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7th June 2007, 11:11
Lectii de patinaj pentru talentele descoperite prea tarziu sau nedescoperite inca

Aici postam lucruri folositoare celor care invata sa patineze:D

7th June 2007, 12:11
cel putin nu ma voi imprastia pe ice rink :P

7th June 2007, 15:08
Okay, Beginning Skater, you’ve laced up your skates and are ready to get on the ice and have fun. But, wait, before you do, take a couple of extra minutes to warm up. This is important for ALL skaters, regardless of their level.

For the Beginning Skater, here are some special warm-ups to allow you to become accustomed to the task of balancing on those 1/8” wide steel blades.

These exercises can be done anywhere on the rubber matting in the rink.

Note: The black or dark-colored rubber matting that’s around the rink and near the skate rental counter is there to protect the blades. DO NOT WALK ON CONCRETE IN ICE SKATES! Whether they’re rentals or your own, concrete will damage the blade.

For the initial part of your off ice warm up, just walk around a small area, feeling what it’s like to maneuver around in figure skates.

Question: What are those funny looking claws on the front of the blade?

Answer: Toepicks. All figure skating blades have them. They’re designed to assist you with your jumps and spins. When skating backwards, you stop with them. The only thing you need to know about the toepick at this stage is to keep from tripping over it. That’s why good balance is essential.

Squats: the Best Warm-Up You Can Do

Stand up straight, arms in front of you, feet hip distance apart. This enables you to find your center of balance. Squat slightly. Just a tiny bit, to get you used to lowering your center of gravity. Do this about 3 or 4 times.

Next, squat further, not all the way down, but until you really feel your knees are bending. Here’s a skating secret: if you can’t bend your knees, you can’t skate! The stronger your knees are, the better of a skater you’ll be. Again, do the more advanced squats a few times. You will probably find yourself putting a lot of weight on the toepick. Finally, go down as far as you can.

Remember, your arms are out in front of you and you’re

looking straight ahead. You may fall, but so what, it’s just how this sport works. Falling happens to ALL skaters from beginners to Olympians. So here is the breakdown of the first off-ice warm up.

Level I Squat [slightly bent knees] 3 to 4 times

Level II Squat [fairly well bent knees] 3 to 4 times

Level III Squat [fully bent knees] 2 to 3 times

If you’re unable to do the Level III Squat, don’t worry. It’s not necessary for everyone and if you’re not in the best physical shape then refrain from trying.

Almost Ready to Skate!

Before you step onto the ice, please observe the rules of the rink. These rules are usually posted throughout the rink and are usually standardized. No food and beverages are allowed on the ice for obvious reasons. Skate in the same direction as the other skaters, which is often in the counter-clockwise direction. Many rinks have a Reverse Skate and this allows people to strengthen their other side, or for the skater who’s naturally inclined to be a clockwise skater, to feel at home for a few minutes! Other rules revolve around not smoking, no fighting, cursing or horseplay and rules of courtesy towards others.

Playing ‘Crack the Whip’ is not tolerated in most rinks, nor will groups of skaters be allowed to hold hands or link arms. Two or three skaters are certainly allowed to do this, especially if a more experienced skater is being of assistance.

The first rule you’ll observe is to watch the entrance and make sure there is no one in your way. In a crowded session this is even more important.

7th June 2007, 16:16
ioana, buna ideea. dar cumva am senzatia ca la iarna cand o sa fiu cu patinele in picioara o sa uit toate sfaturile utile si o sa cad in nas!!!!

7th June 2007, 20:03
pai da , pana la urma tot practica e cea mai buna, da' nu strica un pic de teorie. trust me , eu asa am invatat sa ma ridic dupa ce cad, am citit niste articole de astea ,ca sa nu ma mai tarasc pana la mantinela ;):happy :happy :happy :happy

7th June 2007, 20:20
How To Do a Snowplow Stop

Stopping on the ice is essential for every figure skater. This is the first and easiest stop a skater must master. The snowplow stop can be done with one or with both feet. Many beginning skaters find doing a one-foot snowplow stop is easier than doing a two foot snowplow stop.

1. Understand that the blade has edges, both outside and inside. This stop must be done on the flat of the blade (the very center of the blade).

2. Practice at the rail. Push the flat of the blade out to scrape the ice while holding onto the rail.

3. Move away from the rail and slowly glide on two feet.

4. Push one foot out by pressing on a flat. There should be some friction on the ice and snow should form.

5. Bend knees.

6. Come to a complete stop

7th June 2007, 21:01
de cate ori am incercat, niciodata nu mi-a iesit the snowplow stop...

7th June 2007, 21:07
nici mie...imi ies chestii de 3 ori mai dificile si asta nu!:angry:

9th June 2007, 20:57
ioana, buna ideea. dar cumva am senzatia ca la iarna cand o sa fiu cu patinele in picioara o sa uit toate sfaturile utile si o sa cad in nas!!!!
Cu siguranta:headbang:

30th November 2007, 14:24
Cum mergi cu spatele, in cerc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks60pxtezRE)

5th December 2007, 13:26
advanced spins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdc_7reEMKo&feature=related) :)

8th February 2008, 22:51

9th February 2008, 01:52
mersi flavia. eu m-am chinuit ceva sa merg cu spatele dar nu mi-a reusit. ce-i drept nu am incercat asa cum face nenea asta, dar cred ca oricum ar fi prea greu pt mine.
am vazut ca e o pagina intreaga cu nenea asta.

4th April 2008, 18:51
Un link util. http://home.pacbell.net/anamga/basicSkating.html
Nici eu nu stiu sa patinez. :plans: In fiecare an vreau sa invat, dar am o frica groaznica de gheata. Dar cand ii vad pe cei care patineaza, imi zic ca trebuie sa incerc. Dar precis o sa cad si o sa fac gaura in gheata la greutatea mea. Daca ar mai fi cineva care vrea sa invete si sa mergem impreuna, mi-ar fi mai usor.

4th April 2008, 21:12
Sa stii ca nu-i asa de greu, cel putin daca stii sa mergi cu rolele e si mai usor. Cand am fost la patinoar am cazut in 2 ore doar o data.:)

4th April 2008, 21:20
dap, si eu m-am descurcat bine prima oara, caci stiam sa merg pe role. n-am cazut parca....doar de 2 ori parca am cazut de cand patinez de 4-5 ani si asta din cauza unor nesimtiti care pun piedica sau intimideaza.
vorba lui pink, stupid f***s

4th April 2008, 21:27
:cry: Ca bine zici, Rocsana..pe mine mai mult ma intimideaza..e drept ca nu am mers ft des la patinoar, dar ma enerveaza cand cineva imi urmareste fiecare pas si fiecare reactie:P I`m kinda shyhttp://www.yelims.com/IPB/Smiley-IPB-418.gif

4th April 2008, 23:20
Nu stiu, eu merg la patinoar la noi in oras si ma uit. Nu am vazut pe nimeni sa puna piedica. Eu nu stiu sa patinez cu rolele :( Si mi-e si frica de numa. Plus greutatea :plans:

4th April 2008, 23:44
Da, asa am zis si eu la inceput. Prima data m-am tinut de margine si usor, usor, m-am desprins.

4th April 2008, 23:51
eu cad si daca ma tin de margine. si daca m-as tine cu ambele maini as cadea.

4th April 2008, 23:57
Si eu era s-o iau la vale de mai multe ori:D Pan' la urma am rezistat, desi era sa fac un spagat:happy

5th April 2008, 00:23
Un mic sfat mai intai invatati sa mergeti pe gheata nu sa patinati pentru a capata echilibru apoi incet incet incepeti si cu alunecarea pe gheta. Nu-mi apartine mie, cu metoda asta sunt invatati copii sa patineze.

5th April 2008, 01:40
sa mergi pe gheata cu patinele sau cu pantofi de strada ? si intr-un caz si in celalalt ma imprastii de nu ma vad. nu poti sa pornesti si sa opresti cronometrul asa repede pana ajung eu jos.

5th April 2008, 11:24
cu patinele

5th April 2008, 17:30
pai nu poti luneca nici sa vrei ca incepator.

23rd October 2008, 23:41
Figure skating basics

When someone first starts learning how to figure skate, they don't immediately start with the flashy jumps and spins of freestyle, the wheels and blocks of synchro, the intricate movements of dance, or the lifts and throws of pairs. Every skater knows that before you go on to fancy stuff, it takes many years of mastering basic skills. It's not always glamorous. But for most people, it's still tons of fun. And it's never too late to start.

The Ice Skating Institute sets up its basic skating program with four beginner levels: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. After a skater passes Delta, they then move on to freestyle. The United Skates Figure Skating Association has the BASIC program, which is similar to the ISI's introductory program. Skate Canada has learn-to-skate programs for figure skating, speed skating, and a program specially designed for those interested in synchro.

What is taught while learning the basic maneuvers are skills that a skater can take with them to any of the other branches of figure skating. The first thing new skaters usually learn is 1. how to fall and 2. how to get back up again. When you fall, it is important to try to land on your behind. When getting up again, the two positions to remember are "doggy, froggy." In "doggy," the skater has both knees and both hands on the ice. From there, he or she moves to "froggy," where, one at a time, each foot is moved forward, directly underneath the skater, much like the position of a seated frog. From the "froggy" position, it is much easier for a skater to get up.

Once skaters begin to advance, they learn how to use their edges. The bottom of a blade looks something like this:

The inside and an outside edges correspond with the inside and outside of the foot. If a skater is not completely over one edge or the other, this is considered skating on flats.

There are also many other skills a skater learns when they first start taking lessons or classes. All of these can be done on either foot, forwards or backwards.
Two foot glides: gliding on two feet in a straight line
One-foot glides: gliding on one foot in a straight line
Swizzles/sculling/fishtails: A two-footed push achieved by bending your knees and pushing your feet apart to get momentum, and then bringing them together again.
Pumps: Like above, except the push is done with one foot while the other foot remains stationary. This is mainly done for going around circles.
Snowplow stops: a stop much like a ski stop
Hockey stops: one-footed stop
T-stops: Two footed stop where the free leg is placed either in front of or behind the skating leg
Stroking: another "power move," where a skater pushes off onto one foot and glides.
Dips or squats: A maneuver where the skater squats or "dips" down while bending their knees
Crossovers: maneuver where one foot is crossed over the other. More advanced skaters will also be able to push the skating foot underneath the crossing foot in order to achieve more power.
Lunges/drags: maneuver where the skater lunges forward with one leg and the other leg reaches behind and is dragged. (with back lunges, the "dragged" foot leads and the rest of the skater's body follows)
Shoot-the-duck: a one-footed dip where the free foot is straightened and placed in front of the skater
Three-turns: a one-footed turn which makes the shape of a 3 on the ice. A change of edge occurs at the point of the three, i.e. inside to outside, or outside to inside. (see turns)
Mohawk turns: a two footed turn where each foot is on the same edge, i.e. outside to outside or inside to inside (see turns)
Edge rolls: Gliding on one foot on a particular edge (outside or inside), thus making a half-circle on the ice.

13th April 2009, 17:53
Un mic vid cu cateva sfaturi de la Tanith si Ben:

3rd January 2010, 07:59