View Full Version : Perechile favorite in 2007

8th September 2007, 14:41
Acuma sa va vedem preferintele :D la perechile voastre favorite la patinaj artistic :D Votati cu incredere :lol:

8th September 2007, 14:45
Inca nu ca nu aveti pe cine :cry: Fac poll-ul imediat.

skater girl
8th September 2007, 14:50
Acuma sa va vedem preferintele :D la perechile voastre favorite la patinaj artistic :D Votati cu incredere :lol:
am vazut bine?:groggy:,ai deschis un thread la noi???:cry:wow...

8th September 2007, 14:53
@delia:Senzational nu :P

skater girl
8th September 2007, 14:57
da,cred k diseara dan senzationescu face emisiune speciala cu tine invitat:cry:

8th September 2007, 14:59
Pai iti dai seama ce audienta face :lol: ? :happy

skater girl
8th September 2007, 15:01
pey numai la tine bloc cati vecini o sa se uite:cry:

8th September 2007, 15:08
La ce ora o sa fie?:D Ca sa ma uit si eu :cry:

8th September 2007, 15:09
Pai vecini, prieteni si o sa mai fie :D

skater girl
8th September 2007, 15:12
pey de la 8 seara pana la 3 dimineata!:cry:,k sa analizeze toate aspectele problemei,poate mai descopera si o sinucidere si-o transforma in crima;),totul e posibil la dan senzationescu...

8th September 2007, 15:50
:happy bun..atunci ma uit :cry:

skater girl
8th September 2007, 15:52
vine si doamna ildiko,a avut ea o viziune incredibila si vrea sa ne dezvaluie cateva lucruri:cry:lool

8th September 2007, 16:31
Savchenko cu Szolkovy ! :ok:

8th September 2007, 16:38
Asa am zis si eu :)

skater girl
8th September 2007, 19:05
dap,stiu:Peu sunt offtopic k de obicei...:D,i can't help it:P

8th September 2007, 19:10
Kovarikova & Novotny in 2007??:happy
Astia n-au mai patinat la amatori din '95

skater girl
8th September 2007, 19:15
asa-i alex:ok:
si-acum mihai gainusa ar zice:SA VINA CUZA!:cry:looool

8th September 2007, 19:41
Nici Obertas & Slavnov nu prea vad ce ar cauta, in schimb ar trebui Inoue&Baldwin ,Zhang & Zhang si Zagorska & Siudek

8th September 2007, 21:58
:P Mea culpa....am vazut nume cunoscute si gata...va rog sa ma iertati :P

19th September 2007, 18:30
eu nu am o pereche favorita pt. ca nu prea privesc la perechi :D

20th September 2007, 00:30
Dar daca s ar putea sa va dati cu parerea mai multi / mai multe ar fi grozav :D

20th September 2007, 00:34
eu mi-am exprimat parerea. shen si zhao!!!

20th September 2007, 11:32
K :D mc :D

20th September 2007, 12:36
Savchenko & Szolkowy for me

20th September 2007, 17:06
Eu am votat Petrova&Tikhonov, Shen&Zhao :D

20th September 2007, 17:30
bine mai snake...uite ca am votat cu petrova& tikhonov si cu shen&zhao :)
multumit? :P

20th September 2007, 22:07
Da ade :kiss:

21st September 2007, 00:01
Petrova & Tikhonov si Savchenko & Szolkowy am vota eu :)

21st September 2007, 10:03
Bv whis :kiss:

21st September 2007, 18:58
Ce dragut din partea ta sa te ocupi asa mult de topicul asta... :D

21st September 2007, 20:50
pai cum? ft preocupat baiatu`, nu gluma..:D ne bucuram ca avem si baieti prin preajma, right, fetele?;)

21st September 2007, 21:02
:ok: Sure! Mai ales asa interesati de patinaj :cry:

21st September 2007, 22:28
pai daca s-a hotarat sa faca thread-ul , e normal sa se si ocupe de el :)

si cris...cum sa nu ne bucuram ca avem baieti prin preajma? :D

22nd September 2007, 13:26
Pai imi place ca e thread ul meu :D si d aia ma ocup de el :D sa creasca marisor :D
P.S: Am votat si eu dar cu vreo 3 perechi :D

22nd September 2007, 14:25
Bravo..treci si la celelalte treaduri cu patinatorii,dansatorii,patinatoarele..ia voteaza si acolo :D

22nd September 2007, 14:39
O sa trec eu si pe la alte thread uri :P

22nd September 2007, 14:55
Pai mai repede..dar intai urmarestei si u atent pe youtube si apoi votezi..dar ai grija la threadul cu patinatorii favoriti :D

22nd September 2007, 15:01
Da o sa am grija :D

22nd September 2007, 16:15
ai grija sa-l votezi pe stephane lambiel :D

22nd September 2007, 16:20
Si pe Brian :D

23rd September 2007, 19:27
Shen & Zhao in 2007....si sper sa revina si pt Vancouver

24th September 2007, 17:16
Mc mikeyy pt vot ;)

24th September 2007, 23:24
MAy..dar mai votati si pe alte treaduri..mai ales u..Snake:D

25th September 2007, 12:23
K sefa inteles :lol:

25th September 2007, 16:36
pai daca celelalte nu-s facute de el :cry:

25th September 2007, 18:33
Pai si ce daca is facute de mine ..nu poate sa voteze:cry: Ii dau voie sa voteze cu cine vrea...mai ales cu Bri:cry:

26th September 2007, 10:11
Da am observat ca am variante :P pe care daca nu l le votez is something like off with his head :lol:

26th September 2007, 12:25
Da am observat ca am variante :P pe care daca nu l le votez is something like off with his head :lol:

Da ce faceti aici fetelor? Lasa-ti omu sa-si exprime liber parerea :D.

26th September 2007, 21:07
Da' il lasam:cry: nu am zis nimic noi...:D

26th September 2007, 21:09
Da' il lasam:cry: nu am zis nimic noi...:D

pai uite-te la votu omului :D... cum l-ati lasat ?

26th September 2007, 23:13
:cry:L-am vazut...dar a votat cu cei mai buni:ok: Asa ca nu l-am obligat noi..a fost self decision:D

3rd October 2007, 20:43
marturisesc ca sunt surprinsa de rezultatul votului:o:

3rd October 2007, 22:01
Pai mai adu pe cineva :D sa schimbe votu

3rd October 2007, 23:29
Eu nu sunt..rusii sunt cei mai cunoscuti:)

11th March 2008, 13:29
Petrova & Tikhonov:)

11th March 2008, 13:34
nu poate cineva sa deschida un thred pt cuplurile din Rusia care concureaza anul acesta?:)

26th July 2008, 09:37
Volosozhar – Morozov will train with a Stasi collaborator
May 13, 2008


A formerly famous German figure skater Ingo Steuer, coach to the 2008 World pair skating champions Elena Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy, has started working with the Ukrainian team of Tatiana Volosozhar and Stanislav Morozov.

The duo of Volosozhar-Morozov came into being after Stanislav’s former parner Alyona Savchenko moved to Germany and started training with Steuer.

Volosozhar-Morozov have trained with Galina Kukhar; they have also gotten help from Nikolai Morozov in the last few years. Nonetheless, despite increasing program difficulty, the team remained unstable as far as the elements go.

The pair had their biggest success in 2007, when they become fourth at World championships in Japan. This year, they were only eighth.

Tatiana Volosozhar is considered among the best pair skaters in the world. Galina Kukhar has often complained that other countries’ representatives are eying Tanya.

“At the Pair Grand Prix, a famous Russian German journalist Artur Werner came over; at one time, he even helped Alyona Savchenko negotiate her deal. So, Werner told Tatiana Volosozhar, that he considers her and Savchenko the strongest lady pair skaters in the world. However, he also said that there is no way they can go above fifth or sixth places, since the Ukrainian federations won’t make appropriate deals. In a few minutes, he reiterated his opinion. Tanya doesn’t answer, though, it’s just not in her nature. I then met Artur behind closed doors, and warned him not to “work” the girl, Savchenko alone is quite enough”, shared Kukhar with “Ukraine the Young” six months ago.

Then, a few weeks ago, that same Werner hinted on his website that the Ukrainians can pop up at Steuer’s group. We should also note that following the World championships, Elena Savchenko has visited Kiev; perhaps she might have influenced her former partner.

Morozov will also help Steuer work with the Ukrainians.

We should also note that the German specialist has a difficult relationship with the German skating federation leadership. This is mainly related to the “non-sport” motives – Steuer stands accused of collaborating with Stasi. Therefore, he mainly finances the work with his top team of Savchenko and Szolkowy from his own pocket. It is unknown who will finance the training of the Ukrainian athletes.

Ukrainian skating federation chose not to share this information.
