View Full Version : Veeeerrrry funnnny (still Tennis)

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19th January 2010, 22:59
vezi ca mai sunt altele, da' cu calitate mai slaba. important e ca sunt

26th January 2010, 21:16
Nu e asa funny dar oricum cineva stie sa-si faca cunoscut numele... :D


27th January 2010, 11:29
La cati chinezoi sunt nici nu ma mira :)

sunt cel putin 5 parti...daca vreti le pun aici :D
sunt prea tari toate

Chiar te rog piciule, ia baga-le

27th January 2010, 16:44

si am vazut zilele astea o faza cu djokeru'...nu stiu daca o stiti. pt cine n-o stie, e tare

si acum ceva thriller

27th January 2010, 16:48
Thanks Ade

Am vaz acum asta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgkiFwAvBfU&feature=related :P

27th January 2010, 17:18
Lol, asta e Sabine :D abia acum a aparut poza

La o singura faza a fost funny Nadal, dar a fost mortala :D She win us open, i didn`t win a tournament since....
Nole e un entertainer, clar. De ce a aparut Roddick asa putin? Ceva imitatii nu au fost?

27th January 2010, 17:58
cu placere! :)
pe aia cu caroline am vazut-o si eu dupa ce-am dat de aia cu nole cu racheta (app, chiar mi s-a parut foarte amuzant cand s-a dus dupa ea :cry:), sunt o gramada acolo
nu a aparut atunci poza, nu a mers nici la mine si-am pus-o eu din nou :D

roddick a fost decat la ala, la prima demonstratie. dupa-aia a disparut :P decat in aia l-am vazut, desi mi-ar fi placut sa fie-n toate, e mortal

1st February 2010, 23:47

Si pentru tine Ade


3rd February 2010, 16:23
lol, ce tare e a 2-a :cry:
da' pe mine nu ma deranjeaza/intereseaza tipetele ei, pe mine ma intereseaza cum joaca :P

8th February 2010, 21:37

:cry: :happy :cry:

16th February 2010, 23:04
P'asta n-o stiam :p


Dar nu prea e de ras ... :D

16th February 2010, 23:32
si dupa meci ....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjoL3mViYtk&feature=related

19th February 2010, 13:31

nu stiam ca Rafa si Nole vorbesc italiana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQqaMb0J8EM&feature=related /hello

19th February 2010, 20:44
Ziceati ca Nole isi face trupa rock? Ei bine Rafa i-a luat-o deja inainte! Un "featuring" la care multi viseaza :)).
Sincer sa fiu, chiar ma intrebam cu ce-o sa-si ocupe timpul Rafa de cand cu problemele medicale.


El Pistolero
13th March 2010, 10:14
acum am vazut punctul asta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMHzOg0huDM:happy:happy
cum a fugit mingea de Hewitt:ras-plans::ras-plans:

13th March 2010, 10:39


Hit for Haiti IW :D

13th March 2010, 15:37
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLvllw73vA4 "Red is not your color, Rog" :happy super tare Agassi si in al doilea filmulet cand i-a spus lui Rafa ca se misca mai repede la tv :ras-plans:

13th March 2010, 15:43
si ce retur a dat dupa ce a zis asta :ras-plans:

13th March 2010, 17:02
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLvllw73vA4 "Red is not your color, Rog" :happy super tare Agassi si in al doilea filmulet cand i-a spus lui Rafa ca se misca mai repede la tv :ras-plans:

prea tare Agassi :ras-plans:



Th3 Gam3 HHH
13th March 2010, 22:29
Am vazut si eu meciul de dublu .. f amuzant !! L-am luat de pe t3nnis.tv ( cine n-are cont sa-mi dea un pm - invitatii sunt la greu ) ...

Agassi a facut tot showul ... a fost chiar intrebat la final daca se pregateste pt un stand-up la vegas ...

Nadal a fost cel mai tacut dintre cei 4 ... apoi Sampras .... care a bagat si el gluma cu imitarea lui Agassi .... apoi Andre a replicat cu ceva relativ murdar .. si mi s-a parut ca Pete s-a cam iritat putin .....

F putine mingii frumoase ... de rememorat doar cea cu Roger in prim-plan ... cred ca o stie toata lumea ...

13th March 2010, 23:09
super tare !!!
da' sampras ce era imbufnat asa? sau mi se pare mie. parca juca pe bune

20th March 2010, 16:03
Dupa interviul lui Gimelstob de la inceputul meciului mi-am dat seama ca va fi un spectacol pe cinste.
Nadal, ca intotdeauna are parte de intrebarile cele mai grele: "Easy question for you Rafa, very slowly: Do you feel out of place here, not having any children?" :)). "You get so much sleep, it's so much an advantage! You're now a star in music videos. You're one of the greatest players of all time, but all that anyone wants to talk about is a lady named Shakira!".

Meciul a fost presarat cu momente amuzante, iar Agassi a fost primit f bine dupa "crystal meth scandal", sincer, eu unul nu ma asteptam, dar in continuare Andre e privit cu ochi buni in USA. Sampras mi s-a parut cam timorat, iar cand l-a imitat pe Agassi, am presimtit o replica taioasa din partea cealalta a terenului :).

22nd March 2010, 23:21

25th March 2010, 21:07

28th March 2010, 00:46

21st April 2010, 18:37

Vera... hooo :lol:

27th May 2010, 15:48

El Pistolero
29th May 2010, 10:36

29th May 2010, 10:48
Nole ca intotdeauna cel mai bun la maimutzareala,pacat ca nu e la fel si pe terenul de tenis
M-am lamurit cine e si tipul care il imita pe Rafa!Se pricepe Troicki!:cry::cry::cry:

29th May 2010, 17:58
Nole ca intotdeauna cel mai bun la maimutzareala,pacat ca nu e la fel si pe terenul de tenis
M-am lamurit cine e si tipul care il imita pe Rafa!Se pricepe Troicki!:cry::cry::cry:

Jokerul e genial in genul asta de situatii! Si-a ales o piesa care ii scoate cel mai bine "vocea" in evidenta :)).

30th May 2010, 20:10
Epicitatea videoclipului nu poate fi descrisa in cuvinte:


30th May 2010, 20:15
Epicitatea urmatorului videoclip nu poate fi descrisa in cuvinte:


:ras-plans::ras-plans::ras-plans: SUPER TARE!:D

30th May 2010, 21:21
deci Soderling e mortal.Daca pe Djokovic il stiam ca le are cu chestiile astea, nu ma asteptam sa-l vad pe suedez facana asa ceva :happy

2nd June 2010, 14:28
Nu e de ras dar merita vazut :D


2nd June 2010, 14:43
simpatica reactia lui Nole dupa mingea aia jucata de Federer printre picioare:D

2nd June 2010, 15:08
simpatica reactia lui Nole dupa mingea aia jucata de Federer printre picioare:D

Aia cred ca este cea mai tare lovitura din tenis pe care am vazut-o.:groggy::groggy::groggy::lol:

2nd June 2010, 16:43
Pe asta ai vazut-o ? http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=G9-KlJ3tkZE&feature=related :D

2nd June 2010, 17:00
Pe asta ai vazut-o ? http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=G9-KlJ3tkZE&feature=related :D

Da:P. A facut niste puncte incredibile in meciul ala.

4th June 2010, 19:37


5th June 2010, 12:34
Pe asta ai vazut-o ? http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=G9-KlJ3tkZE&feature=related :D

pfff ce tineri erau si ce bine arãta Mirka :D

Djokovic e mortal, imi place cand il pipaie pe fund :happy

5th June 2010, 13:31
pfff ce tineri erau si ce bine arãta Mirka :D

Djokovic e mortal, imi place cand il pipaie pe fund :happy
Pe atunci Mirka nu era o Milka ... :D

Sorin Blaj
5th June 2010, 13:37
Aceeasi lovitura a incercat-o in meciul cu Soderling, la minge de set.

Au trecut opt ani de vis pentru Federer.

21st July 2010, 17:01
imi place cand il pipaie pe fund :happy
da, ce fata are troicki acolo, zici ca e chiar o femeie in fata lui :lol:
si soderling a fost tare.

mi-a placut si hewitt pe "eye of the tiger" . ar fi bine sa vedem karaoke in fiecare an, ne mai distram si noi. si noi si jucatorii

Eddy DoubleD
18th October 2010, 16:22


18th October 2010, 18:22
Ahahahahahaha :happy :happy :happy GENIAL! Am ras cu lacrimi :happy

Eddy DoubleD
20th October 2010, 15:18

7th December 2010, 21:44

:happy :happy

Eddy DoubleD
7th December 2010, 22:12
:cry: Imi amintesc ca am vazut live chestia asta:cry:

24th December 2010, 23:21

Eddy DoubleD
24th December 2010, 23:29
Ce chinuitor:cry:

28th December 2010, 13:45
:D Apar Djoker si Monfils la sfarsit.:D

28th December 2010, 13:51
E vechi!:DOricum ma asteptam de la Djoko la o aparitie intr-un videoclip!:D

El Pistolero
28th December 2010, 14:05
Imi place piesa.:ok:

Eddy DoubleD
28th December 2010, 19:55
Abia acum ati remarcat piesa asta?:cry: Si da, e misto melodia:ok:

El Pistolero
28th December 2010, 19:56
Abia acum ati remarcat piesa asta?:cry: Si da, e misto melodia:ok:


Eddy DoubleD
28th December 2010, 19:57
Nu ma refeream la tine:D Mai mult la yonutz:)

Eddy DoubleD
16th January 2011, 13:11

Cum poate sa arate Mahut:cry:

22nd January 2011, 01:42
Cirstea - Peer

Colectia C. Botezatu 2011 ... :rolleyes:


28th January 2011, 16:01

28th January 2011, 23:14
Hai ca daca discutati de chiloti ma mut pe topicul wta, acolo pot sa-mi dau si eu cu parerea pe subiectul asta... :D

28th January 2011, 23:36


Eddy DoubleD
28th January 2011, 23:37
Asa:D Discutii mai interesante:D Treceti pe topicul WTA macar:cry:

28th January 2011, 23:37
Astia sunt Armanii???Cam urat design...

28th January 2011, 23:38
Astia sunt Armanii???Cam urat design...

Pai nu ma lua cu ironii si cu lipsa de respect ca o dau si eu in balarii!Nu vrei sa-mi raspunzi,nu te obliga nimeni sa o faci.Dar daca o faci,respecta-ma ca sa te respect...

28th January 2011, 23:40
Era pur un comentariu referitor la chilotii din imagine....Dar poate esti vreun designer si te-ai simtit.

28th January 2011, 23:42
Cat de evident trebuie sa fac ceva pana te prinzi?

Eddy DoubleD
28th January 2011, 23:42
:cry::cry::happy Mor de ras...

28th January 2011, 23:46

29th January 2011, 00:25
Se gasesc si de culoarea pielii.

Eddy DoubleD
29th January 2011, 00:31
Asta e scarboasa...

29th January 2011, 00:34

Ce culoare e aia? :confused:

29th January 2011, 00:43
Am zis, culoarea pielii.

Mr Cosmin
29th January 2011, 00:44
Aia sunt chiloti?

29th January 2011, 01:17

30th January 2011, 15:23
doooh, si pe threadu' asta va faceti de cap...numai "goliciuni" visati...imbracate nu va plac deloc

Eddy DoubleD
30th January 2011, 15:29
Imbracate sunt peste tot...dezbracate mai putin:rolleyes:

Eddy DoubleD
8th February 2011, 22:35


9th February 2011, 11:27
suuper ! :rolleyes: saru' mana, edi ! :))

9th February 2011, 22:15
Eu nu cred in Murray, cred in catzel :happy

9th February 2011, 23:23

Ce culoare e aia? :confused:

Tu ai impresia ca se gandeste cineva la culoare?

13th February 2011, 20:17
Ce parere aveti despre aceasta jucatoare ???

"Hot prospect": super fast, good stamina, da bine cu toate loviturile...not bad at all !!

PS: it's her, ok ?!?!! don't care if not !!;)

13th February 2011, 20:32
Warning: a nu se downloada din partea minorilor sau "criticilor"...e posibil sa nu sa se inteleaga "talentul" fetei

El Pistolero
1st March 2011, 17:34
Nu e funny,e o faza penibila.Am pus-o aici.

29th May 2011, 15:41
foarte tare:D

21st June 2011, 10:09

22nd June 2011, 20:35
foarte tari ambele filmulete :D

23rd June 2011, 22:07

Karlovic cred ca era singurul care facea altceva in timpul ala :))

26th June 2011, 13:43

7th July 2011, 14:42
P7IhwaEdiV4&feature=player_embedded cat de tare:D

8th August 2011, 00:31
Eu stiam ca doar Federer poate sa joace atat de spectaculos ( bine , Federer e numai unul :D ) .

E foarte interesant acest video pentru ca spune multe despre inconstanta lui Kohlschreiber .


p.s. stiu ca nu am postat intr-o sectiune adecvata , dar alt thread cu filmulete din tenis nu am gasit .

8th August 2011, 09:07
Eu stiam ca doar Federer poate sa joace atat de spectaculos ( bine , Federer e numai unul :D ) .

E foarte interesant acest video pentru ca spune multe despre inconstanta lui Kohlschreiber .


p.s. stiu ca nu am postat intr-o sectiune adecvata , dar alt thread cu filmulete din tenis nu am gasit .

Kohlschreiber are un stil de joc asemanator lui Andrei Pavel. Ar merita sa fie mult mai sus in clasament, dar are si mult ghinion la tragerile la sorti, plus ca in ultima vreme jocul sau n-a functionat la parametri prea inalti. Sper sa-l vad in primii 15.

8th August 2011, 14:08
Eu stiam ca doar Federer poate sa joace atat de spectaculos ( bine , Federer e numai unul :D ) .

E foarte interesant acest video pentru ca spune multe despre inconstanta lui Kohlschreiber .


p.s. stiu ca nu am postat intr-o sectiune adecvata , dar alt thread cu filmulete din tenis nu am gasit .

La min 5:40
Backhand Winners:
Roddick 3
Kohli 26:))
Daca ar fi mai constant... ar fi in top 15-20.

15th August 2011, 19:32
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEkD0NiU7ys =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

19th August 2011, 20:18

:happy :happy

19th August 2011, 20:30
E tampit!:cry::cry:

22nd August 2011, 18:27
lol tare rau :)):))

DJ Klaus
24th August 2011, 23:54

God.... I miss Safin :))

25th August 2011, 10:23

Cel mai prost challange din toate timpurile! :))

Pana si Roger rade!:))

25th August 2011, 14:02
Si eu care initial am crezut ca voia challenge pentru retur. Da' de unde! :groggy:

25th August 2011, 17:15
Initial asta am crezut si eu!:))

25th August 2011, 17:35
Ce challenge :cry::cry::cry::happy

25th August 2011, 17:41


Safin e cel mai tare:))


DJ Klaus
25th August 2011, 17:41
Djokovic hits a sexy girl. Ouch


Eddy DoubleD
25th August 2011, 18:29
@yonutz96: Primul e genial:cry: Tipul ala ii face pe Almagro, Safin sau Roddick sa para cami:cry: E interesant ca era suparat pe el si/sau arbitrii. In rest a dat mana cu Witten, dar restul...mostruos:cry:

Djokovic hits a sexy girl. Ouch


Nole's ball(s) in her face:cry:

Interesant primul comentariu: "im pretty sure she got hit by djokovic's other balls after the game ;)"

25th August 2011, 18:59

Acelasi comentariu l-am remarcat si eu Eddy!:))

DJ Klaus
25th August 2011, 19:04
Mde la ce va sta voua gandul :D

Eddy DoubleD
25th August 2011, 19:53
Tinand cont de situatie, e misto sa te gandesti la comentarii funny:D

27th August 2011, 11:06
Cand vor fi si la noi in tara genul asta de copii de mingi, sunt sigur ca va creste si asistenta la meciuri :ok:.

9th September 2011, 16:53


9th September 2011, 21:44

9th September 2011, 23:42
a crezut ca se retrage

11th September 2011, 17:06
Benoit Paire si cu asta am spus totul ! :yeah::yeah::yeah:


DJ Klaus
14th September 2011, 20:44
Rafa si Roger - cearta dupa wimbledon final


DJ Klaus
14th September 2011, 21:02
The magic forehand of Federer


DJ Klaus
14th September 2011, 21:06
And... the magic backhand of Federer


15th September 2011, 19:26
Destept esti.

DJ Klaus
15th September 2011, 22:23
Oh...you are so cute.

DJ Klaus
18th October 2011, 00:06
Federer e foarte modest :)

1st January 2013, 21:44
B U M ( nu e deloc funny :) ) ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc4GENmpxWE

Cristy RVD
18th January 2013, 20:43

Chiar daca e veche, e foarte tare.

4th February 2013, 22:22
jurnalul lui Roger Federer de la AO 2013 :happy

Rafa once told me he feels like a caged rhinoceros during tournament practices. I, on the other hand, feel like a piece of art. The court is my gallery

Later, as I was changing clothes in the locker room, I felt a tap on my bare, moisturized shoulder. I turned, wondering who had entered my personal space unannounced. It was Grigor Dimitrov. I should have known. He’s been pestering me for months, asking if I will give him “classiness tutorials.” I think the whole Baby Fed nickname has really messed with his head. On top of that, he supposedly hit the “shot of the year” in 2012 and, well, his ego expanded more quickly than his ability.

Nole was on the other side of the room imitating him (not his best work)

I headed to the courts early today to get in a nice, easy hit. Vika was practicing on the court next to me. RedFool (SP?) was fist-pumping from the sidelines. Not sure if he knew he was just watching her practice.

The Tomic defeat is complete, as anticipated. He gave me a good run there in the second set, but by the time he reaches his potential, I predict I’ll be enjoying my retirement.

As I write, I’m watching Stanislas try to take down Novak. I keep expecting him to gag, but I see I’ve taught my fellow Swiss well. During commercials, I’m reading to the Charlene and Myla. I know they’re up way past their bedtime, but they wanted to see Uncle Stan, or Shushu, as they say in Mandarin. They’re so clever, my girls. Four years, four languages. Well, the match just ended. Poor Shushu Stan. I'm thinking he'll need a good cry after this one.

Ah, c’mon Novak. Shirtless again? Seriously?

As usual, Chris Evert talked a lot (though, I feel it necessary to document, I have no recollection of what she actually said). I silently wondered if she was having that effect on the fans watching at home

I thought my 7,000 thread-count sheets back home were nice, but nothing can quite compare the chinchilla fur comforter in my Royal Deluxe Superstar Celebrity Luxury Penthouse Suite.

After the match, Jimmy C. yet again had the privilege of conducting my on-court interview

I’ve been a sex symbol for so long now that I don’t even notice the women anymore. It’s funny - people assume I have game, but I still have nightmares about guys on tour calling me “The Swiss Cheese.” Meanies! Didn’t stop me from nabbing Mirka anyway. Score!

Everyone needs to utter the f-word now and then, right? But the double standard just kills me. Andy gets to terrify young children with his language and facial expressions, and I get called out for dropping an F-bomb or two. He can go on court looking like a rotting banana, and I get made fun of for wearing pink. He gets to go a solid month without brushing his hair, and I’m expected to look ready for a state dinner at the end of a four-hour match. Madness!





Eddy DoubleD
4th February 2013, 22:26

Johnny D
9th March 2013, 01:47
Karlovic - Sock scor 3-6 7-6(8) 6-2, Karlovic a facut break in primul game din decisiv si in al 3-lea conducand cu 4-0!
La minge de 1-0(break), eu zic: "Minge de meci, Karlovic!"
Alin: "Meci, Karlovic!:D"
La minge de 3-0(break), Alin: "Minge de dublu meci, Karlovic!:D"

Poate e proasta poanta, dar mie mi s-a parut tare!:P

13th March 2013, 16:14


Eddy DoubleD
11th May 2013, 13:56

12th May 2013, 00:48
Titlul spune tot . Cuvintele sunt de prisos .

16th May 2013, 00:40
E foarte tare tipul (pana si Nole l-a pus pe twitter):


Johnny D
16th May 2013, 01:16
Comentariul zilei la acel video: "Josh did Murray better then Murray does Murray"!:))

17th May 2013, 12:26

17th May 2013, 13:48
ahahahahahahahahahaha :happy:happy:happy

17th May 2013, 13:52
acelasi link postat de coluta cu 2 posturi mai sus :)) :))

Johnny D
17th May 2013, 22:41
Lu Cipri i-au trebuit 2 incercari pana l-a prins, deci Quebec a fost inspirat(a)!:))

17th May 2013, 23:42
Pe primul link nici nu am intrat . :)

18th May 2013, 22:37

19th May 2013, 02:44
Eu nu vad nici un video :( E de pe youtube?


19th May 2013, 12:31
Coluta, uite link-ul.:)


Johnny D
19th May 2013, 23:04
Eu nu vad nici un video :( E de pe youtube?


Pe Nadal l-a batut, pe Djokovic l-a batut, pe Murray l-a batut.
Nu-i confundati cu Federer va rog, pe elvetian nu l-a batut niciodata!:P

20th May 2013, 02:54
Coluta, uite link-ul.:)


Tsonga :yes:

3rd June 2013, 21:39

3rd June 2013, 22:03
:))))) so.....all the bubblegum in the world for Roger!

Eddy DoubleD
7th June 2013, 00:21

Dr. Ivo:)))

7th June 2013, 01:00
Ce tare ...e chiar el ?

7th June 2013, 01:04
dap..e el...

si tursunov e tare :))

7th June 2013, 01:16
N-as fi zis caci din cate am vazut, Karlovic e putin dislexic si balbait !

Eddy DoubleD
7th June 2013, 01:19
:))) Tursunov :happy

Mai am cateva tari de la Ivo:

I watched 'Planet of the apes'. Not sure if cheering for the monkeys to win the battle against humans makes me a traitor or ape lover.

Me @ practice desk:Why do I have to share the court? Guy:U practiced already this morning. Me:I dont see Nadal sharing. Guy:Um..bla,bla,bla.

A well known father/coach told me yesterday he likes my backhand. I said 'No one ever told me that'. We had a moment there...

Some random guy: "how do you feel when you get lobbed in a tennis match?"
Ivo: "Cheated"

Every time I lose a match all I hear is "Just serve bla,bla,bla". And every time I win a match its "Wow, he improved so much". Since '03

Gym at #usopen looks like refuge camp. I had to step over 4 Argentines, 3 Franchies and couple of unidentified players to get to dumbbells

On a golf course. Rory is showing Caro his club. She looks impressed. Then Rory starts putting his balls in a hole. Asta e mortala:)))

Ivo: There's 2 people in my gym. Walking on treadmill and talking on the phone. No wonder my motivation level is lower than Fed's slice

First day of practice in Cincinnati.. Some grandpa asked me 'Who are you?' I answered 'Nobody'. He said 'Ah ok' and left.

E demential omul:))

11th June 2013, 19:53

cautati la Behind the scenes - day 11- Road to RG - Best of Federer

Cristy RVD
17th June 2013, 12:52

17th June 2013, 13:38
Asta voiam sa postez si eu .

Eddy DoubleD
21st June 2013, 11:39

Dimitrov o sa stea pe uscat cateva zile:D

21st June 2013, 11:47
Nu e prima dat acand Nole o imita pe Sharapova : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYokGZ8pOEw

El Pistolero
11th July 2013, 14:42

Johnny D
14th July 2013, 01:45
He's a better Nadal than Nadal Himself!:))

Now Rafa understands why Federer always laughs when he hears hispanics talk!:D

29th August 2013, 14:33
nice links thanks for posting

8th September 2013, 02:18

8th September 2013, 12:48

Like a boss :cool:.

El Pistolero
13th September 2013, 21:19
http://www.treizecizero.ro/news/facebook-chat-cum-a-reactionat-lumea-tenisului-dupa-titlul-lui-rafa :))

13th September 2013, 21:27

3rd October 2013, 21:19

Roddick vs. Djokovic :))

Johnny D
4th October 2013, 07:52
http://www.treizecizero.ro/news/facebook-chat-cum-a-reactionat-lumea-tenisului-dupa-titlul-lui-rafa :))

Cea mai tare in opinia mea e: "BCR Tenis Partner: Si TU poti fi campion ca Rafa Nadal! Inscrie-te acum in circuitul destinat amatorilor!"
Altfel spus, azi te inscrii, maine castigi RG-ul de 8 ori, nimic mai banal!:yes:

11th December 2013, 16:00
Hantuchova - piano player (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FKcjiaWdDI)

19th February 2014, 21:56
ATP players as Winter Olympians, funny, funny, funny :))


19th February 2014, 22:57
ATP players as Winter Olympians, funny, funny, funny :))


And while we’re at it, can we pair him with Jelena Jankovic for the ice dancing competition?
Jelena ce??? Au incurcat-o cu Ivanovic astia :)

Curling: Andy Murray
Plus, his impassioned shouting would be a skill rather than a detriment.
:cool: + poza care face toti banii

I feel sorry for the hill when the dogged Ferrer gets ready to attack.

Two-Man Bobsled: Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and Dustin Brown. German precision with Jamaican passion. Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up!

Two-Man Luge: Bob and Mike Bryan. can’t you imagine a long program ending in the brothers’ patented flying chest pump?

22nd April 2014, 21:39

Eddy DoubleD
10th May 2014, 02:00
N-am mai postat de mult din twitter-urile lui Ivo:D

ivo karlovic ‏@ivokarlovic Apr 16
"@Stako_tennis: @ivokarlovic what you hate the most in chair empire ??" They are always right. No matter how wrong they are..

ivo karlovic ‏@ivokarlovic Apr 16
"@SoriNoleShady: @ivokarlovic Your favorite shot?" Tekila

ivo karlovic ‏@ivokarlovic Apr 16
"@Tom_moore29: @ivokarlovic Federer or Nadal?" Neither. I'm hetero

ivo karlovic ‏@ivokarlovic Apr 16
"@SilentGuy247: @ivokarlovic Why didn't you win Wimbledon?" Not my time yet

ivo karlovic ‏@ivokarlovic Apr 16
"@DaniSotocalde: @ivokarlovic Why did you decide to play with a single backhand?" I was young and stupid

ivo karlovic ‏@ivokarlovic Apr 7
Its good to take a dump after a match like this. Feel much better.. #toilettweeting

"@goldfarbtom88: @ivokarlovic how do you even fit into a toilet???"

Why would i wanna fit into it? I prefer to sit on it.

ivo karlovic ‏@ivokarlovic Mar 25
Fognini walks like Napoleon

ivo karlovic ‏@ivokarlovic Feb 18
Guy at Delray tennis center goes Hey Tommy can u sign this? and hands me a photo of Tommy Haas to sign... I signed it. Ha!

10th May 2014, 02:39
Why did you decide to play with a single backhand?" I was young and stupid


3rd June 2014, 01:04
So, they play the same sport, it seems.


4th June 2014, 18:26

Dafuq did i just see? :groggy:

Eddy DoubleD
5th June 2014, 23:19
Prea tare:happy:happy:happy


6th June 2014, 01:07
Not sure if Judy Murray or a dressed White Walker

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10402881_10152138866018148_7155351958858910472_n.j pg

6th June 2014, 13:39
Not sure if Judy Murray or a dressed White Walker

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10402881_10152138866018148_7155351958858910472_n.j pg

Daca e sa ne luam dupa "vecina" de scaun, clar varianta a doua!

Eddy DoubleD
6th June 2014, 19:09

Murray a fost pus sa formeze o echipa de fotbal cu jucatori de tenis:)) Tare faza cu Fognini:)) Iar tweet-ul lui Melzer :happy

6th June 2014, 20:24
Haha nu il vrea pe Fognini ca probabil o sa fie eliminat :)):happy.

13th June 2014, 17:28
Not sure if Judy Murray or a dressed White Walker

Sau el:
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1qiU1F3XnfHn_EmCCdwtOQpshW6jgB v4VBmgUTDHQY11ML9OfPw

Eddy DoubleD
28th July 2014, 18:49
Dr. Ivo in actiune

ivo karlovic @ivokarlovic · Jun 29
"@MithiTennis: @ivokarlovic if you woke up as a woman tomorrow, what is the first thing you'll do?" Feel my jugs

ivo karlovic @ivokarlovic · Jun 29
"@MGLovesTennis: @ivokarlovic Favourite Sugarpova flavour? (If you've tried it)" I never tried her flavor.

ivo karlovic @ivokarlovic · Jun 29
"@judmoo: @ivokarlovic who is ur favourite tennis mom? Ps if u get this wrong I will never speak to u again :) x" There's only one Judy M.

ivo karlovic @ivokarlovic · Jun 29
"@Jay9386: @ivokarlovic why do they call u dr ivo?" I'm a gynecologist

ivo karlovic @ivokarlovic · Jun 29
"@GayForRay: @ivokarlovic How's the backhand coming along?" What backhand?

ivo karlovic @ivokarlovic · Jun 25
Short but smelly flight today. Someone next to me was passing gas the whole time. My bet is its the weirdo in orange shorts to my left.

Cristy RVD
28th July 2014, 22:52
Fiecare sesiune de Q&A cu el e epica :))

29th July 2014, 03:47
karlovic @ivokarlovic · Jun 29
"@Jay9386: @ivokarlovic why do they call u dr ivo?" I'm a gynecologist

asta-i unguent pentru suflet,sa moara bobi


El Pistolero
6th February 2015, 22:53
Va era dor de Dr. Ivo? :))


6th February 2015, 23:03
“@Ruben_Zuluaga: What is your dream? @ivokarlovic” to be able to squeeze in to Ferrari
@RicardoMarin_: @ivokarlovic Federer or Rafa Nadal?” No homo
“@phil4321566: @ivokarlovic How many rackets have you smashed in your career ?”many when I was younger. I realized the racket is not stupid
@TosoMatteo: @ivokarlovic what's your favourite animal?” Stanimal
“@tiziano_nole: @ivokarlovic do you get angry when someone defines you only a big server?” Yes. I'm the best server
@inaikle: @ivokarlovic why when you play Isner, you dont go straight to a tie break???” Stupid rules
“@ProdigyRep: @ivokarlovic are you now sponsored by Adidas? Or did they make you buy their stuff?” Mofos made me buy it

Unele dintre ele :)):))

Eddy DoubleD
7th February 2015, 01:54
Q&A-urile cu Ivo pe twitter sunt mortale :))

Johnny D
8th February 2015, 20:31
No homo!:)) Trebuia sa-l intrebe de fete, corect!:))

Eddy DoubleD
6th April 2015, 00:02

Ceva mai vechi cu Team Serbia :))

Cristy RVD
6th April 2015, 00:27
This is pure gold :D


De fapt, toate episoadele din Tipsy Time sunt smechere.

Eddy DoubleD
6th April 2015, 00:58
Asta cred ca il stiu. :D Ala era Tio Toni razand? :o: Whaaaat?

Trebuie sa le caut daca sunt mai multe. Tipsy are carisma :ok:

Cristy RVD
6th April 2015, 01:19
Sunt multe facute in 2013 parca, la Roland Garros. Vreo 10.

Eddy DoubleD
6th April 2015, 01:21
Anyway, tennis needs more Tipsy :ok: Sper sa revina cumva in preajma top 20-30.

Eddy DoubleD
20th April 2015, 07:09
Dr. Ivo strikes again :happy :happy :happy

https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10632833_733107323474599_6112186846025209056_n.jpg ?oh=af85249e1c452388b325b5dd9fd89c06&oe=55980445

20th April 2015, 22:19
Dr. Ivo strikes again :happy :happy :happy

https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10632833_733107323474599_6112186846025209056_n.jpg ?oh=af85249e1c452388b325b5dd9fd89c06&oe=55980445

Pfaaaa... am vrut sa ma trag in poza cu Ivo azi, insa omu' tot a stat la antrenament si l-am scapat apoi :mad:.
Ochisem si bancuta pe care sa ma urc pentru a-l tine de umar ahahahaa

20th April 2015, 22:23
Tu si Dudi Sela :happy

20th April 2015, 22:57
Tu si Dudi Sela :happy

Deci cat m-am gandit unde sa-l duc pe om sa ajung si eu la +2,00 si cand am vazut bancuta langa teren, imi sclipeau ochii ahahahaha
P.S.: Schwartzman e mai mic decat Rochus! :shocked:

20th April 2015, 23:14
Pe stream nu pare asa de pitic.
Pe atp/wikipedia la inaltime apare cu 1m70 :D.

20th April 2015, 23:38
Pe stream nu pare asa de pitic.
Pe atp/wikipedia la inaltime apare cu 1m70 :D.

Cristache RVD poate confirma! ;)

Cristy RVD
21st April 2015, 12:25
:)) N-are Schwartzi 1.70 nici daca se urca pe scaun.

23rd April 2015, 15:53
Nu stiu daca a postat pe undeva, dar a avut Cipri o replica memorabila. Am zis sa o postez la categoria funny.
" Dinu Pescariu ar merita sa fie iertat de procurorii DNA doar pt H2H-ul cu Federer"

Eddy DoubleD
26th April 2015, 21:42
Old, but gold...with Ernests Gulbis :happy


27th April 2015, 21:06
Old, but gold...with Ernests Gulbis :happy

On playing Rafael Nadal on clay in the Rome semis

“If he plays good, I’ll let him go. What can I do? If he plays good, he beats me. That’s it.”

On Nadal’s mentality

“He thinks how to kill his opponent. He’s got a different mentality. Mine is closer to that of Marat Safin.”

On what he did during a rain delay in the middle of the 2010 Delray Beach final

“I scored 18 free throws in a row during the break. During the rain delay. 18 free throws. Usually I do a couple hundred.”

On what a night out with him would be like

“What do people do when they go out? They get drunk. To go out and not drink, I don’t understand it. If you go to a nightclub, what is to enjoy there? Nothing. The music is too loud, everybody’s sweating, everybody’s dancing, it’s dark, everybody’s pushing, everybody’s drunk. And if you’re the only guy sober in the nightclub, you don’t enjoy it at all. If you’re into the groove, you know, you have a couple drinks, you’re on the same level as the club, you can sometimes get something positive out of it. But it’s not what I like. I prefer to stay in my friends’ company, invite girls over.”

Cristy RVD
28th April 2015, 01:12
Adi, vezi ca joaca H.T. Lee in dimineata asta :D

28th April 2015, 10:47
Adi, vezi ca joaca H.T. Lee in dimineata asta :D

El si elevul lui, Hong Seong-Chan, au pierdut in ST la Thompson si Saville :D.
Asta micu' a facut finala in Australia la inceputul anului la juniori, deci s-ar putea ca peste vreo doi ani sa mai avem inca un coreean in pragul primei sute.

6th June 2015, 01:10
WTF is this? Cica apare in 11 iulie, e cu Kit Harrington(Jon Snow) in rol principal.
Mi se pare mie, sau personajul Aaron Williams e o satira la adresa lui Agassi din tinerete? Aceleasi gesturi, aceeasi imbracaminte, frizura, accesorii, etc.

Eddy DoubleD
6th June 2015, 02:45
WTF is this? Cica apare in 11 iulie, e cu Kit Harrington(Jon Snow) in rol principal.
Mi se pare mie, sau personajul Aaron Williams e o satira la adresa lui Agassi din tinerete? Aceleasi gesturi, aceeasi imbracaminte, frizura, accesorii, etc.

Wow, foarte tare:D Kit, Dunham, Sheen, Samberg, Forte, Armisen si McEnroe ? :D Vad si pe Serena acolo. Poate sa iasa ceva foarte misto :D Ar fi trebuit sa apara si Isner si Mahut :)) Numai ca la ei a fost 3 days in hell :))

6th June 2015, 17:45
Wow, foarte tare:D Kit, Dunham, Sheen, Samberg, Forte, Armisen si McEnroe ? :D Vad si pe Serena acolo. Poate sa iasa ceva foarte misto :D Ar fi trebuit sa apara si Isner si Mahut :)) Numai ca la ei a fost 3 days in hell :))

Si sa fie un Cameo misto cu Rafa si Fed stand unul langa altul in tribuna printre spectatori :)).

Eddy DoubleD
7th June 2015, 00:12
Avem si trailer :))


7th June 2015, 20:00
mai ziceti de jucatorii romani, dar aia au ratat 67 de mingi de meci... :(

20th June 2015, 13:01
Watch this:

Prea tare omu':))

Eddy DoubleD
20th June 2015, 15:25
Scandal in familia Murray :))

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11200899_767758203342844_7017372162977305991_n.png ?oh=a9cea69d5290229b13a52ea7e8882bae&oe=55F00918

Eddy DoubleD
24th June 2015, 13:50

"If you don't give me this call, our friendship is over" :happy

2nd July 2015, 19:48
Wawrinka's Subaru :)


4th July 2015, 18:47

Luis Garcia10
4th July 2015, 18:50
Tinerii se pricep mai bine sa inteleg? :))

4th July 2015, 18:52

23rd July 2015, 19:04
Mai neim iz Alisandra :D (http://www.ziare.com/alexandra-dulgheru/stiri-alexandra-dulgheru/alexandra-dulgheru-a-oferit-faza-anului-in-tenis-wta-este-in-extaz-video-1374429)

El Pistolero
20th September 2015, 22:50
Facebook chat. Cateva sunt foarte tari. :))

Eddy DoubleD
20th September 2015, 22:54
Nalbandian @Delpo: "It's all in the wrist" :happy


20th September 2015, 23:08
ceva ce imi pare funny,...e ca Sam Querrey a fost la millionaire matchmaker ...poate eddy stie emisiunea fiind in SUA :D

Luis Garcia10
23rd September 2015, 14:11
Monica fara racheta in mana, castiga meciul cu suedeza :lol: :lol: Peak WTA.


Eddy DoubleD
23rd September 2015, 15:18
Aoleu, ce stil are Monica. Te ia cu durere de cap...

7th January 2016, 19:49
Sportsmanship: Jack Sock encourages challenge against himself


3rd February 2016, 17:11

Eddy DoubleD
24th March 2016, 01:25
Primul minut e foarte tare :happy


Johnny D
25th March 2016, 00:19
Ce Dimitrov, asta e viitorul Federer!:D

10th April 2016, 15:30
dublu descalificat pentru .. nu stiu daca e reala stirea

Johnny D
11th April 2016, 21:09
Asa la prima impresie ai zice ca e prost arbitrul ca i-a descalificat, dar apoi la rece iti dai seama ca ailalti nu mai puteau continua din cauza lor.
Deci n-aveai cum sa-i trimiti mai departe pe astia care o lovit cu mingea chiar daca o facut-o fara intentie, si greselile fara intentie se platesc.
Cea mai buna solutie ar fi fost reluarea meciului dar nu cred ca se poate asa ceva dupa zeci de minute, poate o inceput deja altul!:))

Asta e tare de tot!:))
Nush cum dracu a ajuns Townsend in calificari la ITF dar avea cota 1.001 sa faca un game sau break si asta in fiecare game, batrana aia saraca ce nu poate lovi decat de la sold avea cota 26! A avut o data o sansa de game totusi spre final de meci!:))
Ce e mai distractiv e ca asta fu turu 2, bunicuta i-a lasat doar 1 game uneia de 22 de ani in primul tur, probabil era o grasa din aia de nu-si putea misca picioarele dupa ea!:))

17th August 2016, 22:58
cat de tare poate sa fie dr Ivo

17th August 2016, 23:00

Eddy DoubleD
17th August 2016, 23:02
:happy :happy :happy Legend :D

Am uitat sa mai verific daca a mai facut Q&A-uri.

17th August 2016, 23:07
nu demult a fost ultimul..de acolo le-am luat..:))au mai fost cateva intrebari :))

Johnny D
31st March 2017, 12:31
Hagi: Ce sport mai e si tenisul asta unde pierzi daca bagi mingea in plasa?