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26th July 2006, 22:03
Cine ia "Scudetto" in sezonul 2006 - 2007 ?
27th July 2006, 22:54
Cu siguranta AC Milan....
Roma si Inter nu ne pot pune probleme... pot sa aiba si 20 de puncte avantaj...
Mario Di Lazi
28th July 2006, 19:41
Ma , dar mai sunteti ma multi milanisti pe forumu asta ........ ?
Ayrton ... ti-ai chemat toti oamenii din galerie ?
29th July 2006, 00:22
Ma , dar mai sunteti ma multi milanisti pe forumu asta ........ ?
Ayrton ... ti-ai chemat toti oamenii din galerie ?
Asta e adevarul, AC Milan nu poate fi invinsa de Inter, iar de Roma nu mai vorbim.. chiar daca au 8 puncte in plus .. ce inseamna 8 puncte ?
siiir louie
30th July 2006, 23:56
Pustiule ce afirmatie e asta ca Milan nu poate pierde cu INter . MIlan-Inter e de 1,x,2 tot timpul. SI daca Berlusconi nu-l aduce pe "El Nino" o sa aiba probleme mari Milan sezonul asta.(mai ales cu cele 8 puncte minus). Cred ca ai vazut vreo 2,3 derbiuri Mialn _inter la viata ta. Stii cumva ca Inter s-a intarit serios vara asta?
Hai sa nu mai vb asa doar din subiectivism ... devenim cel putin "hazlii". Anu viitor clar Inter e principala favorita la " Scudetto" . Nu spun ca nu poate sa cistiga Mialn , dar nu mai fi asa de optimist --c a esti tinar si risti sa devii deziluzionat...
Apropo eu sunt fan Juve si imi e antipatica Inter -- deci nu tin deloc cu ei (mai degraba tin cu Lecce) , dar nu pot sa nu vad realitatea.
31st July 2006, 00:13
Pustiule ce afirmatie e asta ca Milan nu poate pierde cu INter . MIlan-Inter e de 1,x,2 tot timpul. SI daca Berlusconi nu-l aduce pe "El Nino" o sa aiba probleme mari Milan sezonul asta.(mai ales cu cele 8 puncte minus). Cred ca ai vazut vreo 2,3 derbiuri Mialn _inter la viata ta. Stii cumva ca Inter s-a intarit serios vara asta?
Hai sa nu mai vb asa doar din subiectivism ... devenim cel putin "hazlii". Anu viitor clar Inter e principala favorita la " Scudetto" . Nu spun ca nu poate sa cistiga Mialn , dar nu mai fi asa de optimist --c a esti tinar si risti sa devii deziluzionat...
Apropo eu sunt fan Juve si imi e antipatica Inter -- deci nu tin deloc cu ei (mai degraba tin cu Lecce) , dar nu pot sa nu vad realitatea.
In primul rand "Nenea"... nu sunt un pusti care se uita la fotbal de 2 ani si tine si el cu cine e pe primul loc...:rosu:
In al doi-lea rand, e foarte adevarat ca Milan-Inter e un meci de 1 X 2....:happy ... Insa un bilant Milan-Inter in ultimii zece ani sa zic, au doar o singura victorie interistim, asa ca nu vad de ce sa nu zic ca o sa castige Milan:yeah:
In al tre-lea rand... asta e un forum despre cine "credem ca o sa ia titlu la anu", si cum Juve nu mai poate maslui si anu viitor titlu, il ia Milan, ce e greu asa de inteles...
Si nu in ultimul rand e o simpla opinie in legatura cu cine ia titlul...
Daca tu ai o alta opinie, e problema ta... oricum, s-au cam dus vremurile lui Juve din dinastia Moggi..:happy :drak:
Mario Di Lazi
31st July 2006, 21:32
Mai galagiosilor ... am vazut in prosport ca astazi este turneul TIM ? Cica transmite TV Sport ...
Cunoasteti situatia ...?...
Prosport zice una, Tv sport zice alta ... cica de la 21.45 a televizat un amical al echipei Manchester ...
31st July 2006, 22:19
Nu prea cunosc... sorry...
2nd August 2006, 10:55
S-a amânat startul sezonului în Italia!
Federaţia Italiană de Fotbal a confirmat, marţi seara, că noua ediţie a Serie A va începe pe 10 septembrie 2006.
Iniţial campionatul italian trebuia să debuteze pe 27 august, dar această dată a fost considerată irealistă având în vedere ultimul scandal din fotbalul italian, care tinde să se prelungească. Datorită diverselor apeluri ale clubrilor cu privire la sentinţele iniţiale ale scandalului Calciopoli şi ameninţarea unor noi verdicte care vor sancţiona şi alte cluburi, noul sezon a fost amânat cu două săptămâni.
Serie A va începe pe 10 septembrie şi se va încheia pe 27 mai 2007, iar Serie B va începe pe 9 septembrie şi se va încheia pe 10 iunie 2007. Vor fi programate patru etape la mijlocul săptămânii şi patru duminici libere în programul competiţional, pentru meciurile internaţionale şi Crăciun.
Cupa Italiei va debuta pe 19 august, iar finala se va disputa în manşă dublă pe 18 aprilie şi 9 mai 2007. Supercupa Italiei, ce va opune noua campioană a Italiei Inter Milano şi finalista Cupei Italiei de anul trecut AS Roma, se va juca pe 26 august 2006.
Mario Di Lazi
3rd August 2006, 11:47
Ce pacat ... pana atunci o sa ne intoxicam cu Divizia A ...
3rd August 2006, 11:51
:D Lasa mei ca avem un campionat puternic in tara...
Dovada ca se joaca numai pe la 17-18 pe 35de grade celsius si sunt toti jucatorii molesiti...
3rd August 2006, 21:17
Pustiule ce afirmatie e asta ca Milan nu poate pierde cu INter . MIlan-Inter e de 1,x,2 tot timpul. SI daca Berlusconi nu-l aduce pe "El Nino" o sa aiba probleme mari Milan sezonul asta.(mai ales cu cele 8 puncte minus). Cred ca ai vazut vreo 2,3 derbiuri Mialn _inter la viata ta. Stii cumva ca Inter s-a intarit serios vara asta?
Hai sa nu mai vb asa doar din subiectivism ... devenim cel putin "hazlii". Anu viitor clar Inter e principala favorita la " Scudetto" . Nu spun ca nu poate sa cistiga Mialn , dar nu mai fi asa de optimist --c a esti tinar si risti sa devii deziluzionat...
Apropo eu sunt fan Juve si imi e antipatica Inter -- deci nu tin deloc cu ei (mai degraba tin cu Lecce) , dar nu pot sa nu vad realitatea.
Prietene, asta e parerea mea, daca te-a deranjat imi pare rau, nu am avut nici o intentie ... insa vorbim la sfarsitul sezonului ...:ok:
siiir louie
3rd August 2006, 21:30
In primul rand "Nenea"... nu sunt un pusti care se uita la fotbal de 2 ani si tine si el cu cine e pe primul loc...:rosu:
In al doi-lea rand, e foarte adevarat ca Milan-Inter e un meci de 1 X 2....:happy ... Insa un bilant Milan-Inter in ultimii zece ani sa zic, au doar o singura victorie interistim, asa ca nu vad de ce sa nu zic ca o sa castige Milan:yeah:
In al tre-lea rand... asta e un forum despre cine "credem ca o sa ia titlu la anu", si cum Juve nu mai poate maslui si anu viitor titlu, il ia Milan, ce e greu asa de inteles...
Si nu in ultimul rand e o simpla opinie in legatura cu cine ia titlul...
Daca tu ai o alta opinie, e problema ta... oricum, s-au cam dus vremurile lui Juve din dinastia Moggi..:happy :drak:
Sa "stiti nenica" ca nu tin cu cine e pe primul loc? Tin cu JUve care este in B si care-i problema ? --inseamna ca sunt suporter adev si sustin echipa la greu (da a u facut blaturi si meritau Serie C ) dar asta nu inseamna ca Milan nu a facut blaturi --nu poti spune ca dupa Juve , mIlan este acolo linga si sincer cred ca locul ii era alaturi de JUve (nu sustin proverbul cu proverbu "cu capra vecinului").
Apropo de MilaN--Inter stiu ca Inter sunt inferiori in ultimii 10 ani , dar ideea mea era (daca citeai pe forum si posturile precedente) Inter s-a intarit pe posturile deficitare si cred ca anul asta vor fi peste "diavoli"
PS: Ce virsta aveti "venerabile" daca nu e cu suparare ? Eu am 23 si nu mie rusine si cred ca "inteleg fotbalul" de pe la 12 ani si am impresia ca inteelg fenomenul (cel putin fotbalul iatalian) destul de bine . Daca nu ma crezi pune-ma la incercare.
8th August 2006, 15:16
Sa "stiti nenica" ca nu tin cu cine e pe primul loc? Tin cu JUve care este in B si care-i problema ? --inseamna ca sunt suporter adev si sustin echipa la greu (da a u facut blaturi si meritau Serie C ) dar asta nu inseamna ca Milan nu a facut blaturi --nu poti spune ca dupa Juve , mIlan este acolo linga si sincer cred ca locul ii era alaturi de JUve (nu sustin proverbul cu proverbu "cu capra vecinului").
Apropo de MilaN--Inter stiu ca Inter sunt inferiori in ultimii 10 ani , dar ideea mea era (daca citeai pe forum si posturile precedente) Inter s-a intarit pe posturile deficitare si cred ca anul asta vor fi peste "diavoli"
PS: Ce virsta aveti "venerabile" daca nu e cu suparare ? Eu am 23 si nu mie rusine si cred ca "inteleg fotbalul" de pe la 12 ani si am impresia ca inteelg fenomenul (cel putin fotbalul iatalian) destul de bine . Daca nu ma crezi pune-ma la incercare.
"Mai draga" cum ar spune un individ celebru... Multi inainte si avand in vedere ca ma uit la fotbal de prin 90... iti vei da singur seama cati ani am eu... insa in alta ordine de idei tu avei impresia ca eu am vazut doar 2-3 meciuri de fotbal din Italia... cinste tie ca tii cu Juve...
In schimb pentru mine e vorba: Daca nu ia Milan titlu, decat Juve mai bine il ia Interu sau oricare alta echipa...
Cei drept Juve are cei mai multi fani, in schimb cei care tin cu Milan, Lazio, Roma, Inter... pe Juve ii urasc cei mai mult(exceptie poate fac cei dintre Roma si Lazio)... si nu te-a intrebat oare de ce?... Pentru ca modalitatile prin care Juve aduna puncte aduce ura si manie in randul suporterilor....
Nu contrazic cunostintele tale despre Il Calcio dar drept sa iti spun faci unele afirmatii care nu isi au locul...
The G.O.A.T.
8th August 2006, 20:33
Cei drept Juve are cei mai multi fani, in schimb cei care tin cu Milan, Lazio, Roma, Inter... pe Juve ii urasc cei mai mult(exceptie poate fac cei dintre Roma si Lazio)... si nu te-a intrebat oare de ce?... Pentru ca modalitatile prin care Juve aduna puncte aduce ura si manie in randul suporterilor....
Am eu impresia ca tu te cam contrazici? Daca aduce ura si manie in randul suporterilor si daca toata lumea ii uraste, atunci cum se face ca totusi Juve are cei mai multi suporteri? Eu zic ca numarul de suporteri vine in primul rand din satisfactii, din trofee castigate! Vezi cate are Juve si dupa vezi cate are si Milan!:rolleyes:
Mario Di Lazi
12th August 2006, 09:44
Cine a spus ca Serie B este mai tare decat Serie A, nu s-a inselat : Campioana Italiei Inter a pierdut ieri cele 2 jocuri cu echipe din Serie B
Inter - Juventus 0-1 = Zalayeta
Napoli - Inter 1-0 = Calaio (parca)
Juventus - Napoli 0-0
12th August 2006, 09:59
hai lasa ca au fost amicale.
nu se compara cu meciurile oficiale.
25th August 2006, 22:58
Si Inter castiga trofeu Tim dar.....
27th August 2006, 03:30
Un nou sezon va incepe pe 10 septembrie ! Sper k AC Milan sa ia titlul bineinteles ! Si cred k acest lucru este foarte posibil ptr k Juve nu mai este in A k sa faca toate magariile alea !
Cat despre Inter, in confruntarile directe mereu v-am batut, in campionat chiar si tur-retur, iar in U.C.L numai vrb...Odata am scos Interu in semi, odata in sferturi deci...
Ultimii 2 ani podiumul a fost 1. Juve 2. Milan 3. Inter Acum k Juve nu mai e => 1. Milan 2. Inter 3. Roma (probabil)
Forzza Milan !
27th August 2006, 03:31
:D:D .. ce convins esti :D:D
27th August 2006, 03:43
Mama da ce calcule ai facut....Felicitarile mele.Insa vezi k nu vorbim aici de matematica ci de fotbal.Si e o vorba in lumea fotbalului:Mingea e rotunda ;)
27th August 2006, 14:18
Da, ai dreptate, mingea e rotunda, si tre' sa recunosc k anu' asta avetzi o echipa buna...dar Interu pana acuma mereu a fost o echipa ce nu ar fi si sezonul viitor ?
Las' k vedem pe la sfr. lui mai !
The G.O.A.T.
27th August 2006, 18:50
Un nou sezon va incepe pe 10 septembrie ! Sper k AC Milan sa ia titlul bineinteles ! Si cred k acest lucru este foarte posibil ptr k Juve nu mai este in A k sa faca toate magariile alea !
Dupa cum se vede stii foarte bine ca, in urma scandalului si a procesului ce a urmat, Juve a fost retrogradata in B! Ceea ce se pare ca nu stii este faptul ca si clubul ac milan a fost acuzat, gasit vinovat si penalizat! Dar nu este nici o problema, ca voi sunteti obisnuiti, deja sunteti la a doua abatere. Fac pariu ca nici pe asta nu o stiai:D !
Bineinteles, nestiinta ta poate fi pusa pe seama faptului ca esti incepator!:P
27th August 2006, 20:48
Da, ai dreptate, mingea e rotunda, si tre' sa recunosc k anu' asta avetzi o echipa buna...dar Interu pana acuma mereu a fost o echipa ce nu ar fi si sezonul viitor ?
Las' k vedem pe la sfr. lui mai !
Echipa perdanta????:rosu:
Uita'te la istoria noastra si nu mai vb prostii
The G.O.A.T.
27th August 2006, 21:09
Echipa perdanta????:rosu:
Uita'te la istoria noastra si nu mai vb prostii
M-am uitat eu acum si tind sa-i dau dreptate!:P
27th August 2006, 21:17
Mai bine taceam daca eram in locul tau....iti zic doar atat:Zambrotta a zis k ii e rusine k a jucat la juve cu fosta conducere,iar del piero practic a pus bomboana pe coliva...vrand sa il atace pe capello a zis k isi lua masuri de precautie knd juca acasa de frica sa nu piarda.Asa k nu t mai uita u la istoria noastra,ci la cum ati jucat voi pana acum :rosu:
The G.O.A.T.
27th August 2006, 21:25
Hai mah te-ai suparat? Am glumit si eu! Toata lumea va stie istoria si palmaresul, nu mai este nevoie de nici un comentariu! Doar sunteti a treia echipa a Italiei:D
27th August 2006, 22:45
Hai mah te-ai suparat? Am glumit si eu! Toata lumea va stie istoria si palmaresul, nu mai este nevoie de nici un comentariu! Doar sunteti a treia echipa a Italiei:D
Are si ironia un scop :))
Eu cred ca 2 ani de zile Juventus nu va putea promova(in primul avand o multime de puncte handicap).In 2 ani, sigur si Inter va deveni o echipa mai puternica, si atunci batalia pentru campionat se va da pe "Stadio San Siro". Tind insa sa cred, ca experienta invinge valoarea
The G.O.A.T.
27th August 2006, 23:12
...In 2 ani, sigur si Inter va deveni o echipa mai puternica...
Lucrul asta si-l doresc ei de multi ani! Si desi au avut jucatori de valoare, Inter nu a fost niciodata o echipa (ma refer la istoria recenta). Pana acum, in cele doua sezoane de cand este la Inter, Mancini nu a demonstrat ca poate forma o echipa si imi este greu sa cred ca se va descurca de aici inainte!:mda:
27th August 2006, 23:33
Ramane de vazut ;)
29th August 2006, 23:59
ne pastram titlul. :yeah:
30th August 2006, 14:50
Lume, lume, si mai ales: interisti, interisti!!!
Atentie mare!!!
Joi, 31 august, ora 21:30 - Cupa TIM: Juventus vs. Inter vs. Milan !!!
O mare sansa pt Inter de a castiga un trofeu pe teren!!!
Nu ratati in direct marea reprezentatie pe care o vor da multiplii campioni Moratti & comp!!!
Al Dracu
30th August 2006, 15:08
Propun sa nu se vinda bilete la al treilea inel, nu se stie niciodata ce efecte devastatoare au suturile lui Zlatan! :D
30th August 2006, 15:14
Lume, lume, si mai ales: interisti, interisti!!!
Atentie mare!!!
Joi, 31 august, ora 21:30 - Cupa TIM: Juventus vs. Inter vs. Milan !!!
O mare sansa pt Inter de a castiga un trofeu pe teren!!!
Nu ratati in direct marea reprezentatie pe care o vor da multiplii campioni Moratti & comp!!!
da bineinteles, e unul din obiectivele noastre pt. noul sezon :P
30th August 2006, 21:12
Torino-Parma X2
Atalanta-Ascoli 1
Sampdoria-Empoli 1
Roma-Livorno (anticipo il 9 settembre) X2
Palermo-Reggina 1
Milan-Lazio 1
Messina-Udinese X2
Fiorentina-Inter (anticipo il 9 settembre)1 solist:D gol Toni
Chievo-Siena X2
Cagliari-Catania 1
parerea mea:drak: :P :drak:
30th August 2006, 21:21
Lume, lume, si mai ales: interisti, interisti!!!
Atentie mare!!!
Joi, 31 august, ora 21:30 - Cupa TIM: Juventus vs. Inter vs. Milan !!!
O mare sansa pt Inter de a castiga un trofeu pe teren!!!
Nu ratati in direct marea reprezentatie pe care o vor da multiplii campioni Moratti & comp!!!
mey da volubil devenisi de la o vreme ... aveai o prezenta mai "discreta" de obicei ... sau si tu ai radacini oltenesti ?:drak:
anu asta luam tot .. vorba :drak: ului:D
31st August 2006, 11:44
Primul trofeu din multele ce vro veni...
31st August 2006, 19:04
E adevarat ca Interul s-a intarit vara asta cel mai mult, dar sunt doar o adunatura de jucatori care costa +15 mil. euro. Nu sunt o echipa in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Eu cred ca lupta o sa fie stransa, ca de obicei, dar consider Roma o amenintare mai mare pt Milan decat este Inter. Parerea mea :D
Btw...Milan-Inter e pe 29 octombrie.
31st August 2006, 21:44
Parerea zis bine.O sa fie o amenintare pt locul 2 :P.....locul 1 e deja acontat de noi
31st August 2006, 22:03
Si primul gol este marcat Cruz printr'o reusita splendida
31st August 2006, 22:11
Verisorii au intors rezultatul....favalli si boriello
Mario Di Lazi
31st August 2006, 22:30
Maldini ala trebuie sa se lase ... la golul primit de Milan tzipa la bietu Favalli ...
31st August 2006, 22:42
Maldini doar ce a revenit dupa accidentare...Bine, asta nu-l scuza, dar oricum. Forza Milan \:D/ :D Batem pe Inter si cu a 5-a echipa =))
31st August 2006, 22:49
Ba nu minti?
Mario Di Lazi
1st September 2006, 09:40
Sa nu se inteleaga gresit ... eu nu am nimic cu Maldini, dar ... ar trebui sa se lase. Si nu numai el, ci si Costacurta, Cafu si acum mai veni si Favalli ...
1st September 2006, 13:14
Mai, Favalli a fost destul de bun ieri. Nu ca n-as fi de acord cu tine. Maldini e jucatorul meu preferat, dar e batran. Problema e ca daca pleaca ei, raman fara aparare. N-au nimic nimic. :-s
Mario Di Lazi
1st September 2006, 17:32
Pai si mie mi-a placut Favallli (ca doar a fost capitanul lui Lazio) ...
1st September 2006, 19:30
Stiti cumva cine transmite anul acesta Serie A ?
Tot B1Tv sau National TV??
1st September 2006, 22:04
Parca B1 :-?
3rd September 2006, 19:14
Stiti cumva cine transmite anul acesta Serie A ?
Tot B1Tv sau National TV??
Pai vezi. De cand nu mai e Juve in Serie A nu se mai transmite nici la noi:cool:
Da de la anu, cand o sa revenim...:ok:
Mario Di Lazi
4th September 2006, 14:30
Hai sa ne mutam cu discutiile aici ...
Ce dati sa nu-l chem pe Iulian_Lazialul ...
4th September 2006, 14:32
Hai sa ne mutam cu discutiile aici ...
Ce dati sa nu-l chem pe Iulian_Lazialul ...
pai dak vrei sa-i chem pe milanezu sau steaua_mania, atunci cheama'l pe iulian:drak:
Mario Di Lazi
4th September 2006, 14:35
Mania ala cu ce echipa tzine ? Ca sa stiu sa mai fac niste calcule ...
4th September 2006, 14:37
Dar vad ca aveti prieteni nervosi precum camatarii...:happy:...
Chematii... ce pot sa faca inafara de niste ban-uri de la :drak:...
Sa vedem ce o iesi...:evil:...
Mario Di Lazi
4th September 2006, 14:45
Al Dracu este un om bun la suflet si nu da banuri pentru injurii, el da banuri pentru offtopic ... :D
4th September 2006, 14:47
Iulica si mania...ce personaje pitoresti...chiar mi-e dor de ei..oare or mai trai? cred ca Iulica e ocupat sa-si vopseasca in verde camasa :D:D
Mario Di Lazi
4th September 2006, 18:50
Ziarul "Corriere dello Sport" a facut un sondaj la care au luat parte 50 de experti, despre castigatorii noului sezon . Rezlutatele :
Campioana Italiei 2006-2007 : 1 Inter, 2 Roma, 3 Milan
Golgeter Serie A : 1 Toni, 2 F. Inzaghi, 3 (Andriano, Totti si Gilardino)
Castigatoarea Ligii Campionilor : 1 Chlesea, 2 Milan, 3 (Inter si Barcelona)
Nou promovate in Serie A : 1 Juventus, 2 Napoli, 3 Genoa
4th September 2006, 19:58
Si o veste trista pt noi...a murit legenda Giacinto Fachetti :(
Un scurt remember a ceea ce a insemnat el pt Inter:
Monday, 04 September 2006 15:02:58
MILAN Giacinto Facchetti was born in Treviglio, Bergamo province on 18 July 1942. A gifted all-round sportsman in his youth, he played football for his local team and achieved good results in athletics championships. At the age of sixteen he was already a promising young player courted by Bergamo-based side Atalanta and Inter. Facchetti chose the Milanese Nerazzurri, and would go on to become a legend.
Facchetti made his Italian top-flight debut on 21 May 1961 at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome. Inter beat Roma 2-0. The following Sunday in Milan he scored the first of his 59 goals for Inter in a match against Napoli. It was Helenio Herrera, coach of the legendary Great Inter side of all time, who combined Facchetti's attacking and defending abilities and invented the role of the modern full-back.
In his playing career Facchetti won 4 Italian league titles, 2 European Cups, 2 Intercontinental Cups and a Coppa Italia. He collected a total of 476 Serie A appearances for Inter. His international career was just as extraordinary. Facchetti earned 94 Italy caps (70 as captain), won the 1968 European championship with Italy in 1968 and captained the Azzurri against Brazil in the World Cup final in Mexico in 1970.
After his playing career Facchetti took up various managerial positions at Inter, including technical director, board member, worldwide ambassador and vice president. On 30 January 2004 Massimo Moratti handed him the highest office: Facchetti was the first player in Inter's history to become president. Under his administration, Inter won a Scudetto, two Italian Cups and two Italian Super Cups.
An icon of world football, Facchetti held a number of institutional roles within FIFA and UEFA along with the great champions who have written the history of the sport.
Dumnezeu sa il odihneasca in pace!!!
9th September 2006, 13:27
Italienii au decis: Milan campioană!
Presa din Italia a dat verdictele pentru noul sezon! Ca la începutul fiecărei stagiuni, cele mai importante ziare din Italia şi-au exprimat previziunile cu privire la câştigătoarea primelor două divizii, golgheterii sau câte cartonaşe roşii va primi fundaşul interist Marco Materazzi. Iată ce spune “oracolul” italian:
Câştigătoarea Serie A: AC Milan
Chiar dacă Inter a cheltuit foarte mulţi bani în această vară pentru jucători foarte importanţi şi chiar dacă Milan începe noul sezon cu un deficit de opt puncte, „rossoneri” sunt favoriţii presei italiene. Băieţii lui Carlo Ancelotti au strâns 42% din voturi, faţă de doar 33% Inter şi 25% Roma.
Golgheter Serie A: Alberto Gilardino (Milan)
Decizia de a-l vinde pe Andriy Shevchenko la Chelsea va fi în beneficiul tânărului Gilardino, care este văzut în postura de golgheter de 45% din votanţi. Golgheterul din sezonul trecut şi actualul coleg al lui Mutu de la Fiorentina, Luca Toni, a obţinut 18% din voturi.
Câştigătoarea Serie B: Napoli
Penalizarea de 17 puncte cu care va începe clubul Juventus Torino primul său sezon în Serie B le-a adus acestora doar locul doi în topul favoritelor la promovarea în Serie A de pe primul loc, torinezii obţinând 17% din voturi, devansând echipe ca Bologna, Genoa sau Brescia. Favorita presei este Napoli, care a obţinut 58% din voturi.
Golgheter Serie B: Alessandro Del Piero (Juventus)
Veteranul lui Juventus, Del Piero, a obţinut 33% din voturile presei italiene, devansându-l pe colegul său David Trezeguet, care a obţinut 25% din voturi. Pe locul trei s-a clasat Cristian Bucchi, atacantul lui Napoli, în timp ce locul patru a fost ocupat de al treilea atacant al Juventusului, bulgarul Valeri Bojinov.
Câştigătoarea Cupei Italiei: Roma
După ce a pierdut Cupa în faţa Interului în ultimele două ediţii, presa consideră că Roma va triumfa în acest an. Clubul din capitala Italiei a primit aproape 60% din voturi, în timp ce Inter a obţinut abia jumătate din acest procent.
Câştigătoarea Ligii Campionilor: Chelsea
De data aceasta a venit momentul celor de la Chelsea, crede presa italiană, care i-au acordat clubului lui Abramovich toate şansele în faţa Real Madridului, Barcelonei sau Milanului. Campioana Italiei, Inter, a fost şi ea menţionată printre câştigătoare.
Câştigătoarea Cupei UEFA: West Ham
Transferurile lui Javier Mascherano şi Carlos Tevez au convins peste 25% din votanţi că West Ham United ar putea deveni câştigătoarea Cupei UEFA, chiar dacă în prima rundă vor juca împotriva unei echipe italiene, Palermo. Favorita numărul doi a fost desemnată Ajax, fiind menţionate şi cluburi ca Tottenham, Schalke, Lens sau chiar Inter, în cazul unui eşec în Liga Campionilor.
Câştigătorul Balonului de Aur: Fabio Cannavaro (Real Madrid)
După ce a obţinut “Balonul de Aur” la Cupa Mondială din Germania, Fabio Cannavaro este favoritul cotidianelor italiene şi pentru premiul acordat de France Football. Fostul fundaş al Juventusului a câştigat 50% din voturi, dublu de cât a obţinut starul lui AC Milan, Kaka. Thierry Henry, Andriy Shevchenko şi Steven Gerrard au fost de asemenea luaţi în considerare.
Numărul de cartonaşe roşii obţinute de Materazzi în noul sezon: Niciunul
Mai mult în glumă, presa italiană a votat şi asupra numărului de cartonaşe roşii pe care Marco Materazzi, fundaşul lui Inter Milano, le va obţine în noul sezon. Chiar dacă este unul dintre cei mai duri fundaşi de pe glob, 59% din votanţi au considerat că Materazzi va fi un “îngeraş” în acest sezon şi că nu va obţine niciun cartonaş roşu. Mai puţin de 20% au considerat că “Matrix” va fi eliminat de două ori, în timp ce alte verdicte au fost de trei, patru sau doar un cartonaş roşu.
9th September 2006, 13:37
parca acum 3 ani a avut un sezon "perfect" Matrix .. cu doar 2 galbene :o: :o:
performanta aflata la indemana unui atacant ;) .. si cand te gandesti ce porniti sunt unii impotriva acestei legende vii a conceptului de "fair-play" :evil:
9th September 2006, 13:40
eu pun pariu cu oricine vrea ca niciuna din acele preziceri nu se va adeveri :cool:
9th September 2006, 14:09
Subscriu si eu
9th September 2006, 15:23
Vai vai... ce subiect interesant are Bobo...:dark:...
1.Milan campioana...:drak:->e greu dar nu imposibil
2.Golgeter Seria A: cred...:P...Insa nu se stie..
3.Castigatoare Serie B: Napoli...:D...e mai plauzibil...
4.Castgatoare Cupa Italiei:Posibil Roma sau Inter, oricum e un trofeu de mana a doua...:drak:
5.Cupa Uefa:castigatoare West Ham... nu cred ca Tevez si Javier Mascherano o sa aduca trofeul...:drak:...Poate Ajax o sa ia Cupa...
6.Ch. League... Nu o sa o castige chelski...Pun pariu pe orice:drak:
7.Matrix :ras-plans:... nici un cartonas...:ras-plans:... Nu cred...:drak:
Al Dracu
10th September 2006, 18:41
Aaahahahahaha! Dupa ce toata vara s-au chinuit sa demonstreze ca arbitrii erau controlati de Moggi acum or sa se chinuie sa gaseasca noua "cupola". Eu deja am gasit-o! :D Mafia fotbalului italian e condusa de Empoli! :drak:
I-au facut arbitrii zdrentze azi pe Sampdoria! :ras-plans: Empoli a cumparat arbitrii! :ras-plans:
10th September 2006, 19:32
Inainte dumina de la 7 seara pe rai uno sau rai due era emisiunea domenica sportivs unde erau rezumatele meciurilor.Nici anu asta nu mai e in lista?
Mario Di Lazi
10th September 2006, 19:35
Nu mai este ? Pai eu eram acum pe Rai si asteptam rezumatele ... Ce pacat ...
11th September 2006, 15:34
Clasament dupa prima etapa:
1. Atalanta 3
2. Roma 3
3. Internazionale 3
4. Siena 3
5. Palermo 3
6. Messina 3
7. Empoli 3
8. Calcio Catania 3
9. Parma 1
10. Torino 1
11. Chievo 0
12. Udinese 0
13. Cagliari 0
14. Sampdoria 0
15. Ascoli 0
16. Livorno 0
17 Milan -5
18. Lazio -11
19. Reggina -15
20. Fiorentina -19
Al Dracu
11th September 2006, 15:36
Inainte dumina de la 7 seara pe rai uno sau rai due era emisiunea domenica sportivs unde erau rezumatele meciurilor.Nici anu asta nu mai e in lista?
Emisiunea aia nu mai e de un an de cind a cumparat Mediaset drepturile! Golurile se vad pe RaiDue la Domenica Sportiva de la ora 23.30! :ok:
Mario Di Lazi
11th September 2006, 16:32
Prea tarziu ... dimineata ma trezesc prea devreme pentru a sta asa de tarziu la televizor (aia e ora de la noi sau de la tine ? ... ca daca e de la tine este si mai rau) ...
Oricum am avzut golurile pe RAI UNO la stiri.
12th September 2006, 00:54
Emisiunea aia nu mai e de un an de cind a cumparat Mediaset drepturile! Golurile se vad pe RaiDue la Domenica Sportiva de la ora 23.30! :ok:
Multam pt informatie....
Al Dracu
12th September 2006, 14:43
aia e ora de la noi sau de la tine ?
Ora Romaniei.
12th September 2006, 16:40
2005-06 Pag Abb Tot 2006-07 Pag Abb Tot
ATALANTA 4413 5420 9833 - ATALANTA 3193 7846 11039
CAGLIARI 8000 4000 12000 - CAGLIARI 5000 3000 8000
CHIEVO 1573 26789 28362 - CHIEVO 1107 4146 5253
FIORENT. 13142 22712 35854 - FIORENT. 19628 21706 41334
MESSINA 15750 7500 23250 - MESSINA 2650 6000 8650
MILAN 6326 50142 56468 - MILAN 8742 36028 44770
PALERMO 6509 24800 31309 - PALERMO 6509 18000 24509
ROMA 12949 25000 37949 - ROMA 15529 23000 38529
SAMPDORIA 2006 19154 21160 - SAMPDORIA 2871 16089 18960
TORINO 3295 19010 22305 - TORINO 3294 19000 22294
Totale 73963 204527 278490 - Totale 68523 154815 223338
si se pare ca :drak:-ul avu dreptate pana acum :D:D referitor la scaderea interesului pt. Serie A .... in timp ce in B pe 19 stadioane se va bate recordul de incasari :evil:
pag = platitori
abb = abonati
tot = total
Al Dracu
12th September 2006, 22:17
Si sa-ti mai dau niste date! :D
In medie abonamentele la echipele de Serie A au scazut cu 20%, la fel si vinzarea biletelor in prima etapa. S-a inregistrat in schimb o crestere de abonamente in Serie B!
Acum insa urmeaza ceea ce mi-e mie mai drag! :drak: Vinzarile Gazzettei si Corriere dello Sport au scazut cu 17% respectiv 12% in timp ce Tuttosport a crescut cu 21%. Comparativ cu prima etapa a sezonului trecut Rai a avut o scadere de 34% iar Mediaset de 28% in ceea ce priveste audienta! :yeah: Deja redactiile sint in alarma pentru ca au luat in deridere ceea ce trebuiau sa ia in serios: pentru cei care nu stiu, comunitatea juventina din Italia boicoteaza mass-media antijuventina, mai exact transmisiile sportive Rai si Mediaset, Gazzetta, Corriere dello Sport, Mediaset Premium, Sky si in general tot ceea ce a facut o campanie antijuventina! :ok:
Partea cea mai frumoasa e ca asta e doar inceputul! Guido Hitler o sa aiba ceea ce a dorit: un fotbal atit de curat ca n-o sa mai vezi o hirtiutza, o coaja de saminta pe stadioane! :D
20th September 2006, 00:41
Serie A Team Of The Week: Round 2 correspondent Bruno Cardile selects the best eleven performers in Serie A at the weekend.
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Dida (Milan): Was put to work but did fine saves. Brazil wonders why. Well, the defense did not help him in Germany.
Lanna (Chievo): Solid display. A true Chievo player.
Costacurta (Milan): A legend. Showed signs of his youth and why he was considered the best. It will be sad when he retires, but Milan has a youth coach for the future.
Biava (Palermo): Good footwork. Reads his opponents well and has good pace.
Seedorf (Milan): Superb. Still has it. Milan wants it all this year. They fire in their belly.
Gasbarroni (Parma): Great game. Made Dida work. Will have a good year if he keeps it up.
Vieria (Inter): Gave Sampdoria problems. Nearly scored. Has a nasty temper and he must control it. Inter bought a great player though.
Pizarro (Roma): Nice game. Fits well at Roma. As usual, Inter let go a great player. Why. Well guess.
Bianchi (Reggina): His goals will aid Reggina to stay in Seire A. Could be the next Toni.
Di Michele (Palermo): Nice spoon goals. A deadly player when left unmarked.
Lucarelli (Livorno): A fine goal in a Tuscan derby. Maybe, there is the Azzurri for him after all.
20th September 2006, 12:17
Parca este mai urat campionatul fara Juventus.....Dar cu ocazia asta, poate castiga si Inter titlul, cu toate ca Mancini este pe craca. Dar orice sut in fund este un pas inainte. In seara asta are o sansa
Miercuri 20 Sept., AS Roma-Inter in direct pe B1 TV.
20th September 2006, 14:11
E mai urat da knd stau si imi aduc aminte de vremurile knd imi faceam un car de nervi vazand cum ii ajutau arbitrii inventand penaltyuri sau mai stiu eu ce....park nu mi se pare asa urat.Nu'i asa Al Draq'ule :evil: ?
21st September 2006, 01:34
1. Palermo 3 3 0 0 11 7 9
2. Messina 3 2 1 0 4 1 7
3. Inter Milan 3 2 1 0 5 3 7
4. Roma 3 2 0 1 5 2 6
5. Siena 3 2 0 1 5 5 6
6. Atalanta 3 1 2 0 3 1 5
7. Empoli 3 1 2 0 3 2 5
8. Udinese 3 1 1 1 5 4 4
9. Catania 3 1 1 1 4 5 4
10. Livorno 3 1 1 1 3 4 4
11. Sampdoria 3 0 2 1 5 6 2
12. Milan 3 3 0 0 5 1 1
13. Cagliari 3 0 1 2 3 5 1
14. Chievo 3 0 1 2 2 4 1
15. Ascoli 3 0 1 2 2 5 1
16. Torino 3 0 1 2 2 5 1
17. Parma 3 0 1 2 1 4 1
18. Lazio 3 1 0 2 3 4 -8
19. Reggina 3 1 0 2 5 7 -12
20. Fiorentina 3 1 0 2 3 4 -16
21st September 2006, 01:47
Si uite asa usor, usor Milan a ajuns pe 11 dupa 3 etape... cine ar fi crezut:P
Palermo are echipa buna si va fi greu de batut...;)...Insa pana la sfarsit mai sunt multe etape...
Forza Milan!
21st September 2006, 13:23
Galliano oare avea in program victoria de la roma? :))
21st September 2006, 14:42
Galliano oare avea in program victoria de la roma? :))
Cu siguranta... de Roma mi-e cel mai frica in lupta pentru Scudetto:drak:...
Pana la sfarsitul turului o sa ii intrecem pe Inter:evil:....
Al Dracu
21st September 2006, 14:47
De Roma va speriati voi? Aia nu joaca si nu pun osul la bataie decit cu Juventus! :D In rest sint mielusei!
22nd September 2006, 11:13
Am mai zis...atat timp cat Roma si-o fura de la Inter de cate 2 ori pe sezon + cupe si supercupe, sunt o echipa varza :D
Mario Di Lazi
23rd September 2006, 21:45
Am mai zis...atat timp cat Roma si-o fura de la Inter de cate 2 ori pe sezon + cupe si supercupe, sunt o echipa varza :D
as roma?
pai nici nu trebuia sa-mi mai spui ca stiam ... :D
Mario Di Lazi
1st October 2006, 20:07
Nu imi place clasamentul in momentul de fata ... cu as roma pe locul 1
Sper sa bata Palermo asta seara la Verona pa Chievo
Iulian Lazialu
1st October 2006, 20:18
/OLE/ Am incredere in pretenii nostri:FORZA INTER/OLE/
Sunt 100000% sigur ca ii vor rupe pe Roma:evil: :evil: :evil:
FORZA INTER!!!!!!!!!
Mario Di Lazi
1st October 2006, 20:26
Si eu ... dar in ritumul acestor rezulatate de egalitate ale echipelor mari din Italia ... Lazio are chiar sanse la titlu ... :D
Mario Di Lazi
14th October 2006, 09:13
Echipa Haimanalelor ... este o denumire dura, dar ... Italia este foarte bine reprezentata in acest 11 de ... "cosmar" ... :D
Harald Schumacher - portar - Germania - “Calaul” - retras
Ben Thatcher - fundas - Tara Galilor - “Teroarea” - Manchester City
Khalid Boulahrouz - fundas - Olanda - “Canibalul” - Chelsea
Marco Materazzi - fundas - Italia - “Matrix” - Inter Milano
Gabriel Heinze - fundas - Argentina -“Ingerul exterminator” - Manchester United
Thomas Gravesen - mijlocas - Danemarca - "Cretinul" - Celtic Glasgow
Stig Tofting - mijlocas - Danemarca - "Nebunul" - Randers FC
Cyril Rool - mijlocas - Franta - "Cartonas Galben - OGC Nice
Mark van Bommel - mijlocas - Olanda - "Ametzitu" - Bayern München
Paolo Di Canio - atacant - Italia - "Nazistul" - AS Cisco Roma
Wayne Rooney - atacant - Anglia - "Scandalagiul" - Manchester United
Mario Di Lazi
21st October 2006, 00:18
Nu mai scapam de punctele de penalizare :
Clubul Siena a fost penalizat cu un punct pentru plata întârziată a impozitelor la stat
Clubul italian de fotbal Siena, din Serie A, a fost penalizat cu un punct pentru plata întârziată a taxelor pe salariile jucătorilor, la fel ca şi clubul Pescara, din Serie B.
Cele două cluburi aveau termen limită luna iulie pentru plata taxelor. Comisia de disciplină a Ligii profesioniste italiene l-a suspendat în plus pe 3 luni pe preşedintele clubului Siena, Paolo De Luca. Acesta a anunţat că va face apel atât la suspendarea sa, cât şi la penalizarea de un punct. Siena ocupa locul 5 în Serie A cu 11 puncte, înaintea depunctării.
sursa -
23rd October 2006, 19:23
ooooohoooo......ce gol a dat mutu doamne....nam mai vazut un gol asa frumos inscris de un roman de pe vremea lu mutu...meci perfect cu regina
24th October 2006, 00:30
Sa mai actualizam si noi clasamentu p aici:
1. Palermo 7 5 0 2 15 16 12
2. Inter Milan 7 4 3 0 15 12 8
3. Roma 7 4 1 2 13 11 4
4. Udinese 7 3 3 1 12 9 4
5. Atalanta 7 3 3 1 12 10 7
6. Siena 7 3 3 1 12 8 6
7. Livorno 7 3 3 1 12 6 4
8. Empoli 7 2 3 2 9 8 7
9. Messina 7 2 3 2 9 9 9
10. Catania 7 2 2 3 8 10 13
11. Sampdoria 7 1 4 2 7 12 13
12. Torino 7 1 3 3 6 4 10
13. Cagliari 7 0 5 2 5 4 6
14. Milan 7 3 3 1 4 6 4
15. Parma 7 1 1 5 4 4 14
16. Ascoli 7 0 3 4 3 3 9
17. Chievo 7 0 2 5 2 6 11
18. Lazio 7 3 1 3 -1 9 7
19. Fiorentina 7 4 0 3 -7 11 6
20. Reggina 7 2 2 3 -7 8 12
25th October 2006, 19:52
"Se golesc stadioanele in Serie A!
Alarma in Peninsula. Fotbalul nu-i mai atrage pe suporteri la stadion. E si efectul scandalului Calciopoli din vara, in urma caruia Juve a retrogradat, iar alte patru echipe din Serie A au fost penalizate.
Astfel, potrivit studiului facut de Gazzetta dello Sport, media spectatorilor a scazut in primele etape ale acestui sezon in prima liga la 19.511, fata de 31.161, cit se inregistra in editia 1997-1998. Daca tendinta se va pastra in restul etapelor, sint mari sanse ca sezonul in curs sa fie cel mai putin atractiv din 1970 incoace! In ultimele 38 de campionate, cea mai mare medie s-a consemnat in editia 1984-'85, 38.872 de spectatori.
Facind o comparatie cu ceea ce se intimpla in celelalte mari intreceri din Europa, Italia e practic singura tara unde exista tendinta de scadere. In Premiership, s-a ajuns la 34.084 media asistentei in debutul de sezon, crestere datorata si faptului ca Arsenal joaca pe o arena cu o capacitate mai mare (+22.000 de locuri), la fel si Manchester United (+8.000), Old Trafford fiind largit."
26th October 2006, 20:18
se cunoaste lipsa unei puteri din Serie A
Juventus Torino nu merita asta dar la anu va fi din nou acolo sus ;)/hello
28th October 2006, 00:34
Noul clasament Serie A
1. Inter 18
2. Palermo 18
3. Roma 14
4. Udinese 13
5. Atalanta 13
6. Siena 12
7. Livorno 12
8. Sampdoria 10
9. Empoli 10
10. Messina 9
11. Catania 9
12. Milan 7
13. Lazio 7
14. Cagliari 6
15. Torino 6
16. Ascoli 4
17. Parma 4
18. Chievo 2
19. Fiorentina 0
20. Reggina -4
29th October 2006, 22:40
Ceva nu e bine cu Serie A.
A ajuns Livorno-Empoli sa fie meciul de duminica seara!?
Nu e de mirare ca nu se mai transmit meciurile la TV.
6th November 2006, 01:03
Milan Crisis: Ancelotti Blames Refs
Furious AC Milan coach Carlo Ancelotti blamed the referees for his team’s third league defeat out of four games. Penibil zic eu!!!De jocu echipei de ce nu a zis nimic?
The G.O.A.T.
6th November 2006, 01:33
A declarat ca ar fi a treia sau a patra oara cand sunt dezavantajati de catre arbitrii in sezonul asta si ca lucrul asta se intampla frecvent cu echipa sa! Daca ar dreptate, atunci cine ar putea fi in spatele arbitrilor? Ar putea sa dea vina pe Moggi dar nu cred ca ar tine treaba! Sau ar putea da vina pe ???????:rosu: Ce daca a avut milanul "norocul" sa porneasca doar cu 8 puncte penalizare sezonul asta, doar pot fi "aranjati" si in timpul sezonului nu numai inainte de inceperea lui!:evil:
6th November 2006, 08:31
Da ce bataie a mancat milanul. Frumos foarte frumos.
6th November 2006, 12:16
Da ce bataie a mancat milanul. Frumos foarte frumos.
Vai.... se pare ca isi baga Jerry coada:drak:...
Ce se mai bucura lumea de infrangerea milanului:rosu:...
PS: Mlada!!!!....Mlada!!!:drak:...
6th November 2006, 17:35
A declarat ca ar fi a treia sau a patra oara cand sunt dezavantajati de catre arbitrii in sezonul asta si ca lucrul asta se intampla frecvent cu echipa sa! Daca ar dreptate, atunci cine ar putea fi in spatele arbitrilor? Ar putea sa dea vina pe Moggi dar nu cred ca ar tine treaba! Sau ar putea da vina pe ???????:rosu: Ce daca a avut milanul "norocul" sa porneasca doar cu 8 puncte penalizare sezonul asta, doar pot fi "aranjati" si in timpul sezonului nu numai inainte de inceperea lui!:evil:
Si cu asta ce vrei sa insinuezi?Ce putea sa zica si el dupa meci saracutzu....ii trebuia o justificare.Acuma vb serios,atalanta a fost cu 2 clase peste voi mi'o luati in nume rau da cu apararea aia :rosu:
Sasuke Uchiha
6th November 2006, 20:21
stie cineva de ce nu au jucat mutu si toni la fiorentina in ultimu meci ?ż
Mario Di Lazi
6th November 2006, 20:49
Mutu a jucat ... Lobont nu a fost nici macar in lot ...
13th November 2006, 14:34
Serie A Team Of The Week: Round 11 provides a brief list of those who deserved a place in the sun after the Serie A Round 11 action. As every week there were more players who deserved a place than places available...
zoom - galleria Team of the week (3-4-3):
Doni (Roma): Impeccable between the goalposts against the Rossoneri, to help Roma win all three points in this all-important clash.
Oddo (Lazio): Great match by the Biancocelesti’s captain who contributed both in the defensive and offensive phase, scoring a goal in the process.
Iuliano (Messina): Wonderful match by the former Juventus defender, who played almost all the game limping and yet he was the man of the match for his side.
Mexes (Roma): Fundamental in defence for the Giallorossi and with Chivu forms the best defensive partnership in Serie A.
Montolivo (Fiorentina): With players like the Viola midfielder, Italy can rest assured that talent in the peninsula is still high. No wonder he has been compared to Totti and Zidane.
Brocchi (Milan): Without Gattuso, it’s his time to shine and he did not disappoint, thus earning the right to be called up for the national team. Milan’s only good news.
Aquilani (Roma): His incredible assist for Roma’s second goal would place him in the team of the week on its own merit, but the young midfielder also showed a lot of quantity and other qualities in the Giallorossi’s precious 2-1 win over Milan.
Mauri (Lazio): A brace against his former team, but not only, as the Biancoceleste player controlled the entire midfield and was the focal point of all the Lazio attacks.
Totti (Roma): Finally the Roman king is back on his throne as Totti proved to everyone that he is not finished. In previous weeks we only admired glimpses of his best, during the match against Milan we saw the entire repertoire of the ‘Pupone’.
Rocchi (Lazio): A brace, one of which was out of this world which reminded many of Maradona’s famous World Cup goal. The most dangerous attacker of Lazio and rightly deserves the call-up for the national team.
Di Michele (Palermo): Led Palermo to another precious win with a goal and two assists, the second of which when he picked up an injury which will make him miss the Azzurri’s mid-week friendly match against Turkey. The Rosanero fans will be hoping he will soon be back on the pitch.
Mario Di Lazi
19th November 2006, 17:13
Et. 12
Empoli 0 - 0 AC Milan
Cagliari 1 - 0 Palermo - S. Pepe
AS Roma 7 - 0 Catania - Panucci (2g), Mancini, Perotta (2g), V. Montella, F. Totti
Ascoli 1 - 1 Fiorentina - S. Bjelanovic / L. Toni
Chievo 2 - 2 Atalanta - A. Zanchetta, Pellissier / R. Zampagna, S. Loria
Inter Milan 1 - 0 Reggina - Crespo
Livorno 3 - 0 Parma - M. Pfertzel, D. Ferronetti (autogol), C. Lucarelli
Messina 1 - 4 Lazio - C. Rigano (pen.) / Mauri (2g), Pandev, Makinwa
Udinese 3 - 0 Siena - G. Asamoah, V. Iaquinta (2g ; 1 din pen.)
Torino 1 - 0 Sampdoria - Rosina
20th November 2006, 17:28
Serie A Team Of The Week: Round 12 provides a brief list of those who deserved a place in the sun after the Serie A Round 12 action. As every week there were more players who deserved a place than places available...
zoom - galleria Team of the week (3-4-3):
Julio Cesar (Inter): Becoming decisive for the Nerazzurri even against Reggina when he saved what seemed like a sure goal on Tognozzi.
Loria (Atalanta): Great defending, but more importantly his goal will be remembered as one of the gems of this Serie A season.
Chivu (Roma): Great leader in defence, who deserves all the recognition for turning the Giallorossi's rearguard into one of the most solid in the entire Serie A.
Panucci (Roma): The 33-year-old had an impeccable game against Catania and even scored a brace, a rarity for a defender.
Perrotta (Roma): Another Roma player who scored a brace. The World Cup winner is enjoying some excellent form and is little by little becoming Italy’s best midfielder.
Mauri (Lazio): Second consecutive brace for the Biancoceleste player, who helped Lazio overcome the negative period they were in to win impressively two games in a row.
Mancini (Roma): It's always a wonder to watch the Brazilian player in action, especially on those days he is really playing his best football. Also managed to score a goal.
Totti (Roma): The Roma captain is capable to do anything: assists, goals, contrasts and so on. For the second week running, Totti has shown that he has returned to claim his crown.
Crespo (Inter): Such a valuable player for Inter. Can dictate the assist and then take full advantage of the chance he’s offered, like in the 4th minute when he awarded the three points to the Nerazzurri.
Iaquinta (Udinese): Two goals and an assist for the Bianconeri's forward. Perfect Sunday afternoon for Iaquinta who helped Udinese finally win again the three points.
Montella (Roma): Tried in every way to score and finally he managed. He will become fundamental for the Giallorossi with so many games left to be played in the season.
20th November 2006, 17:37
1. Inter Milan 12 9 3 0 30 25 13
2. Palermo 12 9 0 3 27 26 16
3. Roma 12 8 2 2 26 26 8
4. Livorno 12 5 4 3 19 13 11
5. Atalanta 12 4 5 3 17 19 18
6. Empoli 12 3 7 2 16 11 9
7. Udinese 12 4 4 4 16 13 12
8. Siena 12 4 5 3 16 12 13
9. Catania 12 4 4 4 16 16 24
10. Lazio 12 5 3 4 15 19 11
11. Cagliari 12 2 8 2 14 11 11
12. Messina 12 3 5 4 14 16 19
13. Sampdoria 12 3 4 5 13 17 17
14. Torino 12 2 5 5 11 7 16
15. Milan 12 4 4 4 8 11 12
16. Parma 12 2 2 8 8 12 25
17. Ascoli 12 0 5 7 5 6 16
18. Fiorentina 12 6 1 5 4 19 14
19. Chievo 12 0 4 8 4 9 19
20. Reggina 12 4 3 5 0 12 16
Mario Di Lazi
22nd November 2006, 10:19
BoboCosta ... hai ca asa facem ... eu pun etapa si marcatorii si tu clasamentul ... :)
22nd November 2006, 13:52
Plus echipa etapei de pe :P
Mario Di Lazi
26th November 2006, 14:42
Et. 13
Chievo 2 - 0 Udinese - V. N. Obinna (2 g; 1 din pen)
AC Milan 1 - 0 Messina - P. Maldini
Atalanta 1 - 2 Torino - S. Loria / N. Lazetic, A. Rosina
Catania 2 - 0 Parma - G. Spinesi (pen.), F. Caserta
Empoli 1 - 0 Cagliari - I. Vannucchi
Lazio 3 - 1 Ascoli - M. Belleri, G. Pandev, P. Foggia / S. Mauri (autogol)
Reggina 2 - 2 Livorno - R. Bianchi, J.C.L. Dailey / F. Galante, C. Lucarelli
Sampdoria 2 - 4 AS Roma - S. Volpi, F. Flachi (pen.) / F. Totti (2g), S. Perrotta, C. Panucci
Siena 1 - 1 Fiorentina - L. Antonini / A. Mutu
Palermo 1 - 2 Inter Milan - Amauri / Z. Ibrahimovic, P. Vieira
27th November 2006, 16:26
Seria A Team of the week:
Storari (Messina): Great saves which prevented Milan from scoring more than just one goal against the Sicilian club. Excellent goaltender.
Maldini (Milan): With performances like this one, we all want to tell Paolo not to quit football as he had announced before the weekend. Football still needs you!
Panucci (Roma): Seems to have found a second youth as he scored his third goal in 2 matches apart from performing incredibly well. Great motivator.
Chivu (Roma): What a leader in the Giallorossi’s defence. If Roma have the second best defence in Serie A, it’s mostly thanks to the Romanian defender.
Obinna (Chievo): Despite Delneri moving him on the wing rather than in attack, Obinna still managed to score a brace and lead Chievo to their first win of the season.
Kaka` (Milan): As usual the Brazilian midfielder was of another world, and only Milan’s thirteenth goalpost of the season and a great Storari stopped him from scoring a goal.
Rosina (Torino): Great goal for this young Italian midfielder who will become the target of many big teams in the coming months.
De Rossi (Roma): Quantity and quality, what else could you ask from a midfielder? Incredible talent, can lead Roma, along with Totti, to important objectives.
Pandev (Lazio): What a player Lazio have. Great movement, excellent technique and an amazing goal. The player around which to build a great future Lazio side.
Totti (Roma): No doubt he’s the best Italian player in circulation and his latest performances have silenced his critics who thought he was finished. The second goal was a pure gem, another one in a long list.
Ibrahimovic (Inter): He found back his finishing touch and what a finish against Palermo! Great goal which in the end proved decisive for the encounter.
27th November 2006, 23:46
1. Inter Milan 13 10 3 0 33 27 14
2. Roma 13 9 2 2 29 30 10
3. Palermo 13 9 0 4 27 27 18
4. Livorno 13 5 5 3 20 15 13
5. Empoli 13 4 7 2 19 12 9
6. Catania 13 5 4 4 19 18 24
7. Lazio 13 6 3 4 18 22 12
8. Atalanta 13 4 5 4 17 20 20
9. Siena 13 4 6 3 17 13 14
10. Udinese 13 4 4 5 16 13 14
11. Cagliari 13 2 8 3 14 11 12
12. Messina 13 3 5 5 14 16 20
13. Torino 13 3 5 5 14 9 17
14. Sampdoria 13 3 4 6 13 19 21
15. Milan 13 5 4 4 11 12 12
16. Parma 13 2 2 9 8 12 27
17. Chievo 13 1 4 8 7 11 19
18. Fiorentina 13 6 2 5 5 20 15
19. Ascoli 13 0 5 8 5 7 19
20. Reggina 13 4 4 5 1 14 18
Ete k mi'o lua Dardar in fata cu postarea echipei etapei
Mario Di Lazi
28th November 2006, 18:13
Ete k mi'o lua Dardar in fata cu postarea echipei etapei
Nu are nimic ... ca doar suntem o echipa ... :)
4za Lazio ... Iulian Lazialu ... Racer06 Lazio ... Mario Di Lazi
Suporterii laziali de pe forum pregatiti pentru derbyul cu as roma :)
2nd December 2006, 22:24
daca stau sa ma gandesc mai bine ... cred ca va trebui sa deschid un thread si pt. echipa din Bergamo :P
Mario Di Lazi
2nd December 2006, 23:43
Daca batea pe as roma, deschideam eu ... :D
3rd December 2006, 15:35
Mario cum vine ma asta???Roma nu a dat nici un gol dar totusi Totti a marcat 2 boabe?:D
3rd December 2006, 15:40
lasa-l Bobo in pace ... ca sufera ... cum intra vlad 1607 ... romanist si ii provoca ... cum nici n-au curaj sa se ia de el :D:D
chiar am ramas perplex ... sa fie asa de pasivi .. vlad de unul singur e mai tare decat ei? ... nu credeam asta :D:D
vlade ... crescusi in ochii mey .. da tot nu tin cu voi!:P
Mario Di Lazi
3rd December 2006, 15:44
Mario cum vine ma asta???Roma nu a dat nici un gol dar totusi Totti a marcat 2 boabe?:D
Scuze ... eram prea suparat aseara ... :D
3rd December 2006, 15:50
Lasa ma supararea....trece ea ;)
Mario Di Lazi
3rd December 2006, 21:45
Inter Milan 2 - 0 Siena - N. Burdisso, H. Crespo
AS Roma 2 - 1 Atalanta - F. Totti (2 g ; 2 din pen.) / R. Zampagna
Cagliari 2 - 2 AC Milan - D. Suazo (pen.), A. Capone / A. Gilardino, M. Borriello
Fiorentina 1 - 0 Lazio - L. Toni
Livorno 0 - 2 Chievo - V.N. Obinna (2 g)
Messina 0 - 2 Sampdoria - D. Franceschini, F. Quagliarella
Parma 0 - 0 Palermo
Torino 1 - 0 Empoli - G. Comotto
Udinese 1 - 1 Reggina - V. Iaquinta / R. Bianchi
Ascoli 2 - 2 Catania - S. Bjelanovic (2 g) / L. Stovini, G. Spinesi
4th December 2006, 00:18
1. Inter Milan 14 11 3 0 36 29 14
2. Roma 14 10 2 2 32 32 11
3. Palermo 14 9 1 4 28 27 18
4. Livorno 14 5 5 4 20 15 15
5. Catania 14 5 5 4 20 20 26
6. Empoli 14 4 7 3 19 12 10
7. Lazio 14 6 3 5 18 22 13
8. Atalanta 14 4 5 5 17 21 22
9. Udinese 14 4 5 5 17 14 15
10. Siena 14 4 6 4 17 13 16
11. Torino 14 4 5 5 17 10 17
12. Sampdoria 14 4 4 6 16 21 21
13. Cagliari 14 2 9 3 15 13 14
14. Messina 14 3 5 6 14 16 22
15. Milan 14 5 5 4 12 14 14
16. Chievo 14 2 4 8 10 13 19
17. Parma 14 2 3 9 9 12 27
18. Fiorentina 14 7 2 5 8 21 15
19. Ascoli 14 0 6 8 6 9 21
20. Reggina 14 4 5 5 2 15 19
Continuam sa ramanem neinvinsi...oare cand ne vom opri?:D
4th December 2006, 00:31
pana si tgcomul verishorilor n-are solutie :D:D
"Inter da urlo: non si ferma più"
4th December 2006, 10:46
in absenta lui Juve as vrea sa ia campionatul milan.Oricum la anul nu vor mai avea nici una nici o sansa ca se va intoarce Batrana Doamna.FORTZA JUVE!!!!!!!!
Mario Di Lazi
4th December 2006, 12:17
Poate iti doresti tu sa castige Milanul, dar ai vazut cate puncte sunt intre Milan si primul loc ? Este foarte greu ... aproape imposibil ca Milanul sa castige ...
4th December 2006, 14:33
Speranta moare ultima:ras-plans: :ras-plans: :ras-plans:
4th December 2006, 16:43
E anul Interului!
4th December 2006, 16:59
Bun venit garpy....
Anul 2006 se pare... ca in anul 2007 va incepe iarsi o perioada nefasta....
4th December 2006, 17:02
:D:D ... pfoai ce sperante .....
4th December 2006, 17:03
Speranta moare ultima... daca nu ti-o indeplinesti... o cumperi... ar trebui sa stii mai bine..:drak:...:P
4th December 2006, 17:04
mergi pe principiul : "suna un prieten" si vei castiga :D:D
4th December 2006, 17:11
Exact... Stiam eu ca ai interceptat-o si pe asta:drak:...
Apropo, inca mai primeste SMS-uri Farina de la Morrati....:D:D:D
Mario Di Lazi
5th December 2006, 11:20
Farina primeste acum SMS-uri de la Nedved ... :D ... Ceva cu "m...a"
Mario Di Lazi
10th December 2006, 12:54
Et. 15
Reggina 2 - 1 Ascoli - A. Lucarelli, N. Amoruso / M. Pecorari
Palermo 3 - 0 Livorno - F.H. Simplicio (2 g), C.d.O. Amauri
AC Milan 0 - 0 Torino
Atalanta 3 - 2 Messina - D. Bombardini, A.F. Pinto, C. Doni / N.A. Cordova, A.D. Napoli
Cagliari 0 - 0 Parma
Catania 1 - 0 Udinese - G. Spinesi
Chievo 0 - 1 Fiorentina - A. Mutu
Empoli 0 - 3 Inter Milan - H. Crespo, Z. Ibrahimovic, W. Samuel
Sampdoria 0 - 0 Siena
Lazio 3 - 0 AS Roma - Ledesma, Oddo (pen), Mutarelli
11th December 2006, 00:15
1. Inter Milan 15 12 3 0 39 32 14
2. Roma 15 10 2 3 32 32 14
3. Palermo 15 10 1 4 31 30 18
4. Catania 15 6 5 4 23 21 26
5. Lazio 15 7 3 5 21 25 13
6. Atalanta 15 5 5 5 20 24 24
7. Livorno 15 5 5 5 20 15 18
8. Empoli 15 4 7 4 19 12 13
9. Siena 15 4 7 4 18 13 16
10. Torino 15 4 6 5 18 10 17
11. Sampdoria 15 4 5 6 17 21 21
12. Udinese 15 4 5 6 17 14 16
13. Cagliari 15 2 10 3 16 13 14
14. Messina 15 3 5 7 14 18 25
15. Milan 15 5 6 4 13 14 14
16. Fiorentina 15 8 2 5 11 22 15
17. Chievo 15 2 4 9 10 13 20
18. Parma 15 2 4 9 10 12 27
19. Ascoli 15 0 6 9 6 10 23
20. Reggina 15 5 5 5 5 17 20
11th December 2006, 00:22
...cei de la AS Roma. Am vazut meciul lor cu Lazio , transmis in direct de Arena, si daca nu as fi stiut cine sta mai bine in clasament as fi crezut ca sunt albastrii...AS Roma n-a aratat nimic, decat nervi, acest Totti ar fi meritat cartonasul rosu, Rosetti insa l-a iertat. Chivu , cum sa zic, nici prea-prea si nici foarte-foarte.N-a gresit dar nici nu s-a evidentiat.
Golul intai al lui Lazio realizat de argentinianul Ledesma printr-un sut violent de la circa 30 de metri senzational.
11th December 2006, 08:46
Si noi am vazut, pe Sportklub, era sa planga bietul comentator... Oricum, Lazio a fost clar peste Roma, nu credeam asta
Mario Di Lazi
11th December 2006, 09:32
Totti a facut ce stie mai bine ... Sa joace teatru ... :D Vad ca si CHivu s-a luat dupa el ...
Dar de ce sa vorbim de pierzatori ...:D
Lazio s-a aparat inteligent in orima repriza ... dupa care a urmat potopul ...
MULTUMIM Ledesma, Oddo, Mutarelli & Co ...:)
11th December 2006, 09:41
magnific meci...
totti se dadea smecher cu urma de pe coapsa....trebuiau sa il semneze pe pe picior:D
avea si el un autograf de la invingatori..
Mario Di Lazi
11th December 2006, 10:01
La acel incident, Totti l-a lovit pe Zauri cand jucatorul nostru era la pamant ... Normal ca Zauri a ripostat ... Ca si eu ripostam ... :D
12th December 2006, 11:07
Formatia etapei: 1-4-3-3 propusa de
Pantanelli (Catania): The Sicilian club can celebrate the three points mostly thanks to the brilliant saves of their goalkeeper.
Barzagli (Palermo): Unbeatable in defence as Livorno could not go past the Italian international defender.
Samuel (Inter): Great in defence and succeeded in enriching his performance with a goal towards the end of the game.
Materazzi (Inter): Since his return from the world cup he has improved considerably. He played almost perfectly on the same pitch which a few months ago he committed an incredible own goal which gave the Nerazzurri their last league defeat.
Oddo (Lazio): A multi-use defender: Defends, runs forward, crosses, assists and even scores. What more could you want?
Simplicio (Palermo): Excellent when closing down the opposition in front of the defence but more importantly showed his finishing touch with two good goals.
Stankovic (Inter): Definitely the best Inter player of the season and one of the reasons why the Nerazzurri are such an unstoppable force.
Ledesma (Lazio): Silenced his critics with a brilliant performance. You could find him anywhere on the pitch and opened the score with a magnificent shot from 30 metres.
Amauri (Palermo): Scored a good goal but more importantly was fundamental yet again for Palermo’s offensive moves.
Ferreira Pinto (Atalanta): A goal and two assists in a match which the Bergamaschi won mostly thanks to this forward. All big teams are keeping an eye on him.
Ibrahimovic (Inter): Technically great, might miss a few chances in front of goal, but still manages to score. Difficult to mark.
Honourable Mention
Fortin (Cagliari)
Burdisso (Inter)
Lucarelli (Reggina)
Montolivo (Fiorentina)
Rosina (Torino)
Toni (Fiorentina)
Recoba (Inter)
Mario Di Lazi
13th December 2006, 10:03
Cifre si recorduri in Serie A :
Minute jucate in acest sezon : Mirko Cudini - Ascoli : 1441 minute jucate / 15 meciuri
Cartonase in acest sezon : Carmine COPPOLA - Messina : 10 cartonase
Media de gol in acest sezon : Victor Obinna - Chievo : 6 meciuri / media gol 0,67
Media minute pe gol : Stefano OKAKA CHUKA - AS Roma : 39 minute jucate / 1 gol
Prezente : Paolo Maldini - AC Milan : 594 meciuri
Goluri : Enrico CHIESA - Siena : 138
Cartonase galbene : Alessandro Costacurta - AC Milan : 93 de "galbene"
Cartonase rosii : Giulio FALCONE - Sampdoria : 10 "rosii"
Mario Di Lazi
16th December 2006, 19:08
Fiorentina 2 - 2 AC Milan - A. Mutu (2 g ; 1 pen.) / A. Gilardino (2 g)
Udinese 3 - 1 Cagliari - G. Pinzi, V. Iaquinta, C. Obodo / A. Cocco
Ascoli 0 - 2 Torino - A. Rosina(2 g ; 1 pen.)
Catania ? - ? Empoli - amanat
Inter Milan 2 - 0 Messina - M. Materazzi, Z. Ibrahimovic
Livorno 1 - 1 Lazio - C. Lucarelli / G. Pandev
Parma 2 - 2 Chievo - I. Budan, D. Dessena / A. Zanchetta (pen.), L. D'Anna
Reggina 0 - 1 Sampdoria - F. Quagliarella
Siena 1 - 1 Atalanta - M. Frick / G. Migliaccio
AS Roma 4 - 0 Palermo - A.F.A. Mancini (2 g), F. Totti (pen.), G. Biava (autogol)
18th December 2006, 11:23
1. Inter Milan 16 13 3 0 42 34 14
2. Roma 16 11 2 3 35 36 14
3. Palermo 16 10 1 5 31 30 22
4. Catania 15 6 5 4 23 21 26
5. Lazio 16 7 4 5 22 26 14
6. Atalanta 16 5 6 5 21 25 25
7. Livorno 16 5 6 5 21 16 19
8. Torino 16 5 6 5 21 12 17
9. Sampdoria 16 5 5 6 20 22 21
10. Udinese 16 5 5 6 20 17 17
11. Empoli 15 4 7 4 19 12 13
12. Siena 16 4 8 4 19 14 17
13. Cagliari 16 2 10 4 16 14 17
14. Milan 16 5 7 4 14 16 16
15. Messina 16 3 5 8 14 18 27
16. Fiorentina 16 8 3 5 12 24 17
17. Chievo 16 2 5 9 11 15 22
18. Parma 16 2 5 9 11 14 29
19. Reggina 16 5 5 6 9 17 21
20. Ascoli 16 0 6 10 6 10 25
Mario Di Lazi
18th December 2006, 13:03
Cifre si recorduri in Serie A :
Minute jucate in acest sezon : Alex Calderoni - Atalanta : 1537 minute jucate / 16 meciuri
Cartonase in acest sezon : Gennaro Delvecchio - Sampdoria : 11 cartonase
Media de gol in acest sezon : Francesco Totti - AS Roma : 16 meciuri / media gol 0,69
Media minute pe gol : Stefano OKAKA CHUKA - AS Roma : 39 minute jucate / 1 gol
Prezente : Paolo Maldini - AC Milan : 594 meciuri
Goluri : Enrico CHIESA - Siena : 138
Cartonase galbene : Alessandro Costacurta - AC Milan : 93 de "galbene"
Cartonase rosii : Giulio FALCONE - Sampdoria : 10 "rosii"
20th December 2006, 23:37
1. Inter Milan 17 14 3 0 45 36 14 Marsul continua!!!
2. Roma 17 12 2 3 38 38 15
3. Palermo 17 11 1 5 34 34 22
4. Sampdoria 17 6 5 6 23 26 22
5. Udinese 17 6 5 6 23 19 18
6. Catania 16 6 5 5 23 21 29
7. Lazio 17 7 4 6 22 26 16
8. Empoli 16 5 7 4 22 13 13
9. Atalanta 17 5 6 6 21 26 27
10. Livorno 17 5 6 6 21 17 23
11. Torino 17 5 6 6 21 13 19
12. Siena 17 4 8 5 19 14 18
13. Milan 17 6 7 4 17 19 16
14. Cagliari 17 2 10 5 16 14 19
15. Fiorentina 17 9 3 5 15 26 17
16. Messina 17 3 6 8 15 19 28
17. Chievo 17 3 5 9 14 18 24
18. Parma 17 2 6 9 12 15 30
19. Reggina 17 5 5 7 9 19 24
20. Ascoli 17 0 6 11 6 10 29
20th December 2006, 23:39
asa Bobo .. baga mare :D:D
Mario Di Lazi
21st December 2006, 09:55
Et. 17
AC Milan 3 - 0 Catania - Kaka (2 g), A. Gilardino
Atalanta 1 - 2 Udinese - F.D. Tissone / R.D. Martino, A.D. Natale
Cagliari 0 - 2 Fiorentina - L. Toni (2 g)
Chievo 3 - 2 Reggina - P. Sammarco, F. Cossato, S. Tiribocchi / N. Amoruso, F. Modesto
Empoli 1 - 0 Siena - F. Marianini
Lazio 0 - 2 Inter Milan - E. Cambiasso, M. Materazzi
Messina 1 - 1 Parma - A.D. Napoli / D. Paponi
Palermo 4 - 0 Ascoli - M. Bresciano, E. Corini, G. Tedesco, C. Capuano
Sampdoria 4 - 1 Livorno - D. Franceschini, F. Flachi (pen.), F. Quagliarella (2 g) / L. Vigiani
Torino 1 - 2 AS Roma - A. Rosina / F. Totti, A.F.A. Mancini
22nd December 2006, 13:20
zoom - galleria Team of the week (4-3-3):
Julio Cesar (Inter): Excellent in goal even when the pressure was all on the Inter defence following the expulsion of Ibrahimovic.
Dossena (Udinese): Performed well the defensive duties, but more important was important for his side when moving forward on the wing.
Modesto (Reggina): His equalizer was not enough as the Amaranti still lost, but his performance was once again impeccable.
Materazzi (Inter): This defender turned striker has been performing at the highest levels since the world cup triumph. And to think that last season he was on his way out of Inter because Mancini was not playing him.
Oddo (Lazio): Lazio’s best and most dangerous player, who caused problems to his opponents when going forward and was close to score on at least two occasions.
Cambiasso (Inter): Priceless midfielder who helps the defence when in need but also does a lot of work for the strikers. Managed to score the goal which paved the way for the Nerazzurri.
Kaka` (Milan): There’s only one word that could describe him and his performance against Catania: phenomenal! When he plays this well, then Milan already know they will win.
Mancini (Roma): Does everything: assists, goals and dirty work. Has hit top form in recent weeks and Spalletti will be hoping this continues for the coming months.
Toni (Fiorentina): Two goals for the Viola striker who has found the perfect shoulder in Adrian Mutu, forming the highest scoring duo in Serie A.
Gilardino (Milan): Changed completely from a week ago thanks to two assists and a goal against Torino. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Quagliarella (Sampdoria): Can’t stop scoring and the goals are one nice than the other. Donadoni will have to call him up.
Mario Di Lazi
23rd December 2006, 16:11
Et. 18
AS Roma 2 - 0 Cagliari - R.F. Taddei, A.F.A. Mancini
Ascoli 3 - 0 Chievo - M. Paolucci, S. Bjelanovic (2 g)
Catania 4 - 2 Sampdoria - G. Spinesi (3 g ; 1 pen.), F. Caserta / A. Palombo, D. Franceschini
Fiorentina 4 - 0 Messina - L. Toni, A. Potenza, F. Liverani, A. Mutu
Inter Milan 2 - 1 Atalanta - Adriano, M. Andreolli / C. Doni
Livorno 1 - 1 Torino - C. Lucarelli / G. Cioffi
Parma 1 - 3 Lazio - I. Budan / G. Stendardo, G. Pandev, T. Rocchi
Reggina 4 - 1 Empoli - J.C.L. Dailey, N. Amoruso (2 g), R. Bianchi / L. Saudati (pen.)
Siena 1 - 1 Palermo - L. Rinaudo / F.H. Simplicio
Udinese 0 - 3 AC Milan - Kaka (pen.), A. Gilardino, R. Oliveira
24th December 2006, 03:47
1. Inter Milan 18 15 3 0 48 38 15
2. Roma 18 13 2 3 41 40 15
3. Palermo 18 11 2 5 35 35 23
4. Catania 17 7 5 5 26 25 31
5. Lazio 18 8 4 6 25 29 17
6. Sampdoria 18 6 5 7 23 28 26
7. Udinese 18 6 5 7 23 19 21
8. Empoli 17 5 7 5 22 14 17
9. Livorno 18 5 7 6 22 18 24
10. Torino 18 5 7 6 22 14 20
11. Atalanta 18 5 6 7 21 27 29
12. Milan 18 7 7 4 20 22 16
13. Siena 18 4 9 5 20 15 19
14. Fiorentina 18 10 3 5 18 30 17
15. Cagliari 18 2 10 6 16 14 21
16. Messina 18 3 6 9 15 19 32
17. Chievo 18 3 5 10 14 18 27
18. Reggina 18 6 5 7 12 23 25
19. Parma 18 2 6 10 12 16 33
20. Ascoli 18 1 6 11 9 13 29
18 etape neinvinsi :yeah: ....oare cine ne poate opri?:evil:
24th December 2006, 13:37
Craciun Fericit si un An Nou plin de bucurii tuturor celor care fac parte din threadul Italia.....noi l'am ridicat si l'am facut cel mai interesant,tot noi il vom mentine asa.
Sarbatori Fericite!!!
Mario Di Lazi
24th December 2006, 15:17
Cifre si recorduri in Serie A :
Minute jucate in acest sezon : Alex Calderoni - Atalanta : 1631 minute jucate / 17 meciuri
Cartonase in acest sezon : Gennaro Delvecchio - Sampdoria : 11 cartonase
Media de gol in acest sezon : Francesco Totti - AS Roma : 17 meciuri / media gol 0,71
Media minute pe gol : Stefano OKAKA CHUKA - AS Roma : 39 minute jucate / 1 gol
Prezente : Paolo Maldini - AC Milan : 594 meciuri
Goluri : Enrico CHIESA - Siena : 138
Cartonase galbene : Alessandro Costacurta - AC Milan : 93 de "galbene"
Cartonase rosii : Giulio FALCONE - Sampdoria : 10 "rosii"
25th December 2006, 12:41
Team of the week (4-4-2):
Kalac (Milan): Finally proving that he can substitute Dida between the posts. Some of his saves against Udinese were spectacular.
Lucarelli (Reggina): Guided the Amaranti’s defence superbly as Reggina ended the year on a positive note.
Panucci (Roma): This has been one of his best ever seasons despite being in his 30s. With a Panucci like this, the Roma defence can feel very secure.
Chivu (Roma): Another extremely important element in the Giallorossi’s defence, No wonder all major clubs want him.
Cafu (Milan): Galloped on the wings like in his old days when no one could stop him. It’s incredible that he still has that speed at this age.
Figo (Inter): Changed the match in favour of Inter as soon as he went on the pitch. His assist helped the Nerazzurri's comeback but more importantly allowed Adriano to score his first goal in 9 months.
Doni (Atalanta): Superlative in midfield as the Inter players were unable to stop him. He scored the goal which gave hope to Atalanta, but alas the Nerazzurri proved to be too strong.
Mauri (Lazio): The guiding light of the Biancocelesti as he created all the chances, assists and moves for his side. Donadoni please take note.
Taddei (Roma): Wonder-goal for the Brazilian who added also a lot of quantity to all the quality he provided.
Spinesi (Catania): A memorable hat-trick for the Catania striker who helped his side hold on to the fourth place in the standings. Pity he arrived late in Serie A.
Mutu (Fiorentina): Another amazing performance by the Romanian forward who did everything that had to be done and in the most technical way. The goal was the cherry on top.
28th December 2006, 22:58
Arbitri: il grande ritorno di Collina
Collina devine presedintele arbitrilor din Italia...
PS: mario, racer, iulica... deschide-ti sampania:ok:
28th December 2006, 23:34
Arbitri: il grande ritorno di Collina
Collina devine presedintele arbitrilor din Italia...
PS: mario, racer, iulica... deschide-ti sampania:ok:
apoi nu ii presedinte ii consultant tehnic.
Mario Di Lazi
29th December 2006, 09:59
Doar consultant ? ... ce pacat ... :(
ma si gandeam ca ne da cele 3 puncte luate la inceput de campionat ... :D
11th January 2007, 14:46
Ce mai bun campionat din lume a fost desemnat cel al Italiei, Serie A, cu 1182 puncte, urmat de cel al Spaniei (Primera Division) - 1168 puncte și de cel al Angliei (Premier League) - cu 1125 puncte.
Campionatul Franței se află pe locul patru, cu 1019 puncte, în timp ce poziția a cincea a revenit Braziliei, cu 920 puncte. Germania (locul 6 - 850 puncte), Argentina (locul 7 - 828), Olanda (adversara României în preliminariile Euro-2008, locul 8 - 793,5 puncte) și Mexic (locul 9 - 683,5 puncte) se mai află înaintea României în topul IFFHS.
Asta pt carcotasii care comentau de Primera sau mai stiu eu...:yeah:
13th January 2007, 16:38
n-am inteles cum Serie A a fost desemnat cel mai tare campionat, cand a fost acel scandal.
dupa mine ierarhia este asta:
1. Premier League
2. Primera Division
3. Serie A
4. Ligue 1
5. Bundesliga
6. Eredivisie
13th January 2007, 18:28
Din fericire pt mine nu stabilesti tu ierarhia.....
Si clasamentele astea se realizeaza dupa niste mi'e greu sa iti explic care sunt :)
Mario Di Lazi
14th January 2007, 10:20
Et. 19
Empoli 2 - 0 Parma - A. Raggi, D. Matteini
Torino 1 - 3 Inter Milan - S. Fiore / Adriano, Z. Ibrahimovic, M. Materazzi (pen.)
AC Milan 3 - 1 Reggina - A. Pirlo, C. Seedorf, A. Gilardino / R. Bianchi
Atalanta 5 - 1 Livorno - C. Doni (2 g), M. Donati, L. Ariatti, N. Ventola / M. Pfertzel
Cagliari 1 - 0 Ascoli - D. Suazo (pen.)
Chievo 2 - 1 Catania F. Semioli, S. Pellisier (pen.) / L. Stovini
Messina 1 - 1 AS Roma - A. Parisi (pen.) / A.F.A. Mancini
Palermo 2 - 0 Udinese - A. Caracciolo, C. Zaccardo
Sampdoria 0 - 0 Fiorentina
Lazio 1 - 1 Siena - T. Rocchi / Cozza
14th January 2007, 14:52
terminatzi cu prostiile ,serie A e cel mia tare campionat din lume !
14th January 2007, 18:01
terminatzi cu prostiile ,serie A e cel mia tare campionat din lume !
Asta nu e noutate :D
14th January 2007, 21:27
terminatzi cu prostiile ,serie A e cel mia tare campionat din lume !
poti sa si motivezi?
e tare prin ce? scandaluri, blaturi?
Mario Di Lazi
14th January 2007, 21:47
Pai a fost si un premiu acordat Seriei A ... ce altceva mai vrei ?
15th January 2007, 00:01
1. Inter Milan 19 16 3 0 51 41 16
2. Roma 19 13 3 3 42 41 16
3. Palermo 19 12 2 5 38 37 23
4. Lazio 19 8 5 6 26 30 18
5. Catania 18 7 5 6 26 26 33
6. Empoli 18 6 7 5 25 16 17
7. Atalanta 19 6 6 7 24 32 30
8. Sampdoria 19 6 6 7 24 28 26
9. Milan 19 8 7 4 23 25 17
10. Udinese 19 6 5 8 23 19 23
11. Torino 19 5 7 7 22 15 23
12. Livorno 19 5 7 7 22 19 29
13. Siena 19 4 10 5 21 16 20
14. Fiorentina 19 10 4 5 19 30 17
15. Cagliari 19 3 10 6 19 15 21
16. Chievo 19 4 5 10 17 20 28
17. Messina 19 3 7 9 16 20 33
18. Reggina 19 6 5 8 12 24 28
19. Parma 19 2 6 11 12 16 35
20. Ascoli 19 1 6 12 9 13 30
15th January 2007, 13:56
Serie A Team Of The Week: Round 19
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Storari (Messina): His performance earned Messina a precious point and halted Roma's pursuit, virtually handing the Scudetto to Inter.
Raggi (Empoli): Scored his first ever Serie A goal, but more importantly he was a wall in the Tuscan team’s defence.
Maicon (Inter): Ran on his side for the entire match without ever stopping, contributing an excellent assist for Adriano’s goal.
Parisi (Messina): Great performance in defence and even kept his cool to score the 92nd minute penalty which allowed the Sicilian club to equalize against Roma.
Tonetto (Roma): Proving he was an excellent purchase for the Giallorossi this summer as he worked well between the defence and midfield.
Doni (Atalanta): Yet again best player on the field yesterday and one of our candidates so far for best player of the season. Two goals to add to his tally and a numerous number of high quality moves.
Sammarco (Chievo): Was fundamental for both Chievo goals which helped the Flying Donkeys to overturn the 0-1 into a 2-1 in favour of the Verona based club.
Seedorf (Milan): When the Dutch player is in form, he’s unstoppable. Scored a goal and created another to help Milan win their third consecutive match.
Adriano (Inter): We finally have the confirmation that Adriano is back. Another goal for the Brazilian and another good performance. Exactly what Inter needed.
Ibrahimovic (Inter): Great goal for the Swedish forward who has become the most consistent Inter player this season. His goals are becoming a weekly thing now.
Caracciolo (Palermo): Proved that he deserves to play as a first team player by scoring a good goal and helping his squad a lot. With such a Caracciolo, Palermo will not miss Amauri much.
Mario Di Lazi
20th January 2007, 20:36
Et. 20
Ascoli 1 - 3 Atalanta - M. Paolucci / R. Zampagna, A.F. Pinto, C. Doni
Reggina 0 - 0 Palermo
Catania 0 - 1 Cagliari - D. Suazo (pen.)
Empoli 2 - 0 Sampdoria - L. Saudati (pen.), D. Matteini
Inter Milan 3 - 1 Fiorentina - D. Stankovic, Adriano, Z. Ibrahimovic / L. Toni
Livorno 1 - 1 AS Roma - C. Lucarelli (pen.) / F. Totti
Parma 1 - 0 Torino - G. Rossi
Siena 2 - 1 Chievo - L. Antonini, D. Portanova / M. Brighi
Udinese 1 - 0 Messina - V. Iaquinta
Lazio 0 - 0 AC Milan
22nd January 2007, 13:56
1. Inter 20 17 3 0 54 44 17
2. Roma 20 13 4 3 43 42 17
3. Palermo 20 12 3 5 39 37 23
4. Empoli 19 7 7 5 28 18 17
5. Lazio 20 8 6 6 27 30 18
6. Atalanta 20 7 6 7 27 35 31
7. Udinese 20 7 5 8 26 20 23
8. Catania 19 7 5 7 26 26 34
9. Milan 20 8 8 4 24 25 17
10. Sampdoria 20 6 6 8 24 28 28
11. Siena 20 5 10 5 24 18 21
12. Livorno 20 5 8 7 23 20 30
13. Cagliari 20 4 10 6 22 16 21
14. Torino 20 5 7 8 22 15 24
15. Fiorentina 20 10 4 6 19 31 20
16. Chievo 20 4 5 11 17 21 30
17. Messina 20 3 7 10 16 20 34
18. Parma 20 3 6 11 15 17 35
19. Reggina 20 6 6 8 13 24 28
20. Ascoli 20 1 6 13 9 14 33
22nd January 2007, 14:28
Serie A Team Of The Week: Round 20
Team of the week (3-4-3):
Toldo (Inter): Great performance by the Nerazzurri's reserve keeper against his former side, proving that he still is a very good goal tender despite his age and lack of playing time.
Mesto (Reggina): Excellent match by the Reggina defender who ran continuously throughout the entire match without stopping once.
Bianco (Cagliari): A very interesting Italian central defender, with Catania finding it tough to go past him in their attacks.
Materazzi (Inter): Defended almost perfectly against Fiorentina, showing that the World Cup performance was not just a flash in the pan.
Doni (Atalanta): Probably the player who has been most present in this list so far this season. Another great performance with another goal for the eternal Doni.
Marchini (Cagliari): Bought by the Rossoblu to substitute the injured Esposito. Nobody could have hoped that he would do it so well. Another player to keep an eye on for the upcoming transfer market.
Busce` (Empoli): One of the best players in this week, with a great game played by the Empoli midfielder who led his side to a precious win over Sampdoria.
Stankovic (Inter): Always a certainty in midfield. Offers a lot of quantity and quality and many times he even manages to score a (great) goal like he did against Fiorentina which paved the way for Inter’s win.
Adriano (Inter): Brilliant performance by the Brazilian who is definitely back to his best now and proving that the terrible 2006 is behind his back.
Toni (Fiorentina): Without Mutu, he tried to worry the Inter defence on his own. He managed to do so, but was unable to avoid the defeat for his side.
Rossi (Parma): What a player! Scored on his debut a wonder-goal, confirming all the good things that have been said about him. With such a player, Parma can now really hope of remaining in Serie A. Italy’s most brilliant hot prospect.
22nd January 2007, 14:31
@bobocosta: de unde copiezi tu chestiile astea ? Si daca le copiezi de ce nu le traduci ?
22nd January 2007, 19:06
De pe
Si e echipa etapei...ce scrie mai departe e un fel de caracterizare.E in ii vad rostu traducerii.
Cei ce misuna pe aici stiu engleza,ca si italiana de altfel ;)
Mario Di Lazi
25th January 2007, 20:25
Restanta :
Catania 2 - 1 Empoli - F. Caserta, G. Mascara / A. Busce
25th January 2007, 23:22
1. Inter Milan 20 17 3 0 54 44 17
2. Roma 20 13 4 3 43 42 17
3. Palermo 20 12 3 5 39 37 23
4. Catania 20 8 5 7 29 28 35
5. Empoli 20 7 7 6 28 19 19
6. Lazio 20 8 6 6 27 30 18
7. Atalanta 20 7 6 7 27 35 31
8. Udinese 20 7 5 8 26 20 23
9. Milan 20 8 8 4 24 25 17
10. Sampdoria 20 6 6 8 24 28 28
11. Siena 20 5 10 5 24 18 21
12. Livorno 20 5 8 7 23 20 30
13. Cagliari 20 4 10 6 22 16 21
14. Torino 20 5 7 8 22 15 24
15. Fiorentina 20 10 4 6 19 31 20
16. Chievo 20 4 5 11 17 21 30
17. Messina 20 3 7 10 16 20 34
18. Parma 20 3 6 11 15 17 35
19. Reggina 20 6 6 8 13 24 28
20. Ascoli 20 1 6 13 9 14 33
Mario Di Lazi
28th January 2007, 10:11
Et. 21
Torino 2 - 3 Udinese - E. Abbruscato (2 g) / C. Obodo, P.V.D.S. Barreto, G. Asamoah
Palermo 0 - 3 Lazio - T. Rocchi (2 g; 1 pen.), S. Siviglia
AC Milan 1 - 0 Parma - F. Inzaghi
AS Roma 1 - 0 Siena - M. Vucinic
Atalanta 1 - 1 Catania - R. Zampagna, T. Morimoto
Cagliari 0 - 2 Reggina - L. Vigiani (2 g)
Chievo 0 - 0 Empoli
Fiorentina 2 - 1 Livorno - L. Toni, M. Jørgensen / C. Lucarelli
Messina 1 - 2 Ascoli - A. Parisi (pen.) / M. Paolucci (2 g)
Sampdoria 0 - 2 Inter Milan - Z. Ibrahimovic, D. Maicon
28th January 2007, 15:38
ce zici de fiorentina?
Mario Di Lazi
28th January 2007, 18:24
Mutu, Chivu, Codrea și Năstase, titulari în Serie A
Fiorentina - Livorno 2-1
- Adrian Mutu a fost titular la Fiorentina, a primit un cartonaș galben în minutul 32 și a fost înlocuit, în minutul 88, cu Potenza.
AS Roma - Siena 1-0
- Cristian Chivu a fost integralist la AS Roma, în timp ce la oaspeți mijlocașul Paul Codrea a jucat până în minutul 75, când a fost înlocuit cu Alberto.
Messina - Ascoli 1-2
-Valentin Năstase a fost integralist la Ascoli și a primit un cartonaș galben în minutul 57.
sursa -
28th January 2007, 23:43
Dupa 21 de etape :
1. Inter Milan 21 18 3 0 57 46 17
2. Roma 21 14 4 3 46 43 17
3. Palermo 21 12 3 6 39 37 26
4. Lazio 21 9 6 6 30 33 18
5. Catania 21 8 6 7 30 29 36
6. Empoli 21 7 8 6 29 19 19
7. Udinese 21 8 5 8 29 23 25
8. Atalanta 21 7 7 7 28 36 32
9. Milan 21 9 8 4 27 26 17
10. Sampdoria 21 6 6 9 24 28 30
11. Siena 21 5 10 6 24 18 22
12. Livorno 21 5 8 8 23 21 32
13. Fiorentina 21 11 4 6 22 33 21
14. Cagliari 21 4 10 7 22 16 23
15. Torino 21 5 7 9 22 17 27
16. Chievo 21 4 6 11 18 21 30
17. Reggina 21 7 6 8 16 26 28
18. Messina 21 3 7 11 16 21 36
19. Parma 21 3 6 12 15 17 36
20. Ascoli 21 2 6 13 12 16 34
30th January 2007, 16:59
Serie A Team Of The Week: Round 21
Team of the week (3-4-3):
Bucci (Parma): Blocked everything that came his way, but had no fault on Inzaghi’s goal. At 37 years of age he is still a great goalkeeper.
Siviglia (Lazio): Solid rock performance in defence with the added bonus of scoring a goal to help the Biancocelesti move up the standings closer to the Champions League.
Maldini (Milan): Still one of the finest defenders in the world despite being on the wrong side of the 30s. No wonder the Rossoneri have the least beaten defence in Serie A.
Maicon (Inter): An assist and a goal (his first ever in Serie A) turned him into the man of the match for the Nerazzurri. Excellent purchase by Mancini.
Obodo (Udinese): Another player with a goal and an assist under his belt this week. Instrumental for Alberto Malesani’s tactics and Udinese’s ambitions.
Vigiani (Reggina): A brace for the newly purchased midfielder who could be an important element in the Amaranti’s survival battle.
Jorgensen (Fiorentina): Brilliant performance by the Danish midfielder who assisted Toni for the equalizer and then, after various attempts, managed to score the winner.
Perrotta (Roma): The Giallorossi’s main danger man as he opened up spaces for his team-mates, sending in confusion the Siena defence.
Rocchi (Lazio): Always consistent with his goals and performances. A very under-rated player in Italy.
Toni (Fiorentina): His opponents could not stop him as the Viola striker was easily creating opportunities for himself until he finally managed to score in the second half. Unstoppable.
Ibrahimovic (Inter): This season he is proving why Fabio Capello used to prefer him to Del Piero, unfortunately for the Real Madrid coach, Zlatan is not playing for the Spanish club. World class forward.
Mario Di Lazi
3rd February 2007, 09:37
Et. 22
Catania 1 - 2 Palermo - F. Caserta / A. Caracciolo, D.D. Michele
Reggina ? - ? Messina - amanat
Livorno ? - ? Cagliari - amanat
Ascoli ? - ? AC Milan - amanat
Empoli ? - ? Atalanta - amanat
Lazio ? - ? Chievo - amanat
Parma ? - ? Fiorentina - amanat
Siena ? - ? Torino - amanat
Udinese ? - ? Sampdoria - amanat
Inter Milan ? - ? AS Roma - amanat
Mario Di Lazi
11th February 2007, 15:55
Et. 23
Milan 2 - 1 Livorno - G. Gattuso, M. Jankulovski / C. Lucarelli
Roma 3 - 0 Parma - F. Totti, S. Perrotta, R.F. Taddei
Atalanta 0 - 0 Lazio
Cagliari 2 - 2 Siena - A. Capone, D. Suazo / D. Corvia, P.C. Codrea
Chievo 0 - 2 Inter - Adriano, H. Crespo
Fiorentina 2 - 0 Udinese - F.D.S. Reginaldo, G. Pazzini
Palermo 0 - 1 Empoli - S. Almiron
Sampdoria 2 - 0 Ascoli - C. Maggio, D. Franceschini
Torino 1 - 2 Reggina - G. Comotto / R. Bianchi (2 g)
Messina 1 - 1 Catania - M. Pestrin / Mascara
11th February 2007, 22:25
1. Inter 22 19 3 0 60 48 17
2. Roma 22 15 4 3 49 46 17
3. Palermo 23 13 3 7 42 39 28
4. Empoli 22 8 8 6 32 20 19
5. Lazio 22 9 7 6 31 33 18
6. Catania 23 8 7 8 31 31 39
7. Milan 22 10 8 4 30 28 18
8. Atalanta 22 7 8 7 29 36 32
9. Udinese 22 8 5 9 29 23 27
10. Sampdoria 22 7 6 9 27 30 30
11. Fiorentina 22 12 4 6 25 35 21
12. Siena 22 5 11 6 25 20 24
13. Cagliari 22 4 11 7 23 18 25
14. Livorno 22 5 8 9 23 22 34
15. Torino 22 5 7 10 22 18 29
16. Reggina 22 8 6 8 19 28 29
17. Chievo 22 4 6 12 18 21 32
18. Messina 22 3 8 11 17 22 37
19. Parma 22 3 6 13 15 17 39
20. Ascoli 22 2 6 14 12 16 36
Last played match: 11-02-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
11th February 2007, 22:45
in ritmul asta batem suta ...:D
12th February 2007, 16:29
Programul pt urm etapa:
Sambata (ora 15)
Duminica (ora 15)
12th February 2007, 23:43
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Storari (Milan): Made his debut with the Milan shirt on Sunday and he was man of the match. Excellent start for a goalkeeper who was expected to be the third choice behind Dida and Kalac.
Cordoba (Inter): Great performance by the Colombian defender who stopped the Chievo offence from being too dangerous. Burdisso will now have a tough time claiming his spot back in the first eleven.
Bonera (Milan): Since Ancelotti placed him at the centre of the defence, the former Parma player has been phenomenal, playing one great match after another.
Jankulovski (Milan): Last season he was recovering from a terrible injury, but this year with no injury worries he has proven all of his defensive and offensive qualities. Yesterday’s goal was a gem.
Tonetto (Roma): An average first half performance was then forgotten with an excellent display in the second half which helped his side win all three points against Parma.
Gattuso (Milan): Ringhio always does the dirty work diligently, but when he also adds quality and goals, then his performance becomes impeccable. Currently Milan’s best midfielder.
Mancini (Roma): Just like the entire Roma side, his first half was not up to standards, but he quickly made amends for that with a wonderful second half display.
Wilhelmsson (Roma): Probably the best January transfer purchase in Serie A. Great technical abilities which spark enthusiasm in the entire side. A joy watching him play with Totti.
Adriano (Inter): The Emperor is back! Wonder-goal just like the old Adriano used to score. Very useful for the team with his work upfront.
Totti (Roma): Another amazing game for the captain, in a match in which he broke two records: highest number of matches played for the Giallorossi and the Italian player currently still active with the highest number of goals in Serie A.
Bianchi (Reggina): A brace for the very interesting young Italian striker who now already scored 12 goals so far this season. Next year many important clubs will be knocking on Reggina’s door for his services.
Honourable Mention
Calderoni (Atalanta)
Maggio (Sampdoria)
Zanchi (Messina)
Fiore (Livorno)
Almiron (Empoli)
Suazo (Cagliari)
Obinna (Chievo)
13th February 2007, 15:56
Claudio Ranieri a semnat cu Parma si l-a inlocuit pe Stefano Pioli mazilit in urma rezulatelor modeste in serie A.
Ranieri a plecat acum 10 ani din Italia (Fiorentina) pentru Valence si apoi Chelsea iar din 2005 nu a mai antrenat nimic.
Parma va juca primul meci oficial cu noul antrenor la carma joi in cupa UEFA contra lui Braga.
Mario Di Lazi
17th February 2007, 19:25
Et. 24
Empoli 1 - 0 AS Roma - N. Pozzi
Inter Milan 1 - 0 Cagliari - N.A. Burdisso
Siena 3 - 4 AC Milan - S. Vergassola, M. Maccarone (2 g) / L.N.D.L. Ronaldo (2 g), R. Oliveira, M. Ambrosini
Ascoli 2 - 2 Udinese - A. Soncin (2 g) / V. Iaquinta, P.V.D.S. Barreto
Catania 0 - 1 Fiorentina - L. Toni
Lazio 2 - 0 Torino - G. Pandev (2 g)
Livorno 2 - 1 Messina - S. Fiore, C. Lucarelli / M.A.Z. Kpolo
Palermo 1 - 1 Chievo - D.D. Michele / V.N. Obinna
Parma 0 - 1 Sampdoria - F. Quagliarella
Reggina 1 - 1 Atalanta - N. Amoruso / J.L. Talamonti
18th February 2007, 16:52
etapa 24 da nastere unor polemici ... una este "super rezultatul" obtinut de verishori la Siena .. anuntat si mediatizat peste masura avand in vedere cele 3 goluri reusite de brazilienii adoptati ca o victorie "istorica" .. si recordul european de victorii consecutive realizat de Inter care chiar rescrie istoria fotbalului european in acest sezon :yeah:
oare ce e mai important ? dubla grasului? tripla lui Alex sau un record despre care se va vorbi si peste 20-30 de ani?
Prin acesta victorie Inter intra in galeria marilor succese ale sportului italian .. alaturi de nume ca Mennea, Magnini, Juri Chechi, Tomba la bomba sau Valentino Rossi!:ok:
18th February 2007, 18:14
Ai pus punctul pe i :ok:
Da vezi k asta a fost etapa a 23 :D
18th February 2007, 18:16
scriptic a fost 24 :D
18th February 2007, 18:22
1. Inter 23 20 3 0 63 49 17
2. Roma 23 15 4 4 49 46 18
3. Palermo 24 13 4 7 43 40 29
4. Empoli 23 9 8 6 35 21 19
5. Lazio 23 10 7 6 34 35 18
6. Milan 23 11 8 4 33 32 21
7. Catania 24 8 7 9 31 31 40
8. Atalanta 23 7 9 7 30 37 33
9. Sampdoria 23 8 6 9 30 31 30
10. Udinese 23 8 6 9 30 25 29
11. Fiorentina 23 13 4 6 28 36 21
12. Livorno 23 6 8 9 26 24 35
13. Siena 23 5 11 7 25 23 28
14. Cagliari 23 4 11 8 23 18 26
15. Torino 23 5 7 11 22 18 31
16. Reggina 23 8 7 8 20 29 30
17. Chievo 23 4 7 12 19 22 33
18. Messina 23 3 8 12 17 23 39
19. Parma 23 3 6 14 15 17 40
20. Ascoli 23 2 7 14 13 18 38
Last played match: 18-02-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
19th February 2007, 23:55
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Balli (Empoli): Unbeatable between the goal posts as the Roma forwards failed to score. Inter will need to thank him for moving one step closer to the Scudetto.
Burdisso (Inter): Showing off both his goal scoring and defensive qualities in the past weeks. Proving that Inter are winning this league title with the entire squad and not only with one or two key players.
Siviglia (Lazio): Brilliant defending for the Biancocelesti to help his side obtain a precious win and maintain their run for a Champions League spot.
Ziegler (Sampdoria): Excellent debut for the Swiss defender who also contributed the assist for Quagliarella's winning goal. A great investment for the Blucerchiati.
Aronica (Reggina): A very good display by the Amaranto defender against Atalanta, who is having a really good season for Reggina.
Mauri (Lazio): Was unlucky not to score as Abbiati did extremely well to block his effort, but in the end assisted Pandev for this second goal of the day.
Liverani (Fiorentina): Wonderful display by the former Lazio and Perugia midfielder. Inspired all of the Viola’s attacks, earning himself the man of the match award.
Fiore (Livorno): Changed squad and his performances improved. Makes you wonder if Zaccheroni did the right thing in letting him go considering Torino’s poor form.
Maccarone (Siena): The Italian lifestyle must do wonders to the former Middlesbrough striker as Maccarone scored two impressive goals for his side against Milan.
Ronaldo (Milan): He might never return to the Ronaldo we all admired during the 1998 season, but with two goals and an assist in his first match from the start, who can complain?
Pandev (Lazio): A brace for a player who has been accused of being too inconsistent in the past. He has the qualities to become a star, but it’s only up to him to achieve this.
Mario Di Lazi
24th February 2007, 20:16
Et. 25
Chievo 3 - 0 Torino - E. Bogdani (2 g), M. Brighi
Atalanta 1 - 1 Palermo - R. Zampagna / A.S. Diana
AS Roma 3 - 0 Reggina - F. Tavano, P. Mexes, C. Panucci
Cagliari 0 - 2 Lazio - S. E. Cribari, T. Rocchi
Catania 2 - 5 Inter Milan - G. Spinesi, G. Corona / W. Samuel, S.H. Solari, F. Grosso, Z. Ibrahimovic, J.R. Cruz
Fiorentina 2 - 0 Empoli - A. Mutu, L. Toni
Livorno 0 - 0 Ascoli
Messina 1 - 0 Siena - E.A.R. Alvarez
Udinese 3 - 3 Parma - A.D. Natale (2 g; 1 pen.), C. Obodo / I. Budan, F. Parravicini, G. Rossi (pen.)
AC Milan 1 - 0 Sampdoria - M. Ambrosini
25th February 2007, 23:44
1. Inter 24 21 3 0 66 54 19
2. Roma 24 16 4 4 52 49 18
3. Palermo 25 13 5 7 44 41 30
4. Lazio 24 11 7 6 37 37 18
5. Milan 24 12 8 4 36 33 21
6. Empoli 24 9 8 7 35 21 21
7. Fiorentina 24 14 4 6 31 38 21
8. Atalanta 24 7 10 7 31 38 34
9. Udinese 24 8 7 9 31 28 32
10. Catania 25 8 7 10 31 33 45
11. Sampdoria 24 8 6 10 30 31 31
12. Livorno 24 6 9 9 27 24 35
13. Siena 24 5 11 8 25 23 29
14. Cagliari 24 4 11 9 23 18 28
15. Chievo 24 5 7 12 22 25 33
16. Torino 24 5 7 12 22 18 34
17. Reggina 24 8 7 9 20 29 33
18. Messina 24 4 8 12 20 24 39
19. Parma 24 3 7 14 16 20 43
20. Ascoli 24 2 8 14 14 18 38
Last played match: 25-02-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
26th February 2007, 02:29
Inter a batut cu 5-2 pe catania in deplasare si isi continua marsul triumfal sre scudetto
26th February 2007, 11:52
Ca bine zici :D
26th February 2007, 19:30
:angry: grande inter quest'anno ! spero che roma riuscira di riaprire il campionato! ...un plus pentru coppia d'atacco viola mutu -toni care "musca" fara mila din defensivele adverse ...oricare ar fi ele ...pacat ca fiorentina-inter a fosta ales de calculator in prima etapa din campionat ...dar la anul revine juventus ...:confused: :mda: :lol: :ok:
26th February 2007, 21:03
pfoaii ... nici nu visezi ce "greseli" ai postat pe aici ... incepand cu aia cu Rioma... te halesc la breakfast lazialii :D:D
26th February 2007, 23:53
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Doni (Roma): In great form and proving the he deserves a contract renewal thanks to the great saves shown against Reggina.
Mexes (Roma): The perfect defender – defends diligently and even scores when he goes forward.
Simic (Milan): His performance was quite a surprise, and for the Rossoneri this is good news as they know they can count on another player for this final rush of the season.
Maicon (Inter): Every week he’s showing all of his qualities both defensively and offensively. Has improved a lot from the start of the season.
Galante (Livorno): Back at his best as he lead the Amaranti’s defence with authority. Could have scored, but the opposing keeping denied him with a great save.
Pizarro (Roma): The mind in the Giallorossi’s midfield. Created a lot and the Roma strikers duly delivered for a comfortable win over Reggina.
Ambrosini (Milan): One of the unluckiest players with regards to injuries, but when he’s fit, he’s brilliant and in this case even scored the winning goal for the Rossoneri.
Stankovic (Inter): One of the best midfielders in European football. Week in, week out, he’s always giving his heart for Inter’s cause. Another brilliant performance against Catania.
Bogdani (Chievo): A brace which lifts the Flying Donkey up in the standings. The former Siena striker is now proving why Delberi wanted him at Chievo.
Cruz (Inter): A goal and an assist, but also a lot of good moves. Yet again, the gardener has left his mark. One of the most underrated strikers ever.
Di Natale (Udinese): He was in doubt due to an injury, but luckily for Malesani he managed to recover as he scored a brace and produced assists for his team-mates.
Honourable Mention
Eleftheropoulos (Ascoli)
Balleri (Livorno)
Corallo (Ascoli)
Brighi (Chievo)
Guana (Palermo)
Ibrahimovic (Inter)
Mutu (Fiorentina)
Mario Di Lazi
28th February 2007, 16:12
Et. 26
Ascoli 0 - 0 Parma
Chievo 2 - 2 AS Roma - E. Bogdani, F. Semioli / F. Totti (2 g)
Empoli 3 - 1 Messina - L. Saudati (2 g), L. Marzoratti / E.A.R. Alvarez
Lazio 3 - 1 Catania - G. Pandev, S. Siviglia, T. Rocchi / A. Sottil
Palermo 0 - 0 AC Milan
Reggina 1 - 1 Fiorentina - P. Foggia / A. Mutu (pen.)
Sampdoria 2 - 1 Atalanta - F. Bazzani, S. Volpi (pen.) / N. Ventola
Siena 0 - 0 Livorno
Torino 1 - 0 Cagliari - C. Bovo
Inter Milan 1 - 1 Udinese - H. Crespo / C. Obodo
1st March 2007, 01:01
1. Inter 25 21 4 0 67 55 20
2. Roma 25 16 5 4 53 51 20
3. Palermo 26 13 6 7 45 41 30
4. Lazio 25 12 7 6 40 40 19
5. Empoli 25 10 8 7 38 24 22
6. Milan 25 12 9 4 37 33 21
7. Sampdoria 25 9 6 10 33 33 32
8. Fiorentina 25 14 5 6 32 39 22
9. Udinese 25 8 8 9 32 29 33
10. Atalanta 25 7 10 8 31 39 36
11. Catania 26 8 7 11 31 34 48
12. Livorno 25 6 10 9 28 24 35
13. Siena 25 5 12 8 26 23 29
14. Torino 25 6 7 12 25 19 34
15. Chievo 25 5 8 12 23 27 35
16. Cagliari 25 4 11 10 23 18 29
17. Reggina 25 8 8 9 21 30 34
18. Messina 25 4 8 13 20 25 42
19. Parma 25 3 8 14 17 20 43
20. Ascoli 25 2 9 14 15 18 38
Last played match: 28-02-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
1st March 2007, 22:38
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Fontana (Palermo): Unbeatable between the posts and decisive when he saved Kaka’s penalty which would have changed the match completely.
Barzagli (Palermo): Excellent performance by the Rosanero defender, where he stopped everyone who tried to go past him. No wonder many big clubs are after him.
Bonera (Milan): Hardly ever makes a mistake. Probably currently Milan’s best central defender; deserves a call-up for the Italian national side.
Marzoratti (Empoli): Scored his first Serie A goal. A young defender with great potential who will surely become a household name in the coming years as all the big clubs will be lining up to buy him – keep an eye on him.
Bovo (Torino): Carried out his defensive duties perfectly, but more importantly he scored the much needed winning goal for the Granata.
Semioli (Chievo): Has been in great form recently thanks to his goals and assists. Against Roma he assisted Bogdani and scored a goal to help the Flying Donkeys win a precious point.
Vannucchi (Empoli): Makes you wonder why such a creative and technical midfielder does not play for one of Italy’s most important clubs. Very under rated when considering his performances this season, including the match against Messina.
Rosina (Torino): Back in the starting line-up and Torino are back to winning ways. It’s no coincidence as this young midfielder is one of the best around.
Totti (Roma): 'Il Capitano’ made amends with his fans following last weekend’s missed penalty as he scored a brace to help the Giallorossi come back from behind and salvage a point against Chievo.
Saudati (Empoli): Two goals for the Empoli forward who has been enjoying a good season with the Tuscan club. Along with Vannucchi he has been the heart and mind of this squad.
Crespo (Inter): Managed to avoid to Inter their first Serie A defeat of the season. As always, never fails when given the opportunity, a striker the Nerazzurri can rely on also for the next Champions League match against Valencia.
2nd March 2007, 22:49
"Partide trucate au fost destule si inainte in Serie A"
Marturia ii apartine lui Fabian O'Neill, fost international uruguayan, care a evoluat in Il Calcio intre 1995 si 2002, la Cagliari, Juventus si Perugia, si a fost facuta in cadrul interviului acordat canalului TV brazilian "Caixa Negra".
"Mereu s-au facut aranjamente in Italia. Daca cineva ridica doua miin la centrul terenului, insemna ca e "blat", iar daca nu ridica decit una atunci nimic nu era stabilit dinainte. Mai existau insa cazuri in care era implicata si a treia echipa care oferea bani uneia dintre echipe ca sa cistige", zice O'Neill. Uruguayanul povesteste si cum s-a terminat 2-2 un meci care ar fi trebuit sa ramina remiza, dar 1-1: "Mai erau 3 minute de jucat si scorul 1-1. S-a apucat insa un coleg de-al meu sa traga la vinclu un sut de la 40 de metri si a iesit gol. Cum s-a pus mingea la centru, fundasii nostri s-au dat la o parte si i-au lasat sa egaleze. Parea scenariul unui film cu un final de toti stiut. S-a terminat 2-2 si ambele echipe s-au salvat de la retrogradare".
Mario Di Lazi
4th March 2007, 18:54
et. 27
Ascoli 1 - 1 AS Roma - A. Soncin / C. Wilhelmsson
Livorno 1 - 2 Inter Milan - C. Lucarelli / J.R. Cruz, Z. Ibrahimovic
AC Milan 3 - 1 Chievo - A. Gilardino, M. Oddo, C. Seedorf / S. Pellisier
Cagliari 2 - 0 Atalanta - D. Suazo, S. Pepe
Catania 1 - 1 Siena - G. Corona / F. Cozza
Fiorentina 5 - 1 Torino - L. Toni(2 g), I.D. Franceschini (o.g.), A. Gamberini(2 g) / A. Rosina
Lazio 1 - 0 Sampdoria - T. Rocchi
Messina 2 - 0 Palermo - C. Rigano (2 g)
Parma 2 - 2 Reggina - I. Budan, G. Rossi (pen.) / R. Bianchi (2 g)
Udinese 0 - 1 Empoli - N. Pozzi
4th March 2007, 20:10
1. Inter 26 22 4 0 70 57 21
2. Roma 26 16 6 4 54 52 21
3. Palermo 27 13 6 8 45 41 32
4. Lazio 26 13 7 6 43 41 19
5. Empoli 26 11 8 7 41 25 22
6. Milan 26 13 9 4 40 36 22
7. Fiorentina 26 15 5 6 35 44 23
8. Sampdoria 26 9 6 11 33 33 33
9. Udinese 26 8 8 10 32 29 34
10. Catania 27 8 8 11 32 35 49
11. Atalanta 26 7 10 9 31 39 38
12. Livorno 26 6 10 10 28 25 37
13. Siena 26 5 13 8 27 24 30
14. Cagliari 26 5 11 10 26 20 29
15. Torino 26 6 7 13 25 20 39
16. Chievo 26 5 8 13 23 28 38
17. Messina 26 5 8 13 23 27 42
18. Reggina 26 8 9 9 22 32 36
19. Parma 26 3 9 14 18 22 45
20. Ascoli 26 2 10 14 16 19 39
Last played match: 04-03-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
6th March 2007, 21:05
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Campagnolo (Reggina): Two penalties saved in a week, thus proving that it was not just a coincidence when he managed to block Totti's effort last weekend.
Panucci (Roma): The Giallorossi’s most positive defender, both defensively and offensively.
Bonera (Milan): Week in, week out, the former Parma defender is showing all of his worth as a central defender.
Dainelli (Fiorentina): Excellent in defence against Torino. Very inspired season for the Viola defender.
Gamberini (Fiorentina): It’s very rare that defenders score two goals, but this was the case for the former Bologna defender who helped Fiorentina crush the Granata.
Conti (Cagliari): The mastermind behind Cagliari’s return to winning ways as he directed the Rossoblu’s attacks.
Eremenko (Siena): Not a household name, but he definitely deserves to be in the best eleven this week thanks to his performance against Catania.
Mudingayi (Lazio): Not the most consistent player, but when he performs well, he’s one of the best midfielders playing in Serie A.
Ibrahimovic (Inter): What a show he offered and it’s not the first time this season. Definitely deserves to be competing for the Golden Ball award in December.
Toni (Fiorentina): A brace for the prolific Viola striker to increase his tally to 15 goals. One of the best Italian strikers in the past years.
Rigano` (Messina): Returned from injury and brought the three points to Messina with his two goals. Just what the Giallorossi missed in the past months.
Honourable Mention
Pantanelli (Catania)
Stovini (Catania)
Portanova (Siena)
Biondini (Cagliari)
Stankovic (Inter)
Rocchi (Lazio)
Bianchi (Reggina)
Mario Di Lazi
11th March 2007, 22:03
Et. 28
Sampdoria 1 - 1 Cagliari
Atalanta 1 - 1 Parma
Chievo 1 - 1 Messina
Empoli 2 - 2 Livorno
Inter Milan 2 - 1 AC Milan
Palermo 1 - 1 Fiorentina
Reggina 2 - 3 Lazio
Siena 0 - 1 Ascoli
Torino 1 - 0 Catania
AS Roma 3 - 1 Udinese
12th March 2007, 12:39
1. Inter 27 23 4 0 73 59 22
2. Roma 27 17 6 4 57 55 22
3. Lazio 27 14 7 6 46 44 21
4. Palermo 28 13 7 8 46 42 33
5. Empoli 27 11 9 7 42 27 24
6. Milan 27 13 9 5 40 37 24
7. Fiorentina 27 15 6 6 36 45 24
8. Sampdoria 27 9 7 11 34 34 34
9. Atalanta 27 7 11 9 32 40 39
10. Udinese 27 8 8 11 32 30 37
11. Catania 28 8 8 12 32 35 50
12. Livorno 27 6 11 10 29 27 39
13. Torino 27 7 7 13 28 21 39
14. Siena 27 5 13 9 27 24 31
15. Cagliari 27 5 12 10 27 21 30
16. Chievo 27 5 9 13 24 29 39
17. Messina 27 5 9 13 24 28 43
18. Reggina 27 8 9 10 22 34 39
19. Ascoli 27 3 10 14 19 20 39
20. Parma 27 3 10 14 19 23 46
Last played match: 11-03-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
12th March 2007, 22:53
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Eleftheropoulos (Ascoli): Stole Pagliuca’s first team spot and when you see him in action you understand why. Has been in splendid form recently and against Siena he was the man of the match for Ascoli.
Cordoba (Inter): Brilliant defending by the Colombian centre-back. A player Mancini can always rely on in every situation.
Maldini (Milan): His identity card might say he’s nearing the 40s, but his performances show that he still is as good as any other defender ten years younger.
Dainelli (Fiorentina): Excellent performance for the Viola player who closed all the spaces for Palermo and did not make any mistake in defence.
Cassetti (Roma): Another game in which the Giallorosso full-back did well both defensively and offensively.
Fiore (Livorno): His Torino days are over as he is reaching his best form with the Tuscan club. An assist and a lot of quality and quantity in his match on Sunday.
Figo (Inter): One of the best Inter players in their win over Milan. Despite his age, he still performs at the highest level.
Simplicio (Palermo): Excellent performance, especially in the second half, for the Rosanero midfielder. Gave a hard time to his opponents with his grit and dirty work.
Ibrahimovic (Inter): Deserves to win the best player award for this season. Goals, assists and lots of mesmerizing moves in every match he plays.
Pandev (Lazio): Another goal for the Macedonian striker and another great performance under his belt. Simple fantastic and can lead Lazio to the Champions League.
Totti (Roma): Has hit the best possible form at the right moment. Two goals and an assist is a warning sign for Manchester United.
Honourable Mention
Calderoni (Atalanta)
Materazzi (Inter)
Ferrari (Roma)
Liverani (Fiorentina)
Tedesco (Reggina)
Ronaldo (Milan)
Cavani (Palermo)
Mario Di Lazi
18th March 2007, 21:38
et. 29
Sampdoria 1 - 1 Palermo - F. Quagliarella / E. Cavani
AC Milan 1 - 0 Atalanta - M. Ambrosini
Ascoli 1 - 2 Inter Milan - M. Bonanni (pen.) / Z. Ibrahimovic (2 g)
Cagliari 0 - 2 Chievo - M. Brighi, E. Bogdani
Catania 1 - 4 Reggina - F. Rossini / N. Amoruso, P. Foggia, R. Bianchi (pen.), R.F.S. Esteves
Fiorentina 0 - 0 AS Roma
Messina 0 - 3 Torino - R. Muzzi, A. Rosina (pen.), R. Stellone
Parma 1 - 0 Siena - A. Gasbarroni
Udinese 4 - 0 Livorno - A.D. Natale (2 g), G. Asamoah, P.V.D.S. Barreto (pen.)
Lazio 3 - 1 Empoli - G. Pandev, T. Rocchi, C. Manfredini / S. Almiron
19th March 2007, 00:08
Adi Mutu n-a mai reusit sa marcheze de aceasta data.
19th March 2007, 13:14
1. Inter 28 24 4 0 76 61 23
2. Roma 28 17 7 4 58 55 22
3. Lazio 28 15 7 6 49 47 22
4. Palermo 29 13 8 8 47 43 34
5. Milan 28 14 9 5 43 38 24
6. Empoli 28 11 9 8 42 28 27
7. Fiorentina 28 15 7 6 37 45 24
8. Sampdoria 28 9 8 11 35 35 35
9. Udinese 28 9 8 11 35 34 37
10. Atalanta 28 7 11 10 32 40 40
11. Catania 29 8 8 13 32 36 54
12. Torino 28 8 7 13 31 24 39
13. Livorno 28 6 11 11 29 27 43
14. Chievo 28 6 9 13 27 31 39
15. Siena 28 5 13 10 27 24 32
16. Cagliari 28 5 12 11 27 21 32
17. Reggina 28 9 9 10 25 38 40
18. Messina 28 5 9 14 24 28 46
19. Parma 28 4 10 14 22 24 46
20. Ascoli 28 3 10 15 19 21 41
Last played match: 18-03-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
19th March 2007, 15:38
in putin si ii ajungem pe palermo...+ k ei au un meci in plus
19th March 2007, 16:12
cred ca veti prinde locul de fi pacat sa nu-l prindeti
20th March 2007, 11:45
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Frey (Fiorentina): What a way to celebrate his 27th birthday! At least 5 fundamental saves to help the Viola win a precious point against the Giallorossi.
Cordoba (Inter): Very solid display by the Colombian defender who has done extremely well thought the entire season.
Tonetto (Roma): Pushes forward a lot apart from performing his defensive duties. Deserved his first call-up for the Italian national team, which will probably not be his last one.
Zapata (Udinese): Careful and always punctual in his movements to stop the Livorno players from causing any damage in the Bianconeri’s rearguard.
Siviglia (Lazio): Has been doing well for the past few months; no wonder that the Biancocelesti have the best Serie A defence.
Perrotta (Roma): The Giallorossi’s most dangerous player. Only an amazing Frey denied him the joy of the goal on at least two clear cut occasions.
Rosina (Torino): Yet again the Granata’s best player with his illuminating assists and important goals. A true leader.
Ambrosini (Milan): Two goals in the last three matches have awarded the Rossoneri with 6 precious points in their race for a Champions League spot.
Ibrahimovic (Inter): Cannot stop scoring goals. One brilliant display after another justify Moratti’s claims that the Swedish forward deserves the Golden Ball award.
Di Natale (Udinese): Great match played by the Bianconeri’s forward who scored a brace and helped his team-mates all throughout the encounter.
Pandev (Lazio): A goal and an assist which paved the way for another Lazio win (their 6th consecutive one). His contribution has been fundamental this season.
Honourable Mention
Abbiati (Torino)
Maicon (Inter)
Gamberini (Sampdoria)
Figo (Inter)
Foggia (Reggina)
Adriano (Inter)
Amoruso (Reggina)
Mario Di Lazi
2nd April 2007, 10:53
Et. 30
Reggina 0 - 1 Siena
AS Roma 1 - 1 AC Milan
Atalanta 2 - 2 Fiorentina
Cagliari 2 - 0 Messina
Chievo 1 - 1 Sampdoria
Empoli 4 - 1 Ascoli
Inter Milan 2 - 0 Parma
Livorno 4 - 1 Catania
Torino 0 - 0 Palermo
Udinese 2 - 4 Lazio
2nd April 2007, 18:39
1. Inter 29 25 4 0 79 63 23
2. Roma 29 17 8 4 59 56 23
3. Lazio 29 16 7 6 52 51 24
4. Palermo 30 13 9 8 48 43 34
5. Empoli 29 12 9 8 45 32 28
6. Milan 29 14 10 5 44 39 25
7. Fiorentina 29 15 8 6 38 47 26
8. Sampdoria 29 9 9 11 36 36 36
9. Udinese 29 9 8 12 35 36 41
10. Atalanta 29 7 12 10 33 42 42
11. Livorno 29 7 11 11 32 31 44
12. Torino 29 8 8 13 32 24 39
13. Catania 30 8 8 14 32 37 58
14. Siena 29 6 13 10 30 25 32
15. Cagliari 29 6 12 11 30 23 32
16. Chievo 29 6 10 13 28 32 40
17. Reggina 29 9 9 11 25 38 41
18. Messina 29 5 9 15 24 28 48
19. Parma 29 4 10 15 22 24 48
20. Ascoli 29 3 10 16 19 22 45
Last played match: 01-04-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
2nd April 2007, 21:46
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Manninger (Siena): His brilliant saves helped the Tuscan club to win the first game in over 2 months.
Mexes (Roma): His usual self in defence, but also managed to score with a fierce shot from the edge of the penalty area. One of the best defenders in the entire Serie A.
Nesta (Milan): Returned on the pitch after a long layoff and luckily for both Milan and Italy, he is still the same old Nesta.
Zanetti (Inter): As usual excellent both in his defensive and offensive duties. A true captain and fully deserves the Scudetto the Nerazzurri will be winning in the coming weeks.
Stendardo (Lazio): Scored a really good goal following a set-piece, but more importantly, he blocked almost every Udinese attack.
Doni (Atalanta): A wonderful season for this Italian midfielder who has scored the beauty of 11 goals this year.
Maxwell (Inter): Following an average first half, Maxwell made a great move and scored the opening goal for the Nerazzurri to clinch another win.
Behrami (Lazio): Was being played as a full-back in recent weeks, but against Udinese Delio Rossi moved him back to his original position in midfielder. This resulted in the Swiss player to score and also show his skills during the entire match.
Quagliarella (Sampdoria): In recent memory, only Maradona and Recoba managed such a goal like the one scored by the Blucerchiato player against Chievo. Deserves to play for a big team.
Lucarelli (Livorno): A hat-trick to take his Serie A tally to 101 goals. Very impressive, but probably his biggest regret is that he never won anything important in his career.
Rocchi (Lazio): Scored one goal from the penalty spot, but more impressively managed to offer two splendid assists for his team-mates. A great assed for the Biancocelesti.
Honourable Mention
Toldo (Inter)
Bertotto (Siena)
Materazzi (Inter)
Liverani (Fiorentina)
Brighi (Chievo)
Adriano (Inter)
Saudati (Empoli)
8th April 2007, 12:32
1. Inter 30 25 5 0 80 63 23
2. Roma 30 18 8 4 62 58 23
3. Lazio 30 17 7 6 55 52 24
4. Palermo 31 13 9 9 48 44 37
5. Milan 30 15 10 5 47 42 26
6. Empoli 30 12 9 9 45 33 31
7. Fiorentina 30 16 8 6 41 51 26
8. Sampdoria 30 10 9 11 39 37 36
9. Atalanta 30 8 12 10 36 43 42
10. Udinese 30 9 9 12 36 38 43
11. Cagliari 30 7 12 11 33 26 33
12. Livorno 30 7 11 12 32 31 45
13. Torino 30 8 8 14 32 24 40
14. Catania 31 8 8 15 32 37 60
15. Siena 30 6 14 10 31 27 34
16. Chievo 30 6 10 14 28 32 41
17. Reggina 30 9 10 11 26 38 41
18. Parma 30 5 10 15 25 25 48
19. Messina 30 5 9 16 24 28 49
20. Ascoli 30 3 10 17 19 22 49
Last played match: 07-04-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
Mario Di Lazi
8th April 2007, 19:42
et 31
Atalanta 1 - 0 Chievo
Catania 0 - 2 AS Roma
Fiorentina 4 - 0 Ascoli
Lazio 1 - 0 Messina
Palermo 1 - 3 Cagliari
Parma 1 - 0 Livorno
Reggina 0 - 0 Inter Milan
Sampdoria 1 - 0 Torino
Siena 2 - 2 Udinese
AC Milan 3 - 1 Empoli
Mario Di Lazi
16th April 2007, 13:00
et. 32
Cagliari 0 - 0 Empoli
Udinese 2 - 1 Chievo
AS Roma 4 - 0 Sampdoria
Ascoli 2 - 2 Lazio
Fiorentina 1 - 0 Siena
Livorno 1 - 1 Reggina
Messina 1 - 3 AC Milan
Parma 1 - 1 Catania
Torino 1 - 2 Atalanta
Inter Milan 2 - 2 Palermo
17th April 2007, 00:03
Team of the week (4-3-3):
Dida (Milan): The match against Bayern Munich was no flash in the pan as Dida produced another outstanding performance, this time against Messina.
Favalli (Milan): Milan can count on their aging defenders no matter what, and Favalli is the living proof of this. Careful in defence and also capable of going forward to score.
Couto (Parma): Past his best, but the goal against Catania keeps Parma alive and still with a chance of avoiding relegation to Serie B.
Panucci (Roma): Impeccable performance in defence with the added bonus of scoring a goal. Wanted to make up for his terrible performance against Manchester United.
Chivu (Roma): A much better game than the one played against the Red Devils, but then again, anything would have been better than that Champions League encounter. Still, he was back up to his usual standards against Sampdoria.
Montolivo (Fiorentina): The guiding light of the Viola. Another great performance by this young Italian midfielder.
Kaka` (Milan): Reached his best form in the best possible moment. Milan will need him more than ever in this final part of the season.
Figo (Inter): Another brilliant performance for the Portuguese thanks to two great assists which paved the way for Inter’s equalizer.
Ronaldo (Milan): An average first half, but a brilliant second period with assists and a wonderful goal. Great purchase by Milan.
Totti (Roma): This is the Totti we all know. A brace and a leader’s performance, something he lacked against Manchester United.
Caracciolo (Palermo): Produced his best match of the season and almost handed Inter their first defeat. Unfortunately for Palermo, he's too inconsistent.
Honourable Mention
Frey (Fiorentina)
Ferri (Cagliari)
Vargas (Catania)
Semioli (Chievo)
Pesce (Ascoli)
Di Natale (Udinese)
Soncin (Ascoli)
17th April 2007, 00:05
Daca batem Roma miercuri.....Suntem CAMPIONI!!!
1. Inter 31 25 6 0 81 65 25
2. Roma 31 19 8 4 65 62 23
3. Lazio 31 17 8 6 56 54 26
4. Milan 31 16 10 5 50 45 27
5. Palermo 32 13 10 9 49 46 39
6. Empoli 31 12 10 9 46 33 31
7. Fiorentina 31 17 8 6 44 52 26
8. Atalanta 31 9 12 10 39 45 43
9. Sampdoria 31 10 9 12 39 37 40
10. Udinese 31 10 9 12 39 40 44
11. Cagliari 31 7 13 11 34 26 33
12. Livorno 31 7 12 12 33 32 46
13. Catania 32 8 9 15 33 38 61
14. Torino 31 8 8 15 32 25 42
15. Siena 31 6 14 11 31 27 35
16. Chievo 31 6 10 15 28 33 43
17. Reggina 31 9 11 11 27 39 42
18. Parma 31 5 11 15 26 26 49
19. Messina 31 5 9 17 24 29 52
20. Ascoli 31 3 11 17 20 24 51
Last played match: 15-04-2007
- Lazio: points: -3
- Milan: points: -8
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Siena: points: -1
- Reggina: points: -11
Mario Di Lazi
18th April 2007, 23:16
Et. 22 - restanțe
Ascoli 2 - 5 AC Milan
Empoli 2 - 0 Atalanta
Inter Milan 1 - 3 AS Roma
Lazio 0 - 0 Chievo
Livorno 2 - 1 Cagliari
Reggina 3 - 1 Messina
Udinese 1 - 0 Sampdoria
Parma 2 - 0 Fiorentina
Siena 1 - 0 Torino
19th April 2007, 10:18
Daca batem Roma miercuri.....Suntem CAMPIONI!!!
Mario Di Lazi
19th April 2007, 10:43
Mai este timp să devină campioni ... :)
19th April 2007, 21:32
Lazio = Napoli .... stessi colori , stessi odori ! ! !
A.S. Roma Rulezzzzzz :lol:
I'am batut pe Inter, I'am batut pe Inter ! ! ! :yeah:
/OLE/ :evil: :happy :cheer:
21st April 2007, 22:31
Asa cum noi v'am batut in tur ;)
Da stai batem in Cupa k sa nu mai aveti aspiratii la ea :D
23rd April 2007, 22:04
Etapa 34 / Serie A
Inter - Empoli
Roma - Lazio
Torino - Milan
Siena - Sampdoria
Fiorentina - Chievo
Udinese - Catania
Ascoli - Reggina
Messina - Atalanta
Parma - Cagliari
Livorno - Palermo
1st May 2007, 20:10
Campionii 2007
1. Inter 34 27 6 1 87 71 30
2. Roma 34 20 9 5 69 66 26
3. Milan 34 19 10 5 59 54 30
4. Lazio 34 17 10 7 58 54 27
5. Palermo 34 14 10 10 52 51 44
6. Fiorentina 34 19 8 7 50 54 28
7. Empoli 34 13 11 10 50 36 34
8. Sampdoria 34 12 9 13 45 42 42
9. Atalanta 34 10 13 11 43 47 46
10. Udinese 34 11 10 13 43 42 46
11. Livorno 34 8 12 14 36 36 51
12. Catania 33 9 9 15 36 39 61
13. Parma 34 8 11 15 35 34 53
14. Reggina 34 11 12 11 34 46 46
15. Siena 34 7 14 13 34 29 39
16. Cagliari 34 7 13 14 34 29 40
17. Torino 34 8 9 17 33 25 44
18. Chievo 34 7 11 16 32 35 45
19. Messina 34 5 10 19 25 31 58
20. Ascoli 33 3 11 19 20 28 59
Last played match: 29-04-2007
- Milan: points: -8
- Lazio: points: -3
- Fiorentina: points: -15
- Reggina: points: -11
- Siena: points: -1
5th May 2007, 15:05
Sa speram ca Fiorentina va prinde locul 4 pt ca Mutu si compania sa primeasca prima colosala daca termina pe un loc de Championsleague
Mario Di Lazi
6th May 2007, 17:36
Sa speram ca Fiorentina va prinde locul 4 pt ca Mutu si compania sa primeasca prima colosala daca termina pe un loc de Championsleague
Păi nu prea mai sunt șanse să prindă locul 4 ... poate la anul :D
Mario Di Lazi
6th May 2007, 18:00
et. 35
AC Milan 0 - 0 Fiorentina
Atalanta 3 - 1 Siena
Cagliari 2 - 1 Udinese
Chievo 1 - 0 Parma
Empoli 2 - 1 Catania
Lazio 1 - 0 Livorno
Messina 0 - 1 Inter Milan
Palermo 1 - 2 AS Roma
Sampdoria 0 - 0 Reggina
Torino 1 - 0 Ascoli
6th May 2007, 18:03
Sunt rezultatele finale?
6th May 2007, 18:10
Nu mortule astea sant scorurile in min 2 :drak:
Mario Di Lazi
7th May 2007, 11:56
Sunt rezultatele finale?
Am gresit un scor ?
15th May 2007, 16:09
Primul 11 al Etapei 36
Pantanelli (Catania): Saved the game for the Sicilian side thanks to his numerous saves against the Milan players.
Nesta (Milan): Has reached an excellent form ahead of the Champions League final; will be fundamental for the Rossoneri.
Materazzi (Inter): Keeps on scoring important goals apart from being one of the best defenders in Serie A. Candidate for player of the year.
Gamberini (Fiorentina): If the Viola have the best defence in Serie A, it’s also thanks to him and his very solid displays.
Portanova (Siena): Did a ‘Materazzi’ as he performed brilliantly in defence and also managed to score an important goal.
Seedorf (Milan): The same Seedorf we have admired in recent weeks, combining quality, quantity and goals.
Taddei (Roma): Best Giallorosso player of the day as only bad luck prevented him from celebrating a goal by hitting goal post twice.
Ledesma (Lazio): Wonderful goal from a free-kick but overall directed the Lazio midfielder with authority.
Crespo (Inter): In great form as he scored a hat-trick following last Wednesday’s brace. With a Crespo in this shape, the Nerazzurri can believe in a miracle for the Coppa Italia final.
Pandev (Lazio): Has been very consistent this season, both in performances and goals.
Rossi (Parma): A brace to save Parma and to increase his transfer value. Definitely the future Italian star.
Honourable Mention:
Campagnolo (Reggina)
Couto (Parma)
Brevi (Torino)
Boudianski (Ascoli)
Liverani (Fiorentina)
Spinesi (Catania)
Vieri (Atalanta)
Mario Di Lazi
10th June 2007, 20:26
Juventus Torino, Napoli și Genoa în Serie A
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