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10th January 2005, 04:57
Pe 5 ianuarie a.c. a fost lansata versiunea binecunoscutului si "potentului" program de telefonie PC to PC. Aceasta versiune aduce multe imbunatatiri (gestionare mai buna a resurselor, chat multi user, operabilitate mai buna cu Windows XP firewall, samd) si inlatura multe bug-uri de la versiunile anterioare.


14th January 2005, 00:13
L-am luat, l-am incercat. Faza e ca nu e inca la fel de "obsedant" ca YM.
Dar e super-util.

14th January 2005, 00:49
popica ia sa-mi scrii ce username ai pe PM :)

14th January 2005, 01:17
super ... mai bun ca ym!

14th January 2005, 08:33
da, din pacate suporta doar un numar de 4 persoane in conferinta dar chat-ul suporta mult mai multi ..

18th February 2005, 09:41
Motorola, a leading maker of mobile phones, and Skype, a leading Internet telephony company, said this week at 3GSM World Congress that Motorola would launch a lineup of products that are dubbed “Skype Ready”, including cell phones and handsets.

The two companies will explore opportunities broadly across both companies, leveraging Motorola’s strength in seamless mobility, advanced technologies, mobile devices and accessories and Skype’s rapidly-growing global user base and rich voice and messaging communication tools. The initial focus of the collaboration will be on co-marketing of new optimized Motorola “Skype Ready” companion products, such as Bluetooth headsets, dongles, and speakerphones, as well as delivery of the Skype Internet Telephony experience on "select Motorola mobile devices".

Peculiarities and specifications of "Skype Ready" products were not touched upon.

Skype takes communications to a new and global era with its free, multi-faceted and rich communication tools, enabling users to make free, or very cheap, voice calls and rich messaging connections via the Internet. Skype currently has more than 25 million registered users.

While headsets, dongles and speakerphones are natural enhancements for PCs or PDAs that have Skype installed on them, cell phones with Skype capability may usher a new era in mobile communications, as whenever users have Internet access, e.g., via WLAN or GPRS, they will be able to make long-distance calls at a price much lower compared to that offered by cellular network operators. Still, the cost of GPRS traffic from some operators particularly in the EU is very high and may limit benefits Skype provides in terms of cost.

Motorola “Skype Ready” companion products are expected to be available in the first half of 2005.

(c) http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/mobile/display/20050216053747.html

25th March 2005, 03:31
a fost lansata versiunea ce aduce multe imbunatatiri (http://www.skype.com/products/skype/windows/changelog.html) !


2nd May 2005, 20:09
Shmecher rau skype asta:ok:

4th June 2005, 17:56
Skype da drumul la conferintele video pentru cele 39 de milioane de useri

De acum, utilizatorii programului Skype vor putea descarca un plug-in prin care pot sa activeze stabilirea de conferinte video sustinute de engine-ul Peer-to-Peer al Skype. Astfel, prin intermediul aplicatiei Spontania Video4skype si al unei camere web, utilizatorii conectati la internet printr-o solutie broadband pot realiza apeluri video pe baza clientului Skype. Plug-in-ul video Sponania dezvoltat de Dialcom a fost conceput pentru a fi integrat unui sistem tert VoIP, iar Skype reprezinta prima solutie care sa indeplineasca aceasta conditie.


In ultima perioada Skype a fost raportat ca avand cateva mici hibe, versiunea Beta 1.3 (http://www.skype.com/products/skype/windows/) a aplicatiei producand un numar prea mare de probleme, chiar si pentru o versiune Beta. De fapt, programatorii Skype sunt constienti de acestea, ca dovada meniul de help, sectiunea "probleme curente" care contine informatii despre bug-urile cele mai frecvente ale respectivei versiuni. Intre altele, enumeram probleme de genul imposibilitatii autorizarii si identificarii utilizatorului, consumarea a 100% din resursele procesorului, blocarea aplicatiei in timpul primirii mesajelor email de voce, probleme in stergerea sau redarea acestor mesaje.

Totusi, in afara acestei versiuni problematice, Skype o duce bine de tot, iar numarul mare de site-uri care se asociaza cu numele Skype si ii promoveaza serviciile a ajuns deja la 1.800. Interesul financiar isi are evident rolul sau, fiecare site asociat Skype urmand sa primeasca un comision de 10% din veniturile generate de un utilizator care recurge la Skype ca urmare a vizitarii site-ului respectiv. Sistemul Skype VoIP are deja peste 39 de milioane de utilizatori inregistrati, iar ritmul de crestere este de peste 150.000 zilnic.

(c) Softpedia - 04 iunie 2005

5th June 2005, 14:35
Descarcati Yahoo! Messenger 7 BETA si vedeti ca merge la fel ca Skype (fara intreruperi si pot vorbi mai multi odata). Pentru a suna la un telefon foloseste NET2PHONE iar costurile sunt aprox la fel cu cele de la SkypeOut.

Eu personal le folosesc pe ambele, dar mai multi prieteni folosesc YM decat Skype. :cool:

6th June 2005, 05:46
fork, din pacate cu optiunea Call computer din varianta 7.0 beta nu poti sa intri in contact decat un alt interlocutor in timp ce Skype-ul permite o legatura cu alti 4 interlocutori (5 in total) :ok:

6th June 2005, 14:02
De asta ii si spune BETA. Oricum e mult mai buna partea de voice chat decat versiunile mai vechi. Eu recomand ambele programe. Atat Skype cat si YM!

7th June 2005, 02:35
fork, nu are nici o legatura treaba asta cu faptul ca YM-ul 7 e oferit in varianta beta (putea sa fie si gamma ca tot asa era :D )

sunt 100% sigur ca in varianta 7.0 final optiunea Call computer va putea fi folosita doar de 2 subiecti (ca si acum)

7th June 2005, 02:55
Am uitat sa va spun ca mi l-am pus si eu. Suuuper fain! :D

7th June 2005, 03:16
ai testat si sistemul de conferinta ? sunetul este excelent :ok:

7th June 2005, 07:10
Am uitat sa va spun ca mi l-am pus si eu. Suuuper fain! :D

Zii tu cu minutele tale cine te-a convins sa ti-l instalezi :)

7th June 2005, 10:01
ai testat si sistemul de conferinta ? sunetul este excelent :ok:
N-am mai testat nimic de o vreme, dar in ceea ce priveste sunetul... am ramas si eu mirata, fata de yahoo :) Clar si fara intreruperi, parca ar fi fost Maximus langa mine :D:D

Zii tu cu minutele tale cine te-a convins sa ti-l instalezi :)
Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :kiss:

7th June 2005, 11:35
costa ceva? :D

7th June 2005, 13:40
E treaba cu bustul.... :evil:

8th June 2005, 01:09
Skype lanseaza doua noi servicii si atinge cifra de 1 milion de descarcari

Skype, una dintre cele mai mari companii din domeniul VoIP, se pregateste sa lanseze doua noi servicii contra-cost, SkypeIn si Skype Voicemail. Acest eveniment coincide cu un moment foarte important in evolutia dezvoltatorului suedez, si anume depasirea pragului de 1 milion de descarcari ale programului ce a revolutionat domeniul comunicatiilor pe Internet. Programul Skype, ce poate fi descarcat gratuit, le permite utilizatorilor sa-si foloseasca calculatorul pe post de telefon si sa efectueze convorbiri gratuite cu alte persoane ce au instalat software-ul de comunicatii VoIP. Cele doua noi servicii sunt incluse in ultima versiune a programului, compatibila cu sistemele de operare Linux, Mac OS, Pocket PC si Windows, conform declaratiei de vineri a Skype Technologies SA.

Serviciul SkypeIn asigura utilizatorilor un numar de telefon obisnuit, ce poate fi folosit pentru a primi apeluri internationale sau din partea unor terminale mobile, fara a plati taxele de roaming. Momentan este in faza de testare, fiind disponibil doar in Danemarca, Finlanda, Franta, Honk Kong, Suedia, Norvegia, Marea Britanie si Statele Unite, iar doritorii pot achizitiona pana la 3 numere de telefon diferite. Pretul acestui serviciu va fi de 13 dolari pentru trei luni, si 39 de dolari pentru intregul an.

Skype Voicemail le permite utilizatorilor sa primeasca un mesaj e-mail vocal cu o lungime de pana la 10 minute, mesaj ce poate fi transmis fie de la un telefon clasic, fie de catre un alt utilizator al serviciului. "SkypeIn si Skype Voicemail imbunatatesc programul de baza gratuit, si le asigura prietenilor, familiei si colegilor ce nu au acces la Internet o modalitate ieftina si convenabila de a contacta membrii ai bazei noastre globale de utilizatori" a spus Niklas Zennstrom, director executiv si co-fondator al companiei

(c) Softpedia - 6 iunie 2005

18th June 2005, 17:49
Skype pe telefonul mobil, mai curand decat ne asteptam - dar si conferinte cu pana la 200 de utilizatori

Skype Technologies, compania care a revolutionat domeniul telefoniei VoIP, este plina de surprize. Astfel, strategia suedezilor de a incuraja dezvoltarea de catre alte companii a extensiilor pentru Skype incepe sa dea roade, inca doua astfel de produse fiind accesibile pentru utilizatori. Astfel, compania Santa Cruz Networks a lansat vSkype Beta, un software pentru videoconferinte si colaborare online, ce poate fi descarcat la http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Chat/Instant-Messaging/vSkype.shtml (sau de pe site-ul original http://www.vskype.com - adaugat) si care permite conectarea simultana a pana la 200 de utilizatori Skype. Marele avantaj al acestui program este faptul ca ofera o calitate foarte buna a imaginii, corelata insa cu viteza conexiunii utilizatorului.

O alta inovatie foarte interesanta este cea a norvegienilor de la IPdrum, numita Skype Mobile Cable, care are rolul de a conecta un PC ce are Skype instalat la portul de date al unui telefon mobil. Astfel, utilizatorul are posibilitatea de a efectua apeluri telefonice prin Skype, chiar daca nu se afla langa calculator. Singurul lucru necesar este un al doilea telefon mobil, utilizat pentru a apela telefonul ce este legat la calculator, permitand practic efectuarea de apeluri VoIP la doar pretul convorbirii telefonice intre cele doua telefoane. Cei mai avantajati sunt utilizatorii care beneficiaza de un plan tarifar ce le permite convorbiri telefonice gratuite intre telefoane din aceeasi retea.

Avand in vedere aceste inovatii, asteptam cu foarte mare interes momentul in care vom putea efectua chiar apeluri video, in sistem 3G, prin intermediul Skype, si probabil ca nu va trebui sa asteptam prea mult.

(c) Softpedia - 17 iunie 2005

22nd July 2005, 03:49
University of Minnesota recomanda propriilor studenti (dar si noua) sa nu lase activ programul Skype deoarece "foloseste in mod excesiv reteaua" :D

Skype (www.skype.com) is a free Internet telephony product that uses peer-to-peer (P2P) networking protocols. This allows users to make free internet-based phone calls. OIT Security discourages the use of Skpe on the University network for two main reasons:
- Skype uses excessive network resources.
- The Skype User Agreement makes the user agree to provide services to Skype for resources owned by the University. Individual users are not empowered to give such consent.

For more information on Network resources, please see the University policy on "Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources, Appendix A - Using Information Technology Resources Standards" where it states:
"Refrain from monopolizing systems, overloading systems or networks with excessive data, or wasting computer time, connect time, disk space, printer paper, manuals, or other resources."

Instances of Skype on the University network have been found to be the highest users of network resources. This is likely because the software can act as a Supernode. From the Skype privacy policy: "A Supernode is a computer running Skype Software that has been automatically elevated to act as a hub. Supernodes may assist in helping other users to communicate or use the Skype Software efficiently. This may include the ability for your computer to help anonymously and securely facilitate communications between other users of the Skype software who, due to network and firewall constraints, cannot establish direct connections." Therefore, running Skype means your system can (and probably will) participate in providing Voice over IP (VoIP - internet phone calls) services outside of your direction and control. You are also agreeing to provide services to Skype for resources owned by the University. Individual users are not empowered to give such consent. Because of these potential risks, OIT Security recommends using a different VoIP service. There are other free VoIP services (such as Free World Dialup ) that are relatively easy to use and have clients for Windows, OSX and Linux. This does not represent an official recommendation by the University for this service. If there are no alternatives to Skype, it is possible to run it within the bounds of University policy.

To safely use Skype while conforming to University Policy:
- Only launch the application when you need to use it. If you are expecting an incoming call, coordinate it through other means. (e.g. email, instant messages, etc.)
- Keep your calls to a reasonable length.
- When the call is finished, turn the application OFF. Closing the Skype application window is not enough. On the Windows OS, the background application must be turned off as well.
Look for an icon in your system tray (down by the clock) that looks something like this:
To turn it off, right click on this icon and a menu is displayed:
Choose quit.
Having Skype active only when in use will prevent it from becoming a supernode, and routing other phone calls and using excessive network resources.
