View Full Version : Joc

20th January 2010, 02:02
Nu prea am somn. Am vazut chestia asta mai demult pe undeva pe Internet si am zis ca ar fi interesant sa incercam si noi, cei de aici. E simplu. Va puneti winamp-ul (sau daca folositi alt player, programul respectiv) pe shuffle. Luati fiecare intrebare la rand si scrieti sub ea piesa care merge in momentul respectiv in player. Incercati sa nu trisati, chiar daca nu se potriveste intrebarea cu raspunsul. Dati next/forward dupa ce ati scris raspunsul si continuati in acelasi fel cu urmatoarea intrebare. Postati aici raspunsurile. O sa iasa niste intrebari-raspunsuri foarte interesante. :P

1.Cine sunt?/Who am I?

2.Cu ce gand te trezesti? What is the first thing I think first time when I wake up?

3.Cum te-ai simtit azi? What was this day like?

4.Ce motto am? What's my motto?

5.Ce ai de gand pentru week-end? What do you plan for the weekend?

6.Cum imi sunt parintii? What are my parents like?

7.Ce cantec te descrie? What song best describes you?

8.Dar pe bunicii tai? What about your grandparents?

9.Dar pe parinti? What about your parents?

10.Care este povestea vietii tale? What is the story of your life?

11.Cum este viata ta? How is your life?

12.Cat de departe vei ajunge in viata? How far will you get in your life?

13.Ce ar trebui sa faci in viata? What should I do with my life?

14.Cum vei fi cand vei fi mare? How will you be when you grow up?

15.Te vei casatori? Will you ever get marry?

16.Ce cantec va canta la nunta ta? What song will they play at your wedding?

17.Dar la inmormantare? What about your funeral?

18.Cum te vad prietenii? How do your friends see you?

19.Cum te vede lumea? How does the rest of the world see you?

20.Ce cred parintii despre tine? What do your parents think about you?

21.Tanjeste lumea in secret dupa tine? Is there anybody there who secretly longs for you?

22.Cum este prietenul tau cel mai bun? How is your best friend?

23.Care este cel mai bun lucru legat de prieteni? What the best thing about friends?

24.Ce crezi despre persoana pe care o placi? What do you think about the person you like?

25.Cum este/a fost in liceu? How was/is highschool?

26.Cum te poti face fericit? How can you make yourself happy?

27.Care e hobby-ul tau? What's your hobby?

28.Care e cea mai mare teama? What is your biggest fear?

29.Cel mai mare secret? Your most important secret?

30.La ce te gandesti foarte des? What do you think at most often?

31.Ce este 2+2? What is 2+2?