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29th March 2008, 23:32
Hai deti mai, saracele:D Cred ca nici nu mai pot vorbi de cat sughita acum:D

29th March 2008, 23:42
sa bea mai multa apa :drak: sa le treaca
in alta ordine de idei :P:D

29th March 2008, 23:44
italiencele astea trag la ce i mai bun, a naibii natie:D
:happy doar n'or sa traga la ce'i mai prost? :happy

29th March 2008, 23:46
ar fi si culmea :happy

29th March 2008, 23:47
Corect, stiu ele ce stiu:P

29th March 2008, 23:47
nu da macar sa si vada de lungul nasului:P

29th March 2008, 23:49
daca si ei le baga'n seama...asta e :(

pt ele s'ar potrivi oameni de genu' lui e-manele

29th March 2008, 23:53
hahaha, da da, asa e

30th March 2008, 02:16
daca si ei le baga'n seama...asta e :(

pt ele s'ar potrivi oameni de genu' lui e-manele

oricum,daca Vale il face fericit si el continua sa patineze la fel de bine,e ok!:P

30th March 2008, 22:25
ba e mai bine asa :D pt unii e benefica :cry:
Pai normal,d-aia a avut Stephane un asa succes anu asta la mondiale,pt ca lui Brian i -a stat capul la Valentina ;)

30th March 2008, 23:41
Alex sper ca vorbesti de succes printre fane..ca altfel numai de succes nu poate fi vorba:(


31st March 2008, 14:34
n'are nicio legatura cu ce s'a scris pana acum, dar eu cred ca brian se antreneaza la ora asta, voi ce ziceti?:D

31st March 2008, 14:50
sau poate ca doarme :P

31st March 2008, 16:09
eu zic ca freaca menta asteptand urmatoarea gala care e zile astea oricum.
stiti ca oana merge la o gala in franta acum in aprilie? :P fain de ea.

31st March 2008, 19:46
eu zic ca freaca menta asteptand urmatoarea gala

DA!..Atunci poate o rog pe ea sa imi ia revista:P Daca o mai fi pana atunci..ca nu pot sa imi fac abonament:P Si unde e gala?

31st March 2008, 20:59
Da, se odihneste si el zilele astea:)

31st March 2008, 23:47
adelina, vezi ca a scris oana pe bjdg la discussions. dar nu cred ca poti sa o mai rogi pt ca a plecat in franta. dar de ce nu-mi trimiti mie linkul poate se rezolva.

1st April 2008, 23:55
Il caut si il trimit..dar eu inteleg-cat inteleg eu franceza- ca se poate doar cu abonament:(

12th April 2008, 19:31
From icenetwork.com :

Joubert still miffed about worlds finish
Skater worried about decrease of the technical level of skating

By Jean-Christophe Berlot, special to icenetwork.com
(04/07/2008) - Brian Joubert came back disappointed from Gothenburg, Sweden. Even though he skated his best competition of the year, he had to surrender his world crown to Jeffrey Buttle of Canada. Joubert skated a perfect free program, and strongly claimed afterwards that he was "mad to be defeated by someone who [had] not even attempted a quadruple jump in either of his programs."

Currently skating in the French tour, Stars sur Glace (Stars on Ice), Joubert took the time to think back and understand his performance at worlds for icenetwork.com.

You seemed quite mad when you heard the final result at worlds. How do you feel two weeks later?

Actually I still am very mad. Not so much against my competitor, who had the perfect championship. What is at stake is the future of figure skating. Sport is meant for athletic prowess. What I see now is a decrease of the technical level of skating, so I am very worried about that.

Will you then adapt to the rules as they are (and as they are currently applied)? Or should figure skating definitely push forward for a better reward of technical difficulties, especially quadruple jumps?

Actually I will stick to my position. I hope there will be a lot of pressure put on the rules so that they can evolve, although I am well aware that this will be most difficult before the 2010 Olympic Games. Anyway, I will keep taking risks myself, just like I have in the past. Maybe even more so during the next season, which will be a transition season before the Olympic year.

Don't you fear this might cost you other titles?

Taking risks does not mean ignoring the rules. You know, I carefully studied the results I got in Gothenburg. I lost about five points on my spins, and six points because of my two triple flips. I did not have a triple to triple combination, so I lost some points there too. However, my component marks were excellent, and that is a great encouragement for me. I also made points on my steps, compared to my main competitors.

So, the direction to take is quite simple. I will keep working on the component part and choreography. Kurt Browning and Dominique Molina really helped me last season, and we will keep working together. The toughest part may be the flip, as I learned to take off that way years and years ago, and it is my most consistent jump. Yet, it was considered valid at the last European championships, so I suppose it is not so bad.

What about your spins?

Indeed, I clearly need to work more on my spins.

With whom do you plan to work on them? Let's say I will work with someone who is very gifted at spins, and with whom I have already worked in the past. This, however, has yet to be finalized.

So this means that you are going to take risks and follow the rules at the same time?

Yes. The rules have become far stricter this past season, everything needs to be perfect; spins, steps, jump edges. You need to make sure that your body positions are correct, etc. The one great thing with the new judging system is that it forces you to be a complete skater and perform in every part of skating. I like this very much.

Two weeks have passed by since your Gothenburg performance, what do you want to keep from it?

The most important part for me, as seen from now, is the sensations I got. The short and the free programs I skated in Gothenburg were the ones I had the most pleasure to skate. I may forget the programs themselves, however, I will retain the sensations I experienced there.

After Europeans we worked a lot. I knew I was ready. So I could leave France telling to myself: "have fun." I never had to tell myself: "you have to win." Also, the audience in Gothenburg was magnificent.

So, now you are with the French team, altogether for the French tour. With its 28 laps in more than a month, the tour is the longest in years. How do you feel about it?

You know, I have always skated because I was having fun out there. Skating has never meant "work" for me. It is not a job. When I was younger, I spent many hours in public sessions, to skate and skate again.

So, the tour is meant as a relaxing moment for me. We skate under pressure and stress all year long. Meeting again with the French audience is really a top thing for me. Also, we get along quite well within the team, even though from time to time someone has to yell: that's life! In fact, I would have loved this tour to be even longer!

Joubert is laughing. Whether it is for a show, or for a competition with risks to take and strict rules to follow, this guy undoubtedly loves skating.

Note: Joubert has worked with several spin specialists in the past, as this element has never been his strongest. One of the most publicized spin experts he worked with was Lucinda Ruh, from Switzerland, prior to the 2006 Olympics in Turin, Italy.

12th April 2008, 19:51
Merci Ade, e interesant:) Daca ajunge sa faca piruetele asemenea lui Stephane, atunci va fi foarte bine:D

13th April 2008, 00:19
de ce???
eu una ma bucur ca la singles-baieti competitorii sunt f diferiti. de asta fetele ma cam plictisesc.

14th April 2008, 19:08
Nu ma intelege gresit. Ma refeream la viteza cu care le face. Chiar si el zice in interviu ca trebuie sa mai lucreze la piruete. Bineinteles ca n-ar mai fi la fel de interesant daca toti ar face aceleasi elemente. Mda, si pe mine ma plictisesc uneori fetele. La baieti ma uit cu mai multa atentie:)

14th April 2008, 22:58
brian ar putea sa lucreze toata viata numai la piruete si nu o sa le faca ca steph. dar e ok sa si le imbunateasca si sa reuseasca sa faca ceva cat mai interesant.
unii baieti sunt mai flexibili altii mai putin :P

17th April 2008, 16:43
Mda,asa e,dar am vazut si la Brian piruete care m-au lasat cu respiratia taiata.Si nu sunt subiectiva(nu acum,cel putin).Eu spun k daca vrea,poate.Nu afirm k e la fel de flexibil k altii,dar oricum e ambitios si cu o vointa de fier.Valentina e o fericita k e prietena lui. *sigh*

17th April 2008, 19:11
Da, eu cred ca ambitia lui si vointa s-au vazut cel mai bine anul acesta, la CM. Si eu sunt de acord in privinta Valentinei:) Si cred ca si el e fericit:)

18th April 2008, 14:49
Am crezut pana in ultima clipa k va rata si el,k se va lua dupa ceilalti.Asa se intampla in general,e o stare molipsitoare.Cade unul,cad si urmatorii si se face varza toata competitia.Insa am avut o surpriza extrem de placuta vazand ce program curat a facut Brian...Pacat k l-au taxat pt o nenorocita de secunda...E un erou...Il voi admira mereu,orice s-ar intampla...

18th April 2008, 21:56
rafaela dar nu l-a taxat nimeni pt nici o secunda daca te referi la al doile -1 de la sp. a fost pt ca arbitrul principal a zis ca muzica lui brian de la sp are versuri.

21st April 2008, 14:10
Aaaa,am inteles ca l-au taxat la sp ca a depasit timpul cu o secunda.Cate despre faza cu melodia cu cuvinte,mi se pare o mare aberatie.Dar trebuiau sa ii gaseasca nod in papura,nu?
Si asa offtopic,la ce face referire semnatura ta cu Bergenbier?

21st April 2008, 19:25
OFFTOPIC : :P Cred ca Irina ar trebui sa isi schimbe semnatura...a disparut reclama enervanta:P

21st April 2008, 23:21
nu , a fost 100% pt muzica. si dupa cum a zis brian " the referee said that my music was a song " :P

gata am sters semnatura, dar bergenbier tot ma enerveaza. si toate celelalte reclame care apar cand dau click pe pagini .

23rd April 2008, 15:55
Aaa,asta era? :)) Si pe mine ma enerveaza,si mai nou,imi apare reclama cu Mutu,k este cine este pt k noi il sustinem...Bleah,ce ma exaspereaza:angry:

30th April 2008, 22:00
sa nu mai zica nimeni ca Brian nu stie sa danseze *lol*

30th April 2008, 22:01
si cum joaca fotbal :D

1st May 2008, 00:16
Mie mi-e tare frica sa stau pe gheata. Nu am inteles niciodata de ce la patinoar nu te lasa sa intri pe gheata cu pantofii de strada. In fond, suprafata e mai mare si nu vad ce stricaciuni ai putea face ghetii. Patina o taie, dar un pantof obisnuit in cel fel ar putea sa o strice ?

1st May 2008, 00:21
sa nu mai zica nimeni ca Brian nu stie sa danseze *lol*

nu cred ca e cineva care crede ca brian nu stie sa danseze :dance:

1st May 2008, 00:41
Valentina a ales bine :)

1st May 2008, 11:54
sunt mai multe viewuri la brian decat la stephane :D

dar mai multe replayuri la stephane decat la brian..

brian > stephane

2nd May 2008, 22:06
Super programele lui de la "Stars sur glace", mai ales "Madeleine", dar si "Sandstorm". De fapt, programele tuturor au fost foarte frumoase. Cred ca nu se poate uita repede un show pe gheata, si mai ales vazut live:)

2nd May 2008, 22:49
Asa cred si eu:rolleyes:

14th May 2008, 00:40
OF Se asterne praful pe threadul asta..ia sa il sterg nitel:D
Se pare ca Brian a renuntat la Kurt Browning - sau Kurt a renunta la el, fiind prea ocupat - si se va antrena cu Evgeni Platov.

14th May 2008, 00:46
ce sa facem ade daca fanele brian sunt tare ocupate.
mie evgeni platov ca patinator mi-a placut f mult. din cate am inteles el a facut coregrafia programelor fratilor kerr. dar totusi nu vad sa fii facut coregrafii pt men- single. una e sa fii dansator si sa faci programe pt dansatori si alta pt proba masculina. mi-e un pic teama,
brian - jcs - kurt - pareau o echipa de succes. dar se pare ca doar morozov crede ca poate sa antreneze toata suflarea pe patine, kurt are totusi timpul limitat. :(

14th May 2008, 00:50
Chiar nu inteleg cum reuseste Morozov.
Si eu il inteleg pe Kurt...are si el familie..si mai vrea sa participe si in diverse showuri :)
Sincer poate lui Brian ii va prinde bine o schimbare...vom vedea ce va fi..adevarul e ca de abia astept sa inceapa noul sezon- se anunta interesant :P
Daca si Steph isi schimba antrenori, atunci chiar va fi :D

14th May 2008, 02:33
Sper sa fie spre binele lui Brian cu noul coregraf. Mie rusii imi plac mai mult. Majoritatea patinatorilor sau mi se pare mie colaboreaza cu mai multi coregrafi. Brian l-a avut coregraf si pe Morozov.

9th June 2008, 22:29
Ce pustiu pe-aici. Mai stiti vreo noutate despre Brian, in afara de faptul ca si-a schimbat coregraful? S-a insurat sau ceva de genul asta? :D

24th June 2008, 13:25
OF Se asterne praful pe threadul asta..ia sa il sterg nitel:D
Se pare ca Brian a renuntat la Kurt Browning - sau Kurt a renunta la el, fiind prea ocupat - si se va antrena cu Evgeni Platov.

ca o completare

Joubert training in Princeton with Platov
Skater getting assistance with 2008-09 programs

By Lois Elfman, special to icenetwork.com
(05/22/2008) - Reigning world silver medalist and 2007 world champion Brian Joubert, from France, is currently in New Jersey having his programs for the 2008-09 season choreographed by two-time Olympic ice dance gold medalist Evgeny Platov. The two had previously worked together when Joubert spent time studying with Tatiana Tarasova and Platov was part of her coaching team.

"I enjoy working with Brian," said Platov. "He's a very talented guy. Obviously, he likes to work with me and that's why he came back."

Platov said Joubert approached him at worlds in Gothenburg about doing the choreography. The two are currently on the ice at the Princeton Sports Center creating both short and long programs.

"He's picking up everything so fast," said Platov, who accepts only a small number of choreography requests. "I'm not that person who will be making a hundred programs a year. I want to do less, but more quality, especially with unique people like Brian and my own students (British ice dancers Sinead and John Kerr).

"For every skater, the best way to express themselves is first to find somebody who they're comfortable working with and also try to find their own face," he added. "If a skater is doing choreography with somebody and they're not comfortable and they're losing their face that's the biggest minus. Biggest plus are people who find a new kind of expression, but still keep their own kind of style."

24th June 2008, 19:57
Thanks, Iulya!
:rolleyes: Ce mult mai e pana cand incep gp-urile :P

25th June 2008, 13:31
O vacaaaaaaantttzzaaaaa! :D :D

25th June 2008, 19:29
Ai dreptate: o vacanta :P

"I'm not that person who will be making a hundred programs a year. I want to do less, but more quality, especially with unique people like Brian and my own students (British ice dancers Sinead and John Kerr).
:D Uite ca Morozov nu e de aceeasi parere ...faza e ca i-a reusit pana acum si lui Morozov.

25th June 2008, 20:05
Ehh..poate ca Morozov e un om mai multi..tutti :D :P Eu, una, nu as putea. Dar poate ca imaginatia la el chiar sta pe garduri :)

17th July 2008, 00:57
Joubert is totally focused on new season
France's biggest name in skating to step-up programs this year
By Lois Elfman, special to icenetwork.com (07/09/2008)


When Brian Joubert landed on the medal podium at the 2002 European Championships he faced the press with a braggadocio befitting a 17-year-old.

"I said I want to be world champion and Olympic champion, and all the French journalists were waiting for it," he says. "It put a lot of pressure on me, so it was difficult to be focused and to forget the French journalists. Now, I've been world champion and it's easier."

Joubert won his world title in 2007 and finished with silver this year. He also won world silver in 2004 and '06. With the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver just 19 months away, Joubert, 23, is striving to become more consistent in competition. When icenetwork.com contacted him, he was at the French team's training camp in Courchevel, high in the French Alps.

"Training at altitude is very difficult," he says. "The first three weeks are very hard, very difficult for the muscles, for the body. You have to be very strong mentally. That's why I like to train here, because if I have good preparation in the summer, the rest of the season is easier."

Back in May, Joubert came to the United States to have Evgeny Platov, two-time Olympic gold medalist in ice dancing, choreograph his programs.

"I wanted to change a little bit," Joubert explains of his choice of choreographer. "I knew that it's going to be great to work with him, because he's a great guy. I met him many times at competitions.

"I felt he gave me a lot of new things. We worked 100 percent. It was great, so much fun. I'm really happy about my new programs, because I feel very confident. I really want to start the competitions to see how it is with the judges and with the audience."

Joubert declines to reveal details, preferring to keep the music choices under wraps until he debuts the programs at the French Masters in September. He does say that he may try to do an international competition before Grand Prix season to get feedback prior to Trophée Eric Bompard and Cup of Russia. He's waiting to hear from the French federation about this.

To increase his flexibility and stamina, Joubert has begun a new off-ice training regimen. Now entering his third season working with coach Jean-Christophe Simond, Joubert finds his jumps require less exertion. When he competed in the early 80s, Simond was a master at compulsory school figures. He has slowly taught Joubert how to be more efficient in his skating.

"He knows how to use the blade, how to use the edges to be light on the ice and to have a lot of power," Joubert explains. "He has taught me a lot about this. I know how to do a jump without a lot of energy, because he taught me how to use my blade, how to use my edging. I think we will need one more year to be perfect. I think it's going to be perfect for the Olympic season."

After spending the summer practicing, Joubert hopes to work with Platov to fine tune the programs prior to the start of this season, but they haven't yet worked out a schedule. There are still costumes to be designed, and Joubert is sticking with the same people who've created his costumes for the past several years.

"I keep the same team every season, because they do a very good job," he notes. "I feel confident with them, so I keep them."

His goals are to improve on each aspect of his skating from season to season and also step up his consistency.

"This season is very important because it's 2009," Joubert says. "It's one year before the Olympic Games. I really want to do a good season to show to the judges and to the audience that I can be Olympic champion. That's why I want to do my best. I will try to give 100 percent in every competition and we will see."


17th July 2008, 14:33
nu stiu cum a o sa se potrivasca stilul lui platov cu al lui brian. dar platov patina superb si elevii lui, fratii kerr au programe superbe , asa ca am sperante ca o sa fie bine.
dar de ce isi pastreaza echipa care ii face costumele e peste puterile mele de intelegere. oare nu putem sa angajam pe cineva sa le dea foc atelierului :P ?

22nd July 2008, 16:18
oare nu putem sa angajam pe cineva sa le dea foc atelierului :P ?
Va rooog! Dau toate economiile mele celui ce se incumeta:P

22nd July 2008, 18:55
:cry: hai ca parca anul asta nu au mai fost asa mari probleme :P

22nd July 2008, 21:29
dar am vrea sa fim sigure ca nu o sa mai fie nici la anul :P ( si tu nu ar trebui sa razi f tare, cine stie cu ce zebra te trezesti si tu :P )

24th July 2008, 22:29
Pentru ca se apropie ziua de nastere a lui musiu Brian, ce ziceti sa ii facem un scrapbook? In genul acelora facute pentru patinatorii romani :)

24th July 2008, 23:15
ade, eu in principiu sunt foarte de acord, dar eu nu le am cu fazele astea. si pagina mea din scrapbookul pt brian de anul trecut mi-a facut-o lisa.

24th July 2008, 23:24
:P O rugam frumos frumos pe Iulya sa le faca:kiss: :pretty please, Iulya: :P

24th July 2008, 23:39
eu sunt cu finantele. ziceti cat trebuie si no problem. dar sa nu-mi cereti parte artistica , ca m-am nascut fara ea.

24th July 2008, 23:53
:p Pai sa ne zica Iulya cat costa :) Dar nu cred ca ne va costa prea mult...:)

24th July 2008, 23:57
Eu sunt de acord:ok: insa trebuie sa imi dati sugestii pentru ce ati vrea ( si ce poze ati vrea sa pun etc)

Pt cine nu le-a vazut pe cele pt romanii:
scrapbook Roxana.rar


CA sa va dau o idee pt finante: nu mai tin minte exact insa cele doua au costat in total in jur de 50-60 RON. - Printatul pe foaie A4 cartonata e cel e cel mai scump

LE: e ok daca mutam topicul pe Discutii generale pentru a fi mai vizibil?

25th July 2008, 00:03
:kiss: Thanks Iulya:)
Atunci ramane sa vedem cati participantii sunt la proiect si cat trebuie sa punem de fiecare :ok:

25th July 2008, 00:23
scrapbookurile pt roxana si zoli au fost geniale. va zic eu care le-am vz si printate. si-au meritat toti banii. eu sper ca roxana sa il fi primit pe al ei. am rmamas cu intrebarea pt ca i l-am lasat la hotel si nu am mai intanit-o s-o intreb.
stiu ca sunt off-topic - dar anul asta avand in vedere ca nu merg nicaieri figure skating related sa ma luati si pe mine daca mergeti la nationale.

30th July 2008, 14:20
ade, eu in principiu sunt foarte de acord, dar eu nu le am cu fazele astea. si pagina mea din scrapbookul pt brian de anul trecut mi-a facut-o lisa.
irina! si eu care credeam ca e facuta de manuta ta si-ti admiram talentul!:P

30th July 2008, 14:22
aha, deci trebuia sa tac din gura si paream talentata.

2nd August 2008, 19:51
Pai da, frumos. :cheer:
Pentru ca mama natura era in vacanta cand am fost conceputa, partea artistica lipseste cu desavarsire. Ma rog, lipsesc mai multe parti...dar asta-i alta poveste.:ras-plans:
Trecut la catalog?

@Iulia, un motiv in plus sa te intalnesti cu mine...:P:D

2nd August 2008, 23:51
Esti trecuta:kiss:
Dar pana acum nu suntem decat 4...nu stiu daca mai facem ceva :P
Chiar nu mai vrea nimeni?:thinkso:

3rd August 2008, 02:06
ade, las ca si daca nu facem nu-i asa baiul mare, ca o sa primeasca omul destule ( ma gandesc eu :P )

3rd August 2008, 21:12
:P Corect:)

5th August 2008, 19:56
Ei e clar ca nu se baga nimeni...mai vedem la anul.
Nici macar o felicitare nu vreti?:D

8th August 2008, 22:58
Ba da, ar fi bine macar o felicitare:)

8th August 2008, 23:33
ade, eu zic sa facem ceva simplu. ca daca e cu creatii artistice ne impotmolim. o felicitare suna bine. hai ca ma uit si eu, uita-te si tu si daca vedem ceva fain scriem aici.

25th August 2008, 11:52
Aveti dreptate,haideti sa facem cheta sa angajam un detectiv,ceva,sa cerceteze unde au atelierul,si sa ii dea foc...:evil::drak:Cum adica "they do a very good job"? Un tip atat de frumusel si dragalas trebuie pus in valoare de niste costume pe masura...
Mie,una,mi-a placut costumul de la Matrix,care m-a marcat inca de pe atunci...impreuna cu programul curat pe care l-a facut Brian...Mi-aduc aminte de parca ar fi fost ieri...eram o pustoaica si am vazut in 2002 (parca in 2002,sper sa nu ma insel) aparand pe gheata un patinator nou,tinerel si frumusel,din Franta...si iata ca pasiunea mea pt el s-a mentinut in toti anii care au urmat...Sunt melancolica,nu ma luati in seama...
Irina,tare faza cu zebra... :happy (da,stiu,e scrisa de mult... :D )

25th August 2008, 17:13
rafaela, brian a participat la fort boyard si anul asta si emisiunea trebuie sa se difuzeze curand. clar o sa fie si clipuri. de abea astept. pe langa brian mai participa si fabian bourzat care e un al hottie :D

ps: m-am uitat si deja au aparut linkurile pe fsvids !!! :D

26th August 2008, 09:31
Yupeee!! Vreau si eu... Mersi de informatie,Irina... :kiss:
Si totusi,o sa rog pe cineva dintre voi sa imi puna si mie pe un cd emisiunea...Ca mi-a expirat contul pe fsvids... :(
Se ofera cineva?

26th August 2008, 20:57
Eu n-am cont, imi pare rau. Si eu as vrea sa vad. Oare vor aparea si pe youtube?

26th August 2008, 21:02

Puteti vedea Fort Boyard in totalitate pe:


e intr-adevar hot:)

26th August 2008, 21:15
Mersi Adeline si bine-ai venit!:)

27th August 2008, 09:26
Multumim,Adeline! :kiss:

6th September 2008, 22:55
Un interviu de acum 2 zile: http://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/dossiers/sport/index.php?res=3&spo=Z&num=911819#
S-ar parea ca nu s-ar mai retrage dupa olimpiada:)

6th September 2008, 23:06
chiar acum am citit articolul, ar fi foarte frumos daca ar ramane, dar eu cred ca decizia depinde f mult de ceea ce reuseste la urmatoarele competitii.
oare care o fi muzicile pt programele lui?:confused:

6th September 2008, 23:11

uite aici programele pt 2008-2009 ale patinatorilor :)
nu stiu la ce pagina e brian

LE: se pare ca ale lui brian nu au aparut pana acum sau cel putin, nu sunt in lista...

6th September 2008, 23:18
am inteles ca nu le publica, pana la primele competitii, dar se fac speculatii, barfe
eu inca nu am aflat inca nimic

6th September 2008, 23:32
poate vrea sa fie surpriza :)

6th September 2008, 23:33
S-ar putea.:)

6th September 2008, 23:35
am gasit barfe: lp 'the last of the Mohicans' soundtrack
sp:rise - safri duo
nu stiu cat de credibile pot fi, dar asta e singura varianta care circula

6th September 2008, 23:41
Interesant. Sunt curioasa cum isi va pune amprenta personalitatii lui pe melodia de la lp.

6th September 2008, 23:43
daca este adevarat.....eu acum ascult melodiile
pot sa zic ca imi plac, mai ales cel de la lp, e plin de suspans
iar sfri duo cum ii place lui, cred ca il va ajuta mult
sa speram ca va iesi campion cu ele

7th September 2008, 00:05
Asa sa fie:) Da, sunt frumoase melodiile, una ritmata, alta mai lenta. "Rise" a mai folosit-o si la gale.

7th September 2008, 03:21
melodiile astea sunt cele care au aparut intr-un articol. si eu sunt tare curioasa cum se potriveste el cu " the last mohican ".

7th September 2008, 15:03
Coloana sonora a filmului "Last of the Mohicans" e suuperba :D Tin minte ca fratii Kerr au folosit-o la fd, cred, in 2006. I love it. Sunt chiar curioasa cum va arata interpretarea lui Brian :)

7th September 2008, 15:40
muzica e frumoasa si mi-au placut si mie fratii kerr, dar brian pe muzica aia, hmmm. oricum nu se stie cum o sa fie editarea muzicii pt el, asa ca asteptam si vedem.

7th September 2008, 19:47
Merci Emi! :floricica:
Abia astept sa ii vad noile programe.
Ma bucur sa vad ca a ales "Rise" pentru sp :) Mi-a placut mult ca program de gala.

7th September 2008, 20:30
E bine ca n-o sa mai aiba probleme cu "vocile" pe fundalul melodiilor:) Si mie mi-a placut programul pe "Rise", foarte energic.

7th September 2008, 21:39
daca pana si mie mi`a placut :D ma rog, mai mult melodia m`a atras ca`mi place mult :P

8th September 2008, 00:11
eu sunt pro orice energetic pe care brian sa se miste :P posibil intr-un costum mulat si fara aripi de liliac :D

8th September 2008, 14:52
..si posibil fara partea e sus a costumului, huh?! :cry:

8th September 2008, 16:17
cris ce bine ma cunosti :P

8th September 2008, 23:23
..si posibil fara partea e sus a costumului, huh?! :cry:
eventual lipsindu`i si partea de jos :cry:

8th September 2008, 23:28
shhhhh, lil ade, faza asta trebuia sa fie secreta :P

daca avem un cititor nou pe aici o sa zica ca nu suntem fete serioase si de altfel foarte interesate de patinaj :D

9th September 2008, 09:27
:happy Foarte tare faza...
Pai de ce sa nu fim serioase?? Suntem mult prea serioase daca am ajuns si la astfel de abordari...E clar ca numai dupa ce ai inceput sa cunosti lucrurile bine,te apuci sa privesti si din alte unghiuri...Forumistele sunt cele mai cuminti si interesate de patinaj... Nu?

9th September 2008, 21:11
Da bineinteles ca da :D ;) Indrazneste cineva sa spuna ca nu?! :sting: :D

10th September 2008, 17:46
da, eu :cry:

10th September 2008, 20:13
eventual lipsindu`i si partea de jos :cry:
:happy Fain comentariu Ade-chan:P

10th September 2008, 22:17
da, eu :cry:

Ai spusssss cevaaaa?! :sting: :cry:

11th September 2008, 11:44
Eu sunt fata serioasa dar cand vine vorba de Brian:dance:..... dau join la clubul celor cu partea de jos:groggy:

super alegere 'Rise', sa vedem si LP cum va fi dar am incredere, f rar m-a dezamagit Brian...

11th September 2008, 13:00
Ai spusssss cevaaaa?! :sting: :cry:
nu :D am tastat gresit :cry:

11th September 2008, 13:18
Banuiam eu :D

13th September 2008, 20:36
In sfarsit ceva vesti, saru' mana :)
Io-s mare fana Last of the Mohicans asa ca nu pot decat sa ma bucur.Singurul lucru care ma nelinisteste e faptul ca fiind o melodie care cere un costum de inspiratie indiana, imaginatia designerului lui Brian va fi pusa la incercare...:groggy:
Eu una n-am fost niciodata de acord cu reciclatul melodiilor, dar Rise imi place si i se potriveste ca o manusa, asa ca-s optimista!:)

13th September 2008, 20:40
Singurul lucru care ma nelinisteste e faptul ca fiind o melodie care cere un costum de inspiratie indiana, imaginatia designerului lui Brian va fi pusa la incercare...

Auch! De ce a trebui sa reamintesti chestia asta:P
Poate nu trebuie sa ne facem griji.

13th September 2008, 20:42
si eu sper sa fie intr-o pasa creativa buna :P.....designer-ul ,i mean

20th September 2008, 21:29
La multi ani, Brian!:floricica:

21st September 2008, 19:35
la multi ani !!! multe realizari in noul sezon !!!!

2nd October 2008, 03:06
se aproprie mastersul si avem un mic clip cu noul sp si unele idei despre noile programe. miscarile arata grozav dar costumul arata ingrozitor, dar sincer nu ma asteptam la mai putin de la brian. :P

2nd October 2008, 11:58
sunt sigura ca in concurs nu va avea acest costum ;)

3rd October 2008, 15:13
azi e mastersul !!!!! goooooooooooooo briaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan !!!!!!

3rd October 2008, 21:12
Il va castiga (daca n-a facut-o deja) fara probleme:)

3rd October 2008, 21:43
Va incepe la 22 proba baietilor :)
Dar sigur o sa castige:ok:

3rd October 2008, 22:51
firesc ca va castiga ca doar n-o sa-l bata alban sau yannick. dar ma bucur ca poate o sa apara vids cu noul program :D
brian a incheiat spul cu scorul de 86,43. firesc e o competitie locala deci scorul e putin umflat, dar cred ca inseamna ca programul e bun. sunt asa de curioasa!!!!

3rd October 2008, 22:52
:cheer: Great!

3rd October 2008, 23:32
uitati-va doar daca sunteti tari de inima :P
este absolut ingrozitor !!!!

3rd October 2008, 23:37
Ce punctaj mare pt SP....chiar atat de in forma e? cam devreme totusi..mai sunt luni bune pana la mondiale

3rd October 2008, 23:38
Punctajul ca punctajul, dar cu costumul ce se face:help::help:

3rd October 2008, 23:38
se vede ca esti baiat mihai. punctajul de la sp paleste in fata costumului :P
punctajul e unul ca de o competitie in franta, dar cred ca e si foarte in forma. uita-te le filmuletul de mai sus cu bucati din program. arata foarte puternic brian acolo.

3rd October 2008, 23:48
Intr-adevar Irina...eu nu prea sunt cu costumele :D...dar asta nu inseamna ca nu imi doresc ca cei cei vor iesi campioni sa nu exceleze si la capitolul costume.....poate anul asta brian nu vrea sa iasa campion :P

3rd October 2008, 23:54
mihai, daca nu te pricepi la costume sa retii doar ca asta a stabilit un nou standard pt costume urate. dar sa nu ne suparam, bineinteles ca vrea sa fie campion. dar daca pana acum i-au purtat noroc costumele urate cred ca s-a hotarat s-o tine tot asa. :P

3rd October 2008, 23:55
Nu, sigur ne va uimi (placut, sper) cu un nou costum in competitiile ce urmeaza:)

4th October 2008, 00:03
Ok, Irina, ai dreptate. Asta cam bate costumul zebra.:D

4th October 2008, 20:19
lucrurile nu s-au intamplat asa cum ne-am fi asteptat. brian e pe locul doi dupa alban pt ca a cazu la 2 dintre sarituri in lp.

so PREAUBERT Alban 74,85 148,80 223,65
JOUBERT Brian 86,43 132,12 218,55
PONSERO Yannick 63,62 146,00 209,62

se pare ca brian are ceva probleme cu lamele patinelor. http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20081004&content_id=52502&vkey=ice_news

4th October 2008, 20:45
Hmm, asta nu-i prea bine, dar asa se ambitioneaza si mai mult:)

4th October 2008, 21:37
Doamne, dar avea vreo 11 pcte avans Brian. O fi fost prea increzator in victorie? Costumul e........:mda: In pozele de la Master, Isabella si Olivier nu par a avea nici ei cine stie ce costume.

4th October 2008, 21:54
Ce punctaj mare pt SP....chiar atat de in forma e? cam devreme totusi..mai sunt luni bune pana la mondiale
i`au dat pt costum :D

4th October 2008, 21:59
Felicitari lui Alban! Ma bucur pentru el
Ma nu stiu ce sa zic..e cam mare decolteul..dar altfel costmul nu e asa urat...parerea mea, hac!:P

LE: Cred ca am vazut alt costum...de unde poza pusa de tine Irina? cred ca nu e de la LP?NU?
Ca cel de la ultimul mohican e cam ciudatel asa sa nu zic mai mult:cry:
http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1245/img4758lh8.th.jpg (http://img143.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img4758lh8.jpg)

4th October 2008, 22:12
mamaaaaaaa, asta e si mai urat :cry: :happy :happy

4th October 2008, 22:19
Pai ma miram eu de ce spuneau toti ca e urat cand mie nu mi se parea :cry: Apoi l-am vazut pe asta si le dau dreptate:yes:

4th October 2008, 22:23
era vorba de costumul asta, cred. Cel de la sp.

5th October 2008, 00:04
eu ziceam de costumul de la sp ca e ingrozitor. pe asta de la lp nu-l vazusem. fetele de pe bjdg radeau de 1 luna si ziceau ca o sa aiba pene. sincer asta de la lp nu mi se pare urat, in sensul ca nu e nimic deosebit la el.
off, sper sa se ambitioneze brian.

5th October 2008, 00:39
iaca un clipulet cu inceputul spului. eu zic ca programul pare fain. pacat de costum. oricum mie imi place brian dinamic, deci sunt bucuroasa pt alegerea melodiei la sp.
ciudat dar in ciudat notei dezastroase de la lp, se pare ca totusi a fost bine notat la artistic. poate totusi nu asa groaznic programul. dar brian a gresit mult, a cazut de 2 ori si inteleg ca afacut un single axel.
am gasit lista cu notele arbitrilor. puteti vedea ce au facut toti.

am mai gasit ceva :
Joubert: « I couldn't breathe, I wasn't in because of this blade problem. I was struggling a lot on the ice. I could manage to skate in the short but not the free.
I'm very dispointed because I had a very very good preparation coming in this competition and I lost everything on four days.The whole program was a suffering. I wanted only one thing: That everything would stop. I felt no pleasure skating.
I hate to lose, but I'm not going to make a big deal of it. On Monday, I'm going to change my skates. I need to rebound, at my next competiton in 15 days at Nice.
I'm very happy for Alban who had his last season spoiled by injuries»

5th October 2008, 02:15
Joubert shows new programs in France
Despite blade problem, Joubert looks in top form

(10/04/2008) - Starting a new season is always a challenge for skaters. The French Masters, which are being held in the city of Orleans, one hour South of Paris, were created just for that purpose. Traditionally the first competition of the season, they are welcomed by most elite junior and senior skaters, who are eager to show their new programs.

"It is the first gathering of the whole family before French Nationals," André Philippe, one of the organizers, stated when opening the ice rink to the first competitors Thursday morning. More than anything, those Masters offer the opportunity to seize each skater's shape and spirits at start of the season.

They also provided a good opportunity to speak with Brian Joubert and evaluate how he was feeling.

Two changes and one (hopefully minor) problem at start of the season

At first glance you can see that Brian has changed. First, his hair is longer than last season.

"This is my choreographer's idea," said Joubert. "Actually I like it, so here is my new look, he confirmed with a smile."

The change is also visible when Joubert steps on the ice. For that change he gives also tribute to his choreographer, Evgeni Platov, with whom he worked last summer. When he learnt that Kurt Browning, with whom he had worked the last seasons, would not be available to create his new programs, Joubert turned to Platov for help.

"Evgeni is very different from Kurt, actually," explained Joubert. "I worked very well with him also. What I liked was that I had a say in the choreographical choices we were making. So, I involved myself much more into those two programs than I ever did. I feel good with them. Now it will be important to hear the judges' comments, here in France and at the international level."

Platov has also changed Joubert's approach to step sequences. "Evgeni is also a great technician for steps," Joubert commented. "He is very fast and tonic." This of course should fit his temper well.

His new short program, set to the music of Safri Duo, as well as his long, which he skates to the music of The Last of Mohicans, clearly show the new directions he has taken. "In fact, the goal this year would be to combine Kurt's smooth style and Evgeni's power," Joubert continued.

No injury has hampered Joubert's preparation so far this year. He trained at high altitude in the Alps most of the summer (around 5500 ft.). That helped him build a solid physical shape. "Everything is all right." Jean-Christophe Simond, who coaches Joubert, confirmed later. "There is just that small problem with one of his blades, but it should be fixed soon. We do not know what is happening."

Until four days ago, everything was running smoothly for the 2007 world gold medalist. Then it seemed to change when he had his blades sharpened. His quads, which he had mastered well throughout the summer, started to elude him.

Joubert's blade sharpener is no one else than the 1960 world gold medalist Alain Giletti, who has inherited the sharpening machine Pierre Brunet (former coach to Carol Heiss, Don Jackson, Alain Giletti and Alain Calmat) had devised in the 1960s. Giletti has become somewhat of a guru of blade sharpening in France, and takes care personally of Joubert's blades.

"You know how things go," Simond commented. "You are skating great and all of a sudden you miss one jump and then you miss it again. Then you start questioning everything that has happened since. Although I do not think there could be a mistake, we will check that blade anyway."

In fact, "Joubert is always a bit nervous about his quads," another observer added. "When his quads start to elude him, nothing seems to go right. Yet you can be sure that everything else is going fine with him!"

Joubert's answer on the ice was clear, however, as he skated powerful and mostly clean. He slightly over rotated his quad toe loop in his short program, but managed to land successfully the subsequent triple toe of his combination, his triple Axel and his triple Lutz.

"I will not let that problem distract me anyway. I am not going to focus on that," he said later. "I have not thought of my blades even once throughout the program," he said. He smiled right after to his coach and added: "But you know, I changed that blade yesterday night again!"

However important the results of these French Masters may be, their real point is not in the final rankings they will lead to. As a skater you need to disclose your new programs to judges, audience and the press after a whole summer of work, and listen to their comments; you also want to show everyone -- including your competitors, that you are fit and ready for the season to come.

This is exactly what Brian Joubert is doing this week end in Orléans.

Joubert is expected to compete again at the International Cup of Nice (in the B series), later this month, then in the Paris and Moscow stages of the Grand Prix in November.

5th October 2008, 14:56
si mohicanul :

5th October 2008, 20:41
spul lui brian

nici eu nu l-am vz inca pt ca mi se incarca greu. i'll get back to you :P

5th October 2008, 21:33
Bun SP , chiar f. bun! costumul.....:rosu:

LP..inca nu ma pot pronunta dar costumul e :mda: in termeni simpli....O ALEGERE NEINSPIRATA, nu mi l-as fi imaginat pe Brian cu pene....oribil...

trag totusi speranta ca este un concurs local doar....

dupa mine cel mai reusit costum a fost cel cu rosu si negru - SP - The Blue Man Grup:yeah:

5th October 2008, 22:56
Ma nush ce sa zic..costumul de la sp e cum e , dar cel de la lp e mult mai ciudat.

Mie cel mai mult mi-a placut cel de la James Bond - orice varianta, alb-negru, negru.

6th October 2008, 16:30
alea cu bond mi`au placut si mie :D nah, am zis`o :D

in asta de acum zici ca`i pasare maiastra sau vreun vultur pus pe fapte mari

6th October 2008, 16:47
Pasare maiastra?:ras-plans:

6th October 2008, 16:54
Da, chiar seamana cu un vultur sau soim in zbor, cum sta el, cu bratele intinse:D

6th October 2008, 16:55
Pasare maiastra?:ras-plans:
mie asa mi se pare :D
de fapt, brian mi s`a parut mereu ciudat :cry:

6th October 2008, 18:33
urata freza . cred ca are un cuib in cap :D

6th October 2008, 22:52
mie freza chiar imi place :P de haine vreau sa scap :P

6th October 2008, 23:05
De tot de tot?;)

6th October 2008, 23:19
eu ma gandeam sa incep cu costumele astea oribile dupa aia mai vedem :D

7th October 2008, 02:41
si the lp - last of the mohicans

multe greseli si per total nu ma face sa intru in atmosfera.

7th October 2008, 10:06
A avut un SP foarte bun...in afara de mica ezitare de la combinatie nu a mai gresit nimic. Mi-a placut in mod deosebit seria de pasi...cred ca e de nivel 4. Piruetele mi s-au parut mai bune decat in sezonul trecut..se vede ca a mai lucrat la ele.

LP-ul pe mine m-a cam plictisit...lasand la o parte greselile...parca i-a lipsit ceva. Nu e un program pe ca sa doresti sa-l revezi peste cativa ani....poate imi voi schimba parerea la concursurile ce vor urma.

16th October 2008, 12:01
LP-ul pe mine m-a cam plictisit...lasand la o parte greselile...parca i-a lipsit ceva. Nu e un program pe ca sa doresti sa-l revezi peste cativa ani....poate imi voi schimba parerea la concursurile ce vor urma.
exact asa mi s-a parut si mie...n-as fi putut descrie mai bine..:confused:
nu stiu ce sa zic....eu vreau sa vad ca se maturizeaza dpdv artistic,dar cu aerele astea de sex-simbol din Rise ....
Dar cine stie..poate vazut la TV e altfel,sper ca Brian sa ma contrazica:)
Iar costumele......AAAAAA!

19th October 2008, 00:05
brian despre retragerea lui de la cup of niece si socul cand a auzit ca se retrage stephane.

brian : He did not want to believe it at first, even saying in laughter: "If he quits, then I quit."

concluzia articolului e una semi trista, brian cam pare intr-adevar the last of the mohicans.

19th October 2008, 20:20
"What is happening to them?" he wondered right after. "This is simply incredible," he later commented.
Deci nu numai noi suntem exagerat de socati/e :P

19th October 2008, 22:59
Argent ou médaille

Le retrait d'adversaires potentiels aux JO de Vancouver ne satisfait pas pour autant Brian Joubert (24 ans), vice-champion du monde et N.3 au classement mondial de la fédération internationale (ISU) derrière le Japonais Daisuke Takahashi et le Tchèque Tomas Verner. "Je ne comprends rien. Franchement je ne comprends pas, que ce soit pour Buttle ou Lambiel", affirme le champion du monde (2007) et double champion d'Europe français (2007, 2004), qui avait raté sa compétition aux Jeux de Turin (6e). "Buttle a fait une superbe compétition aux Mondiaux, même s'il n'a pas tenté de grosses difficultés. Il a gagné le titre et je pense qu'il sait qu'il ne le gagnera pas deux fois. Il a sans doute voulu rester sur une victoire mais les Jeux sont chez lui. Il pouvait espérer remporter une deuxième médaille olympique", affirme Joubert.

"Lambiel, je ne sais pas pourquoi il arrête. Je ne comprends pas. Mais depuis son deuxième titre de champion du monde, psychologiquement ça n'allait plus du tout pour lui", ajoute-t-il. Quand on évoque leur usure physique, Joubert répond: "C'est vrai. Contrairement à Stéphane Lambiel, je ne fais pas beaucoup de galas. Alors c'est sûr, je gagne moins d'argent. Mais ça c'est ma mère qui me l'a appris: "Si tu veux faire des médailles tu auras de l'argent, si tu veux de l'argent, tu n'auras pas de médailles". Et ça s'est toujours vérifié. Il y a eu des saisons, comme en 2005, où j'ai fait plus de galas, gagné plus d'argent, mais au final je n'ai pas eu de titre car j'étais épuisé mentalement et physiquement".

Joubert, d'ores et déjà tendu vers l'objectif du titre olympique, ne se disperse pas et reste prudent. "Je ne veux pas me donner à 100% cette saison. Je veux en garder sous le pied pour la saison olympique. L'année où j'avais été champion du monde j'avais un programme à trois quadruples. Cette année ce n'est pas prévu. Mais ça sera peut-être pour l'année olympique. On va prendre étape par étape pour faire en sorte d'être prêt le jour J, à l'heure H" .

Un alt articol cu o declaratie a lui Brian despre retragerea lui Stephy.
Nu stiu ce sa zic..putea sa declare si altceva..dar intr-un fel o fi suparat ca a ramas fara concurenta reala si trebuia sa zica si el ceva, nu:D

20th October 2008, 19:51
Eeh, nu cred ca e asa trist ca se retrage Steph :P mai putine priviri si less handshakes. Da oricum, we appreciate :D :P

20th October 2008, 20:02
daca declara ca ii pare rau de retragerea astora doi sau a unuia din ei , inseamna ca e un mare mincinos. el traieste prezentul gandindu-se la aurul olimpic. nu cred ca e prost incat sa declare cu ipocrizie asa ceva...
si a fost dur facand paralela medalii-bani (de la gale). dar realist, si sunt total de acord si ma enervez ca banii sunt ochii cuiva

20th October 2008, 20:31
ziceti-mi si mie ce a zis ca eu franceza nu inteleg.

20th October 2008, 21:38
Irina, in articol scrie ca retragerea lui Buttle si-a lui Steph nu-l multumesc pe Brian. El spune ca nu-l intelege pe Buttle deoarece, desi stia ca nu va castiga aurul mondial de 2 ori, totusi JO se vor desfasura la el acasa si poate ar fi avut o sansa la medalie.

Despre Steph, Brian spune,de asemenea, ca nu intelege de ce s-a oprit, dar ca dupa 2 titluri mondiale si atatea gale, a aparut oboseala psihica si fizica. "Contrar lui Lambiel, eu n-am participat la foarte multe gale. Dar desigur, castig mai putini bani. Dar mama a fost cea care m-a invatat:'Daca vrei medalii, vei avea si bani, daca vrei bani, nu vei castiga medalii' Si faptul asta e verificat mereu.Am avut sezoane, ca cel din 2005, in care am avut multe gale, am castigat mai multi bani, dar la final n-am castigat titlul din cauza epuizarii mentale si fizice".

Brian mai zice ca in sezonul asta nu vrea sa se dedice 100%, vrea sa se pastreze pentru sezonul olimpic si ca nu-s prevazute 3 cvadruple ca atunci cand a luat titlul mondial.
Nu stiu daca am cuprins chiar totul si nici daca am tradus corect, dar in mare, cam asta este.

20th October 2008, 22:12
Eu nu cred ca Stephy a participat la "multe"(mie nu mi se par asa multe) gale pentru bani sau sa zicem doar pentru bani. Nu cred si pace..doar daca vine Steph in persoana si imi confirma o sa cred..pana atunci nu :D

20th October 2008, 22:24
Nici eu nu cred asta. De fapt, din multe interviuri pe care le-a dat, am inteles si cred ca participa la gale,in mare masura, pentru ca patinajul e pasiunea lui si ca satisfactia lui cea mai mare o reprezinta publicul, aplauzele si bucuria acestuia de a-l vedea pe Stephane patinand chiar in fata lor si pentru ei.

20th October 2008, 22:34
mersi mult anisia !!!

mai e bine stiut ca galele sunt platite. asa ca daca te duci esti platit. nu inteleg care e problema. nu doar steph a facut asta ci si daisuke si plushy sau johnny, asta din cei de care am citit eu. plushy chiar a renuntat la a fi cvaduplu campion mondial ( sau sansa de a incerca sa fie ) si sa-l egaleze pe alexei ca sa participe la gale ( vb de anul cu olimpiada).
eu chiar cred ca brian e mirat si nu intelege retragerile celor 2. brian e genul de atlet care iubeste competitia. jeff si steph erau mai mult genul care se credeau artisti si nu prea iubeau competitia. sunt convinsa ca brian isi dorea sa-l invinga pe jeff dupa intamplarea de la goteborg care l-a suparat.
dar fiecare poate sa creada ce vrea despre oricine. insa brian mereu a fost foarte onest in interviurile lui chiar daca ce a zis uneori a suparat pe multa lume sau a sunat a lauda sau a sunat urat si mie imi place chestia asta.

21st October 2008, 19:16
Ei..eu nu stiu..nu cred ca Brian a fost ipocrit in a spune ca-i pare rau ca Steph si Jeff se retrag. Nu e un actor atat de bun, oricum :P

21st October 2008, 19:21
oricum, e bine(cum zice si irina) ca spune verde`n fata ce gandeste, dar uneori trebuie sa fie mai rezervat...de multe ori, fie ca vrea sau nu, jigneste multe persoane

21st October 2008, 20:13
da eu stiu ca brian mai da si cu bata in balta dar pe mine ma distreza. asa cum m-a distrat la mondiale cand johnny a zis ca lui nu-i pasa daca sua nu mai are 3 locuri pt mondiale la anul ci doar 2 atata timp cat unul e al lui :P
cred ca din cauza eternului speech pe care il au fotbalistii " sa facem sa fie bine pt echipa " am dezvoltat o simpatie pe individualitati.

22nd October 2008, 01:41
Gala de la Coupe de Nice:

29th October 2008, 16:40
cea mai ciudata reclama posibila =))))))

29th October 2008, 16:45
:happy :happy :cry:

29th October 2008, 19:39
Aoleooo :happy :happy

29th October 2008, 20:25
Chiar ca :happy: :ras-plans: Oare cu cat l-or fi platit?

29th October 2008, 20:34
MariaC, cum ai reusit sa`ti pui avatar mare si gif ? esti moderator ? :P :thinkso:
cris, imi place ce scrie la tine sub nickname :)

on topic : inca o data :happy: :happy :happy :cry: :cry: :cry:

29th October 2008, 22:23
MariaC, cum ai reusit sa`ti pui avatar mare si gif ? esti moderator ?

:P bine ca mi-ai adus aminte cred ca ar fi cazul sa il schimbe :)
A castigat o etapa sau mai multe nu retin la concursul cu pronosticuri si asta a fost premiul ^_^
Dar pentru ca nu prea a mai intrat am uitat de el :P

29th October 2008, 22:28

30th October 2008, 13:35
cred ca ar fi cazul sa il schimbe

trebuie? daca da sa imi spui

30th October 2008, 15:53
cris, imi place ce scrie la tine sub nickname :)

Thx Ade :D :D

31st October 2008, 17:53
oh, maria, scuze ca te`am dat in vileag...nu asta a fost intentia mea...n`am stiut...daca nu veneam eu cu observatia aia, nu`si amintea ade si`l mai puteai pastra :D

9th December 2008, 20:43
brian a ajuns in korea . filmuletul e de la aeroport.
si aici un interviu cu el in korea.

Q: How do you feel about visit to Korea for GPF?
Brian : It'll be a precious opportunity to discover Korea, because it's my first visit . Most of all, I'm going to Korea to win GPF. ( Looking at reporter's world map ) It's really far. Is Seoul colder than Paris?

Q: There is a word "knife wind" in Korean. The winter wind from Siberia is really fierce. How about your condition? Your boots are OK now? I heard that you had some problems with that.
Brian : I've fixed my boots, but they aren't still perfect. My condition is very good. I'm so strong as you see.

Q: You are bigger than I expected. You are different from other skaters for sure. I think that's why your move is different from others on the ice. Your jumps are high, clear, and dynamic. I guess all of these are from your solid body.
Brian : Yes. Other skaters are smaller and more slender. I like my body's strong image. It can appeal to judges, and make my girl fans happy. (laugh)

Q: You can land quad jump. And it has speed which is about 150km/h. I want to know how you feel when you rotate jumps with marvelous speed.
Brian : It's like a freedom from gravity. I'm flying high during jumps.

Q: Do you still want to be a figure skater in your next life?
Brian : No. I'll ride a motorcycle, because I love speed.

Q: Figure skating, and motorcycle... It's similar that both need speed and balance. Do you choose your costume by yourself? They're something french, and very unique.
Brian : Russian designer makes my costume. My opinion is reflected in almost complete costume. What do you think about my LP costume? Don't you like it? I really like it.

Q: I heard that you wanted to pair skate in the future. Do you have any skaters whom you want to pair with?
( 1 year ago, Brian's told French newspaper that he wanted to pair with Yu-Na smile.gif )
Brian : Yes, I've told that someday I want to pair skate for sure. I want a skater who can land all of triple jumps.

Q: Someone's come across my mind now.
Brian : Yes, Yu-Na Kim. She is the real best skater in the world. She is really strong. Really. I'm serious.

Q: Yes. Yu-Na's jumps are very high, precise, and speedy. Now you're veteran. I want to know about your favorite program.
Brian : All of my programs are precious. I like 'Matrix' and '007'. 'All for you' was made for myself. How about you?

Q: I like 'Madeleine' (laugh). You've been a flawless skater technically. I was amazed by your artistic improvement this season. You move like an Indian in your free program even if you're European. Is there something that inspires you?
Brian : It's not that easy to be an Indian on the ice. It's difficult, because I'm not Indian. However, I always tried to concentrate.

Q: How did you make an effort?
I learned Tango and Hip-hop for better performance, and listened many music. I like 'Pink Floyd' especially. I will grow on artistic part.

Q: You changed your choreographer this season, and it seems to be very different style. Wasn't this change hard personally ?
Brian: Platov is very different from Kurt Browning. They have their own personality. Totally separate two worlds. I tried to get my own style from each other.

Q: A program for Brian Joubert has reborn from two independent different worlds.
Brian : Yes, you're right.

Q: I've read your biography. I can't forget that you hadn't gone on vacation before.
Brian: I have to practice every day regularly. That biography is 2006 edition. Maybe my second biography will be published in 2010.

Q: There are many new young skaters now. Stephane Lambiel, and Jeffery Buttle have retired.
Brian : So, I become a veteran now. But I'm only 24. I'm not that old.

Q: 'How do I feel if I concentrate on my whole life at the rink for only few minutes ?' I wanted to listen this answer from you directly after read your biography.
Brian : Skaters go against the gravity, and they put the friction in the shade. Skaters are risky and dangerous like their blades on the ice, but it's beautiful.

Q: Challenge to the speed causes resistance. All of your body might be full of hurts.
Brian : Yes, we have limits. We can skate only part of our lives. We have to pay dear for the speed.

Q: All of beautiful things can't be forever. Sometimes I think that when I watch figure skating.
Brian: Do you? See. ( He rolls his leg, and smiles ) Here am I.

Q: You've been running constantly, and will . I hope you can run to your goals, Brian.

9th December 2008, 23:27
Merci Irina!
Imi place ce raspunsuri a dat :)

Brian : Yes. Other skaters are smaller and more slender. I like my body's strong image. It can appeal to judges, and make my girl fans happy. (laugh)

10th December 2008, 17:39
Ft funny Brian asta..

Brian : Yes. Other skaters are smaller and more slender. I like my body's strong image. It can appeal to judges, and make my girl fans happy. (laugh)
Cat narcisism! :D

Do you choose your costume by yourself? They're something french, and very unique.
Indeed :cry:

10th December 2008, 19:43
Nu ai vazut Cris ca designerul e rus...i-o fi facand costumele dupa ce bea o vodka ^_^

10th December 2008, 19:46
mai mie cotumul cel nou de la lp chiar imi place mult. dar primul era facut dupa toata sticla de vodka nu doar un pahar. :P

10th December 2008, 19:49
:cry: Ai dreptate asta nou mai merge..dar tot bause un pahar..parerea mea :hac:

11th December 2008, 15:44
:cry: Ai dreptate asta nou mai merge..dar tot bause un pahar..parerea mea :hac:

Totally agree :cry:

11th December 2008, 16:35
Ei, poate asta e costumul pt GP-uri de obicei le mai schimba pt CE sau CM, cum a fost cazul in 2005 cu 1492.. sau cu James Bond chiar si la programul cu Metallica l-a schimbat in ultimul an. E bun costumul dar si eu sunt de parere ca se poate si mai bine!

offff..... dar a zis ca-i place totusi.....I wonder why?

12th December 2008, 00:38
voi vorbiti de ultimul costum pt lp cel cu pasarea ca nu va place? mie chiar mi se pare superb. nu credeam sa il vad pe brian imbracat in asa ceva pt ca e foarte stil johnny dar ma bucur ca s-a intamplat.
costumul de la sp e insa o alta poveste, o poveste cu plasa de pescuit din pacate.

12th December 2008, 16:26
mie ala cu pasarea mi se pare oribil :D

12th December 2008, 16:57
mie ala cu pasarea mi se pare oribil :D

Imi place sinceritatea ta :cry:

12th December 2008, 18:26
pai nu`mi place sa fiu ipocrita :P bine, mai sunt cazuri cand e nevoie sa te prefaci, da` mai rar :P

13th January 2009, 19:09
Brian Joubert, ne face o surpriza.dupa esecurile cu lp-ul the last of the mohikans, Brian, a decis sa intre in competitie cu programul Matrix reloaded, o versiune noua a lp-ului care i-a purtat noroc


13th January 2009, 19:30

Mi-e dor de programul asta!

13th January 2009, 23:12
eu sunt in soc. nu stiu ce sa cred. imi pare rau de actualul lp ca nu l-a patinat niciodata la capacitate maxima. dar sunt curioasa sa vad noul lp. e un mix matrix cu requiem for a dream. sincer m-am cam sictirit de nr de patinatori care au folosit requiem for a dream, dar astept sa aud mixajul intre cele 2 coloane sonore.

13th January 2009, 23:31
Incerc sa-mi adun mandibula de pe jos....:groggy:
Oare cum va fi costumul?Sincer, desi costumul de Matrix e febletea mea, sa-l vad in concurs 3 ani e deja prea mult...
Dar de-asta il iubim pe Brian, pentru ca tot ce face ne socheaza :yes:

14th January 2009, 07:29
CE? Nu auzisem de asta.
Ei poate e mai bine asa :)

16th January 2009, 19:52
Sper sa ii poarte noroc noul program.:) De abia astept sa il vad.

20th January 2009, 20:29
Brian pare sigur pe el.
merci Rachel

Joubert: "I've dreamt about it"

The Poitevin aims for a third continental title with his new free programme "Matrix 2 - Requiem for a dream," which he feels and skates with intensity.

When and why did you decide to change your long programme?

"Matrix is the programme that defined my carreer, even if I wasn't world champion with it. Matrix 2 and Requiem for a Dream are themes that I've been thinking about for a long time. I knew that I was going to use them one day or another. I indeed felt that something wasn't right with my new free programme "Last of the Mohicans." However, I love the musique. But I didn't love skating to it. When I practised it, I felt like I was going to the factory. It wasn't natural. The rhythm wasn't good. After having though upon these things, I made my decision when coming back from Korea, in mid-December. The beginning of the season was difficult with the back and skate problems. The experience allowed me to change before it was too late."

How are you feeling now?

"I feel fresh, physically; really much better than at this time last year. Tonight, I dreamt that I won my third European title. Now, I need to do the work."

In these tough moments, do you feel supported?

"I don't delude myself. I know that there are cetain people who believe I'm through. Such whipserings have gotten back to me. In skating, there are some who think I'm finished, that I'll never get back to the top. They are right that such talk only motivates me more. I'm not gone... I took all that I could take this season. When you've been European and World champion, you only aim for the title thereafter."

Could we hope for a 100% French podium in Helsinki

"A French triple, I truly believe that it's possible. Drapeau Alban (Préaubert) and Yannick (Ponsero) really have the potential to make the European podium. They've both grown, but have a tendancy to choke in the big championships. Fighting for a spot on the European podium is not easy. They will have to overcome this psychological block and perform well, despite the stress."

After seven season at the highest level, do you still have the same desire, the same hunger to win?

"I'm always hungry because I've not won everything that I wanted to win, in terms of titles, because the Olympic gold is missing, but also in terms of performance. A while ago, I was talking of doing three different quadruple jumps. I could meet this kind of challenge afterwards. I'm not simply disappearing from view after the Vancouver Games. If I win the title in Vancouver, I could then try big things without having anything to lose. But I won't do one season too many. I don't want to be a guignol (reference to the po****r French puppet satire show, Les Guignols de l'info)."

20th January 2009, 21:38
mi-a placut interviul asta. sper sa se vada si in atitudinea lui pe gheata. dar sper sa nu avem parte de o tripleta frantuzeasca.

20th January 2009, 23:26
Nu cred ca m-ar deranja o tripleta frantuzeasca..dar nu il prea vad pe Yannick pe podium.

21st January 2009, 19:31
Ce mai ziceti?
Eu una ma bucur de programul "Matrix" ,abia astept sa il vad...

21st January 2009, 23:14
Buna Rafaela!!!
Ce dragut ca te-ai gandit sa ne mai vizitezi :)

22nd January 2009, 15:29
Buna fetelor! :)
Sunt noua pe forum, acum vreo cateva minute m-am inregistrat, m-am gandit sa fac asta dupa ce ieri am vazut campionatul, proba masculina. Pur si simplu Brian mi s-a parut extraordinar, plin de energie si chiar m-a binedispus sa il vad , a transmis multe prin programul lui.
Va salut inca o data calduros(desii e cam frig afara) si sper sa ma primiti si pe mine pe aici.:):)

22nd January 2009, 15:52
Bine ai venit, Ioana!:)

22nd January 2009, 16:42
Bun venit, Ioana! :D

22nd January 2009, 21:36
Superb programul de ieri....acuma astept cu nerabdare sa il vad azi!:D
sunt curioasa care va fi noul campion!:D

22nd January 2009, 23:32
mi-e greu sa recunosc, dar mi-a placut fffff mult lpul lui brian....combinatia cu requiem a fost fantastica!!mie mel aia imi da fiori de fiecare data cand o ascult, plus niste secvente de pasi (chiar si ale lui brian) insutesc fiorii... butterflies in my stomach

LE: inca 2-3 programe de genul asta si devin fana brian :D

23rd January 2009, 00:55
bine ai venit ioana !!! cum sa nu te primim !!!!!!!!

chiar daca mie nu mi-a placut f tare combinatia matrix reloaded + requiem for a dream ( pt mine requiem for a dream e tomas verner in tokyo forever ) ma bucur teribil pt brian si sper ca pana la mondiale sa mai rafineze lpul. baiatul asta e o inspiratie !!!! o putere de lupta extraordinara. bravo !!!!!

ps : rocs, daca mai vrei inca 3 programe diferite de la brian saracul o sa iasa la pensie pana devii tu fana :P

23rd January 2009, 10:05
pai mai Irina, la valoarea lui, brian ar tb sa fie in stare sa ma impresioneze cu inca 3 programe pe gustul meu :D oi fi eu pretentioasa in privinta lui, dar devine din c in c mai inspirat omul. si cum nu are un elvetian in coaste, ma las mai usor impresionata :P

23rd January 2009, 11:32
Buna din nou!:):)
Ma bucur ca a castigat Brian cu toate ca ma asteptam putin mai mult de la el. Mi s-a parut ca a fost o mica diferenta intre programul lui scurt si cel lung. La cel scurt a fost mai energic, pe cand aseara mi s-a parut putin stresat. Oricum in mare parte mi-a placut, programul a fost mai bun decat anteriorul(ultimul mohican) dar totusi parca a impresionat mai mult in 2004. Mi-a parut rau de Tomas, chiar vroiam sa il vad pe podium:(
Si inca ceva, multumesc pentru intampinare :)

23rd January 2009, 11:49
bine ai venit, ioana !!! :cheer:

23rd January 2009, 13:19
Bine v-am gasit :D

23rd January 2009, 19:43
mersi :)

23rd January 2009, 20:37
pot spune :yessssssssssss! inca un titlu!
restul...nu mai conteaza ca deh...e Brian,,e si el mic ma...:P

23rd January 2009, 21:16
Bine v-am gasit :D
:cry: welcome

23rd January 2009, 22:08
Desi a avut unele greseli in program,per total mi-a placut....ma bucur pt el!:D

25th January 2009, 15:04
Superb a patinat Brian, Felicitari!!!! :great: :great: :great:
M-a cucerit din prima cu muzica superba...la sp "safri duo" si la lp "requiem for a dream" :X
ca sa nu mai zic de partea tehnica...SUPERB! INCANTATOR! :X

25th January 2009, 15:18
asa e...de data asta, muzica a fost aleasa perfect...mi`au placut si mie programele

26th January 2009, 21:38
Joubert wins third European title

HELSINKI (AFP) — France's Brian Joubert won a third European men's figure skating title here on Thursday to bury the nightmare of his tearful failure at the 2008 championships.

Joubert, with a total points score of 232.01 points, finished ahead of silver medallist Samuel Contesti of Italy (220.92pts) with Belgium's Kevin Van Der Perren (219.30) claiming third place.

It was Joubert's eighth European medal in all with his two previous titles coming in 2004 in Budapest and 2007 in Warsaw.

"All victories are important, but this is all the more important because I have had such a difficult season," said Joubert in front of the 4,500 crowd.

"I did my job. I am back. For me the quadruple jumps are important, it is the future of the sport and I promise that I will do three quadruples at the world championships (in March in Los Angeles).

"At the start of the programme, I was nervous but when I heard the crowd it was fantastic. I will remember this all of my life and I hope to come back to Finland where I have skated for the first time."

Joubert lost out on the European title 12 months ago to the Czech Republic's Tomas Verner when his campaign was badly affected by a debilitating injury.

World number two Joubert finished with a bronze in 2008 just behind Switzerland's Stephane Lambiel, who has now retired.

Going into the 2009 championships, he had suffered difficulties with his skates as well as struggling with a back injury.


Other article :

There are three Frenchmen from now on among twelve better worldwide skaters. Brian Joubert (Photo Reuters), sacred Thursday European champion for the third time, the rest n°2 worldwide in the classification of the international Federation (ISU) behind the Czech Tomas Verner (6th in Helsinki). Yannick Ponsero, victor of the free and fourth programme in Helsinki, enters worldwide Beep 10 from his part by earning four places. Alban Préaubert, the fifth in the Euro gnaws, it, a position and clocks in from now on in the donzième rank.A good for a trouble? While it would be possible to be delighted with this talented abundance, you should not forget that only two of them will be chosen for world championships in the United States the end of March. Some observers even fear new tensions this year, in thirteen months of the Olympic Games of Vancouver, with this time Alban Préaubert in victim. Considering the results of season, the skater of Annick Dumont, (5th) author of two good technical programmes lacking simply linking and art expression, will not be undoubtedly in world championships in Los Angeles next March and its selection for JO of 2010 seems compromised.In Helsinki, Ponsero not only outstripped Préaubert, but he especially won the free, what will have marked minds. «My objective is to make a medal in Vancouver, exulted on Thursday evening Ponsero, pupil of Didier Lucine to Annecy, which missed the bronze of the final catwalk for six hundredth performances of point because of a bad short programme. It is the hitch. I do not succeed in putting in chains two perfect programmes. It is from now on my ambition for world championships and JO.» (With AFP)

Relaxed and satisfied, Brian Joubert greeted the press last night with a radiant smile. He is happy to have found himself. "I took the ice focused, yet calm. It was just amazing. I enjoyed myself from the beginning to the end. It was very clean. I beat my record for a score coming off of the short. I am confident for the final free programme. I am in first; I prefer to be on the outside and come from behind. Now, with experience, I know how to manage the situation. I'm not going to worry about my lead, competitors, or my score; rather I will really focus on myself."
And of the new free programme that he will perform for the very first time this evening, is it here to stay?
"I will tell you tomorrow... this programme is only two weeks old. It is but a little baby, still. I am not going to doubt. I'm going to attaque, that's it!"
Afterwards, it will be time to make that assessment, inevitably favourable. "With hindsight, I think that putting out [the programme I did tonight], whereas a week ago, I couldn't do a decent short, that is a considerable step down the path... in the right direction. This championship is still a step that I want to win, but the end goal is the world championships."
Coach Jean-Christophe believes. "Again I see Brian the conquerer. I'm very confident. He's a champion."

ultimul imi place cel mai mult.....in sfarsit un Brian happy si sigur pe el

27th January 2009, 10:21
un articol f ciudat, conform caruia Brian vrea sa-si schimbe din nou antrenorul....
With three skaters in five first of the European championship, France is confronted with a worry: choose two of them for world championships in the United States the end of March.Joubert, European champion, will be discreet, except wound, even if this new title does not conceal the feeling of faintness appeared at the beginning of season in its circle. Then,it will be necessary to choose between the Annécien Yannick Ponsero, fourth in Helsinki, and Alban Préaubert, the fifth. And still it is necessary to note that the silver medal returned to the ancient Gapençais Samuel Contesti, evicted from the team of France in 2005 and which skates for Italy today.The observers fear new tensions this year, in 13 months of the Games of Vancouver, with this time Alban Préaubert in victim. Considering the results of season, the skater of Annick Dumont, (5th) author of two good technical programmes lacking simply linking and art expression, will not be undoubtedly in world championships in Los Angeles next March and its selection for JO of 2010 seems compromised.Because in Helsinki, Ponsero not only outstripped Préaubert, but he especially won the free. "My objective is to make a medal in Vancouver", Ponsero exulted, pupil of Didier Lucine in Annecy, who missed the bronze of the final catwalk for six hundredth performances of point because of a bad short programme. "It is the hitch. I do not succeed in putting in chains two perfect programmes. It is from now on my ambition for world championships and JO", he promises.
For Joubert, victory can make only the good. Because in spite of a third European title and an eighth medal in eight participations in the Championships of the Old Continent, he is not serene. He knew the difficult seasonal beginning (wound in the back during the final of the Grand prix in Goyang making him declare false to the Championships of France in Colmar, where Ponsero imposed itself; 4th place in trophy Bompard) and changed by free programme for this Euro.
In the grip of family problems, he seems to move away, under the influence of his mother, of the coach who delayed him on the good rails, Jean-Christophe Simond. In 2006-2007, this technician had allowed him to earn everything. In 2007-2008, the harvest was less abundant (a victory in Skate Canada, 2nd place in world championships, 3rd place in the Euro) because of a virus. This season, Brian Joubert succeeded in saving pieces of furniture by winning again the Cut of Russia and an European title. But he must get ready now serenely for world championships and find a good free programme for the Games of Vancouver.

27th January 2009, 15:14
hmm, eu nu inteleg ca ar fi zis brian ca vrea sa-si schimbe antrenorul.

27th January 2009, 19:54
Eu nu ineleg de ce se spune ca vor fi tenisuni iar, acum intre Alban si Ponsero, Franta nu are trebui sa aiba 3 locuri la JO?

Daca reusesc toti 3 in primii 10 la CM sau macar 2 in primii zece parca au 3 locuri asa ca nu ar mai fi loc de certuri dar francezii astia si-o cauta mereu:angry:

27th January 2009, 20:48
mie federatia franceza mi se pare tare nasoala.

27th January 2009, 21:21
Nici eu nu ii inteleg, de ce spun ca trebuie aleaga?Anul trecut au fost tot cei 3 francezi la mondiale, si au avut toti locuri bune. Cine ii mai intelege si pe ei. Oricum Brian pentru mine e un campion, nu conteaza ca nu a fost la nationale, sau ca nu a avut chiar sezonul perfect pe care si-l dorea. Sper sa ia aurul la LA. Si pe 2 sa il vad pe Tomas :):)
Anul trecut el (Brian)trebuia sa fie castigator, nu Buttle :(

27th January 2009, 23:07
What? :( Sper din tot sufletul sa participe toti 3...

27th January 2009, 23:11
pai eu nu vad nici un motiv sa aleaga. ce sa aleaga? au 3 locuri la mondiale.

27th January 2009, 23:32
o alta chestie, cica nu Brian renunta la J-C si asta la Brian. se pare ca la party de dupa CE Brian i-a multumit tuturor si mai ales lui Annick si nu lui JC care a plecat in graba si suparat.
si dupa SP -ul perfect se pare ca l-a certat pe Brian , la care el a zis doar atat: 'nu'.
daca se despart atunci antrenorul are voie sa-l dea afara doar dupa CM.
asta scria in fsu forum, unde ai acces doar daca platesti, cineva de acolo povestea

28th January 2009, 00:12
Buna fetelor!
Sunt noua pe forum, acum vreo cateva minute m-am inregistrat, m-am gandit sa fac asta dupa ce ieri am vazut campionatul, proba masculina. Pur si simplu Brian mi s-a parut extraordinar, plin de energie si chiar m-a binedispus sa il vad , a transmis multe prin programul lui.
Va salut inca o data calduros(desii e cam frig afara) si sper sa ma primiti si pe mine pe aici.

/hello Bine ai venit Ioana! Scuze ca iti zic asta cam tarzior:P

Mi-ar parea rau ca Brian sa renunte la JC..au avut rezultate bune impreuna.

Pai eu am inteles de pe BJDG ca Franta nu are 3 locuri pentru mondiale:thinkso: Si se discuta pe cine sa aleaga intre Yannick si Alban. Yannick a ocupat o pozitie mai buna la CE si s-ar putea sa fie favorit..dar eu l-as vrea pe Alban la mondiale.

28th January 2009, 07:39
nu prea cred ca Yannick ar face o fata buna la mondiale, mai degraba Alban..:o:
Dar se mai zvonea o data ca Brian vrea sa-si schimbe antrenorul..nu?!

28th January 2009, 19:45
aoleu .... asta mai lipsea:headbang:

De ce sa schimbe antrenorul? Doamne....acum cand a capatat si el o stablitate si o maturitate in patinaj si in prag de JO.

Chair m-am uitat de curiozitate la programul de la JO Torino sa vad daca simt o diferenta intre Brian 2006 si Brian 2009, ei bine este si inca foarte mare, eleganta si tehnica de patinaj s-au imbunatatit dar Brian a castigat mult la atitudinea pe gheata si a capatat, repet, maturitate in patinaj.

Eu zic sa nu discute in afara ghetii daca sunt suparati dar profesional sa colaboreze, culmea, iese campion si tot se despate de antrenor? Inteleg daca nu erau rezultate dar asa.........

Intr-adevar daca nu a l-a amintit pe JC eu l-as pedepsi, sa sara 4 cvdruple:D, urat din partea lui dar asa ne surpirnde patinatorul asta...cand ne e lumea mai draga:confused:

28th January 2009, 20:53
de ales l-au ales pe yannick pt a merge la mondiale impreuna cu brian.

28th January 2009, 21:55
sincer eu ma bucur,imi place mai mult Ponsero decat Preaubert!:D

28th January 2009, 22:40
:( Imi pare rau...mai bine era Alban..dar rezultatele mai bune sezonul asta le-a avut Yannick.
C'est la vie :P

29th January 2009, 13:39
The president of the French federation of ice sports (FFSG), Didier Gailhaguet, is relieved by the gold medal of Brian Joubert.

France has obtained only one medal in Helsinki, are you satisfied?
“First, there is the satisfaction to know that Brian Joubert is on the way of a return that we have hoped for the last three months. The preoccupations of any order (personnal and health-related) are now behind him. Satisfaction to have a European title that we did not really expect. ”

What remains to be made for Worlds and the Olympic Games?
“A lot of work remains to be done, in particular with the surrounding staff, for Worlds where it will be necessary to get the quotas for the OG. Los Angeles will be an important moment to score points in the Olympic strategy. I am confident because our leading skaters knew how to pull the team upwards. The return of Brian is important for the good spirits of the team. ”

Is Joubert in ascending form?
“He found his mental of warrior back. His short program proved it. He is very far from being ready physically, but there are eight weeks from now to Los Angeles. It is enough time (but necessary time) for Brian to reach his top form”.

13 month before the OG of Vancouver, is he in a better position than he was one year before Turin in 2006?
“Unquestionably. The experience of Turin (where he finished 6th) can only be useful to us. We know the errors made then. His environment is a lot more positive. It should quietly bring him towards the Olympic title that we all hope for. ”

Will he go to the OG with the same team and the same coach ?
"There are rumors about changes and modifications of his usual staff. Those are rumors. What is true is that Brian and his coach accept without hesitation the fact that several consultants, who will be structured around him to help him with his weaknesses and to maintain his strong points, will be more present and diverse, whether in Poitiers, whether abroad (Plushenko's russian coach has been contacted, he's saving his answer until he gets the answer about Plushenko's come back).
The goal is that Brian arrives in the best conditions, technical, artistical and psychological, on the D day.
Jean-Christophe (Simond) has exposed some wishes that we are studying. We are a federation of modest size which doesn't have endless means but we'll do anything we can to help Brian in his preparation.
I'm sure that with Jean-Christophe but also around Jean Christophe, we'll find the right people to make the right choices."

3rd February 2009, 17:42
brian primeste un codou si apoi i se pun cateva intrebari. e super funny !!!

7th February 2009, 17:58
sper ca acest video nu a mai fost postat


8th February 2009, 21:21
Ce frumos si simpatic poate fi baiatul asta!!! Si pe deasupra mai are si simtul umorului... Interviul e super Irina, il vazusem dar mereu imi face placere sa il revad. Si ca tot e vorba de clipuri va las niste linkuri, sa vedeti cat este de adorabil...

9th February 2009, 15:57
multumesc de clipuri Ioana...foarte dulcic

9th February 2009, 21:28
cu placere, si da foarte dulce baiatul asta...mai sa fac diabet
Am vazut si clipul tau si imi place rau!

17th February 2009, 19:42

A royal meeting

It would seem that the skater Brian Joubert needed to win another European championship in order to meet with Ségolène Royal. The encounter played out Friday at the skating rink with a little surprise in passing between salchows, the presence of the former boxing world chapmion, Mahyar Monshipour. And he wasn't there by engagement; he showed up of his own accord.

March on the West coast

Brian Joubert is getting ready for the world championships in Los Angeles (22-29) during a stage in San Diego with the French team. After the American westin spring, the Poitevin will head east. He will probably begin his preparations of the Games in Saint Petersburg with Alexeï Mishin, the coach of the Olympic champion Plushenko, as an exclusive consultant

stiri de pe BJDG
se pare ca Brian, dupa ce-si petrece primavara in America, acum se antreneaza la San Diego, dupa CM, el iazborul catre est, si anume Sankt Petersburg, pentru a se antrena cu Alexei Mishin, fostul antrenor a lui Plush...

17th February 2009, 20:38
Cum? Nu-mi vine sa cred ce citesc! Sa se antreneze cu Mishin? Cand el a zis numai lucruri urate de Brian? Nu se poate...mai degraba il vedeam sa se antreneze cu Tarasova. Chiar ma gandeam cand citeam ca are probleme cu JC ca ar fi bine sa fie luat sub aripa protectoare a Tatianei ca ce campion olimpic poate sa scoata ea din Brian. Mai ales ca am vazut(si am si postat) niste poze cu ei doi, iar la CoR sezonul acesta iarasi au parut prietenosi. Mishin a facut niste declaratii in care spunea ca Joubert nu este deloc o amenintare pentru Plushenko, el nefiind un patinator de prima clasa. Sa se schimbe acum? Si sa accepte Brian sa lucreze cu el? Om trai si om vedea...

17th February 2009, 20:43
si mie mi se pare fishy, very fishy.

27th February 2009, 22:58
va las un interviu cu el de la finala grand prix
sper sa nu aiba o problema de genul acesta si la modiale, ca pe el vreau sa il vad pe podium pe prima treapta

27th February 2009, 23:21
nu-ti fa griji, Ioana... e doar un junghi in spate, din cate am inteles :P
he'll up and running ptr CM :D

1st March 2009, 19:44
We heard that Lucinda Ruh is in Poitiers working with Brian Joubert on spins, transitions and footwork as he prepares for the World Championships, so we asked her about it.

"As it is a month before worlds, we cannot change too much," said Lucinda, "Yet we have been working very hard on centering, speed, clearer positions and nicer lines. Brian is great to work with, a pure athlete, very hard-working, a quick and eager learner, powerful, dedicated and has the fire in his eye."

Brian told Lucinda that he finds spinning more tiring than quads.

"He would rather do quads the whole session than a few spins. People tend to underestimate the difficulty of strength and stamina that great spins require. Our work together has already shown big improvement, and I am confident that he will produce great new results in Los Angeles."


4th March 2009, 20:12
poza asta e mortala

4th March 2009, 23:20
Oh yeah!:happy

4th March 2009, 23:34
emi, tu si baietii shirtless :P

5th March 2009, 19:26
vai....mie imi plac si cu shirt :P
dar sa nu fiu prea offtopic, pun o alta poza, de data asta complet imbracat....ce pacat :groggy:

7th March 2009, 00:30
si asta e buna :)

7th March 2009, 20:01
deci poza asta imi place si mie :D no way !!! e ca mine, si eu tot cu castile alea dupa mine :P

7th March 2009, 20:42
Intr-adevar e frumos baiatul, si cu si fara tricou. Mie imi place mai mult cu, sa lase loc imaginatiei. Si daca pana si Adei ii place, atunci chiar ca nu mai are nimeni ce sa zica ...