View Full Version : Miss World 2004

4th December 2004, 14:17
Votati Miss World Romania 2004 aici: :) http://missworldvote.streamos.com/voteform.php

4th December 2004, 14:21
da-ne si un link cu poza ei ca eu am votat-o dar nici macar nu stiu cum arata :D sau cum se numeste :rolleyes:

4th December 2004, 17:20
E vorba de vot patriotic sau vot pentru cine ne place?
:yeah: Dorin

4th December 2004, 21:07
Ambele. :)
ROMANIA - Adina Maria Cotuna


Voting Number: 601
Age: 20
Occuapation: Student
Height: 180

Adina born in Arad, a city situated in the west of Romania, known for its hospitality. She comes from a family of 4 and has an elder brother who is very important in her life. Adina has completed her high school education in Arad and is now studying management and accounting at the West University. Her favourite leisure past time is swimming, she also like to play handball, volley ball and tennis and enjoys reading and singing. At the moment her first priority is to finish her studies, work as a model and work in television, and has a dream to one day manage her own business.



4th December 2004, 22:17
Pana la urma Miss Peru a castigat. :p