View Full Version : Ce vor prin mailurile astea?

8th July 2004, 01:57
Ce se urmareste prin e-mailurile astea? Primesc tot felul de mesaje de la africani si alte nationalitati ciudate. Ce vor de fapt?

Dear friend,

Greetings and compliments to you.

I am writing you this mail with an ardent hope that
you will consider the message contained in it and
respond accordingly.before I proceed I will like to
introduce myself

i am MR Shadak Shari an indian by nationality
and I Am the catholic nusateure to and Asia and
the world at large

I am contacting you for a hand of partnership in
disbussing my wealthworth $8milliom( eight million US dollars).I got

yourcontact through apersonal search on the internet.I beleive that

though we have not met before,with mutual cooperation we would be able

toestablishthe necessary trust needed for the execution
of this project.I decided to with hold some
informations in this mail forsecurity reasons.

I will give you just a brief of the details of this
transaction now but as soon as we have been able to
establish some trust,I will give you the complete
informations that is relevant to this transaction.

A while ago,i acquainted with some plans
to establish a project with helping the ophanange and
old people home with
with equipments and facilities

This i intended to do when i became the achbisop of
african diaoses Forthis purpose ie set aside the sum of $8

million(eightmillion Us dollars)

I seperated this funds intwo parts and deposited them
in two different
security companies.One in (China). (U. A.E)and the
other in Europe.The
one in U.A.E. ($2,million) was deposited in My name
and the one In China
was In My brothers name who is Dead now.
is worth( $7million) while the other in
deposited in the church name where i serve.

It will be sad to let you know now that i have been in
the hospital for
the past three months
now as i am sick with canser
i sitll have the mind that one day i will die as my
doctor said that it
cannot be cured that it is of the harth

I have the intention of retrieving one of the monies
to enable us finalise My plans.This is why i
contacted you.I want you to be my partner who will
assist me in travelling to any of the above mentioned
locations to effect the claim of the funds deposited
there.I assure you that you will not encounter any
problem in this help as i will appriopriately direct
you on how to go about it.Also be assured that there
is no risk involved in this venture.It is absolutely
risk free.All that you need do is to adhere strictly
to my instructions which I shall give you from time to

I shall negotiate what shall be your commision in
this deal.I just want you to be rest assured that you
will be handsomely rewarded at the end of this

Please do reply me immediately With your complete

your phone numbers
direct contact .

if you are interested in assisting me in this help.

you can reach me via my direct
email shadak_foundation@tiscali.it)

Please also note that this must be kept in absolute confidentiality for security reasons even if you are not interested.

I await your response to this mail

Best Regards

Mr Shadak Shari

8th July 2004, 02:27
Vadim, ma mir ca e prima data cand te-ai intalnit prima data cu astfel de e-mailuri, si mai ales ca nu stiai nimic despre ele.
Este vorba despre asa-numitul "nigerian spam", un fel de "metoda maradona" de la ei prin care sub pretextul unor promisiuni de castiguri de milioane de dolari, cei care iti scriu incearca sa afle datele tale personale, in mod ideal numarul de cont si alte din astea. In felul asta ei iti golesc contul personal, iar multe dintre victime, de rusine ca au fost pacalite in acest fel (si ca oricum isi dadusera acordul sa incerce ceva ilegal) au reticente in a reclama furtul. E distractiv ca uneori, daca verifici adresa de la care a fost trimisa, ea nu este de loc din tara respectiva (am primit e-mailuri si din .md si .ro, spre exemplu).
Cat eram in Romania nu prea am primit astfel de e-mailuri (desi aflasem despre ele), dar de cand am ajuns in US, primesc cel putin unul pe saptamana. De remarcat ca rareori acesti infractori incearca cu e-mailuri la intamplare (asa cum se intampla cu spamurile de advertising, trimise la liste de adrese gasite, cumparate, furate, etc); spre exemplu eu primesc aceste mailuri pe adresa mea oficiala de la universitate, pe care nu am folosit-o decat pentru uz intern tocmai pentru a ma feri de orice fel de spam, dar care este afisata pe undeva prin site-ul universitatii si probabil de acolo este luata de catre spam-eri.
Daca vrei sa afli mai multe da un "Nigerian spam" pe google si o sa gasesti destule informatii.

9th July 2004, 01:07
misterul elucidat la:

9th July 2004, 01:14
domnul colonel Samuel Kunte, frate de arme cu un cunoscut lider rebel din Kongo ucis are un cont de 35 millioane$ din care vrea sa ma faca cu 20% daca-l ajut sa-i scoata din Nigeria.

deci i-am raspuns:

My Dear Colonel,

Being employed by the military myself, i was rejoicing
over your e-mail. It's allways a great pleasure to hear
from a battle hardened dog like you seem to be. But
allow me to introduce myself. I am Captain Julian
Felipe Hernandez from the Armed Forces of Paraguay. Our
department belongs to the Forest Scouting Special
Forces Division which is most vital branch in our army.
Given the unique topography of our homeland, of which
you undoubtly are aware of, our Forest Scouting Special
Forces Division (FSSFD from here) is employed mainly
against those rogue raiding parties formed by natives
which criminally strip-search the forest of invaluable
nutritive excrescences, like blackberries, wild
strawberries and other medically critical ferns.
Sadly, due to the economic development of South America
lately, the Department of Homeland Defense (DoHD) has
cut back funding for FSSFD, most notably in the area of
forest razing equipment and supplies (especially fuel
for chainsaws), liquid napalm for flamethrowers and
crankshafts for the armored volkswagen beetle cars,
which are critical to our patrol duties. So as you can
see, the funds offered through your generosity are
utmost welcome. I cannot even bear the thought of
having to skip our weekly Xenocide party, which, this
weeks runs under the motto "shoot the indian".

So just say where and when and we'll be there to collet
the cash. I've got a few guys here, they are very much
thrustworthy, having served the now defunct Mr. Zeljko
Raznatovic from Serbia, of whom you certainly have
heared a lot in the news during the late 90ies. Too bad
that some of them are wanted by interpol, but i'm sure
this is a very unfortunate mixup. Please do not forget
to tell what percentage we will recive.

But allow me to ask you a few questions. Like who is
Col. Godwin Christopher you mentioned? Is that one of
your adjutants? Does he know about the money? And i
just remembered, i heared your name before. Did you see
that american TV-show during the 70ies? I think the
title was "Roots", featuring an african slave being
kidnapped by white slave-hunters and shipped to Alabama
(if my memory serves me well). Guess what? His name was
"Kunte", just like yours. Are you related to this man
by any chance?

Best Wishes and eager to hear from you

Maj. Julian Felipe Hernandez
FSSFD, Ejército de Gente Nacional, Asuncion, Paraguay

pina azi, nici un raspuns. si-s vreo 3 luni deja...

12th July 2004, 12:54
misterul elucidat la:
Aia din fotografie sint chiar teparii? Au fost prinsi?

12th July 2004, 12:56
misterul elucidat la:
ce tare e M.U.G.U. ala :D

12th July 2004, 13:11
nu aia din fotografii......numele din centrul paginii sunt ale celor descoperiti.....nu stiu daca au fost si prinsi....

12th July 2004, 20:10
da aia-s tzeparii. i-au prostit astia de la ebolamonkeyman sa-si faca poze cu tot felu' de semne, cica ca sa fie siguri ca-s ei pe bune si nu eu stiu ce poze din reviste.

era undeva chiar un concurs cine reuseste sa stoarca cei mai multi bani de la ei. cred ca recordul e undeva la 5$.

btw. inscriptiile sunt modificari fonetice usoare de la tot felul de lucruri obscene. adica "Iama Dildo" e de fapt "I am a Dildo" iar "Anita Cox" e de fapt "I need a cock". va las pe voi sa le decoperiti pe celelalte :D

12th July 2004, 22:48
Cel mai tare e ala, "Bukakke". Stiti ce e bukakke? :D

13th July 2004, 00:50
habar n-am. bukakke ala m-a bagat si pe mine in ceata :confused:

13th July 2004, 05:06
Acum ca tot ati vorbit de "nigerian spam" ca li s-a facut pofta sa-mi trimita si mie.... :). N-am mai primit de multe luni un mail si m-am trezit azi dimineata cu unul, uite inceputul :p

I am ARAF.M. MOHAMMED from Singapore, married to Late Kazeem Mohammed of blessed memory who was an oil explorer in Singapore and Kuwait for twelve years before he died in 2000.We were married for twelve years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were both devoted Muslims. Since his death I've been battling with Cancer and fibroid problems. When my late Husband was alive he deposited the sum of $15.5million (Fifteen Million, Five Hundred thousand U.S Dollars) with a Finance Company in Europe.

Ce mi-ar place sa am rabdare sa-i aiu la misto... dar totusi nu ma pun la mintea lor.

13th July 2004, 11:13
Daca stiu eu bine bukakke e o "distractie" erotica japoneza...... :)

13th July 2004, 22:25
boah. numai 15.5 millioane? astia saracesc pe zi ce trece. acu 3 luni primeam regulat oferte la 35-38 mill. una chiar la 63 mill (record personal).

recesiunea bat-o vina :drak:

13th July 2004, 22:30
Odata am primit un mail gen ca asta, numai ca era de la un englez, iar asta imi spunea ca am mostenit 10 mil lire sterline, ar fi fost marfa nu?:D

13th July 2004, 22:42
heh, chiar mi-a venit un mail de la "Mr John Sese-Seko" care mai are 45 de mil dintr-un lot de 60 mil. din care idiotul de Kabila a cheltuit 15 mil. pe armament sovietic.
what a loser.

se pare ca economia o ia in sus iara...daca trupa MUGU ofera iarasi mai mult

14th July 2004, 11:20
Din pacate slabe sperante sa facem un ban cinstit din "economiile " nigerienilor...... :drak:

14th July 2004, 14:02
Bukkake este intr-adevar o practica erotica japoneza, dar stii in ce consta? :D

14th July 2004, 14:12
Bukkake este intr-adevar o practica erotica japoneza, dar stii in ce consta? :D
e de ajuns sa dai o cautare in google dupa termenul Bukkake .... :)

14th July 2004, 14:35
Eu am vazut mai demult un film. :) A tinut vreo ora. :D

14th July 2004, 14:45
Eu am vazut mai demult un film. :) A tinut vreo ora. :D
era si cu Brad Pitt ? :D

14th July 2004, 18:43
Dati "bukkake" pe dc++ si o sa vedeti mai multe filme, nu de o ora, intr-adevar, dar o sa sa lamureasca oricine pe deplin ce inseamna :D

15th July 2004, 09:55
M-ati facut curios si am dat si eu pe gogle bukkake... Norocul meu a fost ca nu erau prea multi colegi delaborator in jurul meu... pentru ca primul link de la google... e destul de explicit in explicatii :D

15th July 2004, 14:42
Nigerienii aia ar merita sa faca un film de vreo ora in care sa "performeze" niste bukkake....