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9th July 2003, 02:10
Ce parere aveti de noul patron al acestei echipe rusul ................... care vad ca are bani omu nu gluma intai a dat 200 mil $ pt a cumpara echipa si apoi oferea pe cioara aia franceza de la arsenal 73 mil $ dar cum a vazut onmul ca arsenal nul da il vrea pe mutu pe care ofera 27 de mil $ iar clauza de reziliere a contractului e de 25 mil. Deam avea si noi investitori dastia mama ce bine ar fii :happy


9th July 2003, 09:00
Pasqualin: "La Federazione è inerme davanti a certe realtà"
08/07/2003 16:44.15
"Abramovich proverà ad acquistare grandi campioni. Davids? Ha un solo anno di contratto..."

Nell’elite dei procuratori che operano nel mondo del calcio non può mancare il nome dell’avvocato Claudio Pasqualin. In passato presidente dell'Assoprocuratori, Pasqualin gestisce diversi giocatori, tra cui Francesco Toldo e Alessandro Del Piero. Grande appassionato di calcio, vanta una delle più ricche collezioni di calcio del mondo (esposta ai Mondiali di Usa '94 e Francia '98). Una raccolta unica nel suo genere, con chicche come una preziosa replica della coppa Rimet e la maglia autografata di Pelè ai tempi del Santos. Con tanti anni di esperienza nel settore alle spalle, Pasqualin è l’uomo giusto per cercare di comprendere come e quanto è cambiato il calciomercato e si confessa, in esclusiva a Datasport.

Pasqualin, cosa accade al mercato? Come mai non succede nulla di eclatante?

Credo che tutti i colpi più interessanti si avranno alla fine. Tutte le squadre stanno aspettando il momento buono per scatenarsi e mettere a segno qualche acquisto ad effetto

L’arrivo di un magnate desideroso di investire come Abramovich cosa cambierà nel panorama calcistico mondiale?

E’ sicuramente un'entrata importante che sicuramente può portare un grande flusso di denaro fresco nel calcio. Magari proprio partendo dal suo intervento anche altri presidenti cominceranno a mettere in campo denaro fresco. Abramovich proverà ad acquistare i più grandi. Per Vieri mi sembra impossibile, più facile arrivare a Davids che ha solo un anno di contratto con la Juventus

asta e cu rusul :happy

9th July 2003, 19:25
intere mersi pt infrmati dar nu le am cu limbile astea decat cu englezea :yeah:


10th July 2003, 08:31
daca rusul ala investeste asa cum se discuta, in scurt timp Chelsea ar putea deveni o a 2-a "echipa galactica" :happy :happy

10th July 2003, 08:45
Nu uita ca e rus . El se asteapta la castig de bani foarte rapid si se va multumi si cu jucatori cu nume dar mai slabi si mai ieftini.Asa ca ca e greu sa cred ca va ridica Chelsea la un asemenea nivel.Declaratii de publicitate cred eu deocamdata . :yeah: Dorin

11th July 2003, 08:46
prima achizitie a lui Chelsea :Geremi de la Real contra 10 mil. euro :happy

11th July 2003, 10:02
Cum spuneam mai sus se multumesc si cu resturile de la masa altora... :yeah: Dorin

11th July 2003, 11:22
Mercato: Abramovich scatenato vuole tutti
11/07/2003 10:16.25

Il neo presidente del Chelsea sogna la coppia Vieri-Montella. Possibile arrivare a Davids, Cannavaro e Recoba

Il neo presidente del Chelsea, Roman Abramovich, ha intenzione di pescare in Italia alcuni elementi per rinforzare la rosa della sua squadra. Il milionario siberiano aveva sul suo taccuino i nomi di Kaladze, Rui Costa, Trezeguet, Crespo, Emre, Emerson, Montella e Vieri, ma potrebbe ottenere solo l'attaccante dei giallorossi. Vieri è stato dichiarato incedibile, ma una offerta di 40 mln potrebbe cambiare le cose. Possibile trattare Recoba e Cannavaro.


11th July 2003, 19:46
mama ce miar place sa vad o a doua echipa galactica ca o sa vad si io ceva fotbal de calitate nu fotbalul care-l face inter: "aparate si poate dai un gol din penalty sau contraatac"

11th July 2003, 23:23
Sincer as vrea ca echipa rusului sa fie tare (sa fie mai fain si campionatul englez) adica sa se lupte cat mau multe echipe pt. titlu nu numai MANCHESTER UNITED si Arsenal si se mai trezeste cateodata Liverpool!

13th July 2003, 10:06
Presa engleza vine cu o veste tare . Antrenorul suedez al Angliei Eriksson ,pe drum spre Chelsea . El alege deja jucatorii ce se transfera si se intalneste cu rusul Abramovich , multimiliardarul.Probabil vine dupa ultimul meci al Angliei pentru calificrea la europene , 11 oct(contra Turciei) . Salariul anual 7 mil Euro :yeah:Dorin

14th July 2003, 10:14
pe lista rusului se afla :Davids,Kluivert, Figo,Rivaldo si Recoba :P

14th July 2003, 11:06
Se tot zice ca e ala pe lista... celalat... etc... Ceva concret a transferat rusul asta sau e doar gura de el pana acum?

14th July 2003, 12:28
da intr-un fel ai dreptate, dar de cele mai multe ori nu iese fum fara foc :D :D
si ca urmare Chelsea ofera 14 mil. e. pt Veron lui Man.utd :thinkso:

14th July 2003, 13:57
Pai e mai putin de jumatate din suma la care l-a transferat United de la Lazio! :shock:
Mai bine ar mai pune Intrenationale cateva milioane si si-au asigurat limpezimea ce le trebuia in linia de mijloc... :yeah:

14th July 2003, 17:20
Abramovich nu se multumeste cu "resturi". Vrea jucatori mari, numai ca sportivii sau cluburile nu prea il asculta. Veron e aproape luat la Chelsea, iar el nu e "rest". Cred ca lipseste increderea in el, e mafiot. E posibil sa dureze un pic pana isi face un nume, dar apoi lucrurile se vor schimba. Nu stiu cati bani vrea el sa scoata, cat sa "spele".

14th July 2003, 18:23
rusul ala mai repede se trezeste cu un glont in cap, din cite am auzit e cautat de mafiotii rusi decit sa faca el o treaba k lumea la chelsea! poate daca si-ar lua un administrator bun care sa se ocupe el de transferuri si de toate celelate, asa ar mai avea o sansa dar daca se ocupa el de antrenorat si de nu stiu ce, nu are nici o sansa!
inca ceva, domnu dumitrescu ionut mai usor cu termene de astea, ka cioara aia franceza si nu stiu cum!

14th July 2003, 19:01
Rusul este ambițios, dar ar fi bine să facă oferte și unor alți jucători nu numai vedete.

16th July 2003, 14:11
la ofertat pe Vieira cu suma de 30mil.eu :P
sa vedem daca ii dau tunarii drumul :thinkso:

16th July 2003, 14:25
si pe Raul cu 100 mil.eu :shock: :shock: :shock:
oare rezista Perez la aceasta suma ????????????? :thinkso: :thinkso:

16th July 2003, 15:36
si o achizitie certa a aceleiasi Chelsea, internationalul englez - under 21 Glen Johnson de la W.H.United , contra sumei de 8.5 mil.eu :thinkso:
De remarcat ca Johnson are 18 ani :P , si ca rusul "arunca" cu bani :thinkso:

19th July 2003, 23:01
Daca la rus ii reuseste ce sia propus atunci "nasul sia gasit nasul" e vorba de Real Madrid si de miliardarul rus care ofera pt Raul incredibila suma de 100mil$!!! Sper ca raul pt buna functionare a lui Real sa ramna acolo unde este :happy


20th July 2003, 09:25
Un lucru a facut rusul cu sonda lui de petrol .A aprins intreaga piata de vinzare cumparare din lume ! Toate cluburile mici asteapta telefon ca sa -si poate vinde starurile la preturi fantezie ! :yeah: Dorin

21st July 2003, 14:05
inca una dea rusului :P , ofera pe Fernando Torres (Atletico Madrid) 40 mil.euro :thinkso:

21st July 2003, 14:11
iar cei de la Atletico au refuzat oferta :D :D :D :D :D

21st July 2003, 23:06
daka e adevarat ce a zis inter de fernardo torres si atletico inseamna ka presedintele lu atletico nu e normal :) chelsea l-a cumparat pe damien duff cu 24 de milioane de euro de la blackburn si a cheltuit in total 50 de milioane de euro de cind echipa a fost preluata de magnatul rus

22nd July 2003, 19:22
Claudio Ranieri aflat in Malaesia intr-un turneu cu Chelsea a declarat ca echipa pe care o are acum la dispozitie se numara printre cele mai puternice, dar campania de achizitii va continua :P

22nd July 2003, 19:32
Rusul nu cedeaza, a facut o noua oferta lui atletico :happy , in care e inclus Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink + o suma de cateva zeci de milioane de euro :o pt.Torres care este considerat atacantul viitorului de catre specialisti. :rolleyes:

24th July 2003, 17:00
Bai fratilor pai asta ie tampit pai nici bill gates nu ar arunca bani astia in NBA,NHL si altele :happy. Io unu nu am auzit nimic de mafie


24th July 2003, 17:35
si acelasi rus ofera 26 mil.eu lui Roma pt. Emerson :P

25th July 2003, 17:10
tot rusul ii kace ko pe Juve inlaturind-ui din cursa pt.achizitionarea lui Pires, oferindui acestuia in caz ca accepta sa vina la Chelsea un salariu de 8 mil eu :o :o :o

26th July 2003, 00:23
Agentia germana Bild confirma ca oferta de 100 eu s-a facut pentru Raul !! :yeah: Dorin

28th July 2003, 13:19
RUSUL NU SE INCURCA - VERON a semnat cu Chelsea :thinkso:

28th July 2003, 14:24
si pretul tranzactiei este de 15 mil. lire sterline :D

28th July 2003, 14:35
is curios acuma sa vad pe cine cumpara manchester dupa ce au ramas fara mijloc dupa ce s-au dus si david si sebastian

28th July 2003, 17:26
se prefigureaza un schimb interesant : Montella (Roma) la Chelsea, la schimb urmand sa soseasca la Roma, Viduka(Leeds), iar romanii sa-i plateasca pe cei de la Leeds :thinkso: , asta in ciuda faptului ca , conducerile lui Leeds si Roma i-au declarat pe cei 2 netransferabili :P

28th July 2003, 20:47
Sper ca agentia Bild a aflat ca Raul a refuzat oferta :P


1st August 2003, 16:21
:x , rusul mai pregateste o "mare suma de bani" potrivit cotidianului "Mirror" pt. achizitionarea lui Recoba :evil:

1st August 2003, 17:08
RUSUL NU SE INCURCA - VERON a semnat cu Chelsea :thinkso:
veron la chelsea? nu am auzit nimica in sensu asta si au trecut ceva zile de cind ai postat de veron

2nd August 2003, 12:35
:( , da Riva ai dreptate, inca nu s-a transferat, greseala i-mi apartine :oops:

2nd August 2003, 14:13
stai linistit ka toti o mai scaldam citeodata si sint sigur ka informatia asta nu ai scos-o tu aiurea ci ai luat-o de undeva de unde is cam pe spate aia cu folbalu :)

2nd August 2003, 20:09
Al dracu rus...nu putea el sa tzina cu Craiova... :( :( :(

3rd August 2003, 15:02
Cum potzi sa dai 100 de milioane pe Raul cand poti sa cumperi cu aceasi bani 5-7 jucatori foarte buni .daca ash fi in locul lui as da afara tottzi bosorogii afara (Desaily,Petit,si altii) si as forma o echipa tanara shi in cativa ani as trage la titlu......

Sa-i spuna cineva sa caute jucatori in Romania :ciocan:

4th August 2003, 01:26
Rusul vrea rezultate cat mai repede, nu in cateva sezoane.

5th August 2003, 14:28
de fapt acum iese la iveala ca oferta a fost facuta pt. Ronaldo, nu pt. Raul :thinkso:

5th August 2003, 17:02
Nimeni nu valoreaza atitia bani .Nimeni ! :yeah: Dorin

6th August 2003, 14:04
O noua oferta :P , 20 mil.eu pt.Samuel Etoo (Mallorca) facuta de Abramovich, care in acelasi timp construieste un nou stadion la Moscova
Poate o muta pe Chelsea acolo :D :D :D

6th August 2003, 16:24
si totusi iata VERON la CHELSEA :yeah: :yeah:
pt. suma de 22 mil. eu , Man Utd. la transferat pe sud american la Chelsea :thinkso:

10th August 2003, 10:42

10th August 2003, 12:50
Desi s-a discutat de asta vestea este o bomba !!! 20 mil euro pare a fii plata.Salariu ??? O sa fie bataie mare pentru posturi de titulari :yeah: Dorin

10th August 2003, 23:49
Adrian Mutu este jucatorul lui Chelsea

Cei de la clubul englez, Chelsea Londra au platit 22 milioane de euro pentru atacantul roman, Adrian Mutu care sezonul trecut a inscris 18 goluri pentru AC Parma, astfel devenind cel mai scump jucator roman. El a semnat un contract pe 5 ani si va avea salariul de 3 milioane de euro, devenit astfel jucatorul roman cu cel mai mare salariu.

Mai multe pe: http://fifaromania.computergames.ro/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1060511282&archive=&cnshow=news&start_from=&ucat=2&tip=fotbal&ln=ro

11th August 2003, 18:42
Parma: Tosi "Mutu ha voluto andare al Chelsea"
11/08/2003 15:28.27

Il ds del Parma ha spiegato: "Inutile trattenere un giocatore che non vuole restare"

La cessione di Adrian Mutu al Chelsea è stata voluta in primis dal giocatore rumeno. A spiegarlo è stata la stessa società gialloblù attraverso le parole del direttore sportivo Doriano Tosi, che ha rivelato: "Il nostro intento era quello di trattenere Adrian, ma di fronte alla sua volontà di andare al Chelsea non abbiamo avuto altra scelta. D`altra parte la nostra politica è quella di tenere i giocatori soltanto a patto che desiderino restare".

Tosi non dimentica comunque quanto Adrian Mutu sia stato importante nella scorsa stagione per il Parma: "Ringraziamo il giocatore per quello che ha fatto per noi. Non va comunque dimenticato che quanto successo con Adrian rientra completamente nella logica del progetto Parma che è da sempre quella di trovare giocatori giovani e promettenti e cederli alle condizioni più vantaggiose. Comprendiamo in pieno i sentimenti dei tifosi, ma il cammino che ci siamo imposti è fatto anche di questi punti difficili e dolorosi".

Mutu a vrut sa plece? sau Giovanni a vrut un alt comision si la convins? :P

12th August 2003, 10:00
Rusul declara ca transferul lui Etoo va fi ultimul ......... oare? 8)

12th August 2003, 10:10
Cum sa nu vrea sa plece pe atatia bani???

Insa ce ma deranjeaza pe mine in cazul lui Mutu, e ca a ajuns nu la o echipa de supertop, cum ar fi fost Manchester sau Juventus ci la Chelsea, la fel ca Chivu, care nu a ajuns la Real sau Inter ci la Roma... Oare nu s-au indurat echipele alea sa dea atatia bani pe niste romani, preferand alte natii?

12th August 2003, 10:14
asa este, Chelsea e o echipa de locul 4-5 in Anglia, dar daca reusesc anul asta sa castige al 2-lea titlu, lui Adi ii va creste cota deastul de mult :happy

12th August 2003, 11:53
Din pacate este adevarat .Cota comerciala si de interes pentru romani este scazuta in Europa .Pina si Hagi a jucat la Galatasaray si nu a prea facut mare treaba in Italia (Brescia??!!)sau Spania . :yeah: Dorin

12th August 2003, 13:16
si iata ca rusul tot nu se potoleste :D :D :D , acum il vrea pe Crespo sau pe Morientes :thinkso:
inclin spre Morientes, pt. ca Crespo a declarat ce nu vrea sa plece de la Inter :happy
si Rusul il mai vrea si pe conationalul lui Alexei Smertin de la Bordeaux

12th August 2003, 16:31
Chiar ma miram ca n-au cumparat nici un rus pana acum.

13th August 2003, 14:22
in aceste momente, in birourile de pe Bernabeu, Jorge Valdano, impreuna cu impresarul marc Roger, analizeaza oferta de 10 mil. sosita din partea lui Chelsea pt. .............. Claude Makelele 8)

13th August 2003, 17:06
Valdano spune ca makelele e netransferabil, dar asteapta saptamana viitoare emisarii lui Chelsea :P
Principalul motiv ar fi se pare clauza de reziliere fixata la 90 mil.eu :o
Chelsea ii ofera lui Makelele un salariu dublu fata de cat are acum la Real (1.8mil.eu) si deasemenea 10 mil.eu lui Real :thinkso:

14th August 2003, 13:50
iar Makelele nu se prezinta la antrenament :oops: , curata telenovela :D :D :D

14th August 2003, 15:42
a facut instructie chelsea cu zilina in turul 3 preliminar din CL, 2-0 la slovaci acasa, si Mutu e ca si in grupe.
O mare surpriza pentru mine o constitue faptul ca un atacant de talia lui Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink este rezerva...
Iata si echipa ce a jucat:
23 Cudicini
2 Johnson
6 Desailly
8 Lampard
11 Duff
14 Geremi
18 Bridge
20 Verón
22 Gudjohnsen
26 Terry
32 Forssell

31 Ambrosio
9 Hasselbaink
10 Joe Cole
15 Melchiot
29 Huth
30 Grønkjær
39 Cole

Septarul Mutu va debuta probabil in retur.

14th August 2003, 17:40
Nu cred ca se tem de slovaci si joaca cu cei mai in forma plus ca mai pot si pastra pe cei putin accidentati etc.Abia astept debutul lui Mutu :yeah: Dorin

14th August 2003, 18:10
Ayrton, umbla vorba ca se incearca vinderea lu' Jimmy la Betis sau Sporting Lisabona. Asta ca o posibila explicatie a netitularizarii.

15th August 2003, 16:11
valdano declara: Makelele e sub contract cu noi, trebuie sa-si respecte contractul, altfel isi ruineaza cariera 8)

e groasa rau :thinkso:

16th August 2003, 23:33
Interviu cu Adrian Mutu:

Venit în România pentru două zile, Adrian Mutu a reușit cu greu să facă față asalturilor reporterilor, care doreau să afle ultimele amănunte legate de transferul său la Chelsea. Ex-piteșteanul a trebuit, mai întîi de toate, să-și rezolve treburile legate de permisul de muncă obligatoriu în Anglia și, printre picături, a răspuns și întrebărilor puse de reprezentanții mass media.
- Cum te simți acum, cînd ai semnat cu Chelsea?
- Am primit o ofertă pe care nu puteam să o refuz. Acest Abramovici este un om senzațional, care iubește foarte mult fot-balul. Sînt bucuros că am semnat și sper să mă impun cît mai rapid.
- Ești cel mai scump fotbalist român din toate timpurile!
- Este o mîndrie pentru mine și pentru familia mea. Sper din tot sufletul să nu dezamăgesc pe nimeni.
- Lucescu a spus că pînă la a-l egala pe Hagi trebuie să califici echipa națională la trei sau patru turnee finale.
- Eu spun că niciodată nu o să-l pot egala pe Hagi. Gică este unic prin ce a făcut. O să încerc să mă apropii de performanțele sale și vă spun că pentru mine rezultatele de la echipa națională contează mai mult decît cele de la club.
- O să cîștigi foarte mulți bani la Chelsea.
- Pentru un român este foarte mult. Însă, la ce bani se învîrt în fotbalul mondial, suma mea nu este una exorbitantă.
- Se știe că presa din Anglia este una bazată foarte mult pe scandal. Mulți fotbaliști care au evoluat în Peninsulă au căzut pradă capcanelor întinse de ziariști, iar principalul motiv erau femeile.
- Nu îmi este teamă, pentru că am plecat în Anglia să joc fotbal. Vreau să ies în evidență prin jocul meu și nu prin povești inventate de ziariști.
- O să fii departe de casă.
- Așa este. O să-mi lipsească foarte mult băiețelul meu, Mario, însă voi trece peste orice obstacol.
- Te mai urmărește povestea divorțului de Alexandra?
- Ce a fost a fost. Nu vreau să mă mai gîndesc. Dacă am avut o decepție în viață, asta nu înseamnă că nu mai am încredere în femei.
- Se mai poate califica România la Campionatul European?
- Atîta timp cît mai există fie și o șansă, trebuie să credem în ea. Putem să învingem în Danemarca!

16th August 2003, 23:47
Ranieri l-a convocat pe Mutu pentru meciul de maine cu Liverpool. Problema e ca nu i-a sosit cartea verde de la federatia italiana. Ieri a fost sarbatoare in Italia si functionarii de la federatie nu au lucrat. Oricum, daca apare cartea verde pana maine la ora inceperii meciului, Mutu poate sa joace.

17th August 2003, 12:13
Cu sau fara Mutu , meciul e asteptat cu interes enorm in England.Mutu e prezentat ca o mare stea de viitor dar si actuala si drept cea mai spectaculoasa achizitie la Chelsea conform presei suedeze .Sa-l vedem!!!! :yeah: Dorin

17th August 2003, 18:56
Mutu nu a primit cartea verde pana la ora inceperii meciului, deci nu joaca.
Ranieri a inceput meciul cu urmatoarea formatie:

23 Carlo Cudicini
2 Glen Johnson
26 John Terry
6 Marcel Desailly (c)
18 Wayne Bridge
8 Frank Lampard
14 Geremi
11 Damien Duff
20 Juan Sebastian Veron
30 Jesper Gronkjaer
22 Eidur Gudjohnsen

Pe banca: 9 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, 10 Joe Cole, 13 William Gallas, 31 Marco Ambrosio (portar) si 32 Mikael Forssell.

Din minutul 25, Chelsea conduce printr-un gol al lui Veron.

23rd August 2003, 00:29
Rezultat final:
Liverpool - Chelsea 1-2 (0-1)
Michael Owen (79', pen.) - Juan Veron (25'), Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink (88')

Crespo vine la Chelsea spre disperarea lui Vieri care spune ca pleaca si el undeva cind toti se vind si nimic nu mai este sfint !!! :yeah: Dorin

23rd August 2003, 08:40
Moratti a adus in sprijinul cedarii lui Crespo argumentul ca Hernan vroia ub post de titular, lucru considerat de el ca inacceptabil, singurul titular in viziunea lui (in atac) fiind Vieri :( , oricum nu este inca nimic oficial, ar fi o pierdere pt. Inter cedarea lui Crespo, suporterii deja reactionand in mod categoric in favoarea ramanerii lui Crespo la Milano :thinkso:

23rd August 2003, 15:14
Va dati seama ce concurenta va fi pe posturi acuma.
MUTU si CRESPO in atac vor fi inimitabili, poate doar raul si ronaldo poate sa se ridice la valoarea lor :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:
Sper ca intr-o buna zi mutu sa ajunga si la realmadrid desi este greu de crezut
van nisterloy este incredibil un adevarat atacant , tocmai acum urmaresc meciul :) :) :)

23rd August 2003, 16:46
De pe pagina oficiala a lui Chelsea :
Saturday, Aug 23, 2003

Adrian Mutu will make his Chelsea debut this afternoon alongside Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink as Claudio Ranieri reverts to a 4-4-2 formation. Jesper Gronkjaer is the one to stand down from last Sunday’s midfield five. Mario Melchiot returns at right-back.

In the absence of the injured Matt Elliott, Leicester are expected to go for a back three of John Curtis, Steve Howey and Ben Thatcher. Jamie Scowcroft replaces the lame Les Ferdinand in attack while injury also prevents Frank Sinclair from enjoying another run out on his old stomping ground.

The Chelsea team is:http://www.chelseafc.com/Images/-STOCK/stock_mutu3.jpg

23 Carlo Cudicini

15 Mario Melchiot

26 John Terry

6 Marcel Desailly (c)

18 Wayne Bridge

14 Geremi

8 Frank Lampard

20 Juan Sebastian Veron

11 Damien Duff

9 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink

7 Adrian Mutu

The subs bench is: 10 Joe Cole, 13 William Gallas, 22 Eidur Gudjohnsen, 30, Jesper Gronkjaer, 31 Marco Ambrosio (gk).

The Leicester team is: Walker; Curtis, Howey, Thatcher; Impey, Scimeca, Izzet, Nalis, Rogers; Scowcroft and Dickov.

Leicester subs: Coyne (gk), Taggart, Hignett, Gillespie, Deane.

The referee is Rob Styles.

23rd August 2003, 17:03
Pentru interesati iata si biografia lui Abramovich :yeah: Dorin

Roman Abramovich http://news.bbc.co.uk/media/images/39242000/jpg/_39242536_chelsea203jpg.jpg

The new Russian owner of Chelsea Football Club has amassed a huge fortune for one so young, thanks mainly to oil, writes Mark Tran

Wednesday July 2, 2003

At only 36 years old, Roman Abramovich is listed by Forbes magazine as the second-richest man in Russia and the world's 49th wealthiest person, with a fortune of £1.8bn, while the Sunday Times says he is worth as much as £3.8bn. His meteoric rise is all the more remarkable given his difficult start in life.
His mother died when he was only 18 months old and his father died in a construction accident when he was four. Adopted by his father's brother, he lived for a time in Moscow and then with his maternal grandparents in the northern region of Komi.

Mr Abramovich attended the Industrial Institute in the city of Ukhta in Komi, before he was drafted into the Soviet army. His interest in oil began early as he concentrated his business activities on trading oil products out of Russia's largest refinery in Omsk, western Siberia.

Mr Abramovich's big break came in 1992, when Boris Berezovsky, then the most powerful of Russia's tycoons, befriended him and brought him into the inner circle of former president Boris Yeltsin.

Nine years later, when Mr Berezovsky fell out of favour with the new Putin regime, and went into exile to Britain following a criminal investigation into fraud charges, the pupil took over from the master.

Neatly stepping into his mentor's shoes, Mr Abramovich began building up his financial empire. He accumulated 80% of Sibneft, Russia's fifth-largest oil company, 50% of Rusal, the Russian aluminium oil monopoly, and 26% of Aeroflot, Russia's national airline.

Along the way, came the inevitable accusation of financial shenanigans as the Russian economy went through its own version of robber baron capitalism. In 1992, he was investigated, but eventually cleared, for alleged misappropriation of 55 railroad wagons full of diesel fuel from the Ukhtinsky petroleum processing plant. Recently, Mr Abramovich branched out into politics, following in the footsteps of other oligarchs who became regional governors - men who wield enormous power locally and nationally through the control of vast chunks of natural resources.

In December, 2000, he won 92% of the vote to become governor of Chukotka, a desolate province in northeastern Russia. Since then, he has been pouring money into a frozen province which has a po****tion of just 73,000.

According to a Time magazine article last December, Mr Abramovich spent $200m (£120.2m) to $300m of his own money to build everything from hotels and cinemas to supermarkets.

Such largesse has aroused suspicions from Mr Abramovich's critics, who think he is using Chukotka as a springboard for higher political office. But he told Time: "It's a new endeavour for me. I've never run a territory. I've never talked publicly to people. I've got to try it just to see whether I like it."

He even brought staff from Sibneft to run the province. Despite all his efforts, the region was recently declared bankrupt and public sector salaries went unpaid for months.

Mr Abramovich already had a British connection before his surprise move for Chelsea. His multibillion dollar assets are controlled through Millhouse Capital, a British-registered investment fund. Also, this is not his first move into sport, as he already owns a hockey team.

Sport and rich men, it's a familiar mix. CNN tycoon Ted Turner once owned the Atlanta Braves baseball team and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation owns the Los Angeles Dodger, another baseball team.

23rd August 2003, 17:59
Si Mutu ne lasa muti pe toti ! :yeah:
Chelsea-Leicester 45' Adrian Mutu has given Chelsea a brilliant lead... The former Serie A player, who has not been in the match at all, crasked a free-kick into the wall, it came back to him and he unleashed an unstoppable left-foot shot.
:yeah: Dorin
PS Cititi si mesajele mele anterioare de azi la acest subiect!

24th August 2003, 10:08
Am intrat aseara pe chat-ul oficial al clubului. Mama, astia-s extaziati: Mutu=God, Adrian "God" Mutu. I-a cucerit pe suporteri. Bravo Mutu!

24th August 2003, 16:41
Daca Mutu i-a cucerit deja pe suporteri poate va deveni simbolul echipei.

25th August 2003, 21:02
Interesanta biografie a rusului stiam ca ie cel mai bogat rus si am auzit ca cica ar fi pe locul 30 in lume. Si mutu merita sa fie starul echipei la valoarea care o are :yeah:


26th August 2003, 12:44
Se pare ca s-a ales si cu o noua porecla: "The snake", data tot de Ranieri, cel ce i-a zis cobra lui adi Ilie.
Romania 1 transmite azi in direct Chelsea-Zilina (2-0 in tur) din liga Campionilor, si sper sa-l vad si pe Mutu in teren.

26th August 2003, 13:14
ayrton, imi pare rau sa te dezamagesc, dar nu-l vei vedea pe Mutu. Nu e eligibil pentru dubla mansa cu Zilina. Daca londonezii se califica in grupe (mai mult ca sigur), atunci il vom vedea pe ProTv.

26th August 2003, 14:03
Esti sigur? :( :( :(
Nici nu ma mai uit la meci...

26th August 2003, 16:33
Prea usor meci au englezi dar deabea astept sai vad in grupe cu giganti europei ,sper sa faca o figura buna :yeah:


29th August 2003, 11:05
s-a parafat : Makelele trece la Chelsea contra 20 mil. eu :thinkso:
Iata ca Abramovich cimpara tot ce vrea :D :D :D

29th August 2003, 11:50
sa vedeti duel mutu against lucescu&pancone :D :D :D
Sper sa se califice amandoua together.
si lazio in uefa sa nu se supere si ei :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

29th August 2003, 11:54
sa vedeti duel mutu against lucescu&pancone :D :D :D
Sper sa se califice amandoua together.
si lazio in uefa sa nu se supere si ei :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

30th August 2003, 17:58
GOOOOOOOOOL Mutu in meciul cu Blackburn. 1-1 la pauza

30th August 2003, 18:05
Excelent mutu i-a facut varza pe fostii colegi ai lui damien duff.
Inca un exemplu ca ne putem aduce anglia la picioare :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
Va fi peste van nisterloaya la casamentul golghterilor :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

30th August 2003, 21:16
Debutul lui Mutu e miraculos. Sper sa continue ca la Parma !!!! :yeah: Dorinhttp://www.chelseafc.com/Images/-MATCHES/blackburn_h1.jpg

30th August 2003, 21:25
yo sper sa continue cum a facut-o van nisterloy la man u :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:
L-am vazut in direct in ambele meciuri , se descurca si in anglia fara probleme.
sper sa ii umileasca si pe danemarca :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

31st August 2003, 01:20
Mutu marcheaza inca un gol in partida cu Blackburn terminata la egalitate respectiv 2-2. Daca o tine tot asa o sa marcheze mai multe goluri ca la parma.Sper sa o tina tot asa :yeah:


1st September 2003, 14:48
Makelele la Chelsea pentru 23 milioane Euro. Eu cred ca e enorm pretul platit de londonezi pentru un jucator care mai poate juca la un nivel inalt 3-4 ani. Smertin a fost declarat cel mai bun mijlocas defensiv din campionatul francez, si are avantajul de a fi mai tanar cu 2 ani decat Makelele. Mai bine il cumparau pe Barry Ferguson de la Rangers, care evolueaza pe acelasi post si e mult mai tanar. Dar sunt banii lui Abramovich, nu ai mei. 8)

1st September 2003, 15:47
Ma oricum nu poti sa zici ca makelele joaca prost dar chelsea a facut aceiasi afacere cum au facut real cu figo si zidane, din cate stiu la anul zidane se retrage nu stiu figo dar nici el nu mai are mult :(


1st September 2003, 15:51
zidane a spus ca se mai gandeste in privinta retragerii.
asa ca ne va minuna incontinuare :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

1st September 2003, 17:19
Ma oricum nu poti sa zici ca makelele joaca prost dar chelsea a facut aceiasi afacere cum au facut real cu figo si zidane, din cate stiu la anul zidane se retrage nu stiu figo dar nici el nu mai are mult :(


Da, dar Zidane si Figo "vand" tricouri. Realul a facut bani frumosi din vanzarea de produse cu numele lor. Nu prea cred ca Makelele e in aceeasi situatie.

1st September 2003, 18:04
Zidane se retrage in 2005. Asa ca mai este pana atunci. Are 31 de ani si cu toate astea nu se compara cu Makelele. Una este sa-l vezi pe Zizou si alta este sa-l vezi pe Makelele jucand.Zidane este cel mai constant de la Madrid(mai ales in acest inceput de campionat)
Iar Figo a veni acum 3 ani la Real, cand avea 27 de ani, exact cat are Beckam acum.
Politica realului este sa aduca vedete si nu tinere sperante.

1st September 2003, 21:09
edgar dar real crezi ca o sa scoata bani pe care ia dat pe transferurile lui zidane si figo din vanzarile tricourilor???. Ovidiu dar un jucator tanar si bun precum raul joaca peste 10 ani la acel club daca nu e transferat iatr un zizou juaca vreo 5 care e mai buna afacerea ca dai 10-30 pe jucator sau 40-70 mil $ .A si ce nuti mai place zizou iti place bechkam :?


2nd September 2003, 00:29
Ionutz, n-am zis ca o sa-si scoata banii, dar o sa-si recupereze o buna parte din investitie. Fara sa fiu condescendent, cred ca tu nu iti dai seama ce sume se invart in marketing. Mai ales in zona asiatica. Iar Real a dat lovitura cu Beckham, cucerind aceasta piata. Asa cum spune si Ovidiu, Real merge pe vedete. Nu cred ca in tribune sunt multi purtatori ai unor tricouri cu numele lui Makelele. Jucatorii cu profil defensiv rareori atrag "adoratia" multimii. E si normal, atacantii marcheaza goluri, fac spectacol...

2nd September 2003, 12:12
Pai da ai dreptate au cucerit piata asiatica dar cu numele lui bechkam nu al lui figo si zidane. Ai dreptate atacanti atragadoratia multimi nu aparatori dar fara ei nu poti sa castigi totusi cel putin in CL. Hai ca mesajele de aici au legatura cu chelsea si nu totusi cu real


4th September 2003, 00:01
Salut baieti!!! Eu cred ca Chelsea va termina campionatul pe locul 5-6. Pai loturile lui Manchester si Arsenal sunt omogene si au vedete recunoscute pe plan international. La Chelsea in afara lui Mutu, Veron, Makelele si Crespo ceilalti nu se pot considera vedete. Lotul nu este echilibrat. CE portar are Chelsea?! Cudicini...eu nu am auzit de el...Pe plan international nu cred ca va face mare branza, pentru ca achizitiile facute de Roman nu se pot ridica la nivelul vedetelor lui Real, de exemplu.

In sfarsit eu asta cred PA

4th September 2003, 14:44
tuestitu dar in orice caz chelsea va avea un cuvant greu de spus in anglia mai ales daca ce zice inter e adevarat anume ca chelsea se pregateste sai ia pe cannavaro, cordoba (Inter), respectiv montero si iuliano(Juve) asa ca m. united si arsenal ar trebui sa fie :shock: de echipa lui abramovich .Repet daca cannavaro, cordoba , montero si iuliano vor ajunge aici pai va fi o aparare italiana si nu ii vad bine pe m. united si arsenal :yeah:


14th September 2003, 23:08
Chelsea tureaza motoarele....Mutu doua goluri ! cred ca pe masura ce vor trece etapele Chelsea va fi din ce in ce mai buna!

20th September 2003, 23:06
Chelsea invinge in deplasare pe Wolverham cu scorul de 5-0, 2-0 la pauza. Mutu nu a jucat fiind accidentat :yeah:

21st September 2003, 15:23
:D :D :D
ionutz observ ca e bucuria mare pe tine ca mutu s-a accidentat.
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

21st September 2003, 18:46
Se aude ca la iarna ericksson il va inlocui pe ranierii

21st September 2003, 21:17
Erikssom doreste si el sa mearga la Chelsea, dar ar vrea mai intai sa conduca Anglia la EURO 2004.

22nd September 2003, 20:37
Nu ma bucur ca mutu sa accidentat azzuro :happy

23rd September 2003, 00:43
Chelsea n-are cum sa castige titlul anul asta. N-o sa aiba forta sa tina pasul pana la sfarsit.
Si, fara suparare, Mutu n-are ca cauta in Anglia -- o sa mearga din accidentare in accidentare.

23rd September 2003, 16:51
mi se pare locul excelent pt mutu in anglia se joaca un fotbal spectaculos nu ca in italia.
CHELSEA VA CASTIGA TITLUL :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
SI MUTU TROFEUL DE GOLGHETER :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

23rd September 2003, 17:00
ady_azzuro sa fie cum zici tu

23rd September 2003, 19:52
As face pariu cu tine, si ti-as da si sanse de 10-1 (sau mai mult), Ady, ca nici Chelsea nu ia titlul, nici Mutu nu iese golgeter; dar, din pacate, tu locuiesti in Kuwait.
O fi Mutu roman, dar hai sa fim realisti. Nu cred ca are forta fizica sa joace in Anglia (--de-asta s-a si accidentat).

23rd September 2003, 20:08
Si io sper sa castige chelsea titlul cu toate ca cred ca e prea devreme, poate la anul dar sa fie ca tine azzuro

23rd September 2003, 20:15
As face pariu cu tine, si ti-as da si sanse de 10-1 (sau mai mult), Ady, ca nici Chelsea nu ia titlul, nici Mutu nu iese golgeter; dar, din pacate, tu locuiesti in Kuwait.
O fi Mutu roman, dar hai sa fim realisti. Nu cred ca are forta fizica sa joace in Anglia (--de-asta s-a si accidentat).

Dar macar sunt sanse :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:
Yo am vazut-o pe chelsea in toate meciurile oficiale din sezonul asta si arata ca o adevarata campioana :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: , desi ii lipseste experienta, se compenseaza prin valoare 8) 8) 8)

23rd September 2003, 20:43
Mutu s-a accidentat la Praga. Nu in Anglia. Si a jucat in tara betonului italian fara accidentare.Asa ca incercati sa vedeti realistic fatul ca se poate afirma si confirma. :yeah: Dorin

24th September 2003, 04:17
Sunt perfect de acord cu tine, Ady; Chelsea are valoare si joaca foarte bine. Si eu as vrea sa castige titlul, dar au de concurat cu Arsenal si manchester... Si personal, eu cred ca majoritatea echipelor engleze le cam fac partie astora doua. O sa fie mult mai greu pentru Chelsea sa bata toate echipele mici, decat pentru manchester. :thinkso:

24th September 2003, 14:56
:D :D :D
deocamdata manchester si arsenal sa incurca intre ele , pana acum chelsea pare sa profite 8) 8) 8)

27th September 2003, 20:02
Chelsea - Aston Villa 1 - 0. A marcat Hasselbaink. Mutu a ratat multe ocazii si a fost inlocuit de Gronkjaer.

28th September 2003, 01:43
Chelsea a jucat binisor, dar nu cine stie ce (da, am vazut meciul!). Oricum, apararea lor arata mai bine decat a lui Arsenal (l-am vazut si p-asta).
In alta ordine de idei, cred ca tot manchester o sa iasa campioana, pentru ca jucatorii adversi parca se dau la o parte din calea atacantilor lor (n-am vazut meciul, dar am vazut golurile).

28th September 2003, 17:06
Da am vazut si io meciul interesant iar golul mik se pare ca a plecat de la mutu

1st October 2003, 03:28
Cred ca sutul decisiv (in urma caruia a ajuns mingea la Hasselbaink) a fost al lui Lampard. 8)

7th October 2003, 22:11
mutu a facut un doi cu duff i-a crosetat pe cei de la villa pe stanga apoi i-a pasat lui lampard acesta a sutat iar mingea a ricosat la jimmy :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

Pararea mea ca atacul lui CHELSEA ar trebui sa fie format din MUTU&CRESPO , cioara aia nu are ce cauta in echipa /nope/ /nope/ /nope/ , e tembel rau :D :D :D

7th October 2003, 23:37
Voila favoritii mei de la CHELSEA LONDON :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

Carlo Cudicini No 23


Wayne Bridge No 18


John Terry No 26


Glen Johnson No 2


William Gallas No 13


Frank Lampard No 8


Juan Sebastian Veron No 20


Damien Duff No 11


Jesper Gronkjaer No 30


Hernan Crespo No 21


Adrian Mutu No 7


7th October 2003, 23:43
Iata-i pe toti "londonezii"

8th October 2003, 17:51




8th October 2003, 17:53




8th October 2003, 18:04
Tocmai mi-am cumparat un tricou c chelsea original cu numele lui mutu pe spate :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
A costat doar 900 000 in bani romanesti.
Stiti cumva daca in romania au aparut tricouri cu mutu?
Vb de cele originale desigur

8th October 2003, 23:26
Ady de unde l-ai cumparat?

9th October 2003, 12:15
L-am cumparat de la un Adidas Centre , desi marca este Umbro se gaseste si la Adidas.
La tine acolo nu stiu de unde l-ai putea cumpara , incearca totusi la Adidas.
Si daca gasesti doar tricoul cu chelsea dute la un magazin special unde pot sa iti puna atat numarul cat si numele pe spate , asa am facut si yo :happy :happy :happy

9th October 2003, 13:30
Mersic ady! :) :) :)

9th October 2003, 21:48
cu placere ieppy :sneaky: :angel:

11th October 2003, 22:25
Atacantul Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, component al echipei Chelsea a fost batut de un suporter, deoarece a refuzat sa-i dea un autograf.

11th October 2003, 22:31
Bine i-a facut :happy :happy :happy
Nu merita sa faca parte din lotul lui CHELSEA /nope/ /nope/ /nope/

12th October 2003, 18:47
Stiti cumva la ce "link" se afla forumul lui chelsea , ca nu dau deloc de el :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

14th October 2003, 15:56
Imi pare rau ca nu pot sa te ajut ady_azzuro!!!!
Acum vreo 2 saptamani am gasit forumul lor dar nu mai stiu unde. M-am inscris si i-am intrebat pe londonezi daca sunt multumiti de Mutu. As fi fost tare curios sa vad raspunsul lor dar am uitat pe ce site era forumul.

14th October 2003, 21:50
np Dragos.
il gasesc yo pana la urma :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

14th October 2003, 21:52
Birmingham City v Chelsea

Tuesday 14 October 2003 19:45

Mutu nu joaca nici macar rezerva nu e :? :? :?

Birmingham City: Maik Taylor , Olivier Tebily , Kenny Cunningham , Matthew Upson , Jamie Clapham , Damien Johnson , Aliou Cisse , Stephen Clemence , Stan Lazaridis , Christophe Dugarry , David Dunn
Subs: Ian Bennett , Jeff Kenna , Bryan Hughes , Stern John , Clinton Morrison

Chelsea: Carlo Cudicini , Glen Johnson , John Terry , Robert Huth Wayne Bridge , Claude Makelele , Frank Lampard , Joe Cole , Njitap Geremi , Hernan Crespo , Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink , Robert Huth
Subs: Marco Ambrosio , Damien Duff , Mario Stanic , Mario Melchiot , Eidur Gudjohnsen,William Gallas

19th October 2003, 20:20
Arsenal 2 Chelsea 1

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003


A second-half error from Carlo Cudicini gifted Arsenal victory as Chelsea suffered a first Premiership defeat of the season. Hernan Crespo had brilliantly replied to Edu’s deflected free kick in a breathtaking opening ten minutes.

After an even first half, in which the inexperienced centre-back pairing of Robert Huth and Mario Melchiot, along with holding midfielders Geremi and Claude Makelele, had been outstanding, Chelsea were unable to find a way through.

In the end, though, two unfortunate goals proved enough to win the game, and how many more times will we say that against our north London rivals? It is now a wearisome 15 games in all competitions that we have failed to beat them.

The game exploded into life straight away, with Edu’s goal after five minutes. Johnson had needlessly handballed just outside the centre of the box, and the Brazilian midfielder curled a shot to the side of the Chelsea wall, where Ray Parlour stuck a foot out to redirect it away from Carlo Cudicini.

Claudio Ranieri had ranged his side in a 4-3-1-2 formation, with Damien Duff playing freely just behind Adrian Mutu and Hernan Crespo, and it was the impressive Argentinean who levelled within three minutes.

Geremi, lively throughout the first hour, supplied an excellent blind-side pass to Crespo, and the striker stepped inside his marker then pinged a delightful right footer from 25 yards. Lehmann, who had earlier asked for a cap because of the horizontal autumn sunshine, was left stranded as the net billowed. It was, you might say, out of the blue.

Makelele was booked for tackle on Pires as Chelsea battled and harassed, knocking Arsenal off their rhythm. Chances were rare either way. Cudicini dived at full stretch to cut out Pires’s cut back after the Frenchman had outstripped Johnson, and Melchiot showed excellent composure to allay any danger from Henry, who was only fitfully involved.

As the tight encounter took shape the crowd banter began.

“We’re ****ing loaded!” sang Chelsea fans.

“48 years!” replied Arsenal, referring to the previous time we won the League.

The Chelsea choir’s retorts – “You’re gonna ground-share with Tottenham!” and “Shall we buy a ground for you?!” – passed without response.

Barclaycard Player of the Month Frank Lampard – quiet by recent standards –

and Crespo drew comfortable saves from Lehmann, and Johnson, after a neat stepover trick in the Arsenal box, had his fierce shot blocked. Crespo and Geremi both shot wide. Duff’s nutmeg and cross just failed to find the Argentinean as Chelsea’s intricate probing found gaps.

After the break, Arsene Wenger roused his players to a much feistier display and, in bringing on Dennis Bergkamp and Kanu just past the hour, gained the tactical upper hand.

Chelsea’s only real opening until the closing moments came early on, an inviting Johnson cross evading three unmarked Chelsea players stretching in front of Lehmann. Jesper Gronkjaer, brought on after 68 minutes and playing on the right, failed to make the usual impression on panicky Ashley Cole.

Joe Cole, though, deployed on the left with 20 minutes to go, was very lively, even though Chelsea shaped as if a draw was now a desirable result.

Still the Mechiot-Huth partnership held firm. Gilberto and the out-of-sorts Robert Pires had already shot straight at Cudicini before the Italian keeper made a superb point-blank save from Henry; Kanu headed against the post from the corner, and a head of steam was building.

No one could have guessed how the winner would come though. While Ranieri waited with sub Mario Stanic on the sideline, but before the Croatian could ocme on at a free kic, Arsenal took it quickly and referee Durkin waved play on. Breaking down the right, Pires crossed poorly towards Henry and Cudicini looked to be gathering the ball easily. Instead, he fumbled as he dipped and presented Henry with the easiest of goals.

Now Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, not Stanic, replaced Geremi, and was instantly booked for a high challenge for the ball on Lehmann.

With five minutes left Henry prematurely ran to the corner flag, stating Arsenal’s intent.

And if a lovely jinking run and cross-shot from Johnson in the last minute had ricocheted in rather than clear, or Cole’s snapshot had been on target, it would all have been so different.

Once again, at Heartbreak Highbury, it was not to be.

Rick Glanvill

19th October 2003, 20:22
Claudio shrugs off first League defeat

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003


Whether it was the curse of the Manager of the Month award, or the usual hex of Highbury, Chelsea have suffered a first Premiership loss, and it hurts.

In his post match briefing, Claudio Ranieri stressed again how his team is still formulating and he was not too disappointed.

He also backed to the hilt goalkeeper Carlo Cudicini – whose error under pressure handed victory to the Gunners – as the media attempted to draw a pattern from similar errors against Blackburn and Besiktas.

“I said to Carlo don’t worry, you saved a lot of times good chances for the opponent for Chelsea,” said the manager. “I have been in football a long time. A lot of good goalkeepers make mistakes. It is normal. Sometime it can happen.”

Ranieri also explained Chelsea battle plan, which had worked well in the first half, but not so successfully in the second.

“Always we play for the victory. It’s not always possible,” he said. “The first half was good for us. But we didn’t want to concede a counter attack to Arsenal because all the world knows how good they are on that.

“The first half was very good tactically for us. When I say we are not a team like Man United or Arsenal I mean this: when Pires receives the ball, all the team know what will happen. When Duff get the ball, Mutu and Crespo don’t know yet.

First half there was good distance between midfield and defence. The second half we defended too deep.

“I’m pleased. I can’t say anything to my players. They played with heart they tried to do good things.

Ray Parlour praised Chelsea too. “It was end to end,” he said. “We just had that extra bit of luck. Chelsea will be challenging come May. They’re an excellent squad.”

Arsene Wenger agreed. “I felt at half time we were unlucky to be at 1-1 because they didn’t create a lot,” he said. “We felt we played a little bit with the handbrake on and needed to put more pressure on them, which we did after the break. We needed the three points.

“We were lucky because Cudicini, who is normally very reliable made the mistake. We hit the post and Cudicini made a great save from Thierry.”

Ranieri was full of praise for Hernan Crespo’s fourth Chelsea goal, an unstoppable 25 shot.

“It was amazing,” said Ranieri. “The first training session he arrived he made the same goal. A long cross from Melchiot and he did the same shot.”

Roman Abramovich visited the Chelsea dressing room after the game to console the players.

Rick Glanvill

22nd October 2003, 12:50
Good news on the fitness front

Tuesday, Oct 21, 2003


John Terry, William Gallas, Juan Sebastian Veron and Celestine Babayaro have all been pronounced fit for the visit of Lazio tomorrow. Only Marcel Desailly and Emmanuel Petit are definitely out.

In a surprisingly tetchy press conference today, Claudio Ranieri and Seba Veron had few opportunities to talk about the game.

“It’s important to win,” said Claudio. “It will not be easy. Lazio is an Italian team with international mentality. Mancini was a fantastic player.”

Seba recognised that the match was special to him – many people consider he played his best football for Sampdoria and Lazio – but refused to let it become an issue. “It’s going to be a special match for me, it will be extra stimulus, but not when you get on the pitch because you leave your feelings behind.”

He added: “Playing in Europe always makes it a special night, you’re playing against the best teams.”

But continuous questions about Ranieri’s future, Veron’s form and even Veron’s pay led to a shortening of communications, and when one Italian journalist suggested Lazio would play ‘catenaccio’ Ranieri interrupted and pointed out that ‘catenaccio’ was practised nearly 50 years ago and not since and wouldn’t enter any more discussion on that matter.

He did say that he hadn’t read Italian papers when he was in Italy and didn’t read English papers now, but just got on with his job.

Lazio’s press conference is this evening.

Neil Barnett

22nd October 2003, 13:37
Le probabili formazioni in campo alle 20.45
CHELSEA (4-4-2): 23 Cudicini; 2 Johnson, 27 Terry, 15 Melchiot, 18 Bridge; 8 Lampard, 4 Makelele, 20 Veron, 14 Jeremi; 7 Mutu, 9 Crespo. A disposizione: 11 Ambrosio, 29 Huth, 13 Gallas, 30 Gronkjaer, 11 Duff, 9 Hasselbaink, 22 Gudjohnsen. All. Ranieri.

LAZIO (4-4-2): 1 Peruzzi; 22 Oddo, 31 Stam, 11 Mihajlovic, 19 Favalli; 14 Fiore, 4 Albertini, 10 Stankovic, 5 Zauri; 9 Corradi 18 Muzzi. All. Mancini. A Disposizione: 33 Sereni, 23 Negro, 16 Giannichedda, 20 Liverani, 53 Conceiçao, 21 Inzaghi, 7 Lopez.

ARBITRO: Terje Hauge (Norvegia)


CHELSEA (4-4-2): 23 Cudicini; 2 Johnson, 27 Terry,13 Gallas, 18 Bridge; 8 Lampard, 4 Makelele, 20 Veron, 11 Duff, 7 Mutu, 9 Crespo. A disposizione: 11 Ambrosio, 29 Huth, 15 Melchiot,14 Jeremi;
, 30 Gronkjaer, , 9 Hasselbaink, 22 Gudjohnsen. All. Ranieri.

VICTORIE!!!!!!!!!!!! :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

23rd October 2003, 13:29
Nu inteleg cum au putut sa bata pe Lazio. Chelsea joaca total haotic.

23rd October 2003, 15:42
Ma bucur pentru victoria in fata lui Lazio!!!!!
Sper ca Chelsea sa continue tot asa si MUTU sa inscrie in continuare!!!!!

23rd October 2003, 15:52
Intr-adevar echipa nu se regaseste.
Yo cred ca ar trebui urgent luat un conducator de joc un fundas si un portar.

:thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

Ranieri este un antrenor fricos , ar trebui sa mearga pe aceiasi jucatori , el ii schimba mereu.
Damien Duff este liderul echipei la ora actuala.
+ Lampard care joaca extraordinar facand relatiile dintre aparare si atac :happy :happy :happy

MUTU sper sa o continue tot asa , este favoritul lui Abramovich , si cred ca are un loc asigurat in avamposturi :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

23rd October 2003, 20:51
Am castigat la pariuri :D mersi mult ptr. rezultatul cu Lazio! :D
Fuck italian soccer! /fu/
Hala Madrid!

24th October 2003, 13:29
Mutu zboara,

Cu un instinct de pradator, Adi Mutu a cistigat meciul de miercuri cu Lazio. El este unul dintre eroii alesi de presa britanica: "S-a napustit ca o pantera spre mingea pierduta si a inscris"

Turnul Babel s-a reconstruit, cu multi bani, intr-un vestiar din Londra. Un patron rus, miliardarul Abramovici, o cultura britanica a fotbalului si a vietii de lux, un antrenor italian, Ranieri, si stele din toate colturile Pamintului. Francezii Desailly si Petit, camerunezul Jeremy, irlandezul Duff, argentinianul Veron, italianul Cudicini sau olandezii Melchiot si Hasselbaink. Printre ei, romanul Mutu.

Adrian a izbutit sa se impuna rapid, intr-un mediu unde trebuie sa punctezi nu doar fotbalistic. |ntre masinile Ferrari si Lamborghini, a avut nevoie de un Porche. Printre atleti de culoare care danseaza ca dracii, si-a amintit de discotecile din Pitesti. Pe teren, s-a bagat mereu in clinciuri. L-au ajuntat mintea, fibra si dorinta de a demonstra ca e cineva. |n cea mai mediatizata echipa a lumii, in cel mai concurential vestiar al momentului, Adrian Mutu se lupta cu succes pentru gloria si numele sau.


"The Sun" a realizat un inspirat joc de cuvinte. A descoperit "dinamita Mutu"

Theodor Jumatate

Englezii nu mai intelegeau. "Unde e Mutu? A amutit cumva? De ce nu mai inscrie?", se intrebau ei, asteptind un nou gol dupa taifunul care luase pe sus "Stamford Bridge" in primele saptamini. L-au primit. Miercuri, exact intr-un meci-cheie, cu Lazio, Mutu s-a insurubat printre masivii adversari, a tras cu dreptul, a tras cu stingul si a marcat golul victoriei. |n tribune, suporterii ii scandau numele. La masa presei, ziaristii il elogiau. Din nou, ca la inceput. Dintr-o data, atacantul lui Chelsea era acelasi pradator necrutator.

"Dynamute!", a titrat "The Sun", jucindu-se si descoperind intr-un singur cuvint "dinamita Mutu", care a propulsat pe Chelsea, "ca o naveta spatiala", in fruntea grupei G. "O adevarata inspiratie pentru toti coechipierii acest exploziv atacant roman", a continuat tabloidul cu 3,5 milioane de cititori, oferind multe fotografii cu Mutu cu explicatii pe masura. "Omul-racheta", cind "tricolorul" celebreaza a cincea reusita in tricoul albastru, "A doua lovitura", referindu-se la sutul izbutit dupa blocajul initial al olandezului Stam, "Ultimul zimbet", dupa ce "Mutu a pus capat sperantelor italiene". Nu lipseste nici descrierea golului: "S-a napustit ca o pantera spre mingea pierduta si a inscris". Dar peste toate, pe coperta suplimentului de sport, apare o imagine cu Mutu si Lampard, cei doi marcatori de la Chelsea, sub titlul "Ranieri: Am dat drumul ciinilor". Lampard are nota 8, fiind considerat omul meciului, iar Mutu are 7, a doua nota in partida de la Londra.

Un alt cotidian po****r in Marea Britanie, "Daily Mirror", a realizat ca "4-4-2", sistemul folosit de managerul Ranieri din momentul in care Chelsea a fost condusa, "i se potriveste si lui Mutu". Nu numai lui, "mijlocasilor de asemenea. Duff, Veron, Lampard si Makelele si-au dat seama ce trebuie sa faca, confuzia disparuse. Iar Mutu a profitat de limpezirea situatiei". Concluzia: "Ranieri a gasit, in sfirsit, formula potrivita. A jucat tactic magistral, iar Chelsea poate patrunde in elita europeana". Cu Mutu in frunte. "El l-a rasplatit deja pe patronul Abramovici". "The Independent" nu greseste.

"Mutu a fost foarte, foarte inteligent, a avut si putin noroc, si a inscris"
Claudio Ranieri, manager Chelsea

"Omul de 22 de milioane de euro a trimis pe Lazio la pamint. Investitia a fost deja recuperata"
Cotidianul elvetian "Blick"

"Mutu a zburdat in tot frontul ofensiv, marcind si golul victoriei. Lazio nu a descoperit antidotul impotriva lui"
Cotidianul italian "Corriere della Sera"

"Romanul a inclinat balanta. Opera sa a ingenuncheat pe Lazio"
Cotidianul italian "Il Resto del Carlino"

"Chelsea s-a intors la catedra datorita entuziasmului lui Mutu"
Cotidianul italian "Alto Aldige di Bolzano"

Casa de Briliant

Fotbalistul locuieste intr-un apartament luxos care se afla in proprietatea lui Dan Petrescu Viata lui Adrian Mutu la Londra se desfasoara dupa un sablon. Antrenament, somn dupa- amiaza, maninca sportiv, se culca devreme. "E important sa te mentii si sa respecti un program", a explicat jucatorul lui Chelsea din fotoliul asezat in sufragerie. Locuieste la cinci minute departare de stadionul Stamford Bridge, in apartamentul lui Dan Petrescu. E situat la etajul trei al unui bloc cu sase etaje, iar masina si-o parcheaza in boxa special amenajata la subsolul cladirii. "Ma simt bine aici. Am patru camere confortabile. Acum a venit si mama impreuna cu prietenul meu cel mai bun, Alin. Am tot ce-mi trebuie pentru a ma antrena in liniste si cu mintea limpede", povesteste Adrian. Zilele trecute, un camion i-a adus de la Parma lucrurile care-i mai ramasesera acolo de pe vremea cind evolua in Serie A. "Eram obisnuit cu televizorul meu, asta mare. Acum il am. Dar de multe ori stau seara intins pe canapea si ascult muzica in casti. E reconfortant pentru mine".

"Baiatul meu e sensibil"

Rodica Mutu, mama lui Adrian, se afla la Londra de 10 zile. Baiatul ei a chemat-o. "Ma simt foarte bine de fiecare data cind mama sta la mine. Cind plec de la antrenament o sun si ea imi pregateste masa pina ajung acasa". |ntre cei doi nu e numai o relatie ca de la parinte la fiu. Adrian si cu mama lui sint prieteni. "Doar e baiatul meu. Trebuie sa am grija de el. Mi-a placut intotdeauna sa-l ajut cu tot ceea ce am putut si eu, si tatal lui. E un tip extrem de sensibil. |l cunosc perfect. |si iubeste familia mai mult ca pe orice in lumea asta", a povestit Rodica Mutu. "De Sarbatori o sa vina si sotul meu aici. |n Anglia se joaca si-n ultima zi a anului fotbal si Adrian n-are cum sa ajunga acasa. Vom fi noi alaturi de el. Nu-l lasam singur", a continuat ea.

Copilarie ca a lui Creanga

Personajul care anima cel mai mult casa lui Mutu din Londra este Alin, prietenul lui din copilarie. El e responsabil cu buna dispozitie. "Cind eram mici stateam seara la scara din fata blocului si ne gindeam cum e sa fii mare fotbalist. Adrian a ajuns sa afle asta si sint fericit pentru el. Cind eram amindoi pusti, mergeam la furat de cirese. Am avut o copilarie la fel de zbuciumata ca a lui Creanga", a povestit Alin. Aflat in dreapta lui, Adrian l-a completat: "Mie imi plac ciinii. Am in Romania o catea labrador de care-mi e dor. Acum e batrina. Pe vremuri venea cu noi peste tot pe unde mergeam". Ziua e mai scurta in Anglia. Se intuneca pe neasteptate. Timpul a trecut cu repeziciune si s-a facut tirziu. Adrian a cerut permisiunea sa se retraga in camera. Era obosit, pentru ca, pe teren, el nu face niciodata economie de efort. Urmau alte meciuri la fel de importante pentru el.

"Mama m-a sprijinit intodeauna si m-a ajutat mereu sa trec peste momentele grele din viata mea", a spus Adrian. El isi va petrece sarbatorile de iarna la Londra, alaturi de Rodica si Spiridon Mutu, parintii lui

"|i sta bine ca actor lui Cristi Chivu", a spus Mutu cind l-a vazut pe colegul sau facind reclama noii Constitutii. Si eu am realizat un spot publicitar pe aceasta tema, dar nu-mi dau seama daca am iesit mai bine ca el in imagini", a glumit Mutu

1 milion de romani din mediul urban, corespunzator unui rating mediu de 9%, potrivit estimarii CSOP/TNS, au urmarit partida Chelsea - Lazio de miercuri seara. Virful de interes, 11,7%, s-a inregistrat la ora 22:26, iar unul din patru televizoare deschise pe durata meciului a ramas fixat pe ProTV

7 milioane de euro este cel mai mare salariu de la Chelsea, primit de argentinianul Juan Sebastian Veron; in acelasi timp, Adrian Mutu are anual 3 milioane de euro la clubul londonez

Efort de miner si viata de print

Mutu si colegii sai muncesc intens si petrec la fel. Sint tineri, bogati si celebri. Atmosfera de la Chelsea e decupata parca din NBA. Nu doar pentru ca e dominata cromatic de jucatori de culoare, exemplare splendide masculine, ci si pentru ca intilnesti acelasi grup puternic de barbati care lupta si se distreaza pina la epuizare. Totul pe bani multi

Nimeni nu stie unde se va opri fenomenul Chelsea. Si care va fi dezondamintul. Adi Mutu traieste din plin aceste luni de gratie din cariera sa. La antrenament si in meciuri trebuie sa demonstreze ca merita. E greu sa te remarci intre 25 de vedete!

Venirea lui Roman Abramovici a adus alte dimensiuni cartierului pozitionat, pentru amatorii de cartografie, in sud-vestul Capitalei. Liga Campionilor si campionatul Angliei nu mai sint doar o himera pentru suporterii satui sa vada, cu un nod in git, bucuria rivalelor Arsenal si Manchester. Brusc au aterizat aici o gramada de jucatori. Mustind de valoare, plini de bani, dar si de curiozitati. De obiceiuri straine oamenilor de rind, permise lor, cu salarii ce depasesc bine de tot milionul de lire sterline.

Intre "nebunul" Jimmy si linistitul Crespo

Spre exemplu, Veron. Un macho argentinian care are doua pasiuni: femeile si viteza. Cind s-a transferat la Chelsea a facut 6 drumuri pina la Manchester, in 6 zile, ca sa-si aduca masinile. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Aston Martin. De unul singur. N-avea incredere in nimeni. Se temea ca bijuteriile sale sa nu fie afectate.

Gudjohnsen e si el un personaj. |ntr-o vreme juca poker pina nu mai stia de el. Si nici de banii pe care i-a pierdut. Se zice ca peste un milion de euro. Partenerul sau preferat, ca si pe teren, Hasselbaink. S-au potolit, se pare.

Irlandezul Damien Duff e bun prieten cu tariile. Si cu berea, ca orice irlandez care se respecta. Fundasul John Terry, singurul crescut chiar de Chelsea, e si el amator de distractii. De Revelion s-a imbatat atit de rau si i s-a pus pata pe toti asiaticii aflati in acelasi bar cu ei. I-a luat la bataie si a terminat noaptea la Politie. Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink n-a avut acelasi noroc. Acum doua saptamini el a fost cel care a incasat citiva pumni. Culmea, de la un suporter al lui Chelsea, care, beat fiind, i-a solicitat olandezului un autograf, dar, vazindu-se refuzat, l-a articulat scurt.

Plutonul linistitilor e condus chiar de capitanul Desailly. Crespo face parte cu succes din acest grup. La fel italianul Cudicini, ori francezul Petit, cumintit de superba sa sotie, actrita Agathe de la Fontaine. Aici poate fi inclus si Makelele, care are un singura slabiciune: femeile. Se si considera extrem de sexos, motiv pentru care, cind a venit la Londra, purta un tricou pe care scria chiar acest lucru, "To sexy".

Felul de a fi al lui Adi Mutu, vesel si direct, l-a facut deja iubit in acest Turn Babel care e vestiarul lui Chelsea. E o mare realizare, roman fiind, sa te integrezi printre atitea vedete. Si poate ca aici sta e si cheia succesului pe care "Briliantul" l-a avut peste tot pe unde a fost, la Inter, Verona sau Parma.

La Chelsea, el se intelege insa cel mai bine cu Haselbaink, Makelele, Melchiot si Jeremi. |ntilnirile lor contin dialoguri savuroase. Cei patru negri sint incintati ca Adrian "incepe sa se fie ca unul de-al nostru". Iata doar un episod al deselor intilniri dintre roman si celalalte patru vedete de culoare de la Chelsea Londra.

Muzica rap, plete si inele de aur

Telefonul lui Mutu suna de doua ori. Se afla in Porsche-ul sau si conduce spre baza de antrenament de la Harlington. Raspunde pe car keet si discutia poate fi receptata de toti cei care calatoresc cu el. "Heiii, man! Unde esti? Ce se intimpla cu tine?", intreaba Mutu in limba engleza rizind. La telefon se afla colegul lui de echipa, Mario Melchiot. " Heiiii, Adrian. Omul meu! Nu stiam ce faci! Ma intrebam cum de azi nu m-ai sunat sa vin sa te iau la antrenament", a glumit olandezul facind aluzie la faptul ca Mutu il cheama des sa-l ia de acasa. "Ai picioruse subtiri, ca de pui. Ai grija cu mine azi la antrenament", i-a raspuns romanul tot in gluma. "Ok, Adrian!". Dupa citeva secunde de liniste, Melchiot ii striga in telefon: "Acum, acum uita-te in oglinda retrovizoare si vezi ca vine o furie neagra peste tine. Sa vad cum te feresti", il anunta Mario in clipa in care ajunge in spatele masinii lui Mutu, cu Lincolnul sau.

Apoi isi pune bolidul in paralel cu masina romanului. Pletele lungi ale simpaticului negru lovesc cu putere scaunul din dreapta si geamul de la portiera lui. Danseaza la volan. Asculta muzica. Deschide geamul si se aude cu putere muzica formatiei rap "50 cent". Poarta ochelari de soare si inele din aur pe aproape toate degetele. Apoi se lanseaza pe sosea si-l anunta pe Adrian ca se vad la stadion.

"Ok, maan! Dansezi ca noi!"
Mai e o jumatate de ora pina la inceperea sedintei de pregatire, adica timp destul pentru un dialog savuros intre jucatorii de culoare de la Chelsea si Adrian Mutu. " Ma simt excelent alaturi de toti colegii de echipa. Dar imi petrec timp mai mult alaturi de Jimy Floyd Haselbaink, Mario Melchiot, Makelele sau Jeremy", spune Mutu. N-apuca sa-si termine vorba ca ii zareste pe prietenii lui in fata vestiarelor. "Ma asteapta!", exclama Mutu. Cind iese din masina, cei patru fac cerc in jurul romanului. Baietii il simpatizeaza pe roman pentru felul lui vesel. Apoi, toti se apuca sa-i fredoneze o melodie si incep sa se miste pe linga el ca niste raperi veritabili, agitindu-si miinile si picioarele.

Omul alb
Adrian nu ezita sa intre in jocul lor si le imita citeva miscari. Negrii sint entuziasmati si Haselbaink exclama. "Ok, maaan! Ai talentul unui negru cind dansezi. Ne place de tine! Esti omul nostru, frate!" Pentru ca n-apucasera sa se salute, Mutu o face pe rind, cu fiecare dintre ei. Totul se produce intr-un mod original. |ntii isi lovesc miinile pumn in pumn si apoi se apleaca fiecare usor in fata si se ating cu umarul drept. Mutu e un fel de lider al lor. |ntilnirea vesela s-a terminat o data cu intrarea la vestiare, dar povestea de prietenie dintre Mutu si cei patru curge aproape in fiecare zi.

Bolidul lui Melchiot
"Melchiot e un jucator extraordinar. |n meciul contra celor de la Arsenal a jucat fara greseala. E un aparator care da siguranta echipei", si-a caracterizat Mutu colegul. Mario Melchiot a venit la Chelsea in 1999 de la Ajax Amsterdam. Este olandez de origine surinameza si are 27 de ani. A debutat intr-un meci oficial cu noua sa echipa in aprilie 2000. |i plac masinile mari si confortabile. La Londra el conduce cel mai luxos model de teren al concerului Ford, un Lincoln Navigator model de teren cu tractiune 4X4. Masina are un motor special, V8 de o capacitate cilindrica de 5,4 litri. Are 300 de cai-putere si in America valoreaza in jur de 80.000 de dolari.


24th October 2003, 13:32
PREZENTAREA CAMPIONILOR :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

Carlo Cudicini

Crescut de Milan. Tatal sau, Fabio, a fost un cunoscut portar italian in anii '60.

Celestine Babayaro
Nigerian de 24 de ani. A fost adus in '97 de la Anderlecht, unde debutase la 15 ani, primul meci in Liga fiind cu Steaua. I se zice "Baba".

Marcel Desailly
Nascut in Ghana. Este capitanul "nationalei" Frantei si al lui Chelsea. Colegii ii spun "Stinca".

Robert Huth
Fundasul german poseda un sut foarte puternic. "Nu stati in calea lui cind trage!", se recomanda pe site-ul oficial al clubului.

Claude Makelele
Originar din fostul Zair. |i plac iesirile nocturne, dar nu prin baruri, ci alaturi de femei.

Mario Stanici
 La debutul la Chelsea, in august 2000 (4-2 cu West Ham), a jonglat mingea de citeva ori si a inscris de la 30 de metri.

Joe Cole
Se numara printre cei mai teribilisti jucatori din Premier League. Este atras de cursele de masini.

Juan Sebastian Veron
Mare pasionat de tatuaje. Pe bratul drept are imprimat chipul lui Che Guevara si un trandafir alaturat numelui iubitei sale, Flor.

|ntirzie de regula la prezentarea la lot. Sezonul trecut, cind era la Middlesbrough, a stat 5 zile in plus in Camerun sustinind ca sufera de dizenterie

Jimmy Hasselbaink
A costat 23 de milioane de dolari in 2000, cind s-a transferat de la Atletico Madrid.

Hernan Crespo
A fost golgeterul echipei Argentinei la Olimpiada din 1996, la Atlanta (SUA)

Cele mai mari remuneratii la Chelsea

Jucator Salariu

Veron 7
Crespo 5
Desailly 4
Makelele 3,5
Petit 3,3
Mutu 3
Hasselbaink 3
Duff 3
Lampard 2,7
Terry 2,7
Joe Cole 2,2
*sumele sint in milioane de euro.

24th October 2003, 13:37
Wed 22 October 2003,

Chelsea 2 - 1 Lazio

Goalscorers: Lampard 57: Mutu 65
Squad: Cudicini, Terry, Bridge, Gallas, Johnson, Veron (Gronkjaer 64), Makelele, Lampard, Duff (Geremi 79), Gudjohnsen, Mutu (Cole 87)
Unused Substitutes: Ambrosio, Melchiot, Huth, Hasselbaink
Booked: Terry (48) , Veron (25)

Goalscorers: Inzaghi 39
Squad: Peruzzi, Stam, Mihajlovic, Favalli, Oddo, Conceicao, Stankovic (Liverani 84), Albertini, Zauri (Fiore 74), Inzaghi (Muzzi 68), Corradi
Unused Substitutes: Sereni, Negro, Dabo, Lopez
Booked: Mihajlovic (31) , Oddo (90) , Inzaghi (56) , Fiore (79)

Attendance: 40,405
Referee: Terje Hauge


Chelsea were set a big, big test of our character and abilities tonight and by the end of a pulsating game, we had passed with no little panache.

With small margin for error left after the Besiktas result and after the potentially confidence sapping calamity at Highbury four days earlier, the team found themselves trailing tonight despite a bright start.

But still the crisp passing football continued to be played and still the belief continued to flow and in the end, a Frank Lampard spectacular and a typical piece of predatory finishing by Adrian Mutu took us to the top of our Champions League group.

The one goal deficit we took into the break was incurred after 38 minutes and it’s fair to say it came from Lazio’s first real opening of the evening. Before that all the best football had been Chelsea’s.

Damien Duff was once again roaming with threat behind the front two of Mutu and Gudjohnsen, his direct darts at Stam and the velocity-challenged Mihajlovic a source of hope.

Veron, nominally on the left of a diamond midfield but patrolling all land between the penalty areas was unveiling his best display of passing in a Chelsea shirt. The movement off the ball from everyone was the best we had seen all season.

In just the fourth minute, Wayne Bridge burst forward, moved the ball on to Gudjohnsen who went outside the covering defender and shot not too far over.

Then it was his strike partner’s turn to threaten. Mihajlovic let the ball slip his attention and Mutu raced into the large gap behind. The Romanian let fly but let fly wide of the far post.

Lazio’s defence wasn’t comfortable and a long ball from the back had the whole lot of them trailing in the wake of Mutu and Gudjohnsen. The latter of the two collected the bal out wide but his attempt to find his partner in front of goal was thwarted by a retreating defender. A great opening had gone begging.

The game was easy on the eye, only punctuated by two late challenges and subsequent bookings for Veron and Mihajlovic – Albertini and Gudjohnsen the assaulted players.

Then the penned-in visitors landed their retaliatory punch. For the first time they found a way round the back of the impressive Glen Johnson, a corner being the cost. The initial ball in was cleared but a long pass back out to the left by Oddo found Stankovic away from the young Chelsea right-back again.

His ball in was low and dangerous and Inzaghi, always lethal from a yard (when he manages to stay on his feet!) was able to bundle the ball in.

This season’s Champions League chances were beginning to hang by a thread but this Chelsea team did not freeze. On the stroke of half-time, Frank Lampard attempted to commence the fight-back by cutting in and unleashing a sweetly struck shot from 30 yards. The crossbar was still shaking as the referee’s whistle brought the opening period to a close.

There were no changes at half-time – Claudio Ranieri happy with the performance he had seen and Roberto Mancini satisfied with the position he was in.

John Terry was booked soon after the restart, bring Inzaghi’s surge to an end with William Gallas off the pitch receiving treatment and the on-pitch defensive cover stretched thin.

Duff shot wide as Chelsea pressed toward the Shed End and on 57 minutes, Frank Lampard had that section and all other sides of the ground leaping to their feet.

Mutu advanced through the middle and seeing no further way forward played the ball out to Duff who knocked it on to Gudjohnsen. Showing good awareness, the ball was laid off to Lampard and what followed was arguably his best strike for Chelsea so far.

From the edge of the area he curled the ball over Peruzzi with both pace and precision. It was a terrific way to equalise.

The hunt was on for the lead. Veron curled a free-kick onto the roof of the net while Cudicini had to show his best reflexes to keep out a deflected shot from Zauri.

Veron committed another less-than-pretty foul and with a second booking hovering on the horizon like a black cloud, he was replaced by Gronkjaer who went wide right. Lampard moved to the middle with Duff drifting out to the left.

Sixty-five minutes had passed and the flying Dane’s impact was instant. He took on Lazio’s captain and left-back, Favalli, in a race to the bye-line, he won it and crossed to the feet of Mutu.

The first shot cannoned back off a defender but as is Mutu’s happy habit, his second attempt found the corner of the net.

Duff almost engineered a third but his low cross was just inches in front of Gudjohnsen and then Cudicini was called to the rescue for a second time. Putting his Highbury horrors behind him, he took off and arched his back to tip over a top corner-bound header by Corradi who had impressed as a target man throughout.

Italian international Stefano Fiore was introduced and was immediately booked for tugging back Johnson and then Geremi was brought on for Duff. Liverani for Stankovic was Lazio’s last switch.

The limit on the away team’s chances was down in no small part to another towering performance by John Terry, a great block and tackle on Corradi in front of goal in the closing stages arguably the peak.

The end game began and there was a moment of fear followed by blessed relief as Conceicao messed up a wonderful chance to equalise. Fiore’s cross from the left arched over the top of the Chelsea defence where the Portuguese international awaited totally unmarked. His headed effort didn’t even go close.

Joe Cole came on for Mutu with eight minutes remaining and played a major part in a succession of ball-retaining juggles near the corner flag. One such attempt to run the clock down ended in a mass scuffle with Oddo’s hack at Gronkjaer the spark.

The Italian international full-back was duly booked and with the red mist still lingering, he took the ball on a powerful surge through the centre of a weary Chelsea team and floated a chip over Cudicini. For a nasty nanosecond, it looked to be dipping in but thankfully the crossbar was just a little too low.

The final whistle blew and the Chelsea fans amongst a 40,405 crowd (Lazio providing a healthy presence) launched into a chorus of ‘Are you watching Ars-e-nal?’

So it now lies all square between Chelsea and Lazio in Champions League encounters. A 0-0 draw and a 2-1 defeat four years ago was levelled out by the 2-1 win today. In two weeks time we can decide this mini-contest – and quite possibly the destination of Group G too.
















CFC Overall


Fair Score
2.27 - .75

24th October 2003, 14:24








26th October 2003, 11:53
Sat 25 October 2003,

Chelsea 1 - 0 Manchester City

Goalscorers: Hasselbaink 34
Squad: Cudicini, Melchiot, Terry, Bridge, Gallas, Makelele, Gronkjaer (Geremi 68), Lampard, Cole (Duff 73), Hasselbaink (Huth 84), Mutu
Unused Substitutes: Ambrosio, Gudjohnsen, Crespo

Manchester City
Squad: Seaman, Distin, Sommeil, Sun, Barton, Tarnat, Sinclair, Reyna (Sibierski 80), Anelka, Wright-Phillips, Fowler (Wanchope 73)
Unused Substitutes: Stuhr-Ellegaard, Dunne, Bosvelt

Attendance: 41,040


How often does this happen? Two previously free-scoring teams meet with much expectation of a goal bonanza but instead a tight, less-than-spectacular match is served up as entertainment.

In fact there were shades of Chelsea’s last home Premiership home game this afternoon, the narrowest of wins and a very similar Hasselbaink poached goal to his one past Villa deciding the day. But against more in-form, and frankly better opposition today than O’Leary’s lot, satisfaction is there to be taken from this result.

City did have it within their power to press Chelsea back at times, particularly in the opening and closing periods, and the post kept them out soon after the Chelsea goal.

Claudio Ranieri’s side also threatened again soon after that goal as the visitors were briefly reduced to chaos, but otherwise it was a victory based largely on hard graft.

It was the flanks of the team that were freshened up by the Chelsea coach going in to the game. Mario Melchiot was restored to right-back, Joe Cole was given a rare start on the left of midfield and Jesper Gronkjaer was given the chance to stretch the long leg’s of City’s Michael Tarnat down the right.

Adrian Mutu was the striker retained to play alongside Hasselbaink and it was a combination that paid dividends with the goal on 33 minutes.

A patient build-up had allowed the Romanian to peel off to the left and when he received the ball, he had little else in his mind than to attack Sommeil who had followed him. Mutu won the dash to the bye-line and smacked the ball low across goal.

Before the game David Seaman endured with a smile the arm-flapping taunts of the Matthew Harding end but those taunts suddenly looked rather prescient when the superannuated stopper only succeeded in pushing the ball into the path of Hasselbaink who bundled home.

Mutu had nearly carved out an opener just minutes earlier when his chip to the far post was headed in by Frank Lampard as the linesman’s flag went up for offside. It must have been close.

Then just a minute after taking the lead, Lampard reversed the roles and flew down the right before crossing to Mutu at the back post. The goal looked to be gaping but instead, the option of a head back across to Cole was taken but it was a header too strong.

Anelka had unsurprisingly looked the biggest threat for the visits in the opening stages, the offside flag his greatest opponent at times, but it was Robbie Fowler who came the closest to pulling it back, forcing Cudicini into a superb flying push onto the post when he sent Tarnat’s cross goalwards. It was practically the only time anyone noticed the rusty former goal machine.

That was the most enthralling period of the game. For the rest of the time stout defending and competitive midfield battling ruled. There was a fair share quick balls forward in attempts to exploit the pace of Anelka and Mutu but otherwise, it was with crosses that most in-roads were made by either side.

On five minutes defender Sommeil advanced forward and met Tarnat’s cross but volleyed over and Chelsea retaliated when Frank Lampard’s long ball was reached by Hasselbaink but he shot tamely wide.

Joe Cole at one point moved over to the right and made a thrust for centre ground before sending a low ball in; a stretching Hasselbaink turning it into the gloves of Seaman. And good play by Lampard allowed Hasselbaink to find Mutu who also prodded at Seaman

After the break, Gronkjaer attempted to bring variety to the attack, steaming off down the centre of the pitch from his own half but after performing a Moses act on the parting City defence, he shot straight at Seaman.

A creative moment from Cole fed Mutu who brilliantly jinked into space in the area but his shot was blocked and then Bridge’s follow-up cross caused a scramble before City hacked clear.

In truth, another goal was looking unlikely. Trevor Sinclair resorted to trying his luck from distance but this was the real Cudicini rather than that impostor at Highbury and he dropped on it with ease

With quarter of the game to go, Geremi was brought on for Gronkjaer and then minutes later Duff came on for Cole. Wanchope entered for Fowler as Keegan attempted to bring a new edge to his attack.

The tall Sibierski then followed for Reyna which may have prompted the introduction of Huth’s height. Hasselbaink departed as Chelsea mutated into a 3-4-3.

In the closing stages Sinclair took the opportunity to crack another shot in but Cudicini was again up to the task as Chelsea held onto the win with relative easy.

Kevin Keegan has never won here as a manager, neither for Man City or Newcastle. He has suffered far more convincing defeats than this one at Stamford Bridge before - but as we prevented the Premiership’s top scorers from finding the net, we continued to look a side that will be very hard to beat.
















CFC Overall


Fair Score
1.85 - .55

:yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

26th October 2003, 11:58




:happy :happy :happy

26th October 2003, 12:01
FRESH NEWS 8) 8) 8)

We're top of two Leagues!

Saturday, Oct 25, 2003


The predicted goal-fest never materialised but Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink’s first-half goal, coupled with an unexpected blip by Manchester United who lost at home to our neighbours Fulham, put Chelsea back on top of the Premiership. London rules OK, Manchester!

Claudio Ranieri compared himself to Pavarotti today, for bellowing at his team from the sidelines.

“I wanted to stimulate my players because I thought they needed my support today. I wanted Jesper and Joe Cole to stay very wide to leave Mutu and Hasselbaink one by one against their central defenders,” he said.

As ever the squad rotation system came into force.

“It’s always difficult after a Champions League game when you expend a lot of psychological energy, it’s not easy to recharge your batteries so I changed some players to put fresh players in the squad. We didn’t play as well as against Lazio but it was a good result at the end.”

With just one point from our last two Premiership games: a draw with Birmingham and defeat to Arsenal, Ranieri knew it was imperative to get the Blues back on track. Going top of the League was an added bonus.

“It’s not important now but it was important to come back with a victory. It was a difficult match because City played very well. They have good players and it wasn’t easy against them. I’m pleased with our performance.”

A disappointed Kevin Keegan felt that his side deserved something out of the game and explained the difficulties of preparing to play the Blues.

“It’s a difficult place to come now and it’s difficult to prepare against Chelsea because I don’t think even Mr Ranieri has got too much of a clue two days before a game what team he’s going to play, let alone an opposing manager.

“Apart from putting a goal on the end of it, we’ve come here today and given them a fright. We’ve given them a battle and a scrap which we failed to do last year so, if it’s possible to be happy after a 1-0 defeat, I’m fairly happy.”

Though critical of his central defender David Sommeil for allowing Mutu get to the bye-line, he declined to criticise keeper David Seaman for his involvement in Hasselbaink’s goal.

“We limited Chelsea to three shots here today. The one save Cudicini made when we did get a good ball in was world-class: to get that ball onto the post was a tremendous save.

“We’ve come here today, played them and they’ve edged it but I think they’re fortunate,” Keegan summarised.

Top of the Premiership and top of our Champions League group, Claudio was asked whether he felt he finally had a ‘team’.

“We work like a team but sometimes we lose the plot,” he explained to the amusement of the collected media. “Always we work hard. Today was a good match because under pressure the team was solid and didn’t lose the plot.”

Captain John Terry, resolute again in defence, was voted Emirates Man of the Match.

Gill Lester

26th October 2003, 18:51
Mutu a fost omul cel mai reprezentativ al meciului si in transmisia televizata a avut cele mai multe primplanuri.Comentarii elogioase de la crainicii de pe aici ! Isi mentine un nivel constant foarte ridicat .E maret ! :yeah: Dorin

26th October 2003, 18:59
E maret din pacate doar in Anglia , ca la echipa nationala....

30th October 2003, 21:56
Chelsea 4 Notts County 2

Wednesday, Oct 29, 2003

The impressive crowd of just under 36,000 that turned up for tonight’s first outing in this season’s Carling Cup certainly can’t say it didn’t receive value for money from this one!

Four Chelsea goals and a display that was frayed enough around the edges to allow the opposition hope until close to the end made for a buoyant evening of cup football - spiced up towards the end by the sideshow that was Eidur Gudjohnsen’s ultimately unsuccessful attempt to record his first career hat-trick.

That would have put to an end a Notts County challenge that Chelsea never really looked likely to lose, but we did always look capable of conceding. We were often our own most dangerous opponents.

A multitude of free-kicks were conceded in dangerous locations as well as a fair smattering of corners. Darren Caskey may not be (how shall we put this?) quite the fighting weight he enjoyed when a Tottenham hopeful - but he does still deliver a testing dead ball and he was a threat throughout.

With Hasselbaink and Gudjohnsen feeding off the craft of Damien Duff however, Chelsea were always in possession of sufficient firepower to win the day.

Duff, starting on the left of a midfield four that also included Veron, Geremi and Gronkjaer, was at his twisting and turning best – particularly early on.

With only a few minutes on the clock he almost set-up both Hasselbaink and Gudjohnsen and then a spell of sustained pressure finished with him crossing to Hasselbaink’s diving head - keeper Mildenhall saving well.

Caskey almost engineered an opening goal for Notts County, first from a free-kick just wide and then when Tony Barras headed his corner against the legs of Glen Johnson on the line. And the young Chelsea full-back was quickly called on again to save the day.

Some indifferent Melchiot defending allowed Heffernan to run at Marco Ambrosio and although he got an intercepting hand in, the ball made its way back to Heffernan via Platt and the shot towards a keeperless net was kicked away by Johnson. The tone for the game had been set.

Time for Chelsea to roll out the big gun! With 14 minutes gone, Hasselbaink picked up the ball some 25 yards out, picked out the top corner with his sights and executed the delivery as only Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink can.

Gronkjaer then cut in and blasted over before effortlessly racing round the outside of full-back Richardson and crossing for Gudjohnsen to volley just inches wide with considerable power.

Home debutant Ambrosio in goal pulled off a confidence-boosting save at the far post when Platt headed Caskey’s corner on target but he could do little about County’s equaliser as the half hour approached. It was another Caskey ball in, this time flicked on by Platt and Barras smacked it in to sending the 3,000 travelling fans leaping from their seats.

Not for the only time in the game however, Chelsea proved capable of deflating County’s dreams as soon as hope had sprung. With ten minutes to go before the break, Johnson took possession after a quick throw, advanced and then floated the ball into the near post area where Gudjohnsen stooped to bundle it in.

Just before the break, Veron, who spent a lot of the game drifting deep with only limited effect, lined up a free-kick and took the sensible option of rolling it for a Huth bunker-buster which went wide as Barras blocked, almost losing his head in the process.

Hasselbaink was withdrawn at half-time, Mario Stanic making his first appearance of the season behind sole striker Gudjohnsen who was soon in action again – his shot well saved after more good work by Duff.

Then just after the hour came a double penalty incident that more or less decided the game. Babayaro was ruled not to have brought down Baldry in the area despite vociferous appeals and within a blink, Gronkjaer was well away and haring towards the County goal.

As he attempted to hurdle keeper Mildenhall, he went flying. The ref pointed to the spot and followed it up with a yellow card when having seen it as a foul, it could well have been red.

Gudjohnsen stepped forward and drove the ball in low for his 50th Chelsea goal.

Gronkjaer failed to recover from the challenge and was eventually replaced by Joe Cole and he almost played in Gudjohnsen straight away.

With ten minutes remaining, the Icelander resisted the temptation to focus totally on that elusive hat-trick when he set up Duff. His first shot was blocked but he failed to do a ‘Mutu’ when the second effort was blocked as well.

Two minutes later, Eidur did see the whites of the woodwork ahead of him after beating the offside but he hit it as well, smashing against the crossbar with a rasping angled drive. His frustration was compounded in the final minute of normal time when Mildenhall pulled off another good save.

Before that though we had seen another two goals. A lofted ball into the area saw Ambrosio go up with substitute Stallard and the Chelsea keeper lost out, appealing for a foul as the County man stabbed home.

We were then prevented from suffering a nervous ending by the endeavours of the two subs. Stanic burst through and saw his shot from 15 yards stopped by yet another good save from the impressive Mildenhall but it came back to Cole who calmly passed it into the corner for his Chelsea first.

Caskey curled just over with the last kick of the game but a two-goal margin was a fair reflection of game. The healthy crowd present was a happy reflection of the current appetite for Chelsea football.

Paul Mason

De ce nu a jucat mutu?
Probabil menajat pt meciurile mai tough :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

30th October 2003, 21:58
exact! :thinkso:

30th October 2003, 22:00
ady, ai grija ca te ia lion king la mesaje in 2 luni. scrie omul cate 10 pe zi.

30th October 2003, 22:23
Lasa sa scrie ... nu imi fac nici o problema , chiar ma bucur cand scrie cineva la fel de des ca si mine.
Nu sunt singur macar :) :) :)

30th October 2003, 22:42
Pozele meciului de seara trecuta :) :) :)




1st November 2003, 18:40
ADRIAN MUTU INSCRIE !!! :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
Everton Chelsea 0-1
:happy :happy :happy

lupisor lupetto
2nd November 2003, 08:41
se pare ca Adi a inscris si una gol valabil care a fost anulat.

5th November 2003, 15:37
se pare ca Adi a inscris si una gol valabil care a fost anulat.
Se pare ca Adi a inscris golul victoriei cu ajutorul mainii in partida cu everton :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

5th November 2003, 17:02
Lazio 0 Chelsea 4

Tuesday, Nov 04, 2003

In one of the greatest team performances in Chelsea’s history, the Blues trounced the fifth placed team in Serie A on their own patch.

The first-half was positively English, furious pace, crunching tackles, driving attack, open play, end to end football. The anger, fouling and spitting were neither English nor European, however!

Chelsea started by far the better side. Veron only just failed to reach Bridge’s cross which had defeated goalkeeper Sereni after Duff’s break, when Chelsea took the lead.

Mutu won a free-kick off Liverani having attacked down the left from Veron’s fine ball. Veron took the free-kick, whipping a curler from wide towards the far post. Everyone missed it and the uncertain Sereni slapped the ball out straight on to Crespo’s face. It rebounded in. Fourteen minutes had gone.

Veron had received a hero’s welcome from the home crowd when Chelsea came out, a champion returning, but Crespo was booed. He loved this goal.

Chelsea were flying. Little details like Lampard brilliantly rounding Stankovic and Favalli with flicks were exhilarating but the second goal wouldn’t come. Duff’s clever cross past Mihajlovic just evaded Crespo and Mutu.

Soon after Mutu headed back Duff’s corner and Crespo’s overhead was just wide. But Lazio began to get in the game. The half hour was approaching.

There had already been bad moments such as when Inzaghi had thrown himself down as Terry challenged but didn’t touch him, and now the striker won a free-kick off Gallas. Mutu brilliantly blocked Albertini’s shot.

Things suddenly turned very nasty. A couple of crunching tackles were followed by Mihajlovic kicking Mutu after fouling him. Next thing Mutu was jumping with a slightly stray elbow – nothing too ferocious – and Mihajlovic responded by spitting in his ear. He is likely to face a lengthy ban as this was caught on camera.

Makelele and Inzaghi, Johnson and Stankovic, the feuds started boiling. Lazio increased the pressure and won a succession of corners, cutting through Chelsea’s midfield diamond. Terry brilliantly back-flicked Inzaghi’s header across goal away from Corradi and then headed away Stankovic’s 20 yarder bulleting to the top corner.

Mutu was booked for his second wild challenge in a minute, the critical one on Liverani, and Cudicini for time wasting as half-time approached. The Lazio corners piled up, Corradi delivering one thumping header just over the bar.

But Chelsea should have gone in two ahead at the interval. First Crespo, lucky to survive an offside flag, shot weakly allowing Sereni to save after another good Veron break and pass. Then the big striker back-flicked Mutu’s square ball from three metres following a wonderful move started by Duff going past two wild challenges. Crespo had found Mutu from Duff’s pass but should have done better with the return. Sereni saved at the second attempt.

As the teams went off at half-time Makelele and Inzaghi had to be separated.

The second-half started with the save of the season from Cudicini. Stankovic’s shot from the left was whipped like Veron’s free-kick, everyone missed it and the goalkeeper flung himself across goal to palm out. Inzaghi followed up and shot for the gaping net, but Cudicini dived from the ground to save again.

In two minutes the game was decided between Mihajlovic and Duff. First the defender took the attacker from behind and was booked. Then he tripped him as he raced for goal and he was sent off. Mihajlovic went arguing and screaming, refused to leave the perimeter when a UEFA official asked him to and flung a bottle in his direction.

Claudio Ranieri sent on Gronkjaer for the still wild Mutu after 56 minutes, and Chelsea went to 4-3-3, stretching ten men Lazio. Negro replaced Fiore two minutes later, going to centre-half, and they played 4-3-2.

Lazio nearly equalised when Corradi chipped cleverly after Cudicini had palmed out a cross under pressure, but again the goalkeeper rose to save.

At the other end Crespo failed to make contact with Duff’s low cross and was replaced by Gudjohnsen on 66 minutes.

But suddenly it was all Chelsea. Lazio collapsed. Lampard sent Gronkjaer away and his low shot sizzled past Sereni but just past the far post. But within seconds Veron sent Lampard away, he found no support, held the ball up, turned and rounded Couto and shot left-footed. Serena palmed and Gudjohnsen netted. He’d been on two minutes.

Lazio sent on Lopez and Muzzi for Inzaghi and Albertini. Cudicini had to perform miracles again to save at Lopez’ feet after a mix-up between Johnson and Gallas, but Chelsea were rampant now.

Duff cut inside Favalli from the left, forced himself across Negro and Couto and shot into the far corner. 0-3!

Cole immediately replaced Veron with 16 minutes to go. Three minutes later Cole’s shot was deflected to Gudjohnsen and his thunderbolt was palmed by Sereni for Lampard to finish. Three goals off Sereni’s palms. 0-4!

Cudicini did it from Corradi’s head yet again – the forward couldn’t believe it – and then Johnson got himself sent off for a second booking after kicking the ball away. Ranieri was furious with him as he left the pitch.

The near 4,000 Chelsea followers then received their final treat. Captain John Terry dragged spectator Gianfranco Zola out to wave to them.

Football nights don’t come better than this.

Neil Barnett

5th November 2003, 17:05






7th November 2003, 15:01
Back down to earth

Thursday, Nov 06, 2003

The first team squad returns to training this morning after a day off following their flying back from Rome.

Captain John Terry led the way in recognising that the setting of a new standard had been achieved at Lazio.

“I don’t think we’ve been performing as well as we can do,” he told Chelsea TV.

“We’ve been grinding out results. But that was our best performance.”

His take on Man of the Match was simple. “The whole team. The bench. The squad!”

With so much focus on Sinisa Mihajlovic’s spitting incident, it is easy to overlook that Lazio’s central defender was sent off for two fouls when he couldn’t cope with the pace and trickery of Damien Duff.

Damien told Chelsea TV: “The big turning point was when Mihajlovic was sent off. That finished them off.

“The gaffer said before the game, he’s got a great left foot but he’s not the quickest, so when you get the ball get at him, and he took me down. I was away two times and it was two yellow cards.”

Two homegoing Italians increased their reputation with the game, goalkeeper Carlo Cudicini and manager Claudio Ranieri.

Carlo pointed out how well Chelsea did when it was 11v11. “In the first-half they didn’t have a shot.” But in the second he had to make a string of saves as the game opened up. His best was the double save from Stankovic and Inzaghi. “I needed to be very quick and luckily put my arm out and saved the goal,” he said modestly.

But it’s all over now. Newcastle is the focal point. Following our breathtaking 5-0 win at Galatasaray in 1999 the team returned home and went 2-0 up against Arsenal with more excellent football before a man named Kanu scored a famous hat-trick.

As Ranieri keeps reminding everyone: “We have achieved nothing yet.”

Neil Barnett

7th November 2003, 17:22
Ma bucur pt victoria clara cu Lazio in special pt Mutu :yeah:

7th November 2003, 17:29
Si mie :happy :happy :happy

In + e favoritul lui Abramovich :) :) :)

Chelsea este aproape de cel de-al 2lea titlu din istorie :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
Sper sa castige si CL :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

7th November 2003, 17:39
Nu cred ca are sanse anul asta dar la anul o dau printre favorite :yeah:

7th November 2003, 21:04
Unde in CL sau in Domestic League?
Sau in aman2 :) :) :)

8th November 2003, 17:37
Rising expectation don't worry Blues

Saturday, Nov 08, 2003


Frank Lampard and Jesper Gronkjaer stated clearly on Chelsea TV yesterday that there can be no hangover from the Lazio night against Newcastle on Sunday afternoon.

Gronkjaer, who came on as a substitute in Rome when Chelsea were still only 1-0 up, believes the team will be ready for the latest challenge.

“It’s not a problem at all. The Premiership is so exciting, maybe a bit more exciting for us this season because now we’re really challenging for the Championship, even though it’s too early to really talk about it. It’s not going to be a problem, trust me!

“Of course we are a bit more confident now because we keep winning. We haven’t lost many games, and now we’ve played our best game this season.

“We haven’t performed in all the games, but we’ve had the luck, we’ve defended well in some games, and even in the games where we’ve made mistakes, we’ve scored more goals. So now I still think it’s the same, we always want to try and win, and that’s the same as it was last season.”

The victory in Rome was another example of Chelsea finding it easier to put on the style away from home: Liverpool, Wolves, Lazio. Home games against struggling teams like Leicester, Blackburn and Aston Villa have proved a struggle, and even the last home League win against Manchester City was a 1-0 battle.

But Lampard still believes home form is good. “I don’t think we’ve played at times our best football at home this year, but you always feel like we have the edge at home with the fans, and we’ve got good results.

“Mentally when you go away, you know it’s going to be tougher, the fans are against you and the teams want to beat us. For me, at home, we should really make it our fortress, and at times we have done, and hopefully we’ll start performing even better.

“When I play at home I go out feeling confident and wanting to get on the ball and take it to the other team and I think that’s how we all have to feel. If we do feel like that, we’ve got the quality in the team, eventually we can break them down with the players we’ve got, even if the team want to defend.

“We need to carry that belief on, and take it to Newcastle or whoever comes to us, and feel like we are going to beat them.”

Gronkjaer also dismisses the extra pressure that will come from new expectations following the result in Rome. “I think we’ve won 14 out of 18 now, so what happened in the past, we can’t use it anymore.

“We played maybe our best game against Lazio, but we have to look forward again and make sure that Newcastle is going to stay behind us, and that hopefully we’ll have three more points after Sunday’s game.

“We have had the luck so far this season, we haven’t played well in all our games, but it’s a new team, and a lot of changes have been made with players and systems. So in a way I think it is normal, but we know we have got the press on our shoulders, and everyone wants us to perform. Our fans have been really supportive this season until now, and they understand it’s a new team.”

Lampard feels fresh and ready despite the journey back from Rome getting into Gatwick around 2.30am on Wednesday morning.

“Fine, I feel fine. I mean if you can’t feel happy after that game, and looking forward to the next game, then there’s something wrong. It’s given us all a boost.

“I think we need to set standards like that, because that’s what this club is going to be about in the future, so we set the standard against Lazio, and from now on we’ve got to try and stay as close to that as we can on a regular basis and try and get better.”

He is not concerned by the expectations that will raise within the fans. “The fans on Tuesday night were the best I’ve ever seen from a group of fans travelling with us. We came out for the warm-up, we heard them, and it gave us all a tingle. We were saying this is what it’s all about, how magnificent, and how without them maybe we might not have got that result, and they deserve that.”

Neil Barnett

8th November 2003, 17:46
Mutu assailant Mihajlovic punished

Friday, Nov 07, 2003


Lazio defender Sinisa Mihajlovic has this afternoon received a stiff penalty from UEFA for his unsavoury behaviour in Tuesday night’s game.

After viewing video evidence of Mihajlovic both kicking out and spitting at Adrian Mutu during the 4-0 win, plus looking at his conduct towards a UEFA official after he had received a red card for separate incidents, the European governing body issued an eight-match ban.

The ban covers European games and includes the suspension that would have been served for the sending off. In addition, the Serbian international who has been in trouble for similar offences before, has been fined 12,700 euros. He has until midnight on Monday to appeal.

9th November 2003, 22:12
Chelsea a castigat cu 5-0 in fata echipei Newcastle . Se pare ca se descurca :D

9th November 2003, 23:02
Cu Lazio 4-0 , acum 5-0 8) 8) 8)
Mutu a jucat bine , dar ar fi cazul sa mai si inscrie :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

9th November 2003, 23:09
Chelsea 5 Newcastle United 0

Sunday, Nov 09, 2003

We could quite grow to like this!!

Chelsea handed out our second thrashing of the week this afternoon and as on Tuesday night, it was highly rated opposition that were put the sword.

As on Tuesday night again, the bulk of the goals were scored past a side reduced to ten men – Andy O’Brien having been dismissed just before half-time – but don’t let that distract from the fact this was powerhouse display from an increasingly impressive Chelsea outfit.

Both halves of the game had a similar pattern to them. Newcastle had suffered a big blow before the match even began when their only consistent goalscorer, Alan Shearer, was ruled out with a throat infection.

They battled hard to make up for his absence in the opening stages as both sides struggled to find space in front of goal but when Chelsea did eventually strike, we struck hard - banging in three goals in the 20 minutes before half-time through Glen Johnson, Hernan Crespo and Frank Lampard.

The second-half too saw Newcastle cling on for the early part but as legs started to tire, mistakes began to be made and thanks to the excellent Damien Duff and substitute Eidur Gudjohnsen, two more were added to fairly reflect the home team’s domination.

It was a rare unchanged sided that began the demolition. Duff was impossible to pin down at the front of the diamond while Frank Lampard appeared to be everywhere, constantly encouraging his team forward.

It was he who had the first dangerous effort, curling a well-struck shot from 30 yards only just wide. Duff had earlier hit straight at Given, a feat repeated later by Crespo after Gallas’ miscued effort fell to him.

When the first goal came on 25 minutes, it proved to be one worth waiting for. Wayne Bridge, who put in a succession of crosses throughout the game, whipped one over from the left that flew too far behind Crespo’s leap but fell to his fellow full-back Johnson.

The teenage sensation controlled the ball, took his time, and then smashed it into the roof of the net. In front of the watching Sven Goran Eriksson, it was the perfect way to stoke up the stories of his impending England selection.

Adrian Mutu was not too far away from reaching another Bridge cross, Shay Given in the Newcastle goal needing treatment they collided. There were then loud claims for a penalty when O’Brien lunged in at the Romanian’s quick feet just inside the box and they appeared to have some justification. The decision would however go his way five minutes later.

Before that though, Chelsea added a second. Just as in Rome, Hernan Crespo proved to be the man in the right place at the right time when Duff’s attempted shot fell to his feet and he diverted past Given from close range. Johnson’s first time cross had originally created the opening.

The penalty came two minutes later. A long ball from the back by Johnson should have been tidied up by O’Brien but having made a pig’s ear of it, Mutu raced towards goal with the Newcastle centre-back playing catch up. First came a tug of the shirt a few yards from the penalty area but Mutu advanced on before falling over the line.

Referee Durkin initially gave no signal but then on the advice of the linesman’s flag, the spot-kick was awarded and O’Brien was dismissed.

No Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink meant a first Chelsea penalty attempt for Frank Lampard and he slammed the ball hard and low under Given’s dive.

Newcastle had been reduced to just one proper opening before the break when Cudicini dived to keep out Robert’s header. Such was the lame nature of their attacking efforts and the excellence of the Johnson, Gallas, Terry, Bridge back four that it proved to be their only threat of the game!

The second-half simmered quietly for the first 30 minutes – Joe Cole a replacement for Mutu and Gudjohnsen later coming on for Crespo.

Veron’s visionary long pass sent the second of those substitutes racing in from the left but his ball across the face of the goal was just too far in front of substitute number one.

With 14 minutes to go, Chelsea did find the goal for the fourth time. Shay Given has presented Chelsea with gift goals in the last two league games here and he made it a calamitous hat-trick when he took Irish brotherhood a little too far.

His under-hit clearance fell straight to the feet of Duff who skipped with ease past the challenge of substitute centre-back Caldwell before smacking the ball into the bottom corner. Like Crespo earlier, it was his first goal in front of the ecstatic home support.

Gudjohnsen’s finale came eight minutes from the end of normal time. A patient build-up saw the ball played out to Bridge who once again crossed with menace. Bramble’s marking of Eidur was non-existent and the man who has tortured the Geordies on several occasions before rose at the far post to head home with a flourish.

‘Where were you when you ****?’ chanted the Newcastle fans as they desperately attempted to find something to hold over the Chelsea support.

‘At Stamford Bridge smashing six past Newcastle’ could well have been the Chelsea reply. Today was the biggest win over this opposition since that 1980 win back in the days Colin Lee, Phil Driver and Peter Rhoades-Brown.

Back then however we were forlornly looking for a way out of Division Two. After today, no-one is in any doubt that we have become genuine challengers for the Championship.

Paul Mason

9th November 2003, 23:16
Pozele unei seri superbe....




11th November 2003, 21:45
Jucatorii echipei Chelsea nominalizati la "Balonul de Aur" : Adrian Mutu :yeah: si Makelele (care este nominalizat pt evolutiile sale de la Real Madrid) Desi nu tin cu Chelski imi pare bine pt Mutu, dar unde sunt toate "vedetele" alea, d c nu sunt nominalizate pt Balonul de Aur? :D :D :D

11th November 2003, 21:52
Pt ca celelalte vedete nu au fost in forma in care a fost Mutu cand a plecat de la parma :thinkso: :thinkso: :thinkso:

Yo cred ca Mutu este chintesenta lui Chelsea :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

14th November 2003, 00:02
Claudio Ranieri nu prea il lauda pe Mutu cu toate ca tot el ii scoate din rahat....si la meciurile unde Mutu a avut prestatii remarcabile si a inscris...Ranieri il evidentia pe Cole si spunea de Mutu ca a inscris norocos.....
Claudio Ranieri vine si vremea ta.....

14th November 2003, 00:10
:ciocan: :ciocan: :ciocan:
Mie nu prea imi place ranieri.
cred ca este un norocos
Daca nu era Mutu nostru , nu stiu daca mai era pe banca londonezilor

14th November 2003, 00:17
Aici ai dreptate...zilele lui sunt oricum numarate si o stie si el.....
Adi Mutu a fost baiat finut si nu a dat nici o declaratie in perioada cind nu era in echipa de start....dar ca un facut a dat Dan Petrescu un interviu legat de asta si se pare ca...Clopotele din Bucuresti au azuns la urechile lui Abramovici....care l-a tras de urechi pe Ranieri.....asa ca Mutu e in primul 11 si joaca f bine...

14th November 2003, 00:21
Parerea mea este ca Mutu a fost menajat la unele meciuri de ex, in curling cup cand Chelsea a jucat cu cea mai veche echipa din LUME!!!
Dar ordinul lui Abramovoch a fost foarte clar "VREAU SA-L VAD PE MUTU LA FIECARE MECI, E FAVORITUL MEU"
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

21st November 2003, 22:18
Sambata ora 17:00 > Sotuhampton-Chelsea in direct pe TV SPORT

29th November 2003, 18:25
Duminica de la ora 18:05 Chelsea - Manchester U.

Sper ca CHELSEA sa se distanteze de Man Utd, sa profite de un pas gresit al tunarilor si sa treaca pe primul loc!

29th November 2003, 18:42
In Olanda macar vedem la RTL meciul live intre Chelsea si MAN UTD :p :p


Pride of the north

29th November 2003, 22:03
In Olanda macar vedem la RTL meciul live intre Chelsea si MAN UTD :p :p


Pride of the north
North America=====
Chelsea - MAN UTD duminica ora 11 ET canalul 613 sau 720 (DirecTV)

30th November 2003, 20:30
Si iata Chelsea in frunte ! 1 - 0 cu Man U nu-i de discutat! Pentru restul sezonului ? Nu am vazut meciul dar se pare ca Mutu s-a vazut si la ratari , si la pase dar si la cartonase.Dar nu la goluri. :cool: Dorin

30th November 2003, 20:30
Noua echipa Chelsea a trecut pe primul loc...... :D

30th November 2003, 20:32
Eu am vazut meciul....iar Mutu a fost aproape inexistent. Un singur sut pe poarta a dat si el. Mi-au placut in schimb de Lampard si Duff. Destul de bun si tanarul Joe Cole.

30th November 2003, 20:56
Am vazut si eu meciul , MUTU a jucat foarte bine , Crespo a fost practic inexistent...
Din pacate romanul nostru nu a inscris , dar a facut cateva faze frumoase , numele lui fiind cel mai strigat pe stadionul Stramford Bridge :cool: :cool: :cool:
Ma bucur ca CHELSEA a trecut pe primul loc si sper sa fie campioni!
FORZZA CHELSEA!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

30th November 2003, 20:59
zi-mi si mie 3 faze la care s-a evidentiat Mutu. mie mi s-a parut apatic. n-a facut si el un dribling, un sut frumos..nimic. nimic din ceea ce ne-a obisnuit. recunoaste ca nu a prins o zi buna !

30th November 2003, 21:09
E greu sa judeci jocul lui Mutu prin prisma a ceea ce ai vazut tu....Cred ca, cel mai semnificativ ar fi parerea lui Ranieri pt ca atunci am putea vedea cum a jucat fata de cum i sa cerut sa joace....
Daca ai urmarit meciul (eu il am si inregistrat asa ca pot revedea fazele) in prima parte e i-a facut jocul lui Crespo adica el era cu pasele....deci nu prea a avut sanse sa se evidentieze la finalizare (exceptind sutul ala mult afara).
Apoi.....el a fost ultimul scimbat in min 78 care iarasi spune ceva daca ne gindim ca , Crespo si Cole au iesit inainte....faptul ca Adrian a fost tinut in continuare denota ca antrenorul a fost multumit de el si el si-a indeplinit misiune pe care antrenorul i-a dat-o.
Abia pe final dupa ce Cole si Crespo au fost schimbat Mutu a jucat in fata si colegii l-au cautat cu ceva pase....
Parerea mea este ca desi nu a stralucit el a facut un joc bun .

6th December 2003, 19:25
Leeds 1-1 Chelsea
Mutu a jucat bine, a facut parte la inscrierea golului egalizator , sutand in portar iar Duff a inscris dupa aceea.
Chelsea ramane pe primul loc , arsenal facand egal in deplasare la leicester 1-1
Chelsea are 1 punct inaintea lui Arsenal si 2 in fata lui Man Utd care a batut-o pe Aston Villa cu 4-0. :) :) :)

6th December 2003, 19:32
vise Ady :drak:
La ce te referi dude? :mda:

6th December 2003, 19:44
Ady, a fost o eroare :ok:

6th December 2003, 19:58
Okay :great:

8th December 2003, 13:01
[B]eu zic ca no sa ia campionatu'

9th December 2003, 05:58
Mutu cu Crespo nu au facut nici un meci bun amindoi nu se inteleg

10th December 2003, 10:14
cei mai buni de la Chelsea nu sunt nici Mutu, nici Crespo.

cei mai buni de acolo, deocamdata sunt Daniel Duff, Lampard, Glen Jonhson si in general toata linia de aparare de la ei cu Geremi si Makelele.

linia lor de aparare este mai buna decat linia de atac, parerea mea.

Daniel Duff joaca de nu se poate, are driblling bun, viteza f mare si de asemenea le vede bine pe teren..pasele

13th December 2003, 05:55
daca Mutu joaca cu HASSELBAINK poate fi periculos cu Crespo e cizma.....

13th December 2003, 17:03
De acod cu tine, dar cel mai bine Chelsea joaca cand Mutu Hasselbaink si Crespo sunt in primul 11, atunci londonezii creeaza o presiune fantastica, daca mai este si Duff cu Cole in spatele lor, golurile vor curge cu nemiluita :)

13th December 2003, 19:39
Chelsea - Bolton 1-2 ! cu un autogol in min. 90 ! jenant :(

13th December 2003, 19:56
Infrangere frustranta, Mutu a fost nervos, dar a recuperat destul de multe mingi, cred ca a jucat cel mai bine desi Crespo a inscris, cand Crespo inscrie Chelsea pierde(vezi meciul de acum si cel cu Arsenal)
Man Utd este pe primul loc, dar campionatul este lung si CHELSEAva reveni pe primul loc :)

13th December 2003, 20:52
ADY, nu sint chiar asa de sigur cu revenirea lui CHELSEA !
Au jucatori de valoare in lot dar...nu de prima mina !
Am spus cindva, pe undeva (EVZ ?!), ca MUTU nu se va adapta la stilul de joc a lui CHELSEA si ca nu va "trai" mai mult de un campionat la ei ! Sa...vedem !

Pina acuma ma bucur ca m-a...contrazis !
Desi, pentru mine, Mutu-jucator e departe de Mutu-om !

13th December 2003, 20:58
Ar fi superb ca Chelsea sa castige cel de-al2lea titlu din istorie (primul a fost castigat in 1955), Mutu, astfel ramane pt totdeauna in istoria lui Chelsea, jucatorii practica un joc destul de placut, avura si ghinion azi, nu uita, Chelsea 1-0 Man Utd, dar si Arsenal 2-1 Chelsea, in Anglia apar surprize mereu, dar cred ca lupta pt titlu se ca duce intre Man Utd, Arsenal si Chelsea....

13th December 2003, 22:32
si pe Raul cu 100 mil.eu :shock: :shock: :shock:
oare rezista Perez la aceasta suma ????????????? :thinkso: :thinkso:
Sigur ca rezista! :D
Ca doar tzine la echipa da nu ca altii ,de exemplu ca cei din Italia vand tot ce au inclusiv si pe Crespo care taraia echipa din urma lui,cred ca-l durea spatele si de aia a fugit unde-l duc ochii cu prima ocazie.Fii pe pace eu am discutat cu Perez si mi-a spus ca rezista si la 200 mil.!
:headbang: asta va mai ramane de facut dac' nu ninge si pe la voi!
:D :D URA!

19th December 2003, 04:33
Ma intreb daca o sa reziste Chelsea pana la sfarsit. Deja da semne de oboseala. Daca nu bate nici etapa asta, o sa piarda contactul cu Arsenal si Manchester... foarte probabil. :cool:

19th December 2003, 10:01
Lasa ca-l ia pe Henry cu 80 mil euro si rezolva toate problemele :cool:
Atacul e cam cizma, Mutu, Crespo si Hasselbaink nu prea se mai impaca cu golul, oricum Mutu a inceput s-o lustruie de la un timp, se vede frustrarea pe fata lui :(

19th December 2003, 11:29
Cred ca ar fi ceva firesc ca pana la urma sa piarda titlul. Echipa este noua,jucatorii nu prea se simt pe teren,deci ca orice echipa nou-formata are nevoie de acomodare,iar aceasta acomodare cred ca ii va costa si titlul.La anu' cred ca vor demostra cu adevarat dac' sunt de valoare sau... :rolleyes:

19th December 2003, 12:47
Eu pariezi pe Chelsea anul asta, sunt sigur ca va castiga campionatul, la mare lupta cu Arsenal si Man Utd :ok:

19th December 2003, 20:37
Sa vedem ce face maine la Fulham. Eu pronostichez 2, dar, daca joaca ca in ultimele 2 meciuri, o sa piarda.

19th December 2003, 20:46
Fulham a batut-o pe Man Utd chiar pe Old Traford cu 3-1, este o echipa foarte periculoasa patronata de egipteanul Al Fayed, dar Chelsea isi va reveni incepand cu acest meci si-l va castiga, este si un duel intre cei 2 patroni multimiliardari in $ :cool:

19th December 2003, 21:38
Ranieri shook his head at the idea of making changes after the bad run. “There are very few changes to do. Jimmy there isn’t, Gudjohnsen there isn’t. Veron there isn’t, Makelele I don’t know, Petit there isn’t. But we have Mutu back.” :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

Pe asta o stiti? :)
“Chim-chimeney, chim-chimeney, chim-chim cheroo, who needs Wayne Rooney when we’ve got Mutu,” crowed the Chelsea fans gathered in one corner.
:cool: :cool: :cool:

20th December 2003, 05:40
Asa canta fanii lui Chelsea? Sau e doar la misto?

Chiar alea sunt vorbele lui Ranieri? Pentru ca un antrenor n-ar trebui sa critice pe unii jucatori si sa laude pe altii. (Pe langa faptul ca i se poate urca la cap, lui Mutu, s-ar putea ca Ranieri sa-si atraga antipatia jucatorilor criticati.)

20th December 2003, 12:14
Tot ce am spus e adevarat Swordlord!
Asa cantau fanii lui Chelsea la meciul cu Everton cand Mutu a inscris si asa declara Ranieri ieri, ti-am spus sa te uiti aici www.eurosport.com :)
Oricum sper ca Mutu sa inscrie dupa 50 de zile de seceta, ar fi cazul :)

20th December 2003, 19:52
Da, ar trebui sa mai dea si el un gol...
Azi a dat Crespo, cu capul.
Fulham - Chelsea 0-1. Chelsea e lider!

20th December 2003, 20:12
A inscris un gol foarte frumos, Mutu a contribuit si el la gol, pasandu-i lui Bridge care a centrat si Crespo a lovit mingea cu o puternica lovitura de cap!
Chelsea e pe primul loc datorita lui Arsenal care a remizat la Bolton, maine joaca Man Utd, daca bat vor fi ei lideri, daca fac egal, Chelsea stays on the top of the League :)

20th December 2003, 20:21
Si o felicitare din partea lui Adrian Mutu :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:


20th December 2003, 20:29
Golul a fost spectaculos, da! Cat de inalt e Van der Sar, a ramas masca!
Iar Arsenal, vai de ei! Sunt niste idioti! De fapt, cred ca Wenger e idiotul. Pai, sa paseze la nesfarsit, sa rateze cu nonsalanta si sa ia goluri in ultimele minute sunt lucruri usor de realizat si fara un antrenor ca Wenger.
De Manchester trebuie sa se pazeasca Chelsea. Dar Tottenham ar avea forta sa scoata macar un egal acasa. Se joaca pe White Hart Lane, nu?

20th December 2003, 20:36
Exact :ok:
Dar Man Utd este foarte periculoasa in deplasare, va fi un meci disputat, insa lupta se va termina indecisa :)

21st December 2003, 16:45
Dejeaba au cistigat meciul cu Manchester daca au pierdut acasa cu Bolton si au fost scosi si din cupa de Aston Vila....totusi Ranieri nu intelege ca nu va merge niciodata cuplu Mutu si Crespo.....

21st December 2003, 16:50
Mai bine merge Mutu cu Hasselbaink sau Hasselbaink Crespo....sa vedem ce fac cei de la United azi!Mai e aproximativ o ora si incepe!

21st December 2003, 20:59
Cateodata am impresia ca echipele englezesti nu vor sa bata pe manchester united. (Da, insinuez ca meciul de azi a fost blat, sau, cel putin, ca jucatorii de la Tottenham au fost mult prea darnici.)

Chelsea are de mers impotriva curentului pentru ca toate echipele joaca corect, la victorie, impotriva lor. :cool:

21st December 2003, 21:04
Si tocmai aici se va vedea valoarea lui Chelsea! Eu astept noua fata a lui Chelsea de anul viitor, sunt sigur ca Abramovich va mai aduce niste vedete :)

23rd December 2003, 00:24
E posibil de un complex in fata lui Man U dar cred ca impotriva lui Chesea actioneaza si invidia ca prea sint multi bani acolo...Nu cred in blaturi pe bune in campionatul englez! :yeah: Dorin

23rd December 2003, 01:07
Nici eu!
Oricum pana acum s-a dovedit ca Chelsea este mai buna ca Man Utd, asta s-a vazut in meciul direct castigat cu 1-0 de londonezi :cool:

23rd December 2003, 21:31
Nu blaturi ca in Romania, asta e sigur. Dar fac pariu ca aia de la manchester le platesc regeste pe adversarele lui Arsenal si Chelsea. Pe bune, e o diferenta enorma intre cum a jucat Bolton cu Arsenal si cu Chelsea, si cum a jucat cu Manchester. Si acelasi lucru poate fi spus despre Tottenham, Newcastle, Leicester, etc. Nu sunt blaturi rusinoase, dar exista un dublu standard. Cu Manchester, toate echipele (ma rog, in afara de Fulham) se baricadeaza in aparare si asteapta lovitura de gratie. (DE CE n-a facut manchester NICI UN EGAL?) In schimb, cu Arsenal si Chelsea, echipele englezesti chiar joaca fotbal. :yeah: :cool:

25th December 2003, 17:38
Maine: 12:30(ora Angliei) Charlton Athletic - Chelsea
Chelsea trebuie sa bata ca sa ramana in top! :)

25th December 2003, 19:38
Corect nu sint blaturi ca la noi dar se rezulta in acealasi scop sesonul trecut Manchester a facut un meci strategic sa ia campionatul pina si ultimul meci cu Tottenham unul din goluri a fost din ofside de 2 metri.

25th December 2003, 19:42
FatFrumos, ce ti-au facut mah cei de la Man Utd de esti asa de suparat pe ei? :D
Nici eu nu-i suport, dar nu ma plang de arbitraj, campionatul asta sunt sigur ca este al lui Chelsea! :cool:

25th December 2003, 20:19
Never know!Man e pe primu loc,are cele mai multe victorii,cele mai multe goluri marcate,cea mai buna aparare;Arsenal n-are nici o infrangere,in schimb Chelsea are cele mai bune achizitii,deci ne asteapta meciuri interesante!
si eu as dori ca Chelsea sa iasa campioana,insa... vom vedea ce va iesi! :p

25th December 2003, 20:50
Sunt de acord cu FatFrumos.

26th December 2003, 14:02
Pronostic: 1-2 pt. MUTU & Co

26th December 2003, 16:26
3 infrangeri in 4 jocuri, Chelsea incepe sa isi arate slabiciunile, astazi au dominat-o pe Charlton, dar a pierdut cu 4-2, Mutu s-a zbatut, a centrat la primul gol, Terry a inscris, a mai avut un gol anulat, meritat, se pare ca tot Arsenal si Man Utd se vor bate pt titlu, daca Abromivich nu mai cumpara cel putin un atacant si un fundas, Chelsea nu mai are sanse la titlu, s-a stins, pacat, incepuse bine...

26th December 2003, 16:34
Deocamdata vinovat e Ranieri zic io. Au un lot excelent, nu cred ca mai trebuie adushi jucatori (poate intr-adevar un fundash). De ce a greshit Ranieri? Pai ce tot cauta Desailly in aparare? Ar trebui sa joace Terry-Gallas. Alte cauze ale seriei negre ar fi jocul prost al lui Lampard, absenta lui Veron shi a lui Crespo (cel putzin in acest ultim meci). Daca se redreseaza Chelsea mai poate sa lupte pentru titlu. Daca nu, oricum la anu' o sa fie in varf oricum.....

26th December 2003, 16:40
Intr-adevar, Desailly nu mai are ca cauta in echipa, e depasit, Bridge a jucat si el dezastruos, Johnson, cealalta aripa a fost si el depasit de Di Canio care a fost omul meciului, Hasselbaink a fost penibil, dupa parerea mea Gudjonsen a jucat cel mai bine, dupa aceea Mutu, Joe Cole si Makelele, cam atat :(
Lui Cudicini nu i se pot imputa multe, apararea fiind intr-o zi proasta, cred ca Damien Duff i-a lipsit enorm lui Chelsea azi!

26th December 2003, 18:38
Cred ca orice echipa care se vrea redutabila si cu pretentii la v'un titlu ar trebui sa treaca prin faza aceasta cind...NIMIC NU MAI MERGE !

ACUM, dupa ce si CHARLTON i-a batut, a sunat momentul cind echipa trebuie sa stie ce vrea, sa-si arate caracterul !

Dupa parerea mea, la CHELSEA, s-a cumparat dupa criteriul..."e star-e de-al nostru ! "

Tocmai aceasta (scuzati!) adunatura de natiuni cred ca o va scufunda pe CHELSEA in anonimat !

Daca echipa mai pierde 1-2 jocuri din urmatoarele 3-4, cu siguranta va fi schimbat antrenorul !

Noul antrenor va cere timp etc., etc.

E doar un pronostic pesimist ?!
Sa vedem ce spune...TIMPUL !

Mai toti oamenii cu bani, care investesc in fotbal, si care au vazut meciuri doar la TV :O nu cred sa aiba rabdare pentru ca o echipa sa se formeze !

Exista, din fericire, un adevar in fotbal : "BANII NU POT MARCA GOLURI !"

Sa vedem la CHELSEA...

27th December 2003, 01:46
Nu cred ca Ranieri e de vina. Un antrenor poate fi vinovat, ca un portar, pentru un gol primit, cel mult un meci pierdut.

De vina e mentalitatea jucatorilor, care s-au crezut vrednici prea curand, si slabiciunea relatiilor de joc. Chelsea a inceput bine, dar numai un miracol ii poate face campioni anul asta. Iar miracole nu prea se intampla. Mai ales in fotbalul mare.

27th December 2003, 02:00
Eu cred in miracole si sper in continuare s-o vad pe Chelsea campioana pt a2a oara! Mai ales ca Mutu face parte din aceasta echipa de stele in frunte cu Damien Duff!

27th December 2003, 11:36
Poate le-o fi adus Mutu sarmalute la colegi...altfel nu-mi explic prestatia celor de la Chelsea

28th December 2003, 16:28
Chelsea 3 - 0 Portsmouth
65' [1 - 0] Wayne Bridge

73' [2 - 0] Frank Lampard

82' [3 - 0] Geremi

Londonezii si-au revenit, desi a fost titular Mutu nu a inscris nici de data asta.
Este bine ca Ranieri are incredere in el in continuare si il titularizeaza!
Abramivich planuieste sa-i cumpere pe Ayala de la Valencia, pe Trezeguet de la Juve si pe Cristian Chivu de la AS Roma! :)
Iata formatia de start a lui Chelsea de astazi:
34 Neil Sullivan

15 Mario Melchiot

13 William Gallas

26 John Terry

18 Wayne Bridge

14 Geremi

4 Claude Makelele

8 Frank Lampard

30 Jesper Gronkjaer

7 Adrian Mutu

22 Eidur Gudjohnsen

28th December 2003, 16:47
Next Match
Watford (Away)
Sat 03 Jan, 12:30 PM

Cum naiba au jucat englezii astia 2 meciuri in 2 zile, vineri si duminica, ei nu au vacanta, joaca in continuu...

28th December 2003, 16:55
Iata ce zice http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?id=178948
Chelsea 3 Portsmouth 0

3 spectacular second half goals sealed a crucial win against struggling Portsmouth to get Chelsea over their Boxing Day nightmare.

There was little sign of the treats in store in a lackluster 1st half display from the Blues which suggested they were still suffering a Christmas hangover. The second half seemed to be following a similarly frustrating pattern against a dogged Portsmouth when Wayne Bridge burst into the box, controlled a high ball on his chest and under pressure slotted the ball under the keeper. A particularly sweet moment for Bridge, the former Southampton man, who had been roundly abused by the Portsmouth fans throughout the first half.

If that was a good goal, the second was spectacular. Chelsea defending broke at speed with a high ball up to Mutu who did superbly well to control it in midair, spin and beat his man before flicking the ball onto Lampard who burst through into the box and smashed the ball high into the net on the run. Yet the goals just kept getting better! A high ball dropping out of the sky 30 yards out and Geremi almost nonchalantly hit it full on the volley to send the ball dipping at pace into the top of the net.

Perhaps a slightly flattering scoreline for a performance that for a long time didn't hit the heights, but 3 superb goals left the fans going home with happier Christmas time memories than on Boxing Day.

29th December 2003, 09:49
Adiazzuro nu trebuie sa pui intrebarea de ce e titular Mutu . El este cel mai bun de acolo si nimeni nu-i contesta valoarea generala ci poate citeodata forma de moment . Daca te uiti la notele date de suporteri ( www.chelseafc.com ) el este detasat lider si la note dar si ca omul meciului luat in medie . Ce sa mai zicem de Duff atunci....
:yeah: Dorin

29th December 2003, 14:54
Da intr-adevar el este cel mai de folos echipei cand Duff este accidentat, dar sa nu uitam ca profesia unui atacant este totusi sa inscrie, dar el nu a mai facut asta de aproximativ 2 luni, e bine totusi ca fanii il apreciaza in continuare, nu degeaba este favoritul lui Abramovich, eu sper sa vina si golurile din partea lui Mutu si cat mai curand!
Se stie ca el s-a lansat pe postura da mijlocas ofensiv si nu prea are simtul golului cum il are de exemplu Henry sau Van Nisterlooy! El cred ca joaca cam rolul lui Scholes la Man Utd, in spatele atacantului, altfel nu imi explic lipsa de gol!
La Parma el era lider incontestabil, fiind cel mai bun acolo, de aceea facea si ce vroia el pe teren, marcand foarte multe goluri, insa in Anglia treburile s-au schimbat si echipa nu mai depinde de Mutu cum era in Italia....
In concluzie eu nu cred ca Mutu este cel mai bun de la Chelsea.

29th December 2003, 19:01
MUTU este atacant intr-adevar. Dar nu este VARF pur sange ca alde Van Nistelrooy, Vieri (sau referindu-ne la campionatul intern Claudiu Raducanu sau Claudiu Niculescu). El e genul de jucator care asha cum zici tu azzuro vine din spatele varfului, creaza faze de gol, se pune singur in situatzia de a inscrie (spre deosebire de Varfuri care ashteapta pasa de gol). La Parma rolul sau principal era sa dea pase de gol pentru Adriano. Ceea ce a facut cu brio (avea cele mai multe "assist-uri"). Ba chiar mai mult, Mutu a reushit sa fie shi golgheter, realizand mai mult decat s-ar fi ashteptat probabil cineva. Sa nu uitam insa ca Mutu a devenit "star" la Parma in a doua parte a sezonului, cand relatziile de joc erau inchegate (shi mai ales acelea cu Adriano). Sunt sigur ca Mutu va deveni mult mai eficient pana la finalul acestui campionat. Iar daca se va intzelege la fel de bine shi cu Crespo cred ca.............probabil Chelsea va cashtiga ceva titluri anu' asta.

29th December 2003, 23:49
Mutu era atacant bun cand juca in Romania. Dar plecarea la Inter i-a cam stricat/modificat aptitudinile. Daca ne aducem aminte, Mutu era de departe cel mai bun jucator din Romania cand a plecat.

1st January 2004, 00:06
Iata sondajul care demonstreaza ca Duff este totusi cel mai bun de la Chelsea!
Mutu este al2lea!

Who has been the best of the summer arrivals?

Bridge.....4% (135)
Cole........2% (80)
Crespo....10% (349)
Duff........40% (1476)
Geremi.....1% (26)
Johnson...2% (60)
Makelele..15% (558)
Mutu.......24% (869)
Veron......3% (107)

1st January 2004, 08:37
alpopa dude nu il pune pe ratucanu ca atacant ala chiar sta la pomana poate poate cade ceva dar Mutu mi se pare ciar ca a fi un atacant bun cind vine la mijloc sa ia mingia si nu sa astepte pomana chiar daca poate juca pozitia lui Hagi foarte bine.....

1st January 2004, 11:17
Cine a facut sondajul??? Cine a raspus ? Dca sint numai englezi cred ca ai auzit de patriotism si acolo.In ce perioada a sezonului s-a facut sondajul???
Nu inteleg ce vrei sa demonstrezi cu faptul ca Mutu e mai slab decit altii de la Chelsea . Eu am fost destul de circumspect la sosirea romanului acolo dar a tebuit sa recunosc faptul ca m-a surpris foarte pozitiv.La intrebarile de mai sus nu doresc raspuns .Sint doar retorice !Eu am opinia mea subiectiva si clasamente ale jucatorilor sint inutile.Uita-te la francezi.Zidane e cel mai bun in lume dar Henry cel mai bun francez!!!????!!Important e ca Mutu si Duff si Crespo sint buni si stabili si lumea vine cu placere sa-i vada si ei confirma de cele mai multe ori ! :yeah: Dorin

1st January 2004, 13:38
alpopa dude nu il pune pe ratucanu ca atacant ala chiar sta la pomana poate poate cade ceva dar Mutu mi se pare ciar ca a fi un atacant bun cind vine la mijloc sa ia mingia si nu sa astepte pomana chiar daca poate juca pozitia lui Hagi foarte bine.....

LOLZ. Am zis eu ca e ceva rau in jocul lui Mutu?! Doar am facut o diferentziere intre postul de Atacant (Forward) shi cel de Varf (Striker). Cat despre Raducanu - e clar ca e Varf autentic. Nu face altceva decat sa ashtepte mingea. DAR SHI MARCHEAZA. That's all that matters........

1st January 2004, 16:35
Cine a facut sondajul??? Cine a raspus ? Dca sint numai englezi cred ca ai auzit de patriotism si acolo.In ce perioada a sezonului s-a facut sondajul???
Nu inteleg ce vrei sa demonstrezi cu faptul ca Mutu e mai slab decit altii de la Chelsea . Eu am fost destul de circumspect la sosirea romanului acolo dar a tebuit sa recunosc faptul ca m-a surpris foarte pozitiv.La intrebarile de mai sus nu doresc raspuns .Sint doar retorice !Eu am opinia mea subiectiva si clasamente ale jucatorilor sint inutile.Uita-te la francezi.Zidane e cel mai bun in lume dar Henry cel mai bun francez!!!????!!Important e ca Mutu si Duff si Crespo sint buni si stabili si lumea vine cu placere sa-i vada si ei confirma de cele mai multe ori ! :yeah: Dorin
Dorin, te-as ruga sa te uiti la titlul mesajului in care eu am postat acel sondaj, vei vedea ca scrie www.chelseafc.com
Sondajul s-a facut dupa terminarea turului...
Eu am spus doar ca Duff este mai bun decat Mutu si asta s-a vazut in jocul lui Chelsea pana acum, dar oricum romanul ramane un om indispensabil lui Chelsea!

1st January 2004, 20:33
Pe aceeasi pagina este si alt clasament al notelor unde Mutu conduce detasat...
Dar acum sa nu mai vorbim despre asta !( asa zicea baietelul meu cind era mic si nu-i convenea tema de discutie...) :yeah: Dorin