View Full Version : OLS Figure Skating Awards editia I - sezon 2006-2007

14th June 2007, 14:07
K tot e offseason si ne lipseste patinajul: ....stiu k s-a incheiat sezonul de ceva vreme dar ...
Am vazut pe alt forum si mi s-a parut interesant .... deci care sunt optiunile voastre:

Best overall season:
Favorite performance: (Patinatorul, competitia si programul)
Most improved:
Breakout season:
Most disapointing season:
Most surprising season:
Favorite costume:
Most inspiring story of the season:
Most missed skater:
Best rivalry of the season:
Best K&C appearance:
Best comeback of the season:
Best exhibition:
Best SP:
Best LP:
Best FD:
skaters placement you were most excited about?
Best footwork: (patinatorul si programul)
Best choice of Music:
Most handsome skater (male/female):
Best newcomer:

mai puteti adauga si alte categorii dk avetii idei ...

o sa le pun si eu cat de curand d tre sa ma gandesc un pik, deoarece vreau sa fiu cat de cat obiectiva:P

14th June 2007, 17:01
tare greu...cred ca o sa completez pe parcurs lista:

-best overall season: cred ca yagudin in 2002 a castigat tot ce se putea in frunte cu cea mai crancena competitie(olimpiada)
-favourite performance: nu pot alege doar una si dak la un anumit moment am una favoritanu nu e ceva stabil anul asta a fost asa: programul liber al lui brian de la varsovia si tangoul lui delobel/shoenfelder tot la varsovia insa un all time favourite e fratii Duchesnay dansul liber Missing din 1990
-most dissapionting season: am suferit alaturi de brian anul trecut si tin minte ca alaturi de anissina/Peizerat in 2001 cand au iesit in urma italienilor
-most surprising season: cred ca brian in 2004,il ochisem de cand luase bronz la europene totusi nu ma asteptam la aur atunci
- costumele de la Frida ale lui DElobel/Shoenfelder si cel 1492 al lui brian (cu negru si portocaliu)
-most missed skater: cred ca yagudin:D
-beast rivalry of the season: yagudin si plushenko in 2002, bine si in 2001 da atunci a castigat plusy si nu e o amintire placuta dar si Anissina/Peizerat- Fuzarpoli/Margalio ( Carmina Burana- Braveheart)
-best K&C appearance: mie imi placea de Steph cum s-a bucurat cand a castigat primul titlu mondial... soooo cute
-best comeback: brian anul asta intr-un varf de forma dupa anul trecut si ma bucur atat de muuult si cred ca l-as putea mentiona si pe Steph la programul liber de la mondiale
-best exhibition: Navka/Kostomarov anul trecut la olimpiada imbracati ca 2 salbatici.. apropo are cineva muzica??
-best SP: Yagudin-Winter si Alexander Abt tot in 2002... chiar nu ma pot decide
-best LP: Man in the Iron Mask la olimpiada si Brian Matrix- Budapesta
-best FD: aici chiar e greu...Liberta Anissina/Peizerat la olimpiada, Frida -Delobel/Shoenfelder, Dubreux/Lauzaune in 2005, Grishuk/Platov in 1998,si bineintes Dushesnay Missing
- most excited about Brian this year at Warsaw ( cate emotii am putut sa am)
-best footwork: Yagudin- Winter
-best choice of music: Merlin- delobel /schoenfelder in 2004 (mor dupa muzica aia)
-most handsome: Brian normal la baieti:yes: si Keira Korpi la fete
-best newcomer: nu e chiar newcomer dar Tomas Verner m-a cucerit anul asta
eu am ales ce imi place mie asa ca nu am fost tocmai obiectiva recunosc

14th June 2007, 17:08
dar nu ar fi trebuit sa fie din sezonul asta??:thinkso:

14th June 2007, 17:29
aoleu:( nu ma puneti sa o iau de la capat:happy

14th June 2007, 17:34
super tare ideea. hai ca ma pun pe gandit :P

14th June 2007, 18:03
Best overall season: brian joubert
Favorite performance: (Patinatorul, competitia si programul) brian , cor, apocaliptica
Most improved: tomas verner
Breakout season: andrei lutai
Most disapointing season: johnny weir
Most surprising season: tomas / kris
Favorite costume: johnny weir - costulu pt lp de la nationale incepand pana la mondiale
Most inspiring story of the season: shen and zhao
Most missed skater: alexei yagudin
Best rivalry of the season: johnny vs evan
Best K&C appearance: tomas verner
Best comeback of the season: shen and zhao
Best exhibition: kevin VDP la euros
Best SP:yu na kim la worlds
Best LP: brian la cor
Best FD: maxim si albena
skaters placement you were most excited about? brian pe prima treapta la mondiale
Best footwork: (patinatorul si programul) hmm, asta chiar e greu. sa zic johnny , dar de fapt nu e asa dar nu cred ca vre unul din programele de anul asta a avut footwork grozav si prin asta nu vreau sa zic ca patinatorii nu ar putea mai mult.
Best choice of Music: mie mi-a placut cum s-a potrivit muzica fd ului lui nathalie si fabian
Most handsome skater (male/female): mai e nevoie de intrebarea asta :P brian si kiira
Best newcomer: ce e exact considerat new comer. nu sunt exact la curent cine a concurat acum prima data la seniori daca asta inseamna. dar as zice ca yu na kim ( la 16 ani oricum prea veche nu e :P )

offf, e fain testul asta de realizat, dar e mai fain sa citesti ce scriu altii, ca tare mi-a fost greu sa ma hotarasc.

14th June 2007, 21:13
Best overall season:Brian Joubert!:cheer:
Favorite performance: (Patinatorul, competitia si programul) Brian Joubert, 2006 Cup of Russia, Armonia ( EX)
Most improved:Miki Ando :yeah:
Breakout season:Yu Na Kim
Most disapointing season:Elena Sokolova
Most surprising season:Kevin van der Perren
Favorite costume:muulte..dar sa fie... Tessa Virtue FD costume
Most inspiring story of the season:Albena Denkova & Maxim Staviski (FD)
Most missed skater:Tatiana Navka & Roman Kostomarov :P
Best rivalry of the season:Joubert - Lambiel :D
Best K&C appearance:Kevin van der Perren ( Euros FS)
Best comeback of the season:Miki Ando
Best exhibition:Brian Joubert ( Armonia)
Best SP:Yu Na Kim Worlds SP
Best LP:Brian Joubert Cup of Russia
Best FD: Domnina & Shabalin + Denkova & Staviski ( tie :P) si as adauga : best CD : Delobel & Schoenfelder ( Euros) , best OD : Virtue & Moir ( Worlds)
skaters placement you were most excited about?Tomas Verner! :P Locul 4 la mondiale :cheer:
Best footwork: (patinatorul si programul) Brian Joubert "Apocalyptica+Romeo&Juliet"
Best choice of Music: Albena Denkova&Maxim Staviski (FD)
Most handsome skater (male/female):Brian Joubert / Kiira Korpi
Best newcomer:Tomas Verner

Eu intai am scris si apoi am citit..lol..oricum..super tare :P

15th June 2007, 00:26
Wow...ce greu e sa te hotarasti la unele dintre ele.:P

Best overall season:Brian Joubert :) (la asta a fost usor de ales)
Favorite performance: (Patinatorul, competitia si programul) Brian Joubert, Cup of Russia, Apocaliptica
Most improved:Tomas Verner
Breakout season:Yu Na Kim
Most disapointing season:Johnny Weir
Most surprising season:Tomas Verner
Favorite costume:aici chiar nu stiu ce sa aleg:P
Most inspiring story of the season:Albena Denkova & Maxim Staviski (FD)
Most missed skater:Alexei Yagudin, Tatiana Totmianina&Maxim Marinin
Best rivalry of the season:Brian & Steph
Best K&C appearance:Tomas Verner (mereu e super simpatic in imaginile de la K&C)
Best comeback of the season:Stephane Lambiel (comeback-ul de la Mondiale de la LP)
Best exhibition:Brian Joubert ( Armonia)
Best SP:Yu Na Kim
Best LP:Brian Joubert (Cup of Russia)
Best FD: Denkova & Staviski
skaters placement you were most excited about? Brian winning Gold:yeah:
Best footwork: (patinatorul si programul) Nu stiu exact...cred ca Brian (Apocaliptica)
Best choice of Music: Albena Denkova&Maxim Staviski FD
Most handsome skater (male/female):Brian Joubert / Kiira Korpi (nici nu era greu de ghicit:P )
Best newcomer:Yu Na Kim

15th June 2007, 01:52
e interesant sa vad ca am interpretat diferit unele cerinte . de exemplu eu la most ispiring story m-am gandit la povestea de dincolo de gheata. adica mie mi s-a parut inpiring povestea de viata a lui shen si zhao, cu toate ca si povestea de gheata a fost extraordinara, dar eu nu la aia m-am gandit.
iar la comebak, m-am gandit la cineva care s-a accidentat grav si a revenit.
e funny sa vad interpretarile tuturor!!!
auzi iulia, dar tu ai aruncat momeala si nu zici si tu????

15th June 2007, 02:52
uff e greu sa fiu obiectiva dar sa dau si eu nominalizarile:
Best overall season: Brian Joubert
Favorite performance: K. Berntsson Worlds Lp
Most improved:Thomas Verner
Breakout season: Kris Berntsson
Most disapointing season: patinatorii din Rusia ...per totat ..nu ma refer la fiecare in parte ci per total ma astepam la mai multe de la Rusia ku asa traditie si scoala de patinaj n-au prea fost in top anu asta
Most surprising season: Thomas Verner
Favorite costume: hmm cred k ma mai gandesc
Most inspiring story of the season: Denkova & Maxim Staviski
Most missed skater: Yagudin, si as adauga perechea poloneza Siudeks -mi-a parut asa de rau k nu au patinat atunci
Best rivalry of the season: Steph vs Brian
Best K&C appearance: Thomas Verner la mondiale
Best comeback of the season: Stefan Lindemann si la fete Miki Ando
Best exhibition: pt mine Stefan Lindemann - Chaising Cars :D dar si Brian Joubert ku Armonia a fost super
Best SP: Yu Na Kim dar si Brian la mondiale si thomas la europene -dk se trece cu vederea costumatia :P
Best LP: Kris - la mondiale
Best FD: Denkova & Staviski
skaters placement you were most excited about? Thomas Verner atat la mondiale cat si la europene dar mai ales pt locul 1 dupa programul scurt de la europene :D
Best footwork: (patinatorul si programul) hmmm nush mai vizionez si ma hotarasc
Best choice of Music: la capitolul entertaing a fost Berntsson dar mai serios asa i-as alege pe Denkova&Staviski (FD)
Most handsome skater (male/female): Maxim Stavinski /Kiira Korpi
Best newcomer: Andrei Lutai

Well astea e ce mi-a venit in kap aku noaptea :sleep: ....sper sa nu citesc maine si sa :headbang: da nu cred ... dar nu cred k am fost prea obiectiva in alegeri though

skater girl
15th June 2007, 11:28
MOST IMPROVED:stephane lambiel;brian joubert
MOST DISAPOINTING SEASON:brian joubert(2005/2006)
MOST SURPRISING SEASON:steph si brian au intotdeauna surprising sesons asa k nu-i pun la socoteala de data asta!lol....TOMAS VERNER,i think
FAVOURITE COSTUME:1.Stephane lambiel(flamenco;blood diamond);2nd.brian joubert(exhibition gala-euros 2007)
MOST MISSED SK8ER:stephane lambiel,dak ne referim la sezonul 2006/2007...mi se pare logic!!!
BEST RIVALRY OF THE SEASON:steph vs brian....nu cred k exista vreo persoana kre sa nu fi observat ink rivlitatea dintre ei!
BEST EXHIBITION:stephane lambiel 'fix u';'i don't wanna be'....
BEST SP:aliona si robin(once upon a time in mexico);si blood diamond-steph; mi-a placut,in ciuda greselilor!(important e k omul a transmis un msg)
BEST LP:ghici?????....stephane lambiel-flamenco...unul dintre cele mai tari lp-uri pe care le-am vazut vreodata(si yags ar fi mandru!)other lps toate de la yags...
BEST FOOTWORK;stephane lambiel-flamenco(am citit un articol in care se spunea k e cel mai dificil lp al sezonului si k de asemena secventele de pasi sunt cu totul speciale si very difficult)
MOST HANDSOME SK8ER:parerile sunt impartite,eu logic k il aleg pe stephane!si bri e simpatic,dar steph are ceva special,totusi,no offence!
BEST NEWCOMER:tomas verner
THE END!!hiuuuuuu....

15th June 2007, 15:47
Best overall season: Brian Joubert(doar a castigat tot nu?:D)
Favorite performance: (Patinatorul, competitia si programul):brian Joubert, mondiale, SP(Agent 007)
Most improved: Kriss berntsson?....si tomish :D
Breakout season: yu na kim...?
Most disapointing season:Jeff Buttle...cum a putut sa iasa locul 6 la mondiale???:(
Most surprising season: Kevin Van Der Perren
Favorite costume:Steph-flamenco, brian:apocalyptica(primul:D)
Most inspiring story of the season: yayx...nush'tu!
Most missed skater: alexei yagudin!!!
Best rivalry of the season: sa zic steph si brian la mondiale, daisuke-brian(to mondiale) brian -tomish(europene)
Best K&C appearance: tomish
Best comeback of the season: hmmmm...nush'tu
Best exhibition: pantera roz a lu' tomish! :D
Best SP: Brian 007 la mondiale
Best LP: steph-flamenco la mondiale..
Best FD: nu m-am uitat la proba de dans...(pt ca nu-mi place...:D)
skaters placement you were most excited about?: Brian la mondiale si europene, tomish la fel.
Best footwork: (patinatorul si programul).....brian:apocalyptica...
Best choice of Music: toate:D
Most handsome skater (male/female): e clar brian si steph/kiira...
Best newcomer: nu e chiar new comer: tomish... si yu na kim.

15th June 2007, 22:28
Best overall season: BRIAN JOUBERT
Favorite performance (Patinatorul, competitia si programul):Brian Joubert-COR LP,Stephane Lambiel-WC LP
Most improved:Tomas Verner
Breakout season :Lutai si Verner
Most disapointing season :Russia nimic ..nimic..nimic..nici o medalie...fff dezamagitor
Most surprising season:Tomas Verner
Favorite costume:Stephane Lambiel-Flamenco
Most inspiring story of the season: Denkova/Staviski
Most missed skater: A.Yagudin,dar daca o luam pe sezonul asta doar...atunci lipsa lui Stephane de la Euro :)
Best rivalry of the season: Steph vs Brian si Delobel/Schoenfelder vs Denkova/Staviski
Best K&C appearance: Tomas Verner
Best comeback of the season: STEPHANE LAMBIEL cu LP de la WC :)
Best exhibition:Andrei Lutai la euro :)
Best FD:Denkova/Staviski
skaters placement you were most excited about?:Denkova/Staviski la mondiale
Best footwork (patinatorul si programul): .....still thinking :thinkso:
Best choice of Music:Stephane Lambiel-Flamenco :D
Most handsome skater (male/female): Staviski/Denkova
Best newcomer: Andrei Lutai
Buna ideea Iulya :ok:

16th June 2007, 17:52

Nu sti sau nu recunosti?:P

16th June 2007, 19:34
eu inca ma mai gandesc ;)

skater girl
16th June 2007, 19:45
Nu sti sau nu recunosti?:P
chestiile astea de amanunt n-au nicio relevanta in cazul de fata....cifrele;statisticile nu ma impresioneaza....the essential is invisible to the eye...

16th June 2007, 22:53
Nu sti sau nu recunosti?:P

:cry: Ce mai conteaza Alex..din ce se vede Brian are cel mai bun sezon..si cred ca e clar lucrul asta :)

17th June 2007, 00:35
chestiile astea de amanunt n-au nicio relevanta in cazul de fata....cifrele;statisticile nu ma impresioneaza....the essential is invisible to the eye...
nu te impresioneaza statistika so titlurile si ce a castigat steph nu sunt impresionante for you :rolleyes: good to know

conteaza doar prezenta artistika atunci? ....hmm adika cea de la axelui din SP de la worlds nuh :evil:

Trebuie sa dam cezarului ce e al cezarului - adika trebuie sa recunoastem k anu asta Brian a fost cel mai bun. A avut "le feu sacre" constant si a fost "plus forte" nu a palpait ca la alti - si nu ma refer aici doar la steph

17th June 2007, 02:23
mai si mie imi place partea artistica a sportului ( a se vedea johnny weir ) dar daca am lua partea de sport si am lasa doar partea artistica nu am mai avea worlds , euros, gp. stiu ca sunt unele persoane ( si aici vb de parerei pe care le-am citit pe alte forumuri in special pe cel a lui johnny ) care zic ca artisticul e cel ce conteaza. dar eu ma bucur patinajul artistic e totusi un sport si asa ca avem olimpiade si competitii , nu doar gale si showuri , acestea ramanand ca ciresica de pe tort!!!! ( yammmyyy )
e f tarziu in noapte, nu stiu in ce masura am avut o coerenta. sper sa ma intelegeti!

17th June 2007, 13:26
Si pentru mine conteaza cel mai mult partea artistica...impresia pe care mi-o lasa programul. Dar totusi e important si tehnicul pentru ca daca un program are multe ratari isi pierde din stralucire, nu mai are aceeasi fluenta.

skater girl
17th June 2007, 19:41
nu te impresioneaza statistika so titlurile si ce a castigat steph nu sunt impresionante for you :rolleyes: good to know

conteaza doar prezenta artistika atunci? ....hmm adika cea de la axelui din SP de la worlds nuh :evil:

Trebuie sa dam cezarului ce e al cezarului - adika trebuie sa recunoastem k anu asta Brian a fost cel mai bun. A avut "le feu sacre" constant si a fost "plus forte" nu a palpait ca la alti - si nu ma refer aici doar la steph
pt mine nu conteaza dak stephane pierde sau castiga o competitie pt k eu o sa-l sustin intotdeauna,no matter what:) !!!titlurile pe kre le-a castigat conteaza...l-au propulsat pe culmile gloriei si-ale celebritatii,blah blah...si el a pornit de jos k orice om!dar a muncit foarte mult pt a ajunge acolo unde si-a propus and voila!(desigur si talentul si ambitia conteaza;muncesti pana la epuizare-dar dak nu ai afinitati cu aceasta ramura sportiva,tot degeaba,opinia mea!!!):D ...ficare are si momente mai putin bune in viata,but what goes around comes around!!we shall see!!:yes:

17th June 2007, 19:51
da si tu zici ca best overall season e Steph? :P Parerea ta si poti sa o scrii,de ce nu o scrii ? Dar nu cred ca e corect ...ca suntem sau nu fanele lui Brian ,ale lui Steph, Yags sau Plushy...sa nu uit Lindemann :P...trebuie sa recunoastem meritele celorlalti chiar daca nu ne place..asta fac eu cu Dinamo :cry: ..tre sa recunosc ca anu asta fu mai buna :mda:

skater girl
17th June 2007, 20:28
da ce se face atata caz pe tema asta,nu stiu:thinkso: ???????(n-am zis k ar fi stephane):(
bine va fac pe plac:best overal season:brian si mai cum il cheama??

17th June 2007, 20:56
:happy..stai linistita..nu tre sa ne faci pe plac..tre recunoscuta valoarea...si il mai cheama Joubert :happy

18th June 2007, 22:12
hmm.. tre sa imi reeditez si eu votul

skater girl
18th June 2007, 22:16
hmm.. tre sa imi reeditez si eu votul
what do u mean??

20th June 2007, 21:29
Si pentru mine conteaza cel mai mult partea artistica...impresia pe care mi-o lasa programul. Dar totusi e important si tehnicul pentru ca daca un program are multe ratari isi pierde din stralucire, nu mai are aceeasi fluenta.
Cu siguranta...atunci cand nu-ti reuseste un program dpdv tehnic, are si partea artistica de suferit

20th June 2007, 21:38
wanderlust vrea sa zica ca ar trebui sa zica pe sezonul asta nominalizarile..ea le-a facut pe sezoanele anterioare :P
Mai avem vreo 50 de posturi si ajungem la 15000 :cheer:

skater girl
20th June 2007, 21:43
ah...pai numai eu scriu pana plec vreo 50...deci don't worry we have sugar...adik avem resurse

21st June 2007, 00:06
mais evidemment , mes cherries :D

25th June 2007, 07:00
whisper brought my attention to this really interesting questionairre - so here goes!

Best overall season: Of course - Brian Joubert - Allez!!!
Favorite performance: Stephane Lambiel - Flamenco
Most improved: Christopher Mabee
Breakout season: Brian Joubert
Most disapointing season:Johnny Weir
Most surprising season: Emanuel Sandhu - surprisingly awful
Favorite costume: Brian Jouberts 007 costume - it just worked!
Most inspiring story of the season:Jessica Dube/Bryce Davison (quick comeback after the injury to Jessica's face from Bryce's skateblade)
Most missed skater: Alexei Yagudin -sniff.....
Best rivalry of the season:Miki Ando/ Mao Asada
Best K&C appearance: Miki Ando with Nikolai Morozov at Worlds 07
Best comeback of the season:Stephane Lambiel - Yay!!!!
Best exhibition:Marie-France DUBREUIL / Patrice LAUZON (Worlds 07) Voidy but interesting!
Best SP:Brian Joubert - Die Another Day
Best LP:It's worth repeating -Stephane Lambiel - Flamenco - Wow~~~~
Best FD: Denkova and Staviski
skaters placement you were most excited about? Brian Joubert - World Champion!
Best footwork: Jeff Buttle
Best choice of Music:Stephane Lambiel's LP Flamenco once again - I loved it!
Most handsome skater (male/female):Alexei Yagudin/Kiira Korpi
Best newcomer:Vera BAZAROVA / Yuri LARIONOV (Silver - 2007 Junior Worlds)

this took a lot of thinking but it was fun!!!

skater girl
25th June 2007, 09:42
uite o fata care recunoaste k cel mai bun lp a fost al lui stephane,lol:P !!bv karenna:D ....she's from canada,right?sweet!:P i think i'll bring my friend karolina on this topic, to write her opinion:yes: ...right now she's kind of busy!we shall see!:)

25th June 2007, 21:07
It will be so nice to bring her here:) It's about Biedronka,no?
Si sigur ca stie ca Steph a avut cel mai bun LP..de fapt Steph ii place si bunicii ei..good tastes ,no?

skater girl
25th June 2007, 23:05
BV!!!GR8!!:)e erediatara treaba,as far as i can see!!yes,biedronka!!she has already registered on the site...and she told me she didn't understand a thing,of course!!i shall tell her about this thread!!;)

25th June 2007, 23:38
pai poti s-o indrumi si spre topikul de limba engleza ...http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/showthread.php?p=1233689#post1233689

skater girl
25th June 2007, 23:44
dap...asa o sa fac!!;)ea oricum posteaza mai mult pe AS!!m-am inscris si eu pe forumul ala...dar threadul dedicat exclusiv lui stephane e maaare!!te pierzi pe-acolo!sunt vreo 17 pagini,park cu subiecte!!deci iti dai seama?si fani din intreaga lume!!e mult mai simplu pe threadul romanesc:stephane are vreo 3 topicuri;se descurk oricine...lol

25th June 2007, 23:53
si eu sunt p as ...dar pe threadul lui stefan nu e top activity ..asa k ma rezum la transition thred si basik skating

skater girl
26th June 2007, 00:02
eeh,deh!!it's unfair i know...mai sunt patinatori care muncesc mult si au o doza de talent...dar toata atentia o primesc steph,bri,plush...e greu sa-ti faci loc...ei acapareaza tot!