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26th November 2004, 07:26
Movie industry combatting internet piracy

Hollywood is taking steps aimed at stopping online movie piracy, hoping for better results than their peers in the music business. Major labels in the music industry squabbled over how best to combat internet piracy and failed to develop consumer-friendly ways to buy music online. The movie industry, on the other hand, is waging a coordinated offensive to thwart the free downloading of films before it spins out of control, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Security guards, often outfitted with night vision goggles, have been posted at movie premieres to look for banned video recorders. A nationwide piracy awareness campaign is under way in theaters and on television, further electronic tracking substances are being used on movie prints and the industry plans to begin promoting a stealing is bad message in schools. While some industry leaders are optimistic, many in Hollywood fear that online movie sharing could be the most serious menace to profits so far.


MPAA tool will finger stolen films

THE MOTION Picture Association of America is to offer a tool to help users locate illegally downloaded files on their system, the organisation said today. The software will be able to scan the system and find all sorts of music and movie titles stored on a computer, along with illegal peer-to-peer software, according to a report in PCWorld. Once found, the programme can remove the files if the user would like. The tool is aimed at parents who want to keep their kids out of trouble, since the MPAA concurrently launched a new wave of lawsuits against movie sharers.

Quite how the programme will distinguish between illegal and legal MP3s is unclear at the moment. Plenty of legal MP3 download sites are around that simply download the file to your hard drive much as with peer-to-peer schemes. It is also clear that peer-to-peer can be used to download legal material, so the deleting of these programmes by this tool is pretty questionable.

The MPAA has set up a new website to spread its message, which you can find at respectcopyright.org . Apparently, though, you're only entitled to respect copyright if you have Macromedia Flash .


RIAA sues more students

THE RECORDING INDUSTRY Association of America (RIAA), a trade body, has sued over 750 people, mostly students, as part of its legal campaign against Internet music piracy in America. The RIAA targeted students at 12 universities across the country in this latest round of lawsuits, including students at James Madison University in Harrisonburg and the American University. American University administrators have given the names of these two students to the RIAA. If they survive the fine the University may force them to attend an educational workshop on file sharing, lose their Internet service or expel them.

The association has sued almost 7,000 people since it began its campaign in September 2003. Other suits targeted students at schools in Massachusetts, including Amherst College, Boston College, Boston University, Emerson College and the University of Massachusetts. The RIAA can seek up to $150,000 in damages for each song illegally traded online. Most of the 1,300 defendants who have settled RIAA charges during the past year have paid an average of $3,000. College students have been prime targets of music industry lawyers because they are among the most prolific music downloaders and they are really easy to catch. Commercial pirates however have not been targeted by the RIAA and still cheerfully navigate the waters of the Pira Sea.

26th November 2004, 09:43
asta e un fel de bau-bau! chiar cred astia ca pot opri ceva pe filozofia: "hai ca nu mai trag muzica si filme in caz ca ma dau in judecata RIAA-ul" - bullshit.

pe cei pe care i-au dat in judecata, au facut-o ca sa sperie masele, dar nu cred ca le va tzine figura. si daca se inrautateste treaba, se vor dezvolta tooluri puternice de ip-spooging, masking si alte treburi din astea ! la revedere, drum bun!

26th November 2004, 10:25
depinde pe cine nimeresc ca doar o sa ia prin sondaj... am auzit ca s-au apucat sa vaneze si au avut surpriza sa dea de niste minori ... nu ca ai mari ar fi mai cuminiti :evil:

26th November 2004, 10:52
torrnet-istule !

26th November 2004, 11:19
acuma na si tu.. ma deconspirashi :D

26th November 2004, 14:26
15 zile de gratie pentru piratii de soft

Producatorii de jocuri pentru calculator sint decisi sa ia masuri dure impotriva celor care comercializeaza sau utilizeaza produse piratate. Campania initiata de Vivendi Universal Game, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti producatori de jocuri, este provocata de pierderile pe care companiile americane le-au suferit din cauza pirateriei. Astfel, conform raportului International Intellectual Property Alliance, in 2002, piratarea jocurilor de software in Romania a provocat pierderi de 35,2 milioane de dolari firmelor americane. In acel an, rata pirateriei a fost de 97%. Pentru 2003, pierderile au fost probabil ceva mai mici, dar tot de ordinul zecilor de milioane de dolari, dat fiind ca rata pirateriei este estimata la 80%.

Comerciantii de produse contrafacute sint una dintre tintele principale ale acestei campanii. Piratarea jocurilor si a produselor software este insa o activitate banoasa. Se pot cistiga insa si zeci de milioane de lei intr-o zi. „Am avut un caz in care persoane care se ocupau cu astfel de activitati cistigau intre 50 si 80 de milioane de lei pe zi”, a declarat avocatul Nicolae Burchel, managing partner Burchel & Associates. Noile reglementari prevad amenzi cuprinse intre 100.000.000 si 400.000.000 de lei sau inchisoare intre unu si patru ani numai pentru instalarea pe computer a unui astfel de soft.

Si patronii de Internet café-uri trebuie sa-si faca griji. „Mai putin de 5% din Internet café-urile din Romania au licenta pentru programele utilizate”, a declarat avocatul Ioana Manea, asociat la firma de avocatura Burchel &Associates. Reprezentantii autoritatilor cu atributii in domeniu vor efectua controale in Internet café-uri .

Amploarea pe care a luat-o acest tip de comert este legata si de preturile mari ale jocurilor originale. Astfel, un joc nou costa chiar si 1,5 milioane de lei. „Reducerea pirateriei ar putea duce la cresterea vinzarilor, iar aceasta este posibil sa atraga si cresterea preturilor”, a declarat Teo Paduraru, reprezentantul Best Computers Distributions, principalul distribuitor de jocuri in Romania. Probabil ca doar practicarea unor preturi accesibile ar putea dezvolta gustul consumatorului roman pentru produse originale.

(c) Cotidianul - 26 noiembrie 2004

26th November 2004, 14:41
Si in Romania se va face cate ceva in viitorul foarte apropiat, in lupta antipiraterie. Se insista foarte mult de afara sa facem si noi ca americanii. Chiar ambasada usa a investit mult in training de polizai, procurori si judecatori.

La cat se investeste in ultimul timp, probabil pe termen mediu pirateria va fi la indemana numai a computer-experts. Industrei i-a ajuns cutitul la os si sunt disperati. O sa vedeti in vreo 2-3 ani cum se va schimba radical situatia.