View Full Version : Dark Matter

Johnny D
25th October 2016, 15:07
2 sezoane s-au terminat deja si ma mir ca n-am auzit de el. Pare promitator, azi cred ca ma apuc. Este foarte laudat in lumea anime, multi se uita, acuma n-o fi chiar de rahat ma gandesc!:D

Sa va dau reveiw-ul de pe IMDB

I'm hard to please and sci-fi is a hard genre to pull off but this show is ticking all the boxes for me! If you're a fan of interstellar drama then this show deserves your attention.

You have a crew with a story across a collection of star systems brewing with intrigue and human struggle. Sets that harken to the lived-in grittiness of Farscape and a core mystery.

It's true that it starts with a heavy handed trope of memory loss and borrows a character idea almost completely from Firefly but there is nothing wrong with emulation as long as it brings invention to the table. And that it quickly does, characters here are each flawed and self-conscious of ruining a chance at a fresh start.

We haven't had a series with so much potential in this genre in a LONG time. That's not an accident, it's hard to make people. Can't wait to see what happens next!


Johnny D
26th October 2016, 07:20
Da, e misto serialu, chiar daca e pe buget redus, probabil motivul pentru care n-am auzit de el, promite. Misto cum se termina primu ep:
"Turns out we're not here to help these people, we're here to kill them!":sneaky:

Johnny D
28th October 2016, 21:36
Am terminat primu sezon, maine-poimaine si sezonu 2. Nu pot sa zic ca e genial, dar merge bine, are shtaif de SF de calitate.:yes:
Bine, e un pic cam trasa de par asta cu japonejii cu imparati feudali inca, care se taie cu sabiile cand nu trage nimeni cu pistolu-n ei, dar na, treaca, mearga de la noi.:P

Johnny D
31st October 2016, 07:14
Am terminat si sezonu 2. Incepe asa s-o dea usor in melodrame, dar ca SF e unul de calitate, merge.