s: ashe se pronunta, nu? :D

29th January 2007, 20:35
nu te mai gandi la prostii :D (desi stiu ca ti-e greu)

29th January 2007, 20:36
La ce vrei sa ma gandesc nebunule? :D

29th January 2007, 20:40
are 18 mah..cum sa aibe 16 :D

29th January 2007, 20:41
bine mai nepoate ! pentru tine mai pun ceva poze. Hot ice. se referea la mine cand zicea ca "ai numai 16 ani"

29th January 2007, 20:41
@HotIce Eu ziceam de daroczi :ras-plans:

Stai flex ca m-am informat daca e trecuta de 18 :lol:

Mai baga fratzica, incep sa am o pasiune pt patinajul artistic :D

29th January 2007, 20:43
ah...am inteles gresit :P

iti faceau aia dosar penal relansat :P

29th January 2007, 20:45
nu era o idee rea:D mai facea reclama si prin puscarie:evil:

29th January 2007, 20:48
Si ce rezonanta poetica are numele ei :rolleyes:

Fire gingasa si gratioasa, simpatica si blonda ;) ... majora, ce ii mai poti cere? :D

29th January 2007, 20:55
alte poze

29th January 2007, 21:03
Doamne ajuta, unde o disparut gheata de pe patinoar? S-a topit :D

E bine ptr inceput daroczi, mai ai ceva poze strong? :)

29th January 2007, 21:06
:yes: :yes: :shocked: :groggy: E mai ceva ca jucatoarele de tenis sau alea de volei pe plaja. Gata dau si eu pe Eurosport la patinaj.

29th January 2007, 21:12
si asa se convertesc toti la patinaj ::ras-plans:ras-plans:... toti ne uitam la ...arta. arta masculina ptr fete si arta feminina ptr baieti :ras-plans:

29th January 2007, 21:21
mai pune si tu relansat niste poze. ca ti le-am dat pe toate;)

29th January 2007, 21:21
Revin maine cu mai multe poze intruchipand-o pe Kiira in ipostaze diverse, si cu detaliile tehnice. Promit :ok:

Hai ca bag in seara asta vreo 3 de incalzire :D

29th January 2007, 21:30
si asa se convertesc toti la patinaj ::ras-plans:ras-plans:... toti ne uitam la ...arta. arta masculina ptr fete si arta feminina ptr baieti :ras-plans:

Asa e :D
Topicul Kiirei a atras cei mai multi baieti:rolleyes:

29th January 2007, 21:33
In prima fotografie este o figura artistica denumita sugestiv - aterizarea Boeingului, priviti miscarile :thinkso:

Cel mai frumos zambet il gasiti in a doua poza :D ... am auzit ca face reclama la Colgate :rolleyes:

In ultima isi pregateste incheierea programului artistic. O reusita care i-a adus aurul :lol:

29th January 2007, 21:50
bravo. ce detalii tehnice ne-ai adus... pune-le pe toate maine. parca 26 ti-am dat;) ma rog, am pus si eu vreo 10:P
de ce n-ati nominalizat-o si pe ea la Miss sport 2006? cine a facut poll-ul ala? bine ca n-am votat atunci pe niciuna:P

29th January 2007, 21:54
Rusine sa va fie ca nu ati nominalizat-o ... cum ati putut face asa ceva? :drak:
Maine revin cu alte detalii tehnice, sper la fel de explicite ca astea de azi ... e destul de greu sa ma pot abtine cand vine vb de aceasta fata sensibila. Vreau demisia omului care a facut poll-ului pana maine, altfel ne certam :D

30th January 2007, 04:45
ce s-au incalzit baietii. poate se si apuca de patinaj, maine , poimaine.

30th January 2007, 07:25
si asa se convertesc toti la patinaj ::ras-plans:ras-plans:... toti ne uitam la ...arta. arta masculina ptr fete si arta feminina ptr baieti :ras-plans:

:happy :happy :ok:


30th January 2007, 10:32
oh..da...hai sa infiintam propriul nostru club de patinaj artistic *cough* :)

30th January 2007, 11:39
oh..da...hai sa infiintam propriul nostru club de patinaj artistic *cough* :)

:yes: subscriu .. dat tre sa gasim aku instructori si antrenori ...:yes:

30th January 2007, 11:57
Ba da ce tsukahara face fetiscana ... imi ia mintile nu alta :evil:

p.s: tot ce scriu aici e un pamflet si trebe tratat ca atare :lol:

White Shadow
30th January 2007, 13:33

30th January 2007, 14:23
poza asta imi zice:un'doi,facem sport in pas vioi:D

30th January 2007, 15:39
Trebuie sa ii multumesc lui daroczi ca a deschis acest thread vad ca incep sa apara nume noi pe aici :P

30th January 2007, 17:40
chiar ma gandeam cand o sa-mi multumiti:happy

31st January 2007, 08:30
Poza afisata de SHADOW ma duce la ganduri necurate :D

31st January 2007, 09:50
Asa o domnisorica merita atentie, nu?
Uite ca avem si posturi ale baietilor in sectiunea de patinaj artistic
( stiu, stiu, chiar erau cativa, printre "fondatori" - nu te-am uitat gabriel.)
Probabil ca variantele pentru miss au fost create de ochiul unei femei... diferit de cel al unui barbat...

31st January 2007, 13:44
numai whisper mi-a multumit?:happy

31st January 2007, 14:09
multumim ptr thread :D:)

31st January 2007, 14:42
nu ma mir insa de acest thread, pt ca inclusiv bunicul de 85 de ani al unei prietene a inceput sa se uite la patinaj pt ca a vazut o fata frumoasa. ghici cine??? asa ca voi, sange mai tanar era normal sa va sesizati!!!!!

31st January 2007, 17:55
hopa. vad ca mi s-a schimbat in sfarsit nicku`. din daroczi in cneazul:P

31st January 2007, 18:04
Bravo baieti va felicit!kiira e si preferata mea si cred ca ne'a facut tuturor o surpriza mai mult decat placuta plasandu'se pe locul al 3lea!chiar m'as fi mirat ca aceasta fata sa duca lipsa de admiratori, personal o consider cea mai frumoasa patinatoare..ever!mama zice ca si nany kerrigan era frumoasa:)anyway, eu eram prea mica atunci, asa ca kiira primeste titlul de miss patinatoare din partea mea:P
sa'i uram mult succes la mondiale!

31st January 2007, 20:25
Sa ma uit si eu mai des la patinaj :yes:

31st January 2007, 21:52
Da, si proful meu de chimie aka directorul scolii a inceput sa se uite pt Kiira!:D

31st January 2007, 22:11
eu nu ma uit la patinaj

31st January 2007, 22:21
si eu ce sa-ti fac , draga?nu pricep ce cauti aici, atunci...

1st February 2007, 06:47
:happy Chiar asa!

1st February 2007, 10:53
a vrut sa zica:"eu nu ma uit la patinaj, ma uit la miscarile kiirei":happy

1st February 2007, 13:14

1st February 2007, 13:41
m-a atras numele threadului, nu stiam ce inseamna

ce nume are fata asta ... :D

2nd February 2007, 15:20
cand se mai da cu patinele?:D

2nd February 2007, 18:53
la mondiale in martie;)

8th February 2007, 11:59
uratii succes Kiirei !

8th February 2007, 12:31
abia astept mondialele :)
mult succes kiirei!:ok:

8th February 2007, 16:27
/OLE/run kiira, run!!!:yeah:

8th February 2007, 20:16
/OLE/ /OLE/ go kiira!:ok:

8th February 2007, 22:23
De acum!?:D /OLE/ :cheer:

27th February 2007, 01:13

Real name: Kiira Linda Katriina Korpi
Date of birth: 26.09.1988
Zodiacal sign: Libra
Place of birth: Tampere, Finland
Height: 1,66 m
Weight: 58kg
Coach: Maaret Siromaa and Susanna Haarala
Coreographer: Nelli Petanen
Club: Tapparan FSC

Sorry nu am gasit mai mult. :(

27th February 2007, 06:59
Nu ii nimic,multumim pentru informatii.:)

9th March 2007, 16:34
cine stie sa-i faca mancare d`aia?? :D
Favorite food: traditional meatballs and mashed potatoes
Favourite drink: milk and water
Idol: Figure skater Michelle Kwan and tennis player Jarkko Nieminen
Hobbies: figure skating, snowboarding, dancing, reading
Favourite singer: Alicia Keys and Whitney Houston
Favorite book: Harry Potter
Favourite band: U2 and 3 Doors Down
Best song ever: Sting: Every breath you take
Best movie ever: Gladiator, The Lord of the Rings and Ice Age
Best cartoon: Donald Duck
Favourite colour: White and turquoise (and also blue and red)
The nicest event ever: The Olympic Games in Torino in 2006 and the closing ceremony there
The best thing in the World is: Family, friends and skating is a top three
What I will be when I'm grown up: Hopefully an even better skater
Motto: Believe in your dreams, and they are likely to come true

9th March 2007, 16:42
Kiira Linda Katriina Korpi (born 26 September 1988 in Tampere, Finland) is a figure skater from Finland. She won the bronze medal 2007 European Championships in Warsaw.

She competed in the 2006 Winter Olympics where she finished in 16th place. She competed in the World Junior Championships in 2005 and the European Championships in 2006. Although she finished 3rd at Finnish Nationals, her skating federation used the European Championships to determine the final two spots for the Olympics.

Korpi has two coaches: Maaret Siromaa and Susanna Haarala. Her choreographer is Nelli Petänen.
Kiira Korpi's father, Rauno Korpi, coached the Finnish women's hockey team to a bronze medal at the 1998 Winter Olympics.

Kiira Linda Katriina Korpi was born on September 26, 1988 in Tampere, Finland.

With figure skating considered a minor sport in Finland, Korpi could have gone into hockey instead. In fact, she hails from Tampere, a hotbed of hockey action. Her father, Rauno, has won the national hockey championship in Finland with the hometown club, Tappara Tampere, and coached Finland's women's hockey team to a bronze medal in the 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan. That would make his daughter a prime candidate for a place in the hockey world, but it wasn't for Kiira. "I'm glad I didn't go into hockey," she said. "My older sister was skating and then some of my friends started so I wanted to skate with them." She began when she was five.

Soon she was mastering the art of figure skating, landing her first triple jump, a salchow when she was only 11 or 12. "I like jumping and performing in competitions," she said. By now, she has all the triples up to the lutz, which she considers her favorite. But she hasn't tried a triple axel or a quad. She has landed triple-triple combinations in practice, including triple toe/triple toe and triple salchow/triple toe, but only uses a triple lutz-double toe, a triple loop-double toe, and a triple flip-double toe in her programs. "Maybe I'll have a triple-triple in my program next year if training goes well this summer," she said.

Kiira has trained with Maaret Siromaa and Susanna Haarala for the last seven or eight years. She practices for about two to three hours a day, six days a week in Tampere for most of the year. In June and July, the ice rink is closed so she must travel to another town to skate. Kiira went to Lake Arrowhead in California to train for a few weeks with Anthony Liu and Igor Pashkevitch. She does about six hours a week of off ice training, including ballet and gym work. In the summer, she also adds running, cycling and rollerblading to her schedule.

Nelli Petanen choreographs all of Kiira's programs. "I like to skate to different styles of music," Kiira stated. "I don't want to be all the time classical. I always want to try something new." Kiira selects her music in consultation with her coach and likes to change only one program each year.

Kiira is a good student. "My favorite subjects are languages and biology," she said. She speaks English, Swedish and German in addition to Finnish. "I plan to go to the university, but I have no idea of a career yet," she stated.

When she is not studying or skating, Kiira enjoys going out with friends to the cinema or to cafes and reading all kinds of books. She isn't involved in any other sports except snowboarding. "I tried gymnastics for a few years," she said, "but I preferred skating. I like to snowboard but I can't go as often as I would like." Since she still lives at home, Kiira can keep all the toys she receives from fans on a shelf in her room. She doesn't have any other collections. Kiira also likes to travel. "My favorite place was Rome," she said. "I went there with my family on holiday in the summer. I also enjoyed Iceland when we went for the Nordics. I saw the volcanoes there."

9th March 2007, 18:05
Mersi de info :) Foarte interesant, Kiira e o draguta, iar numele ei intreg suna si mai bine :D

9th March 2007, 18:11
wow, cate informatii despre kiira! acum ca am aflat mai multe i like her even better, imi place ce scrie la favourite bands:cool:

10th March 2007, 17:34
o patinatoare extrem de interesanta!viel gluck!/OLE/

10th March 2007, 20:22
si mie imi place ce scrie la formatii, imi plac la nebunie Landing In London si Duck and RUn de la 3 doors down

10th March 2007, 23:00
Multumim pentru informatii!

1st April 2007, 10:23
Uite niste poze:P


26th May 2007, 14:40
nu stiu daca au mai fost pozele astea :

28th May 2007, 19:18
more pics :

28th May 2007, 21:20
kiirutza cu parul cretz??? ii sta bine, nu am mai vazut-o pana acum cu parul cretz!

28th May 2007, 22:52
prea frumoasa e fata asta!!!!!!!!!!

29th May 2007, 00:13
nu e frumoasa, e superba....vreau si eu sa arat ca ea!:rolleyes:

30th May 2007, 13:52
ceva poze

lyon 2006

euro 2007
http://faszination-eislauf.de/data/pictures/index.php?&f=Damen_Women%2FKORPI%2C+Kiira++FIN%2FEC+2007+Wars aw&pic=Korpi+219++EC+2007+Warsaw.jpg&lang=en
http://faszination-eislauf.de/data/pictures/index.php?&f=Damen_Women%2FKORPI%2C+Kiira++FIN%2FEC+2007+Wars aw&pic=Korpi+5074+European+Championships+2007.jpg&lang=en
http://faszination-eislauf.de/data/pictures/index.php?&f=Damen_Women%2FKORPI%2C+Kiira++FIN%2FEC+2007+Wars aw&offset=30&pic=VC+Korpi+7670+European+Championships+2007.jpg&lang=en

1st June 2007, 21:22
ft dragute pozele, Iulya!!;)
mie imi place Kiira, e naturala, e ft frumoasa, si ii sta ft bine cu paru` cret!:P:D:)

1st June 2007, 22:00
E absolut superba:)

2nd June 2007, 14:19
Exprimati`va bre` cum trebe: e bunoaka rau tipa plus si stilu` ei de a patina ma innebuneste nu alta :D :drak: :lol:
Mie`mi place si creata si cu paru` drept, da` mai ales atunci cand poarta pantaloni mulatzi pe corp :kiss:

2nd June 2007, 14:21
deci, tre sa-mi multumiti pentru thread:P. lasand gluma la o parte ce mai face kiira? ceva campionate nationale, mondiale sau europene in perioada asta:P?

2nd June 2007, 14:31
Da bre`, patineaza pe iarba :ras-plans: ... ce intrebare incuietoare ai pus :lol:

2nd June 2007, 14:35
NU :( Din pakte...mai la toamna ..acum probabil e la mare..la soare :) Sau la antrenamente..dar cred ca e in vacantza.Si fiind dintr-o tara nordica sigur acum isi face vacantza undeva unde e soare,nisip si apa :D( ocean sau mare).
P.S.: Da ce ii cu voi pe aci? Nu atzi trecut o iarna intreaga si v-o apucat dragostea de patinaj..acus vara :D

2nd June 2007, 14:39
Pai cand sa ne apuce? Cand is fetele mai despuiate, ce dreak? In plus, trebe sa discutam cu Kiira s`o lase oleak mai moale cu hainele ce le pune pe ea. Multe chestii`s in plus, fanii ei vor o tinuta ceva mai sumara, nu`i ashe baieti? :D

2nd June 2007, 14:53
relansate? pun clipul asta pt tine:D

2nd June 2007, 14:55
Ai dreptate..doar ca acus nu prea mai sunt stiri despre ea..asta vroiam sa zic:)http://www.pixieworld.net/thumbs/kiirakorpi.jpg

4th June 2007, 10:30
ia uite ce s-au trezit baietii ;) kiira intr-o reclama pentru o firma ce produce bijuterii

skater girl
4th June 2007, 10:32
foarte dragutza tipa:P !!!super pozele,ioana:ok:

4th June 2007, 13:44
ma bucur ca iti plac skater_girl :)

4th June 2007, 18:45
Super dragute pozele! Thanks Ioana!

4th June 2007, 22:28
i' m glad you like them!
http://text.glitter-graphics.net/floral/k.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/floral/i.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/floral/i.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/floral/r.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/floral/a.gifhttp://dl3.glitter-graphics.net/empty.gif (http://glitter-graphics.com/myspace/text_generator.php)

15th August 2007, 16:25
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/64/06/39db87328d5819bd6ae99de027d9202f.jpgmore photos:P http://www.taloussanomat.fi/files/200_jkorvenkiira.jpg

15th August 2007, 17:02
f draguta! :)

15th August 2007, 17:05

15th August 2007, 19:28
moama, ce frumoasa e!

15th August 2007, 23:40
sorry, unele poze nu se vad....:( cel putin la mine. si da, e Superba cu S mare

un articol...kre e :shocked::
Summer student Kiira Korpi melted professor Mishin

Aleksei Mishin is perhaps the most well known figure skating coach in the world, and nobody wants to be the target of his glance after a failed performance.
- She’s gifted and good mannered. She’s a person with good soul and she wakes up my man in me, Mishin babbles about Korpi.

Kiira Korpi is spending three weeks this summer under the guidance of Mishin in Tartu. A 25 minute session under the eyes of Mishin costs 75 euros, but skaters around the world swear that every minute is worth it. Mishin has turned the teaching of triple and quad jumps into a science. He has studied biomechanics and the techical details of the jumps for years. Kiira notes that that the benefits Mishin can give are the small details his trained eye can pick up from every execution.
- He concentrates on one thing at a time, Korpi says.

Mishin doesn’t demand huge leaps forward from his stundents. Important is that the movement is steady and goes forward. Work has to be taken seriously and it must be done right, or then don’t do it at all. On thursday Mishin didn’t let Korpi off the ice because she couldn’t find enough height to the jumps, so she continued practicing along with the zamboni resurfacing the ice.

Last summer Mishin and Korpi started a slow but impressive project, the triple axel.
- First we just planned to see how the landing feels, but Kiira was talented and soon we were trying the jump itself, Mishin says.
In Tartu the duo is not going to continue with the jump because Korpi has been sick, so making the history has to wait.

A well started training camp took a nasty twist at the end of the first week when a bad abdominal pain stroke the skater.
- Sadly it spoiled several training days, but better this than a broken leg, Kiira said.
She was able to return on the ice on tuesday after four days and several visits to the health center.
- Legs are still spaghetti, but the appetite is back, Kiira says.

Before getting sick Korpi created a step-sequence for the new short program with Russian Aleksei Vasilevski. Also training in Tartu with Kiira are her clubmate Niina Laksola from Tappara and Laura Lepistö and Jenni Vähämaa from the Finnish A-team.

Aamulehti / Elina Paasonen

20th August 2007, 21:05
Doamne, ce frumoasa e!:rolleyes: Gizaz!:D

21st August 2007, 12:38
She’s a person with good soul and she wakes up my man in me
Mishin e un distrus, geeezas

21st August 2007, 15:20
:cry: oh my.... cum sa zica asa ceva...
oh, the conotations :rolleyes:

19th January 2008, 23:32
vad ca nu s'a mai scris p'aici...acum ca urmeaza europenele tin sa'i urez succes si s'o invinga pe caro :D si ea si sarah :)

uitati aici poze...nu's prea noi, dar sunt frumoase

19th January 2008, 23:37
:cheer: Kiira..desi:( nu prea cred.
Multumim Ade!

25th January 2008, 21:35



25th January 2008, 21:39
so pretty..:rolleyes:

25th January 2008, 21:49
ce haioasa era cu rujul pe dinti :) tot frumoasa ramane

25th January 2008, 22:09

un mic art din 1.08.2007

Summer student Kiira Korpi melted professor Mishin

Aleksei Mishin is perhaps the most well known figure skating coach in the world, and nobody wants to be the target of his glance after a failed performance.
- She’s gifted and good mannered. She’s a person with good soul and she wakes up my man in me, Mishin babbles about Korpi.

Kiira Korpi is spending three weeks this summer under the guidance of Mishin in Tartu. A 25 minute session under the eyes of Mishin costs 75 euros, but skaters around the world swear that every minute is worth it. Mishin has turned the teaching of triple and quad jumps into a science. He has studied biomechanics and the techical details of the jumps for years. Kiira notes that that the benefits Mishin can give are the small details his trained eye can pick up from every execution.
- He concentrates on one thing at a time, Korpi says.

Mishin doesn’t demand huge leaps forward from his stundents. Important is that the movement is steady and goes forward. Work has to be taken seriously and it must be done right, or then don’t do it at all. On thursday Mishin didn’t let Korpi off the ice because she couldn’t find enough height to the jumps, so she continued practicing along with the zamboni resurfacing the ice.

Last summer Mishin and Korpi started a slow but impressive project, the triple axel.
- First we just planned to see how the landing feels, but Kiira was talented and soon we were trying the jump itself, Mishin says.
In Tartu the duo is not going to continue with the jump because Korpi has been sick, so making the history has to wait.

A well started training camp took a nasty twist at the end of the first week when a bad abdominal pain stroke the skater.
- Sadly it spoiled several training days, but better this than a broken leg, Kiira said.
She was able to return on the ice on tuesday after four days and several visits to the health center.
- Legs are still spaghetti, but the appetite is back, Kiira says.

Before getting sick Korpi created a step-sequence for the new short program with Russian Aleksei Vasilevski. Also training in Tartu with Kiira are her clubmate Niina Laksola from Tappara and Laura Lepistö and Jenni Vähämaa from the Finnish A-team.

25th January 2008, 22:10
nu'mi place culoarea d p unghii :D

25th January 2008, 22:13
Lol!cate pretentii mai ai...

26th January 2008, 00:31
da a fost super cute cand s-a paucat sa se stearga pe dinti!!!

go kiira!!!!

26th January 2008, 17:57


26th January 2008, 19:56
din nou mi'a placut ffff mult tinuta...superba...dar pacat ca n'a fost si prog la fel :( doar locul 5 :(

27th January 2008, 22:52

29th January 2008, 09:41
De fiecare data cand o vad pe Oana Andoni(prezentatoarea blonda astirilor PROTV) imi aduc aminte de aceasta minunata patinatoare...Kira....parca ar semana putin nu?

29th January 2008, 10:44
da, seamana cu oana andoni, am remarcat si eu asta

31st January 2008, 19:20
HI..I'm Gianluca from Milano-Italy
I'm a big fan of Kiira..my angel:):):):):):):)
Any one knows when will Kiira get training in Tampere?
In June..is she at home?

31st January 2008, 23:35
Welcome here Gianluca!/hello
Sorry but i can't help you...

1st February 2008, 00:04
However I'll go to Tampere at 19 May for 4 days..I hope I'll meet her skating..
I think it' training period,since June the ice rink is closed
what about it?:D

1st February 2008, 10:53
well, good luck Gianluca! we hope you see her and tell us about her , what she was like, etc

1st February 2008, 11:38
I hope...not to do a travel for nothing..
Do you think she'll be at home in that period?
There is no competition..but i think she would practise at home..
I'l take some photos....:D:D:D

1st February 2008, 12:02
am observat ca finlandezii sunt foarte frumosi:D nu numai kiira ci si janne ahonen arata fenomenal:drak::floricica:

1st February 2008, 16:48
Si Matti Hautamaeki e interesant.:D

2nd February 2008, 00:01
Hope she will be there..and we waiting you with news and maybe photos with her ;)
So you go there just for her? That's something..and she must be there :D

2nd February 2008, 11:55
I'm A Sport Doctor..and my job allows me to take some days to travel..:cool:
I've never made something crazy for somebody..now i decide to do it!!!!
And I feel good..:):):)
I'll go there for Kiira..also I'll visit Tampere and Helsinki..:ok::ok:

HOPE TO MEET HER...I'll let you know...

3rd February 2008, 21:22
good luck to you then!!!

3rd February 2008, 22:29
If you will not meet her..at list don't forget us and post some pics from Finland :ok:
You are a sport doctor? Really?

3rd February 2008, 23:21
Hi..Yes..I'll take some photos..I' hope with Kiira..:):):)
If I'll not meet her,I'll ask somebody when she'll be at home training..I'll fly to her..;););)...What about August?:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm sport doctor in hockey team in Milano and in several Gym Club:D:D

5th February 2008, 23:08
:D That's a very good plan ;) Follow Kiira!:ok:
Hockey and gym ...i thought you are a figure skating doctor..it was more easy to get to her :P

6th February 2008, 00:40
In my Skating club there are many skaters..girls more..:D:D:D:D
Anyone knows if in May Kiira will practise at home?:o:...it's off season,but she must skate always to keep the best performance....:cool::cool::cool:

10th March 2008, 21:49
Kiira e cea mai frumoasa patinatoare si imi place si stilul de a patina.....in curand sper sa ajunga si ea pe podium!:D

10th March 2008, 21:59
bine ai venit, madalina! /hello

da, kiira e f frumoasa si noi speram sa ajunga pe podium la urm competitie :)

10th March 2008, 22:11
ms de primire :P
la CE a avut programul scurt bun dupa care la cel liber a cam clacat!:(

10th March 2008, 22:16
da...dupa programul scurt chiar am crezut ca va fi p podium...o sa'si ia ea revansa :) e tanara...are tot viitorul in fata :)

te mai asteptam si pe la celelalte topicuri si daca ai timp poti posta mai des :D

10th March 2008, 22:28
/hello Bine ai venit Madalina!
Da a avut sp-ul foarte bun..din pacate la lp nu s-a descurcat :(

11th March 2008, 13:47
Kiira este intr-adevar foarte frumoasa,nu cred ca va putea vreodata sa ia titlul european.Laura Lepisto mi se pare o saritoare mult mai buna,mai degraba ei i-as da sanse.In schimb cred ca Jehni Vahamaa are potential sa lupte cu cele mai bune pe plan mondial in viitor.

11th March 2008, 22:34
nush....nu prea cred....dupa parerea mea pt un titlu european se pot lupta doar Laura si Kiira!:)

12th March 2008, 12:31
nu sezonul viitor,dar dupa olimpiada sunt sigura ca le va depasi:D

12th March 2008, 16:57
Asa cum Laura a aparut aproape din senin si a castigat o serie de competitii/concursuri, asa poate sa o faca si Jehni :)

22nd March 2008, 15:22
ce mai face kirutza?:D

22nd March 2008, 15:59
kirutza a dat'o'n bara la mondiale :) :P

22nd March 2008, 18:24
kirutza a dat'o'n bara la mondiale :) :P
da.....din nou!:(:(

22nd March 2008, 18:43
si tot timpul o da in bara la LP:P

22nd March 2008, 22:44
kirutza a dat'o'n bara la mondiale :) :P


22nd March 2008, 23:48
si tot timpul o da in bara la LP:P

mda.....am observat!:mda:
pacat.....pt. ca talent are!

24th March 2008, 09:43
mi-a lipsit kiira de la gala. ea avea un program frumos, cu mel de la abba :(

24th March 2008, 10:51
Dap..si mie imi placea mult programul ala:rolleyes:

24th March 2008, 13:13
si mie.....pacat ca nu am putut-o revedea la gala!:(

24th March 2008, 15:50
mie tomas mi'a lipsit cel mai mult :P

24th March 2008, 18:27
Da, as fi preferat-o pe ea in locul J. Rochett.

25th March 2008, 20:57
mie tomas mi'a lipsit cel mai mult :P
da....si mie mi-a lipsit Tommy!:P

25th March 2008, 21:38
Mie mi-a lipsit Valentina Marchei.

26th March 2008, 13:53
Mie mi-au lipsit Sarah Meier, Voronov, si Tomas. Imi place si Valentina Marchei, mai ales de cand este prietena lui Brian, acum ma uit mai atenta la programele ei.:)
Nu imi place J. Rochett deloc, nu stiu de ce...

26th March 2008, 14:24
si mie mi-a parut rau de kirutza!!!!
si mie mi-ar fi placut sa fie valentina in locul lui joanie la gala. nu stiu de ce dar canadianca parca nu are nimic special. vale in schimb cu toate ca e f mica umple gheata.

26th March 2008, 18:33
Asa e. Si mie mi se pare ca e dinamica Valentina si are programe frumoase:) Si mi-a atras si mai mult atentia de cand e prietena lui Brian:)

29th March 2008, 19:05
mmm...eu inca nu cred ca este prietena lui brian. daca ar fi fost asa am fi vazut oi la sp ul sau lp ul lui, pentru a l sustine.dar nu a fost alaturi de el, in concluzie, brian este inca available:P

29th March 2008, 19:08
a fost si Vale acolo la competitia baietilor!:)

29th March 2008, 19:41
:shocked:pai si ati vazut vreun gest concludent ceva???eu nu cred pana nu vad:headbang:totusi ma gandesc ca daca ar fi fost adevarat, ar fiu mediatizat intreaga poveste foarte intens...imi alin si eu durererea si oftica cumva:sneaky:

29th March 2008, 20:57
Pai...s-a mediatizat ceva.Au patinat amandoi la Courchevel, ca pereche, iar la sfarsitul programului s-au sarutat:) (si i-am vazut si intr-o poza de-a irinei acum la CM)

29th March 2008, 22:36
nuuu pot sa cred!aveti programul ala de la Courchevel sau stiti unde l pot gasi?:angry:

29th March 2008, 22:40
citind printre posturi, citind ca se specifica faptul ca brian s-a sarutat pe gheata cu o anume domnishoara si aceasta specificare fiind pe threadul kiirai, am crezut ca s-a combinat brian cu superbitatea si incredibilitatea de fata :D
citind insa inainte tot, m-am trezit la realitate.
n-am nimik cu vale, dak e frumoasa pe interior cum e kiira pe exterior, it`s fine

29th March 2008, 22:44
Da, pana la urma conteaza caracterul. Gasesti pe youtube, bijoufan.

29th March 2008, 22:55
pai noi facem offtopic oricand si oriunde :D la noi orice e posibil...daca vrem inventam si o relatie intre brian si kiira...no problem :cry:

29th March 2008, 23:14
mdaaa...am gasit:(( eu speram sa fie ceva trecator, dar parca il vad implinit alaturi de ea...daca el e fericit, ce mai conteaza, sa zicem ca m as resemna, desi am putea sa i trmitem asa o sugestie in ceea ce o priveste pe kiira, poate are omu vreun moment de cumpana in relatie:D

29th March 2008, 23:19
mdaaa...am gasit:(( eu speram sa fie ceva trecator, dar parca il vad implinit alaturi de ea...daca el e fericit, ce mai conteaza, sa zicem ca m as resemna, desi am putea sa i trmitem asa o sugestie in ceea ce o priveste pe kiira, poate are omu vreun moment de cumpana in relatie:D

toata lumea o prefera pe kiira in locul valentinei sau carolinei ? :happy
love vale, war caro :drak:

29th March 2008, 23:21
sincer? mi-e mult mai simpatica Vale decat Caro. desi, lui Bri nu i-ar sta rau nici cu Kiira :P:D

29th March 2008, 23:24
Cand am citit primele posturi de pe pagina ma gandeam cine o fi cu Kiira..imi treceau prin minte tot felul de nume: Steph, Brian..chiar si Daisuke:happy Ca apoi sa imi dau seama ca vorbiti de Brian si Vale:cry:

29th March 2008, 23:24
simpatica e mult spus:D

29th March 2008, 23:26
citind printre posturi, citind ca se specifica faptul ca brian s-a sarutat pe gheata cu o anume domnishoara si aceasta specificare fiind pe threadul kiirai, am crezut ca s-a combinat brian cu superbitatea si incredibilitatea de fata :D
citind insa inainte tot, m-am trezit la realitate.
n-am nimik cu vale, dak e frumoasa pe interior cum e kiira pe exterior, it`s fine

Cand am citit primele posturi de pe pagina ma gandeam cine o fi cu Kiira..imi treceau prin minte tot felul de nume: Steph, Brian..chiar si Daisuke:happy Ca apoi sa imi dau seama ca vorbiti de Brian si Vale:cry:

i can see the resemblance :D

29th March 2008, 23:31
Cred ca ne-am pricepe foarte bine sa-l cuplam pe Brian:D

29th March 2008, 23:38
mai bine decat se pricepe el oricum:D

29th March 2008, 23:52
Am vazut Rocsana ca ni s-a parut la fel:cry:
Si pe el si pe Steph:P Steph cu Sarah si Brian cu domsoara Kiira sau invers, nu conteaza:D

29th March 2008, 23:59
eu cred ca mamele au pus la cale;)le am vazut foarte zambarete acolo in tribuna

30th March 2008, 00:01
Mda, zambarete ca niste viitoare cuscre:P

30th March 2008, 00:01
Am vazut Rocsana ca ni s-a parut la fel:cry:
Si pe el si pe Steph:P Steph cu Sarah si Brian cu domsoara Kiira sau invers, nu conteaza:D
eronat draga...steph e ocupat deja :D :cool:

30th March 2008, 00:02
Mda, zambarete ca niste viitoare cuscre:P
te joci cu nervii mei?:P

30th March 2008, 00:05
Nu, scuze:D, dar oricum nu prea mai e nimic de facut.

30th March 2008, 00:12
glumesc, cand dragostea e mare...ce sa le faci...dar ca sa nu mi ies din tipar, nu prea cred...:D

30th March 2008, 00:14
Da, vom trai si vom vedea:D Daca el e fericit, e bine.:)

30th March 2008, 00:16
casa de piatra din partea mea si sa le traiasca viitorii copii :cry:

si totusi, asta e threadul kiirei? :P

30th March 2008, 11:11
Yes, pretty..e threadul Kiirei :cry: saraca..se intoarce in pat noaptea din cauza voastra :cry:
Eu pe Vale o vad mai putin infumurata decat Caro..si vorba Rocsanei..daca e frumoasa pe interior cum e Kiira pe exterior..Casa de piatra sa aiba!:D :P

30th March 2008, 12:05
daca e frumoasa pe interior cum e Kiira pe exterior..
bine macar ca mai apare si kiira p'aici prin peisaj :D desi cam in ceata :cry:

21st April 2008, 21:11
si ca sa nu faca panze de paianjen threadul asta, enjoy frumusetea naturii

22nd April 2008, 01:17
Cine e cu Valentina ? Vorbiti de Valentina Marchei ? Fata e focoasa rau. Foarte sexy.

22nd April 2008, 01:49
brian e cu vale. si mie mi se pare focoasa :P

22nd April 2008, 06:24
aha. credeam ca lambiel. el cu cine e acum, de cand carolina l-a parasit ? apropo de valentina, o poza ireala, suprarealista. uitati-va cu cine se tine de mana vale in poza asta. http://www.valentinamarchei.com/universiadi%202007%20104.jpg(c).jpg

22nd April 2008, 13:06
focoasa? inca sper ca glumiti....
e normal sa se tina de mana, sunt italience amandoua.au multe in comun (tara, prieteni frumosi :D )

22nd April 2008, 16:36
n-am zis ca e frumoasa rocs. dar focoasa pare, nu am de unde sa stiu cu siguranta :P

dar daca tot e threadul kiirei, stim cu totii cine e cea mai frumoasa!!!

22nd April 2008, 16:49
doamne...da` cum arata carolina in poza de mai sus :cry:
si cu asta inchei off-topicul :D

22nd April 2008, 16:59
Ai dreptate Ade..proasta alegere ..parca isi alege rochii mai frumoase on ice decat off ice.Insa in poza asta atat Caro , cat si Vale mi se pare frumoase..nemaivorbind de Karel :D

22nd April 2008, 18:36
n-am zis ca e frumoasa rocs. dar focoasa pare, nu am de unde sa stiu cu siguranta :P

dar daca tot e threadul kiirei, stim cu totii cine e cea mai frumoasa!!!

Zic eu, ca baiat, ca arata super sexy si ca e drac gol. Brian a ales bine, desi sint sigur ca el va fi sub papuc in relatia asta.

23rd April 2008, 00:12
Si daca am pus poza pe threadul cu Steph sa o pun si pe cel al Kiirei...:cry: Nu va speriati de noul look al lui Steph-pentru cei care nu l-au vazut inca:D

23rd April 2008, 00:59
oribil. niciodata nu i-am inteles pe oamenii astia. nu mai tin cu el.

23rd April 2008, 01:08
alin ce te-a suparat asa de tare? fata kiirei cand incerca steph sa-i dea un pupic?

23rd April 2008, 03:40
nici vorba. vorbeam de parul lui. sau mai bine zis de lipsa lui. intotdeauna am sustinut ca un om tuns foarte scurt arata oribil. mai ales el, care are o claie de par.

23rd April 2008, 09:51
Alin, parul nu prea mai e :) ... talentul ramane :) ... si parul va creste la loc

23rd April 2008, 12:06
daca s`a tuns, nu inseamna ca nu trebuie sa mai tii cu el...nici noua nu ne place, sincer...da` asta e decizia lui...tre` sa i`o respectam :) asta nu e un motiv intemeiat sa nu mai tii cu un sportiv

23rd April 2008, 17:34
Alin, parul nu prea mai e :) ... talentul ramane :) ... si parul va creste la loc

dar pana atunci arata ca dracu. parca e frate-su.

23rd April 2008, 17:35
daca s`a tuns, nu inseamna ca nu trebuie sa mai tii cu el...nici noua nu ne place, sincer...da` asta e decizia lui...tre` sa i`o respectam :) asta nu e un motiv intemeiat sa nu mai tii cu un sportiv

e intemeiat. cand concureaza el, ascult executia la radio :)

23rd April 2008, 17:38
ei nu-i frumuselul de altadata dar nu e chiar asa urat...ricochet4 poy tu inseamna ca esti o bomba sexy dak esti asa oripilat de cum arata steph

23rd April 2008, 17:57
nici vorba, dar el chiar arata bine. si intotdeauna am sustinut ca oamenii tunsi scurt sau cheli arata ca naiba. sint ca niste puscariasi. e practic ca si cum ti-ai taia craca de sub picioare cu buna stiinta. parul e un element de look, lipsa lui strica rau aspectul. eu spun ca e umilitor. parerea mea (vorba lui vacaroiu).

23rd April 2008, 19:17
Ah, mie nu-mi place "freza" asta noua a lui Steph. Niciodata nu mi-au placut tunsorile scurte. De aceea ma cert cu tata in fiecare vara cand se tunde in genu` asta..dar..inutil...In fine, e decizia lui Stephy sa se tunda periuta, so..poate creste talentu` mai mare decat e odata cu parul:D :cry:

23rd April 2008, 19:51
nu draga...nu intelegi ca il incurca atunci cand patina? :cry: d`asta s`a tuns :P :cry: acum asteptam rezultate mai bune ca nu mai are ce sa`l incurce...da` pana la sezonul urmator creste :( but no problem: il taie iar :cry:

23rd April 2008, 22:56
:cry: Ai dreptate Ade:cry: Parul era de vina pentru nereusita triplului axel:D Acum sigur il va executa fara probleme:D

parca e frate-su
:D Si eu am zis l;a fel.
Ei dar lasa-l ca ii creste repede parul..s-o fi gandit ca vine vara si e cald.

24th April 2008, 22:42
Ehh..ciuciu:P pana la vara creste iar..:D

24th April 2008, 23:58
:) Asa e... la Utv a fost azi o emisiune U made by: Vama (a fost azi gazda) si mi-am adus aminte ca Tudor a avut parul lung... si ce i-a venit lui acu vreo cativa ani s-a tuns si de atunci nu si-a mai lasat parul lung...poate asa va pati si Steph:P

25th April 2008, 14:59
ii intra in ochi paru` cand executa axelul :cry: si la aterizare nu vedea gheata :cry:

ade, sa speram ca e doar un look temporar...ca altfel e nasol :P

7th May 2008, 17:36
Widely regarded as the most beautiful woman in figure skating, Finland's Kiira Korpi is also among the most talented and she has the results to prove it.

Korpi broke onto the international scene after earning the silver medal in junior ladies at Finnish Nationals during the 2002-03 season. She finished 19th at the World Junior Figure Skating Championships that year, then improved to 16th in 2004 and 10th in 2005.

Korpi just missed the podium at the 2004-05 ISU Junior Grand Prix Final, finishing fourth. That season was her first to qualify for the European Figure Skating Championships, where she placed 13th, after winning the silver medal at Finnish Nationals in seniors.

Her rise at the European Championships was strong as she jumped from 13th in her debut to sixth in 2006, earning her a trip to the 2006 Olympic Winter Games where she finished 16th. "I hope to go again in 2010 and maybe stay until 2014," she said. "I'll only be 25 then and that's not too old."

After the Olympics, Korpi placed tenth at Worlds that year. In 2007, she earned her first European medal - a bronze, but only placed 14th at Worlds the following month.

During the 2007-08 season, Korpi was hampered by severe sinusitis early in the season which caused her to miss her first Grand Prix event at Skate America. She placed fourth at Cup of Russia, and then had to settle for a fifth place at finish at Europeans - just 0.68 points out of the medal range.

"I was really pleased with my skating at Europeans," recalled Korpi, who was second after the short program. "I felt quite relaxed and confident before the program. In the warm-up, I was a bit nervous because there was a lot of noise and a lot of supporters, but I was prepared for that. I was able to get a relaxed but determined feeling. I gave 110 percent in the last step sequence. I have always been a fighter. I don't give up if there are setbacks."

Korpi was a bit dissapointed with her long program in which she placed fifth. "I made too many mistakes and it was so close. Just small things kept me off the podium. Maybe one more clean jump was enough. But you can't keep saying 'what if, what if'. It's no good to think about it."

At Worlds, Korpi was hoping for a strong finish after placing fourth in the short, but a disastrous free skate resulted in a ninth place finish overall.

Ultimately, Korpi's goal for the 2007-08 season was to qualify for both Europeans and Worlds and to skate well. "I would have liked to have medalled at Europeans again, but it was a different situation than last year. Then, I just had to come in and skate and Susanna (Pöykiö) had all the pressure. Now I'm the most experienced Finnish lady and the most pressure was on me. I was happy for Laura (Lepistö, her teammate). Now we have three medals in four years at Europeans."

"We need four places for Europeans and Worlds," Korpi stated. "We have a really strong ladies team in Finland and also some young skaters coming up like Jenni (Vähämaa), a super talent. We had a tough competition in Finland to decide who went to Europeans and only the top two from Europeans could go to Worlds. So it's a pity that Susanna couldn't come. We have good coaches and a good working attitude and good national teams. There are a lot of camps where we train together and push each other, so maybe that's why we are coming on so strong nowadays."

The 19-year-old has never won the Finnish Nationals in seniors, although she has won the silver twice and the bronze once. She does have two gold medals from senior internationals, the 2005 Merano Cup and the 2006 Finlandia Trophy, plus a silver from the Golden Spin of Zagreb in 2007.

Maaret Siromaa and Susanna Haarala coach Korpi, who trains primarily in her hometown of Tampere. She has worked with Siromaa for ten years and Haarala for four. Because of her schoolwork and exams, Korpi only managed to train about two hours a day on the ice, five days a week this season. She spends another six hours a week in off ice training. In the summer, her home ice rink, which is just a short distance from her home, is closed for two months, so Korpi trains at other rinks in Finland and travels to camps in other countries.

"Thanks to hockey, there are lots of ice rinks in Finland," Korpi explained. "My town has only about 200,000 people, but ten ice rinks. But they are full from seven in the morning until ten at night."

She should know. Her local hockey team, Tappara Tampere, has won the national hockey championship in Finland. The team is coached by her father, Rauno, who also coached Finland's women's hockey team to a bronze medal in the 1998 Olympic Games. "I'm glad I didn't go into hockey," said, Korpi who began to skate when she was five years old. "My older sister was skating and then some of my friends started so I wanted to skate with them."

The first triple jump that Korpi landed cleanly was a triple Salchow when she was only 11 or 12, however, she didn't use the jump in her programs this season. "I didn't have a triple Salchow in my program because nowadays with the new judging system, you don't have to include all different jumps in your program," she explained. "So we thought that the toe loop would be more easy for me than the Salchow."

Korpi feels the Code of Points is helpful in that it allows skaters to see the points for all their elements. "Then you can find what to improve. My coach and I look at the scores after each event to see what to change. At Europeans, I found that I needed to improve my layback spins and hold my spiral positions longer."

"My favorite jump is the triple Lutz," Korpi noted. She included plenty of those this year. Korpi's short program featured a triple Lutz-triple toe combination, a triple loop and a double Axel. For the long program, she used a triple Lutz-double toe-double loop, triple loop-double toe, and double Axel-double loop combinations plus a solo triple loop, triple flip, triple Lutz, and triple toe loop. "I was working on my triple toe-triple toe and triple loop-triple loop after Nationals," she added, "but we decided not to add them yet."

Korpi had a late start this summer in training due to school exams and illness. "I had a weird stomach problem last spring. When I ate, it felt really bad. So I had to take time off to have an endoscopy. They found an infection in my esophagus and were able to cure it with some medicine. Then before Skate America, I had a bad flu and sinusitis and couldn't go there so I went to Golden Spin a few weeks later instead."

Nelli Petänen has choreographed Korpi's programs for the last six years. She kept her 2006-07 long program to Phantasia by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Chang, but skated a new short program to Triunfal by Astor Piazzolla.

Korpi usually finds her own music in consultation with her coaches. "I usually change one program each year," Korpi said, "but next year I may change both. I liked the short program, but it's so different and the costume is unusual so the judges might remember it."

"I found the short program music when I was at the Japan Open last year," she stated. "I was training in Osaka and my coach and I went to a huge music store looking for new music. We found this tango and at first I was not so impressed, but actually it's quite fun."

"My coach found the music for my long program," Korpi continued. "I had not skated to classical music before and she thought that I would be ready for it."

For her exhibition programs this season, Korpi skated to a medley of ABBA songs including Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!, The Winner Takes It All, and Dancing Queen. Her costume included an electric blue leotard and sparkling silver tights. "I was thinking with my choreographer about what would be good show music. She suggested ABBA almost as a joke. Then I thought that it might be interesting and fun."

Two weeks ago, Korpi competed at the 2008 Japan Open in Tokyo where she was part of Team Europe along with Stephane Lambiel, Adrian Schultheiss, and Sarah Meier. The team placed second behind Team Japan, while Team North America was third.

Off ice, Korpi listens to all kinds of music, listing Alicia Keys and Whitney Houston as two of her favorite singers. "But I don't listen to heavy metal even though Finland is famous for heavy metal bands," she laughed.

When relaxing, Korpi usually reads or enjoys watching television or a movie. "I like comedies and anime films. If I have a day off, I like to hang out with my other-than-skating friends or just stay home in my pajamas the whole day." She listed the Harry Potter series as among her favorite books. She also does Astanga Yoga.

For more active pursuits, Korpi enjoys tennis and snowboarding. In her youth, she tried gymnastics, but preferred skating as her sport of choice.

Korpi is graduating from high school this spring. "I have one exam and then I'm done," she said. "I'm going to try to study business at the university. I don't have any special dreams, but my sister has studied marketing and really liked it. So I will follow in her footsteps." Korpi has an ear for languages and is fluent in Finnish, Swedish, English, and German, which should help in a business career.

Although the blonde beauty looks like a model, she has no aspirations in that direction. Except for appearing in one television ad for Valio, Finland's largest dairy company that is one of her sponsors, Korpi hasn't done any modeling or other similar work.

Korpi's official website is at http://kiirakorpi.fi/ while a major fan site exists at http://www.kiira-korpi.net.

7th May 2008, 17:56
Multumim pt articol. Interesant si ma mira faptul ca se pregateste pe gheata doar 2 ore pe zi ... fata de ce auzeam si citeam despre patinatorii baieti de ex, ca repeta muai mult. sau perechile parca,

7th May 2008, 21:19
Se vede ca se pregateste doar 2 ore.

8th May 2008, 00:20
ce raut esti alin!!! :P

dar eu din cate am citit despre patinatori pe gheata exclusiv nu petrec asa multe ore. dar au pe zi mai multe feluri de exercitii, nu doar patinat.

8th May 2008, 11:52
E prea putin 2 ore pe gheata....daca vrea sa fie pe podium trebuie sa munceasca mai mult. Face programe scurte foarte bune, dar la lung se pierde..cred ca nu are destula rezistenta fizica.
Poate faptul ca la anul europenele vor fi acasa la ea se va ambitiona...pt ca merita o medalie. Imi place de ea, dar trebuie sa munceasca mult pt a ajunge in varful clasamnetului european

8th May 2008, 15:39
ea se antreneaza doua ore pe gheata si chiar f putine ore off ice per toata saptamana. scrie in articol, acum nu-mi amintesc exact numarul, park vreo 6 pt toata sapt. si aici putin. insa e de admirat ca desi se antreneaza putin, a avut asa rezultate bune as zice. si asta ar fi un aspect...

8th May 2008, 15:43
Da are rezultate bune si cu doar asa putine ore de antrenament...dar asta inseamna ca are potential si ar fi pacat sa nu profite. Sunt multi patinatori care se antreneaza mult mai mult, dar le lipseste talentul si nu reusesc

8th May 2008, 16:08
Poate oboseste repede oricum. Si Irina Slutskaya parca avea o problema la inima.

8th May 2008, 18:08
Multumim pentru articol :)

10th May 2008, 15:42
am gasit niste reclame in care apare kiira
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DlzlyPRjPM&feature=related valio vanilla
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNZMbp45Tek&NR=1 mc donald`s

si aici apare cu o tunsoare diferita de cea cu care eram eu obisnuita... ii sta f bine

10th May 2008, 16:53
Imi place porcul din a doua reclama.

10th May 2008, 18:34
ce frumoasa si ce finuta eeeee :rolleyes:

26th May 2008, 23:14
Hi..As I promise two-three months ago..I went to Tampere to meet Kiira..:D


Is out pf focus because the trainer had the hand shaked..:evil::mask

26th May 2008, 23:51
Dar cum era patinoarul gol ? Cum ai intrat inauntru ? Aveai ceva acreditare sau cum ?

27th May 2008, 01:48
alin, if you ask in romanian it is likely that befani will not understand.

thank you for your picture. i am glad that your determination paid off. tell us more about the meeting.

27th May 2008, 05:21
Dar ce cauta befani asta pe threadul nostru in limba romana ? Nu ca n-ar fi voie, dar nu stiu cum de ne-a gasit tocmai pe noi, daca nu stie romana. Din ce tara e ? Mi-e lene sa traduc in engleza, asa ca fii buna si tradu tu pentru mine. Eu sint tare tare tare LAZY... Daca tipul e din Finlanda, Minä olen laiska...

27th May 2008, 12:34
HI..I'm Italian....:ok:

27th May 2008, 15:02
befani, congratulations!
i`m glad you found her and your goal was accomplished!
have you had time to talk to her?
and it`s surprising...i thought audience was not allowed in the ice rink during trainings...

27th May 2008, 15:34
HI..I went to Tampere on Monday 19 of May..
I went to Tappara office and I found a girl who did not speak english.
But..some way or other..she phoned to Ms Naskali..the president of Tappara,who told me to go to Hervanta Hall where Kiira was training.

I ran to this rink...I enter the hall..and....SHE WAS THERE...!!!

I let her finish the training without disturbing..(this is important...you can't disturb in these moments..the hall is public..not a private circle..you can enter..)

I after asked Susanna Harala if it was possible to take a photo with her and to talk with Kiira for some minutes...I explained I flew from Milano (Italy) only for this reason and to give her a present..

She gave me the OK..and I made it..she was surprised that a guy could make thousands of miles from Italy only to meet her..:ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:

She also told me that she was studyin much time....and poor hours of skating..

I was lucky because the day after she would have gone to Espoo..for training camp..:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

She is VERY VERY SHY.......more beautiful than TV...She has a fantastic basic beautiness....woderful eyes..hair and nose....She shocked me...with semplicity....

Lucky to meet her...:D:

27th May 2008, 19:06
befani, your encounter sounds awesome !!!

one friend from the forum is curious how did you find our forum??? how come you did not search the italian forums??? we're just curious!!!

27th May 2008, 19:37
oh, and we thank you for sharing this experience with us, for not forgetting to come here and tell us

27th May 2008, 22:22
I found this forum in Google research writing "Kiira Korpi forum"..:)
There is not many forum in Italy about Kiira..there are about Carolina..:cool:

27th May 2008, 22:35
How about Valentina Marchei ? She's very hot!

27th May 2008, 22:40
hi,hi! alin ti-era lene sa zici ceva in engleza dar cand a fost vorba sa zici ca vale e hot nu ai mai fost asa lenes :P

27th May 2008, 22:41

Not as hot as you think..she trains in Milan..and I saw she is a little bit less than Kiira..:P

About the beauty.....NO MATCH.:groggy::groggy::groggy::groggy:

27th May 2008, 22:46
I like her a lot. Waaaaay better than Kira. Didn't saw her in person, only on tv, but she's hot like hell, beautiful eyes and great attitude. I like that in a girl. Kira is like Carolina. Too soft for my tastes. I like dominant girls :D Besides, she has the perfect figures for me, great body, great hair. Thumbs up! :floricica:

hi,hi! alin ti-era lene sa zici ceva in engleza dar cand a fost vorba sa zici ca vale e hot nu ai mai fost asa lenes :P

Pai normal !

Ei la naiba, ia sa deschid eu propriul meu thread despre Valentina. Fata merita din plin.

27th May 2008, 22:49
I saw in person Kiira,Carolina,Valentina....no match..believe me,
..Kiira all the life....

27th May 2008, 22:53
I don't believe you. Why should I ? Valentina is super hot, Kiira is plain. That's my oppinion and I'll stick with it.

Irina, cum zici "drac gol" ? Asa-i Valentina :)

27th May 2008, 23:02
guys, guys, slow down. beauty is different for everyone !!!

i think kiira is a lot like charlize theron , the actress , an incredible beauty.
and i think valentina is like lets say salma hayek, not as refined in her features , but very spicy .

now lets all play nice , there are all sort of beauties in the world!!!

27th May 2008, 23:04
HEY! HEY! Don't get argue here!
Some of us like Kiira more than Vale or Caro. Ans some of like Vale more than others. But please respect everyones feelings and thoughts:P

/hello Welcome back befani!
Thank you so much for your informations and for the photo!
I am glad for you!:great: You followed your dream and it became realitty!:floricica:

27th May 2008, 23:05
Lasa-ne sa ne luptam pentru domnitele noastre! De fapt, eu cu Joubert trebuie sa ma lupt, poate sa o ia pe Kiira din partea mea.

27th May 2008, 23:09
HEY! HEY! Don't get argue here!
Some of us like Kiira more than Vale or Caro. Ans some of like Vale more than others. But please respect everyones feelings and thoughts:P

/hello Welcome back befani!
Thank you so much for your informations and for the photo!
I am glad for you!:great: You followed your dream and it became realitty!:floricica:

As Kiira says "Believe in your dream..and becomes real."..:cool:

27th May 2008, 23:11
This is a slogan. And a pretty dull one.

27th May 2008, 23:12
Well she said it very good! Your dream..or better say one of your dreams became realitty!

PS: As we can see don't need to sleep to achieve (the impossible) dream :cry:

27th May 2008, 23:14
This is a slogan. And a pretty dull one.

Why are you so angry.?
dull?? bad word

27th May 2008, 23:17
Hey befani...don't ask him why is angry:) Because if he will not be angry..we will think that it happend something with him...:P
Let's better talk about Finland and Kiira :P
Did you visit the city? How it is?

27th May 2008, 23:18
This is a slogan. And a pretty dull one.

Fly to Valentina..here in Milano..a couples of miles from my home..:cool:

Datch forum..

I think she'll be positively surprised...:)

27th May 2008, 23:22
Hey befani...don't ask him why is angry:) Because if he will not be angry..we will think that it happend something with him...:P
Let's better talk about Finland and Kiira :P
Did you visit the city? How it is?

The city is quite interesting....very clean and young (due to universities)..
Good public transport,good resturants and three-four disco....

Also..the girls..asolutely stunning and cute,,:D:D:D:D:D
Iced blond,blu eyes,white skin..and well dressed..glamour and fashion..:cool:

I'll be back in September...;)

27th May 2008, 23:22
dom'le, nu poate omul sa spuna nimic, imediat dati cu parul. de ce ii luati lui apararea ? nu sint nervos, nu duc o disputa, dar daca nici un argument nu poate sa spuna omul si duca o discutie amicala, glumeata, nu mai am nimic de spus.
si pentru toti mai putini cunoscatori de engleza: "dull" inseamna plictisitor, nu e un cuvant urat.

27th May 2008, 23:28
:P Si tu iei totul prea in serios asa ca nu stiu care e mai "glumet" :D

I'll be back in September...

I'm sure !...I guess you were so impressed by the city with all his beauty:

Iced blond,blu eyes,white skin..and well dressed..glamour and fashion..

27th May 2008, 23:32
Friendly city..friendly people...more girls than guys....:cool::cool::cool:

27th May 2008, 23:35
cel mai bine ar fi sa nu mai spun nimic. cand eu duc o discutie, voi sustineti ca ma cert. de unde o scoateti, habar n-am. nu mai poate omul sa spuna nimic. zau daca va inteleg. doar pentru ca nu imi place kiira korpi si imi place valentina marchei :groggy:

27th May 2008, 23:37
:D And nobody wants to moved there...voluntary...i ask the guys from here? :cry:

@Alin: Gata promit sa nu zic nimic...scrie ce vrei tu...:ok: Dar sa nu intreceti masura:ok: Contez pe voi :)

28th May 2008, 16:13
There is not many forum in Italy about Kiira..there are about Carolina..:cool:
why i don`t wonder at all? :D
befani, if you are italian, do you like carolina kostner? what do you think about her? you don`t know, but she is very po****r here, in romania, and on our forum :evil: we "love" her :cry: :drak:

Friendly city..friendly people...more girls than guys....:cool::cool::cool:
but the guys, how are they? :D they are cute or ugly? :P

you are very lucky meeting kiira...

28th May 2008, 22:42
Carolina Kostner has a great talent...with her long long legs she can skate easier and with less fatigue than other girls...I saw her skating...:)..very light and not expensive from the energetic point of view...:cool::cool:

Finnish guys in my opinion are not cute and smart..a Finninsh girl told me that they are not able to "see" in a certain way the girls..for finnish girl is very important how to look..:cool::cool::cool::cool:

She told me that many Italians are able to do so....Iìm Italian too..

In my opinion finnish guys drink too much....

28th May 2008, 22:52
In my opinion finnish guys drink too much....
I know! One of them is Raichu aka Kimi Raikkonen:D At list this is what i read in the newspapers or hear at news :D

28th May 2008, 23:12
I think it's important for blond beautiful finnish girl to be close to a guy with no bad smell of alchool....:P:P:P:P:P

28th May 2008, 23:14
I agree with you..that is why i hope Kiira will find someone who is good enough for her :)

PS: I don't mind if that someone will be Stephane or Brian :D

PS 2: I want to ask you something:) If you will have some informations about Caro or Vale please post them here:
Vale's thread: http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/showthread.php?t=275151
Caro thread: http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/showthread.php?t=255767

28th May 2008, 23:20
I don't think so..you are agree..in the circle of skaters there is no men for Kiira..:(:(:(

I could be her guy...:cool::cool::cool::cool:

Let me dream..please..:)

28th May 2008, 23:25
OKI...i let you dream :) Maybe it will come true as well:P

28th May 2008, 23:34
I think I'll learn Finnish language and I'll stay in Tampere,leaving Milano and Italy, for her...to be with her..:sad::sad::sad::sad:

29th May 2008, 08:49
I don't think so..you are agree..in the circle of skaters there is no men for Kiira..

I could be her guy...:cool:

Let me dream..please..
come on!!! stephane lambiel is perfect for her :D he is veeery cute and handsome :) i`m sure, but people has different preferences...so...if you fight for her, you can win :P good luck...

I think I'll learn Finnish language and I'll stay in Tampere,leaving Milano and Italy, for her...to be with her..:sad:
i know this feeling...really :D trust me...but it past ;)

29th May 2008, 12:34
Finnish is a hell of a language. Very tough. I would stay there, but not because Kiira, but because the finns are very calm and quiet and very civilised. The country from what I've heard is very clean and they are very organised and there are many opportunities in every aspects.

29th May 2008, 12:38
Finnish guys in my opinion are not cute and smart.
They don't have to be cute. They have to be handsome. A girl is cute.

29th May 2008, 16:29
I'd live in Tampere only for Kiira..some problems?

I know and appreciate the civil lifestyle of Finnish people..another reason to live there..even if Italy is the best country that could be....it's a pity that there are many Italians that do not deserve this country...

Did I wrote correctly?

30th May 2008, 00:18
I think you wrote great:)
So if are many italian who not deserve the country..what is your opinion about the romanian people? I know that italians are looking so weird ( to not say another word) at us..only because some romanians did bad things there.