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Thread: Tennis ***NEWS***

  1. #295
    Superbull dlgicu's Avatar
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    Anul trecut a fost
    S-ar putea sa fie tot asta, dar deocamdata nu e nimic pe el de anul asta; altul nu mai stiu.
    Dimineata aerul curat s-ar putea sa-ti sparga fata

  2. #296
    senior lethal's Avatar
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    cineva care stie clasamentul provizoriu la "Tiriac Trophy" sa posteze pls!!

  3. #297
    padawan gikanu's Avatar
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    1.victor crivoi 59 pct
    2.adrian cruciat 57 pct
    3.adrian ungur 48 pct
    4.gabriel moraru 29 pct
    5.artemon apostu-efremov 19 pct
    6.andrei mlendea 18 pct
    7.victor anagnastopol 15 pct
    8.dacian craciun 11 pct
    9.adrian barbu 9 pct
    10.victor stanica 7 pct

    banuiesc ca restul nu te mai intereseaza. clasamentul e facut pe baza punctelor castigate in primele 15 turnee ale circuitului. e posibil sa mai fi uitat cateva puncte, dar in mare cam asa arata ierarhia in ce-i priveste pe romani.

  4. #298
    senior lethal's Avatar
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  5. #299
    sport legend
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    "Chiar daca in clasamentele mondiale intre romanul Victor Hanescu si spaniolul Rafael Na-dal exista o distanta destul de mare, cei doi se afla la egalitate in fruntea unuia din topurile alcatuite de specialistii ATP. Astfel, cei doi conduceau cu un procentaj de 69% ierarhia reusitei primului serviciu, clasament alcatuit pe baza rezultatelor inregistrate pana la inceputul lunii august. Singura diferenta intre cei doi este ca procentajul lui Nadal este calculat pentru 67 de meciuri, iar cel al lui Hanescu doar pentru 30, acesta reprezentand numarul de partide pe care cei doi tenismeni il jucasera pana in acel moment. Drept pentru care Nadal se situeaza pe prima pozitie a topului realizat de RICOH si ATP, iar romanul doar pe locul al doilea. Bucuresteanul e prezent si in clasamentul celor mai multe mingi de break salvate, unde ocupa locul 8 cu 67%. Din pacate, nici un alt jucator roman nu e prezent in acest top. Conform respectivelor clasamente, cei mai in forma tenismeni la ora actuala sunt Rafael Nadal si americanul Andy Roddick. Nadal e cel mai bun la 5 din cele 10 categorii: procentajul la primul serviciu, punctele castigate pe returul primului serviciu, mingi de break castigate, procentajul la cel de-al doilea serviciu si procentaj la ghemurile castigate pe serviciul adversarului. Andy Roddick ocupa de 4 ori locul intai la: gheme castigate pe propriul serviciu, cei mai multi asi, cele mai multe puncte castigate pe primul serviciu si cele mai multe mingi de break salvate. Metronomul elvetian Roger Federer e numarul 1 doar la categoria celor mai multe puncte castigate pe cel de-al doilea serviciu.
    Articol de: Mihaela Sicoe"

    Sursa: Libertatea

  6. #300
    sport legend Ady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharkie
    Din pacate, nici un alt jucator roman nu e prezent in acest top.
    Urmaresc de mult clasamentele respective si inainte il aveam si pe Pavel in primii 10 la procentajul pe primul serviciu cu 66% . Din pacate a facut un meci cu 33% care l-a scos din acest top

  7. #301
    sport legend
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    Apr 2005
    Ady,da-mi si mie te rog linkuri cu site-urile unde te uiti la topurile respective.Daca nu poti aici pe PM pls.

  8. #302
    sport legend Ady's Avatar
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  9. #303
    sport legend
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    Merci mult.

  10. #304
    Superbull dlgicu's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Tocmai s-a terminat meciul Thiago Alves (Bra - 3) - Florin Mergea (Rom-8) 6-0 4-6 7-5, in sferturile de finala ale turneului challenger Manta Open din Ecuador.

    L-am urmarit streaming la telerama, televiziunea ecuadoriana, nu am vazut prea bine jocul sau fazele, dar m-am lamurit si cu psihicul lui Mergea... e la fel de roman ca toti romanii, ca mine si ca tine

    Despre primele doua seturi n-ar fi prea multe de spus, poate doar ca l-a pierdut pe primul fara drept de apel, iar in al doilea a servit la 5-3 pentru set, a pierdut serviciul, pentru ca apoi sa ia break la 5-4 ca sa castige setul.

    Al treilea l-a inceput romaneste, adica pierzandu-si serviciul, si apoi oricat s-a chinuit sa rupa ritmul pe serviciul brazilianului (cu medic, masaj, contestari de mingi, mers la prosop etc.) s-a ajuns la 5-3, romanul la serviciu. Nici pe celelalte 3 nu le castigase asa usor Mergea (la serviciu), dar in asta a ajuns la 15-40, dupa care a salvat 3 mingi de break (si meci) ajungandu-se la 5-4. Pe serviciul brazilianului, 40-15, dupa care mai salveaza 2 mingi de meci ca sa facaj dupa un avantaj sau doua in sfarsit break: 5-5. Serveste Mergea... 0-40, dupa vreo doua mingi contestate (repet, nu stiu daca a avut sau nu dreptate, la streaming urmaresti mai mult pe bajbaite... pe mine ma interesa mai mult sonorul si scorul) scapa un "Imi bag p... in tara asta" auzit de tot terenul, si de mine la calculator. Asta se pare ca l-a mobilizat, ca a ajuns la 40-40. Dupa inca vreo cateva avantaje, castiga insa brazilianul, si ghemul urmator la 0: ghem, set meci: 6-0 4-6 7-5.

    O ultima impresie, cred ca la turneul asta (nu stiu daca este o regula) a fost si tatal lui cu Mergea, parca asa am inteles de la comentatori cand il aratau pe un nene gras in tribune.
    Dimineata aerul curat s-ar putea sa-ti sparga fata

  11. #305
    sport legend
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    mai lasati chestiile astea ca sintem roamani si de aceea pierdem.atit s-a putut la meciul ala si gata.omul ala gras nu este tatal lui mergea.este antrenorul lui

  12. #306
    sport legend
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    Si antrenorul lui Mergea este chiar tatal lui. Partea mai proasta la meciul lui Mergea a fost ca la un moment dat chiar aveam sperante ca poate castiga. Cand a revenit si a facut 5-5 in setul 3.
    Asta e marti incep calificarile la US OPen si Florin e pe tablou..... doar o minune cred ca il poate ajuta sa ajunga pe tabloul principal...... intre timp Sabau a trecut de primul tur de calificari de la New Haven....... si finala de la Futures-ul romanesc de saptamana asta se va desfausra maine intre V.Crivoi si A. Niculescu...... o surpiriza mare Niculescu asta ...dupa ce a jucat in prima jumatate a anului in america unde nu prea a reusit sa treaca de turul 2 dupa ce trecea f usor de calificari........ el joaca de vreo 7-8 saptamani la futures-urile din Romania si aceasta este prima finala... sa speram ca nu e ultima....

  13. #307
    sport legend
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    pe antrenorul lui mergea il cheama dan este tatal sau

  14. #308
    sport legend
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    NU prea are rezultate Mergea cu antrenorul asta....int6re timp Sabau a pierdut in turul 2 de calificari la israilianul Andy Ram, iar Crivoi castiga categoric 6-2 6-0 in fata lui Niculescu finala futuresului de saptamana asta...

  15. #309
    Superbull dlgicu's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Asa arata clasamentul pe puncte al romanilor participanti anul asta la Futures in Romania dupa 16 saptamani:
    Dimineata aerul curat s-ar putea sa-ti sparga fata

  16. #310
    cogito ergo sum
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    O veste proasta: CERMAK si FRIEDL si-au reluat parteneriatul, deci Andrei a ramas fara partener de dublu. Accidentarea lui Cermak a fost mult mai scurta decat se anticipa. Sa speram ca Pavel va gasi cu cine sa joace in continuare.

  17. #311
    sport legend
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    Apr 2005
    Triumph and Disaster: Reflections on Pete Sampras

    By David Higdon

    Inscribed above the entry to Wimbledon's venerable Centre Court, the hallowed green lawn which seven-time champion Pete Sampras turned into his own private backyard, is a quote from Rudyard Kipling:

    "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same."

    No verse could more accurately reflect the route to greatness undertaken by Pete Sampras. He will go down in history as the best player who ever wielded a tennis racquet, but his victories will pale compared to the trials and tribulations that he endured along the way. Who can reflect on Sampras' triumphs without recalling how he once cried and then later literally spilled his guts on court for his coach and best friend, Tim Gullikson, who died in 1996 from brain cancer. His record-breaking Slam title at Wimbledon in 2000 will be remembered as one he won under the threat of darkness, flashbulbs turning dusk into a flutter of lights as he broke down under the watchful eyes of his reticent parents. Everyone will forget, however, that he practically played the entire last week on one leg, his injured left foot requiring painkilling injections prior to play so he could endure another day frolicking so athletically on the manicured grass.

    Sampras projected a cool, detached presence, and rarely let his guard down. But that's what made those moments, when the door to his soul opened ever so slightly for all or some of us to see, so enlightening. Following his triumph at Wimbledon four years ago, Sampras eventually relented to my pressure-he referred to it as "nagging"-to stop for a day in New York City on his way back home to Los Angeles for a round of media appearances. At the end of a long morning of interviews, he was escorted by a coterie of TV personnel toward an elevator. He suddenly stopped and said he'd prefer to walk upstairs instead, quickly shoving me into a stairwell and letting the heavy door slam loudly behind us.

    "#&%*!" Sampras barked when we were out of earshot. He then took off his shoes, and with his left arm braced on my right shoulder, we walked up several flights of stairs, his left leg barely useful to him. The painkillers he had taken earlier, prior to The Today Show appearance at the crack of dawn, had worn off completely. When he opened the door at the top of the stairs, however, his shoes were back on, he strolled quickly to a sound stage for his final round of interviews and didn't mutter a word about his discomfort to anyone.

    Sampras stands alone in his chosen sport, both figuratively because of his achievements and literally because of its nature. Tennis remains unique in the world of sports in that its participants still compete naked on stage. As writer Jay Winik once stated in an editorial in The Wall Street Journal: "Sports commentators…put Mr. Sampras in that special category reserved for the likes of Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Mark McGwire. But this almost certainly understates Mr. Sampras's achievements. With all due respect, none of these marvelous athletes has faced the withering day-to-day pressures confronted by Mr. Sampras. And all have had someone to fall back on during "off" days: In golf, there's your caddy; in boxing, your corner; in baseball and basketball, your teammates. Not so in tennis… Mr. Sampras has done it utterly and totally alone."

    Sampras seemed blessed from the moment at 18 months when his Greek father took him out back and watched him repeatedly kick a football straight through some uprights that he had rigged up. Soterios (Sam) Sampras eventually pushed Pete into tennis, then entrusted his son's training to a doctor sporting an IQ of 200 but absolutely no background in coaching tennis. Dr. Pete Fischer was a pediatric endocrinologist who had mad scientist designs to "create" the perfect tennis player. He plucked his malleable student in front of old 16-millimeter films of Rod Laver and told Sampras that some day he would be better than the "greatest player ever." All this before the kid could hit a decent backhand passing shot.
    But the talent was there. Even when he was losing plenty of tennis matches as a junior player, observers gushed. "When they were passing out talent," USTA junior development coach Greg Patton told me in 1987 when I was writing about Sampras for Tennis Magazine, "they not only dumped it on Pete Sampras, they not only sanded down Pete Sampras and put a layer of paint on him, they put 12 different coats of high-premium paint all over this kid. He is a piece of art." Fischer dismissed all concerns about Sampras' lack of success in the juniors as irrelevant in his preparation for the pros. "The goal has always been Wimbledon," Fischer said, "The competition has always been Rod Laver."

    At Sampras' first four Grand Slam tournaments, he didn't get past the second round. But at the 1990 U.S. Open, Sampras strung together the hottest two weeks of tennis in his fledgling career-a "premature blip," he now calls it. He won the event at age 19 to become the youngest men's champion in the tournament's history. Along the way, he beat four former and future No. 1 players: Thomas Muster, Ivan Lendl, John McEnroe and Andre Agassi. Sports Illustrated put him on its cover under the slug line: "A Star is Born."

    Then he fell back down to earth.

    In 1991, losses piled up, the media and fan attention drained him of energy and Sampras quickly retreated back into his former shell. The low point occurred at the 1991 U.S. Open. After falling in the quarterfinals to Jim Courier, at the time a rising young American, Sampras admitted that the pressure of defending his title was a "bag of bricks." When his comments were relayed to Jimmy Connors, in the midst of his crowd-pleasing run to the semifinals at age 39, the veteran ripped into Sampras. "That's the biggest crock of #%#@," Connors said. "Being the U.S. Open champ is what I lived for. If he's relieved at losing, something is wrong with the game… and wrong with him!"

    Sampras, the child prodigy, soon found Tim Gullikson, the former lunch-bucket pro. They were the Odd Couple. When the two first started working together, Gullikson was reading a book on Tao; I'm not convinced Pete has even read a book since perusing The Catcher in the Rye in high school.

    Gullikson's friends nicknamed him Mr. Intensity; Courier dubbed Sampras "The Sweet One" for his effortless, casual approach to life. Gullikson would want to lose weight, so he'd start running 10 miles a day, seven days a week. Conversely, the serene Sampras expected positive results more than he wanted to work for them. Lendl once had taken Sampras under his wing for a week but declared the time together a waste. "He doesn't know what it takes," Lendl said. "He isn't willing to do what he needs."

    Sampras already had dispatched a host of coaches when he hired Gullikson. An acrimonious split with Fischer soured him on "mentors," and he had little respect for what someone else could teach him. Gullikson was once ranked No. 18, Sampras calculated, and never even played during the final weekend of a Grand Slam tournament. What does he know about becoming World No.1? But their partnership worked until Gullikson's untimely passing. "Pete validated me," Gullikson said just prior to his death. "It's funny. I feel like I belong now."

    Certainly Sampras belongs on a list of the greatest athletes of the 21st century, an accolade earned in large part under the wise and inevitably under-appreciated direction of Paul Annacone. Sampras was the ATP World No. 1 for a record-breaking six consecutive years, an achievement that many of us consider even more untouchable than his Grand Slam titles record. His career prize money earnings exceed $43 million, nearly double rival Andre Agassi's, a testament not only to his ability to deliver during prime time-14 Grand Slam titles, 11 Tennis Masters Series titles and five year-end championships-but also his relentless, steady pursuit of perfection throughout his 15-year career.

    The aforementioned quote on the Wimbledon Centre Court entry reflects the essence of Pete Sampras the Tennis Player. But it's the entire verse by Kipling that more accurately reflects his spirit, and guides him as he now steps toward a new life as husband and father:
    "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two imposters just the same.
    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch.
    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
    And-which is more-you'll be a Man, my son!"

  18. #312
    sport legend Ady's Avatar
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    In urma semifinalelor de saptamana trecuta Hanescu a urcat in 2005 race pana pe pozitia 31 si in entry ranking a urcat 7 locuri , pana pe 40 , cu doar o pozitie in spatele lui Pavel .

  19. #313
    Join Date
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    Toate felicitarile pentru Victor! Sa speram ca va avea performante tot mai bune. Anul asta oricum a fost foarte bun pentru el. Trebuie sa inceapa sa castige turnee.

  20. #314
    senior lethal's Avatar
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    Nu stie cineva cine a primit WC la challengerul de la Brasov si cine va primi al doilea si al treilea WC la Bucuresti??

  21. #315
    sport legend Ady's Avatar
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    Crivoi a primit unul din wild-card-urile de la Bucuresti , unul s-a dus la Pavel si al treilea nu se stie inca ...

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