View Full Version : oksana baiul

13th May 2008, 02:09
mereu am stiut ca fata asta a avut o poveste ciudata de viata, dar nu am citit-o pana acum.
vazand in seara asta programul ei scurt de la mondiale am fost vrajita.
ce soarta ciudata a avut oksana!!!!

aici e sumarul vietii ei de pe wikipedia.

mondiale 1993
lp - cum putea fetita asta sa aiba atata stapanire de sine, atata talent - wow

oly 1994

sp - superb, genial, fabulos

13th May 2008, 21:43
Oksana are un simt al dansului innascut, mi se pare ca si mama ei a invatat baletul. Eu am vazut filmul despre viata ei si m-a impresionat. Are talent cu carul. Cat despre stapanire de sine...pe gheata da, inafara ei mai putin si nici nu-i de mirare. Sp-ul OLy 94 e postat si la Ols Gala printre primele.

Aici e Gala de la Oly 94, o alta lebada, nu de Ceaikovski ci The Swan - Camille Saint Sans.

13th May 2008, 21:55
de stapanirea pe gheata vorbeam si eu. dar sincer cred ca e greu sa nucazi prada depresiei si altor lucruri cu viata pe care a avut-o ea. sa ai atat talent si iti fie ingaduit sa il exploatezi doar asa de putin.

13th May 2008, 22:33
Si eu am vazut filmul de doua ori. Exista neconcordante intre film si ce am citit pe net, dar oricum, a suferit mult. A ramas singura, fara nimeni, fara casa, fara bani, antrenoarea ei a tras prea mult de ea, cred ca nu a gasit pe nimeni care sa-i fie alaturi toata viata ei, cum au fost mama si bunica. Sincer, m-a impresionat filmul. Ca patinatoare, nu am prins-o in direct, desi m-am uitat la Zagreb la olimpiada, dar eram mai mult cu schiul, cu bobul pe atunci. Nu cred ca era cea mai buna, cea mai talentata, dar povestea ei de viata e trista. Si inca e. Am vazut-o anul trecut la gala de la Oberhof parca. Nu stiu, dar parerea mea e ca inca sufera. E ca o rana care nu se va inchide niciodata complet.

13th May 2008, 22:56
In '94 a fost olimpiada de la Lillehammer, Zagrebul a fost anul asta cu CE. Poate te-ai gandit la olimpiada Sarajevo din '84, cu Katarina Witt. Si eu am mai facut confuzia asta.

13th May 2008, 23:03
Da, se pare ca am facut doua confuzii. Una cu Oksana, care a castigat in 94, nu in 84 (dar oricum, nu am prins-o in direct pentru ca nu eram pasionat de patinaj pe atunci) si a doua cu Sarajevo (pe care am urmarit-o in direct la sarbi - stau in Timisoara si ma uitam la sarbi, care dadeau ore in sir zilnic), in loc de Zagreb.

13th May 2008, 23:05
:) Multumim Irina ca i-ai deschis thread.
Am reusit si eu sa vad filmul la sfarsitul anului trecut(exact pe 31 decembrie, daca nu ma insel a fos :D)..si intr-adevar tare emotionant :)
Mie imi plac mult programele prezentate la un show pentru comemorarea mortii lui Grinkov :( Tare triste dar frumoase :)

13th May 2008, 23:54
Aici e Gala de la Oly 94, o alta lebada, nu de Ceaikovski ci The Swan - Camille Saint Sans.

f frumoasa si lebada asta. tot pe lebade lui camille a patinat si johnny :D

14th May 2008, 10:44
am cautat filmul A Promise Kept: The Oksana Baiul Story , dar nu l-am gasit nici pe dc, nici torenti.
Daca aveti voi linkul de unde pot lua torentul , pls postati-l ...

14th May 2008, 15:46
Buna intrebare. Si eu sint curios.

25th May 2008, 13:18
Interviuri mai vechi, din care aflam cate ceva despre viate Oksanei.

Monday, March 21, 2005

OKSANA BAUIL (2 interviews)
Oksana Bajul Asked for Too Much

Article by Sergey Dadygin printed in the Russian Language on-line publication "Express Gazeta" on March, 16th 2005.

A solemn opening of the world championship in figure skating took place in Moscow. The last time such a tournament happened in our country was over 100 years ago in St. Petersburg in 1903.

The Russian Federation of Figure Skating decided to make a broad gesture. It invited, at the expense of the organizing committee, to Moscow all our figure skaters who were also former world champions.

Legendary masters of pair figure skating Lyudmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov arrived from Switzerland, where they’d emigrated in the 1970s.

Also arriving was the former partner of well-known skater Irina Rodnina, Mr. Alexey Ulanov, who is currently residing in the USA. In the past it was said that Irina had some tender feelings for Alexey, but he chose as his wife another figure skater, Lyudmila Smirnova (for more on that relationship, please see our update on Irina Rodnina)…. Alexey was invited to Moscow, but not Lyudmila - she is not a world champion.

Three time World Champions Marina Klimova and Sergey Ponomarenko have also settled in America. While Sergey Shahraj, who performed in a pair with Marina Cherkasova, went very far from his partner - to Australia.

Oksana Bajul, the Ukrainian World and Olympic Champion, called the Russian Federation and asked whether it would be possible for her to come to Moscow. The answer to Oksana was yes. But Ms. Bajul suddenly informed the organizing committee that her manager and one more accompanying person would travel with her. Here, our officials lost their patience and rejected the demands of the star who lost her modesty. The answer this time was, if Ms. Bajul would like to go to Moscow, she would have to do it at her own expense, and not of the expense of the organizing committee.

* * *


Interview by a correspondent of the Russian language newspaper" Utro" Andrey VINNITSA (AV), printed on Tuesday, March, 22.

Oksana Bajul (OB) was only 16 when glory fell down on her: at the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer unexpectedly for many, the young Ukrainian figure skater won Olympic gold. She was the idol of millions. She received letters by the bag. Oksana left for America in a search of "a beautiful life,” but there she was plagued with troubles. Problems with alcohol and the law cost the figure skater her career. For several years Oksana did not perform, but now she is coming back to the ice. Soon she will be seen in our country: Bajul plans to perform in 30 Russian cities with her exhibition program. Below are revelations from the figure skater in an exclusive interview to "Utro."

OB: I really had problems with alcohol, but already for the last couple of years I do not drink spirits. As to the law, it is true that my driving license was suspended for driving in a state of intoxication. But all this is in the past. Now I am happy with the life which I conduct. I returned to figure skating, I am engaged in business with the help of my friend: I have my own line of clothes for figure skaters. I plan to go with my show though the cities of Russia.

AV: It was said that your business initially did not take.
O.B.: Really, the first time when I opened the business I lost everything. It became for me an unpleasant shock, because in fact I have a persevering character and I try to achieve everything that I want. By the way, my problems with alcohol have been connected with it. I broke down. But now with the help of my common law husband, I have an opportunity to be engaged in my favorite business.

AV: It was written up that you were caught at the wheel of the car with a certain Armenian...
O.B.: And you have believed what I, Oksana Bajul, could date an Armenian?

AV: Well, you were too far away to ask you directly.
O.B.: I did not date any Armenian. And in the car I was with my present boyfriend.

AV: What kind of a person is he?
O.B.: He is a businessman. In general I would tell you that for me men in figure skating do not exist. I like people from the business world who are rich and self-assured. We met each other at a party. And for the first two hours, we argued terribly. He did not know at all who I was. It looked like he never heard about the Olympic Games, or about figure skating.

AV: You work on a line of clothes for figure skaters. What labels do you prefer to wear yourself?
O.B.: I love those designers who give me clothes free of charge. And I manage to receive rather expensive and successful labels.

AV: Everyone already got used to the idea that you have left figure skating. And nevertheless you have returned to professional sports. Was it difficult for you?
O.B.: Certainly. I did not skate for two years. Forgotten everything - how those or other figures are done. The only thing that was demanded of me until this time was to carry out certain figures in bed. In figure skating, I had to begin practically from zero. But I was persistent and in couple of months could return to the ice. However, I would not call professional figure skating a sport. It is more show business, though it has its world championships. But the marks there depend not on the performance, but rather on the basis of which sportsmen the public loves more.

AV: And how would you consider the "amateur" world championship in Moscow? Can you estimate the level of the participants from a professional point of view?
O.B.: Figure skating does not change much. I would not tell you that on the ice there were such sportswomen that I could not beat. But I do not look at anybody as an expert. I applaud all of them. I know how difficult is the life of figure skaters. I know what they had to go through to perform in the world championship. And I do not want to discuss them.

AV: Well than, what do you think of the new system of calculation of points?
O.B.: I simply do not understand it.

AV: Whom do you now feel yourself - an American or Ukrainian?
O.B.: I have a Ukrainian passport and a residence permit in the USA. America is my home.

25th May 2008, 17:04
Multam Flavia pentru articole:)
Da ce au armenieni? - bine nici mie nu mi-a placut melodia Armeniei de la Eurovision:D