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21st January 2014, 08:49
Pana la urma Davidul roman a invins muntele ivorian Goliat. Vlad are ceva din curajul, ca sa nu zic inconstienta, pe care am l-am vazut si la Davidul de la Chelsea.

Mario Di Lazi
21st January 2014, 16:11
Iancu la Tottenham? Replică fabuloasă a lui Bogdan Stelea: "Despre ce vorbim?"

Scouterii formației la care evoluează și Vlad Chiricheș, Tottenham, au fost în cantonamentul Stelei din Spania pentru a-l urmări pe Gabriel Iancu, iar impresarul său, Victor Becali, a confirmat interesul englezilor.

Selecționerul naționalei de tineret, Bogdan Stelea, nu-l vede însă pe jucătorul Stelei capabil să facă față într-un campionat puternic, precum cel al Angliei.

“In momentul de fata nu cred ca poate juca in Anglia. De la monitorizare pana la oferta sunt pasi mari de facut. E greu! Monitorizat inseamna sa fie urmarit 6 luni, daca face lucruri deosebite, ca apoi sa se intample ceva. Daca intr-un an el nu face lucruri importante, astfel de cluburi nu mai stau sa monitorizeze, ca nu e nici vorba de un jucator de 14-15 ani”, a spus Stelea la Dolce Sport.

Selecționerul tricolorilor mici a avut deja conflicte cu stelistul, pe care l-a exclus din lot după ce acesta a părăsit cantonamentul fără acordul staffului.

“E un jucator tanar, dar nu e un jucator care sa fi realizat lucruri atat de importante, care sa se duca la Tottenham si sa fie fortat meci de meci. El trebuie in permanenta sa demonstreze, incepand cu antrenamentele si terminand cu meciurile. Iar in momentul de fata el nu e titular cert nici la Steaua, despre ce vorbim!?”, a mai spus Stelea la Dolce Sport.

In septembrie 2013, Bogdan Stelea l-a exclus din lot pe Iancu, dupa ce mijlocasul ofensiv al Stelei a fugit din cantonamentul nationalei de tineret.

Gabriel Iancu (19 ani) a jucat 20 de partide pentru Steaua in acest sezon, in toate competitiile, marcand 3 goluri si oferind un assist.


Mario Di Lazi
21st January 2014, 19:44
Ofertă de 35 de milioane de la Tottenham pentru Reus

Cu o campanie de transferuri care a provocat multă nemulțumire în prima parte a sezonului, Tottenham încearcă să "dreagă busuiocul" în acestă a doua parte a campaniei 2013-2014. Chiricheș, Eriksen și Paulinho sunt cei care au confirmat, Soldado, Chadli și Lamela sunt deja dați ca plecați. Sports Direct News anunță că Tottenham va fi un "jucător" important pe piața transferurilor și în această iarnă, dar și la finalul sezonului. Una dintre țintele 'cu nume' fixată de Spurs este Marco Reus.

Presa din Anglia notează că Tottenham este gata să facă o ofertă concretă pentru a lua prim-planul în lupta cu Arsenal și Manchester United pentru semnătura jucătorului. Concret, gruparea din nordul Londrei ar propune o sumă de 35 de milioane de euro pentru transferul internaționalului german de la Borussia.

Sports Direct News notează că Spurs va încerca să își asigure semnătura mijlocașului ofensiv până în turneul final din Brazilia, pentru a evita o explozie a prețului. Singura condiție impusă de șefii de pe White Hart Lane este calificarea echipei în Liga Campionilor.

22 de goluri în 49 de meciuri are Marco Reus în tricoul Borussiei
34 de milioane de euro este cota lui Reus pe transfermarkt


24th January 2014, 11:52
de ce tot postezi stiri de astea fantoma de pe siteuri fantoma, aici?? mai ramane sa vii cu oferta pt Messi de pe sport.ro si e gata.

24th January 2014, 12:49
Mario Di Lazi, e bine ca incerci sa ai o activitate pe "Anglia" dar am o rugaminte la tine, aici pe Spurs nu suntem multi suporteri dar aia care suntem avem grija de acest thread sa contina stiri relevante pentru suporterii lui Tottenham. Din pacate, ii dau dreptate lui messi19, stirile puse de tine n-au nicio valoare si nu prezinta niciun interes, nici macar ca zvon. A bon entendeur, salut! COYS!

Mario Di Lazi
27th January 2014, 20:51
messi19 & miril... la care stire va referiti?

Stirea asta e buna? :))


Vlad Chiriches este bolnav... are "sindromul Tamas" :))

27th January 2014, 21:04
M*e cancan. Oare nu prind si io vre-un "paparazzo" dinasta de 50 kg si 1 metru si-un snitel sa-i bag aparatu ala pe gat pana ii iese pe cur.

27th January 2014, 23:30
Nu vad unde ar fi problema:D Omu joaca in Anglia, unde terry , gerrard si Ashley cole, ies ciocan din pub!:D Omu s-a adaptat !:D

28th January 2014, 07:03
Sunt de parerea lui Grigoras. COYS!

28th January 2014, 07:34
messi19 & miril... la care stire va referiti?

Stirea asta e buna? :))


Vlad Chiriches este bolnav... are "sindromul Tamas" :))

asa, si??? in continuare postezi numai tampenii. incercand sa..... ce??!! care e rolul tau pe planeta asta de fapt?? sa dai copy/paste la toate prostiile?:rosu:

Johnny D
28th January 2014, 08:31
Messi19, am impresia din ce-n ce mai convingatoare ca-ti lipseste originalitatea si cand o vezi in altii o confunzi grav cu propriile-ti lipsuri.
Ca dovada si nick-ul pe care ti l-ai ales, puteai sa-ti alegi MessiTheGod, MessiOwnsRonaldo sau mai stiu io ce, in schimb tu ai ales o simpla numerotare a lu Messi, un simplu numar de casa intre multe altele, nimic mai banal decat asta!:P

28th January 2014, 13:55
1. nickul ala e pus de 6 ani de cand am facut contul. si chiar nu m-a interesat ce nume bag aici. messi19 era disponibil.
2. m-as mira in infinita ta inteligenta sa stii de la ce vine 19.
3. in cine am gasit eu aici ceva originalitate??
4. cred ca e o gluma faza cu nickurile alea si originalitatea. :))
5. de cand am cont aici am incercat sa schimb nickul de vreo 2 ori. insa se pare ca cererile se trimit degeaba. asa ca am renuntat. in comparatie cu tine, nickul de pe OLS nu reprezinta mare lucru pt mine. asa ca... poate sa fie oricat de banal.
6. daca ai de zis vreo tampenie de aia cu(,) care ai obisnuit audienta de pe OLS, despre Tottenham... poti sa o faci. daca nu, restul aburelilor tale, nu isi au locul aici.

P.S. : ca sa iti raspund tot aici si sa inchei orice discutie cu tine, in loc sa mai zic ceva la threadul cu filme...
ai dreptate... si aia care zic numai prostii in 99% din timpul in care deschid gura(sau scriu), asa ca tine... trebuie sa aiba dreptul sa zica ce vor. insa e grav cand vezi pe unu ca tine ca mai si crede ca toate prostiile pe care le zice is ok, doar pt ca el crede ca e interesant.:no:

Mario Di Lazi
28th January 2014, 15:16
asa, si??? in continuare postezi numai tampenii. incercand sa..... ce??!! care e rolul tau pe planeta asta de fapt?? sa dai copy/paste la toate prostiile?:rosu:


2nd February 2014, 14:26
Un RIP cu intarziere, Roger Lloyd-Pack 8 February 1944 – 15 January 2014, Our Spurs Trigger!



In memory of Roger Lloyd-Pack


13th February 2014, 12:29
AIA to become Tottenham Hotspur's new principal partner

New long-term partnership reflects shared commitment of AIA and Spurs to promoting the role of sport in Asia-Pacific as a key element of healthy living


LONDON AND HONG KONG – Tottenham Hotspur today (February 13, 2014) announced that AIA Group Limited (AIA), one of the world's leading providers of insurance services, will become the Club’s new principal global partner from season 2014/2015.

Following on from the success of our existing Cup Shirt Partnership agreed at the start of this season, the AIA brand will now appear on the front of the Club’s shirts in all competitions for the next five seasons until 2019.

This long-term partnership will provide a platform for both organisations to work together to grow brand awareness in key markets across the Asia-Pacific region. AIA's brand on the Club's shirt will be seen around the world through the Premier League's 212 broadcast territories, in addition to the thousands of other media platforms that cover Tottenham Hotspur fixtures. To support the growth of AIA's own base of customers across Asia, the Club will also become a key component of AIA's future marketing and customer engagement strategies.

Club ambassadors such as Ledley King and Ossie Ardiles will regularly make visits to AIA's markets, using their unique appeal as legendary Spurs players to support a host of co-branded initiatives including events and appearances for company staff, agents, customers and charitable partners. Importantly, Tottenham Hotspur's Global Coaching team will deliver elite coaching programs and associated activities to support AIA's key objectives of promoting health and well-being and increased participation in sport in the Asia-Pacific region.

Tottenham Hotspur’s award-winning charitable Foundation, a leader in its field of creating life-changing opportunities for some of society’s most vulnerable groups, will also share ideas and philosophies with AIA to help improve the lives of underprivileged young people across the Far East region.

Commenting on the partnership, Tottenham Hotspur Chairman Daniel Levy said: “We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with AIA since they became our Cup Shirt Partners at the beginning of this season. Together we share long-term ambitions across Asia, a region where the Club has seen significant growth in recent years, and this extended partnership with AIA, one of the leading companies in the Asia-Pacific region and a clear market leader in their industry, will further help to support our objectives and engage with our supporters across the region. We are delighted that AIA has committed to the Club for a further five years and look forward to developing our partnership further.”

Mark Tucker, AIA Group Chief Executive and President, said: “English Premier League football has tremendous appeal in Asia and following the success of our Cup Shirt sponsorship of Spurs this season, we are now delighted to be entering this new partnership with the Club. They have a massive fan base in Asia and we look forward to helping them further expand their presence here, as we continue to grow our franchise and communicate the strength, breadth and depth of the AIA brand to consumers in our 17 markets around the Asia-Pacific region.”


13th February 2014, 12:31
COYS! Doar atat.


16th February 2014, 08:50
nu stiu daca e adevarat, insa pe un site anume scria ca Prandelli o sa fie de la vara pe banca.
cu Sherwood pe banca nu cred ca o sa se faca mare lucru. insa nici de Prandelli nu sunt asa sigur.

16th February 2014, 09:50
N-as crede desi as vrea. In opinia mea Prandelli este excelent, de preferat lui Van Gaal, mai tanar, mai manierat, mai bun psiholog nefiind autoritar dar persuasiv. In plus stie sa valorizeze jucatorii tineri. COYS!

16th February 2014, 11:06
daaa... decat Van Gaal, clar il prefer pe italian. alta varianta mai buna nici nu gasesc momentan. Klopp nu cred ca lasa Dortmund pt Spurs :(

16th February 2014, 11:13
Klopp este o excelenta optiune dar...cum zici si tu. Este ceva, totusi, care nu-mi place la Klopp si care ma face, o parere extrem de subiectiva, recunosc, sceptic in ceea ce priveste persoana Klopp. Iesirile si ranjetul ala isteric care im da fiori si ma duce cu gandul la anii...30 si.

Sir. Eko
16th February 2014, 12:41
Iesirile si ranjetul ala isteric care im da fiori si ma duce cu gandul la anii...30 si.

ha :D

16th February 2014, 14:30
Ce, l-ai recunoscut si tu? ;)

Johnny D
21st February 2014, 08:02
ca sa iti raspund tot aici si sa inchei orice discutie cu tine, in loc sa mai zic ceva la threadul cu filme...
ai dreptate... si aia care zic numai prostii in 99% din timpul in care deschid gura(sau scriu), asa ca tine... trebuie sa aiba dreptul sa zica ce vor. insa e grav cand vezi pe unu ca tine ca mai si crede ca toate prostiile pe care le zice is ok, doar pt ca el crede ca e interesant.:no:
Nu amice, iti repet, doar cei extrem de frustrati fac astfel de afirmatii ca asta care ai facut-o tu acum!
Daca n-ai fi atat de frustrat probabil(zic si io:confused:) ti-ai da seama de un lucru simplu: este absolut irelevant cat de interesant ma cred, sunt sau nu sunt eu, ce e penibil e sa faci astfel de declaratii pe forum despre cineva, asta e o limita a prostiei pe care observ ca nu esti constient ca ai depasit-o, as zice ca e trist dar ai depasit o astfel de masura de afect a propriei tale judecati, e doar hilar si jenant!:P

PS: Iar antrenor nou?:))

Sir. Eko
21st February 2014, 11:20

21st February 2014, 12:58
Si care-i mesajul? Vorba lui 'Arry, pana si nevasta mea Sandra o baga in poarta. COYS!

1st March 2014, 12:02
De astazi putem spune definitiv ca Jermain Defoe nu mai este nici macar imprumutat la Spurs. Ultima lui aparitie pe White Hart Line a fost joi seara unde, in pauza meciului cu Dnepr, si-a luat ramas bun de la suporteri si colegi. Atacant prolific cu un angajament social, solid, in comunitatea Tottenham, el ramane definitiv in inima suporterilor lui Spurs.




2nd March 2014, 09:39
My brother Tony was among the slurry of bile violating my name

In the second half came a moment that would haunt him for ever. “I went up for a corner late on,” he recalls. “I was looking at the faces in the Spurs end. Then I caught sight of him. A knife to my heart. Behind the goal, I knew that face. My older brother. Tony. A Spurs fan, in among the slurry of bile violating my name.”

Campbell pauses, almost choking as he describes his thoughts. Who are you? What are you doing? “I couldn’t believe he was there.”

The two have rarely spoken since. Campbell could not understand why his brother continued to go to Tottenham games when he was surrounded by so much hate.

“I heard he had been going all season. I was . . .” He struggles now to find the words. “I mean, we are brothers. We are blood.”

The game ended in a draw. As the final whistle was blown the opposition players shook his hand, Steffen Freund gave him a hug and Hoddle appeared in his line of vision. The Tottenham manager acknowledged the former captain; he recognised what Campbell had been through and admired his performance and his dignity.



Johnny D
10th March 2014, 09:16
De astazi putem spune definitiv ca Jermain Defoe nu mai este nici macar imprumutat la Spurs. Ultima lui aparitie pe White Hart Line a fost joi seara unde, in pauza meciului cu Dnepr, si-a luat ramas bun de la suporteri si colegi. Atacant prolific cu un angajament social, solid, in comunitatea Tottenham, el ramane definitiv in inima suporterilor lui Spurs.

Nu este tocmai un Henry dar in mod normal sentimentul desi scazut putin in magnitudine, ar trebui sa fie unul similar la plecarea lui.
Defoe a participat in mod direct la o gramada din rezultatele rasunatoare ale lui Tottenham in PL! He will be missed!

2nd April 2014, 16:38
New 5-year shirt sponsorship deal


Non-Core Properties Divested
Phase 1 Stadium Development Financed to Completion
£40m Capital Investment

Financial Highlights

Revenue for the year ended 30 June 2013 was £147.4m, an increase of 2% on the prior year (2012: £144.2m).

Profit from operations excluding football trading and before depreciation was £23.4m (2012: £23.0m) for the year ended 30 June 2013. Looking back over the past five years this measure of cash generated from operations has averaged over £25m per annum. Profit for the year after interest and tax was £1.5m (2012: loss £4.3m).

Premier League gate receipts rose by 4% to £22.2m (2012: £21.4m) while gate receipts and prize money from the domestic cup competitions and the UEFA Europa League were 14% higher at £11.3m (2012: £9.9m).

Revenues continued to increase on the commercial front with Sponsorship and Corporate Hospitality revenues increasing by 6% and Merchandising revenues increasing by 5%.

We were delighted to be able to announce, subsequent to this period, a record new shirt partnership with one of the world’s leading insurance companies, AIA, for the next 5 years. AIA is the largest independent, publicly listed Pan-Asian life insurance group and we now have the opportunity to further extend our fan base in the Asian and Oceania continents.

The Club continues to comply with the Financial Fair Play regulations and supported the adoption of similar financial regulations by the Premier League in February 2013.

Stadium and Associated Development Update (Northumberland Development Project “NDP”)

The Club has undertaken a review of its property holdings in order to determine the essential core properties required to deliver the new stadium, with non-core properties, that are excess to requirements, being sold and the proceeds used to pay down debt secured against those properties.

As a result, Phase 1 of the NDP and a number of properties to the west of the High Road have been divested, at arm's length, to a Group company, TH Property Limited a subsidiary of ENIC International (‘’ENIC’’), the Company’s principal shareholder. This has been agreed through a process of independent valuations that has been approved by the Club’s independent Non-Executive Directors.

ENIC has subsequently financed the Phase 1 development through to completion which includes the Supermarket, commercial space and incorporates the northern access podium for the stadium development.

By transferring these non-core sites, the Club continues to be able to determine the development and the nature and setting of the immediate environs around the new stadium, particularly given that Phase 1 will be linked to the stadium podium, whilst additionally securing space in the Phase 1 building for the Club’s staff and project team ahead of the start of construction of the stadium.

In respect of the next stage of the new stadium process, a Public Inquiry was held in April 2013 relating to the last remaining property to be acquired so that we can move forward with completing land assembly and we currently await the Secretary of State’s decision on the Compulsory Purchase Order (‘’CPO’’). During the delay in land acquisition, we have continued to progress the stadium finance plans with advice from N M Rothschild.

It is a major development that will present ongoing challenges and subject to these challenges being manageable we anticipate going out to tender for construction late this year which will make a stadium opening date of Summer 2017 feasible.

We welcome the ongoing commitment from, and continue to work closely with, National Government, the Greater London Authority and Haringey Council, to deliver regeneration and make Tottenham a better place to live, work, study, play and visit – a vision supported in the newly adopted Tottenham Strategic Regeneration Framework.


In addition to acquiring the non-core properties and financing the Phase 1 build, ENIC has supported the Club by way of an interest free, unsecured loan of £40m. This loan will be converted, subject to shareholder approval, into non-voting preference share capital. A circular will be dispatched to shareholders in due course.

The sale of the properties has extinguished the Club's property borrowing which had accumulated over the last decade - a decade which has seen the club acquire over 18 acres of land, successfully relocate 72 businesses, with the majority staying in the area, and invest in excess of £100m in the stadium project.

The finance has ensured that, throughout the CPO process, the ongoing costs of design development, pre-construction works and the costs associated with the CPO itself, have not affected the progress of this project.

Importantly, this support leaves the Club in a position where it currently has negligible net debt and has financing for the material ongoing costs of taking the stadium project to the next stage. It has always been important that the daily operations and football side of the Club remain unaffected and that the Club has the stability to enable the Board to move the project forward with confidence.

Chairman, Daniel Levy, commented,

"Our financial position is key to ensuring we can continue to thrive both on and off the pitch and we have taken the necessary, prudent steps to ensure that we are in a secure financial position as we move forward.

“At the time of this announcement, we are in sixth position in the Premier League and it has been another season when the top four places have been fiercely contested by at least seven teams. It is no surprise that the English Premier League is the most watched League in the world as every season the fight for a top four UEFA Champions League place becomes more competitive.

“We have come far in the last decade - we have raised our expectations from a Club aiming to be in the top half of the table, to competing in Europe each season - to the point at which we find ourselves disappointed if we don't make Champions League.

“This season we have had to make significant changes, both in respect of coaching and playing staff and yet we are currently only two points less than last season’s tally. Whilst this season’s performances and results have not lived up to expectation, we believe our squad has potential and it is important that we all now show commitment and teamwork to get the best possible finish to the season.

“We have fantastic, strong support. Our current 36,000 seater stadium sells out and the waiting list for season ticket holders is currently in excess of 47,000. We cannot stress strongly enough how critical the new stadium is over the long-term to these raised expectations. We have the smallest capacity stadium of any club in the top 20 clubs in Europe, let alone the current top four Premier League clubs, and given we now operate within UEFA Financial Fair Play rules, an increased capacity stadium and associated revenues is fundamental to supporting the future ambitions and consistent achievement at the top of the game.

“Our focus therefore is to continue to invest in and develop the squad - we shall not look to a summer of major upheaval, but rather to strengthen in key positions - to play the style of football for which we are famous - and to deliver the new stadium.

“The new stadium is a landmark project, of importance not just for our Club , but to the regeneration of an area which has been our home for more than 132 years and to London as a whole. It will be a key regenerative component of the local economy and a significant tourist attraction in its own right.

“To anyone visiting Tottenham today, our commitment to delivering the new stadium project and associated regeneration is clear for all to see - Phase 1 is built, the Club-sponsored Tottenham University Technical College is due to open this Summer, 447 jobs have been delivered to date and some 9 acres have been cleared in readiness for the stadium development. We eagerly await the outcome of the CPO decision by the Department of Communities and Local Government.

“We are optimistic for the long-term future and believe our efforts will make this great Club even greater over time. Our supporters are our life-blood and we shall ensure that they are our most important stakeholder as we move forward."


Johnny D
3rd April 2014, 08:39
Un rezumat Mirile, nu ai?:P

4th April 2014, 15:10
Rezumatu-i subliniat. COYS!

Sir. Eko
4th April 2014, 17:04
we shall not look to a summer of major upheaval, antrenor nou intra la major upheaval sau nu ?

5th April 2014, 16:56
...but rather to strengthen in key positions.

Johnny D
5th April 2014, 17:48
Jucatori au, antrenor le mai trebuie!

11th May 2014, 11:26
La sfarsit de sezon, unul in plina constructie dar dezamagitor, de la Danny Boy Levy catre noi toti, suporterii lui Tottenham:

Chairman's message

Aerial view of the stadium site - pre-commencement works are ongoing

Notwithstanding that today’s match is an opportunity for a top six finish and European qualification again, I am conscious that on this, the last day of the season, we are reflecting on what might have been.

The new signings in the summer had the effect of raising expectations and we all started the season with high hopes, yet the players undoubtedly needed time to adapt to a new league. We were also forced to make managerial changes, which is far from ideal mid-season.

Such is the competitive nature of the Premier League, no one team can guarantee a top four finish. However that’s not what it’s just about - our sense of falling short, felt by all, including the players, is based on some poor performances during the season and knowing we have not performed at the level we know we could have done. Even in games where we gained maximum points, our football was not always what we have come to expect and associate with our Club.

I firmly believe we have a quality squad with many players from whom we have yet to see their full potential and players who have individually shown great form this season. We also have a healthy mix of experience and youth and over the last two seasons particularly we have seen Development Squad players move up to the First Team and put in promising performances.

Our challenge now is to ensure we are in the best possible position for the start of next season - a season in which we shall look for a new level of commitment and performance from all.

We are in the most exciting, watched league in the world. You, our fans, are our lifeblood and we see a huge increase year-on-year in our supporter numbers. This season we celebrated the opening of our 100th Official Supporters’ Club.

So an increased capacity stadium is also a priority. We are currently waiting for the Government’s decision with regard to purchasing the last remaining property necessary to complete the site assembly. In the meantime the pre-commencement works on site are ongoing and we shall continue to keep you updated.

Tomorrow we host a Testimonial match for one of the Club’s true legends, Ledley King, and we are delighted that the Lane will be filled with thousands of you joining the celebration. With so many former players returning it looks like being a night to remember.

Today, let’s get behind the team as they look to put in a winning performance and ensure we compete in Europe once again.

Thank you for your support this season. I wish you and your families a healthy and happy summer and I look forward to welcoming you back for the 2014/2015 season.



"The future is bright, the future is Lilywhite", cu alte cuvinte. Si cum speranta moarte ultima, COYMS!

Si acum, de la miril pentru Tottenham's Danny Boy:


13th May 2014, 15:01
Club Statement - Tim Sherwood

Chairman, Daniel Levy, commented,

“We appointed Tim mid-season as someone who knew both the players and the Club.

“We agreed an 18-month contract with a break clause at the end of the season and we have now exercised that option.

“Since appointing Tim as Assistant First Team Coach in 2008 and then as Technical Co-ordinator in 2010 and Head of Football Development in 2012, we have been supportive of him during football management changes throughout that period. On behalf of the Club, I should like to state our thanks for all his efforts during his years with us. We wish him great success in his managerial career.

“Moving forward, now the season is over, we shall embark on the process of finding a new Head Coach. We have a talented squad and exciting young players coming through. We need to build on this season, develop our potential and inspire the kind of performances that we associate with our great Club."


Sir. Eko
13th May 2014, 16:04
Cine vine ?

13th May 2014, 20:47
Frank De Boer, Pochettino chiar si Rafa Benitez, se zvoneste. Primul ar fi de preferat, la prima vedere.

28th May 2014, 02:42
Mauricio Pochettino appointed new Head Coach

The Club is delighted to announce the appointment of Mauricio Pochettino as our new Head Coach on a five-year contract.

Mauricio joins us from Southampton where he guided them to their highest-ever Premier League finish of eighth place last season.

During his 18 months at St Mary's, Mauricio also oversaw the progress of home-grown stars such as Luke Shaw, Adam Lallana, James Ward-Prowse and Calum Chambers.

Mauricio built his coaching reputation in Spain with RCD Espanyol, winning admirers across Europe for his high pressing attacking brand of football as well as for prioritising the development of young players from the side's youth setup before his departure in November, 2012 after almost four years in charge.

Mauricio enjoyed a highly successful playing career, making his debut in 1988 with Argentinian side Newell's Old Boys at the age of 16 and winning the Argentine Primera División with them in 1991. Two spells at Espanyol followed from 1994, sandwiched between time with Paris Saint-Germain and Bordeaux. He won two Copa del Rey titles with Espanyol and also earned 20 international caps with Argentina.

Commenting on the appointment Chairman Daniel Levy said:

"In Mauricio I believe we have a Head Coach who, with his high energy, attacking football, will embrace the style of play we associate with our Club. He has a proven ability to develop each player as an individual, whilst building great team spirit and a winning mentality.

"We have a talented squad that Mauricio is excited to be coaching next season."

Speaking on his appointment, Mauricio Pochettino said:

"This is a Club with tremendous history and prestige and I am honoured to have been given this opportunity to be its Head Coach.

"There is an abundance of top-class talent at the Club and I am looking forward to starting work with the squad.

"Tottenham Hotspur has a huge following across the world and I have great admiration for the passion the fans show for this team. We are determined to give the supporters the kind of attacking football and success that we are all looking to achieve."

Mauricio is joined by Jesús Pérez (Assistant Head Coach), Miguel D'Agostino (First Team Coach) and Toni Jiménez (Goalkeeper Coach) with whom he previously worked at both Southampton and Espanyol


Sir. Eko
28th May 2014, 12:12
Sa ii dea sanse, ca e foarte bun antrenor.

28th May 2014, 12:24
Eu cred ca-i da caci Levy nu-i asa obtuz cum il descrie presa. AVB a fortat el plecarea, iar Sherwood a fost solutia de nevoie, care Sherwood... Sa fie intr-un ceas bun! COYS!

12th June 2014, 07:07
Mauricio on Spurs TV

We caught up for a quick chat with Mauricio Pochettino as he took time out from a hectic week at the Training Centre since taking over as our new Head Coach

The former Espanyol and Southampton boss joined us on a five-year contract last month.

He described it as an ‘absolute honour’ to take over and talked about his coaching staff - Jesus Perez (Assistant Head Coach), Miguel D’Agostino (First Team Coach) and Toni Jiminez (Goalkeeping Coach) - and his plans for pre-season. Mauricio also confirmed that he has made Steffen Freund part of his first team coaching staff.

And he finished with this message to the fans: “We will try to give everything to make you proud of this football club.”


19th June 2014, 06:58
Fixtures 2014-15 - list in full

The list below includes all scheduled domestic cup dates.

We enter the Capital One Cup at the third round stage, with games scheduled for the week starting Monday, September 22.

Our Europa League involvement, with matches played mainly on Thursday nights, will see our Premier League fixtures moved from Saturday to Sunday as we progress. We enter the Europa League at the play-off stage in August. The draw for the play-offs is scheduled for Friday, August 8.

Sky Sports and BT Sport will make their first live selections soon, although those potential changes will not be announced until July.

For a full list of all currently scheduled fixtures, including our pre-season matches, see our Fixtures & Results page here...


Home fixtures in bold, potential cup dates in italic...

Sat Aug 16 West Ham United A
Sat Aug 23 Queens Park Rangers H
Sat Aug 30 Liverpool H
Sat Sep 13 Sunderland A
Sat Sep 20 West Bromwich Albion H
Wed Sep 24 Capital One Cup 3
Sat Sep 27 Arsenal A
Sat Oct 4 Southampton H
Sat Oct 18 Manchester City A
Sat Oct 25 Newcastle United H
Wed Oct 29 Capital One Cup 4
Sat Nov 1 Aston Villa A
Sat Nov 8 Stoke City H
Sat Nov 22 Hull City A
Sat Nov 29 Everton H
Wed Dec 3 Chelsea A
Sat Dec 6 Crystal Palace H
Sat Dec 13 Swansea City A
Wed Dec 17 Capital One Cup 5
Sat Dec 20 Burnley H
Fri Dec 26 Leicester City A
Sun Dec 28 Manchester United H
Thu Jan 1 Chelsea H
Sat Jan 3 FA Cup 3
Sat Jan 10 Crystal Palace A
Sat Jan 17 Sunderland H
Wed Jan 21 Capital One Cup Semi-Final (1)
Sat Jan 24 FA Cup 4
Wed Jan 28 Capital One Cup Semi-Final (2)
Sat Jan 31 West Bromwich Albion A
Sat Feb 7 Arsenal H
Tue Feb 10 Liverpool A
Sat Feb 14 FA Cup 5
Sat Feb 21 West Ham United H
Sat Feb 28 Queens Park Rangers A
Sun Mar 1 Capital One Cup Final
Wed Mar 4 Swansea City H
Sat Mar 7 FA Cup 6
Sat Mar 14 Manchester United A
Sat Mar 21 Leicester City H
Sat Apr 4 Burnley A
Sat Apr 11 Aston Villa H
Sat Apr 18 Newcastle United A / FA Cup Semi-Final
Sat Apr 25 Southampton A
Sat May 2 Manchester City H
Sat May 9 Stoke City A
Sat May 16 Hull City H
Sun May 24 Everton A
Sat May 30 FA Cup Final


7th July 2014, 12:24
Mauricio's first training session

Mauricio Pochettino took his first session as the players stepped back into the serious work of pre-season training on Saturday.

After undergoing medical testing on Friday, the players laced up their boots again as preparations for the 2014-15 campaign started in earnest with a mix of football work and running.

Head Coach Mauricio was joined by his coaching team of Jesus Perez (Assistant Head Coach), Miguel D'Agostino (First Team Coach), Steffen Freund (First Team Coach) and Toni Jiminez (Goalkeeping Coach).

Mauricio talks to the lads at the start of the session

Vlad Chiriches, Lewis Holtby, Danny Rose, Gylfi, Emmanuel Adebayor, Sandro, Etienne Capoue, Younes Kaboul, Zeki Fryers, Aaron Lennon

Mauricio all smiles with Tom Carroll


7th July 2014, 21:13
Club and AIA celebrate kick-off of new partnership

July marks the official start of our five-year partnership with AIA Group Limited (AIA), the pre-eminent life insurance provider in the Asia Pacific region.

Ossie Ardiles and Ledley King at the AIA Family Day in November

As our principal global partner, the AIA brand will appear on the front of the Club’s shirts in all competitions for the next five years until 2019. This long-term partnership will provide a powerful platform for both organisations to work together as the Club further expands its presence in Asia and AIA continues to grow its franchise across the region. The long-term partnership reflects the shared commitment of the Club and AIA to promoting the role of sport in Asia-Pacific as a key element of healthy living.

Last season saw the Club enter into a Cup Shirt Partnership with AIA, whose brand position is ‘Real Life Company’, which encapsulates the Company’s longstanding commitment to be deeply engaged in people’s lives.

A range of joint activations have since taken place in Asia, further demonstrating the strength of the relationship.
Club Legends Ledley King and Ossie Ardiles were in Hong Kong in November, 2013 to celebrate AIA’s third anniversary as an independent company.

The pair supported our Global Coaching team in delivering football sessions for AIA staff and customers, as well as underprivileged local children who AIA work with through a CSR programme that has healthy living and vitality at its core.

Further activations were supported by Ledley when the extension to the partnership was announced back in February and our legendary former captain recently took part in an AIA Roadshow across mainland China from late May to early June.

Events were held for AIA staff, customers and their families in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Kunshan and Guangzhou.
AIA also supported the Club Ambassador’s memorable Testimonial match at the end of last season, which attracted a sell-out crowd and big name Spurs legends from the last 15 years.

Ledley said: “It has been a pleasure to work with AIA so far and I speak on behalf of everyone at the Club in saying we are looking forward to an exciting five years ahead.

“The work we have already done together shows the benefits a partnership like this can bring in terms of the brand-related benefits for both sides and using football as a force for good in communities across the region.

“I look forward to heading out to that part of the world again soon and continuing to engage with the growing and passionate fanbase we have across Asia.”

Excitement now builds towards the big kick-off, and the AIA brand being seen for the first time in a Premier League match when the Club takes on West Ham at Upton Park on Saturday 16th August, the partnership is set to further develop over the coming months.

AIA will also be sponsoring the Hong Kong U16 Representative Team’s trip to London next month, which will see them train at the Club alongside our coaches in preparation for the upcoming Asian Football Confederation U16 Championships taking place in September in Thailand.

Stay tuned for more update on our partnership. We are excited and look forward to continuing our close collaboration with AIA over the next five years.


10th July 2014, 16:21
New deal for Hugo

We are delighted to announce that Hugo Lloris has committed his future to the Club with the signing of a new five-year contract


Hugo joined from Lyon in August 2012 and has since made 78 appearances in our colours, with his performances in goal making him a firm favourite of the fans.

The 27-year-old French national team captain has just led his country to the quarter-final stage of the World Cup in Brazil and will now enjoy a short break before returning to begin his pre-season training programme with new Head Coach Mauricio Pochettino.

“I spoke with the Chairman and I know the Club is as ambitious as ever,” said Hugo. “It’s very important to feel at home at a club and for my family to feel well. I enjoy a great relationship with the Club and the fans. The arrival of Mauricio Pochettino is important as well. I have a good feeling with him. He is also ambitious.

"Everything is clear in my head and if I’ve signed a new contract it’s because I trust the Club and I’m sure we will progress in a positive way.

“Last season wasn’t the season we all hoped for but we were still able to finish sixth in the league. We know where we have to improve, the Club also knows and there is a feeling and a confident connection between the Club and the players.”


12th July 2014, 11:20
Northumberland Development Project - CPO Confirmed

12th July 2014, 11:23
La un pas de prima lopata. COYS!

Northumberland Development Project - CPO Confirmed

The Club is pleased to announce that the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has confirmed the Compulsory Purchase Order made by Haringey Council in respect of the remaining land required for the Northumberland Development Project. This is a very significant step in the CPO process.


The Club has used the intervening period productively and has refined detailed design of the stadium in order to ensure it is future-proofed and optimised.

We shall provide our supporters with a further update and timeline on the Northumberland Development Project as soon as we are able to do so.


14th July 2014, 01:03
Adebayor update

Emmanuel Adebayor is recovering in hospital after contracting a mild bout of malaria

The Togo international was admitted to hospital on Saturday after reporting feeling unwell to our medical staff. A swift diagnosis meant the disease was detected at an early stage and he is responding well to treatment. The striker is expected to be released from hospital tomorrow and will then require a minimum of seven days before returning to training.

The player has been advised not to travel on medical grounds, which means he will be forced to miss our pre-season tour of North America.


19th July 2014, 11:05
New Home and Away Kits for 2014/15 season launched

The Club’s new home and away kits were officially launched today with the designs inspired by former player and manager Bill Nicholson.



Recognised as one of the most significant people in the Club's history, 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of Bill's passing. The kits reference one of Bill's most famous quotes - 'It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory.' This 'Echo of Glory' inspiration pays tribute to Bill's achievements and significant contribution to the Club.

The home kit is a traditional lilywhite shirt set off by a navy blue horizontal stripe running across the chest. A jacquard runs across the shoulders which includes the words 'Echo of Glory' taken from Bill's quote together with a pattern inspired by the famous gates which lead up to White Hart Lane on Bill Nicholson Way. Yellow taping on the sleeve cuff and collar adds an additional colour flash to set off solid navy blue shorts and white socks.

In the away kit, a yellow highlight is more visible down the front of the black shirt, with 11 stripes signifying the number of trophies won during Bill's reign. Yellow taping is also replicated along the sides of the accompanying black shorts and socks.






23rd July 2014, 21:01
Daniel Levy, bancarul. Un adevarat progresist. COYS!

Chairman opens Toronto Stock Exchange

Our Chairman, Daniel Levy joined representatives from Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment - our North American Advertising and Marketing partner and Toronto FC club owner - to open the Toronto Stock Exchange on Wednesday.


The ceremony takes place at 9.30am local time and signals the start of the day's trading at Canada's largest stock exchange, which was formally created in 1861.

Daniel and Executive Director Donna-Maria Cullen were joined by Dave Hopkinson, Chief Commercial Officer at MLSE, and Tim Bezbatchenko, TFC General Manager.

Chairman Daniel Levy said: "It is a great honour to open the Toronto Stock Exchange today, especially alongside MLSE. It is fantastic way to underline the strength of our relationship ahead of tonight's match."



23rd July 2014, 22:35
Deal for Swansea duo agreed

We are delighted to announce that we have reached agreement with Swansea City for the transfers of Ben Davies and Michel Vorm.


Davies joins us on a five-year contract, while Vorm has signed a four-year deal with the Club.

The transfers will also see Gylfi Sigurdsson return to the Welsh club where he spent time on loan in 2012 and we wish him well for the future.

Left back Davies earned his first professional contract with Swansea in 2011 and has gone on to excel in their First Team, winning their Young Player of the Year accolade the past two seasons.

His impressive club form has also earned him 10 caps for Wales and he made a total of 91 appearances for the Swans, including starting their League Cup Final win against Bradford City in 2013.

Dutch goalkeeper Vorm moved to the Liberty Stadium in August 2011 and firmly established himself as first choice in their debut season in the Premier League, which saw him pick up Supporters' Player of the Year, Players' Player and the Away Player awards at their end of season awards.

In total, he made 97 appearances for Swansea and was also part of the Netherlands' World Cup squad this summer in Brazil


24th July 2014, 06:33
Daca Davies este un transfer interesant pentru Spurs, mutarea/acceptul lui Vorm este o enigma pentru mine si nu numai. Chiar daca la lebede a venit Fabianski, Vorm era prima optiune in poarta. La Spurs, sansele ca Lloris sa inceapa pe banca sunt absolut nule. Sa fie vorba de bani? Ca-si trece in CV un club mai mare?
Cat despre revenirea lui Sigurdsson.../hello/hello/hello/hello/hello
Nu m-am bucurat in viata mea mai tare la vreun transfer ca acum :D Pacat ca nu a fost pus in valoare asa cum trebuie la Spurs
Ati facut o maaaaaare greseala ca v-ati despartit de el

24th July 2014, 07:21
Si mie imi pare rau dar nu s-a integrat desi a avut sclipiri. In plus prea multi jucatori in zona in care este el bun, la concurenta. Ii urez bafta multa islandezului dar si lui Swansea una din echipele placute din EPL. Spurs joaca pe mai multe fronturi inclusiv Europa League unde in sezonul asta castigatoarea se califica in Ch L si unde Vorms va fi titular. Si mai este ceva, s-ar putea ca de la anul Lloris sa fie transferat pe bani multi si Vorms va deveni titular de drept fiind tipul de portar ca si Lloris care se pliaza pe jocul conceput de Pochettino. COYS!

24th July 2014, 09:09
Bineinteles ca este vorba de Michel Vorm si nu Vorms.

15th August 2014, 06:54
2014-15 squad numbers announced

Our first team squad numbers for the 2014-15 season have been confirmed.


New left-back Ben Davies has picked number 33, with newly-signed goalkeeper Michel Vorm having chosen number 13.

Fellow new arrival Eric Dier has selected 15, with that number’s previous holder, Etienne Capoue, having opted to wear number 29.

Meanwhile, goalkeeper Hugo Lloris takes over the number 1 jersey and striker Harry Kane – who signed a new contract earlier on Thursday – has taken number 18, having previously worn 37.

Nacer Chadli has chosen to take number 22.

These squad numbers will be applicable to Premier League, Europa League and domestic cup competition matches during the 2014-15 season.


1 Hugo Lloris
2 Kyle Walker
3 Danny Rose
4 Younes Kaboul
5 Jan Vertonghen
6 Vlad Chiriches
7 Aaron Lennon
8 Paulinho
9 Roberto Soldado
10 Emmanuel Adebayor
11 Erik Lamela
13 Michel Vorm
14 Lewis Holtby
15 Eric Dier
16 Kyle Naughton
17 Andros Townsend
18 Harry Kane
19 Mousa Dembele
20 Michael Dawson
22 Nacer Chadli
23 Christian Eriksen
24 Brad Friedel
28 Tom Carroll
29 Etienne Capoue
30 Sandro
32 Benoit Assou-Ekotto
33 Ben Davies
35 Zeki Fryers
38 Ryan Mason
42 Nabil Bentaleb


24th August 2014, 21:12
Tottenham chief Daniel Levy completes Ice Bucket challenge


27th August 2014, 06:47
Thank You, Goodbye And Good Luck, Big Fellow!

Hull move for Dawson agreed

We have reached agreement with Hull City for the permanent transfer of Michael Dawson.


Michael arrived from Nottingham Forest as a 21-year-old in January, 2005 and went on to make 324 appearances in our colours, scoring 10 goals.

The central defender was the obvious choice to take over as Club Captain following Ledley King's retirement and he also won four caps for England during his time with the Club.

Chairman Daniel Levy said: "Michael has been an outstanding Club representative both on and off the field throughout the nine-and-a-half years he has served our football club.

"He has always given everything for the Spurs shirt - just one of the reasons he is so deservedly po****r throughout the Club with teammates, staff and fans alike.

"His contribution cannot be under-estimated. He has been a fantastic individual and personality and a great influence on our younger players, for whom he always found time. We wish him the best of luck in the next chapter of his career."

Michael added: "I have been here for almost a decade and have loved every minute of it.

"I would like to say thank you to everyone at the Club, including the supporters. We have enjoyed some incredible moments together and I hope the Club continues to move forward in the future."

Everybody at the Club wishes Michael every success for the future and he will always be welcome at the Lane.


27th August 2014, 20:29
Fazio deal agreed

We are delighted to announce that we have completed the transfer of Federico Fazio from Sevilla.


The Argentina international has joined us on a four-year contract.

The central defender, who was part of the Argentina sides that won the FIFA Under-20 World Cup in 2007 and Olympic gold in Beijing in 2008, began his career in his homeland with Ferro Carril Oeste before joining Sevilla in 2007.

Capped twice at full international level, Fazio went on to make 194 appearances for the La Liga side and was also a key member of their Europa League winning team last season, beating Benfica on penalties in the final in Turin.


29th August 2014, 14:38
Tottenham in grupa C din Europa League cu Besiktas, Partizan Belgrad si Asteras Tripoli din Grecia.

30th August 2014, 10:44
Europa League dates, venues and kick-off times

We will open our Europa League Group C campaign with a trip to Serbia to face Partizan Belgrade on Thursday, September 18.

We kick-off at the Partizan Stadium at 6pm UK time.

Our first home match in the group is against Turkish side Besiktas - who we played away in the group stage of UEFA Cup back in 2007 - on Thursday, October 2, kicking-off at 8.05pm.

We then play Greek side Asteras Tripolis home and away in Matchdays Three and Four before facing Partizan at the Lane on Thursday, November 27.

We travel to Istanbul for our final group match against Besiktas and please note, this match will be played at the Ataturk Olympic Stadium while Besiktas' Inonu Stadium is being redeveloped.


Matchday 1 - Partizan Belgrade away - Thursday, September 18 - kick-off 6pm UK time at Partizan Stadium, Belgrade.

Matchday 2 - Besiktas home - Thursday, October 2 - kick-off 8.05pm UK at White Hart Lane.

Matchday 3 - Asteras Tripolis home - Thursday, October 23 - kick-off 8.05pm UK at White Hart Lane.

Matchday 4 - Asteras Tripolis away - Thursday, November 5 - kick-off 6pm UK at the Theodoros Kolokotronis Stadium, Tripoli.

Matchday 5 - Partizan Belgrade home - Thursday, November 27 - kick-off 8.05pm UK at White Hart Lane.

Matchday 6 - Besiktas away - Thursday, December 11 - kick-off 6pm UK at the Ataturk Olympic Stadium, Istanbul.


5th September 2014, 12:50

25th December 2014, 13:47
Junior Xmas Party time at the Lane!

One Hotspur Junior Members enjoyed the perfect Christmas present as the players attended their annual Christmas Party at White Hart Lane on Tuesday.

Harry Kane, Erik Lamela - goalscorers in Saturday's 2-1 win against Burnley - Aaron Lennon, Kyle Walker and Andros Townsend were amongst those in attendance.

The lads joined in with a series of fun games before a signing session for everyone present.

There were also appearances from our famous mascot Chirpy and, of course, Spurs Santa, who handed out gifts to all the party-goers.

The One Hotspur Junior Party is always one of the most po****r events on the Club calender - and you could be involved in 2015!





Mario Di Lazi
16th February 2015, 07:47
Harry Kane a fost desemnat jucatorul lunii ianuarie.

4th March 2015, 19:16
O legenda a formidabilei masini de fotbal Tottenham Hotspur a anilor 60 ne-a parasit la acest inceput de saptamana. RIP, Dave MacKay! In seara acesta se va pastra un minut de reculegere in memoria lui inainte de inceperea partidei dintre Spurs si Swansea.

Our legendary double-winners have led the tributes to their inspirational team-mate Dave Mackay, who sadly passed away on Monday evening, aged 80.

Dave with the FA Cup in 1967 with Alan Mullery, Cyril Knowles and Jimmy Robertson

Dave, back row, far left with his double-winning team-mates - back row, from left - Bill Brown, Peter Baker, Ron Henry, Danny Blanchflower, Maurice Norman, Dave. Front row - Cliff Jones, John White, Bobby Smith, Les Allen, Terry Dyson

Widely regarded as one of the best players to ever pull on a Spurs shirt, Dave was the heartbeat of Bill Nicholson's all-conquering team of the early 1960s.

He joined us from Hearts in 1959 and went on to make 318 appearances in nine years at White Hart Lane, helping drive the team to the famous league and FA Cup double of 1960-61, retain the FA Cup in 1962 and play a huge part as we became the first British team to win a European trophy in 1963, although he was injured for the Cup Winners Cup Final against Atletico Madrid.

Dave overcame huge personal blows of breaking his leg twice to captain the side and lift the FA Cup at Wembley in 1967 before departing for Derby County in 1968. He helped lead the Rams back into the First Division and later, as manager, took them to the championship in 1975.

Spurs 1959-65

"Dave was such a great player. He was good at everything. He reminded me of United great Duncan Edwards, who I played against a few years before. Dave was at that level. He was a class above everything. I had some good times with Dave because when he went to Swindon as manager, I was his right-hand man for a couple of years, so I had a lot of contact with him. The double team was the greatest and it hits hard when something like this happens. He was such a genuine person, excellent company to go out with and respected everywhere he went."

Spurs 1955-65

"Dave was an inspirational player, the things he did on the pitch you wanted to emulate. He would just throw his body in front of people. It was all about desire and that toughness, but he could play as well, he had great skill. It was a special era for the club and he was a key part of that success. We used to go out together all the time, myself and Dave. He was my best pal at Tottenham and we had some great times. He was a fantastic guy, great to be around, great company."

Spurs 1958-68

"He was the most influential player I ever played with. He changed teams. He did it with Hearts, he came down to Spurs and we really took off. That commitment, desire and will to win, Bill Nicholson saw that in Dave, brought him to Spurs and we really took off. He did the same when he moved from us to Derby County. It’s no coincidence. He was an absolute winner and a very skilful player. He had a real presence about him and commanded respect wherever he went. He was special, Dave Mackay."

Spurs 1955-65

"He was a tough nut to crack, Dave. He was so strong, it was unbelievable. I’ll always remember our tussles with Leeds United and the likes of Billy Bremner, Norman Hunter, Jackie Charlton. He would say to Billy Bremner ‘if you come over that half-way line, that’s your lot!' He was one of the greatest players I ever played with and was everything to our team. It’s a sad day for the club."

Spurs 1964-1972

"There was a great song many years ago by Tina Turner called ‘Simply The Best’ and that’s what Dave Mackay was. He was the best player, the best captain and what he achieved in his playing career and managerial career was exactly that, simply the best. Dave's influence was enormous at this club. When he played five-a-sides in the gym, he had to win and when you stepped out on the pitch, you had to win. When we lost he was irate. He always believed if you were losing 4-0 with five minutes to go you could still win 5-4! He was an inspirational captain who lifted players off the floor with his man-management out on the pitch. Bill was the manager off the pitch, he was the manager on it."

Spurs 1964-1977

"Dave was a born leader. Of all the teams I played in, he would be the number one choice on my team sheet as a captain and leader. He had everything and led by example. As a captain he commanded that respect because he was so good. I joined Spurs at 18 and I always remember he was one of few players who had a Jaguar in those days, but he thought nothing of throwing you the keys, that’s how generous he was. He used to take the mickey out of us as well. He’d say ‘put your caps on the table’ and when I’d say ‘well, I’ve got a few’ he’d always have a laugh and say ‘Irish caps don’t count!' I’m not sure if he used to say the same to Danny Blanchflower! He was a magic bloke and he’ll be missed."


4th March 2015, 19:24
Dave Mackay the man and golf's perception issue Tom English BBC Scotland

There's a picture of Dave Mackay sitting in a makeshift dugout at a changing Stamford Bridge in the mid-1970s. He is manager of Derby County and his eyes are focused on the game.

If you look to his left you see his assistant, Des Anderson, and along the line, sitting in what looks like a sleeping bag, is Roger Davies, the championship winning striker of 1975.

But the eye isn't drawn to Mackay's left, it is drawn to his right, where a young boy, nine or 10 years old, is leaning over a wall alongside the Derby manager.

Clearly, the boy is with the boss. Earlier he had been in the team hotel with the Derby players. He had travelled to the ground in the team bus. He'd been in the dressing room watching Roy McFarland and Kevin Hector and Archie Gemmill getting ready until five minutes before the off, when he went into the corridor to allow Mackay to say his piece.

Tottenham's 1963 European Cup Winners' Cup winning side, featuring Scots Bill Brown (goalkeeper), Dave Mackay (back right) and John White (front row, third from left)

Then he took his place alongside the great man. The boy is not a son, a nephew or family member of any kind, but he's connected all the same.

His name is Rob White and he is the son of John White, the Ghost of White Hart Lane.

At this point in his life, the young man knows little of his late father's greatness. He knows that his dad was Scottish and that he was a footballer, but the full scale of his dad's brilliance is still a mystery to him. He remembers nothing else about him. How could he? He was six months old when his father died.

White embodied skill and wit in the most cherished Spurs team of them all - the historic 1960-61 double-winners that went on to become the first British side to win a European trophy, taking the Cup Winners' Cup in 1963. Bill Nicholson's immortals - John White and Dave Mackay among them. Team-mates, friends, Scots together at the Lane.

In 1964, aged just 27, White was killed by lightning when playing golf at Crews Hill in Enfield. The Observer journalist, Peter Corrigan, got through to Mackay in the hours after it happened and recalls one of the game's toughest footballers crying so hard that he had put the phone down.

Years later, when his memory was fading and his health deteriorating, Mackay recounted the day his friend died. He said a man called Tommy Burton broke the news to him first. As soon as he heard, he got in his car and drove to the golf course.

"I got there as fast as I could," Mackay said. "I don't know. I think I just wanted to see him before they took him away. Just to be with him before he went off to the mortuary. I was too late. I sat down by the tree and I was very upset. I looked at it and there were these two burns in a kind of a circle on the bark, about two foot off the ground. It was just unbelievable. It was very, very sad."

On Monday, the great Mackay left us and as the news came filtering through there were any number of tributes, from big name players of the past to ordinary supporters of his beloved Hearts and his second-love, Spurs, and from Derby fans who will never forget the job he did as their manager in Brian Clough's wake.

Mackay had been a world class player and an unrivalled leader. He was big and strong and had a will to win that took others with him. He was, in every sense, a mighty man.

On Tuesday evening, his former team-mate, Tommy Docherty, was asked where he'd rank Mackay in the list of the greatest Scottish players. "Top five, aye," said The Doc. "And high-up, too."

The image of Mackay that we know and love the most is the one that he himself hated - the one where he's grabbing Billy Bremner by the shirt like a bully in a playground. Mackay was no bully. He was fiendishly hard, but utterly fair. In that moment, he was merely reacting to a bad tackle to a leg that he had already broken twice.

At home on Tuesday, Rob White looked at the picture of the Stamford Bridge dugout and remembered not Mackay the player but Mackay the man. He remembered his kindness. Rob is 51 now and talks of the influence Mackay had on him in his formative years and what he describes as the "great gift" he gave to him.

Dave Mackay factfile
1958: Captains Hearts to the Scottish league title

1959: Joins Tottenham from Hearts in a £32,000 deal

1961: Wins the league and FA Cup double with Tottenham. He won two further FA Cups at Tottenham, in 1962 and 1967

1968: Sold to Second Division Derby County for £5,000, where he helped Brian Clough's side gain promotion to the First Division in his first season

1969: Named joint winner of the Football Writers' Association Footballer of the Year award

1971: Appointed player-manager of Swindon Town

1972: Becomes manager of Nottingham Forest

1973: Succeeds Brian Clough as manager of Derby County

1975: Leads Derby County to the league title

1977-1995: Manages Walsall, Birmingham City and Doncaster, and a number of clubs in the Middle East

2002: Made an inaugural inductee of the English Football Hall of Fame

2015: Dies aged 80

"My dad had been at Alloa and Falkirk, a hard level," he says. "But then he went down to London and it was another world. He arrived at King's Cross and got two buses across to White Hart Lane and it must have been very reassuring for him to know that Dave was there waiting for him.

"There were three Scots - my dad, Dave and Bill Brown. I love the story of Dave arriving at Spurs and being presented with a silver Jaguar and then going and getting it spray-painted maroon. Hearts was his club, always. But Spurs were so lucky to have him as well.

"He thought the world of my dad and that's part of the reason why he completely went out of his way when he was manager of Derby to make sure I got this incredible immersion into the world of football. I was taken to all of the games in the London area. I met all the superstars of the day.

"I was in the hotel, on the team bus, in the dressing room and in the dugout. It was like I'd won a competition in Shoot! magazine to spend a day with a top team, but it wasn't just one day. I'd be right there with him at Chelsea, Arsenal, QPR, Luton, Fulham, Tottenham.

"The players would come out of the dressing room and file past me and there'd be an overpowering sense of liniment. In 1975 I was brought to Wembley for the Charity Shield - Derby against West Ham - and I'm walking up the tunnel on to the pitch after the players and a security guy says 'Excuse me, son, what are you doing?' And Dave notices and turns around and says, 'He's with me' and carried on walking. And you could see the guy thinking 'If Mackay said it, then it's ok'.

Scotland midfielder Dave Mackay in action for Tottenham against Liverpool in 1968

"Dave looked after me purely because I was John White's son. What he did for me was a really important part of my development because Dave gave me an unbelievable insight into the world my dad would have inhabited. The stadiums, the dressing rooms, the atmospheres. I saw from an early age what dad's life would have been like. It was a gift."

When he heard the news of Mackay's death, there was a twin sadness for Rob White - the loss of a man that had meant so much to him as a boy, and the emotion about the father he never knew.

"I love looking through old pictures of Dave and my father and all that old crew," he says. "There is a sense of shock that the indestructible Mackay has gone but it's tempered by an overwhelming pride and gratitude for the impact he had on my life. Everybody remembers the great footballer, but he was a great man, too."


4th March 2015, 19:28
Dave Mackay Obituaries The Times

Mackay grabs Bremner by his collar during the match between Spurs and Leeds in August 1966. Venables is on the left, while Burtenshaw, rushes in

Brilliant Spurs wing half whose confrontation with Billy Bremner produced one of the great football photographs of the Sixties

His publisher argued and pleaded, his ghostwriter cajoled and coaxed — but Dave Mackay was as unshakeable in old age as he had been in hundreds of bone-jarring tackles in his football heyday. He was not having that picture on the front of his autobiography.

There was no need to ask which photograph still stirred fury in the white-haired Mackay — copies of it dropped through his letterbox every week from fans asking for autographs. It was taken by the Daily Mirror photographer Monte Fresco on August 20, 1966, and showed Mackay, of Tottenham Hotspur, furiously grabbing the shirt of Leeds United’s Billy Bremner.

It is a wonderful image, capturing in a second Mackay’s incandescent rage, Bremner’s wide-eyed protestation of innocence and the delayed arrival on the scene of the harassed referee Norman Burtenshaw; Terry Venables, the only other player pictured, looks relaxed about the outcome.

The photograph became one of the most famous in English football, but Mackay loathed it, suppressing a groan each time he was presented with a copy to sign. He felt it misrepresented the sort of player he was and that generations of football fans came to view him as “Desperate Dan on steroids”.

Dave Mackay did not argue about being described as tough — George Best called him “the hardest man I’ve played against, and certainly the bravest” — but he insisted he was always fair and there was much more to his game than bruising tackles. At his best — for Heart of Midlothian and Scotland as well as for Spurs — he was one of British football’s greatest postwar players.

Mackay honed his ball skills growing up on the streets of Edinburgh. He never went anywhere without a tennis ball in his pocket and spent hours practising his passing and control. Like generations of Scottish footballers he was a “tanna ba” player, his mastery of the ball honed as it rebounded unpredictably off curbstones and uneven pavements. It instilled in him the ability to strike the ball first time with unerring accuracy, one of his greatest attributes.

He was one of the most successful players of his era, winning trophies in Scotland before moving to north London where he was the relentless driving force behind the Spurs team that created history in 1960-61 by winning the League championship and FA Cup, the first time the double had been achieved in the 20th century. His career was also a triumph over adversity. He broke his foot three times while with Hearts and in England recovered from two broken legs, which were injuries that, in the days before major advances in orthopaedic surgery, often meant the end of an athlete’s career. It was on his return from the second of these breaks that the incident with Bremner occurred, on the opening day of the 1966-67 season. Mackay conceded an early free kick with a push on Bremner, but the Leeds player aimed a retaliatory kick at his opponent’s recently healed left leg, quite deliberately, in Mackay’s view. Despite the ferocity of Mackay’s reaction the players escaped with a “talking to” from Burtenshaw and neither were booked. “Billy didn’t bother me again,” Mackay said.

David Craig Mackay was born in 1934, the son of Tom, a compositer on an Edinburgh newspaper, and Catherine. The young Mackay had only one ambition — “to play for Hearts”. He got his wish at the age of 17 and, in his first full season, 1953-54, helped Hearts to win the Scottish League Cup. Other trophies followed, but in 1959, Spurs made their move for him. Mackay knew it was something serious when his parents’ recently installed phone rang during Sunday Night at the London Palladium. He went down to London and was persuaded by the Spurs manager Bill Nicholson to sign for a fee of £32,000. Mackay was nervous about the move, but his wife Isobel persuaded him it would be a challenge and an adventure. His Hillman Imp was upgraded for a Jag and the couple rented a house formerly owned by the ventriloquist Terry Hall, disconcertingly finding one of his Lenny the lion dummies at the back of a cupboard.

On the field, he was a great success, forming a dazzling partnership with Danny Blanchflower, the loquacious Spurs captain. It became easy to characterise Mackay as providing the brawn to Blanchflower’s brain, but, as the journalist Hugh McIlvaney wrote: “In suggesting that Blanchflower was the artist and Mackay his protective enforcer, it ludicrously distorts the truth. The Edinburgh man could be intimidatingly hard but his technique was superb.”

The double was followed by another FA Cup in 1962 and the European Cup Winners’ Cup, the first European trophy for an English club, in 1963, although Mackay missed the final through injury. Later that year, he suffered his first broken leg after a tackle by Manchester United’s Noel Cantwell. It was a serious break and, years afterwards, whenever he returned to Old Trafford, he would meet people who were at the game. They all said the same thing — “you could hear the crack around the ground”. He recovered, but in the early stages of his comeback the leg was broken again in a reserve team match away to Shrewsbury Town. He was out for two years but fought back once more and led Spurs to another FA Cup victory in 1967.

His team-mates were in awe of his skill and commitment. In training he would volley continuously against a wall from ten or 15 yards. “Mackay wanted to do so much for everybody that we just had to follow his example,” said Cliff Jones, the Spurs winger, while Jimmy Greaves added: “If Dave Mackay was missing from the Spurs side the rest of us had to work twice as hard to make up for it.” Eusebio, the great Benfica and Portugal forward, said that he was the finest wing half he had ever played against. For all the tough-guy image, Mackay was never sent off.

His international career was bafflingly short; just 22 caps. Mackay felt that he and others playing in England were made scapegoats for the 9-3 defeat by England at Wembley in 1961.

In 1968, his legs slowing, he was poised to move back to Hearts, but the brash young Derby County manager Brian Clough persuaded him that his future lay in the East Midlands. There he enjoyed a renaissance. His experience inspired Derby to win promotion to the first division and, in 1969, he was voted joint Footballer of the Year. Later, he returned to Derby as manager, replacing Clough and leading the club to the league championship in 1975. Further managerial success proved elusive, but he found more lucrative employment in the Middle East.

He also had a long association with a company making ties, which gave him a poor opinion of the dress sense of the modern footballer. Surveying pictures of the Spurs team, he huffed: “Jermain Defoe — scruffy bastard . . . Ledley King — scruffy bastard, Ledley Bling more like . . . Aaron Lennon — bloody fast, but another scruffy bastard. The current lot really ought to get themselves along to Dave Mackay Ties.”

He lived in the village of Burton Joyce in Nottinghamshire with Isobel, whom he had met in an Edinburgh nightclub in the late 1950s. She survives him along with their four children, David, Derek, Valerie and Julie. His wife was an authority on his career, correcting him if he ever tripped up on detail in interviews. She even remembered the registration of the Hillman Imp.

Mackay relished attending matches and reunions at all his former clubs. To a generation of people he was a revered figure. After Mackay had won the battle over the cover photograph for his autobiography, his ghostwriter, Martin Knight, tentatively approached Sir Alex Ferguson about writing a foreword to the book, well aware that the Manchester United manager had a hectic schedule. When the reply came back from Old Trafford, it said: “I’ve always got time to talk about Dave Mackay.”

Dave Mackay, footballer, was born on November 14, 1934. He died on March 2, 2015, aged 80


Mario Di Lazi
16th March 2015, 08:30
Harry Kane a fost ales pentru a2a oara jucatorul lunii.

31st March 2015, 19:56
Northumberland Development Project Update

We were delighted to announce earlier that we have reached agreement for the acquisition of the final piece of land required to complete the land assembly for the new stadium redevelopment scheme and will take possession of this land later this year.

We shall engage with our financial advisors, planning consultants and Haringey Council to progress matters now that we have certainty of possession.

As we have previously reported, the Club has used the intervening period during the CPO process productively in order to refine the detailed design of the stadium, which was originally produced in 2008, to ensure it is optimised and that it meets the latest technical requirements and improvements in stadia design.

We have already commenced pre development and site clearance works and will shortly submit, to Haringey Council, an application for a minor material amendment to our planning permission for consent for a basement level on the new stadium site.

Our intention is to move the already consented car parking into the basement level, alongside plant and furniture storage, in order to allow us to free up space at the ground floor level to be allocated to other operational requirements including enhanced media facilities and extended player changing areas.

Chairman, Daniel Levy said, “Our commitment is to find the best solution for the Club, our supporters and our community. It will be our new home for many years to come and we want it to be world class.

“We are aware that both our fans and the local community are eager to see the stadium delivered as soon as possible and we shall be working to do so. I must however urge patience in the interests of getting the best possible outcome for all and ensuring that we progress diligently. It is a hugely complex and large-scale project."

We look forward to updating all stakeholders in the coming months.


Eddy DoubleD
17th April 2015, 16:49

De asta nu marcheaza Spurs, ca astia se antreneaza la datul in bara :rosu:

17th April 2015, 19:15
Capoue :))

29th May 2015, 14:13
Wimmer completes move

We are delighted to announce that we have completed the signing of Kevin Wimmer from 1. FC Köln.


The central defender has signed a five-year contract.

The 22-year-old moved to Germany in 2012 from LASK Linz in his native Austria.

Kevin has gone on to become a regular in the FC Köln defence, as they earned promotion to the German top-flight in 2014, and was a standout performer in their first season back in the Bundesliga this year.

He made 72 appearances in total during his time in Germany, scoring twice and has also been capped at international level by Austria.


17th June 2015, 12:38
Fixtures 2015-16 - Manchester United first, key dates

We will kick-off our 2015-16 Barclays Premier League campaign with a trip to Manchester United.

We are scheduled to travel to Old Trafford on Saturday, August 8, although all fixture dates are subject to change.

Our second fixture and first home league game of the new term sees us play host to Stoke City. That fixture is currently scheduled for Saturday, August 15.

Later in August, we travel to Leicester City – that match currently scheduled for Saturday, August 22 – before hosting Everton at White Hart Lane on Saturday, August 29.

Remember, this is very much a provisional fixture list and all fixtures are subject to change.

For a full list of all currently scheduled fixtures, see our Fixtures & Results page here...


Following our opening day trip to Manchester United, we host Manchester City on Saturday, September 26, before Liverpool come to White Hart Lane on Saturday, October 17.

Our first North London derby of 2015-16 will be held at the Emirates on Saturday, November 7 – kicking-off a busy month of derby matches. We host West Ham United and Chelsea back-to-back on Saturday, November 21, and Saturday, November 28, respectively.

We travel to Manchester City on Saturday, February 13, before visiting West Ham United on Tuesday, March 1 – just a few days before our home match with Arsenal on Saturday, March 5.

Anfield will be our destination on Saturday, April 2, as we play Liverpool before we host Manchester United at the Lane on Saturday, April 9. We'll play away to Chelsea on Saturday, April 30, with an away trip to Newcastle United on the last day of the season (Sunday, May 15).

Once again, please remember this is very much a provisional fixture list and all fixtures are subject to change.


Our first meeting with a promoted team in 2015-16 is scheduled for Saturday, October 24, as we face our first ever league meeting with AFC Bournemouth away from home. The return match with the Cherries at the Lane is scheduled for Saturday, March 19.

We'll then meet two promoted sides back-to-back over the festive period – Norwich City visiting White Hart Lane on Boxing Day (Saturday, December 26) before we travel to Watford two days later on Monday, December 28.

Our visit to Norwich is scheduled for Saturday, February 2, with a home clash with Watford pencilled in a few days later on Saturday, February 6.


Please also note that our Europa League involvement (as these are mainly Thursday night games) will see our Premier League matches being moved from Saturday to Sunday as we progress.

We enter the Europa League at the group stage in September. The draw is scheduled for Friday, August 28.

Meanwhile, we enter the Capital One Cup at the third round stage, with games scheduled for the week beginning Monday, September 21. We begin our Emirates FA Cup campaign at the third round stage, with ties scheduled to take place over the weekend of Saturday, January 9.


Sky Sports and BT Sport will make their first live selections soon, with changes to our fixture calendar due to television coverage to be announced in due course.

For a full list of all currently scheduled fixtures, see our Fixtures & Results page here...



24th June 2015, 08:34
Northumberland Development Project Update - Basement Application

The Club is pleased to announce that following a meeting of the London Borough of Haringey Planning Sub-Committee on June 22, our application to incorporate a basement on the new stadium site has been approved.


This permission will allow us to move the already consented car parking into the basement level, alongside plant and storage, in order to allow us to free up space at the ground floor level to be allocated to other operational requirements including enhanced media facilities and extended player changing areas.

With works now progressing on the stadium site, the Club is continuing to refine the detailed design of the stadium, which was originally produced in 2008, to ensure it is optimised and that it meets the latest technical requirements and improvements in stadia design.

Chairman, Daniel Levy, said: “We are delighted that this application has been approved and are grateful for the continued support of the Council for this landmark project.

“We shall, in the coming weeks, be providing further information on these updated elements with the intention of carrying out a period of consultation during the summer and submitting planning applications later in the year. As we have stated previously, these updates will be running in parallel with the works continuing on the ground.”


8th July 2015, 13:03
A 'dream come true' for new signing Toby

Toby Alderweireld spoke of his pride after joining the club from Atletico Madrid.

A 'dream come true' for new signing Toby

Toby Alderweireld spoke of his pride after joining the club from Atletico Madrid.

A title-winner during his time at Ajax and Atletico, where he also reached the Champions League Final in 2013, Toby has signed a contract with the club until 2020.

He arrives at White Hart Lane following an impressive season in the Premier League on loan at Southampton.

“I’m very proud to become a Spurs player,” said Toby, now capped 47 times by Belgium. “I’m very happy to be here and I hope to have a wonderful time with this team.

“From the beginning I knew a lot about it (the club) from Jan Vertonghen, Mousa Dembele and Nacer Chadli.

“It’s a big club and it’s always been a dream to play at a club like Spurs. Now that dream is coming true so I’m very happy, very proud and I will give my best.”

http://www.tottenhamhotspur.com/uploadedImages/Shared_Assets/Images/News_images/SEASON_15-16/All_players/First_team/Toby_Alderweireld/toby700x650.jpg?n=2202 (http://www.tottenhamhotspur.com/uploadedImages/Shared_Assets/Images/News_images/SEASON_15-16/All_players/First_team/Toby_Alderweireld/toby700x650.jpg?n=2202)

Toby has a head start at his new club with those familiar faces of Jan, Mousa and Nacer plus Christian Eriksen, who he played with alongside Jan at Ajax.

“I know the players from the national team and I played with Jan at Ajax, we had a central defensive partnership,” he said.

“It’s nice when you join another club that you know a couple of players. I hope to get to know them a little better now.”

He also knows plenty about the current squad having played twice against us last season as he racked up 28 appearances for the Saints – we won 1-0 at the Lane in October before a 2-2 draw at St Mary’s in April.

“There is a lot of quality in the team and good, young players the club also wants to develop,” he added. “Those two games were very tough for us, Spurs had a very good team.

“I’m really looking forward to helping the team reach the goals we will set.”


8th July 2015, 19:15


The Club is delighted to present updated designs and plans for the Northumberland Development Project, which will be submitted to the London Borough of Haringey in the coming weeks.

As we have previously stated, the Club has used the intervening period during the CPO process productively in order to refine the detailed design of the proposed new stadium, which was originally produced in 2007, to ensure it is optimised and that it meets the latest technical requirements and improvements in stadia design.

We have also designed it with a multi-purpose pitch that will be capable of hosting NFL matches along with other sports, concerts and community events.

Additionally, we have looked to explore, through improved design and development, how we could maximise and enhance the regeneration benefits already laid out within the currently consented NDP scheme.

As part of this work, the Club has taken time to consider priorities laid down by National and Regional Government, especially in respect of the increasing need for housing in London and greater requirements for community facilities. As a result, the Club asked our architects to provide a number of options for consideration including enhanced residential, commercial and community facilities alongside improved regeneration benefits.

These changes have been led by a new design team comprising leaders in their fields - Populous in respect of the stadium design, the hotel and the visitor attractions; Allies & Morrison for the new homes; and Donald Insall Associates as heritage architects.

Our development proposals will create a major new sports, leisure and entertainment destination, bringing vibrancy to this part of Tottenham 365 days a year.

Importantly, they ensure that the wider Tottenham area derives maximum benefit from the investments we are making.

When complete the Northumberland Development Project will transform the impact of the Club in Tottenham. We will go from supporting 1,800 jobs to supporting 3,500 and from generating £120 million of annual spend into the local economy to over £293 million.

Speaking about the new plans, Daniel Levy, Chairman of THFC, said:

“We are all excited to be taking the project to the next stage. Our commitment is to find the best solution for the Club, our supporters and our community. It will be our new home for many years to come and we want it to be exceptional in every aspect.

“Schemes of this scale and magnitude must undergo continuous and rigorous review in order to ensure it is future-proofed and the design is optimised. We are determined that this scheme delivers something that becomes an iconic landmark, instantly recognisable around the world and capable of acting as the catalyst needed to kick-start the regeneration of this area.

"Just as we take our responsibility seriously in using football to engage with our communities, through the work of our Foundation, so too do we take seriously our responsibility to make the stadium and associated development deliver benefits for and be a vibrant part of Tottenham and London.

“These new plans will be transformational for the area and the access and opportunities they afford our communities will be extensive.

“At this stage and barring no major hiccups we are committed to staying on course for a 2018 opening and shall be working closely with Haringey Council to facilitate a timely process.

“In much the same way as we delivered our state-of-the-art Training Centre to the highest standards, we remain focussed and committed to delivering a world-class, increased capacity stadium, which places spectators at the heart of the experience and creates an enhanced and thriving new environment on the High Road which is so important to this part of the borough and the local communities.”

The improvements to the stadium are within the footprint and envelope of the existing planning consent and the key changes we are proposing include:

• A visually dramatic new stadium design - a landmark building for Tottenham and London, focussed towards the ‘Home End’, improved sightlines for all spectators and modern technology integral to the design from the outset to enhance the fan experience.

• An increased capacity stadium - up from 56,250 to 61,000 seats, featuring the largest single tier stand in the UK, now increased to 17,000 seats, with an unrivalled spectator experience throughout and spectators closer to the pitch than at any other comparable size stadium in the UK.

• Dedicated facilities for the NFL - including a fully retractable pitch revealing a second playing surface, compliant to NFL standard and capable of hosting a range of other events whilst protecting the integrity of the playing surface.

• An architecturally stunning new terrace on the High Road to host ‘The Tottenham Experience’ - a permanent Visitors Centre and Arrivals Hub including an interactive Museum to celebrate Club history and local heritage, a Cinema, the Club Megastore, Ticket Office and Café.

• A permanent viable use for the Grade II listed Warmington House - incorporated as part of The Tottenham Experience to house the new Museum, blending old architecture with new.

• Improved crowd management arrangements along the High Road - with the removal of three buildings that currently create a pinch point along Tottenham High Road where the pavement is just two metres wide - resulting in people walking in the bus lane and the road - allowing instead for a much wider pavement to cope with large crowds.

• Enhanced public open space - comparable in area to Trafalgar Square, includes a multi-use games area, high quality landscaping, cafes, dedicated events and community programmes managed by the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, and the ability to walk uninterrupted all the way round the stadium.

• A new 180 bedroom hotel with a dedicated training programme for the hospitality industry - providing high quality accommodation in Tottenham and opening up new career opportunities for local people. 49 serviced apartments will occupy the upper floors.

• A fantastic new building to host Extreme Sports - bringing people to Tottenham on a daily basis with activities for all ages, including the tallest indoor climbing wall in the world.

• A spectacular ‘Sky Walk’- an adrenaline-filled experience and attraction for all ages walking on top of the stadium with spectacular views across London.

• 579 new homes, including affordable housing - up from 285 homes in the current permission, meeting a key need for more homes in London. Set out across four new residential buildings, every apartment will enjoy access to a private balcony in addition to communal gardens and child play areas.

• A new community health centre - serving existing and new

Our target date for opening remains August 2018 for the 2018/19 season, after having played away for one season in 2017/18. We continue to hold discussions regarding possible venues for the season away.

There are several aspects of this scheme that are still under review and as part of that ongoing assessment of all potential design and project options we shall continue to engage with all key stakeholders including the London Borough of Haringey, the Greater London Authority and Historic England (formerly English Heritage).

We have already commenced basement works and we shall now simultaneously move forward with the tender process along with additional planning requirements running in parallel.

Lilywhite House, which represents Phase 1 of the new stadium development, is already complete. Lilywhite House includes the Sainsbury’s supermarket, which opened in November 2013, and the University Technical College of Tottenham, which opened in September 2014. It is also now home to the Club’s new administration offices and the Stadium Project Office on the top floor.

To view the updated design and plans for the NDP, please visit the new stadium microsite by CLICKING HERE. The dedicated section of our website sets out the details of our improved proposals and provides an opportunity for feedback between now and early August.

As always we shall look to keep our supporters and the local community in Haringey as informed and up to date as possible.



Eddy DoubleD
8th July 2015, 19:41
Aia cu gazon retractabil e unreal. Mai exista asa ceva? :))

8th July 2015, 20:32
Se pare ca da, parca mi-aduc aminte in Germania si SUA, fotbal si fotbal american. Firma de arhitecti Populos este renumita pentru constructia de stadioane, inclusiv Emirates si Stadionul Olimpic din Londra, printre multe alte proiecte de arhitectura la scara mare. Se vorbeste de Nike, sponsor major si consort american care va prelua clubul, din 2018. COYS!

8th July 2015, 20:56
Ah, stai asa nu se joaca fotbal american pe Wembley?!?!?!

"In 2015, three regular-season NFL games will be played at Wembley Stadium in London. The slate features a first-ever division game in London when the Miami Dolphins host the New York Jets on Oct. 4, as well as games played on consecutive Sundays -- also a first for the NFL in London -- when the Jacksonville Jaguars face the Buffalo Bills on Oct. 25, followed by the Kansas City Chiefs meeting the Detroit Lions on Nov. 1".

8th July 2015, 21:24
The Club and NFL announce agreement for NFL games to be played in New Stadium

Ten-year partnership includes playing a minimum of two games per year at the venue.


The Club and the NFL today announced that agreement has been reached for a minimum of two NFL games per year to be played during a 10-year partnership at our new stadium in London.

The state-of-the-art stadium, due to open in the summer of 2018, will feature a retractable grass field with an artificial surface underneath that would be used for NFL games. This innovative field will add greater flexibility in the scheduling of games, with the NFL having its own playing surface for games held at the venue. This field will be multi-use and capable of hosting other sporting, entertainment and community events.

Both sports will have dedicated facilities ensuring that the new stadium, designed with a focus on atmosphere, will deliver the optimum experience for both teams and fans. It will be one of the most environmentally sustainable in the UK and also include a clear focus on accessibility via public transportation.

“With growing enthusiasm for the NFL in the United Kingdom, we are committed to hosting NFL games in world-class venues and are excited to partner with Tottenham Hotspur to play games at their future stadium,” said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. “We share a vision and commitment to creating the best experience for our teams, fans and the local community.”

The stadium is part of the Northumberland Development Project which sits at the heart and is the flagship scheme and catalyst for world-class regeneration in North Tottenham that spans over 130 acres and delivers significant benefits for the local community.

The Club will shortly be releasing images and details of the updated designs it has made to both the stadium and the wider scheme.

In addition to the minimum of two games per year at the new Tottenham site, other NFL games may take place at different venues in the UK during the span of the 10-year agreement.

We have an opportunity now to deliver one of the most unique sports, leisure and entertainment venues in the world, bringing together the EPL and NFL for the first time,” said Daniel Levy, Chairman of Tottenham Hotspur. “The socio- economic benefits this will bring to the area will be immense and demonstrates our commitment to the regeneration of this priority borough in London.

“We have always underlined the importance of public sector support for the long-term regeneration of the area. This support is now clearly in evidence in the masterplans that have been brought forward by the London Borough of Haringey, both through the Northumberland Park project to the east of the stadium and the High Road West scheme. These plans, alongside the commitments made by the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority to infrastructure and public realm investment, and with the support of Central Government, demonstrate that there is now a collective public and private sector desire to deliver lasting change to the area.

“This was an important factor for the NFL when they agreed to bring their hugely po****r sport to Tottenham. I am delighted that we have succeeded in attracting them. We have a compelling and exciting partnership that will play its part as we begin transforming this area of Tottenham.”

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, welcomed the agreement: “Anyone who has seen American Football at Wembley Stadium cannot fail to have been thrilled by the spectacle, and the wise heads that run the NFL have clearly not missed the fact that Londoners are going absolutely gangbusters for Gridiron.

“We are already working very closely with the NFL, including on plans to get more Londoners involved in the sport, and we believe that building on the success of NFL at Wembley by staging more games in an area of the city that has been earmarked for a massive programme of economic regeneration and investment makes perfect sense.

“Touchdowns in Tottenham can only add to our reputation as a global sporting powerhouse, and help us take another step towards our goal of having a permanent NFL franchise here in London."

Claire Kober, Leader, Haringey Council, added: “It’s tremendous news that the NFL wants to come to Tottenham, joining Spurs in bolstering our borough’s reputation for world-class sport.

“This huge vote of confidence further underlines Tottenham’s future as London’s next great destination, and shows real progress in our dedicated plan to bring economic growth to Haringey – with thousands of fans spending money in local businesses and creating new jobs for our residents.

“In addition to bringing thousands more visitors to Tottenham, having millions of viewers from around the world tuning into live sports from the new Spurs stadium will undoubtedly put our borough on the international stage.”

Populous, the architects of the new stadium, are a world leading sports architecture practice with over 30 years of designing the most iconic sports stadia around the globe. They also have a long history of working with the NFL. Populous has designed 14 NFL stadia and almost 20 NFL training facilities and have played a pivotal role in supporting the NFL in designing and delivering the world’s biggest annual sporting event - the Super Bowl.


8th July 2015, 21:39
Aia cu gazon retractabil e unreal. Mai exista asa ceva? :))

Acum am vazut interviul pe video cu Daniel Levy care spune ca asa ceva se va face pentru prima data in istoria sportului, un stadion cu terenuri retractabile, pentru fotbal respectiv fotbal american. Vezi video-urile:



8th July 2015, 22:11
New scheme reaction

Following the unveiling of our new stadium scheme designs earlier today, we have been receiving some great reaction from a number of local politicians, our sponsors and other key figures.


Haringey Council Leader, Cllr Claire Kober, said: “Spurs’ commitment to Tottenham – not only through building their new stadium, but also in delivering new housing, jobs and facilities for local people – has always been central to our ambitious wider regeneration plans, offering the opportunity to bring more than £400million investment into the area.

“We want to see Tottenham improved for the benefit of everyone who lives, works and studies here, and we want Tottenham to be known across Haringey, London, the UK and the world as a destination of choice.

“These new plans from Spurs will be subject to all of our usual planning procedures, including public consultation to allow people to have their say before our planning committee considers the application in depth later this year.”

Mark Tucker, AIA Group Chief Executive and President, said: "We warmly congratulate Spurs on entering this milestone agreement with the National Football League to host NFL games at Spurs' new world-class facilities and bring a favourite US sport to the UK. As Spurs' principal partner and the world’s largest life insurance group focused exclusively on the Asia Pacific region, AIA is delighted that Spurs continues to expand its global reach and appeal."


Kevin Plank, Founder and CEO, Under Armour, said: "We are extremely proud that Under Armour is aligned with the rich history and heritage of Tottenham and know firsthand that their passion and strategic vision will provide a tremendous boost in raising the global profile of American football. Daniel and the club are the ideal partners to help bring the NFL’s brand to more audiences around the world."

Richard Fuller MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for American Football, said: "One of the most inspiring aspects of American sport, especially NFL, is their commitment to build deep community roots and Tottenham will be a fantastic example of what has already been achieved in the US."

In response to the early reaction, Christopher Lee, the Senior Principal of our stadium architects, Populus, stated: “The Tottenham Hotspur stadium takes stadia design to a new level. Populous has always been a pioneer of the incorporation of new technologies. Moving pitches in stadia such as the University of Phoenix (NFL) stadium or the moving roof over centre court at Wimbledon have provided the critical experience to allow us to design a stadium that is perfect for two elite sports: English football and American Football.”

He continued: “The seating bowl is designed to create an intimate relationship between player and spectator, its 17,000 capacity single tier end stand, a tribute to traditional English football grounds, will be the largest in the UK and will be the engine that drives the intensity and atmosphere in the new Spurs stadium. It will be like no other.”


8th July 2015, 22:19
Dupa o zi fructuoasa, pentru Spurs own Danny Boy:


28th August 2015, 14:56
Heung-Min Son deal agreed

We are delighted to announce the signing of Heung-Min Son from Bayer Leverkusen, subject to work permit and international clearance.


The forward has signed a contract with the Club until 2020.

The South Korea international originally moved to Germany as a teenager and came through the ranks at Hamburger SV, scoring on his Bundesliga debut in October 2010 against 1. FC Köln.

A consistent goalscorer throughout his time in Germany, Son went on to make 78 appearances and score 20 times for Hamburg before joining Bayer Leverkusen in June, 2013.

He has helped them to Champions League qualification in each of his two seasons and made a total of 87 appearances, scoring 29 times at BayArena.

The 23-year-old is also a regular at international level with 11 goals in his 44 appearances for South Korea to date, including scoring against Algeria at the 2014 World Cup Finals.

He will wear the number 7 shirt with ‘Son’ on his back.


28th August 2015, 15:00
Tragerea grea la sorti pentru Spurs in Europa League:

Group J


1st September 2015, 20:34
Europa League kick-off times confirmed

UEFA have now confirmed the kick-off time for our Europa League Group J match away to Qarabag on Thursday, November 26 will be 6pm UK or 10pm local time in Baku.

Our schedule is therefore as follows - all times below are UK:

17 September - Qarabag FK (H) - 8.05pm
1 October - AS Monaco (A) - 6pm
22 October - RSC Anderlecht (A) - 6pm
5 November - RSC Anderlecht (H) - 8.05pm
26 November - Qarabag FK (A) - 6pm
10 December - AS Monaco (H) - 8.05pm

The rescheduling of the Newcastle United home match following MD6 of the Europa League will be confirmed by the Premier League alongside the December broadcast selections (anticipated to be early October).


1st September 2015, 21:03
sa nu luam o rezerva pt Kane- misiune indeplinita
sa nu luam un mijlocas de distrugere(gen Wanyama)- misiune indeplinita
sa nu reusim sa il luam pe Berahino( desi nu e neaparat vina lui)- misiune indeplinita
sa il luam pe Trripier ca sa moara pe banca de rezerve, in timp ce, in teren, e meci de meci, mortul de Walker- misiune indeplinita.
sa il lasam pe Azzaoui( considerat cel mai mare talent de la tineret) sa plece- misiune indeplinita.
sa nu il lasam pe Lamela sa plece, desi confirma, meci de meci, ca e un esec total- misiune indeplinita.

Njie are 2 saptamani de cand a semnat, e accidentat, de nici nu e pe banca?? asteapta vara lu 2018, ca sa joace pe noul stadion??
desi pe hartie planurile sunt frumoase, cu Levy la conducere, cred ca, clubul asta nu o sa realizeze nimic, niciodata.
e evident ca e nevoie de unele piese in echipa, dar nimeni nu isi bate capu. cireasa de pe tort e pastrarea lui Townsend in lot, desi erau zvonuri ca il vor ceva echipe. daca il mai vad si titular, avand in vedere ca si-a revenit dupa accidentare...../hello/hello

poate singura parte buna de vara asta, e ca s-a scapat de multi jucatori de umplutura. care doar mancau salariile aiurea. dar, chiar si asa, Soldado trebuia pastrat, in conditiile in care nu ai rezerva pt Kane.

1st September 2015, 22:17
Messi, poate asa este dar fiecare crede ce vrea, tu vrei poate sa facem un Leeds sau sa cumparam cu petrodolarii poporului saudit sau Quatar sau mai rau banii Siberiei lui Putin, eu nu vreau desi, recunosc, sunt un pic dezamagit. Sincer, nu l-am dorit pe Berahino, pentru atitudine si nu ma refer acum. Cred ca Austin ar fi fost mai bun. Un lucru este sigur, banii pentru transferuri nu sunt nici ai mei nici ai tai si nici macar al lui Levy ci ai lui Lewis si el face ce vrea cu ei. Punctele tale de vedere imi aduc aminte de basmul cu Fata mosului si a babei. In final iti pun, asta daca te intereseaza, un punct de vedere pe care-l impartasesc si tot daca te intereseaza, COYS!

"So the drama is over. Lets talk and not blame or slaaaag of anyone. We never know the ins and outs of anything. Remember a while back Pearce and Aldweingi (sp) he isn't easy either from the looks of it. These things happen, look at De Gea, two top clubs UTd and RM couldn't get the deal done, get over it.

Now lets talk about what we have got, rather than what we haven't! Firstly we have had a reasonable window in a sense a lot of under performing players are off the wage bill, haven't heard what is ha[[ening with Ade yet, but he has shown he is in it for the money, confirmed in my eyes. He has had offeres, if he really wanted to play he would have cancelled his own contract and accepted the offer he has been presented with with potential new employers. Yes WestHam wouldn't have paid him as much, but he would have probably got a two year deal, whatever they paid him its a decent wage, but no he wanted to squeeze us and then get extra money with a new club. So Ade is Ade.

Now I assume Lennon has gone, glad for him, until recently he has served us well, never know why Poch didn't fancy him, think it was more than footballing reasons! but we don;t know.

We have a trimmed younger squad that can grow together, we have to be patient and get behind them. As for Berahino, not fussed. I don't rate him 'yet' and there was talk about his attitude even on SSN today, he fell out with someone in the dressing room and it was said players didn't like him, it was Pulis that brought him back into the frame, and it was said 'spoilt', may be we have missed a potential trouble maker or may be we have missed a potentially good player, doesn't matter its gone, get over it. I do feel for the lad, and as for his tweet, just emotions, he is young, it happens, it will smooth over in time, as will De Gea situation, as it does in all work situations.

Now what we have is two unproven PL attackers that will have to be involved sooner rather than later, due to amount of games coming up. Its risky, to rely on them coming good, but its a risk we will have to take now.

WE do lack experience in the middle and up front in the starting 11 so we are going to lack it even more in Europa and cups because we cannot play the same 11 and as I say event he starting 11 in the PL are inexperienced or not consisten, Dier and Mason/Bentaleb all lack expereince, Lamela has not settled, Townsend has been poor, Dembele has not been consitent and hasn't proved anything yet and Chadli is inconistent as is Eriksen imo. WE have unproven Ali, Protchar and Winks and young Carroll that has not proved himself, so we lack experience, this is going to be the problem when it comes to fielding a Europa team.

Now Kane is our only proven striker and he has not scored yet this season, he is still learning, Chadli and Eriksen chip in but I cannot see any of them two or Lamela taking over the responsibility if Kane got injured, so we have to hope Son and to an extent Nijie can find the net, and Son take on Kane roll if he gets injured or needs a rest. It is risky, but its life.

I think Poch is going to have to integrate Son, Nijie and Protchard quickly to get they game time ready for Europa and cups. I would expect Son to start playing in the PL soon and I suppose Lamela, Protchard, Carroll, Nijie and Ali to play Europa with Betaleb, that's inexpereince and unproven but I suppose they have to learn sometime.

I think Poch will be prettyhappy because I think he likes young players, is there another youngster (striker) we can bring in from our academy! I mean we suppose to have such talent, may be we have another Kane or Berahino on our hands!.

Yedlin has gone on loan, hopefully we will see whether he really is up to the PL! that's positive. I am not so sure not getting more players in is as bad as some feel. Sometimes its best to have a small squad to work with and give everyone game time to develop them. Now we can expect Njie and Son and Pritchard and Ali to get game time, isn't that why we brought them. I am fine with what has happened, not botherd about Berahino, think there will be better strikers out there for less! Sure we can find our own Berby at half the proce. Lets face it small clubs in the PL are now flogging their English players for over the top proces because they can, but the football world has gone mad, look at Utd on that youngster, 50+games and they spend 36m stupid. Just like us on Lamela, it has to stop somewhere otherwise clubs will not survive. Levy has a bidget he sticks with it, that is what keeps us alive and not bankrupt, plus he is developing a stadium, lets just enjoy seeing the youngster have a go".


Read more: http://www.spurs.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=7519381#ixzz3kW45ITsD

1st September 2015, 22:52
nu vreau o echipa gen city,psg sau chelsea. ceea ce se intampla e ok. pana acuma au scapat de batrani si au adus/pastrat numai tinerii. insa, sunt doua pozitii foarte importante in echipa care nu sunt acoperite. rezerva lui Kane si mijlocasul defensiv. nu am zis sa fie adusi Aguero si nu stiu ce DM de super clasa. Wanyama era perfect. cat despre Berhaino... nu l-am vazut jucand. dar se tot zicea ca se intelege bine cu Kane. ok, nu a fost adus. ok, e bine ca nu a fost adus daca e un jucator cu probleme. dar, trebuia un atacant. cum zice si ala mai sus... daca se accidenteaza Kane....stam in Son sau Njie?? plus ca... se zice ca se construieste echipa pt cand e gata stadionul. de ce nu au fost in stare sa il tina pe Azzaoui?? care la cum se zice ca creste, de la anul sau maxim 2 ani era la prima echipa, constant.

acuma ramane de vazut cat rezista Pocc. rezultatele si jocul prestat, nu prea il ajuta.

1st September 2015, 23:30
Da, aici iti dau dreptate. Eu cred ca Levy are incredere in Poch de aceea i-a si dat mana libera. Si mai cred ca de data asta Levy a luat plasa, presedintele lui WBA fiind extrem de agresiv, publicand totul in presa inca din saptamana trecuta, probabil ca l-a calcat vreo... remarca pe coada, oricum, a dat mai degraba in jucator decat in Levy, total neprofesionist cu alte cuvinte. Levy i-a lipsit la randul lui un plan B, aici este greseala mare. Un Austin ar fi costat si mai putin si ar fi fost chiar inlocuitorul lui Kane in meciurile mai usoare, desi si depre el se vorbeste de bube, recte probleme cu genunchii. Poch a inhibat transferul lui Lamela poate si din patriotism dar mai ales din instinct avand semnale ca transferul lui Bera risca sa nu se faca. Azzaoui a stat doar un an la noi, este de mare perspectiva la 18 ani dar ca el mai sunt la acelasi nivel si varsta inca vreo patru-cinci, iti spun ca stiu. Cat despre Berahino, eu i-am vazut pe el si Kane la U23, teoretic s-ar completa cu Kane dar personal nu am vazut asta in acele meciuri, asta insemnand ca s-ar juca 4411 ceea ce nu pare a fi sistemul lui Poch. Cat despre mijlocasul defensiv, eu cred ca a fost mai degraba speculatia presei, in plus Southampton nu l-ar fi dat in veci la Spurs, dar daca ar fi fost vorba de Liverpool... Da va fi greu in sezonul asta dar nu si imposibil. Achizitiile facute sunt bune, belgianul si sudcoreanul fiind achizitii de marca care dau sperante de bine. COYS!

1st September 2015, 23:58
Lennon joins Everton

Thx and good luck, Azza!

We have reached agreement with Everton for the transfer of Aaron Lennon.


League Cup winner with us in 2008, Aaron joined us from Leeds United in July, 2005, and made 362 appearances in our colours, scoring 30 goals.

The winger joined Everton on loan in February and went on to play 16 times for the Goodison Park side, scoring twice.

We wish Aaron all the best for the future.


2nd September 2015, 11:42
Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust release statement questioning summer transfer activity

With the transfer window being closed yesterday evening, Tottenham Hotspur’s Supporters Trust have released a statement criticising the summer activity.

Tottenham’s biggest fan group questioned why some areas of the squad are still looking light and voiced their concerns on the relationship between what they pay and what they receive.

Mauricio Pochettino’s four summer acquisitions were Heung-Min Son, Clinton N’Jie, Toby Alderweireld and Kieran Tripper.

The Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust requested a statement from the club board addressing the fan concerns.

Currently 16th after four games played, Spurs this season look less likely to break into the top 4 then at any time over the past 7 years.

Read the official statement posted on the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust website here.

“It is always difficult for a supporters’ organisation to pass comment on the detail of transfer deals – deals that are business transactions conducted privately. We can, however, take note of the general approach to and results of the Club’s transfer activity.

“We have, in line with most fans, congratulated THFC’s Board on running the Club as a sustainable business – avoiding the financial problems that have affected many clubs over the years. We recognise the need to balance a sustainable business strategy with the need to deliver an entertaining and successful team.

“At the end of this season’s transfer window, however, we find ourselves questioning where we have ended up. Some areas of the squad have looked light as we played four games in August, and that remains the case as we move into the main part of the season. We welcome the good signings that have been made, but are concerned at the gaps that still exist and the pressure this places on the manager and the team.

“Spurs made the highest ever pre-tax profit in the Premier League last year – £80m. Revenues went up 22% to £180.5m. Ticket prices for top class games remain among the highest in the Premier League. Next year, the Club has informed us it wants to increase those prices.

“Many supporters are now questioning the relationship between what we pay and what we receive. We understand the Club is trying to finance a new stadium, but we have also heard that this will not be allowed to unduly affect the playing side. And no doubt we will be asked to dig deep to watch the team in the new stadium, once it is built.

“This is not the first time the team has gone into a season looking light. We believe fans have shown enormous patience over the years. But we understand why that patience is starting to run out. It is important the Club is run on successful business lines, but the success of the business depends on sporting success – the kind that attracts crowds and fills new stadiums.

“We think a credible explanation from THFC’s Board to address the genuine concerns of supporters, many of whom have backed the current Board consistently, is now required.”


2nd September 2015, 21:47
Window wrap - summer transfer window 2015

Chairman Daniel Levy and Head Coach Mauricio Pochettino provide us with a perspective on our transfer business following the close of the summer window yesterday.

“At the end of last season Mauricio was clear what we needed to do and what we certainly shouldn’t do," said Daniel. “He wanted to streamline the squad, strengthen it and retain the ability to develop the talent we already had. Importantly, we also needed to keep our key players.

“That meant reducing the squad number, improving the team defensively and adding exciting attacking forwards. It also meant that if we couldn’t secure the few key targets we wanted, we wouldn’t just add others. And we needed to keep the space for our current players to flourish.”

This summer we moved early to secure our targets and were able to conclude the acquisitions of Dele Alli from Milton Keynes (to join us this July), Toby Alderweireld from Atletico Madrid (on loan last season at Southampton), Kieran Trippier from Burnley and Kevin Wimmer from Cologne.

We went on to add Clinton Njie from Olympique Lyonnais and Heung-Min Son from Bayer Leverkusen.

Aaron Lennon, Roberto Soldado, Paulinho, Etienne Capoue, Lewis Holtby, Benjamin Stambouli, Vlad Chiriches and Younes Kaboul departed the Club over the summer months and we wish them well for the future.

Mauricio said, “I look at our squad and I know we have worked well to shape it. Strengthening our defence was a priority given the number of goals we conceded last season. Toby, Kevin and Kieran add depth and quality.

“In Dele, Sonny and Clinton we have three young, fast and exciting players who can play in several different attacking positions, giving us good options.

“All of them had impressive seasons in their respective leagues last season and we are excited about their potential alongside that of our current players.

“I have been very clear that we would only add players that we felt would improve us and if any one player was not possible then I prefer we do not add for the sake of it. Much has been said about us only having one recognised striker in Harry - I don’t accept this at all - the positional play of today’s forwards means it’s too simplistic to look for goals from any one position - playing a fluid style means players switch. Also we secured Sonny and Clinton in the knowledge that we may not be adding any other forward.”

Daniel added, “We have never, as a Club, spoken about another team’s players and I am not about to do so now. However, I do want to make a few general points regarding transfers.

“Firstly, there is hardly a transfer concluded across Europe which doesn’t include staged payments. This is particularly so when significant amounts such as £20m-£30m are involved - players don’t come cheaply these days.

“Secondly, we do not make anything personal. None of the proposals, discussions or negotiations we undertake involve any personal elements or ego - everything we do is in the interest of what is best for our Club.

“Thirdly, we never make anything public, particularly in the best interests of the players involved. Making aspects such as transfer requests public is wholly disrespectful to a player.

“Our pragmatic player trading has been important in the way we have run the business of the Club and in getting us to the position where we have now been able to start work on a new stadium - the one thing that has the ability to take this Club to the next level of competitiveness. I make no apologies for being ambitious for our Club and looking to deliver future success for our fans.

“This season," underlined Mauricio, “we start with a combination of our own players who have come through the ranks and players that bring skills and experience from other leagues. Most importantly, it’s a squad of players with heart - it’s a squad I’m proud to field.”


3rd September 2015, 23:40
Premier League squad list

Following the conclusion of the summer transfer window, the Club has today submitted its list of players that will be eligible to play in the Premier League from now until January 1.

The list, in alphabetical order, is as follows:

Toby Alderweireld
Tom Carroll
Nacer Chadli
Ben Davies
Mousa Dembele
Christian Eriksen
Federico Fazio
Harry Kane
Erik Lamela
Hugo Lloris
Ryan Mason
Clinton Njie
Alex Pritchard
Danny Rose
Heung-Min Son
Andros Townsend
Kieran Trippier
Jan Vertonghen
Michel Vorm
Kyle Walker
Kevin Wimmer

In addition to the main squad list is an Under-21 list with an unlimited number of players – included on this list are Dele Alli, Nabil Bentaleb, Eric Dier, Luke McGee, Josh Onomah and Harry Winks.

Meanwhile, we've also submitted a squad list to UEFA for the Europa League.


Toby Alderweireld
Dele Alli
Tom Carroll
Nacer Chadli
Ben Davies
Mousa Dembele
Eric Dier
Christian Eriksen
Federico Fazio
Harry Kane
Erik Lamela
Hugo Lloris
Ryan Mason
Clinton Njie
Alex Pritchard
Danny Rose
Heung-Min Son
Andros Townsend
Kieran Trippier
Jan Vertonghen
Michel Vorm
Kyle Walker
Kevin Wimmer

Nabil Bentaleb, Luke McGee, Josh Onomah and Harry Winks appear on the UEFA B list.


5th September 2015, 18:11
Happy Birthday, Tottenham Hotspur! :yes:

Johnny D
9th September 2015, 14:34

Not the word I would use, batem si noi pe cineva anu asta, Mirile?:D

12th September 2015, 11:18
Refugee Crisis

We are pleased to confirm that we are supporting the European Club Association’s '90 MINUTES FOR HOPE' initiative surrounding the refugee crisis.

This initiative involves ECA member clubs participating in the UEFA Champions League and Europa League group stages donating one Euro from every ticket sold for their first home match in the group stage to help those affected by the ongoing conflict.

This will apply to our Europa League Group J opener against Qarabag next Thursday.

Additionally as part of a Premier League-wide initiative, the traditional “Get On with the Game” flag that is displayed when teams emerge ahead of kick-off will be replaced with a banner from Save the Children - an international organisation committed to providing relief for young people affected by the crisis - promoting the appeal for our next home league fixture against Crystal Palace on Sunday, September 20.

The Club has been and will continue to be involved in supporting Syrian refugees in camps. Members of our Global Coaching team are working with the Premier League, along with coaches from all other top-flight clubs, on their Premier Skills coaching and education projects for Syrian refugees. One such project was undertaken in Cairo, Egypt, last year.

The Premier League has also been in talks with Prince Ali of Jordan and his colleagues on the Asia Football Development Project with a view to running similar courses in Syrian refugee camps in Jordan in the latter months of 2015. Coaches from our Global Coaching team will again have direct involvement along with their counterparts from other Premier League clubs.


24th September 2015, 00:18
Revised plans submitted for Northumberland Development Project

The Club is delighted to announce that our revised plans for the Northumberland Development Project have now been submitted to the London Borough of Haringey.

http://www.tottenhamhotspur.com/uploadedImages/Shared_Assets/Images/News_images/SEASON_15-16/September_2015/thfc_public_realm_aerial_view_september_2015_730.j pg?n=132&targetTypeID=HighResNewsImage

Our vision is to deliver a thriving and exceptional sports, leisure and entertainment destination in Tottenham that maximises benefits for the local community.

We are delighted that our plans continued to receive the overwhelming support of local residents, businesses and community organisations throughout our consultation.

The application will be available to view via Haringey’s planning portal using the application number HGY/2015/3000.

The application is being targeted for Planning Sub Committee on Tuesday 8th December.


Tottenham reveal new designs for £400million stadium... including three tunnels, dedicated NFL facilities and largest single tier in UK
Tottenham's new stadium will have four asymmetrical stands and will be wrapped in sculptured mesh
The 61,000 capacity ground will host two American Football games a year as part of a 10-year NFL partnership
Stadium will have three tunnels, a glass facade revealing the new home end and largest single tier in the UK
Spurs also plan to have a 180-room hotel, a 'sky walk' on top of the stadium and a building to host extreme sports


17th November 2015, 00:25
France's Hugo Lloris says team will play for Paris attack victims

French football captain and goalkeeper Hugo Lloris says the team will be trying to focus on doing the job on the field after the Paris attacks on Friday. He adds that they will be playing for the country and for the victims, and that they have been very touched by all the messages of support from all over the world.


20th November 2015, 21:28
Club appoints Construction Partner

The Club can announce that it has appointed Mace as Construction Partner for the new stadium scheme.

Mace will become an integrated member of the Project Team and develop the pre construction plans, detailed construction programmes and work with the Club to procure specialist sub contract tenders for the new stadium works.

Commenting on the appointment, Daniel Levy, Chairman, said, “This is another step towards the delivery of one of the best stadiums in the world. We are delighted to have Mace on board. They bring a wealth of experience and I know they share our commitment to ensuring that the development will be first class in every aspect. We now await Haringey Council's Planning Committee decision on 8 December 2015.”

Mark Reynolds, Mace Chief Executive said: “We are privileged and thrilled to join the team to take the new stadium to its next stage of development. We look forward to working with the Club and its consultants to make sure the project is a success. It is of critical importance as it is the flagship development that will act as a catalyst for the regeneration of this area."

Mace is an international consultancy and construction company employing over 5,100 people, across five continents. Mace have been involved in delivering a number of significant projects, such as The Shard, Birmingham New Street Station, Heathrow Terminal 5, and the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games stadium and venues.


23rd November 2015, 11:20
Un weekend de trei ori patru pentru mine. In ordine cronologica, Venus-Progresul 1-4, Spurs-WU 4-1, Inter-Frosinone 4-0. Hai Progresul! COYS! Forza Inter!

Johnny D
23rd November 2015, 11:27
:)) Doamne-ajuta-ti! Ma bucur pt tine! :yes:
Progresul ramane si in inima mea, acolo un locsor niciodata nu-l va pierde, prima iubire nu se uita niciodata!
Dar pana cand o sa aiba forta sa joace macar in Liga 2, nu prea se exista perceptie in acest sens.

23rd November 2015, 12:32
:)) Doamne-ajuta-ti! Ma bucur pt tine! :yes:
Progresul ramane si in inima mea, acolo un locsor niciodata nu-l va pierde, prima iubire nu se uita niciodata!
Dar pana cand o sa aiba forta sa joace macar in Liga 2, nu prea se exista perceptie in acest sens.

Si, totusi, respiram. In exil:


2nd December 2015, 20:31
Stadium TV

Keep updated on the new scheme project with a progress video, live image feed, and month-by-month image gallery


8th December 2015, 18:58
Fans' Forum

One Hotspur Members got the chance to meet Daniel Levy, Mauricio Pochettino and Hugo Lloris at a Fans' Forum on Wednesday evening.



It proved a memorable night for our members in attendance as they got the opportunity to ask their questions and offer their thoughts to our Chairman, Head Coach and Club Captain.

The event was hosted by Spurs fan and BBC Radio DJ Nihal Arthanayake and took place in the auditorium of the Tottenham University Technical College, which was delivered as part of Phase One of the Northumberland Development Project. The facility is sponsored by the Club and located in Lilywhite House, our official offices.

This allowed members to get a glimpse of construction taking place at our new stadium as the UTC overlooks the site of our new home.

A wide range of subjects were covered over the course of the hour-long Q+A and some of the best bits can be seen below from our official Twitter account @SpursOfficial.


8th December 2015, 19:12
Fans' Forum - watch now on Spurs TV


17th December 2015, 11:54
New Tottenham stadium: Spurs hopeful of go-ahead this week on £400m stadium plan


Stadium update

The Club can announce that the London Borough of Haringey Planning Sub-Committee has resolved to grant our application for the revised plans for the Northumberland Development Project, our new stadium scheme.

Daniel Levy, Chairman, said: "This marks yet another milestone in what has been a long and often difficult path. We are grateful to all those who expressed their support for the scheme. It is crucial that we now clear the final steps in the legal process. The application is due to be considered by the Mayor early next week.

"As we made clear at the start of last night's proceedings, the originally consented scheme is no longer feasible for a variety of reasons.

"This new scheme carries enormous public benefits and will play a key role in kick-starting place change, bringing exceptional opportunities for the local community and wider stakeholders. We are very proud to be part of this important step forward for an area that has been our home for more than 130 years and where we shall continue to live and play our part."


17th December 2015, 23:16
750m New Stadium-The Game Changer

The Haringey Council Planning Sub Committee meeting last night, that seeped over into the early hours of the morning took so long because they were jumping through hoops.

It was a 6-hour meeting because they had to cover themselves ahead of the inevitable judicial review from English Heritage who will do everything within their power to stop the demolition of three buildings.

The key to all of this is the NFL. This is not some mickey mouse organisation. The Mayor wants the NFL in London, the Chancellor of the Exchequer wants the NFL in London and Haringey Council needs the NFL in the borough for their ambitious regeneration plan to come off.

The NFL bring increased naming rights for the stadium as it will be broadcast into millions upon millions of homes in America. That will attract investors, it will make Tottenham an investor magnet with a ripple effect for the borough. You do not sign a deal with such a massive organisation as the NFL if you can not deliver on that deal.

To say the signing of the NFL was a complete game changer for Tottenham would be an understatement. Their involvement, giving increased income from naming rights will be helping to fund the stadium, for which we will have a £200-million bridging loan and agreement from three banks for a loan of £350-million. The club have forecast that the stadium will cost £675 - £750 million.

Anyone who followed the proceedings will have seen any conflict of interest declared at the beginning of the meeting. Why? So nobody could say the decision was reached by Tottenham fans. There was only one on the committee, one Arsenal season ticket holder and two West Ham fans who regularly attend games. That was one box ticked.

Every minute point was discussed for the same reason, to ensure every hoop was jumped through, very objection discussed and covered. All the awkward points were raised and answered to cover procedure. They have to be seen to giving all sides a chance to speak and have their objections heard because any judicial review can only look at whether procedure was followed.

Last night was a game changer for Tottenham, far bigger than many Spurs fans can imagine. The stadium will put us in the big league, a long-term NFL deal in London at Tottenham will give the club the income power of a super rich club.

We are getting there. You build the business which builds the club on the field.

It's a day to rejoice in being a Tottenham fan.


25th December 2015, 10:33


Mauricio Pochettino and the players send fans best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.


29th December 2015, 11:55
Meciul cu Watford pe scurt:




23rd January 2016, 22:15
What A Deal Alli Is! COYS!



Eddy DoubleD
23rd January 2016, 22:17
Sa aduca cineva o rama de aur incrustata cu diamante :ok:

23rd January 2016, 22:27
Golul merita inramat :yes:. Din pacate, exista riscul ca presa britanica il va "inrama" si pe jucator prea devreme punand presiune inutila asupra lui. Sper ca responsabilii din club il vor proteja si vor avea grija sa ramana cu picioarele pe pamant. Sa nu uitam, are doar 19 ani.

Eddy DoubleD
23rd January 2016, 22:29
Cred ca de cand a fost chemat la nationala, a primit destula atentie si pana acum se descurca de minune :ok: Pare baiat serios. Si il are pe Kane langa el care a trecut prin acelasi lucru.

23rd January 2016, 22:35
Da, asa se pare. Are si un background care l-a facut sa se maturizeze devreme.

23rd January 2016, 23:06
A propos de discutiile de mai sus, de la un suporter Spurs pentru Dele Alli:


15th February 2016, 13:59



25th February 2016, 19:43
Mayor of London - Planning Update

The Club can confirm that the Northumberland Development Project has now received approval from the Mayor of London.


Daniel Levy, Chairman, said: "This marks yet another major milestone for this vital and complex scheme and we are grateful to the Mayor for his ongoing support. We remain focussed on completing the final stages of the planning process.

"This new scheme carries enormous public benefits and will play a key role in kick-starting place change, bringing exceptional opportunities for the local community and wider stakeholders. We are proud to be part of this important step forward for an area that has been our home for more than 130 years and where we shall continue to live and play our part."

Boris Johnson MP, Mayor of London, said: “White Hart Lane is already an iconic stadium, steeped in history, and the new venue will not only almost double its capacity, but provide world-class facilities to watch Premier League football, international sports events and concerts in the heart of the capital.

“The stadium will also be the focal point of a major drive to regenerate Tottenham, breathing new life into the area, creating jobs and boosting growth.”

As always we shall keep fans fully updated as the scheme progresses.

Remember, you can keep yourself up to date with activity on site by visiting our Stadium TV section, CLICK HERE...


11th April 2016, 15:43
Nici o reactie la victoria de ieri? Eu cred Leicester incepe sa se impiedice etapele urmatoare si luam titlul. Am tot respectul pentru ce a realizat Leicester, dar nu prea arata a campioana, jocul lor nu arata acest lucru.

11th April 2016, 17:08
nu castigati nici voi toate etapele pana la final

11th April 2016, 20:23
Dele and Eric on United win

Dele Alli and Eric Dier were typically buoyant as they spoke to Spurs TV after Sunday's fine win against United.

It’s a great birthday present for Dele, who is 20 tomorrow (Monday, April 11)...
Eric: “He’s going to have to start growing up.”
Dele: “I’m still waiting for my present.”
Eric: “It’s not your birthday yet!”


12th April 2016, 10:40
nu castigati nici voi toate etapele pana la final
Pai nici nu vrem asta, vrem doar sa avem acelasi numar de puncte ca Leicester; avem avantajul golaverajului.

12th May 2016, 20:17
Club agrees extensions to contracts with Mauricio and coaching staff

We are delighted to announce that Mauricio Pochettino has signed an extension to his contract, committing his future to the Club as Manager until 2021. First Team Coaching staff Jesús Pérez, Miguel D'Agostino and Toni Jiménez have also agreed extensions to their contracts.



Mauricio joined us from Southampton in May 2014 and guided us to a fifth place finish in the Premier League and a League Cup Final in his first season in charge.

Famed for his high pressing attacking style of play, the former Argentina defender has built a reputation for developing young players during his previous managerial reigns at Espanyol and Southampton.

He has continued in that vein at the Lane, assembling a squad with the youngest average age in the Premier League and which currently sits second in the league table with just one game remaining having already secured a top-three place.

Daniel Levy, Chairman, said: "We have seen Mauricio bring a tremendous spirit and ethos to our Club and embrace the attacking style of play with which we have always been associated. He has built a squad of youth and experience and this season we have seen football played at the highest level - quite sublime at times. Everyone at the Club is delighted he has agreed an extended contract and we all look forward to working with him in the coming seasons. I know he is as ambitious for our Club as we all are."


Mauricio said: "I could not be happier to sign this new contract. It was an easy decision for my coaching staff and I because we can feel the appreciation of everyone here - there is no better place to be right now.

"The supporters are unbelievable, we have assembled a great group of players with huge potential that can get even better, while the facilities we have to work in are world-class. We also have an incredible new stadium to look forward to and now we are determined to build a side worthy of playing in such an exciting new venue.

"We have enjoyed a great season and we believe this is just the beginning. We have a long-term project and huge belief that we can achieve something big here for the future.

"This club has all the ingredients to continue to challenge at the very top in both the Premier League and in Europe and we want to be here to be a part of what I believe will be a special period in the Club's history.”


13th May 2016, 08:28
Ne mai trebuie vreo 3-4 jucatori ca sa facem fata pe toate fronturile, pe langa ce avem acum si poate sa vina noul sezon.

Johnny D
13th May 2016, 09:10
Prima data sa-ti treci numele echipei favorite acolo ca sa stim cu cine vorbim, ca eu sincer nu am cum sa-mi dau seama altfel.
Si-n plus ajuta sa nu-mi bag si sa-mi scot ceva-n Spurs in fata ta daca stiu ca esti emotional afectat!:D
Las-o dracului cu FC, insira acolo frumos Vaslui, Tottenham, se-ntelege ca nu tii cu echipele de baschet sau handbal daca postezi pe fotbal!:))

13th May 2016, 09:20
Gata, s-a executat. :)

Johnny D
14th May 2016, 00:01
Mersi si bun venit in randul ajutoarelor lu Miril, chiar are nevoie!:D
Te asteptam si pe threadul de PL!

19th May 2016, 12:06
Harry's pride as he receives the Golden Boot

Harry Kane raised a smile again as he officially received the Golden Boot after the completion of the Premier League season last night.


The striker topped the league's goalscoring chart with 25 goals, one clear of City's Sergio Aguero and Leicester's Jamie Vardy.

Questions were being asked when Harry, 31 goals in all competitions last term, kicked-off 2015-16 with one goal in his first nine in the Premier League.

But he responded superbly to post the highest goals total for a Spurs player in the Premier League - toppling his own 21-goal mark, shared by Gareth Bale and Teddy Sheringham - and only the second to win the Premier League's Golden Boot following Teddy's 22 (21 for us, one for Forest) in 1992-93.

Indeed, his 25 represented the highest league total since Gary Lineker's 28 in 1991-92 and he became the first Spur since Martin Chivers (1970-72) to score 20 goals back-to-back in a league campaign.

Harry was in no mood to celebrate after our devastating loss at Newcastle on Sunday, where his post-match interview with Spurs TV painted the picture of disappointment in the dressing room.

But as he prepares to join four Spurs team-mates in the England squad for pre-Euro 2016 friendlies, he can be right proud of his goalscoring achievements.

How does it feel now that you’ve had time to reflect?
Harry: "As a striker there aren’t many individual awards you can win and this one shows you’ve had a good season throughout the whole campaign, that you’ve been a consistent performer. I’m really happy to have won it, especially in only my second full season in the Premier League. To finish second in the scoring charts last year and follow that up by winning it this year is something I’m very proud of."

There were some people doubting you could repeat last year’s exploits, so what better way to answer that?
Harry: "Absolutely. Even early on this season when I hadn’t scored for a few games I was getting some criticism, so to then go on and win the Golden Boot shows I’ve had a great season. It’s very pleasing for me to be able to answer those critics, but anyway I just concentrate on my own game, I know what I’m capable of and I’ve kept my confidence throughout. I have to give a big thanks to the team, the staff and everyone at the club because without them I wouldn’t be able to achieve personal accolades like this."

You’ll be the first to congratulate your team-mates for supplying you with the ammunition to score the goals?
Harry: "Yes, definitely, and they’ve let me know that as well! Obviously a lot of thanks goes to them because I wouldn’t be scoring goals if they weren’t creating chances for me. We train day in, day out to achieve goals like this and they’ve been a big part of this award."

You are the first Spur since Teddy to win the Golden Boot. How does that feel?
Harry: "Yes, exactly, which is amazing. And it’s even been 16 years since an English player won the award in Kevin Phillips, so it shows I’m doing something right. Like I said, I’m honoured to win it and hopefully this is the first of many."


Spurs TV special - Harry's 25 Premier League goals

Harry Kane lifted the Premier League's Golden Boot with 25 goals in 2015-16 - and you can watch them all in this Spurs TV special!


28th May 2016, 16:22
Club Announcement - Wembley Stadium

The Club can confirm that we have reached agreement with Wembley National Stadium Limited (WNSL) to play our Champions League fixtures for the 2016/17 season at Wembley Stadium.

This will be necessary in order to meet UEFA requirements, which will be impacted by the works in and around the current stadium affecting access, capacity and rights delivery.

As we shall be required to vacate White Hart Lane to complete the latter stages of our new stadium and surrounding environs, the agreement additionally provides an option to play all our Premier League and cup home games at Wembley Stadium for the 2017/18 season. It is our intention to open the new stadium for the 2018/19 season. This timetable is, however, also dependent on infrastructure, transport and associated commitments being delivered by TfL and Haringey Council.

Chairman Daniel Levy said: “We are delighted that, through working in partnership with WNSL and the Football Association, we have been able to reach this agreement. Given the current reduction in capacity at White Hart Lane for next season and the ticketing requirements for Champions League, playing at Wembley will mean that we can continue to accommodate all of our existing Season Ticket holders. Our season ticket waiting list is over 50,000 so this now also offers us a great opportunity to provide more of our supporters with a chance to see the team play live during our Champions League campaign.

"Importantly, as we know it was our fans' preference, it means that we can continue to play our home matches in London during our season away."

Football Association Chief Executive, Martin Glenn said: “Having Tottenham at Wembley for big European nights next season is a welcome opportunity for us to further the stadium’s position as a world-class venue. As well as helping the club and its fans, it will benefit London and English football in general with our commitment to reinvesting all profits back into the game.

“The increased revenue will particularly help us meet our targets for improving coaching and grassroots facilities and growing participation. We were already on a strong financial footing, which allowed us to reinvest £117m back into the game at all levels last season.”

We should like to thank all our supporters for their patience during the period leading up to this announcement.


15th June 2016, 12:48
Here is our full, provisional fixture list for the 2016-17 Premier League season.

The list below includes all scheduled domestic cup dates.


We enter the League Cup at the third round stage, with games scheduled for the week beginning Monday, September 19. We also enter the Emirates FA Cup at the third round stage, with ties scheduled for the weekend of Saturday, January 7.

Sky Sports and BT Sport will make their first live selections soon, with changes to our fixture calendar due to television coverage to be announced in due course.

In terms of the Champions League, we enter at the group stage, which is scheduled to start in September. The draw for the group stage will take place on Thursday, August 25.


Home fixtures in bold, potential cup dates in italic...

Sat Aug 13 Everton A
Sat Aug 20 Crystal Palace H
Sat Aug 27 Liverpool H
Sat Sep 10 Stoke City A
Sat Sep 17 Sunderland H
Wed Sep 21 EFL Cup 3
Sat Sep 24 Middlesbrough A
Sat Oct 1 Manchester City H
Sat Oct 15 West Bromwich Albion A
Sat Oct 22 A.F.C. Bournemouth A
Wed Oct 26 EFL Cup 4
Sat Oct 29 Leicester City H
Sat Nov 5 Arsenal A
Sat Nov 19 West Ham United H
Sat Nov 26 Chelsea A
Wed Nov 30 EFL Cup 5
Sat Dec 3 Swansea City H
Sat Dec 10 Manchester United A
Wed Dec 14 Hull City H
Sat Dec 17 Burnley H
Mon Dec 26 Southampton A
Sat Dec 31 Watford A
Mon Jan 2 Chelsea H
Sat Jan 7 Emirates F.A. Cup 3
Wed Jan 11 EFL Cup Semi-Final (1)
Sat Jan 14 West Bromwich Albion H
Sat Jan 21 Manchester City A
Wed Jan 25 EFL Cup Semi-Final (2)
Sat Jan 28 Emirates F.A. Cup 4
Tue Jan 31 Sunderland A
Sat Feb 4 Middlesbrough H
Sat Feb 11 Liverpool A
Sat Feb 18 Emirates F.A. Cup 5
Sat Feb 25 Stoke City H
Sun Feb 26 EFL Cup Final
Sat Mar 4 Everton H
Sat Mar 11 Crystal Palace A Emirates F.A. Cup 6
Sat Mar 18 Southampton H
Sat Apr 1 Burnley A
Tue Apr 4 Swansea City A
Sat Apr 8 Watford H
Sat Apr 15 A.F.C. Bournemouth H
Sat Apr 22 Leicester City A Emirates F.A. Cup Semi-Final
Sat Apr 29 Arsenal H
Sat May 6 West Ham United A
Sat May 13 Manchester United H
Sun May 21 Hull City A
Sat May 27 Emirates F.A. Cup Final

All fixtures are subject to change...


16th June 2016, 00:31
NFL visits site to see latest progress on new stadium

Daniel Levy and Mark Waller on site on Tuesday

· League’s Executive Vice President on site of Tottenham Hotspur’s world-class new home
· 61,000-seater venue will host a minimum of two regular season matches per year for 10 years
· Stadium features dedicated facilties for both sports to deliver optimum experience

Daniel Levy, Chairman, was joined on the construction site of the Club’s new 61,000-seater stadium by Mark Waller, Executive Vice President International of National Football League (NFL) on Tuesday.

NFL Executives have been in Tottenham throughout the week for detailed discussions centred on what will be London's biggest Premier League club venue and will boast purpose built facilities for teams of both sports.

The stadium will also feature a retractable grass field with an artificial surface underneath that will be used for NFL games, as part of the Club’s plans to create a major sports, leisure and entertainment venue.

This week, Mr Waller saw first-hand the progress being made on site.

He said: “It is encouraging to see the new stadium starting to take shape and it certainly whets the appetite for our games here. Our relationship with the club and the Tottenham community is a very important part of our future plans in the UK. We are excited to see the full regeneration plan come to fruition as a key part of creating a great experience for our teams and fans."

Daniel Levy said: "We are delighted to host our friends from the NFL for detailed stadium discussions and for them to see first-hand the work in progress. We have exciting times ahead and our partnership with the NFL, which will see them bringing their own brand of football to Tottenham, is something which will add even more vibrancy to this part of North London."


24th June 2016, 08:25
Wanyama transfer completed

We are delighted to announce that we have completed the transfer of Victor Wanyama from Southampton.


The midfielder has agreed a contract with the Club until 2021.

Born in Nairobi, Victor left Kenya for Europe in 2007 when he joined Helsingborg in Sweden.

Less than a year later, he joined Belgian side Beerschot AC where he made 56 appearances before a move to Glasgow Celtic in July, 2011.

He won the league title in his first season in Scotland before enhancing his reputation further in 2012-13 with 49 appearances as Celtic clinched the SPL and Scottish Cup double. Victor scored nine goals in that campaign including the opener against Barcelona in a famous 2-1 win in the Champions League at Parkhead, as they went on to advance to the knockout stages. His performances earned him the SPL's Young Player of the Year award.

Mauricio Pochettino took the tough-tackling midfielder to Southampton for the start of the 2013-14 campaign.

He played a key role as the Saints racked up finishes of eighth (2013-14), seventh (2014-15) and sixth (2015-16) in his three seasons at St Mary's. During that time he made 94 appearances in all competitions, scoring four goals.

At international level, Victor made his debut for Kenya at just 15 years of age and has since gone on to become captain of the national side.


10th September 2016, 23:16
Tottenham to set Champions League crowd record


12th September 2016, 19:11


14th September 2016, 18:04
Miril, de la anu' unde jucati?
Am inteles ca White Hart Lane o sa intre in faza finala a renovarii si in sezonul urmator n-o sa puteti sa va desfasurati jocurile acolo(din cauza actualelor lucrari, nu puteti nici acum sa jucati in CL)? Impartiti stadionul olimpic cu West Ham sau va duceti pe Wembley?

14th September 2016, 19:49
Pe Wembley. Se stie din primavara. Nu se renoveaza, se darama, stadionul va fi unul nou, la o lovitura de...buldozer.

14th October 2016, 13:34
Iar a început telenovela Isco. Cica ar veni din ianuarie, ori ca imprumut ori ca transfer. Eu cred daca vine o sa fie imprumut prima data, pentru ca Levy nu vrea sa dea vreo 40 de milioane de ÂŁ si sa aiba parte de un nou Soldado.

19th November 2016, 10:32
Harry Kane, another kind of football player

Harry Kane interview

‘I’ve always been a leader on and off the pitch’The Times Henry Winter

Henry Winter finds there is more to Harry Kane’s passion than scoring goals as striker speaks on issues as broad as captaining England to a need for more local pitches

One in three children in London are overweight or obese. Cost-conscious councils and cash-strapped schools sell off playing fields to land-hungry, wealthy developers. Everyone from the National Health Service to the national team is ultimately affected. “It’s scary,” said Harry Kane, the Tottenham Hotspur and England centre forward.

The 23-year-old Londoner wants to speak out and let people know the escalating problem. Kane is happy to lead on and off the field. He wants to captain Spurs and “be a club legend” — timely comments given the amount of speculation about his future.

He also wants the England armband at some point and insists that footballers are role models — pertinent observations with so much debate about England players’ behaviour. Kane doesn’t drink, once took two hours to leave White Hart Lane such was the demand for autographs, and works hard for causes he passionately believes in, such as the London Playing Fields Foundation (LPFF), a charity fighting since Victorian times to prevent the spread of concrete across the capital’s grass.

The latest London sports ground to become a battleground is Oakfield Playing Fields in Redbridge, as Alex Welsh, the chief executive of the LPFF, explained. “This 24-hectare site has ten football and four grass cricket pitches and the local council wants to redesignate its Green Belt status and build up to 1,000 new homes on it [which will set an absolutely horrendous precedent for the rest of London],” Welsh said. The council argues that it “has a statutory obligation to deliver housing targets for the borough” and has exhausted brownfield options.

So more homes are built for families whose children have fewer places to play, continuing the spiral of obesity, crime, social exclusion, and inhibiting the pathway to elite sport. “We believe that playing fields are where sport starts and for the gifted few, such as Harry, they are where careers start,” said Lord Cadogan, LPFF chairman, as he presented Kane with a “Made in London” award at a fundraising dinner in the Lancaster Ballroom at The Savoy in London on Thursday.

After accommodating countless requests for selfies and autographs, Kane found a quiet haven in the deserted River Room upstairs to talk about his career, starting with those formative years on the LPFF-backed Peter May Sports Centre in Walthamstow. “I was only four or five, and it was all about the excitement of playing football, just going out with my mates, having a good time,” Kane recalled. “The older I got I realised I was quite good at football and the dream was to be playing in the top league in the world, playing for my country.

“I don’t think I’d be where I am today without the Peter May. It gave me the opportunity to play football and realise that’s what I wanted to do. Of course there also has to be ability, hard work and a lot of determination, which is probably why all my mates are not where I am now.

“The loss of playing fields is a serious problem in London. It’s scary. There are not too many people who realise. That’s why it’s important to get the word out, to keep the playing fields there. If you haven’t got anywhere local to train or play cricket, football, do running, some people won’t realise their true ability and their true dreams.

“If we’re not careful with the pitches there will be people wondering why there aren’t so many good young English players coming through the system. A lot of players in the Premier League and the Championship, League One and Two grew up in these areas, playing on these pitches.”

So give the kids space. Give them a chance to reach for the stars. Life is about opportunity, talent and application. Drawing on ambitious youth moulded on urban fields, Kane’s club lead the way. “Spurs give young players a chance,” their No 10 said. “A lot of that is down to the manager [Mauricio Pochettino]. It takes a brave manager to go and do it.

“It is easy nowadays with the money. There’s a lot of players you can buy, so you can just get experienced players you know can do a job, who might not be as good as the young players coming through but it’s less of a risk.”

Spurs have had their fingers burned. They recouped £10 million of the £26 million that they spent on Roberto Soldado but his two-year stay still cost them £1 million a goal — with wages on top. Soldado was sidelined as Tim Sherwood and then Pochettino turned to Kane, who had sharpened up and slimmed down during spells on loan at Leyton Orient, Millwall, Norwich City and Leicester City.

He was particularly encouraged when sitting down with Pochettino for the first time. Neither reputation nor price tag mattered for Pochettino, just performance in training and games. “Our manager plays those he thinks deserve to play,” Kane continued. “That was a great boost for me when I first spoke to him. I got that feeling if I trained as hard as I knew I could, and played as well as I knew I could, that he would play me. It’s not just me, it happens to a few others at Spurs, and it will continue to happen while he is there.

“Six or seven months ago, I was training at Spurs, and Shayon Harrison [a Hornsey-born teenage forward] and some others came up and they didn’t look out of place.” The likes of Harry Winks, from Hemel Hempstead, and Josh Onomah, from Enfield, have also been promoted by Pochettino.

They too want to be serenaded as “one of our own”, the Spurs fans’ hymn to Kane. “Whenever I hear it, it still gives me goosebumps,” Kane said. Half an hour earlier, guests at the Savoy had been treated to a video montage of Kane’s best goals for Spurs, including that moment at home to Arsenal last March, when he sent the ball flying past David Ospina.

“It was one of the best feelings I’ve had in my life when that one curled in at the far post,” Kane said. “It’s special, that feeling, especially at White Hart Lane, that atmosphere there. I do play for the love of it. I love scoring.”

His smile faded as he added, “But it is also a job, I’m a winner” and that north London derby finished in a draw. “If I don’t win, I’m disappointed. I’m quiet when I don’t win. I don’t really like company when I’ve lost. The missus [Katie Goodland] knows when to leave me alone, and stay out of the way.” Defeat hurts. “I hate it. I’m not one of those players who can just get over it. It stays with me for two or three days.”

Kane also detested being out with an ankle injury, before returning in style, equalising away to Arsenal in Spurs’ most recent game. “I probably came back in better shape than I had been in,” he continued. “It gave me a chance to do a lot of gym work, power work. I had to be clean with my eating because I wasn’t doing as much.

“I really slimmed down, got more toned in the gym because I knew that day was going to come when I had to step up. I always had that Arsenal game in the back of my mind.”

His immense importance for Spurs on the pitch, and his photogenic marketability, has inevitably led to talk about a new contract. While the ritual dance of the deal goes on between his adviser and the chairman, Daniel Levy, Kane will continue to give everything for Spurs. He knows no other way.

“I grew up ten minutes from White Hart Lane. I came through the system since I was 11. I’ve been to their games as a fan. It’s exciting for me to be in the situation we’re in. We had a good season last year, got a great young squad, a great manager, one of the best in the world, and a new stadium and training ground. The main thing for me now is to start winning trophies. That would really put Spurs on the map as one of the best clubs in the world.”

His love of Spurs is reflected in his decision to take the club’s famous No 10, the shirt of Jimmy Greaves, Glenn Hoddle and celebrated others. “Growing up, Teddy Sheringham and Robbie Keane were big idols of mine,” he said. “I just knew how much that number meant. I had that number as a youth team player. I always loved it.”

He wore 37 before Jermain Defoe left him the No 18 shirt. “That was great for me; in my first [full] season [2014-15] Defoe gave me that number. I scored a lot of goals, a fantastic season, so I was contemplating sticking with that but then I thought I want to become a Spurs legend, wear that No 10 shirt, score goals, win trophies, and become one of the greats.” So he took the No 10 from Emmanuel Adebayor before the start of last season. “Hopefully if I keep scoring, and we start winning trophies as we have the capability to do, I’ll become a Tottenham great.”

He handles his fame well. After one open training session at White Hart Lane last year, Kane spent two hours in the car park signing autographs. “I’m very laid back. I never get too high or too ahead of myself. I see it as part of the job. Some people might disagree with that. Some other footballers might not want to do it. But when I was growing up if I met one of my heroes, and they turned round and said, ‘No’, they wouldn’t sign something for me, I’d be upset.

“I met David Beckham once on a school activity and he was great, signed all the shirts, took all the pictures, always with a smile on his face. I came away with even more respect for him. It made me even more driven to become like him. I don’t think I’d ever get fed up signing autographs. It shows I’m doing well.”

A natural role model, Kane craves the armband for club and country. “Definitely. It’s my personality. I’ve always been a leader, on and off the pitch. I don’t think a captain is just having the ability to shout on the pitch, or moan at someone, it comes with a whole package, speaking out on things like this [playing fields], meeting with the fans and having that aura in the dressing room.

“I’ve managed to captain Spurs a couple of times. It would be a dream to captain Spurs full time and captain England. Who wouldn’t want to do that?” Ambitious and conscientious, Kane is growing into a leader on and off the pitch.

Total goals in London derbies
But Kane still has some way to go to catch up with Thierry Henry, the former Arsenal striker, who is way out in front in the list of total Premier League goals in London derbies.

Thierry Henry 43
Frank Lampard 32
Teddy Sheringham 32
Jermain Defoe 28
Ian Wright 28
Robin van Persie 25
Didier Drogba 23
Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink 22
Emmanuel Adebayor 19
Dimitar Berbatov 17
Carlton Cole 16
Harry Kane 16
Robert Pires 16
Theo Walcott 16
Dennis Bergkamp 15
Les Ferdinand 15

http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ive-always-been-a-leader-on-and-off-the-pitch-d8l983d5t?shareToken=3d49bcdb2f5b36614b4b996542bd8 eef

6th January 2017, 21:43

17th January 2017, 19:56

27th February 2017, 19:22
Take an in-depth look into the Club's history and ethos and go behind the scenes of our new stadium with NBC's Men In Blazers’ host Roger Bennett as he interviews the likes of Chairman Daniel Levy, Manager Mauricio Pochettino, Head of Coaching and Player Development John McDermott and Captain Hugo Lloris.


12th March 2017, 21:50
Excelenta prestatie de la inceput pana la sfarsit, doar umbrita de accidentarea lui Kane, in ceea ce a fost ultimul meci in Cupa Angliei al lui Spurs pe WHL.


16th April 2017, 22:15
Hai ca s-au facut 4 puncte. In pauza internationala cand am facut turul WHL nici unul din grupul de vizitator plus tour-guide-ul nu mai aveau sperante la titlu; doar calculau cate puncte ne mai trebuie ca sa fim matematic mai sus ca Arsenal. Daca o sa castigam in cupa o sa le slabim moralul bine. Abia astept meciul lui Chelsea de pe Goodison Park.

21st April 2017, 13:03
Ugo Ehiogu dies after suffering cardiac arrest, Tottenham Hotspur confirm


RIP! :(

21st April 2017, 18:43

Our Chairman, Daniel Levy, has led tributes from the Club following the sad, sudden passing of Under-23 coach Ugo Ehiogu.

A former England international who played at the top level for Middlesbrough, Aston Villa and Glasgow Rangers in a career spanning 1989-2009, Ugo joined our coaching staff full-time in July, 2014. He passed away in hospital on Friday morning after suffering a cardiac arrest at the Training Centre on Thursday.

Daniel said: “This is an incredibly sad day for the Club and a tragic loss of a talented member of our Spurs family. Ugo was an extremely po****r and respected academy coach, a tremendous influence on our younger players both in training and away from the pitch and he will be greatly missed. Everyone’s thoughts are with Ugo’s family at this difficult time.”

First team manager Mauricio Pochettino said: “Ugo was a lovely man and we had a very good relationship from the first day we arrived at the Club.
“He was a person who always helped us a lot and we will miss him greatly. We are all in shock, it happened so quickly. I send all my love to his family and friends at such a difficult time. It’s a huge loss both personally and for all the Tottenham Hotspur family.”

Harry Kane was a member of the England squad coached by Ugo, Peter Taylor and Chris Ramsey at the Under-20 World Cup in 2013.
Striker Harry said: “Ugo was a big part of our development team at Spurs and a great character around the place, full of life, always laughing and joking, always in good spirits.
“He was a fantastic person for the younger players at the Club to be around. He was a great coach and an inspiration to those younger players, he’d been there and done it at the very highest level and played for England.
“They had the benefit of all that experience, wanted to learn from him and looked up to him. It’s such sad news, completely out of the blue. All our thoughts from myself and the players go out to his family and friends. It’s a sad moment for everyone at the Club.”

Legendary former captain and Club Ambassador Gary Mabbutt, who played a number of times against Ugo during his 16 years at Spurs between 1982-99, added: “I’m very heavy-hearted since hearing the sad news of Ugo's passing. He was a good friend, a lovely family man and a gentleman of the game.”

Head of Coaching and Player Development John McDermott said: “Words cannot express the shock and sadness that we all feel at the Club. Ugo’s immense presence will be irreplaceable. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to his wife Gemma and his family.”


22nd April 2017, 13:03
Un fragment din turul WHL facut pe 25 martie 2017. Link-ul este postat doar aici doar pentru fanii Spurs. De mentionat este ca am avut noroc ca am facut turul, eu venind fara bilet cumparat din timp - pentru ca erau sold out; interesul pentru turul stadionului este foarte mare avand in vedere ca in curand va fi demolat.


22nd April 2017, 13:22
Frumoasa initiativa, frumoase memorii. COYS! :yes:

28th April 2017, 20:56

We can confirm that, following a Board meeting today, we have taken the decision to activate our option with Wembley National Stadium Limited (WNSL) to play all our home games at Wembley Stadium connected by EE for the 2017/18 season whilst we complete the construction of our new stadium development.

In order to reach this decision the Board reviewed the construction programme and future scheduled works programme along with the requisite funding arrangements for the new stadium. An announcement on funding will be made in due course.
Chairman, Daniel Levy, commented, "This marks a momentous day in our Club's history as it is the day we formally agreed the demolition of our beloved White Hart Lane.
“The Lane means a huge amount to each and every one of us and we needed to gain greater certainty on the delivery of the new stadium before we made the final decision to commence with the decommissioning of our iconic, historic home for some 118 years.
'We shall ensure that we give the Lane a fitting farewell when we play our last match here on May 14.
"Wembley will be our home for a season and then we shall return to what will be one of the best stadiums of its kind and the most unique in the world playing host to NFL games too – a stadium that will be key to our future growth and success.
"Both on and off the pitch this is an incredibly exciting time in the history of our Club.
“Our stadium scheme and associated developments represent an unprecedented level of private investment in North London. It has indeed been the kick-start to regeneration that this area of London has so badly needed and it is important that we now see the momentum we have created supported and expanded. Tottenham and its diverse cultures, rocked by two riots in 30 years, deserves to see progress and change.
“We are working hard to deliver greater economic benefits to those living right on our doorstep and to create a place where local communities can study, have new homes, find work and thrive.
“I am particularly proud that this announcement comes in a week that saw yet another Jobs Fair held by the Club - this time for Veterans of the Armed Forces - and that we can also mark this occasion with the announcement that we have to date delivered 1000 jobs as a result of our activities and investment.
“Post the riots in 2011 we committed ourselves to playing our part in the regeneration of Tottenham. The ripple effect from our stadium at the heart of regeneration plans across more than 120 acres is evident.
“I urge the Mayor, TfL and Haringey Council, to support our efforts and to provide a focus on Tottenham to ensure that this incredible opportunity that the stadium brings is maximised for future generations.”
The Club’s announcement of its 1000th job shows that the Club is well on its way to delivering and probably exceeding the original estimate of 3700 jobs being created by this investment. To date, the Club’s commitment to the local area has already seen the delivery of a 130,000 sq.ft. supermarket, a primary and a secondary school. Over 1000 mixed tenure new homes will be delivered by the Club by the time all the phases of construction are completed. The agreement to bring the NFL to Tottenham will drive further socio-economic benefits and bring a whole new audience to the area.
Further details on the Club’s socio-economic contribution to the local area can be viewed HERE...


9th May 2017, 19:18
Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Board to Board Meeting


10th May 2017, 19:00

Sunday’s match against Manchester United marks a momentous occasion in the Club’s history as we say a final farewell to White Hart Lane - our famous home of 118 years.

Fans are encouraged to remain in the stadium after the final whistle for a poignant Farewell Ceremony.
The event will feature former players, along with the current First Team and coaching staff and players from within the Club’s Academy - marking our past, present and exciting future.
Fans will be provided with a pack upon arrival into the stadium that includes a special edition t-shirt and flag, which we ask you to raise during the final Farewell to create a lasting vision of the Lane in all its glory.
Please note that there will be a brief intermission between the end of the match and the start of the Ceremony to allow us to make the preparations for the show. During this period, the catering kiosks on our concourses will remain open for refreshments. We would ask that you are back in your seats within 15 minutes of the final whistle.
For those unable to attend the match, Sky Sports will be extending their live coverage to air the Ceremony in its entirety for viewers in the UK and Ireland.


14th May 2017, 20:52
Goodbye White Hart Lane: an iconic stadium remembered by those who knew it best


15th May 2017, 13:12
The Lane The Finale | Farewell Ceremony


24th May 2017, 16:59

The Club is delighted to announce that its application to build a new education and environmental facility, on a site adjacent to our Training Center, has been approved by Enfield Council.

The THFC Environmental Centre and Nature Reserve will deliver a purpose-built education facility alongside a top-level multi-use sports pitch and a nature reserve with boardwalks, wildflower walks and meadow. This will create an environment where nature conservation, recreation and sport can be brought together to provide a high-quality, hands-on learning experience for Enfield children, alongside a world class multi-use sports field for schools and Club use.
Daniel Levy, Club Chairman, said: “The location of the Club’s Training Centre has provided us with an unrivalled and unique opportunity to deliver something truly outstanding for the young people of Enfield.
“Through our section 106 commitments in Enfield, our Training Centre has already been able to play an important role locally through the hosting of sport and educational projects alongside a comprehensive programme of outreach work. This facility represents a sustainable long-term investment into the next generation and will provide facilities for children to learn in a fun, high quality and natural environment that can remain part of the borough for years to come.”
The facility will be built on the Western Field, which sits adjacent to the Training Centre with the proposed new Nature Reserve to be delivered in partnership with Capel Manor College on Dickenson’s Trough Meadow.
The proposed THFC Environmental Centre and Nature Reserve will see the development of a high quality, multi-purpose, fully accessible and flexible education building including two classrooms, four changing rooms, staff facilities and outdoor teaching space.
It would also include the creation of a new, organically-managed nature reserve and nature conservation area bringing wildflower walks, natural flora and fauna and wildlife to this part of Enfield and providing school children in the Borough with the opportunity to explore and learn in the natural environment and countryside.
Additionally, the scheme will facilitate outdoor activities and sports.


31st May 2017, 19:32

Tottenham Hotspur Limited (the "Club") is pleased to announce the signing of a five-year bank financing arrangement which includes a £400m bank facility (the "Facility") to support the financing of the 61,500 seater multi-purpose new stadium, the Tottenham Experience and the largest retail store of any football club in Europe.

The Facility will replace a £200m interim financing (the "Interim Financing") that was put in place in December 2015, of which £100m has been drawn to date. The Interim Financing provided funding for the Club whilst relocation, planning and development conditions were completed, to ensure the project remained on schedule.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Limited, Goldman Sachs Bank USA and HSBC Bank plc are the lenders under the Facility, and were also the lenders under the Interim Financing. In addition, HSBC are providing a £25m working capital facility to the Club as part of the new financing arrangement.
The Club has expended over £340m on the acquisition of land, the planning process (including a compulsory purchase order and legal challenges) and build costs to date, which now sees the upper tiers of the North stand being fitted with terracing. This was financed with resources of the Club plus the £100m drawn under the Interim Financing.
The remaining costs of the project will be funded from the Facility and the Club. In addition, the ENIC Group will also commit to a £50m letter of credit facility to support the stadium financing and ensure the project is fully funded through the course of its build.
The Facility has a term of five years, with no early repayment penalties or amortisation requirements and no material financial covenants until the stadium opens. The loan is secured against the new stadium and related commercial and match day revenues. There is no obligation to hedge under the Facility and the margin cost payable on the Facility ranges from Libor plus 3% -2.25% over the term.
Rothschild & Co are the Club’s financial advisor on both the Interim Financing and the Facility, with Slaughter and May acting as legal advisor on the financing and construction aspects and DLA Piper acting for the lenders.
Commenting on the new stadium financing, Matthew Collecott, Director of Finance and Operations said: “We are delighted to have three of the most prestigious and globally recognised banks supporting us. We look forward to continuing our relationship with them and our main contractor Mace as we move into the final stages of our journey to deliver the catalyst to one of London’s largest regeneration projects."
Antonio Simoes, CEO of HSBC Bank plc, said: “The new Tottenham Hotspur stadium is a very important milestone for both the Club and the community. It will help the Club to build on its success with increased attendance and new revenue streams and, crucially, be at the heart of an important regeneration and job creation for the surrounding area. We are delighted to support this momentous project.”
Elliott McCabe, Managing Director, Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Sports Finance & Advisory Group, said: “After years of careful planning and extensive research of other new stadiums around the world, Tottenham Hotspur are developing a truly state-of-the art venue that will further elevate the Club and the overall experience for their supporters and players for years to come. Bank of America Merrill Lynch is very pleased and proud to be part of the team that Spurs have assembled to deliver what is expected to be among the most technologically advanced, iconic stadiums in all of sports.”
Greg Carey who runs the global sports finance business at Goldman Sachs, said: "This will be truly transformational for the Club. We are pleased to be working with the management team on such an iconic project that will create an inspiring destination for both sport and London. We are delighted to apply our extensive stadium expertise and capital to what we believe will be a highly successful project."


11th June 2017, 15:09
Kyle Walker-Peters si Joshua Onomah, ambii titulari de drept, campioni mondiali la fotbal pentru jucatorii sub 20 de ani. COYS!

14th June 2017, 12:34
FIXTURES 2017-18

The list below includes all scheduled domestic cup dates.

We enter the League Cup - now known as the Carabao Cup - at the third round stage, with games scheduled for the week beginning Monday, September 18. We also enter the Emirates FA Cup at the third round stage, with ties scheduled for the weekend of Saturday, January 6.

Sky Sports and BT Sport will make their first live selections soon, with changes to our fixture calendar due to television coverage to be announced in due course.

In terms of the Champions League, we enter at the group stage, which is scheduled to start in September. The draw for the group stage will take place on Thursday, August 24.

One date to note - Burnley at home, scheduled for August 26 - this is the same day as the Rugby League Challenge Cup Final at Wembley and will therefore need to be rescheduled. We are currently in discussions with Burnley on this matter

Sat Aug 12 Newcastle United A
Sat Aug 19 Chelsea H
Sat Aug 26 Burnley H
Sat Sep 2 International Date
Sat Sep 9 Everton A
Sat Sep 16 Swansea City H
Wed Sep 20 Carabao Cup 3
Sat Sep 23 West Ham United A
Sat Sep 30 Huddersfield Town A
Sat Oct 7 International Date
Sat Oct 14 A.F.C. Bournemouth H
Sat Oct 21 Liverpool H
Wed Oct 25 Carabao Cup 4
Sat Oct 28 Manchester United A
Sat Nov 4 Crystal Palace H
Sat Nov 11 International Date
Sat Nov 18 Arsenal A
Sat Nov 25 West Bromwich Albion H
Tue Nov 28 Leicester City A
Sat Dec 2 Watford A
Sat Dec 9 Stoke City H
Wed Dec 13 Brighton and Hove Albion H
Sat Dec 16 Manchester City A
Wed Dec 20 Carabao Cup 5
Sat Dec 23 Burnley A
Tue Dec 26 Southampton H
Sat Dec 30 West Ham United H
Mon Jan 1 Swansea City A
Sat Jan 6 Emirates FA Cup 3
Wed Jan 10 Carabao Cup Semi-Final (1)
Sat Jan 13 Everton H
Sat Jan 20 Southampton A
Wed Jan 24 Carabao Cup Semi-Final (2)
Sat Jan 27 Emirates FA Cup 4
Wed Jan 31 Manchester United H
Sat Feb 3 Liverpool A
Sat Feb 10 Arsenal H
Sat Feb 17 Emirates FA Cup 5
Sat Feb 24 Crystal Palace A
Sun Feb 25 Carabao Cup Final
Sat Mar 3 Huddersfield Town H
Sat Mar 10 A.F.C. Bournemouth A
Sat Mar 17 Newcastle United HEmirates FA Cup 6
Sat Mar 24 International Date
Sat Mar 31 Chelsea A
Sat Apr 7 Stoke City A
Sat Apr 14 Manchester City H
Sat Apr 21 Brighton and Hove Albion A Emirates FA Cup Semi-Final
Sat Apr 28 Watford H
Sat May 5 West Bromwich Albion A
Sun May 13 Leicester City H
Sat May 19 Emirates FA Cup Final


11th July 2017, 22:10

The Club has selected Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE: HPE) as its official IT Networking and Wireless Infrastructure Partner for our new, world-class stadium. Set to open in 2018, it will be one of the most technologically advanced stadia ever built, delivering an enhanced event day experience for all visitors.

The new state-of-the-art venue will be the largest football club stadium in London, with a capacity of 61,559 and will also host other major sport and entertainment events such as NFL games and concerts. Since planning for the new stadium began, the Club has been committed to driving innovation and using modern technology to enhance the in-venue experience for every visitor. As a result, the stadium’s IT infrastructure is being incorporated from the ground up, enabling connectivity across the entire venue for visitors and flexibility to cater for future demands.
The Club is installing Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, networking solutions, with support from HPE’s Pointnext services organisation, to meet its current and future technology demands.
Sanjeev Katwa, our Head of Technology, said: “Creating a technology infrastructure to support an enhanced visitor experience requires solutions that can meet the growing demands of visitors that come to our new stadium. We believe Hewlett Packard Enterprise can support us on the journey in building one of the most technologically advanced stadiums in the world.”
Marc Waters, MD, U.K. and Ireland, HPE said: “Tottenham Hotspur realise that being digital from the ground up is imperative to transform its fan experience. We are thrilled to support Tottenham Hotspur in this journey, using our intelligent edge solutions and Pointnext expertise to help build the foundation for a truly digital stadium. Our partnership with the Club will help enable future innovation and the ability to provide an enriched, unique environment for stadium visitors.”


19th August 2017, 08:47
Cica Davinson Sanchez e ca si transferat de la Ajax. Mai asteptam anuntul oficial.

19th August 2017, 19:17
Excelent transfer

8th September 2017, 10:23
SCX to supply world-first dividing retractable pitch for Tottenham Hotspur’s new stadium

Sheffield engineering specialist SCX has been selected as the Retractable Pitch Supplier for the ground-breaking new stadium of Tottenham Hotspur.

The company’s expertise is being harnessed to produce a grass pitch that sits directly above an artificial surface, making the Premier League club’s stadium the first of its kind in the UK to have two pitches inside the same bowl in order to create a truly world-class multi-use venue.

The fully retractable grass surface will be used for football matches whilst the artificial pitch underneath will be used for NFL matches, music concerts and a range of other events, in order to protect the integrity of both playing surfaces.

SCX will design, engineer, build and install the innovative real turf football pitch, which will sit in three pitch-long steel trays, weighing more than 3,000 tonnes each. The surface will split into three sections to show each tray before retracting under the South Stand to reveal the artificial playing surface underneath. The process of switching from one surface to another is expected to take approximately 25 minutes.

Once the grass pitch is returned, the joins are invisible and undetectable allowing for a Premier League quality playing surface every matchday.

SCX Special Projects - the bespoke precision engineering arm of the family-run SCX Group based in Wincobank, Sheffield - is preparing to install the movable grass pitch over a 12-week period from October.

Tottenham Hotspur’s stunning new stadium is set to open in 2018. Designed for atmosphere, the Club aims to deliver an unrivalled fan experience inside its stadium, the largest of any football club in London with a capacity of more than 61,000. The venue will be a new world-class sports and entertainment venue for the capital. Since planning for the new stadium began, the Club has been committed to driving innovation and using modern technology to enhance the visitor experience.

The supplier agreement with Tottenham Hotspur follows SCX’s success in using similar engineering technology to win contracts for the retractable roofs over Centre Court and Number One Court at the All England Lawn Tennis Club at Wimbledon, in order to guarantee play no matter the weather conditions.

Matthew Collecott, Director of Operations & Finance, Tottenham Hotspur, said: “We are pleased to confirm SCX as our official Retractable Pitch Supplier. SCX has a proven track record in delivering innovative solutions and this bespoke pitch mechanism will allow our new stadium to host a range of major events in addition to Tottenham Hotspur matches, as we strive to create a venue that is a hive of activity all year round.”


SCX managing director Simon Eastwood said: “We have a solid reputation for problemsolving in bespoke circumstances that involve moving and lifting huge structures at sporting venues. All of the mechanical and control system engineering skills are in-house and genuinely world class.”

Danny Pickard, SCX’s lead engineer, said: “Our expertise and heritage enables us to push the boundaries of moving structures and precision engineering.

“This latest pitch technology embodies everything we strive for and care about - delivering precisely what the client needs, with the engineering flair that has become a hallmark of SCX. We are so very proud to deliver this engineering world first.”


22nd October 2017, 20:01
Peste 80 de mii de spectatori, azi. Record pentru EPL. COYS!

Johnny D
22nd October 2017, 20:04
Ca nu s-a jucat pe stadion de EPL!
Daca muti un derby de PL pe Bernabeu o sa ai alt record de PL, chiar in Spania!:))

22nd October 2017, 20:09
Siii? Maradona, unul din spectatori.

22nd October 2017, 22:02
80827, mai precis.

22nd October 2017, 22:06
deci, in concluzie, daca pui sa se joace un meci de PL pe Bernabeu, nu poate sa depaseasca recordul. pt ca Bernabeu are 81400. si oricum o sa fie cateva scaune goale, pt siguranta spectatorilor. :D

12th December 2017, 13:22
Tottenham Hotspur - Football at the heart of a regenerated Tottenham

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club outline the benefits of their forthcoming new stadium. The new stadium promises to be a catalyst intended to transform the "socio-economic landscape of the local area."


27th December 2017, 19:02

As records tumbled, one huge Club milestone was somewhat overlooked as Harry Kane completed a year to remember with a hat-trick in our 5-2 win against Southampton on Boxing Day.


31st January 2018, 20:39
Done deal – Tottenham sign Lucas Moura


5th February 2018, 18:19
Zero to 100



5th February 2018, 19:34

Johnny D
5th February 2018, 21:36
Done deal – Tottenham sign Lucas Moura


Bravo! Chiar ma intrebam de ce PSG-ul nu mai joaca nimic in absenta lu Neymar. Ala e bun bun!:ok:

5th February 2018, 21:38
Lucas e un jucator care nu foloseste la nimic. Talent extraordinar inutil. Sorry cu opinia mea :rolleyes:

Johnny D
5th February 2018, 23:02
Las' ca-l vezi tu cum ti-o schimba Tottenham si un antrenor care stie ce sa faca cu el.;)

6th February 2018, 14:00
Concluzia, vom trai si vom vedea.

6th February 2018, 15:06
A trecut prin mana a trei antrenori dintre care Ancelotti ... :rolleyes: Tare m-ar mira sa revina in nationala Braziliei.
Repet e foarte talentat. Dribleaza trei jucatori cu ochii inchisi dar ce folos daca de fiecare data da pasa la adversar?

7th February 2018, 08:15
Eu l-am vazut in nationala Braziliei, inainte de PSG si mi-a facut o impresie asemanatoare. Un mingicar fara finalitate. Are 25 de ani, acum, poate, poate. Lui Poch ii plac provocarile si daca brazilianul marseaza...Cum se zice, speranta...

7th February 2018, 11:51
Wait and see cum ar zice francezul :)

Johnny D
7th February 2018, 12:20
Eu de obicei la PL cel putin cand zic ca vad panarame, panarame sunt alea.
Sa vedem ce se-ntampla cand zic ca vad o scula de jucator!:)

13th February 2018, 19:10
Always #OneOfOurOwn, @RyanMason.

Ryan Mason forced to retire from football after head injury :(


14th February 2018, 06:47
""On the day that Ryan Mason announced his retirement from the game, having accepted medical advice that the head injury he suffered a year ago is too debilitating to continue playing, Pochettino had warm words of encouragement for the former Spurs player and offered him a role at the club.

“He will be a very successful person in football in everything he wants to do,” Pochettino said. “He is and will be special for me because he represents the change in all the process when we arrived at Tottenham.

“The door is open for me to help him; and the club because we love him and all his family. Don’t worry Ryan, you are going to be a successful person outside the pitch.” ""


19th March 2018, 12:44
Mauricio Pochettino changed my outlook on life, says Ryan Mason


26th March 2018, 22:40
Tottenham Player Chants With Lyrics | 17/18 Squad


1st May 2018, 18:30

Thanks Chris Cowlin!

26th May 2018, 09:31

We are delighted to announce that Mauricio Pochettino has signed a new five-year contract with the Club, which runs until 2023. First Team Coaching staff Jesús Pérez, Miguel D’Agostino and Toni Jimenez have also agreed new contracts with the Club.


26th May 2018, 09:33

We can now for the first time reveal exclusive imagery of our completed player accommodation Lodge, adjacent to our world-class Training Centre in Enfield.


26th May 2018, 09:34

The successful roll out of the trays that will make up the ground-breaking retractable pitch at our world-class new stadium at the weekend has been described as a ‘massive milestone’ by those who are making it happen.


26th May 2018, 18:10


9th June 2018, 08:48

We are delighted to announce that Harry Kane has signed a new six-year contract with the Club, which will run until 2024


"The future is bright at this Club."


10th June 2018, 10:26
UPDATE AT TOTTENHAM'S NEW STADIUM: NFL Pitch, Signs, Link Brigde, Roof, Ticket Office - 9 June 2018


14th June 2018, 11:17
Premier League fixtures 2018-19

Tottenham, who have until Friday to decide whether to return to Wembley next season while work on their new stadium is completed, have been given an away opener - starting their second successive campaign at Newcastle.

Spurs are due to move back to their rebuilt home on the site of White Hart Lane for the new season, with Fulham their first scheduled visitors on the weekend of August 18/19.

Sat 11 Aug – Newcastle United A
Sat 18 Aug – Fulham H
Sat 25 Aug – Manchester United A
Sat 1 Sep – Watford A
Sat 15 Sep – Liverpool H
Sat 22 Sep – Brighton & Hove Albion A
Sat 29 Sep – Huddersfield Town A
Sat 6 Oct – Cardiff City H
Sat 20 Oct – West Ham United A
Sat 27 Oct – Manchester City H
Sat 3 Nov – Wolverhampton Wanderers A
Sat 10 Nov – Crystal Palace A
Sat 24 Nov – Chelsea H
Sat 1 Dec – Arsenal A
Wed 5 Dec – Southampton H
Sat 8 Dec – Leicester City A
Sat 15 Dec – Burnley H
Sat 22 Dec – Everton A
Wed 26 Dec – AFC Bournemouth H
Sat 29 Dec – Wolverhampton Wanderers H
Tue 1 Jan – Cardiff City A
Sat 12 Jan – Manchester United H
Sat 19 Jan – Fulham A
Wed 30 Jan – Watford H
Sat 2 Feb – Newcastle United H
Sat 9 Feb – Leicester City H
Sat 23 Feb – Burnley A
Wed 27 Feb – Chelsea A
Sat 2 Mar – Arsenal H
Sat 9 Mar – Southampton A
Sat 16 Mar – Crystal Palace H
Sat 30 Mar – Liverpool A
Sat 6 Apr – Brighton & Hove Albion H
Sat 13 Apr – Huddersfield Town H
Sat 20 Apr – Manchester City A
Sat 27 Apr – West Ham United H
Sat 4 May – AFC Bournemouth A
Sun 12 May – Everton H


9th July 2018, 18:17
RIP, Alan Gilzean!




30th August 2018, 20:05
Champions League group stage draw

Tottenham Hotspur
PSV Eindhoven
Internazionale Milano

16th December 2018, 22:03
O zi speciala pentru suporterii lui Spurs. COYS!


17th December 2018, 13:18
Tottenham-Borussia Dortmund in Ch L.

17th January 2019, 19:13




18th April 2019, 17:34

18th April 2019, 18:24

18th April 2019, 18:41
scuze,am postat pe un thd gresit...:)

19th April 2019, 14:07
Scuzele se accepta cand este vorba de un suporter interist. :)

Johnny D
20th April 2019, 16:24
Shitty bate tot, cum ziceam.:rolleyes:

O mica razbunare pt CL.:P

9th May 2019, 09:12


11th May 2019, 08:30

13th June 2019, 12:12
August 2019

Sat 10 Aug Aston Villa H (5.30pm, live on Sky Sports)
Sat 17 Aug Manchester City A
Sat 24 Aug Newcastle United H
Sat 31 Aug Arsenal A


2nd July 2019, 20:56
Ndombele joins from Lyon



2nd July 2019, 22:38
Pe o caruta de bani, clubul formator Amiens va lua multi bani are o clauza in contract plus Lyon .. :)

3rd July 2019, 07:36
Pe o caruta de bani, clubul formator Amiens va lua multi bani are o clauza in contract plus Lyon .. :)

Nu stiu cine va lua banii daca ii va lua si nu stiu cine este clubul formator dar stiu ca a jucat la Guingamp trei ani plecand la Amiens la 17 ani jumate.

3rd July 2019, 21:13
Tare cred ca de data asta e teapa.
Aulas l-a propus la PSG si asta e semn rau. De obicei nu propune jucatori cu adevarat buni la o echipa din Ligue 1 deoarece nu vrea sa intareasca un adversar direct la titlu in Franta. Iar PSG era cat pe ce sa puna botul daca nu venea Leonardo acum doua saptamani. :rolleyes:

Si in alta ordine de idei daca Ndombele, care nu e titular la nationala, e vandut 80 milioane atunci nu inteleg de ce Hagi jr e negociat doar la 15 milioane :groggy:

3rd July 2019, 21:33
Sper ca Pochettino sa nu se insele, este alegerea lui.

3rd July 2019, 21:53
Cand spun "teapa" ma refer la raport calitate / pret. Jucatorul e bun in rolul sau ... dar 80 milioane? totusi ...

3rd July 2019, 23:04
Daca 55 milioane lire strline inseamna 80 de milioane euro...


3rd July 2019, 23:12
Rectific, acum am vazut exact. 60 milioane euro

Oricum e f mult pt un mijlocas defensiv, muncitor, fizic, recuperator dar talent limitat. Repet, compar cu Hagi jr. Sigur nici ala nu e Messi dar totusi ...

4th July 2019, 08:32
Box to box vrei sa zici. Preturile sunt umflate demult, gen Ousmane Dembele 105 milioane euro plus 40 milioane add-ons si asta in 2017!!! Daca Pochettino il vrea eu nu am decat sa sper ca el stie ce face. COYS!

4th July 2019, 09:42
Un transfer excelent pt Spurs.
Se pare ca sunt pe fir si pentru Dani Ceballos, pretul fiind estimat la 50m, singura problema e ca Real nu vrea sa-l imprumute avand clauza de cumparare. La fel ca anul trecut, transferurile in Anglia se incheie la inceputul lui August si majoritatea echipelor incearca in primele 2 saptamani ale lunii Iulie sa perfecteze transferurile importante pt a avea pregatirea din presezon cu echipa.

Sumele sunt ametitoare in zilele de azi, in conditiile in care Ateltico a platit 125m pentru un pusti de 19 ani :))

18th July 2019, 22:46
Trippier la Atletico.

21st July 2019, 16:44
Harrrryyyyyyyyyy Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane! COYS!



Johnny D
21st July 2019, 16:52
Miril saracu' se bucura singur.:P

Da, foarte tare gol, intr-adevar!:) Dar tot noi suntem pe primu loc!:D

21st July 2019, 17:11
Asa e. La alfabet. COYS!

Johnny D
21st July 2019, 17:13
Golaveraj, te rog!:))

21st July 2019, 17:21
Golaveraj zero zero.

1. Arsenal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Johnny D
21st July 2019, 17:37

1. Arsenal 2 2 0 0 0 5:1 6
2. Benfica 1 1 0 0 0 3:0 3
3. Tottenham 1 1 0 0 0 3:2 3
4. Manchester Utd 1 1 0 0 0 1:0 3
5. Bayern 2 1 0 0 1 4:3 3
6. Fiorentina 2 1 0 0 1 2:4 3
7. AC Milan 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0
8. Atl. Madrid 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0
9. Juventus 1 0 0 0 1 2:3 0
10. Inter 1 0 0 0 1 0:1 0
11. Real Madrid 1 0 0 0 1 1:3 0
12. Guadalajara 2 0 0 0 2 1:5 0

Nu ma fentezi tu asa usor.:P
In plus, noi suntem pe primu loc clar, fara golaveraj, voi mai aveti de jucat.:)

21st July 2019, 17:41
Sa-nteleg ca ai sperante ca Arsenal sa castige cupa nimanui (nu-i pasa)? P'asta Spurs si-a adjudeca-o deja. Anul trecut.

Johnny D
21st July 2019, 17:42
Pai nu vezi ce impotenti suntem in Europa? Macar cupele amicale sa le luam!:)) Si primesti vreo cateva milioane de euro daca nu gresesc. Platesti salariile pe o luna cu premiul.:P

23rd July 2019, 20:02
“I had one thought – give it a go”


19th November 2019, 22:10
Pochettino mazilit.
Vine Mourinho?

Johnny D
19th November 2019, 22:13
:headbang: Daca ala e mazilit, ce dracu mai cauta la noi panarama de Una Emerita? :headbang:

20th November 2019, 09:21
Poch, mare om, mare caracter. Suporterii lui Spurs nu-l vor uita niciodata. E deja legenda pentru Spurs. Din pacate vesti proaste, cum le vad eu:

Jose Mourinho appointed new Head Coach


Combinatia Daniel Levy Jose Mourinho este potential toxica. Portughezul nu este ce a fost odata, in plus are un caracter dezagreabil care s-a accentuat cu...varsta. Un narcisist care si-a pierdut aura ce o avea odata. Doamne ajuta!!! COYS!

20th November 2019, 09:50
Cum e si fotbalul. De la finala UCL la getting sacked in cateva luni...

Nu stiu. Imi displace Mourinho total, dar e om de rezultat / trofeu.

El Pistolero
20th November 2019, 10:06
Era clar, Mou era cu valiza pregătită de mult. Plus că rămâne acasă la Londra. Vor reveni Spurs acolo la luptă pentru locurile de CL.

20th November 2019, 11:57
Nu stiu. Imi displace Mourinho total, dar e om de rezultat / trofeu.

A fost om de rezultat nu mai e. In plus imprima un stil de joc plictisitor, prafuit la ora asta. COYS!

Johnny D
20th November 2019, 12:17
Era clar, Mou era cu valiza pregătită de mult. Plus că rămâne acasă la Londra. Vor reveni Spurs acolo la luptă pentru locurile de CL.

Sezonul viitor.

20th November 2019, 12:33
A plecat poate cel mai valoros antrenor al momentului, de aseara stiam ca vine Mourinho.

A asteptat stia ca o sa vina la Spurs, deal-ul era de cateva luni, Mourinho vrea sa demonstreze ceva in Premier, sa vedem...

20th November 2019, 15:15
ce prost e seful lui spurs.
cum sa-l aduci pe handicapatul asta la echipa?
contract pana in 2023.
zeci de milioane aruncate in vant.

20th November 2019, 16:07
Mourinho are orgoliu lui, vrea sa se bata cu mai marii Europei.

Sunt sigur ca vrea sa castige Champions League de anul asta.:)

21st November 2019, 21:27
Inside Tottenham's turbulent day


The reason to go with Mourinho

The most intriguing side of Mourinho's appointment -- sources told ESPN that he has signed a contract worth around £15 million a year, behind only Pep Guardiola in Premier League managers, and running until the end of the 2022-23 season -- involves the future direction of the club well beyond the pitch.

Hiring a manager with his pedigree and global brand has been floated as a first step on the road to potentially selling the club. Sources told ESPN FC that Tottenham owners, ENIC Group, are interested in selling, and the high-profile hiring of Mourinho will make them more appealing to a prospective buyer. With their new stadium, position in London, track record of Champions League play in recent seasons, Mourinho adds further polish to a potentially compelling investment.

ENIC Group have been majority owners of Tottenham since 2001 and have since purchased further shares to take their position to 85% control of the club. The club was ranked No. 9 by Forbes as the ninth-most valuable soccer team worldwide in 2019.

Johnny D
23rd November 2019, 15:13
Si cum vine portughezu, cum Spurs joaca fotbal.:rolleyes:

23rd November 2019, 23:59
E normal ca jucatorii sa fie implicati la maxim pt noul antrenor. Toti vor sa-si asigure un post de titular ulterior.
Problema e ca Tottenham a luat doua goluri si asta nu e stilul lui Mourinho :rolleyes:

Johnny D
24th November 2019, 17:43
Pai a si zis c-a fost foarte multumit de echipa pana-n minutu 70!:))

28th March 2020, 10:19

31st March 2020, 17:22

31st March 2020, 21:25

16th May 2020, 10:54
Primul trofeu al cupelor europene la fotbal cucerit de un club din Anglia.

Finala Cupei Cupelor dintre Tottenham Hotspur si Atletico Madrid s-a disputat in Olanda, 15-05-1963. De Kuip - Rotterdam (49.143 spectatori). Scorul final 5-1 (2-0) pentru Spurs. Autorii golurilor: 1-0 Greaves, 2-0 White, 2-1 Collar, 3-1 Dyson, 4-1 Greaves, 5-1 Dyson.

Formatiile: Tottenham Hotspur FC: Brown, Baker, Norman, Henry, Blanchflower, Marchi, Jones, White, Bobby Smith, Greaves, Dyson. Antrenor, legendarul Bill Nicholson.

Atlético Madrid: Madinabeytia, Rivilla, Griffa, Rodríguez, Ramiro, Glaría, Jones, Adelardo, Chuzo, Mendonça, Collar. Antrenor, Rafael García "Tinte"


22nd May 2020, 22:08

15th August 2020, 15:02
Coming to @primevideosport on 31 August...


6th September 2020, 13:32
Spurs squad scale Tottenham Hotspur stadium!


6th September 2020, 19:03
Probabil marketing un tur pentru suporteri, trebuie sa scoti bani din orice.:))

19th September 2020, 20:16
We are delighted to announce the return of Gareth Bale to the Club on a season-long loan from Real Madrid.

He will wear the number 9 shirt.

Initially signed as a 17-year-old from Southampton in 2007, Gareth made his name over six years at Spurs before moving to the Bernabeu in the summer of 2013.

His electrifying displays in the Champions League - including a hat-trick against Inter in the San Siro in October, 2010 - made the world sit up and take notice.

He went on to make 203 appearances for us in all competitions, scoring 55 goals, including 26 in a memorable final campaign in 2012/13.

During that time, he was twice named PFA Player of the Year (2011, 2013) and completed the treble of PFA Player/PFA Young Player and Football Writers’ Footballer of the Year in 2013. He was named in the PFA Team of the Year three times in a row, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13.

Gareth departed for Real Madrid for a world-record fee in the summer of 2013. He capped his first season with a goal in the Champions League Final, as Los Blancos beat Atletico Madrid. He's lifted Europe's elite trophy four times in seven years in Spain, and scored one of the all-time great Champions League Final goals, a flying overhead kick in a 3-1 win against Liverpool in 2018.

He's won a host of trophies during his time in Spain, including two La Liga titles, two UEFA Super Cups and three FIFA World Club Cups, and contributed 105 goals in 251 appearances.

A talisman for Wales, Gareth now has 85 caps to his name, and is his country's all-time top goalscorer on 33.

He became Wales' youngest full international when he made his debut aged 16 years and 315 days in 2006 (a record now held by Liverpool's Harry Wilson) and spearheaded qualification for a first major tournament since 1958 when Wales made it to the finals of Euro 2016. Gareth scored three times as the Dragons made a dream run to the semi-finals in France. He overtook Ian Rush (28 goals) as his country's top marksman with goal number 29 in March, 2018.

Gareth sustained a knee injury whilst playing for Wales on international duty earlier this month and this together with La Liga’s later start compared to the Premier League means he has had a limited pre-season. We currently anticipate that he will be match fit after October’s international break.

We are delighted to announce the signing of Sergio Reguilón from Real Madrid.

The 23-year-old left-back has signed a contract with the Club until 2025 and will wear the number 3 shirt.

Source: Official Site

22nd September 2020, 16:49
O stire de vreo saptamana:


"I guess Jose Mourinho was right we were going to sign a striker" :D

2nd October 2020, 14:43
Group J: Tottenham,Ludogorets, Lask, Antwerp

25th January 2021, 20:43
• Tottenham Hotspur tops the 2020 Premier League Sustainability Table, published today by BBC Sport and the Sport Positive Summit
• Club gains the maximum 21 points available having been judged across eight different sustainability criteria, taking an outright lead at the top of the table
• The news comes as the Club earlier announced it had become a signatory of the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework


19th April 2021, 13:56
Ultimul dinozaur... OUT!
