View Full Version : Tatiana Tarasova

7th October 2007, 17:46
La sugestia voastra.:ok:
Cateva date despre cea mai buna antrenoare:)

Tatiana Anatolyevna Tarasova (Russian: Татьяна Анатольевна Тарасова) (born February 13, 1947) is a Russian figure skating coach who has coached more world and Olympic champions than any other coach in the world. As of 2003, her students have won a combined 41 gold medals at the European and World championships. As of 2005, her students have won a combined 8 Olympic gold medals in three of the four Olympic figure skating disciplines.

Tatiana was the daughter of Anatoly Tarasov, often cited as the greatest hockey coach in the history of the game. Her father introduced her to figure skating at the age of 5. She competed in pair skating with Aleksandr Gorelik and later Georgi Proskurin. With Proskurin, she placed as high as 7th at the 1965 World Figure Skating Championships and 4th at the 1966 European Figure Skating Championships.

After suffering a career-ending injury, she had to quit skating. She was just 18 at the time. A year later, due to her father's insistence, she started coaching herself. Her students have included Irina Rodnina& Alexander Zaitsev, Alexei Yagudin, Ilia Kulik, Natalia Bestemianova& Andrey Bukin, Marina Klimova& Sergey Ponomarenko, Sasha Cohen, Johnny Weir, Shizuka Arakawa, Oksana Grishuk& Evgeny Platov, Shae-Lynn Bourne, and Barbara Fusar-Poli, among others.

For more than 25 years, Tarasova has been married to Vladimir Krainev, a world-class pianist who resides in Hanover. In the mid-1990s, she launched a hugely successful ice ballet show called Russian All-Stars.

Tarasova was awarded Order of Friendship of Peoples (1984).

11th October 2007, 14:53
am vazut chiar acum vidul asta pe youtube. nu e bine filmat, programul superb a lui pasha and saha il puteti vedea mai bine in alta parte, dar uitati-va la sf programului la reactia tatianei. femeia asta chiar pune tot sufletul in ceea ce face!!!

12th October 2007, 19:02
Tot respectul pentru Tarasova.

17th October 2007, 19:11
Tatiana Tarasova 2006 Interview

Montaj cu Tatiana Tarasova si Alexei Yagudin

Alexei Yagudin - Tribute to Tatiana Tarasova

LE: Un quiz despre Tatiana Tarasova

19th October 2007, 16:44
OK! Am stiut eu ca voi va pricepeti mai bine!

Tarasova la 18 ani!

Extraordinar Memorialul cu Grishuc si Platov. Muzica e foarte expresiva. Nu degeaba a folosit-o si pentru programul lui Yagudin.

Dar preferata mea este coregrafia pentru "Carmen" cu Natalia Bestemianova si Andrei Bukin.

19th October 2007, 17:07
Sprintena domnisoara Tarasova la 18 ani!;) :P

20th October 2007, 02:37
wow, chiar e tarasova??? ce draguta e!!! si nu are o haina mare de blana :P era f gratioasa!!!

mi-a placut quizz-ul, am aflat lucruri noi!!!!

20th October 2007, 04:26
eu nu stiam perechea asta. e o pereche de dans de a lui tat.

si e si tat firesc acolo sa ii pupe si sa-i ia in brate!!!

20th October 2007, 11:17
In interviul din 2006 postat de Iulya, Tarasova vorbeste foarte frumos de Iliusha (Ilya Kulik). Dar cand vorbeste de Aliosha ........... toata se lumineaza.

Inca un montaj Tarasova-Alexei.

20th October 2007, 15:17
Foarte dragut:)
Dar si Moskvina&Mishin erau simpatici :P

21st October 2007, 18:19
Ilia Kulik - Liebestraum

21st October 2007, 18:45
chiar ca e the art of russian skating.
de cate ori vad cate un program ca asta imi dau seama de ce e femeia asta geniala. si de cate ori il vad pe ilia pe gheata ma reindragostesc de felul in care patineaza!!! daca as putea sa ma teleportez in nagano 98 si salt lake 2002 la probele masculine macar as fi f fericita!!!

21st October 2007, 21:38
Rusii chiar au traditie in arta...sunt inegalabili. Mie mi-au lipsit la campionatele din 2007.
Iar Tarasova imi place ca nu e batrana la 60 de ani. Nu e incremenita numai in teme muzicale clasice. Nu stiu daca ea a facut coregrafia la Broken arrow, Overcome, sau Racing, sau Moon Over Bourbon Street. Dar daca e asa, inseamna ca e deschisa si la muzica moderna si contemporana si nu o face oricum.

22nd October 2007, 20:31
And...now...we present you Tatiana Tarasova:D :
Sper k nu`i prea mare poza, k ma bate Whisper :P

25th October 2007, 18:25
The ladies.

http://news.yahoo.com/photo/071013/photos_od_afp/b7bcc7d9cb7703bc5e1a28e763eedee8;_ylt=AtHuvndQbzTL tPMvz.9JwDmhOrgF

28th October 2007, 13:03
Ar fi nedrept sa o uitam pe Irina Rodnina care este o legenda a patinajului-perechi si care a casigat numai medalii de aur:
- in perioada 1969-1972: 4 la Europene, 4 la Mondiale si 1 la Olimpiada 1972 cu partenerul Alexei Ulanov
- in perioada 1973-1980: 7 la Europene, 6 la Mondiale si 2!!! la Olimpiada 1976 si 1980 cu partenerul (si sotul ei de atunci) Alexander Zaitsev; undeva in aceasta perioada au facut si un copil, nu stiu cand au reusit.
In aceasta perioada apare si Tarasova in peisajul performantelor. Iata-i la programul scurt de la Olimpiada din 1976:

1st February 2008, 00:48
M-am gandit sa continui sa adaug videoclipuri cu performante ale elevilor Tatianei Tarasova ca sa scot in evidenta talentul ei de antrenoare si coregrafa.
Marina Klimova& Sergey Ponomarenko, campioni olimpici in 1992. Ca si la celelalte programe pe care le-am pus pana acum, Tarasova apare la sfarsit pentru cateva secunde... de data asta cu o frizura noua.

1st February 2008, 19:58
tot Marina&Sergey :D
Beauty and the Beast, Disney on ice.

1st February 2008, 20:55
Mersi, Marce pentru vid.
Dar ce de campioni olimpici au crescut pe langa Tarasova. Toti rusii pomeniti in prezentare, iar dintre straini Shizuka Arakawa. It's something.

1st February 2008, 21:19
inseamna ca este un antrenor care stie foarte bine sa comunice cu elevii ei.si care stie ce anume sa le ceara si sa-i motiveze,astfel incat sa dea tot ce e mai bun din ei :) nu degeaba Ilia si Alexei au fost (si inca sunt,la o adica) campioni olimpici. :D:D

10th March 2008, 20:20

10th March 2008, 20:21
wow, ce frumoasew poze! cine e in penultima poza? ca nu pot sa vad pozele marite (de ce oare?)

10th March 2008, 21:00
Cred ca e coregraful Morozov si nu mai stiu cum, care a contribuit la coregrafiile lui Yagudin, mai ales la Winter. Apare in Kiss and Cry la Olimpiada SLC. Acum e antrenor, l-am vazut cu ceva patinatori, dar nu mai stiu pe unde. Cred ca la juniori, sau...... Vine el CM si ne lamurim.

Pozele, asa sunt ele mici, nu sunt thumbnailuri.

10th March 2008, 23:31
Nikolai Morozov antreneaza multi patinatori printre care si pe Miki Ando.

11th March 2008, 13:31
stiu ca antrena o rusoiaca Ludmila Nelidina parca o cheama care facea 3Axel si avea doar vreo 16 ani....stiti cumva ce s-a intamplat cu dansa?

24th March 2008, 23:06
03/11/2008) - World Figure Skating Hall of Fame Chair Barbara Holland announced Tuesday the election of world and Olympic coach, Tatiana Tarasova, to the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame. Tarasova will be inducted March 20, 2008, during the 2008 ISU World Figure Skating Championships in Gothenburg, Sweden. Robin Cousins, Gillis Grafström and Ulrich Salchow, who are current World Hall of Fame members, will also be inducted then.:no1

http://alexei0318.cocolog-nifty.com/./photos/uncategorized/2008/03/22/007_0001.jpg http://alexei0318.cocolog-nifty.com/./photos/uncategorized/2008/03/22/008_0001.jpg

Fiind in 20 Martie, probabil ceremonia a fost la finala fetelor, sau poate la OD dansuri.

25th March 2008, 15:28
Merita!!/hello Bravo!:D

26th March 2008, 21:51
ati auzit cumva ca tat ar fi avut infarct sau ceva probleme cu inima in timpul cm??? ca nu stiu daca am inteles eu bine pe bjdg.

26th March 2008, 22:10
Se pare ca a fost spitalizata de urgenta, cu infarct, dar am inteles ca nu mai e la spital.

Chiar am vrut sa te intreb, Irina, daca ai vazut ceremonia primirii ei in World Figure Skating Hall of Fame la Goteborg?

27th March 2008, 01:27
nu, nu am vazut si nici nu era vreun anunt ceva undeva, ca iti dai seama ca ma duceam daca se putea.

27th March 2008, 18:57
Tarasova la 18 ani!

Wow! Era patinatoare de perechi ? Credeam ca a fost la dans. Oricum, ce slaba era! Cum a putut sa se ingrase asa mult ? Ce simple erau exercitiile pe vremea aia. Nu triple, nu ridicare cu o mana, nu triplu aruncat sau chiar quadruplu. Si costumele erau simple. Imi pare tare rau ca nu-i mai vad pe Tarasova si Mishin la tv cum erau pe vremuri. Dadeau prestanta, parca acum lipseste ceva. Parca patinajul nu mai e la fel fara ei.

28th March 2008, 22:11
Tarasova la Goteborg. Pacat ca n-a intalnit-o Irina.


29th March 2008, 00:38
of, pe tatiana o iubesc pentru minunatele programe, dragostea si sprijinul acordate lui alexei, sper sa isi revina si sa descopere in continuare noi talente in patinajul artistic!si acum cand revad programele lui alexei de la salt lake mi se umplu ochii de lacrimi, mi e asa de dor de vremurile alea:(

21st May 2008, 21:50
Alti elevi ai Tarasovei antrenati in sezoanele 2000-2004. Lipseste poza Galit Chait/Sergey Sakhnovsky dar si Elena Grushina/Ruslan Goncharov, sau mai putin cunoscutii Nakako Tsuzuki / Rinat Farkhudinov

http://www.tarasova.ru/sesarch/001s.jpg http://www.tarasova.ru/sesarch/002s.jpg http://www.tarasova.ru/sesarch/003s.jpg http://www.tarasova.ru/sesarch/004S.jpg

26th May 2008, 19:59
plushy a colaborat cu tarasova?

26th May 2008, 20:44
Nu-u-u-u! L-ar fi expulzat Mishin!
Cred ca prezenta lui in poza se refera la faptul ca in 2001 Plushy a castigat si europenele si mondialele, el fiind cum ar veni, deasupra lui Yags. Cred ca marimea si pozitia patinatorilor din poze este direct proportionala cu performanta lor. Ia uite ce urias e Yagudin in 2002....

26th May 2008, 21:27
E taticul lor.

1st July 2008, 05:35
Tarasova jefuita

<<Renowned figure skating coach Tatiana Tarasova has become a victim of a crime. Unknown perpetrators robbed her dacha, made away with valuable items and the car that is valued at several million rubles..>>

Intai Yags, apoi Tarasova.......

1st July 2008, 16:31
ciudat ....

3rd July 2008, 23:46
Yagudin's present was stolen from Tarasova

"Lexus" of the renowned coach was stolen from the yard of her parents' dacha.

Car troubles have plagued the legendary coach since last November. Then, some rogues roughed up Tatiana Anatolievna's "Lexus RX300" that was parked near her home. This time, it was a carjacking.

Discovering the loss in the morning, Tatiana Tarasova went to the local police station and filed a report. Tarasova estimated the loss at 768,000 roubles (~$33K ).

The vehicle is insured, and the insurance company will pay for Tarasova's loss. However, the car was especially dear to the renowned coach. The "Lexus" was a gift from one of her favorite students, Alexei Yagudin, following his successful skate at the Olympics.:rolleyes:

Vad ca placerea lui Yagudin este sa faca cadouri masini, iar hotii au prins de veste. Si Sashei Savelieva i-a daruit de ziua ei un automobil.

7th October 2008, 13:27
Un montaj frumos: She's the one

24th October 2008, 11:36
ma uitam acum la vidul cu antrenametul lui johnny pe muzica din notre dame de paris si sincer totusi nu mi s-a parut o coregrafie asa de frumoasa precum muzica si m-a lovit brusc un dor nebun de programele tarasovei. mi-e dor de ea si de un elev bun pe care ea sa-l modeleze. VREAU UN PROGRAM FACUT DE TARASOVA SI BINE EXECUTAT SI IL VREAU ACUUUUUUUUUUUM !!! mi-e tare dor de alexei. :(

24th October 2008, 16:43
Sa vedem ce a modelat Tarasova la Mao Asada. Sau nu suntem f. curioase?

24th October 2008, 20:43
mao e tare draguta si imi place de ea. dar vreau un program pt un baiat :P dar sunt curioasa sa vad orice face tarasova pe gheata.

3rd February 2009, 01:19
http://ptichkafs.livejournal.com/41295.html#cutid1 e traducerea acestui articol http://www.velena.ru/skating/TAT_2009.html


In her presence, I feel awkward complaining even when I really wanted to – everyone sometimes has problems that appear unsolvable. Tarasova herself rarely lets on that she could have problems herself. This past year, she appeared regularly on the TV screen, always beautiful, self confident, and full of energy. It was like she weren’t the one with a string of bad luck, whose car was stolen and house robbed. Yet when I touched on this, Tatiana suddenly said, “That’s doesn’t really matter. It’s nothing compared to the illnesses of the loved ones.”

Throughout this year, she would bury herself in her work. She’d tear herself in two between home and rink, periodically making it to competitions. She consulted and choreographed; people continued to come from the world over to Moscow for her help.

We met up at the CSKA rink right after Tarasova came back to Moscow from the European championships in Helsinki.


Tatiana Anatolievna, were you satisfied by what you’ve seen?

I believe we performed to the best of our current abilities. Everyone showed their utmost, not counting the boys, or Sergei Voronov to be exact.

What do you think happened to him?

Sergei is without a double a talented skater, and his coach is very talented as well, but what I got to see in Helsinki makes me think Sergei is simply not working hard enough. He doesn’t do enough run-throughs. No elite skater is still on one run-through per week. Everyone skates their programs all the time, the short in the morning and the free at night.

Only the athlete and his coach can decide on the best way to train. I saw Lesha Urmanov and his students at the Novogorsk clinic, and I liked what I saw. Voronov, though, was just not ready for this season. In Helsinki, he didn’t do any elements at the practices that the judges attended, or at warm-ups. It looked horrific. It wasn’t clear whether his nerves just gave up, or he needed the stress of the competition to star jumping.

Sergei is not yet ready for the monotonous power work. His muscles aren’t toned, you can see that well; also, his weight is, I think, wrong. His leg always bothers him, but that won’t change. Voronov isn’t ready for the stress. All that is just a matter of work. It’s big work that for whatever reason wasn’t done. Sergei, I’ll repeat, is a very gifted lad. He isn’t though, a true athlete. And it’s the athletes that win.

Seeing how we started with the sad news, I’ll allow myself another question – what really happened with Maxim Shabalin in Helsinki?

For a very long time, I had no information about his and Oksana Domnina. It was all a secret. In fact, Maxim’s leg was in a poor shape following the two surgeries, and he want to Germany for rehabilitation at the end of last season. That was a good move, and I was involved directly in it, helping plan the trip.

Last fall, I planned to go to US to see how Domnina and Shabalin prepared to the season, but I wasn’t allowed to go. Natalya Linichuk, the guys’ coach since they left Alexei Gorshkov, said, “Give me some time, and it will all be OK”. Well, Linichuk is a competent coach. If she took the step of withdrawing the team from competition, she must have had her reasons.

None the less, you did not support this?

I was against such decision.


I guess I am a maximalist. I always believed that the athlete should not withdraw from competition after the decision to compete is taken. Maxim took the ice in Helsinki, he practiced, and everyone saw him skate. One of the practices wasn’t very successful, but the other one was completely normal. The kids did everything they had to do in the program. They had no plans to withdraw. However, after their fall in the compulsory dance, their coach insisted they quit.

They have to save themselves. They have to do it with healthy nerves, and without outside help. It turns out Domnina and Shabalin can only compete when they have “their” judge on the panel. It is a support, for what it’s worth. There was no Russian ice dance judge in Helsinki.

This, by the way, makes the victory of Yana Khokhlova and Sergei Novitski that much more significant. I am very happy for them, as well as for their coaches Sasha Svinin and Ira Zhuk. I managed to raise a team that can be relied on. What’s more, Khokhlova and Novitski were for many years designated to the number two spot, but they managed to break through anyway. They did without “their” judge and without mistakes.

Athletes’ strength is precisely in approaching any competition not counting on anyone else. They shouldn’t need anyone else on the ice. They shouldn’t hold on to anyone, not on to the coach, and most certainly no on to the judge.

Could it be that Shabalin’s withdrawal was indeed dictated by strong pains in the leg?

Why was it that nobody worried last year, when Shabalin was allowed to train nine days after the surgery? What were the ones who let him onto the ice thinking? Indeed, all that is happening now is in an inevitable progression. You know - the knee that was operated on twice will hurt into old age. Different substances will collect there. One either has to learn to work with it and work through the pain, or give up the sport.

How do you judge the perspectives of our pair skaters at the upcoming Worlds?

I like both our teams a lot. Objectively, they aren’t yet ready to lead. They are, though, improving, and that make me happy.


I know you always diligently follow the work of young coaches. Personally, I was happy to see the success of your student Evgeny Platov and his British ice dancing team of Sinead and John Kerr. In all the previous seasons, Platov exhibited some long buried pain that his team was being marked lower than he’d like to see. Can you explain why it took him so long?

It wasn’t really long. If you think about it, Zhenya himself has only recently quit skating. He left amateurs in 1998, but skated for some time with Maya Usova as a professional. He then spent three years as my assistant, and only started working on his own. Coaching requires not only knowledge, but also patience.

Was that your thinking when you started coaching?

My situation was very different. I started working with athletes at 19, and didn’t even think about how much time it would take to get results. Platov, though, is a two-time Olympic champion. He started coaching after much sports glory. So he wanted the same in his coaching, and the wait appeared long. Even a year ago, I told Evgeny’s mom, “Don’t worry. Zhenya will make it”.

Why were you so certain?

I saw Platov’s progress. I like to sweat the details. He taught his students how to skate, how to love figure skating, and how to understand it. It’s a true coaching art. More importantly, he Zhenya learned many things he didn’t know before along with his athletes. By the way, besides the Brits, he also has a good Russian junior team. As does Sasha Zhulin, by the way. There is also Lena Kustarova, who does great work with her athletes. Then there are Urmanov, Svinin, and Zhuk. They are that very generation I’ve been awaiting all those years. Just a little more and I’ll be able to quietly step aside.

We’ve already discussed this at the Turin Games. You said that you had to quit working with Shizuka Arakawa because you felt your coaching patience, requisite for the elite sport, seep out of you. You’re now working with another Japanese skater, Mao Asada. How serious is it?

I don’t work as much with Mao as I did with Shizuka, but that’s because of some family matters. My loved ones are sick. That’s why I can’t spent much time in Japan. Mao spent the summer with me in Moscow. She went to Canada to do this season’s short with Lori Nichols, and I can say that this program is a great choreographic achievement.

I choreographed the free program. It was my suggestion to include two triple axels. Asada did her first run-throughs with me. We decided to leave those jumps in after I saw that Mao could do both axels without hurting the other elements.

My assistant Zhanna Folle is now working permanently with Asada in Japan. We talk daily, so I am well informed. I try to come as often as I can and to accompany Asada to all her competitions.

Does the Japanese federation control and interfere with you work?

As far as I know, Asada herself made the decision to switch coaches. She decided this with her mom and her manager. When they approached me, I said I required a competent translator and a Japanese general conditioning coach. Both requests were satisfied.

How many programs did you do this summer?

Zhanna and I did two programs for Evan Lysacek; he came to Russia himself, and he was, by the way, sent here by his coach Frank Caroll. We also did two programs for Kevin Reynolds, who came with his coach and my friend Joann McLeod. As I work a lot with Lena Vorodezova at CSKA, I actively helped create programs for all of her students – Artem Borodulin, Adelina Sotnikova, and Denis Ten. I also did a tango for Asada’s exhibition.

Are you no longer criticized for working with foreigners on the Russian ice?

I think this point of view has outlived itself. Specialists from the world over work with anyone who is willing to pay. We’re not an aggressive country, right?[1] Vodorezov’s Ten competes for Kazakhstan, for example. Our countries have a shared past, and I hope we have a bright future.

By the way, what happened in Helsinki with Vodorezova’s former student, Georgian single skater Elene Gedevanishvili, who was said to have the most potential as recently as two years ago?

She was “killed” as an athlete by the troubles between Russian and Georgia. We’ve got to cooperated, and fight. Russia and Japan are a great example.


After the 12-year-old Sotnikova became Russia’s champion in December, I heard that such little kids shouldn’t compete with adults, that it’s too early.

Why? If she is that talented and can do it all, what is she to do with those skills and abilities? I, for example, was quite upset that Asada wasn’t allowed to skate at the Turin Games just because she was only 14.

Is it interesting to choreograph for a 12-year old child?

Very much so. Adelina is happy to try anything I suggest. That’s how Stanislav Zhuk’s Vorodezova and Alexander Fadeev were. They could do more than others, and they became the test subjects. If Lena or Sasha can do an element, then you can try teaching it to others.

You’ve worked with Channel One ice project for three years. Will you continue in the upcoming season?

So far, we’re planning eight shows. Honestly, I am round to host this program. I believe it is among the best things on our TV. It’s not empty entertaining. It’s an educational and very creative program, which happens very rarely. I am therefore honored to have the joy of participating in it.

I really like how the show’s producer Alexander Faifman does his work. You can ask him anything. He knows everything. His learning, which is deep and genuine, affects everyone. It affects Ilya Averbukh, Sasha Zhulin, and all the other skaters. Contact with the artists who come from a very different background gives them a lot.

It is all very serious for both sides. People come in not knowing how to skate at all. They learn, overcoming great obstacles. The program has the highest rating, and is watched by the whole county. We receive thousands of thank you letters. Following our military program, veterans came into our studio and awarded us military medals. Haven’t they deserved to be honored? Didn’t Muslim Magomaev, to whom we dedicated a theme, also deserve it? Hasn’t it all help develop the athletes and choreographers? Don’t we teach our audience how to understand art?

Do you think it’s possible to combine the best this program provided with the elite sport?

Zhulin did it! This season, he’s working with the French ice dancing team Natalie Pechalat/ Fabien Bourzat, and I think their free program turned out interesting and unique.

It does, though, irk me that Zhulin spends more energy in the show than he does in the sport. Do you really think it’s normal?

I’ll ask you a question – can one live on the salary the coaches collect in Russia? Not on the money they pay me, embarrassing as it is to speak about it today! I am, of course, highly grateful to the Russian Skating Federation leadership for allowing me to work with the team. Just as I am very grateful to NTV+ and to Anna Dmitrieva in particular for letting me comment on competitions and have a voice at the time when I just got back from US to Russia, and nobody needed me. It was very important to me. Even now, if they wake me up in the middle of the night as ask for help, I’ll do all I can.


3rd February 2009, 21:42
mi-a placut interviul asta. dar nu stiu ce pareresa am despre parerea ei si a lui mishin ca la 12 poti sa concurezi ca adult. hmm...

27th March 2009, 19:04
ma declar fana Tatiana!
si pana acum mi-au placut mult programele concepute de ea, si atitudinea ei cu care se impune, dirijeaza, cearta si mangaie
dar acum si mai mult....nu stiam ca Brian colaboreaza cu ea, dar face f bine, ea este mai buna ca orice psiholog, orice medicament cred. in interviul de dupa lp, Brian zicea ca trebuia s-o asculte pe ea, care zicea sa nu schimbe niciodata programul pe parcurs. asadar cu inca o cvadrupla si mai putina confuzie Brian ar fi putut salva macar argintul...nu-mi plac frazaele care incep cu daca, dar totusi ma linisteste faptul ca de acum incolo va asculta sfaturile 'leoaicai mama', ca asa mi se pare Tarasova :p

27th March 2009, 20:36
leoica mama, da, buna imagine si eu o vad asa :D eu sa fiu patiinator, daca tarasova mi-ar zice sa patinez in maini as lua treaba asta in considerare. :P
lots of love from me too pt tarasova !!!

27th September 2010, 21:45
Super! Un Tango INTERPRETAT! de Tatiana Tarasova...

28th September 2010, 09:17
Super! Un Tango INTERPRETAT! de Tatiana Tarasova...

Super!!!!!:great::cheer: Dar mai bine interpreta un vals ca nu mai pot cu tango-ul!!!:plans:

28th September 2010, 13:00
Sau o polca !

2nd January 2011, 01:45
O emisiune TV despre Tarasova. Nu inteleg ruseste, dar cred ca se mentioneaza ca a slabit vreo 38 de Kg! Mi s-a parut mie la Nationalele Rusiei ca e o schimbare in sensul asta. Mi-a facut placere sa-i revad pe Natalia Bestemianova/Andrei Bukin, pe Irina Moiseeva/Andrei Minenkov si bineinteles pe Yags, de pe la minutul 20.

4th March 2011, 15:37
O emisiune TV despre Tarasova. Nu inteleg ruseste, dar cred ca se mentioneaza ca a slabit vreo 38 de Kg! Mi s-a parut mie la Nationalele Rusiei ca e o schimbare in sensul asta.

TT a spus intr-un interviu ca a hotarat sa ia masuri pentru ca incepuse sa se deplaseze cu dificultate si i-a fost teama ca intr-o zi nici nu va mai putea sa mearga. Era o mare mancatoare de inghetata. LOL

Fantastica antrenoare, ma bucur ca a primit recunoasterea pe care o merita din partea lumii patinajului prin includerea in World's Hall of Fame.

20th May 2011, 20:42
Primul interviu - mini-interviu - al Tarasovei dupa moartea recenta a sotului. Au fost foarte fericiti impreuna, nu stie cum va putea trai fara el. Saraca.:(

http://showbiz.siteua.org/???????_???-???????/257933/???????_????????_???????_?????_??????_????_????_?? ??????

21st March 2015, 15:30
Parerea mea ca Morozov ar fi tb sa fie pe primul loc :D:P http://www.ifigureskating.com/hilarious-reactions-of-figure-skating-coaches-during-competitions/

13th February 2017, 23:18
La multi ani Tatianei Tarasova la implinirea a 70 de ani !!!! :floricica:
poza (https://scontent.fomr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s600x600/16708739_10155746383652538_6702343391506337721_n.j pg?oh=338d6df57f6a79c2811b40b26b6683a4&oe=5940873D)