View Full Version : How to Save This Planet

6th February 2004, 19:47
How to Save This Planet

Many of us quietly hoped in those last days of 1999 that the 21st century would be different, and in a way, it is. Those with tremendous power are no longer the only tyrants around. But it hasn’t changed too much; for fear still causes all violent conflict around the world and suffering is as widespread as ever.

Fear is the enemy of all things on this planet. It breeds destruction and inhumanity, suffering and intolerance, and not surprisingly, it is what is at the heart of this conflict.

Our leaders are more afraid than even we are – the thought of a terrorist attack using WMD’s has caused the downfall of yet another 20th century relic; a dictator. But even more frightening is that our leaders are yet to realise the true nature of this threat; that terrorism is the truest form of fear there is. A terrorist attack is the ultimate manifestation of fear; often cowardly, crudely intolerant, and aimed at those utterly undeserving of its wrath.

Our leaders are forcing us into a cycle that cannot be broken by anything less than a revolution. We the people must come to an understanding that our fear is as unfounded as much as their fundamentalism is intolerant. As young people we will forever be at the forefront of this resistance; against the old ways of solving a conflict – not just because we are naïve but because we care about the lonely, the sad, and the downtrodden.

Young people worldwide have refused to allow the media to fool us into believing that this conflict can be seen in black and white. So many young people today state quite strongly – and quite readily - that they do not witness the media being objective; that the criminal actions of the U.S are being veiled by patriotic newscasters likening the conflict to a battle between ‘us and them.’ But young people also see the media creating it’s own opinion, portraying the many sides of this conflict in whatever way serves the political interests of a newsgroups most senior executives.

The problems of the world are never without solutions. However, this one will just take longer than most. Not only must we shift the misconception that terror must be fought on its own terms, we must empower our society to incorporate sensible and responsible policies into foreign and domestic strategies; without condoning oppressive and intolerant power structures worldwide. It’s a long tightrope we will be walking, but we must not be afraid to fall – there exists a much greater consequence for all of us if we were to refuse to take that first step.

However, the fear we are consumed with at this hour will not disappear even if our own policies change to match the century we live in. But the hatred they have of us might, and that may well be all the difference.. The greatest concern ‘they’ have of ‘us’ is if we walk that tightrope and succeed. The last thing ‘they’ need is to lose their base of support, and that can only be done by treating all people – rich or poor – with sincere goodwill.

Young people, like you and me – can make the world a better place. It’s really not that hard. All we need to do is give everything we have to the struggle for a better existence for all; an existence founded on the self-evident truths of equality, justice, and freedom of opportunity.

Wars are fought by those who gave up on peace. They are not fought because of need, or honour, or integrity, or even survival – they are fought because of fear. Of being afraid to walk that dangerous tightrope to the promised land, a place of tranquillity and peaceful utopia. I don’t know if we’ll make it in my lifetime, but if I see us take that first step, we would all be bearing witness to the rebirth of humanity. Who knows? We might just save this planet in the process.

6th February 2004, 22:12
De ce e in engleza articolul asta si ce are de a face cu sportul? Tu l-ai scris Ady_Azurro?

7th February 2004, 14:20
Este o coproductie :cool:
Unde scrie ca nu avem voie sa postam decat despre sport?
Eu am citit aici http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/showthread.php?t=1678 si am vazut ca este voie sa postezi despre orice, nu numai despre sport. :)

7th February 2004, 22:17
Din cate am inteles, aici apar numai articole despre sport, pentru ca din sectiunea asta pot fi preluate si publicate pe OnlineSport. Articolul acesta mergea la Diverse.

7th February 2004, 22:24
Uiiii ! Din pacate, si eu am inteles ca AICI poti "depune" orice mesaj ! :O

7th February 2004, 23:18
'cer scuze, Mihaela :)

8th February 2004, 01:54
N-ai de ce sa iti ceri scuze, e o sectiune noua si e normal sa dureze putin pana se intelege la ce foloseste

9th February 2004, 03:15
pentru ca toti ati scris altceva decat trebuia sa scrieti, continui in nota topicului si vreau sa-mi exprim admiratia pentru picioarele Mihaelei, de fapt a gimnastei din avatar.
Poate o fi Mihaela

9th February 2004, 04:53
E Oana Ban.

DJ Klaus
10th February 2004, 11:20
Din cate am inteles, aici apar numai articole despre sport, pentru ca din sectiunea asta pot fi preluate si publicate pe OnlineSport. Articolul acesta mergea la Diverse.
Miaiela ... dear ... vrei sa-ti traduc articolul lui Ady ca sa nu te mai iei ca , vezi doamne, nu e sport! Unde scrie ca nu e sport mai fata! /hello

10th February 2004, 22:24
Da, te rog sa-mi traduci unde e vorba de sport, dear Claius . :)

DJ Klaus
11th February 2004, 09:08
Da, te rog sa-mi traduci unde e vorba de sport, dear Claius . :)
era vorba de forum(adica se poate vorbi si altceva nu numami sport) hunny, kiar trebuie sa-ti explic tot ca sa -ntelegi !
Vai ce rau am fost!

11th February 2004, 09:53
Avand in vedere ca onlinesport este un site de sport, nu am crezut ca este necesar sa fac precizarea ca articolele trebuie sa fie pe teme sportive. Avand in vedere ca s-a creat discutia asta, o sa adaug acest amanunt.

11th February 2004, 21:05
Vere VADIM, cred ca faci rau ca ingradesti "gindirea" unora !
Poate, uneori, e bine sa mai discutam si altceva decit de SPORT !


P.S. :p

11th February 2004, 23:59
Pentru altceva decat sport ai la Diverse. Finalitatea acestei categorii este ca articolele scrise aici sa apara pe site. Ca ai tu pareri despre frunza verde, scrie la diverse cat incape. Ai asigurata libertatea de expresie.