View Full Version : Tatsuki Machida

23rd February 2014, 22:48
Tatsuki Machida (町田 樹 Machida Tatsuki) (born March 9, 1990) is a Japanese figure skater. He is the 2010 Four Continents silver medalist, the 2012 Cup of China champion, the 2013 Skate America champion, the 2013 Rostelecom Cup champion, the 2014 Japanese silver medalist and the 2007 Japanese Junior national champion.

Pare sa fie de viitor - merita thread :D


28th March 2014, 23:54

Q: How does it feel to stand on the podium?
Y: I’m very happy. Even though I only had my FS [clean], for me to be able to do well is great.
T: I also put forth all of my effort, and I have no regrets or complaints. I was really happy that I was able to be in such an amazing competition. And next year I’m going to set this (looks at Yuzu’s medal) as my goal.

Q: Machida-senshu has said such a thing!
Y: Then I too will set this as my goal next year! (laugh)

7th November 2014, 00:33

“Compared to last season, not just Skate America, when I went through the Olympics and Worlds, I think I grew a lot,” said Machida. “I think I’m more capable. I have a bigger capacity and the programs are built on these new capacities.”

28th December 2014, 23:18
Desi la inceput de sezon spunea ca a crescut mult in acest sezon spre comparatie cu precedentele, Machida-kun a ales sa se retraga din patinaj!

He has been included in Japan's squad for the 2015 World Championships in Shanghai in March but has given up the chance to compete.

Mult succes in continuare in orice va face!

31st March 2015, 22:31
Machida’s move proves costly for Japan in the end/Miscarea lui Machida se dovedeste costisitoare pentru Japonia
Da, si asta e o cauza importanta! Cred ca Machida ar fi putut avea rezultate mult mai bune, dar nimeni nu poate fii sigur ca asa ar fi fost! Totodata il puteau lua in echipa pe Shoma Uno. Din cate stiu, ar fi avut varsta necesara pentru a putea participa la Mondiale.
Nu se putea stii in Decembrie, ce evolutii vor avea Mura si Kozuka in Shanghai! Pana la urma nu sunt niste patinatori fara nume! Au totusi o carte de vizita foarte buna si totusi asta nu i-a scutit de a avea evolutii atat de proaste! Nu as fi crezut ca vor fi atat de jos!

17th May 2015, 16:57

25th October 2018, 13:27
Tatsuki Machida a demonstrat inca o data ca stie exact ce vrea. El si-a prezentat ultimul program la show-ul Carnival on Ice 2018, dupa Japan Open-ul 2018. El s-a retras neasteptat din competitii in 2014, iar acum (6 oct 2018) si-a anuntat retragerea din patinajul profesionist. (poza (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b7227f2697a98bb10602711/t/5bb95d680d929783f9a7fbcb/1538874775117/Screen+Shot+2018-10-07+at+12.11.31+pm.png?format=750w)) Pe viitor el vrea sa se concentreze asupra cercetarilor academice la Waseda University.

Mesajul de adio adresat fanilor sai:


la Carnival on Ice 2018 partea 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaIAFSgmzXU&t=15s
la Carnival on Ice 2018 partea 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sewDdV-kVCk
toti patinatorii la finalul Carnival on Ice 2018 + ceremonia de retragere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4lcvyJnlQA