View Full Version : Thomas Morgenstern

31st January 2007, 20:27
Name: Thomas Morgenstern
Locul Nasterii : Spittal/Drau
Wohnort: Lieserbrücke (Seeboden)
Data nasterii(Geburtsdatum): 30.10.1986
inaltime: 1,84 m
Greutate: ca. 66 kg
Nationalitäte: AUT-Austria
Club / Team: SV Villach

Double Olympic Champion Torino (Single + Team)
Bronze medal Skiflying World Championships
Winner Nordic Tournament
1st, Worldcup Lillehammer
Double Austrian Champion

2 x Gold Medal (Team) World Championships Oberstdorf
3rd, 4-Hills Tournament
2nd, Worldcup Sapporo
2nd, Worldcup Garmisch-Partenkirchen
2nd, Worldcup Engelberg
2nd, Worldcup Kuusamo
Silber Medal Junior Wold Championships
Gold Medal (Team) Junior World Championships
Bronze Medal (Team) Skiflying World Championships
2nd, Worldcup Oberstdorf
2nd, Worldcup Liberec
2 x Junior Worldchampion
1st, Worldcup Liberec
Winner Summer Grandprix

31st January 2007, 20:36
AAAAA!!:D Morgi thread!:ok: Ms mult Adelina!:P

http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/th_1140811758.jpg (http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/1140811758.jpg)http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/th_Thomas_Morgenstern_im_Garten_1.jpg (http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/Thomas_Morgenstern_im_Garten_1.jpg)http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/th_galerii715.jpg (http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/galerii715.jpg)http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/th_311.jpg (http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/311.jpg)http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/th_309.jpg (http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g145/peirsolgirl/309.jpg)

1st February 2007, 06:36
AAAA poze !Cu placere :happy

6th February 2009, 00:12
:P Am redeschis threadul dedicat lui Morgi:P

6th February 2009, 10:44
Multumesc mult whisper pt thread si pentru poze, sunt foarte reusite

6th February 2009, 22:10
Cu placere!
Apropo poti sa imi spui Adelina :)

7th February 2009, 11:11
bine , asa iti voi spune.

7th February 2009, 14:45
:P Am redeschis threadul dedicat lui Morgi:P

Bine ai facut!:)

Si mie imi plac frumuseii austrieci,sunt foarte talentati si modesti si-mi place ca sunt foarte veseli.

@Garmisch:Te asteptam si pe la "patinaj artistic",mai ales in perspectiva campionatului mondial.

7th February 2009, 22:13
Ma bucur ca sunteti de acord cu mine :D

11th February 2009, 22:29
Ce s-a intamplat cu Morgi astazi?
Ce ii drept nu am vazut prima mansa si a doua am prins-o pe la sfarsit :D Nu a sarit bine sau ce?

12th February 2009, 00:26
Cred ca nu a participat azi,dar nici eu n-am vazut decit putin.

14th January 2014, 23:58
Se pare ca Thomas Morgenstern e intr-o stare mult mai buna dupa accidentul suferit la Bad Mittendorf! Hemoragia cerebrala si contuzia pulmonara sunt in remisie totala. E in stare stabila si medicii de la spitalul Salzburg sunt multumiti de procesul de recuperare.

At this press conference, team doctor Juergen Barthofer spoke about the future: "Now it's important that Thomas will get completely healthy again and that the injuries will have no consequences. Now there will be 14 days of regeneration and rehabilitation, then we can think about how it will continue for him concerning this season and his career." Even competing at the Olympic Games is not totally impossible. "Now we will have to wait these 14 days and then we will see."

Mai multe puteti citi in urmatorul link

23rd January 2014, 18:43
Se pare ca recuperarea decurge bine si Thomas se simte din ce in ce mai bine asa ca isi doreste sa participe la olimpiada! Chiar si doctorii spun ca nu sunt restrictii de ordin medical iar daca el e increzator in fortele sale atunci poate participa! Mai ramane doar ca Pointner sa ia decizia!
Si totusi exista ganduri de retragere

Despite the huge motivation to participate in Sochi, there were also thought about ending the career recently. "Of course you think about a career end after two falls. But honestly, I don't want to end my career with a fall. I want to achieve my goal and go to the Olympics. I will decided then, what happens afterwards."

27th January 2014, 19:05
E oficial! Morgenstern e in echipa Austriei pt olimpiada! Viel gluck, Morgi!

26th September 2014, 23:02
Iar un anunt oficial: Morgi se retrage! :( :)
Multumim si mult succes pe mai departe!

So I finally decided to listen to my inner voice and to end my career. I’m a father of an amazing daughter and part of an amazing family. I’m bearing responsibility not only of myself, but also of the ones I love and who love me. I completed all my goals and made my dreams come true. With my last jump, I claimed the silver medal in Sochi, together with my team. So this is the right moment, to close this chapter of my live.