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8th May 2005, 10:56
M-am gandit sa deschid acest topic pentru ca am vazut ca se tot pun topicuri (ma rog si eu fac asta :P) la care nu se scrie mare lucru si se aduna multe threaduri in care sunt doar stiri, asa ca hai sa se adune toate la un loc :)

Ca sa nu las topicul gol sa incepem cu o stire:

Despre Firefox :). Este unul din cele mai po****re browsere in acest moment, pe toate platformele.
Dupa succesul lui Firefox 1.0, iata ce ne asteapta in Firefox 1.1 :)

Mozilla is set to release its next version of its famous Firefox browser within the next six months. This is an incremental improvement; but what exactly is improved?

Overall performance of loading new pages off the network is somewhat improved, but the improvement is small and might not even be noticeable. One bug that has been fixed in the Linux version of Firefox is the incremental rendering of pages. In Firefox 1.0, pages would not load incrementally on certain pages, due to a bug in the event handling code. So you would wait without seeing anything drawing on your screen until the page completely loaded. This has been fixed in Firefox 1.1. Every page should should load incrementally, except when it is loaded from the new back-and-forward cache.

The feature that you should be looking forward to is the new back and forward cache. Basically, this is a major algorithm change whereby a later representation of the page is cached and displayed, and the browser has to do less work to display the page. This will speed up "back" and "forward" operations dramatically. Another benefit of this cache is that it will avoid loading the page off of the network, further accelerating the back operation. Basically, in Firefox 1.1, most back and forward operations will be sped up dramatically. A patch has been posted in Bugzilla for this feature, and it is on its way to landing on the trunk (which will become Firefox 1.1).

The context menus on Firefox 1.0 would pause as you loaded pages in new tabs. Try this: find a page with a lot of links leading to large pages, and try to open them all in new tabs in rapid succession. The interface will pause; you will click and no context menu will show up for a few seconds. This is because Firefox 1.0 lays out the pages as they load, not as you view them. Firefox 1.1 starts a reflow when you actually click on the tab for the new page. The delay is shifted to when you click on the tab, not when you open the tab. This makes using tabs much more efficient in large pages.

Firefox 1.1 fixes the rendering errors on many pages. The handling of min- and max- widths has been fixed, so the left column, for example, of Slashdot.org does not render in incorrect sizes. Another enhancement is that focus of the page is always synced to where the mouse pointer is. So, if your point is on a link, and you use the scrollwheel and the pointer is no longer on the link, the browser will realize this and change the pointer away from the hand. Little fixes like this add up and create a really polished presentation.

Users of Linux will be delighted to see that several abnormalities in the default theme and the menu interface have been corrected. In Firefox 1.0, folders in menus did not work correctly--focus on the menuitems that were focused would be lost upon closing a submenu, and you would have to mouse around to regain focus. This bug made hierarchal nests of folders almost useless on Firefox 1.0, or at least severely compromised. Another small tweak that users of the default theme will appreciate is that the colored rectangle that draws on the menu item when you click on the menu toolbar is now centered, and no extra space is allocated to the right side. Little fixes like this abound in Firefix 1.1.

The preferences in Firefox 1.1 have been revamped. Gone are the items on the side--they are replaced by a tab structure of items at the top. This fits in with the GNOME and Mac design better. Most important about this change, however, is that changes to the items in the preferences take effect immediately; you do not have to click on any "apply" or "OK" button for changes to take effect. Changes are live. The preferences also make it easier to change the default font; a handy box is provided in the "Content" section. (An advanced button is also available to change the fonts with more granularity.)

One major new feature in Firefox 1.1 is the "Sanitize" feature. This enables secure browsing with much more ease. Select the "Sanitize" option in the preferences and Firefox will scrub your profile of sensitive information (which you select in the preferences). The keyboard shortcut for this feature on Linux is control-alt-delete. The command is also available in the "Tools" menu, at the bottom.

Overall, this should be a great release for the Mozilla Foundation. IE7 is coming out this summer, so Firefox will have fierce competition; but Firefox 1.1 is set to easily outdo its predecessor, 1.0, and provide a performant, compliant, compatible, and enjoyable web experience.

9th May 2005, 17:27
O statistica despre Linux: cele mai folosite distributii/aplicatii, etc....
E o comparatie fata de acum un an.

10th May 2005, 11:59
Man, acum ca ai postat ditamai informatia in engleza despre FireFox, trebuie sa dau si eu reculul: Versiunea 1.0.3 de Mozilla a fost scoasa la raport in week-end ca avand doua deficiente catalogate "extrem de critice". Din fericire, inca nu s-au constatat cazuri de "viol" la domiciliul utilizatorului. Mozilla a recomandat dezactivarea temporara a JavaScript-ului. Nashpa, mai ales ca eu il folosesc de 6 luni :(

17th May 2005, 14:59
Intre timp a iesit 1.04 :D

Despre hyperthreading :D

"Hyper-Threading, as currently implemented on Intel Pentium Extreme Edition, Pentium 4, Mobile Pentium 4, and Xeon processors, suffers from a serious security flaw. This flaw permits local information disclosure, including allowing an unprivileged user to steal an RSA private key being used on the same machine. Administrators of multi-user systems are strongly advised to take action to disable Hyper-Threading immediately. I will be presenting this attack at BSDCan 2005 at 10:00 AM EDT on May 13th, and at the conclusion of my talk I will also releasing a paper describing the attack and possible mitigation strategies."


19th May 2005, 22:11
Bai ce o pot scoate astia de la M$ :D
Ballmer: Google might dissapear in the next five years!

22nd May 2005, 01:56
a aparut Yahoo Messenger 7 beta ce are functionalitati de "Skype"


merita incercat :ok:

14th June 2005, 00:39
A aparut Fedora Core 4 :)
Cei interesati, dati drumul la torente :)

18th July 2005, 18:06
Flexbeta.net has an article which describes 5 great technological advancements in computing that just about every PC user wants.


29th July 2005, 11:46
Microsoft "Genuine Advantage" cracked in 24h: window.g_sDisableWGACheck='all'
AV sez, "This week, Microsoft started requiring users to verifiy their serial number before using Windows Update. This effort to force users to either buy XP or tell them where you got the illegal copy is called 'Genuine Advantage.' It was cracked within 24 hours."

Before pressing 'Custom' or 'Express' buttons paste this text to the address bar and press enter:


It turns off the trigger for the key check.

29th July 2005, 11:58
faptul ca-i asa simplu de evitat, arata ca nu s-au straduit foarte serios sa-i opreasca pe userii cu XP piratat de la updateturi regulate.

29th July 2005, 12:05
Asta e cat se poate de clar, nu stiu cum sa zic, dar era mura in gura... e posibil chiar ei sa fi lansat "solutia".... chiar daca le-a un pic afectata imaginea

29th July 2005, 12:14
io am impresia ca la longhorn treaba o sa se schimbe si o sa ne alegem cu "trusted computing". cel putin in firme...

29th July 2005, 12:26
Cand o sa treaca firmele la longhorn? ... he he mai o sa dureze o groaza.... pe langa groaza de timp pana apare... Multe firme mari (inclusiv unde lucrez eu) nu au pus nici SP2...... Ca sa nu mai zic cati au 2000 inca.

29th July 2005, 13:38
la noi, rollout-ul de SP2 s-a facut in februarie/martie, nu stiu daca in tot concernul, dar bucata noastra de vreo 5000 de clienti XP s-a terminat prin 25 martie.
acu trecem incet incet aplicatiile pe servere pe W2K3.
suntem cam obligati sa trecem pe W2K3 ca pt. W2K o sa inceteze suportul tehnic.

sapt. trecuta s-a hotarit ca cineva sa inceapa sa evalueze longhorn.
din experienta as zice ca o sa incepem sa migram pe longhorn undeva prin 2007.

7th September 2005, 17:59
Laptop cu procesor la 6,8 GHz, 1TB RAM si 2TB HDD

Trebuie vazut:


8th September 2005, 07:27
Ceva nu prea este clar, sau nu inteleg eu. Scrie la specificatii "Processor: 6.8GHZ CPU (AtomChip® Quantum® II processor or 4 x Intel® Pentium® M processors 1.7GHz)". Ce vrea sa insemne asta ? Sincer nu am auzit pana acum de acest procesor "AtomChip® Quantum® II processor". Care este AtomChip Quantum I, pentru ca vad ca este deja la a doua generatie nu ?
In fine, din specificatii se prezinta beton cu atat mai mult cu cat vorbim de un laptop. Oricum, in mod sigur are un pret prohibitiv si doar o corporatie si-ar permite sa achizitoioneze un astfel de laptop, dar nu vad pentru ce.

PS: na ca am trecut de 666 de posturi. Se potrivea la fix avatarului.

8th September 2005, 12:03
o fi un board pemtru cele 4 procesoare Pentium M.
pe mine m-ar interesa mai degraba durata de viata a "discului" solid-state desi io n-am auzit de module de 256G cum scrie pe chestia aia. cit o fi costind?

8th September 2005, 13:49
Uitati niste pareri interesante pe un forum de specialitate. (http://www.chip.ro/forum/viewtopic.php?t=63343)

8th September 2005, 14:08
Frumoasa tzeapa :)

8th September 2005, 14:14
aveam io o banuiala...
la medii de storage solid-state se tot lucreaza de ceva vreme si or sa apara in curind, dar nu la 1TB.

8th September 2005, 14:16
Parca era prea frumos, dar pe de alta parte in subconstient ne doream sa fie adevarat :D

8th September 2005, 16:38
io de mult vreau sa scap de componente mobile din computer. "baetii" de pe site-ul ala sustineau ca au fost cu scula la nush-ce expozitie si trecusera pretul pentru "solutia" de storage, adica 5000$ pt. 2TB (cred).

cel tirziu atunci era clar ca-i tzeapa pt. ca la o solutie de storage actuala, dai mai mult de 5000$ pentru 2TB (nu, nu e de ajuns sa cumperi 10 discuri de 200G).

9th September 2005, 11:35

Un gadget interesant ;)

13th September 2005, 10:40
apropo de medii flash. samsung a realizat un flash-chip de 16Gbiti.

in curind vor aparea medii de storage de capacitate de pina la 32GB.

pina in momentul de fata existau chipuri de max. 8GBiti.

20th September 2005, 23:14
"Just last month, Opera was celebrating their 10 year anniversary by giving away free registration codes; now they've trumped that by offering Opera for free. Quoth their site, 'Opera has removed the banners, found within our browser, and the licensing fee. Opera's growth, due to tremendous worldwide customer support, has made todays milestone an achievable goal. Premium support is available.' Anyone who was on the verge of switching before now has virtually no reason not to."