View Full Version : Un suporter englez scrie Ambasadei Romaniei din Londra

Nea Vasile
21st April 2006, 20:19
Scuze daca re-postez emailul unui fan englez care a fost la Bucuresti la meciul din Semifinala UEFA dintre Steaua si Middlesbrough, dar mi s-a parut important si plin de invataminte pentru orice suporter roman adevarat.

Iata textul:

Just e-mailed the Romanian Embassy
Thought I'd do a little bit of P.R. I'll post any reply I receive.

"I travelled to Bucharest with 2000 other Middlesbrough fans for yesterday's Steaua Bucharest v Middlesbrough UEFA Cup semi-final.

Before I left, I had read many stories about pickpockets, muggers, gangs of gypsies and packs of wild dogs. I am also aware that Romanian people were reading stories about the impending invasion of drunken, violent English hooligans.

Hopefully, today we all realise how ridiculous all of these stories were.

I found Bucharest to be a fascinating city, full of friendly, sociable people. I was made to feel welcome from the moment I arrived to the moment I left and I saw no sign of any of the horror stories I had heard about before I travelled.

Everywhere I looked, I saw Middlesbrough fans and local people mixing together and having a good time. I sincerely hope that the impression the people of Bucharest have of our fans is now totally different to what they had expected? We came for friendship, not violence, and I think we proved that.

I hope the Steaua fans who make the trip to Middlesbrough for next week's game enjoy their trip as much as we did, they will certainly be well looked after during their time here. However, I hope they travel home with a heavy heart after watching their side lose 2-0 and be eliminated from the competition!

A final word regarding the Bucharest police yesterday. Although they were represented in large numbers, they did their jobs with smiles on their faces and treated the Middlesbrough fans as human beings, not cattle. After the disgraceful behaviour of the Italian police when we were in Rome a few months ago, it was a pleasant change and we thank you.

I would be grateful if you could forward this e-mail on to the relevant people in Bucharest to let them know what a superb time the Middlesbrough fans had in their city.

Thank you."

21st April 2006, 20:25
Frumos din partea lui acest gest.
Pe mine unul nu ma surprinde asa tare ... noi romanii suntem mereu primitori cu orice strain vine in vizita. Ceea ce e pacat este ca reciproca nu e tot timpul valabila.

21st April 2006, 20:35
adevarat ceea ce spui delaparis......s-a vazut asta si in teren ieri.......noi i-am respectat pe cei de la boro........insa kimmy bang bang a avut 2 momente de dispret total as putea spune fata de jucatori stelei....si maccarone pe final....si asa mai departe........cea mai mare revansa pentru aceste gesturi ar fi o victorie acolo ..ceea ce sunt sigur ca se va intampla....sau cel putin caificarea......sa le arata ca romani sunt si mai buni si mai civilizati fata de ei.......

Nea Vasile
21st April 2006, 20:44
Revin cu raspunsul ambasadei Romaniei catre suporterul englez:

I got a reply!!! :D

"Thank you for the loveliest and most memorable e-mail that this Embassy has received in the last ... (say, 100?) years. You made our day and did so on the eve of the Romanian Easter holiday. Thank YOU!

My colleagues and myself are really sorry for your predictible disappointment in a week's time but Middlesborough may be more successful in the years to come.

Please rest assured that we have given the largest possible circulation to your e-mail. We just hope that you will revisit your new friends in Romania.

With very best wishes,

Raduta Matache

Charge d'affaires a.i."

21st April 2006, 20:58
De ce isi intituleaza Matache postul de munca in franceza ?

22nd April 2006, 01:57
probabil... limbaj diplomatic?

22nd April 2006, 04:42
bine ca nu s-a intamplat nimic rau la meci pentru ca altfel nu cred ca se mai trimitea e-mailul asta! oricum, felicitari pentru organizare si felicitari bucurestenilor(bleah, am zis-o si pe asta)

22nd April 2006, 14:32
Frumos din partea lor :) sper sa fie la fel de frumos la 'boro shi sa castigam cu 2-0 nu sa pierdem :D

22nd April 2006, 15:35
...cat de frumos gestul, de ambele parti...acesta este spiritul elegant englezesc, si a primit un raspuns pe masura :ok:

22nd April 2006, 16:30
Pai acum cu cat a spus ca bat englezii? Ca aici apare 2 : 0, pe site 2 : 1. :D

Sa speram ca site-ul are dreptate.

22nd April 2006, 16:34
Cred ca remy nu a citit threadu asta...altfel s-ar fi bagat in seama si el si ar fi zis ca presupusu suporter englez e un stelist deghizat.........la cat uraste el steaua ar fi capabil si de asa ceva...

22nd April 2006, 17:01
De ce isi intituleaza Matache postul de munca in franceza ?
Este un poliglot :happy pe langa engleza si franceza mai stie si rusa :ciocan: ,ca vorba aia face parte din vechea garda :rosu:

22nd April 2006, 17:32
Cred ca remy nu a citit threadu asta...altfel s-ar fi bagat in seama si el si ar fi zis ca presupusu suporter englez e un stelist deghizat.........la cat uraste el steaua ar fi capabil si de asa ceva...

Pai Remy nu e la Cluj sa fie martor la o noua infrangere a lui dinamo? :happy

Nea Vasile
25th April 2006, 21:24
Una din concluziile care se pot trage e asta: presa deformeaza, presa instiga, presa (in destule cazuri) minte. Presa britanica (de scandal sau nu) le-a bagat in cap suporterilor britanici ca vin intr-o tara bananiera, plina de "gypsie gangs" (bande de tigani la drumul mare, adica) gata sa le ia gitul sau sa-i fure din buzunare. Presa romaneasca sportiva (TOATA de scandal, cea scrisa cel putin) le-a bagat in cap romanilor ca o hoarda de salbatici beti critza, inarmati cu rangi si lanturi, vin la Bucuresti sa demoleze Lia Manoliu ("cei mai rai suporteri britanici", va mai amintiti?).

Bineinteles, si acum realitatea a fost alta. Concluzia? Multi din cei "cash-la-gura" care scriu si-si dau cu presupusul in fitzuicile de sport (de fotbal, de fapt) de la noi trebuie luati ca atare, si fiecare suporter sau iubitor de sport roman trebuie sa judece cu mintea lui si sa nu ia de bune toate ineptiile care se comit in "cele mai bune echipe redactionale de sport" care mizgalesc de pomana tone de hirtie.

Eu am fost in ultimii 10 ani la mai toate meciurile echipelor romanesti de fotbal contra echipelor englezesti care ne-au vizitat si pot spune fara sovaire ca suporterii englezi sunt cei mai civilizati pe care i-am vazut la noi. Mai mult, se pare ca sunt si cei mai de dorit, din moment ce intotdeauna au fost mana cereasca pentru pub-urile, bodegile, restaurantele, crismele si alte "cisterne" :) unde au last bani grei in urma fara sa produca nici un scandal.

In 10 ani eu nu am vazut nici un scaun rupt de suporterii englezi pe vreun stadion romanesc. Nu-i un elogiu, e o constatare. Am vazut insa zeci de scaune rupte la Steaua-Rapid, de exemplu. Tot o constatare.:no: