View Full Version : Pyleva, gasita pozitiv la testul antidoping

16th February 2006, 15:08
Ce nu trebuia sa se intample s-a intamplat, biatlonista rusa, castigatoare a argintului la JO, in proba de 15 km, individual, femei a fost depistata pozitiv la testul antidoping. Tofalvi a urcat pe locul 19, iar AKhatova este noua medaliata cu bronz, Glagow intrand in posesia argintului. Iata ce scrie Eurosport:

Russia's Olga Pyleva has been stripped of the Individual silver medal after testing positive for a banned substance. There will be a hearing on Thursday in front of the IOC disciplinary commission to determine what further action should be taken.

New IOC vice President Thomas Bach (GER) was quoted on the German agency DPA: "A stimulant substance was found in an unusually high concentration."

Martina Glagow from Germany is now promoted to the silver medal with Pyleva's team-mate Albina Akhatova awarded with a bronze.

Pyleva was pulled out of the sprint event moments before the start with no explanation offered by the Russian team.

"No comment, you will know tomorrow," a Russian spokesman told reporters.

However, team officials later confirmed that Pyleva had been suspended pending a disciplinary investigation into doping by the International Olympic Committee at the Winter Games.

"We can confirm that Pyleva is being investigated by the International Olympic Committee," a spokesman for the Russian team said. "They have found something in sample A, but sample B has yet to be done."

16th February 2006, 16:48
Mda chiar nu ma asteptam mai ales Pyleva era oricum valoroasa...

16th February 2006, 17:43
o fi luat si ea o aspirina? :D

16th February 2006, 17:52
cum ar veni dar Pyleva era oricum valoroasa mai de asteptat era Ichmuratova care anul asta a obtinut primele succese ..

16th February 2006, 21:03
Asta e. Totusi, Pyleva a avut performante la competitiile majore, iar in Cupa Mondiala nu a stralucit, doar anul trecut ocupand locul 2 la general.

16th February 2006, 22:05
Pyleva a luat 2 ani de suspendare...

16th February 2006, 22:06
asa poate performantele astea au fost cumva "ajutate" sau mai bine "stimulate"

17th February 2006, 20:47
PYLEVA nu este la prima abatere de acest gen !

In 2003, cind a fost testata iarasi pozitiv a dat vina pe doctorita ! Ea...n-a stiut nimic !

Ca si acum !
Substanta aceasta (care a "tras-o" acum) nu este in continutul niciunei..."aspirine" ! :evil:

De-acum...si biatlonul a intrat intre sporturile..."albe"...
Pacat ! Mare pacat ! :ciocan: