View Full Version : dinamo,rapid vor juca in alta tara!:D

11th September 2006, 21:41
Mitica Dragomir a afirmat ca in afara de stad STEAUA,nici un alt stadion din romania nu indeplineste normele cerute de Uefa pt Champions League!Asta daca va calificati pt grupe CL... Atat dinamo cat si rapid n-au ce cauta pe STEAUA!:yeah:
dinamo,rapid,cfr cluj raus:D,sa jucati in bulgaria sau ungaria!:yeah:
Chiar ca Liga campionilor interzisa ..... stiti voi continuarea!:happy

11th September 2006, 22:05
mai greu e sa se califice :evil:

11th September 2006, 22:36
las ca joaca si israelienii in alta tara :D
Maccabi Haifa a jucat vre`o 2 editii in Liga undeva prin Grecia :D

11th September 2006, 23:31
sa joace in botswana, ca fotbal si conducere de botswana au, se se mute si in campionatul din botswana sa ne lase cu gainariile lor

11th September 2006, 23:44
Nu e nevoie decat sa iasa din stadioanele lor, si vor simti ca joaca in deplasare :D

12th September 2006, 01:29
Dinamo oricum s-a obişnuit cu Sofia . Rapidul susţine: suntem peste tot acasă , nu ? Nu prea aş vrea eu să îi vedem prin Ghencea . Ghencea e a Stelei şi a naţionalei !
Culmea va fi dacă peste 2 ani vom avea 3 echipe în CL...2 din 3 vor juca pe afară...:o:

12th September 2006, 01:32
Mister:cum sa joace rapid pe STEAUA?Vrei sa inceapa o alta revolutie?:D
Oricum,aceasta situatie ne arata cat de prost stam cu infrastructura sportiva din romania...

12th September 2006, 01:38
dar nu le dau voie sa iasa din tara ca sunt purtatori de virusi...cainii cu virusul lor...rapidul cu h5n1

12th September 2006, 01:55
Mister:cum sa joace rapid pe STEAUA?Vrei sa inceapa o alta revolutie?:D
Păi n-am zis că vreau , din contră...cănd îl văd la tv pe Copos care moare că nu ia el cele 6-8 milioane de euro şi zicând numai prostii...s-ar putea să fie presiuni pe Gigi că e în interesul ţării...Rapidul ar trebui să joace în cazul că ajung în CL oriunde . Dar nu în Ghencea . Oricum , s-ar putea ca asta să nu o poată hotărî Gigi . Stadionul e al Mapn şi nu ştiu dacă e nevoie şi de acordul clubului pentru a închiria stadionul şi altor echipe sau ministerul poate să ia singur această decizie .

12th September 2006, 08:53
sa vina sa joace la Timisoara, mai ales Dinamo ...

12th September 2006, 08:58
... sa joace maxim in UEFA :D ca nici la Timisoara nu e voie Liga ...

12th September 2006, 09:17
glume de shantier..

mitica e un imbecil noturiu care ar trebui bagat la gherla nu intervievat twice a day..

12th September 2006, 09:51
Esti nebun?Ce glume....ti se pare ca in afara de STEAUA exista stadion de CL(ca sa nu zic si echipa:D)?

12th September 2006, 12:51
Ce glume aveti... Cata aroganta...
Si dupa aia va plangeti ca iese lumea pe strazi sa sarbatoreasca infrangerile si eliminarile Stelei...

12th September 2006, 13:06
Ayrton:ce aroganta,nene?Daca e alb vrei sa zic ca e negru?In loc sa faci pe interesantul..mai bine ai veni cu argumente,altfel,doar postezi de dragul de a avea mesaje...
ps esti offtopic..big time!

12th September 2006, 14:46
din ce m-am uitat eu pe sistemul de licentiere UEFA, din 2008/2009 cred ca vom avea liga 1 cu 8 echipe ....................... deci nu va mirati daca dinamo si rapid vor juca in alta tara .................. conditiile sunt asa de stricte incat nu stiu cate echipe vor putea evolua in campionat ........................... adica sa se conformeze normelor

regulamentul il gasiti la http://www.uefa.com/newsfiles/358508.pdf

12th September 2006, 15:58
din ce m-am uitat eu pe sistemul de licentiere UEFA, din 2008/2009 cred ca vom avea liga 1 cu 8 echipe ....................... deci nu va mirati daca dinamo si rapid vor juca in alta tara .................. conditiile sunt asa de stricte incat nu stiu cate echipe vor putea evolua in campionat ........................... adica sa se conformeze normelor

regulamentul il gasiti la http://www.uefa.com/newsfiles/358508.pdf
Se realizeaza profetia lui gigi:NUMAI STEAUA va castiga campionatul romanesc d e fotbal!Ce frumos:yeah: :evil:

12th September 2006, 16:27
NU cred ca Rapid va juca pe Ghencea in Cl . Pentru ca acolo va juca in champions League Steaua :ok:

( Va imaginati ce rusinos e sa joace o echipa in Champions League meciurile de acasa pe teren neutru .. .ne rade Europa ) :D

Dinamo si Rapid au stadioane penibile ( pentru CL , dpdv al suprafetei de joc mai ales . dar sunt deficitari la majoritatea capitolelor : masa presei , tabela , camere , evacuare , etc . )

12th September 2006, 16:43
Pai si slovacii de la Artmedia au jucat pe alt teren anul trecut, nu pe al lor. Oricum, din cate stiu eu nici stadionul Stelei nu era omologat anul trecut pe vremea asta, au trebuit facute niste modificari. Si cum s-a modificat Ghencea, nu vad de ce nu se poate modifica si Giulestiul, Stefan cel Mare sau Lia Manoliu.

12th September 2006, 16:48
Pai si slovacii de la Artmedia au jucat pe alt teren anul trecut, nu pe al lor. Oricum, din cate stiu eu nici stadionul Stelei nu era omologat anul trecut pe vremea asta, au trebuit facute niste modificari. Si cum s-a modificat Ghencea, nu vad de ce nu se poate modifica si Giulestiul, Stefan cel Mare sau Lia Manoliu.

e simplu

pt ca acolo nu vrea nimeni sa dea bani si se roaga de institutiile statului, iar ruga asta dureaza

12th September 2006, 16:49
Pai si slovacii de la Artmedia au jucat pe alt teren anul trecut, nu pe al lor. Oricum, din cate stiu eu nici stadionul Stelei nu era omologat anul trecut pe vremea asta, au trebuit facute niste modificari. Si cum s-a modificat Ghencea, nu vad de ce nu se poate modifica si Giulestiul, Stefan cel Mare sau Lia Manoliu.

de unde bani? ca aia din conducere nu cred ca se vor deranja prea tare sa scoata bani

12th September 2006, 16:53
Pai daca merita efortul, se deranjeaza. De ce nu se uneste asta cu ala de pe intern?

12th September 2006, 17:20
Daca se intra in liga vor fi bani de modernizari.

12th September 2006, 17:20
Penny:topicul meu a fost "xeroxat" de b-r:D In sfarsit...unica solutie pt stad dinamo si giulesti=demolarea!Uitati-va cum arata oficiala ,credeti ca poate indeplinii urmatoarele conditii:

Facilitati media:

1) Platforma TV pentru camera - panorama ... asta hai ca se face cu o macara foarte inteligenta , desi e de preferat pe acoperisul de la tribuna I

2) Masa presei 2 % din capacitatea stadionului , dar nu mai putin de 450 de locuri - hai ca se rezolva , transforma "0" in masa presei

3) 12 cabine TV - deh daca vine Barcelona si vin comentatori : romani , spanioli , catalani , chinezi , indieni , americani , japonezi , etc

4) Masa presei utilata complet : FAX , prize pentru laptopuri , etc

5) Camere video pe tunelul de la vestiare , etc

Organizare: vestiare cu nu stiu cati mp pt. oaspeti , dotate cu X scaune + frigider PLIN cu apa plata si sucuri naturale (ce iti cer oaspetii)

Posibilitate de evacuare in juma de minut a intregului stadion.
Adica X iesiri , cu scari de dimensiuni minime Y metrii

VI Fields of Play and Stadiums - Principles of Protocol and Organisation
Article 9 Stadium conditions
9.01 The UEFA Administration may refuse to permit matches to be played at
stadiums which do not measure up to international standards. Stadiums must
be in good condition in terms of both their playing surface and facilities. They
must conform to the security prescriptions of the competent civil authorities. If
the climatic conditions so require, facilities such as pitch heating must exist,
to ensure that the field of play can be made available in a suitable condition
on any match date. The home club undertakes to make every reasonable
effort to ensure that the pitch is playable. If the home club does not
implement the appropriate measures and, as a consequence, the match
cannot take place, the home club shall bear all the costs of the visiting team
(travel, board and lodging expenses).
Alternative venues
9.02 If, at any time during the season, the UEFA Administration deems that, for
whatever reason, some venues may not be fit for staging a match, UEFA
may consult with the associations and clubs concerned and ask them to
propose an alternative venue, in accordance with the standards required by
UEFA. Should such an association and club not be able to propose an
acceptable alternative venue within the deadline set by the UEFA
Administration, UEFA will select an alternative neutral venue and make all
the necessary arrangements for the staging of the match with the relevant
association and local authorities. In both cases, the costs of staging the
match shall be borne by the home club. The UEFA Administration shall take
a final decision on the match venue in due time.
Field of play dimensions
9.03 As from the group stage, the field of play must meet standard dimensions of
68 x 105 metres. Exceptions may be granted by the UEFA Administration
only at the written request of the association of the club concerned, to be
submitted to the UEFA Administration before the start of the season.
Artificial turf
9.04 In accordance with Law 1 of the Laws of the Game, matches may be played
on artificial turf, provided that such artificial turf meets all of the following
a) the artificial turf meets the highest FIFA quality standards for artificial turf, currently corresponding to the "FIFA Recommended 2-Star Standard" in accordance with the "FIFA Quality Concept - Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements for Artificial Turf Football Surfaces" dated February
2005 as well as all requirements under the applicable national laws and regulations;
b) the artificial turf has passed all the necessary tests (laboratory and field
tests) and has obtained the required FIFA licence;
c) the artificial turf has passed all the necessary yearly tests, conducted by a
FIFA accredited laboratory, confirming that it still meets the applicable
FIFA quality standards;
d) the surface of the artificial turf must be of a green colour;
e) the use of artificial turf meets any other requirements set out in these
regulations with regard to the field of play and the stadium.

9.5 When submitting their entry form, clubs wishing to play on artificial turf must
provide the UEFA Administration with a copy of the "FIFA Recommended 2-
Star" licence and a certificate confirming that the artificial turf still meets the
applicable FIFA quality standards. This certificate must have been issued by
a FIFA accredited laboratory within the 12 months before the start of the
9.6 The owner of the artificial turf and the home club are fully responsible for
meeting the above requirements, in particular those related to:

- maintenance work and ongoing improvement measures; and
- safety and environment measures as set out in the "FIFA Quality
Concept - Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements for Artificial Turf
Football Surfaces".

9.7 The owner of the artificial turf and the home club must obtain sufficient
warranties and/or guarantees related to the material and the installation from
the manufacturer and the installer of the artificial turf.
9.8 UEFA cannot be held responsible for any damages to third parties resulting
from the use of the artificial turf.
9.9 Clubs taking part in the UEFA club competitions must ensure that the
stadiums they use undergo a periodic safety check, including a determination
of the capacity, by the competent authorities or a body recognised by the
latter. When submitting their competition entry forms to the UEFA
Administration, the clubs must also enclose a copy of the relevant safety
certificate, which must be renewed every season, together with confirmation
from the competent civil authorities concerning the level of safety for
spectators (Confirmation form).
9.10 In the interests of the safety of players and match officials, participating clubs
must provide access to the field of play that guarantees the safe entry and
exit of these persons.

Television surveillance system
9.11 As from the group stage, stadiums must be equipped both inside and outside
with a permanent television surveillance system. The provisions of the UEFA
Binding Safety and Security Instructions (see paragraph 3.21, Measures at
the Stadium, Television Surveillance System) must be observed.
9.12 Qualifying matches may be played in daylight or under floodlights. From the
group stage, floodlighting is required. The light average must correspond to
Ev (lux) 1400 towards the main camera(s) and Ev (lux) 1000 towards areas
of secondary interest. For qualifying matches not played in daylight, the light
average must correspond to Ev (lux) 1000 towards the main camera(s) and
Ev (lux) 700 towards areas of secondary interest. In addition, an emergency
lighting system must be available, ensuring that a match can be completed
even in the event of a power failure. The club must provide UEFA with a
current lighting certificate, which has been issued within the previous 12
months. Exceptions may be granted by the UEFA Administration. For further
recommendations see also the booklet Guidelines and Recommendations for
Floodlighting for all UEFA Competitions.
9.13 Clocks in the stadium showing the amount of time played may run during the
match, provided they are stopped at the end of normal time in each half, i.e.
after 45 and 90 minutes respectively. This sti****tion also applies in the
event of extra time being played (i.e. after 15 and 30 minutes).
Giant and public screens
9.14 Transmissions of any images and/or messages on giant viewing screens
inside the stadium are in principle not allowed. However, transmissions of the
above and, in particular, replays on such giant viewing screens may be
authorised subject to a licence being granted by UEFA. On receipt of a
justified request to this effect, the UEFA Administration may grant a
participating club such a licence, which may, however, be withdrawn at any
time during the season for improper use. Nevertheless, the results of other
matches can be shown on the Scoreboard and/or giant screen during the
match without need for a licence, while simultaneous transmissions and
replays are authorised for press monitors and closed-circuit channels.
9.15 If requested by UEFA, clubs shall exclusively display on giant screens in the
stadium a special video feed featuring the UEFA Champions League
branding and including information and images from all matches of the
9.16 Simultaneous or delayed transmissions on giant viewing or public screens
outside the stadium in which a match is played (e.g in the stadium of the
away club or in a public place anywhere) may be authorised subject to:
- a licence being granted by UEFA; and
- authorisation received from the rights-holding broadcaster in the territory
of the screening and the public authorities.
Retractable roofs
9.17 Before the match, the UEFA delegate, in consultation with the referee,
decides whether a stadium's retractable roof will be open or closed during
the match. This decision must be announced at the matchday organisational
meeting, although it may subsequently be altered at any time prior to kick-off
if the weather conditions change, again in consultation with the referee.
9.18 If the match starts with the roof closed, it must remain closed for the entire
match. If the match starts with the roof open, only the referee has the
authority to order its closure during the match subject to any applicable laws
issued by a competent state authority. Such decision may only be taken if the
weather conditions seriously deteriorate. If the referee does order the closure
of the roof during the match, it must remain closed until the final whistle.
Final tie, neutral venue
9.19 The final tie, as well as any matches played at a neutral venue, will be
assigned only to stadiums equipped with the required security installations.
Article 10 Unfit fields of play, bad weather
10.1 If the national association concerned deems that a field of play will not be fit
for play, the home club must notify the visiting club and the referee prior to
their departure. Otherwise, the home club is responsible for their travel,
board and lodging expenses. The UEFA Administration must be notified at
the same time.
10.2 If any doubt arises as to the condition of the field of play after the visiting
club's departure from home, the referee will decide on the field of play itself
whether or not it is fit for play.
10.3 If the referee declares that the match cannot commence because the field is
not fit for play, or because of the weather conditions, the match must in
principle be played the following day, unless a reserve date has been set by
the UEFA Administration, in which case that date prevails. The match can
still be played on another date set by the UEFA Administration within two
hours of the referee's decision to postpone the match at the latest, in
consultation with the two clubs and the associations concerned. In case of
dispute, the UEFA Administration will fix the date and the kick-off time of the
match. This decision will be final.
ps STEAUA e unicul stadion care are sistem de supraveghere electronica!

12th September 2006, 17:49
Las' k face Sandu din Lia Manoliu un stadion european. :D
La urma urmei acest stadion candideaza la organizarea finalei Cupei UEFA din 2008 sau 2009, deci stadion pe care sa joace echipele vor avea. Timisoara, desi nu se bate pt locurile de Champions' League, are un stadion modern, stand bine la capitolul vestiare si scaune (care sunt macar toate de aceeasi culoare spre deosebire de alte stadioane din capitala care sunt mai "nuantate" :rolleyes: ).
Asta insa sa o lasam la urma, prima data sa ajunga in liga si dupa aia vb de stadioane ca pana una alta, de UEFA is bune toate. :D

12th September 2006, 18:01
pt finala cupei uefa din 2009 se vorbea de un stadion nou...povesti

12th September 2006, 18:26
din ce m-am uitat eu pe sistemul de licentiere UEFA, din 2008/2009 cred ca vom avea liga 1 cu 8 echipe ....................... deci nu va mirati daca dinamo si rapid vor juca in alta tara .................. conditiile sunt asa de stricte incat nu stiu cate echipe vor putea evolua in campionat ........................... adica sa se conformeze normelor
Sau o să vedem un campionat care o să se dispute numai pe Ghencea . Eventual în cuplaje de dimineaţa până seara .:ras-plans: :happy

12th September 2006, 20:21
privind cerintele pentru CL nu vad nicio problema de nerezolvat in maxim juma de an.

sa nu uitam ca de ex. Dinamo si Rapid au terenul de joc in conditii excelente, iar de amenajat masa presei, parcari, vestiare si umplut frigidere e absolut banal, sa zicem ca necesita vreo 2-3 luni cu larghete. Dinamo cel putin are vestiarele amenajate de curand la standadele cerute. Nocturna de pe Dinamo e cu vreo 2000 de luxi mai puternica decat cea din Ghencea, tabela de marcaj se schimba acum. Pe Ghencea erau probleme mari cu suprafata de joc ridicol de proasta, cu un drenaj practic inexistent. Vestiarele erau afectate de cateva inundatii din aceasta cauza si a fost mai mult de lucru.

singura problema mai complicata este de acoperit o parte din stadion, dar asta e iarasi treaba de cateva luni, sa zicem 3-4. Cu alte cuvinte daca anul viitor prin aprilie-mai incep treaba si se lucreaza intens se poate finaliza lucrarea pana la finele lui august 2007. E insa foarte posibil sa inceapa mai devreme.

12th September 2006, 20:28
iar de amenajat masa presei, parcari, vestiare si umplut frigidere e absolut banal, sa zicem ca necesita vreo 2-3 luni cu larghete.

banal ?????????????????????????????

ia spune-mi tu unde pui tu parcari in stefan cel mare ????? darami spitalul de urgenta ????????????

2-3 luni ????????? glumesti !!!!!!!!!!

btw, noi nu vb de comparatia cu stadionul ghencea, vb de cerintele uefa, pe care poti sa le consulti oricand accesand linkul de sus .....

12th September 2006, 20:38
sunt destule solutii, o varianta ar fi chiar in parcul sportiv Dinamo, se mai gaseste loc destul. O intrare separata si gata. Ce-i asa de greu sa torni mai mult asfalt si sa tragi linii cu vopsea alba? La Dinamo in momentul de fata e necesara o parcare cu 5000-6000 de locuri. Chiar ar fi o idee sa o faca pe doua nivele, castiga spatiu.

Nu glumesc deloc, pe Ghencea marea parte a timpului a fost alocata terenului care asa cum spuneam era prost si pentru divizia A in ultima vreme. Pe Dinamo si Rapid nu e cazul, sunt deja bune.

Nici eu nu vorbeam comparativ, ma refeream la indeplinirea conditiilor minime de participare in CL nu la constructia unei Allianz Arena.

12th September 2006, 23:41
Dinamo oricum s-a obişnuit cu Sofia . Rapidul susţine: suntem peste tot acasă , nu ?:

Pai nu majoritatea suporterilor is de aia care iti intra in casa ca la ei acasa ? :D

13th September 2006, 10:24
Utilizator : Cat de bun e gazonul pe Dinamo . Am vazut meciurile cu Beitar si anul trecut cu CSKA Moscova . Era abominabil gazonul

13th September 2006, 10:43
Partial de acord cu sun.
Intr-adevar, in meciul cu TSKA Moscova a fost mocirlos terenul, insa si inainte de acel meci, si dupa el s-au mai jucat partide pe acelasi gazon si nu s-a mai intamplat nimic. A fost pur si simplu o coincidenta si un capriciu al naturii ca a plouat si a fost frig 2 saptamani consecutiv...
La meciul cu Beitar plouase torential 3-4 ore si se facusera balti pe margine, dar cum s-a oprit ploaia, terenul a reusit sa absoarba apa si in repriza a doua s-a jucat foarte bine.

Referitor la conditiile impuse de UEFA, eu cred ca nu va fi greu sa fie indepinite, in special cea cu locurile de parcare: in jurul stadionului exista mii de locuri de parcare, in complex se pot amenaja alte cateva sute (in fata, inspre sos Stefan cel Mare, in dreapta, pe lanaga bazinul de polo, pe lanaga sala de lupte, pe langa terenul artificial, pe fosta arena de hanbal in aer liber, langa terenul de rugby - fost Victoria - dar in special in locul actualului velodrom Dinamo, ce nu mai este folosit de multa vreme - aici lejer se pot face 2-3.000 de locuri... chiar si in subteran se poate sapa un pic si apoi construit ceva cu cateva etaje, gen parcarea de la Unirii... in 2-3 luni se rezolva).
Mai greu este cu Tribuna VIP, insa si acolo deja au demarat lucrari sa contruiasca in stanga si dreapta actualei tribune oficiale inca ceva loje).
Masa presei, asa cum zicea cineva se poate face la Tribuna 0... prize de internet si fax se fac in 10 zile, ce naiba...
Marea problema ramane acoperirea unei parti a tribunelor, precum si suprainaltarea tribunei II... Asta dureaza.

13th September 2006, 11:07
Gazonul de pe dinamo e bun????:ras-plans: :ras-plans: ..aduceti-va aminte de meciul cu beitar...

13th September 2006, 11:11
Lucian:ce te astepti sa scrie dinamovistii?:D Acu cand se vad pe locul 1(not 4 long) vrei sa scrie"domne,n-avem noi stadion de CL..." paradoxal,desi joaca in groapa....defapt pt ei,terenul,stadionul este Heaven on earth:happy :ras-plans:

13th September 2006, 11:20
Wow, au uitat cand a fost apa de 1/2m pe Ghencea, de le-a inundat birourile de la tribuna a 2-a (se intampla in '97, inaintea unui meci cu Brasov), au uitat cum erau subiect de bascalie in ziarele englezesti, dupa meciul cu Liverpool, au uitat de meciurile cu Valencia, Norvegia sau Slovenia. Dar, deh, daca datoriile tot nu si le platesc, exista resurse sa-si refaca si gazonul.

Si, in fond si la urma urmei, ce va grija pe voi unde jucam noi?