View Full Version : NHL: LOCKOUT. sezonul 2004/2005 aminat pe o perioada nespecificata

16th September 2004, 16:33
A devenit din ce in ce mai clar in ultimii ani: NHL pierde bani seriosi in fiecare sezon. salariile jucatoriilor au iesit practic de sub control. echipe "mici" (ca buget) nu mai au sanse sa retina jucatori de calitate din momentul in care acestia devin UFA, ceea ce are, pe linga efectul pe plan sportiv, un impact negativ asupra numarului de spectatori, contracte de publicitate, pe scurt, buget.

citate din declaratia lui Gary Biteme (uhhh Bettman):

Twenty of our Clubs are losing money. There have been too many bankruptcies and too many other close calls. I have had too many owners tell me they will get out of this game if the economics are not repaired.

It is a fact -- a fact -- that during this CBA, a team in the top one-third in salaries has been three times more likely to make the playoffs than a team in the bottom third. That is a status quo with which we simply cannot continue to live. Our game and our fans deserve better.

There is no short-cut or quick fix. We need an enforceable, defined relationship between revenues and expenses. We need a system that will eliminate the disparities in payrolls, so that a team's ability to compete depends on its team-building skills, not on its ability to pay.

Included in those frameworks was a willingness for the players to receive more than 50% of every dollar of revenues our business generates. It may be less than the players are getting now, but we won't apologize for an offer that is more than fair.

We offered the Union systems that would continue to pay multi-million dollar salaries to our star players. We will not apologize for contracts which could still be in excess of $6 million per year, even if some players would make less than they are now getting.

We offered the Union systems that would provide an average player salary of $1.3 million, U.S., per season. An average salary of $1.3 million may be less than the players are getting now, but we will not apologize for an average player salary of $1.3 million per season.

That said, we do apologize to our millions of fans and the thousands of people whose livelihoods depend on our game. It is truly unfortunate that we have to go through this. I assure you that no one is more unhappy about this situation than I am.

We owe it to hockey's fans to achieve an economic system that will result in affordable ticket prices and stable, competitive franchises. The very future of our game is at stake, and the NHL's owners are united, as never before -- determined to do everything humanly possible to bring hockey's economic system into the 21st century. We have no other choice.

intreaga declaratie la http://www.nhlcbanews.com/news/bog_meeting091504.html

that's it folks. no hockey this fall :(.

17th September 2004, 13:23
In Suedia lumea e fericita. Profesionistii joaca aici .La MODO joaca Forsberg , Näslund si fratii Sedin ,Timander etc.Asa echipa ar fii trasnet si in NHL ! :yeah: Dorin

22nd September 2004, 10:22
Poate se desfintzeaza de tot NHL-ul ...iar echipele de hockey din Europa vor deveni la fel de puternice ca cele de fotbal...si se va face un Champhions League al hockey-ului...cu echipe din Suedia, Finlanda, Rusia, Cehia, Slovacia sau Letonia.

22nd September 2004, 22:36
Not bad , not bad ! Sa te auda cineva... :yeah: Dorin

26th September 2004, 02:14
Poate se desfintzeaza de tot NHL-ul ...iar echipele de hockey din Europa vor deveni la fel de puternice ca cele de fotbal...si se va face un Champhions League al hockey-ului...cu echipe din Suedia, Finlanda, Rusia, Cehia, Slovacia sau Letonia.

Not a chance! NHL-ul NU se va desfiinta. Cel mult se vor desfiinta cateva echipe din State unde acest sport nu este prea "indragit" si unde nu vin spectatorii la meci. In Canada cel putin odata cu aflarea stirii ca nu vom avea meciuri din NHL anul asta, OHL-ul, WHL-ul si celelalte divizii vor fi cele cu maxima audienta. :)

16th December 2004, 16:44
editie speciala NHL lockdown, puteti gasi pe http://www.hochei.ro

17th August 2005, 01:34
Dupa o super greva de un an NHL se reia de anul acesta cu multe schimbari atat economice dar si de regulament. Cea mai importanta este stabilirea unui plafon maxim la salariile vedetelor si a intregii echipe. Prin aceasta se incearca si mai mult echilibrarea echipelor si evitarea creeri de echipe tip Chelsea la fotbal.Favoritul meu Peter Forsberg este transferat de la Colorado la Philadephia.Acum 14 ani el era cumparat de Philadelphia dar fara sa joace un meci era schimbat cu Lindros.Credeau ca acesta va deveni o mai mare vedeta. Si ce grav s-au inselat.Peter a devenit cel mai bun jucator din NHL!Acum Peter se intoarce si lumea este inebunita de sperante! :yeah: Dorin

17th August 2005, 22:46
nu-mi vine sa cred. fix la echipa aia de ciobani si-o gasit unul din cei mai buni, daca nu cel mai bun, jucator(i) ai/l europei sa mearga. :(

18th August 2005, 00:08
Lasa ca voi ati luat toate fetitzele,care pe la jumatatea sezonului se duc sa joace golf...

Un Cadou (http://s21.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2VUCKZ3ZO4TDO3NSV7MHPK0UOE) pentru Dorin. :ok:

18th August 2005, 01:01
Cel mult se vor desfiinta cateva echipe din State unde acest sport nu este prea "indragit" si unde nu vin spectatorii la meci. :)
Patinoarul din Philadelphia are 19 000 locuri si sint peste 90 000 de cereri de abonament de sezon!!!! Interes enorm cum s-ar spune... :yeah: Dorin

18th August 2005, 21:20
las' ca vedeti voi high speed hockey peste 2 luni

uite-acie linii de atac



combinat cu regula ca goon-ii or sa stea pe banca o sa vedem multe PP-goluri ale acelor linii

18th August 2005, 21:46
No problem man. Sint prea trecut prin multe sa-mi mai pese cine bate. Spectacolul , tehnica ,tactica etc apreciez mai mult. Sint si eu curios de linia cu veteranul si juniorul! Foppa(Forsberg) joaca deja pe extratime. El ar juca golf dar nu-l lasa suporterii. :yeah: Dorin

19th August 2005, 02:13
las' ca vedeti voi high speed hockey peste 2 luni

uite-acie linii de atac



combinat cu regula ca goon-ii or sa stea pe banca o sa vedem multe PP-goluri ale acelor linii

Suna periculos,dar stati prost cu apararea,Thibault si Fleury tre sa confirme in poarta,iar Lemieux,LeClair si Palffy au mari probleme cu accidentarile...

Echipa mea favorita pt. sezonul viitor e Calgary Flames.

24th August 2005, 19:09
Echipa mea favorita pt. sezonul viitor e Calgary Flames.

:rosu: :ciocan:

Oilers, Oilers, Oilers!!!!!

15th October 2010, 01:39
:rosu: :ciocan:

Oilers, Oilers, Oilers!!!!!


amin to that!
(scuze, am intrat de curiozitate pe topicul asta si nu m-am putut abtine.)