View Full Version : World's best skater 2007-2008

29th March 2008, 18:48
Acum ca au trecut si mondialele ne putem decide ce patinator poate fi considerat cel mai bun la nivel mondial-si nu dupa ce loc a ocupat in clasament...ci dupa cum credeti voi:P

29th March 2008, 18:54
pi daca ne-am putea decide, ne-am decide dar daca nu putem ce sa facem???

voi vota brian pt ca lpul lui la mondiale a fost ceva de vis. dar sa-l vad pe johnny patinand live a fost deasemenea ceva superb. asa ca brian, johnny imediat langa el , daca sepoate sa aiba si el un picioar pe prima treapata :P daisuke ar fi cred urmatorul pt sez asta, pul lui e mult prea demential. kevin- care dupa lpul oribil pe care l-a avut sez asta s-a hotarat in ultimul moment sa-l schimbe cu superbitatea de program de la mondiale. adrian - revelatia sezonului merita si el un loc. kevin- care dupa lpul oribil pe care l-a avut sez asta s-a hotarat in ultimul moment sa-l schimbe cu superbitatea de program de la mondiale. si apoi tomas si kriss care chiar daca nu au stralucit sezonul asta sunt mereu antrenanti si pot oricand sa surprinda cu un program superb.
so pt sez asta pt mine :
1brian, 2johnny, 3daisuke, 4kevin, 5adrian, 6tomas, 7kriss

29th March 2008, 18:54
am votat cu Johnny!:P

29th March 2008, 18:59

29th March 2008, 19:05
Si unde e votul, Amalia?:P
Eu votat cu Daisuke:ok:
La mine topul(dupa reusita programului)ar fi: 1.Brian 2.Dai 3.Weir 4.Kevin 5.Steph 6.Voronov 7.Adrian 8.Kriss 9.Tomas 10.Kosuke sau cum il cheama pe japonezul al mic(mi-au placut programele lui)

29th March 2008, 19:38
aaa, mi era cam lenita sa scriu am votat cu brian asa ca am scris decat brian si l am votat.cred ca era deja evident la cine va merge votul meu, v am cam disperat cu brian pe forum:)

29th March 2008, 21:33
deci eu l-am votat pe Brian:D lpul lui de la mondiale pur si simplu ma cucerit si bineinteles ca si spul lui mia placut de asemenea

29th March 2008, 21:36
Si eu tot pe Brian:D A fost cel mai bun din punct de vedere al evolutiei, eu asa cred.

29th March 2008, 22:02
Si mie mi-a placut LP lui Brian, deci am votat cu Brian. Sincer imi place foarte mult programul lui SP cu agentul 007. Sunt innebunita dupa programul ala. Cand am vazut la incalzire ce costum are am crezut ca are alt program la LP. Dar imi place acest program.
Pe locul II sincer vorbim de LP mi-a placut KEvin, Ma bucur ca a renuntat la programul lung de la Europene si la acel costum alb cu aurie. Stiam programul acesta dar m-a incantat.
Locul III- Jeffry Butlle oreala surpriza la acest CM. Dar e ceva ce nu m-a atras la el. Inca nu imi explic ce anume. Mi-a mai placut mult Kriss ( imi place programul lui pe uzica disco, dar sper sa vina cu altceva in 2009. Stephane este uluitor, dar din cauza ratarilor nu apare in clasamentul meu. M-am bucurat pentru Tomas dupa SP, dar cred ca avut o zi proasta la LP.

6th April 2008, 22:20
cu Brian inainte ! :))

da , lpul de anu` asta de la mondiale a fost extraordinar!!! daca nu era o mica greseala spre final era perfect ! :D

super oricum ;)

6th April 2008, 22:21
ati vaztu si voi a pupat si gheata :))

6th April 2008, 23:06
a fost un gest frumos

6th April 2008, 23:42
Triple Axel..te rog fara posturi consecutive atunci cat inca mai poti edita postul anterior:ok:
Brian 8v
Johnny 2v
Dai 1v
Steph 1v
Unde sunt fanele lui Steph..doar 1 vot are?

7th April 2008, 15:54
ok ok ok :ok: ma obisenuisem ca pe mess... sunt si eu nou :huhu:

P.S. super forumu /OLE/

7th April 2008, 15:57
Triple Axel..te rog fara posturi consecutive atunci cat inca mai poti edita postul anterior:ok:
Brian 8v
Johnny 2v
Dai 1v
Steph 1v
Unde sunt fanele lui Steph..doar 1 vot are?

Je suis ici:D

7th April 2008, 19:13
moi aussi :D

7th April 2008, 19:43
steeeph /OLE//OLE/

7th April 2008, 23:34
P.S. super forumu /OLE/
Ma bucur ca iti place:ok:

PS: :cheer: Au parut fanele Steph!:cheer:

8th April 2008, 03:16
ok ok ok :ok: ma obisenuisem ca pe mess... sunt si eu nou :huhu:

P.S. super forumu /OLE/

no problem. uite aici pt noi veniti :floricica:

8th April 2008, 03:19
Nu e corect. Titlul spune un lucru, poll-ul altceva. Patinatorul meu preferat e Stephan Lambiel, dar cel mai bun (la ora actuala) cred ca e Takahashi.

8th April 2008, 03:23
ai dreptate. eu m-am luat dupa titlul threadului. dar la mine nu e conflict de interese sa zic asa. brian is the best :P

8th April 2008, 18:37
:D Sorry ..my mistake..corectez:P

PS: Gata ...corectai:ok:
De fapt nu era chiar gresit..pentru ca rareori o fana Brian l-ar vota pe Steph..si cu atat mai putin unele fane Steph l-ar vota pe Brian...nici daca Brian ar castiga in acelasi an EC , WC si OG plus toate grand-prixurile la care participa..si Steph are iesi pe 10..tot pe el l-ar alege..sunt sigura:P
Deci cel preferat e ~ cel mai bun:P

8th April 2008, 19:04
eu sint obiectiv :)

8th April 2008, 19:51
I`m glad. Eu mai am ceva de lucrat la asta. Pana atunci, votat Steph:D :P Stiam care e titlul threadului, but...still:P Eu, una, daca ar fi castigat Bri competitiile ca anul trecut, ar fi alta povestea..nu mi-e antipatic, dar nu-l votez pentru ca nu-mi place cum patineaza:P That`s all. Prefer sa merg cu Stephy:), caci nu mi-am gasit alta.."iubire" :P

8th April 2008, 20:40
de ce nu si Tomas Verner?:confused:

8th April 2008, 21:17
El e cu Carolina acum. II curata patinele.

8th April 2008, 21:27
:happy Ca bine zici..
Mie Tomy imi e tare simpatic:D

8th April 2008, 21:47
yes, dar tommy a dezamagit extraordinar. nu-l invinuiesc, dar e real ce i s-a intamplat...sa fii pe 1 la europene si pe 15 la mondiale....

8th April 2008, 21:52
a fost nasol momentul lui tommy la lp dar totusi nu as zice ca m-a dezamagit. dar mi-a parut tare rau pt el.

8th April 2008, 22:11
Dupa SP....cel mai senzational mi s-a parut Tommy :D dar parerea mea e ca cel mai bun patinator din acest sezon a fost Brian :) Apoi, Daisuke, Johnny...

8th April 2008, 23:25
Si Buratino ? (adica Peter Pan pentru voi)

8th April 2008, 23:47
pe mine peter pan nu m-a impresionat. m-a uimit cu tehnica lui, dar daca la artistic ma lasa rece, nu-l pot prefera

8th April 2008, 23:52
care tehnica??? da a fost deosebit ca a reusit sa nu se mai desfaca in bucati la lp. eu as zice ca artistic e mai inzestrat decat tehnic. oricum per total nu m-a impresionat.
pt mine ca un patinator sa imi atraga simpatia trebuie sa faca ceva deosebit. nu trebuie sa fie perfect, nici nu trebuie sa fie pe podium. dar sa aiba , acel ceva, doar al lui. iar peter pan nu mi se pare ca are nimic deosebit.

9th April 2008, 00:12
tehnica buna a avut totusi! NU a cazut spre deosebire de atatia altii! a avut fata de lpul la tehnica a lui brian cu vreo 10 puncte peste ! daca ma insel ma corectezi. iar la lp daca tin eu bine minte clasamentul a fost jeffrey-brian.
oricum, va fi un ghimpe in coaste peter pan asta pe viitor.

9th April 2008, 00:36
eu una nu cred in valoarea lui pe viitor. bine, de aia nu mai poate el sa doarma noaptea :P
sincer nu stiu cat a avut peste brian pt ca dupa ce am vz ca a castigat nu m-a mai interesat altceva din prestatia lui. am vazut fisa cu desfasuratorul notelor primite de brian, johnny si steph. nu mai tin minte nimic :P dar la altii nu m-am uitat.
si daca spul lui peter pan a fost primul la mondialele astea nu exista un arbitru in lume care sa ma convinga ca e mai bun decat spul lui daisuke .
e, nu ma baga in seama prea tare. am si eu patinatori care ma misca si unii care nu. adica macar pe unii ii iau in considerare suficient ca sa-i antipatizez :P dar peter pan mi-e de fapt simpatic dar asa gen apa de la robinet. :P
ups, cred ca mai bine scriam in alt thread :D

9th April 2008, 02:11
apa de la robinet nu-i buna. are mizerii in ea.

9th April 2008, 10:13
apa de la robinet nu-i buna. are mizerii in ea.


well, yes...my point exactly, Irina...nu poti nici sa il admiri nici sa il antipatizezi. e neutru . simpatic, ce-i drept

9th April 2008, 19:22
:)) Nici mie nu-mi place Peter Pan...a meritat sa castige dar asta numai pentru ca a avut un program curat, si ceilaltzi au avut greseli, nu neaparat pentru ca da pe afara de talent. Mie pur si simplu nu imi transmite nimic, ma plictiseste cateodata...Eu cred ca e genul de patinator care da "lovitura" o data si pe urma nu mai ajunge la fel de sus...Imi aminteste de patinatoarea aceea unguroaica, Iulia Sebestyen...parca asa o chema. Mi s-a parut mereu destul de stearsa si intr-adevar nu a mai revenit la forma in care a fost la europenele la care a castigat...

9th April 2008, 19:39
Nu imi place Peter Pan..nu mi-au placut niciodata programele lui. Si cred si eu ca si Irina ca nu va mai face mare lucru in viitor .

12th April 2008, 18:50
Pentru ca tot e vorba de cel mai bun patinator:

Best of the best in men's skating this season
Clear-cut favorite not evident after year of parity

By Linda Przygodski
(03/28/2008) - It has been a season of unanswered questions in the senior men's division of competitive figure skating.

The biggest debate, who is the best male skater in the world, remains uncertain. At times Daisuke Takahashi, Evan Lysacek, Brian Joubert, Stéphane Lambiel, Johnny Weir and Jeffrey Buttle each executed brilliant programs. Inconsistency, however, was the albatross for most, while quads were the downfall of a few.

Daisuke Takahashi

Takahashi appeared unstoppable after attaining a world-record overall score (under the new judging system), 264.41 points at the ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championships in February. In Gothenburg, however, he could not close the deal on an otherwise outstanding season. Flubbing the triple Axel in his short program, combined with a so-so free skate, relegated the 22-year-old skater to a fourth-place finish in the closing event of the season.

Quad count: Takahashi was positively scored on five at ISU events. Considering he does not try the jump in his short program, this percentage is quite high, certainly the best among the top men.

Best: Monster short and free programs at Four C's -- at this event, Takahashi was the perfect storm of artistry and athleticism. His short was an interminable assault on the senses, kicking off with a consummate and consecutive array of jumps: triple flip, triple toe, triple Axel, triple Lutz.

Worst: Free skate at worlds. Takahashi received negative Grades of Execution on his second quad combination. He also made a strategic error: after missing a planned combination, he improvised a triple Lutz-double toe, and under the judging system's rules the entire element did not count. This took him off the podium.
Fast facts: Takahashi is the reigning Japanese national champion, but will encounter more domestic competition next season, when former 2005 world junior champion Nobunari Oda returns after taking time off following an embarrassing incident involving driving a moped while slightly intoxicated.

Evan Lysacek

Lysacek's bugaboo all season was that pesky quad, which he included in both his short and long programs. Sometimes he landed it beautifully; sometimes he ate a lot of ice.

He scored his personal-best ISU score at the Four Continents Championships, earning 233.11 (his season-best of 244.77 came at the 2008 U.S. Figure Skating Championships), but that was only good enough for the bronze medal. He was beaten by Takahashi both times he faced him this season, and an injury shortly before worlds prevented him from getting any kind of vindication against the Japanese champ.

Skating wasn't the word most associated with Lysacek all year: rivalry was. The Evan vs. Johnny show took center stage much of the season, much to the vexation of both its stars. Instead of talking stats, figure skating fans seemed more interested in debating what it means to have machismo. Articles pitting Lysacek's sweat pants over Weir's sequins skewed skating off-topic, setting in opposition two men as different as wine and water. Kudos to Lysacek for side-stepping rapacious reporters' needy requests to pigeon-hole Weir into some understandable mold: the always politically correct Californian, well, he just wouldn't go there.
In Lysacek and Weir's two head-to-head meetings on the Grand Prix Series, each American placed higher than the other once, (Cup of China: Weir, first, Lysacek second; ISU Grand Prix Final: Lysacek, third, Weir, fourth) but at their biggest event of the season -- the 2008 U.S. Figure Skating Championships -- they tied. Lysacek wound up being crowned the champion due to a provision stating that the winner of the free skate emerges victorious overall. But Weir's bronze medal at worlds opened the debate of what could have been had Lysacek not injured himself during a practice session.

Quad count: Lysacek was positively scored for four quads at ISU events. In addition, he grabbed 11.14 out of 13.00 for his quad-triple toe combo at the U.S. championships.

Best: A substantial, gutsy free skate at the 2008 U.S. Figure Skating Championships, in which he fought to save several jumps. Despite two-footing his quad and having admittedly stiff landings on both of his triple Axels, sheer willpower kept him on his feet.

Worst: Due to a practice injury, Lysacek was forced to watch worlds from the comfort of his couch.
Fast facts: Two-time and reigning U.S. national champion.

Johnny Weir

Weir doesn't need the U.S. championship to know he had a career-defining year. Lysacek can have the title, the adoration and the applause. Weir will take the pride in knowing his 2007-08 season has put him right back where he needs to be.

Weir managed to do something this season Lysacek was not capable of: stop the juggernaut of Takahashi, staving off the Japanese star at worlds and grabbing the United States' only medal at the event.

He also managed to defeat the one person who has put the most hindrance on his career, himself.

There were no disastrous performances, no histrionics. With wins at the Cup of Russia, and the Cup of China and a world bronze medal, Weir finally proved that in demanding circumstances, U.S. Figure Skating can count on him to shoulder his share of the burden.

All season long, he established he can stand up to his critics and to the pressure, without falling down on the ice. Ever-effervescent, he kept his humor and trademark 'Weiricisms,' even in the face of striking narrow-mindedness, all while wearing nothing but a smile and a "sparkling onesie."

Quad count: Weir only attempted two quads this season. At the U.S. Championships, he received 7.71 out of a possible 9.00 after he two-footed the landing. His quad at worlds was downgraded to a two-footed triple and garnered just 1.57 points.

Best: A gorgeous short program at worlds earned him a personal and season-best (ISU) score of 80.79 and vaulted him past the 'quad-squad.' Ultimately, this strong short secured his first world medal of any color.

Worst: Letting Lysacek know he didn't like him as a person - on national television.

Fast facts: Earned second place at his national championships, after placing third last season and winning it all from 2004-2006.

Brian Joubert

Joubert is currently the top-ranked male skater in the world, but his season was uneven at best. Although he won Skate Canada, his free skate was disappointing. He missed his home court Grand Prix assignment, the Trophée Eric Bompard, after contracting a muscle virus. As a result, he was unable to qualify for the Grand Prix Final. After defending his French national title, he just eked out a bronze at 2008 European Championships but placed just fourth in the free skate.

Quad count: Four positively scored at his three ISU events, low for him.

Best: His rousing free skate at worlds. After a season of difficulties, Joubert's comeback looked grim after an uncharacteristic fall on a triple Lutz in his short program in Sweden. The Frenchman gathered himself, however, and performed a near-flawless free to leapfrog from sixth place to silver, leaving him just shy of defending his title.

Worst: Telling the media in Sweden, before anyone had skated, that only he, Stéphane Lambiel and Daisuke Takahashi had a shot at winning the title. We hope he's learned a lesson about knocking on wood.

Fast facts: French national champion; his bronze medal at the 2008 European Championships was his seventh podium finish at that event in seven tries, including two victories.

Stéphane Lambiel

Lambiel had the definitive up-and-down season. A powerful Flamenco free program assisted the Swiss skater in most of his podium finishes, but his skating, at times, was as capricious as his off-ice remarks.

He finished third behind Weir and Lysacek at the Cup of China and second behind Weir at the Cup of Russia. An unblemished short and free in Turin scored him the win at the Grand Prix Final. He placed second at Europeans after some near-scandalous marks in the short program, where he executed just a triple toe-double toe combination, double Axel, and triple Lutz -- about the technical content of a top U.S. novice lady.

Best: Tie: A gold-medal skate at the Grand Prix Final, and coining a new figure skating idiom: "crashy" ice (at worlds).

Worst: Being unable to skate on the "crashy" ice in Sweden, and also whining about his blades. Multiple mistakes in his short and long programs were a far cry from his seamless skates at the GPF.

Quad count: Two positively scored at ISU sanctioned events; without a triple Axel, simply not enough.

Fast facts: Swiss national champion, finished second at Europeans.

Jeffrey Buttle

Buttle proved this season to never count out the little guy. Sure, he lost his national title to Patrick Chan, he doesn't have a quad in either of his programs, and prior to worlds his best finish was second at Four Continents, but that doesn't mean he's going to tolerate Joubert dismissing him as a quad-less wuss.

Maybe Joubert's comments stirred the Canadian; he and Weir were both dismissed as possible contenders for the crown by France's national skating treasure, who was forced to eat his words.

Quad count: Zilch. Buttle put an exclamation on the argument that artistry is still what counts in skating, not how many quads you can squeeze into four minutes.

Best: Unflappable performances in Sweden. Spot on.

Worst: He collapsed like a flan in a cupboard at Skate Canada. Buttle doubled three planned triples -- a Salchow, flip and his second Axel. He fell on his last jump, a triple Lutz, to score just 131.92 for his free skate and 198.77 overall. In comparison, Buttle's season-best score was 245.17 at worlds.

Fast facts: The three-time Canadian champ lost his national crown this year, finishing second at Canadians to the 17-year-old Chan.

13th April 2008, 11:59
Nu am vrut sa votez aici, fiindca nu ma impresioneaza nici un patinator in mod deosebit, dar pana la urma am vota Daisuke Takahashi, pentru cel mai bun punctaj realizat in sezonul asta.

15th April 2008, 13:40
Votat Brian. Desi mi-a fost greu sa decid intre el si Steph.:D

16th April 2008, 21:36
gata, am votat si eu cu Brian :)